Monday, November 18, 2019

Primetime on Univisión (#1): Amor Eterno - Week of Nov. 18, 2019

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. AnonFri and Clara are doing an outstanding job of providing some very appreciated recaps/details about “Amor Eterno.”  If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute some highlights or a mini-recap for AE, I’m sure it would be appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TN covered by this page is:
  • 7-8PM   - Amor Eterno: Ep. 91-93
Only one TN is being covered by this page for now. Although there is really no need to identify it in your comment, you may continue to do so to avoid confusion in the future. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Amor”)

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Poor kemal. She's doin it to him again. I hate it. I hate that emir
Keeps twisting the knife and getting away with it. I would like to quit watching and then come back when k is winning all the time but Im just
Hooked. I like watchin just to look at kemal. Well the actor That plays kemal. That is one handsome goodlook -in man. I just want to see him just
Sqwash emir into the ground. That guy is evil personified. Ive never seen a villian in a tn or soap as bad as him.

Thanks for the page RgvChick.


Ozan sneaks around a sleeping Zeynep and grabs his phone. She sensed it and wonders who he is going to call. She gets up nauseous and runs to the bathroom.

Ozan calls his mom. He tells her he’s coming home tomorrow and he wants her to promise him that she’ll treat Zeynep well. Vildan promises she will, but when she asks about Nihan, he tells her he needs to hang up and doesn’t want her to tell Onder anything.

Nihan and Kemal are listening to the water. He asks her if something is wrong, because she looks as if she wants to say something but then chooses not to. Nihan brushes it off: she changes her opinion from time to time. “This time it doesn’t matter,” he tells her.
He says that if he can’t have Nihan, he’ll give up. He goes to get another bottle. He says they need to sleep early because tomorrow is a big day for their escape. When he stands up, he notices Nihan is gone.

Nihan is standing by the bridge. Kemal reaches her slowly. “Why are you doing this to me?” He asks. “The wind’s direction changed, it’s going to rain” she responds. Kemal says that he knew that just from watching, but that she won’t leave his side. He yells out “We’re never going to be separated! Never!” She reaches to kiss him and the rain starts. They run off to the cabin and Kemal grabs a towel to dry her. He stops as he holds it about her shoulder and she pushes it off. She caress his hand and he’s touching her face. She unbuttons his shirt and they give in their to their love.

Kemal wakes up in the very early, dark morning and doesn’t find Nihan next to him. He looks for her in the bathroom and then goes out to the porch. He finds a letter in the swing: “I’m leaving, we can’t have a life together and I don’t want you to sacrifice your life. I can’t do this anymore because of my family. I’m sorry about yesterday.” Kemal can’t believe she’s doing this to him again. He asks out loud if this is a joke. Soon he drives off in his car.

Emir is waiting in the dark. Nihan is walking in a lonely road and receives his text message. He says he’s waiting for her at end of the road, and her aunt will be the first victim if she doesn’t show up as they had previously agreed. Nihan calls him to say she’s on her way, he better not do anything to Leyla. He doesn’t believe her, but she reassures him. Soon Kemal reaches Nihan and demands to know what she’s doing. She tells him that she wrote it all down for him. He orders her to get into the car, but she asks him if he’s listening to her at all: she doesn’t want to runaway and leave her loved ones behind. Kemal asks her if she just noticed that that’s what they had agreed to do. He wants to know how Emir found them and then asks about last night. She tells him last night happened cause she was drunk. He manages to get her into the car but she still tells him she doesn’t want to go anywhere with him. Kemal tells her that at least for now, she is.

In the morning Emir is still waiting for Nihan to show up and so he calls her. She rejects the call and begins to think about his threat to Leyla. When they reach their destination, Kemal tells her that he knows Emir is behind all this, and that he thought her breakup letter was ridiculous. Nihan tries to convince him that she’s made her decision again, she’s always changing her mind and she doesn’t want to ruin his life this way anymore. He tries to convince her to go with him, but she’s resisting and says “Yes, I love you, are you satisfied now?” Kemal looks at her and continues to take her with him. They walk to the bridge and she tells him again “Kemal, I can’t do this, Emir has my family threatened.” Kemal reminds her that Ozan is handing himself over to the police, but she asks “What if he doesn’t?” He assures her he will, but she says she doesn’t want her brother to start trial without her there. She adds that she doesn’t want to spend her whole life running away. Kemal says that she can’t go back to Emir, because he’s a terrible man. Nihan made her choice and walks away from him.

