Thursday, November 07, 2019

El Dragón #28, 11/6/19: A Happy Pill in Everyone’s Future

We start out with a slight rewind of Hans and Jimena’s arrival at the Pritken lab gates for what he hopes will be a little private comfy time.

When Trejo and Peligro, posing as the lab guards aren’t quick enough at the gate, Hans gets out to harangue them. He wants to know who they are. Trejo explains he’s subbing for the regular guard. Hans wants to know his name—Trejo answers Ricardo Aceituna (Rick Olive). Hansie demands this imbecile with the funny name open up the damned gates. By this time Trejo can’t delay any longer and complies. Our intruders are still inside, Mig trying to hurry up Flaco since there are only two minutes left. Done and done. They exit the restricted lab as we watch the timer go down from 5-4-3-2-1 seconds, to .... whew, they make it past the laser just as it turns from green to red.
However, they aren’t  safe yet. They still have to get out of the building. Trejo communicates the news that Jimie and Hansie are now in the building.  Mig puts on some night vision goggles and gets into a cabinet. It turns out to be the shafts of the HVAC system. He orders Flaco back to the car.

Meanwhile, Chisca is still looking for her own way out. She doesn’t have night vision goggles or any other implements. She pulls herself up to a window, but slides back, injuring her arm. An attendant happens upon her and he and another brute grab her and force her back to her room, kicking and screaming. She’s sedated again. She’s immediately asleep. (Boy that stuff works fast.)
Hansie is leading Jimie inside. She still wants to go home. He insists on her staying. He has a pill for her and a drink. Jimie looks very suspicious. He says not to worry, the pill is not affected by the alcohol. Next he “invites” her in to experience his little love nest. We see a couch. Jimie spits out the pill while Hansie’s back is turned. He starts to get up close and personal. Too close for Jimie.
We get to see Mig crawling through the ducts. He’s quite agile. Hansie continues his attentions to Jimie. He boasts he has a master’s degree in seduction. He leans in for a kiss and starts putting his hand up her skirt. She  tries to avoid it and tells him she has a boyfriend. That doesn’t stop him. When he pulls her dress off her shoulder, she jumps up with a loud NO. That doesn’t stop him either. He grabs at her and says she’s not going anywhere.  Mig has reached the vent so he can see into the room they are in. Hansie starts to get rough.  When Jimie screams, Mig drops down a la Spiderman or Superman or one of those Supers or maybe it's Batman. Since he’s behind Hansie, he never sees his attacker. Mig gives him the Vulcan nerve pinch, drops him in a chair and he’s out like a light.
Jimie has been rescued but they have to hide while a couple of security guards make their rounds. They see Hansie and guess he’s passed out from drinking and move on. Outside, Trejo and Peligro have changed back into their own clothes and wait with Flaco for Mig and Jimie to arrive. Everyone is safe. They all leave. The caper has been a success.
The scene switches to Hector meeting Alberto in a bar. Hec wonders how long he’s been drinking. Al answers not long enough. Hec wonders if it has something to do with the article. Has he been threatened? Al says, in effect, HA! The editor called him in. He’s through, he’s been fired. Hec feels so badly he finishes off a shot of tequila and asks to be forgiven.
Next morning, the guards at Pritken gate wake up, but don’t really know what happened. They call in—the voice replies there was nothing to report. Whew. They just hope nothing was stolen. In any case they agree not to say anything about last night’s little ooopsie.
Mig has been with Jimie all night, comforting her, holding her in his arms while she slept. Now awake, he tells her he should never have put her at risk. She was ok, she always knew he’d arrive to save her. She says risk is part of working for him and she loves it. They start to kiss and then he gets what Hansie wanted.
Since I can’t understand campo-talk, this is the best I can do. Blondie (aka Hernandez, El Coyote) has come to pay Zaragoza (behatted Gringospanglish-talking guy) a visit. Blondie tells him about Organización del Valle. They’re new and the local leader is a tipo named Chano. The real leader is someone named Pompi. The name sounds familiar to Zaragoza. They start to toast. Zaragoza says they need to let Mig know. Hernandez wonders why since Mig is in Mexico City. Exactly, says Zaragoza, he can investigate these guys. Hernandez, El Coyote, feels they are big boys now and don’t have to tell Mig everything. He thinks his word is good enough to bring in a new client. Zara holds out for telling Mig to check these guys out before doing business with them. El Coyote really doesn’t want the del Valle folks investigated. (I wonder why.) He finally agrees to go along with Zara, who calls Mig right after El Coyote leaves.
Hector and Claudia have come to see Arturo (Natalia’s father). He’s with a group making posters of missing or dead relatives for a place where people can come leave flowers. Hec gives him a  photo of his sister. Arturo leaves for a minute. Hec says he feels badly using these people because they just want justice. Claudia soothes him. In reality, she tells him, he’s seeking justice, too. Isn’t he risking his life to unmask Duarte? She admires him for that and that’s why she likes working with him.
Mig is reporting on the call from Zaragoza to Peligro and Dora at home.  He wants them investigated before doing business with the del Valle group. Dora gives him an update on Chisca. She’s a difficult patient, but Dr. Lerner has everything under control.
Chisca is getting her bandage changed. The nice little nurse gives her a breakfast tray....and a pill. When her back is turned, Chisca spits it out. The nurse doesn’t check to see if she swallowed it. (This makes me think this institution is not on the up and up. Checking her mouth is SOP).
Adela and Mig have arrived at the office. Since she can’t get chilaquiles at Mig’s place, she wants to go have her breakfast in the place near here. She leaves and he heads for the elevator. Just then he sees, then hears, Victor walking by on the phone with someone. Here is the conversation. Interpret it however you want.
