Wednesday, November 13, 2019

El Dragón #32, 11/12/19: Underhanded Deceptions!

Hector continues to make a scene Duarte’s office, accusing Duarte of using Natalia as his lover. Arturo and his wife are mortified, crying out that it is not true. He is finally thrown out of Duarte’s office. Arturo takes his wife out who is in tears now. Duarte gets on the phone to report Hector’s behavior. The guards throw Hector down the front steps. Arturo confronts him and socks him in the face, telling him never to return to his foundation and to have nothing more to do with his family. A female photographer is taking pictures of everything.

After Mig gets through with Angel, Angel sits up and tells him that if it weren’t for him, that Chisca would be dead, “didn’t Jorge tell you?” Miguel turns to listen but says, “Don’t ever come back and see Chisca again.”

In Madrid, Chisca sees Valentín with his lovely wife and trots up to them to introduce herself to the Sra. as “Chisca, Miguel’s sister.”  The wife says, (after giving Chisca a couple of kisses each side of the cheeks) “Oh Miguel’s sister, I’ve always wanted to meet you.” Chisca makes nice and tells them she is there to see a friend whom she just found out is out of the country, she was going to surprise him. Chisca asks what they were doing there and they are there to celebrate someone’s birthday. Valentín orders more wine and they have a toast. Chisca finishes her glass and chugs it down, then says, “more!”

Now sitting at a table together, Chisca, Valentín, and wife are chatting and drinking wine. Chisca asks what it’s like to live in Madrid, as she takes her hand and caresses Valentín’s thigh. He pushes her hand away. Chisca asks why she has never been to Mexico and wifey says because Valentín has never taken her there.

Chisca makes trip to the ladies room and soon after, Valentín follows her in. They have words, they start to argue and Chisca accuses him of betraying her. He tells her that he is protecting wifey’s life because he’s afraid she will hurt herself if they don’t stay together. The argument turns passionate and they go for it right there in the ladies room. Phone rings, it’s Miguel, but Chisca is too busy getting it on.

In Mexico City Adela drives Miguel, but he is busy thinking over what happened with Chisca and Adela tells him he looks very serious. At the office, he questions Jorge about what happened that day that Chisca was hospitalized.

After Miguel is unsuccessful trying to call Chisca, Jimena enters to tell him that someone named Jesus Montero has arrived. He tells her to take care of things, but he won’t be attending lunch, dinner, or anything because he has a lot of things to do.

Duarte and gang discuss Hector and how he and Miguel know each other. They try to decide what they are going to do.

At the newspaper, Claudia comes to bring him the latest rag-tag hot off the press news about what happened with him at Duarte’s office. She takes a look at what he is writing and tells him he is crazy and that he can’t write that because he will be killed. She leaves and tells him he is going crazy.

Jimena and Montero talk business and he tells her that Miguel is very fortunate to have her on his team. Dinner ends and Jimena leaves.

Claudia pays a visit to Ana, who at first tells her to get out and stay far, far, away. But Claudia tells Ana that if it weren’t a matter of life and death, she wouldn’t be there. So she spits it out that Hector’s life is in danger.

Jorge and Kenia are working late at her place and he asks her to be his girlfriend, sort of. They start to kiss, and they also end up making whoopee.

Miguel finally gets Valentín on the phone who explains that he and Chisca both got ahold of some bad drugs and he ended up in the park, robbed, beaten and didn’t know what happened to him. Miguel wants to know why Valentín didn’t come clean before this, but V claims he was just sooooooo embarrassed. He verifies that Chisca is in Madrid right now and he will take good care of her. Valentín does a little song and dance to make Miggy believe him.

While Miggy is on the phone, Jimena wanders her way into Miguel’s bedroom. She goes to pick up a photograph, but Miguel catches her in his room and orders her out. He tells her to never enter his room without an invitation. He tells her it’s late and she needs to go.

Ana goes over to see Hector and tells him the only reason she is there is because Claudia came to see her. Hector stumbles all over himself, trying to explain away his indiscretion, but Ana will not hear it and stops him from talking about it. Finally she asks him to not publish his story. Hector promises that he will not publish it. Ana just shakes her head.