Emir calls Tufan to order him to drop the video off. Tufan is in a car and sends off a man dressed as a robber.


Nihan locked herself in the cabin’s bathroom to tell Emir that she’s leaving the cabin now. He tells her that she’s late. Kemal knocks on the door to ask if she’s ok. She confirms.

The man dressed as a robber enters Kemal’s home as Leyla sleeps. Bubbles starts barking aggressively and Leyla eventually wakes up. When she gets to her room door the man at first holds the door closed to prevent her from leaving, but then he starts attacking her. He holds Leyla down on the bed and stabs her leg with a knife.

Emir drops a video to Nihan’s inbox and she sees Leyla laying unconscious and hurt. She immediately walks out of the cabin and is ready to walk away from Kemal but he stops her again. He wants to know what’s happening, what is Emir doing? She tells him it’s not Emir, it’s her own decision to go back. She gets frustrated with his stubbornness and asks “Why can’t you just accept this?” Kemal says that he knows Emir planned all of this and he really doesn’t want her to go back to that alien psycho. Nihan reiterates that “It’s my choice, and what is the difference between you and Emir if you won’t accept my decision?”

Eventually Nihan is driving off in Kemal’s car and desperately calls her father to tell him to go to Kemal’s house and look for Leyla. Onder runs off to do as told. Then Nihan calls Emir to ask him what kind of Alimaña (vermin) he is. Emir says he’s happy to hear the voice of his wife coming back home. Nihan calls him a desgraciado (wretch/loser).

Onder enters Kemal’s home and finds Leyla unconscious in bed. He calls an ambulance and covers her stab wound.

Somehow Kemal gets off a green micro bus and stands in the middle of the road as Nihan is approaching. He orders Nihan to get out of the car. Despite her complaint, he says he will drive her to her destination.

Asu is in Zonguldak and reads a letter from Nursen begging Hakki for help because Galip took her son hostage. Asu asks “Why did you lie to me, uncle?”

Nihan texts Emir to ask if Leyla is okay. He reports that she’s fine and Onder is currently with her.


Kemal thinks back to the day he was stuck in the mine with Emir and told him that he loves Nihan more than anything. He pushes that thought aside and stops driving to tell Nihan that he won’t take her back to that man. She gets off the car and starts walking away. Kemal starts yelling and demanding that she get back in the car. She tells him “The story is repeating itself, don’t you understand? Just let me go. Will you drive me home or not?” He drives her back and Nihan turns the radio on. Neither is talking.

Emir is still in his car waiting for Nihan when he watches Kemal drive past him. He follows them.

Leyla is being taken by ambulance to the hospital. Onder goes with her.

Nihan and Kemal continue to listen to the music in silence. He’s tearing up and then starts to get resentful. She asks him to pull over steps away from her home and says goodbye. He replies he will not say goodbye, he knows she’s lying, he knows that she’s omitting something again. She asks him to forgive her, but he says he’s not sure if he can.

Nihan starts walking home and Kemal gets out of the car to yell “You’ve betrayed me; whatever your reason, you’ve tricked me a second time. You’re hurting me.” Nihan asks him to not insist anymore, but he says that he knows Emir somehow managed to find her and yet she’s not willing to tell him anything about it. She still tells him nothing. He tells her “I’ve risked my whole life for you and yet you’re giving up.” She says “I’m sorry that my love isn’t big enough. This hurts a lot, but it’s the truth.” Kemal finally responds with “I’ll end this nightmare but I’ll never forgive you for not being able to trust me. You’ve accepted Emir’s threats again. I’ll remember this ‘til the day I die.”

Emir parks his car into the Sezin driveway.