  “Yes, don’t worry. Everything is moving ahead nicely. Believe me, you (plural) will be surprised. I’m behind someone very important. I still don’t have the information I want, but you know me. I have my methods but I’ll get it. Gotta go. I have a very important breakfast date.  Bye.” It’s enough to raise some suspicions in Mig, though.
Somewhere in “Mexico” (or so the label says) Epig and Bandana Man Chano are discussing something. Epig says the Salado trucks are on their way. They can do whatever they want with them, just leave him out of it.  He reminds Chano who the boss is. And now, with Coyote on their side, El Salado will soon be his. In essence, Mig will never know what got him until it’s too late. And not a word to Duarte, ok?
Adela and Vic are eating, but no chilaquiles today. Vic tells her he saw her boss waiting for the elevator. Adela’s Antenna (AA) goes up part way. And how do you know my boss? Oh, I saw him getting out of the car a couple of times. AA retracts. Well, he has to protect his merchandise, no? AA goes up again. He apologizes and chuckles at his own joke. He does ask if her jefe knows they are seeing each other. Adela says no, we haven’t had our little “talk” yet, the one about the flowers and the bees. What, do you think he’s my father or something? Vic answers that no, but you do live in his house. C’mon, she says, my work is work, my private life is private. Vic wants to know, do you have your own room or what. Tell me. Actually, she replies, I sleep in the car, it has air conditioning and everything. They laugh. Of course I have my own room, silly. My grandmother lives in a retirement home, so I can’t live with her. They decide to change the subject. Vic agrees that talking about nosotros is much more fun. AA is down again.
Jimie is on the phone. Horrors, it’s Hansie. He’s apologizing for the night before.  He had too much to drink. She says she probably did, too. In fact she doesn’t remember how she made it into the taxi. He’d like to repeat the experience. She…oh, lordy…agrees. She reports back to the equipo that everything is cool, Hansie doesn’t suspect a thing. Flaco is trying to decipher the formula. It’s a string of equations, but it’s incomplete. He’ll need a chemist to figure it out. They could use Ali Pachada. (He’s the guy at the lab Jimie saw coming out of the restricted area room and they id’ him later as a famous scientist.) Trejo and Mig head for Mig’s office. There he asks Trejo to do a thorough investigation of Sr. Victor Torres Molina. He’s the guy Adela is seeing and Mig wants to know what he wants. He’s getting too close and that bothers him.
Back to Chisca. She’s still not having a very good day. Dr. Lerner is there wanting to know why she wanted to flee. This isn’t a prison, but they do have rules so the outcome is successful. She gives him a song and dance, while just talking and sitting in bed. She was having a nightmare, she tells him, a voice told her to leave because this place would harm her. Dr. Lerner’s solution is to give her a bigger dose of a medication that will let her rest. She says, oh so sincerely, it’s a good thing they caught me and brought me back in time. Doc says don’t worry, there is always vigilance.
In Ciudad Jimenez, candidate Volta’s people are handing out bumper stickers to folks standing around. They are being urged to Vote For Volta—he’s the only one who can raise you out of poverty. A group of Montero men show up and there’s a scuffle. Montero (the dark-haired candidate) is on the phone hearing about the scuffle. Apparently he’s in Duarte’s office. Monty tells the person on the other end of the line to do something because he needs all the rancheros’ votes.  He tells Duarte that Volta is playing dirty.  Duarte says he can’t afford a failure on Monty’s part. It would ruin his chances at getting nominated for President.
Jimie has staked out the bottom of an escalator. It so happens only one person is coming down and who should it be but Ali Pachado (the chemist). She calls him by name, but he doesn’t recognize her, then he remembers where he saw her. She asks him to follow her. It will be worth his while.  She’s brought him back to her place. He’s naturally nervous. She tells him to relax and then shows him the formula. It takes a bit of persuasion but he finally talks. (What follows is something that belongs in science fiction and that’s a language I don’t speak.) He says it’s the formula for a Happy Pill. Jimie scoffs at first, there are plenty of those around. He explains this is a synthetic—efelina (?). It has no side effects. All the pleasure without the risk. Jimie realizes this is BIG. Ali is afraid they would kill him and her, too. These folks are dangerous.  Jimie thinks that the business could bring forth a lot of enemies, while Ali counters with an end to violence.
Trejo is back to hand in the report on Victor. They have data on his bank accounts, investments, information all the way back to elementary school. He’s squeaky clean and rich. Mig is relieved (NOT). Mig looks through the file.
The nurse comes back to see Chisca and change her bandage. Unhappily for her, the breakfast tray is still on the bed and Chisca uses it to whack the nurse off balance. She gets a knife (from where—I  thought they were using plastic utensils) and holds it to her neck and forces the nurse out in front of her. Anywho, they make it out of the building and into the garden, but Chisca isn’t free and clear yet. There are still a couple of doors to go through. She yells. Dr. Lerner is there but he orders the gates opened. They make it through a couple more doors and then once out, Chisca throws the nurse aside and starts running down the empty street, barefoot and in her hospital gown. Four big guys take after immediately.
Adela joins Mig in his office. He’s on the phone and she inadvertently sees the report on Victor on his desk. His excuse is that the security of his team is his priority. Yeah, right. Adela wants to know if he’s spying on Victor, is he spying on her? Mig answers no, that’s not it. He just wanted to make sure Vic wasn’t getting close to her in order to get to him. Adela sees that he thinks the whole world revolves around him, but it doesn’t. He asks her to forgive him. She thought she knew what was going on in his head, that she was getting to know him better. She was wrong.  As she leaves, he calls her name. She turns and asks, “Who are you, Miguel?”