As Kenia and Jorge are kissing and having breakfast, Kenia’s female roommate comes in. Jorge becomes embarrassed, grabs his pants and things and leaves.

Chisca and Valentín are walking along together; she tells him he does not look like he is really going to separate from his wifey. But Valentín says he is concerned that wifey might take her own life and he doesn’t want to have to live with that for the rest of his life. He tells her to be patient. Then he starts kissing her and Chisca falls for it.

Adela drives Miguel someplace that is guarded by two men. Miguel uses his key to go inside and Adela waits outside by the car. Inside, “Dr. Portillo” (AKA Farchala) greets Miguel who says he is still trying to get used to his new name. They talk and Miguel says that Farchala’s discovery is a great opportunity for change in Mexico.

Meanwhile, Adela stumbles upon a couple outside fighting and the husband is clearly abusing his wife. Adela intervenes, grabs her pepper spray and sprays the man in the eyes. She tells the woman to run. Inside, Miguel hears the sirens and decides to investigate. While Miguel talks to the police, Adela tells the woman that this kind of man is good for only two things, nothing and nothing. She tells the woman she needs to go seek shelter with a friend or relative.
Well it looks like all is not well in paradise with El Chano and ePIGmenio. They don’t seem to be getting along very well at all!

Next day, Adela brings her idea of having a women’s shelter for victims of domestic violence for their new foundation. Mig gets up and says he has a house that they can use for that purpose. She gives him a big hug. Jimena is watching. She comes in with her business and Adela leaves.

At the paper, Hector apologizes to Claudia. He says that he wants to get his family back, but he also wants to work with her. He wants to have his cake and eat it too.

Two days later in Madrid, Valentín and some other guy are talking. The other guy wants some kind of information. Then Valentín laughs and says he will get it. How? “Chisca.”

While in a meeting, Adela interrupts Miguel, Montero, and Jimena concerning how she thinks that the house is perfect. Jimena doesn’t know what she is talking about so Adela explains that it will be a home for female victims of domestic violence. Miguel seems pleased even though Jimena says it is a risky venture.

In Miami, Howard has “crime board” up, complete with strings going here and there to each place and picture in his “investigation.” His favorite opera plays in the background. But the white haired boss comes in. Even though Howard explains what a great thing this is if they catch Miguel Garza in this huge financial network, the boss is not interested. He tells Howard to knock it off and move on to other easier things.

Jimena meets with some other guy for coffee to discuss some kind of idea she has planned. She says it’s urgent, but secret. He wants to know all about it.

Back at the office, Adela shares with Miguel that a magazine wants to interview her. He tells her not to give details about his business nor name names. He has all confidence in her! She meets with the reporter, who just happens to be the SAME GUY that Jimena just met with, and finishes the interview.

Two days later, Claudia shows up at the paper back to work with Hector.

At home having breakfast, Miguel opens up the magazine with Adela’s interview. The top paragraph directly references “the business of Miguel Garza”. Adela walks in and he is fit to be tied! Then angrily he shoves the article at her.


Cynthia: Now Valentin is concerned about his wife's well being ? ROFLOL.

I was disturbed that he was banging Chisca in the women's restroom of all places. What if some lady was in there ?

Cynthia thank you much
Steve: It would not be Chisca's first threesome ! She gives even crack whores a bad name. Chisca and Not Val kinda remind me of the old Reba McIntire song 'Tell Me a Lie". I mean, can Chisca be THAT stupid and still be able to feed and dress herself?

Wait! When did Jimena moooove in? Last I remembered until her chat with Ad at 2AM she had the Taco apartment. We had a big discussion about how Taco got in. With Jimena and Chisca being representative of the choices out there I may be beginning to understand the rampant man luuuurve in Spanish TeleNovelas now. You can't turn anything on any more without seeing a couple of fellows kissing.

I wonder how long we will have to wait to see Miggy who seems much better at breaking arms than thinking, to find out that his wallbanger chick set Adela up. Where men are concerned, all Jimena needs do is wear a short skirt and her best Wonder Bra, and they do anything she asks.

The two old roosters Chano and ePig doing the pecker checking routine needs to continue until one kills the other, or in a perfect world they kill each other. But it is probably all just crowing.