Nihan is finally walking home. Kemal watches her and thinks back to the mine again, when Emir swore that “for Nihan, I’d commit any sin, including killing someone. I’m not like you at all. You’re just a poor man, tell me what you would do for love?” Kemal answers, but in the present: “You’ve left me with no choice,” and he continues to watch her go home.

“And you keep pushing the limits,” Emir says, and gets out of his car. He walks out of the Sezin’s red gates and sees Nihan coming. He grabs her head and kisses it, but she demands that he get out of her way. He reminds her that the enemy is still watching and so they hold hands as they walk back home, while he welcomes her back. Kemal is still watching and decides to pull up his car to those same red gates.



I’m just as frustrated as you are, Nina. Though is there really much that Kemal can do? Leyla was hurt from this. Nihan should start recording Emir’s threats and present then to the police. Even if they had run off successfully, Emir could have gone after the family one by one and she would have eventually come back.

I agree Emir is terrible, through I hunk so far Catalina Creel beats him in that category, but he’s much better at the psycho aspect.

Kemal is handsome. I feel like the novelas have been lacking a good looking galán for a while.

RGV Chick, glad to know you’re watching whenever you can. I kind of wish this would take Rosa de Guadalupe’s 8pm slot, but apparently it gives Univision more viewers in the 7pm slot.

Here’s hoping that something good will happen tonight.




AnonFri, another stellar recap! Thanks for the vocabulary, too.

"They give in to their love." Nicely stated, AnonFri. Glad they got one night of Amor, anyway, even if we did not get to see much of it.

Silly me, I thought when they were in the car together somehow something would derail Kemal's delivering her back to the evil one.

Nihan just seems defeated. I couldn't believe Nihan was able to keep quiet after seeing the video of Leyla stabbed. Yes AnonFri, collecting these threats for the police makes sense, unless they think the Kozcuoglus have all the police in their pocket.

Asu in Zonguldak, could Galip and Hakki be in cahoots? This sub-plot including the Tufan mystery and Emir's mother seems more interesting to me now than the Kemal/Nihan/Emir drama wheel.

That lime green van showed up on Friday. It was to be Kemal and Nihan's getaway vehicle. It was arranged by Zehir and presented to Nihan as a surprise to cheer her up. Kemal said it would be their "refuge."

BTW AnonFri, going back to the Friday show, did not make its way into the mini-cap but Kemal did question both Nihan and Zeynep about why no one had told him his sister was pregnant.

So Nihan says her courage isn't sufficient to match his love. Damn right!

Kemal seems to be catching up to the Patio's conclusion that the obstacle of Emir must be removed. But isn't Kemal too much of a prince to intentionally kill the Prince of Darkness? Remember when Kemal rescued Emir trapped in the mine and said "I'm not like you." I doubt Kemal harms Emir much, maybe there's hope for an accident!

I have to echo, besides being a nearly perfect person our galan Kemal is a handsome one.

Thanks again, AnonFri. I join you in hopes for something good tonight.



I told y'all Kemal is the only one that's fighting for this relationship. The Weakness nihan has is her family and emir knows that. So he manipulates her And torchers her with harming them and She folds. I Wonder what would happen if emir threatened kemal's family that Way? As sweet and nice as kemal is,Emir knows he'd open up a can of whoopAss on him, so he goes for the weaker vessel. And he hits it every time b'cuz Nihan folds. Im glad she at least had the good sence to call her dad to go check on Leyla. She may have blead to death if he had not. Kemal need to get A bigger dog. A pit bull Would have attacked that son-of-a-bitch. All little Happy does is bark and look cute. And he looks like happy the hallmark dog. And all he does is bark and walk around the christmas tree and Look cute.

So hakki-doo and Galip was in Cahoots
With each other? If yall ever figure out tufan, please explain him to me. Cuz I don't get him at all. When emir
Gives him an order he looks like he don't want to do it, but he does it anyway.

Now y'all know whats gonna happen next right? A baby. In these kinds of love triangles thatz whats next. And that's
A whole different fight. It happens in the soap operas all the time. Ill be surprised if it don't happen here. I can't even see nihan letting emir and his weird alien phone ringer comin any
Where near her about sex. Just the idea Of that is just beyond creepy. Eeeeeeeewwwwwww!