Muchas Gracias Anita, You filled in some blanks of pieces I missed while I was strapping my beanie on with the tow chain from the truck.

There are no dogs, rabbits, or squirrels in this show, and NONE of the humans have the minimum IQ to be rooted for, and I'm not a dam chemist either. Well, maybe Flaco, he is not hateful yet. From the laptop, I thought Hans was a beekeeper for a while there. But I remember the SuperBee as a muscle car from Dodge years ago.

So Jimena breathlessly gushes to Mig's chest that she just KNEW he would rescue her? Um ... How did you know that Jimena? I have never heard of ESP being a side effect of perpetually in heat.

Fun episode, though I have NO CLUE what the bad guys are up to. They all seem to be eternally on the cusp of a bromance somewhere or the other.

I'd like to learn that Samurai lullaby choke hold. You almost break someones neck and they wake up 6 hours later thinking they all somehow simply dozed off together. The first thing I would do is write a detailed step by step and give it to Dr. Lerner over at First Step where Chisca is rewriting the 'difficult patient' section of the rehab 101 handbook. Gotta give credit where credit is due, ole Chisca can run like the wind. Of course there was not much between her AND the wind, if you have ever worn one of those gowns you understand. But barefoot too?

So surprise surprise! The background check on Victor came back smelling like roses. Now how about that? For someone who lives and breathes fake documentation, stock price manipulation and all else clandestine, Mig takes it at face value? OK so what mind numbing concoction was he exposed to in that air duct? That report would not have fooled Bugs Bunny.