Let's all pay attention and see if Jorge's voice is deeper next time we see him. He gave Miggy some pretty important information about Not Val, but Mig is his characteristic bumbling dufus with it.

And ya know what? Hector just friggin annoys me. His little drunken stunt / suicide attempt at the meeting was the last straw. Let's all wish him luck in his suicidal endeavors.

OK, so she is pretty cute, and a charming little thing, and has/had a major crush on her boss, but the chofer is now running Jin and setting up an abused women's house? And she didn't even sleep with anybody (important). Whatshisname does not count. Surely she and Miggy can put two and two together and at least smell a rat about the magazine interview. As expected, Dufus's first response was "How could you betray me?" THINK Miggy. I know it hurts, but you have to try to activate your brain.

Thanks, Cynthia. Welcome back! Appreciate all the detail.

Favorite scene: Mig ushering a snoopy Jimena the hell out of his bedroom. Did she not see the lack of affection he has for her?

This must be the portion of the program where Mig loses all his spidey senses, if he believes Val's B.S. and that Adela would talk about him in her interview. It should be interesting to see what Adela will do to clear herself.

We know Howard will not drop his crime board and leave Mig alone. So what will he do to get the IRS let him continue?

Chisca actually used her brain when she broke out of the psych home, but not before or since. There was nothing suicidal over even clingy about Val's pretty wife.

Niecie exactly. Val's wife was just plain old nice and gracious. No claws out or jealousy or anything. Unfortunately, it appears Val has her fooled completely also. If she had even an inkling, any female who said as much as Hi to Val would be a observed with a jaundiced eye. And looking at him, Val is not even handsome. 'Book by it's cover'?

And Mig told Ms. Snoopy in no uncertain terms that his room is strictly off limits. But with Jimena it is not so much about affection as it is about possession.


Cynthia, sorry this comment is so late. Thank you for your detailed recap. in the ladies' room....romance is not dead.

Jimena is unbecoming desperate. Mig is not interested . Next.

Going down to 19 tonight. Brrrrr.


Thank you everyone for your comments. I'm feeling under the weather since last night, so I was afraid my recap wasn't up to snuff.

Susanlynn: Oh yes, sex in the ladies room how romantic is that? Wow, it's going to be really cold where you are. It goes down to the high 40s here.

Niecie: Yeah my favorite part was Miguel kicking Jimena out of his room too.

Kirby: Did Jimena move into the Mexico City place? I thought she had her own apartment.

On to tonight!

Cynthia, Re: Jimena sleeping arrangements. Well, they kinda threw us a curve on Jimena. We have all along seen her living in an apt IE where Taco Boy kidnapped her to take her to meet ePIG. Now lately we have seen her eating with the Garza family and then Adela is goading her about sleeping in a guest room. So it appears we can infer from all this that she Mooooofed with no announcement or fanfare.

While all the Chisca calamity was going on did she just move in unannounced, thinking no one would notice?

I've heard that if you find that you have an unplanned audience, the ladies room audience is far less prone to interfere than the men's room. Sometimes men just have no manners.

Kirby, I thought that Jimena had been in the guest room when they were all at the Cuidad Jimenez ranch house. I didn't think she was staying in the Mexico City home. As for which restroom to do the deed in, yeah women will immediately close the door and get out.



Dora does know and she promised Don Leonardo that she wouldn't let Miguel find out but she wasn't taking into account that one of the hit men would be around to let the bird out of the cage.

This novela could have had such potential if the writers had concentrated more on Miguel's rivals than on freaking Chisca and her craziness.

Cynthia I had not been paying attention to exactly where they were at the cat fight time, and could not tell from the kitchen whether it was the normal Mansion or the ranch. An ep or two ago they were all at the ranch for the voting, and Jimena showed up, but I was just assuming they were back at home by now. So I guess I actually don't know. We will see before long.

Kirby, I think when Miguel caught Jimena in his room, they were in Mexico City. But I don't think she moved in with them. Didn't Rosario show her in and then she just wandered off to Mig's room?

Victoria, I agree! There is way too much Chisca craziness in this show. Of course, it appears that Valentin is in a conspiracy against Miguel and is using Chisca to get to Miguel.

What the heck was Chisca wearing in Madrid? Grey three piece leather skirt? Horrible outfit...oh and I can’t stand her character,

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