It would be Good if something good happens tonight. A big surprise too.
Thank you AnonFri. A lovely recap to a bad Sad episode. When are these epys
Ever happy? Well sometimes they are. For a minute. :-) my daily dose of Kemal.

Clara! I also believed that something would prevent Nihan from returning home. I understand how stuck she feels, but perhaps confiding in Kemal they could have found a solution somehow. I also thought that Emir can easily buy the police off, but perhaps Nihan should go to the media with the evidence? If the Sezins and Kozcouglus are so well known in Turkey, it would make sense that bringing the media's attention to the real Emir Kozcouglu would ruin his reputation once and for all, especially if all of his threats were to be recorded and broadcast. There's no way Emir would be able to do damage control once the evidence goes out. Perhaps it would force the police to take her seriously, and it would no doubt help her divorce.

I also want to know why Hakki didn't help Nursen. There has to be a reason that he chose to make his revenge twenty plus years later. Why hate Emir so much? Why put so much hate into Asu when she was a child, if he was supposed to protect her as his daughter? Why leave Mujan helpless for so many years? I really think that Galip is intentionally keeping her comatose by not providing adequate treatment. Something is weird. Imagine if Galip and Hakki are actually related too?

It was interesting when Nihan compared Kemal to Emir, when he wasn't respecting her decision to leave. I also thought he was being a little too pushy, but it was definitely understandable. The fact that he said he would never forgive her kind of sounds like a foreshadowing of some kind.

I don't think Kemal will kill Emir. But I worry that Onder might try.


Emir is scared of kemal. When they came out of the mine he told his daddy
Galip that kemal is not afraid of him.
Every one else is which is why he just stickin with threatening nihan. And my
Brother says if she would just tell k
About the threats, he could probly help her. But she is numb with fear for her Sorry brother and the rest of her clan. And kemal's too. Understandably. But something gotta give.


Tonight's episode, at the end was just
Priceless. If I'm not mistaken emir
Wanted to stay in nihan's room and she
Twernt havin it. So he slimes off to
His den of darkness and runs into that
Dirty dirt dobber zeynep the inept. I
Don't know what he said to her but it
Turned her expression sour. Goody. All
That hell she brought down on kemals ♡
After he supported her her mom and dad kicked her fast butt out. Its just
gonna break his heart when he finds out what stupid little sister did.

But the part that really got me at the end was when emir got to his den and look Who was there, kemal. Scared the sh*t Outta emir. You could see the fear on his face. Loved it.
When zehir have him that gun I thought
"Kemal is not a gun person", but That scared the hell outta emir. You could see the fear consume his smug face. Loved it.
Ready and waiting for the recap.



I had guests over and couldn’t summarize! I did get to see parts of the episode though.

There was the scene where Onder reproaches Kemal for not respecting Nihan’s decision, even if it wasn’t the correct one. Kemal told him that as a father he wasn’t even protecting his daughter, so Kemal has to do it himself. But Onder wasn’t having it.

Leyla seems to be falling into Galip’s hands! Though it was Onder who helped her get the house back, Leyla called Galip to clarify why he didn’t put a bid. Galip made it seem like he was trying to make amends and she seemed to have bought it. Galip is making moves! He still wants to be the administrator of that property, and he told Onder that he was going to become Leyla’s friend. At the end of the call, Leyla told her attorney that Galip and Emir are nothing alike. WHAT.

I hated seeing Vildan’s satisfied look as Nihan and Emir we’re holding hands and going into the hospital. She refuses to see that Nihan is suffering.

Towards the end when the Sezins were having dinner or sitting in the living room (I’m not sure which), Ozan and Zeynep were rubbing their betrayal to Nihan’s face. Ozan has the audacity to say that Nihan looked dissatisfied at his decision not to go to the police. Then Zeynep made commentary about how unhappy Nihan looks, and though Nihan barely said that she was happy knowing that she’ll be an aunt, Zeynep said that it didn’t seem like it (and she had that dumb smug look on her face). Why do the two dimwits have no shame? They shouldn’t even be talking to Nihan, what they did was terrible.