Am I watching National Geographic? Within 48 hours of having successfully mated, the female (Adela) turns on her former unsuccessful mating hopeful and begins to erase all phermones he left behind during the unsuccessful pairing. Oh wait, it's a TN. Nevermind.

And hector: Oops, you lost your job and have been blacklisted for life because of that article I talked you into publishing? And now will be working on a garbage truck rather than writing for the newspaper? Wow, what are friends for, ya know.

Watching them beat the clock in the lab was a nail biter though. I was actually surprised Jimena was not ready to take one for the team, as Miggy seems to have her under some kind of NXIVM mind control anyway. And there is no love or commitment between those two, so it is just all in a day's work. Chisca would have in a heartbeat for a bag of crack.

Kirby: Chisca will end up DEAD sooner or later. Hopefully in Ultimos Capitulos.

Anita: Good Job on the recap.

Steve, she is trying awfully hard to get there sooner. Gets an 'A' for effort.

Thank you, Anita. Yes, the Vulcan nerve pinch or as Kirby calls it, the Samurai lullaby choke hold. Who wouldn't want to know that? And did you see Duarte as Yoda? He says to the other politico, "Try? Do. Or do not do. There is no try." Now that Duarte is a Jedi Knight I may be on his team.

Thank you, Anita, you cleared up some details for me too. My beanie is on so tight that my head hurts.

The "great escape" would have been good if had at least one ounce of credibility mixed in. So Mig needed the spray to see the beams when they entered, but when they barely made it out, VOILA!! there they were...nice a bright! (BLECH)

Kirby, "So surprise surprise! The background check on Victor came back smelling like roses. Now how about that? For someone who lives and breathes fake documentation, stock price manipulation and all else clandestine, Mig takes it at face value? OK so what mind numbing concoction was he exposed to in that air duct? That report would not have fooled Bugs Bunny." LOL you always have a way of reading my thoughts and writing them down in such a wonderfully humorous manner. Thank you!

Anita, Thank you for that excellent and detailed recap.

Can't-Keep-My-Hands -to-Myself is creepy. I like that song but not Hansie. Blecchhh. Next time Jimie may not be so lucky and not get rescued by 008Mig.

Victor is still a mystery . Who sent him into Adela's life? Is he using her to investigate Mig? Is he associated with Duarte?

Chisca is......well...chisca .

Chilly and rainy and gray here. Meh.

Thank all of you for contributing to the enrichment of this episode. Sorry, but I have to single Kirby out for adding a most entertaining interpretations to the mayhem.

Kirby: A beekeeper? Where did you get that from? Do they have to check on their hives constantly, even during a dinner when they are plotting to have some after-dinner dessert off site?

OTOH, your rundown on how Vic's background can be so easily altered was perfectly reasonable. If it hadn't been 3:00 am EST already, I might have figured it out. Thank you for taking it on.

PATIO: Remember this factoid for future reference. We need to be prepared when it turns out Mr. Perfect is Mr. Plant after all. The letdown will be easier.

I couldn't believe what a fast runner Chisca is. We've only ever seen her doing her treadmill steps occasionally. I bet she runs out of steam soon. The general public (which is not around--not a soul) will give this "crazy" person a wide berth. The four chasers will catch up. Where else could she go? It was Mig & Dora's idea to put her in rehab (this is rehab?). If she makes a clean getaway, will she end up on Jimena's doorstep--her TRUE friend, or at Adriana's?

Vulcan Nerve Pinch move over for Sammurai Lullaby Choke Hold. Fortunately for our lead practitioner, both are non-lethal, as befitting our non-violent (@##!*?)organization man in the grey flannel suit (when he's not wearing Ninja Black). Thank you Kirby.

Anita consider it, like Ithabill said, the Samurai Lullabye Choke could be handy for almost everyone. It would make those wind up baby swings obsolete almost overnight.

"Here hold my doobie, and don't smoke it, I have to go put Junior down."

And Chisca: "Oh Ms. Garza you look so tense, let me give you a neck rub, you are all knotted up." Pffftt.!
"Good Morniiiing Chisca, How did you sleep?"

It would take "Not tonight, I have a headache" out of our vocabulary.

The Bees: On the laptop screen when Flac was stealing the info, and again when Jimena was talking to the chemist there was a screen full of perfectly fitting hexagonal shapes like homeycomb.