When Nihan tells Emir to leave her alone, Zeynep was telling Emir that it upsets her to see Emir’s love for Nihan, and she asks him if Nihan kicked him out of her room. Emir snaps that it’s none of her business, but Zeynep responds that he needs her to kill Kemal because Nihan is still in love with him. Emir still believes that he doesn’t have any use for her, and specifically told her to leave him alone, and if the baby happens to his son, he’ll kill him because he doesn’t want his genes mixed with the Soydere’s DNA. Zeynep reminds him that they had an agreement where he promised not to kill her child, but Emir simply states that he changed his mind. Then Ozan calls out for Zeynep.

Kemal with that gun looked scary, but he’s right, one of them has to die.


Kemal is just really hurt that the love of his life just will not trust him. If I had a man loving me the way he loves her, I would find a way to help him get rid of emir. Cuz that's just going through hell from one day to the next. I never experienced a bad
Marriage but it sound like it would be
Like being smothered.slowly.By someone you hate.
Can you imagine waking up every day every morning having to look at that sour puss. He is obsessed. She's just a pocession and kemal is interfearing with his posession. He is psychotic about it too.

Zeynep the inept jackass. She deserves
Whatever she got coming to her. Just so stupid she is.

Vildan could care less about the hell
Her daughter is goin Through. The$$$$$
Well keep coming, that's all she cares about.
Leyla better Open her eyes. Galip is a snake like his spawn. Where does think the spawn got it from? She's not think
-ing, she just want her house back.

"Kemal with that gun looked scaru, but he's right, one of them had to die". I
Hope it's emir. I don't want kemal to
A martyr. That would be so unfair. Go
Through all that hell and then die. Id
Hate that. The only person should go that way is emir, or zeynep. How sick
Are these people?



AnonFri, despite your guests, thanks so much for the details of scenes you were able to see.

Vildan's smirk was gross. She has no shame.

And Leyla and Galip, WHAT? Is right.

When Zeynep betrayed the lovers, I thought Zeynep was exaggerating the danger to her baby from Emir, but I guess not. He confirmed he would kill the baby if their genes were mingled! He did force Banu to have an abortion, after all.

NINA, what you said above about Nihan's being smothered slowly got me out in the cold to come to the library to post this. There was a scene, I think near the beginning, where Nihan visited Leyla in the hospital. Leyla was critical of Nihan for going back to Emir and for hurting Kemal.

Sad Nihan said "do you know why they tie up the elephants in the circus from the time they are born?" Nihan continued with an extended metaphor of how each day the elephants struggle a little less, and gradually give up and learn to accept their fate, that this will be their life.

This explained a lot about Nihan and how she's been beaten down. As you say Nina, I'd like to think if someone loved me like Kemal loves Nihan, I would do more. But it's hard to think just what, and she's not thinking straight, numb with fear as you aalso said, Nina.

AnonFri had a good strategy about getting the media involved, since the families seem to be celebrities.

At least Nihan's been able to keep pucker face Emir out of her bed! and for all these years.

Eventually something will change the dynamic. Ready for tonight.


Clara that right there is a sad sad picture nihan painted about herself.
Emir has no heart about what he is doing to nihan or her family. Her own family can't protect her, and the one person that can is fighting alone. No Body Matters but emir and what he wants. When its easy for him to just tell someone to abort a baby cuz he thinks his DNA is better than anyone else's That's a sick person. Why would these Women want this man to even ever touch them? Nihan got it right, she Ain't lettin Him nowhere near her palace door. And she will be pregnant soon, and guest what, it won't be his. And yall know he Will threaten her to keep it quite. Cuz kemal already has entered the palace & It was glorious. Emir Will never feel that joy. Well at least I hope it does happen that way. My imagination is way More fun than thinkin of her with the Dark prince. And her and kemal would make beautiful children. With pucker puss, not so much.

I really don't care what happens to zeynep, shes just a big disappointment

Thank you AnonFri and Clara

That gunplay looked like they were gonna go into a game of Russian roulette. I don't know if emir knows that Kemal took the bullets out of his gun yet. Speaking of guns...kemal need
To get that gun back. His fingerprints are on it. Emir is planning something.
He lifted it up with a napkkn and put
It in his cabinet of dirty lil nasty secrets.

Leyla got her house back. Is there a
Catch to that?
Sure would like to know what was said
Between zep-the-inept and nihan. Nihan
Scored 1 inept 0. It'll always be that way with that twit. Shevdresses like a hooker to gk see phcker puss. Emir likes to threaten nihan. Sounds like he wanted To know who told her kemal Was in his Room. I think she saved his
Miserable life by comin in there.


Kemal tells Emir “Tonight we will settle debts and one of us will die.”
Emir remarks “Finally, you’ve turned into me. You’re aiming at a defenseless person. All the roads lead to Rome.”
Kemal says that only Nihan will win tonight, if he succeeds killing Emir.
Emir says “Your honesty, like your beliefs, aren’t the same. You’re stubborn, but I’m telling you that Nihan doesn’t want to be separated from me.”
Kemal doesn’t believe him and thinks that Nihan was threatened to return. Emir thinks that he’s only believing what he wants to see. Kemal doesn’t care and claims that even if Emir managed to separate him from Nihan, their love will never be destroyed. Emir reiterates that Nihan returned with freewill and they will try to work out their marriage. Kemal responds that he’d never believe it, but Emir assures him that he’ll have his proof in nine months. Kemal says ETERNO face won’t live long enough for that, but Emir asks “So you’d kill her husband just because you love her?” Kemal says he’s do it so that he can stop harming her and everyone else, and so that she can be freed from him. Once again, Emir reiterates hay she came back of her own freewill. Kemal holds the gun towards him and asks if he’s scared. Emir says “You’ll be an assassin, and once you do it, you’ll never be the same again.” Kemal remains unfazed and says “Let’s let destiny choose.”

Nihan is looking out from her window and begs god to help her.

Emir asks if they should play Russian roulette. Kemal says “with an exception” He holds the gun at Emir and tells him it’s functional. “The game will do it for us,” he says.

Ozan enters Nihan’s room and says he’s sorry, he didn’t want everything to end this way. Nihan walks to him and asks him what he expected when he called Emir. Why did he bother telling Kemal he would do it if he wasn’t going to? She reproaches him: “I’ve sacrificed five years of my life in this hell for you, and you couldn’t even do a few months?” Ozan cries and calls himself a coward, that he knows he wouldn’t survive in prison. Nihan tells him that she understands him, he doesn’t need to say more. She claims that she returned home, but not for him. Ozan tells Nihan that Zeynep was having pains and that she suggested they go back home. Nihan is unfazed and says “she’s the one who gave you the idea to call...”

Emir accepts the challenge. He has a lot of questions: he wants to figure out what his next move will be, and the more he thinks about it, the more interesting t will be. If I kill you, I’ll become a murderer too, is that how you’re planning to ruin me?” Emir held his own silver gun at Kemal.

Emir says that Kemal is incapable of killing anyone. You can’t sit on the same table to make a deal with the devil.”

As the two men hold the guns at each other, Kemal says “Don’t worry, the gun is empty.” It turns out that in the moments before Emir had entered the despacho, Kemal took the precaution to empty the silver gun in the safe. Kemal is the only one aiming the gun now.

Salih is outside, still sitting where the three men had previously been. He’s thinking about what Kemal is up to and remembers seeing Zehir sneak an object over to Kemal. He figures it out and calls Zeynep, but her phone number was disconnected. He takes a different phone he found on the table and finds her number. He calls again (Zehir’s phone falls victim again?)

Emir taunts Kemal: “You have a great heart, Kemal Soydere. You don’t know it, but you took a great risk coming to my house. You have one chance to shoot, don’t waste it.”
Kemal says “I knew you’d stab me in the back the minute we got out of the mine. You’re not an honorable man”
“Press the trigger,” Emir coaxes him.
Kemal says “I can kill you in one shot if I wanted to. I can do exactly what you want to do to me now because I’m not afraid of you.”
Emir loses his cool and yells: “Shoot me now!”
Kemal asks “What’s the rush?”
Emir calms down and sits back to say he’s accepting the rules of the game.