Not to be too rough on our show, but they are just asking for it. Like RGV noticed, Mig using canned smoke to see the lasers, but as they exited, there apparently was no time for that, so the lasers were quite visible. Over the years here on Caray we have had loads of fun with dismal shows which are easy to pick on.

Good Morning Kirby, How did you sleep?--

The Sammurai Lullabye Choke can be a far better use of Hans time, money and talent than on the Pleasure Pill he's working on. All he needs to do is set up a gym (maybe in Mazatlán) and conduct classes. Then he could sell franchises. He shouldn't forget to trademark it.

Ok, I surrender, the honeycomb patterns could be easily mistaken for a beekeeper's obsession to keep track of his honey (it is quite valuable these days). I seem to remember those same patterns in my college chemistry textbook, but I might be wrong. It was a long time ago and haven't needed the diagram for sucrose molecules since.

Esther, if you read this, here are your answers from last month!!! (Sorry, I was only back there to close comments.)

You asked: "(see FC, TMBMOE, in MEPS).which shows are these? They didn't ring a bell immediately."

FC = Fernando Colunga
TMBMOE = The Most Beautiful Man on Earth--and I swear I didn't make that one up
MEPS = Manana es Para Siempre, the title of the telenovela he did with Silvia Navarro, although they were kept apart most of the run. In it he appears wrapped only in a towel, with certain jewels outlined nicely, talking on the phone to someone--but whe cares who.

Thanks, Anita. Fine recap, perfect title.

Between the pills Jimena spit out and Chisca spit out, and Mig escaping and Chisca escaping, there was some nice editing.

Yay for Vic covering his tracks well. Sure, he's no damn good, but maybe he'll be formidable competition for Mig in the brains department. I'm wondering if Vic is connected somehow to Howard Toledo.


What a stupendous recap!!! What dedication you have!

Kirby beekeeper.....Really....That's just too good……...

Every novela has quite a few, if not loads of, >>FF moments, so I can keep Chisca on >>FF just about all the time. I'm just waiting for her demise—that I want to see.

Miguel used some brain power once. It appears he memorized the building layout to know where the HVAC ducts were. At least they have James Bond gadgets. And Flaco and his crew came through with flying colors.

Why the hell didn't Jimena throw the pills between the sofa cushions instead of on the floor???? Duhduhduhduh

When working, I crawled through my share of HVAC metal ducts and because the majority are fabricated out of thin sheet metal (except certain applications like hospitals and nuclear facilities), no one can crawl through them silently. Funny that Miguel could do so....

Surprise, surprise, I thought Miguel was going to ignore Zaragoza's request to investigate La Organización del Valle; but for once, he used his brain and not his family jewels which he uses almost nonstop.

It appeared that Miguel was actually having fun bonking Jimena, probably because he feels guilty about infringing on Adela's personal life.

Wow RGV I didn't even notice that about the light beams! That was a good pickup on your part. That was the only segment that had a little suspense.

Victor is bad bad bad. But I wonder who is paying him to infiltrate Miguel's company.

No matter how hard I try, I can't keep my comments down to a reasonable size. I guess you've picked up on the fact that I'm just an itsy-bitsy loquacious.

Thank you Anita for capturing and relaying the most important stuff on Dragon. I think I liked your recap better than watching the show itself. :) I find myself FF mode for some of this stuff.

Miguel is caught red handed investigating Victor and Adela did not like this one bit! Why the heck did he leave it out open on his desk. He knows she can walk in at anytime, right? Sometimes he is not too bright that way. But I think Victor should be investigated a lot more. Maybe his name isn't even Victor at all, that's why Miguel didn't find anything on him. It's a phony identity. Maybe he is even Pig's son, you never know. (It was a guess, I have no idea, but sometimes these things turn out to be that way.)

Chisca looks like she can run in the Olympics, wow! I bet she is barefoot too, LOL...

Victoria: "It appeared that Miguel was actually having fun bonking Jimena, probably because he feels guilty about............"
I never asked my people to do anything I wouldn't do. Dirty Work, but somebody's got to do it.

I'm hearing Steely Dan Dirty Work.


You asked: "(see FC, TMBMOE, in MEPS).which shows are these? They didn't ring a bell immediately."

Thanks for the Intel. My trajectory for TN's only goes back to the early 2000's and though I know who Fernando Colunga is, I have never seen one with him in it. Have a hard time stomaching the time warp of the 90's. But I have watched anything good since then, I think. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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