Zeynep gets a call from Salih, and he immediately asks if Kemal is in the house. She says she doesn’t know, and he warns her that Kemal might be armed and ready to confront Emir. Zeynep hangs up and rushes out of there to find Nihan, terrified of what may happen to Emir. She finds both siblings sitting together and warns them that Kemal may shoot Emir. Nihan races out.

Emir says “You’re all talk and no game. You’re a coward.” Kemal aims and presses the trigger, but his gun was empty too (I think? Someone correct if I’m wrong here). Emir laughs and takes a drink of water. He now aims the gun at Kemal, makes a move on the chess game (?) but didn’t get the mark. He says “My life isn’t in my hands anymore; I’ve just lost.” Kemal aims again.

Nihan knocks and asks for Emir. He tells her to leave. She says “I want to spend the night with you.” Emir smugly smiles at Kemal. Nihan enters the despacho and immediately runs to Kemal to stop him from shooting Emir. Kemal says that he will get her out of there no matter what, but Nihan says “And what if I’m happy to be back?” Kemal thinks that she’s bluffing to prevent him from becoming a murderer, but she says “You’re mad that I chose Emir over you?” Kemal drops the gun and says “It’s obvious that you’re lying.” He forcefully grabs her and Emir tries to stop him, but Kemal flings him to the floor onto the table and it breaks. Kemal continues to pull her out of there and as she struggles to be free of his grip, she tells him “I’m sorry.” When Emir catches up, Nihan shouts “If you both keep this up, neither of you will have me! It’s my life and you need to respect my decision: I’m staying and that’s it!”

Onder and everyone else comes to the foyer to ask what’s going on and Nihan explains that she’s going to stay. Kemal stares at her first, then walked out of the home in angry tears.

Vildan asks Emir what just happened and he responds “I think your daughter just made the best decision,” he takes Nihan’s hand and continues “Come my love, let’s go.” They walk up the stairs together.

In Emir’s despacho, Nihan looks at the damage. She sees the gun and asks if it’s Kemal’s. Emir says that it’s his now, and he takes it. Now he wants to know how she knew that Kemal was there. She tells him Zeynep told her. Emir says this wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t left in the first place, but Nihan says that he will not harm Kemal. Emir proposed that Nihan behave as his wife, she says that will never happen, but he says he’ll be satisfied with Kemal believing that they are. “It’s your decision, what will you choose?” She tells him she’ll do it and she leaves.

Kemal calls Zehir to ask if he had warned Nihan that he was in the house. Zehir says no. Kemal wants to know what happened, and he wants to talk to him in person. He wants to figure out why Nihan changed her mind.

Emir is on the phone with Tufan, demanding more security. He wants more men walking around the house.

Kemal sits outside with Zehir, remembering Nihan telling him sternly that she’s staying at home. He wants Zehir to investigate why she chose to come back. Zehir says “What if she willingly chose to come back?” Kemal thinks Emir has something to do with this. He says he won’t make the same mistake twice, he refuses to believe that she gave up, but if what she told him today was true, he’ll accept defeat. A while later, Zehir wants to recover the firearm, but Kemal says that Emir must have ramped up the security. They’ll find a way to retrieve it tomorrow.

Onder visits Nihan. She starts to cry as he touches her hair. “Kemal came to shoot Emir,” she says, “Do you understand why I came back, dad?” Onder tells her not to worry, because it will get better. She says it won’t until Kemal gives up, and now she must make him believe that she fully is Emir’s wife. Onder says that she shouldn’t live like this, but she tells him there’s no other way.

Zeynep is talking to Salih on the phone and thanking him for the warning. She promises not to tell Kemal anything. She ends the call with “See you soon.” Ozan gets upset and asks if she’s going to see him again. She gets upset and tells him to stop being dumb, it’s just a common greeting. He demands to know how Salih got her new phone number, are they still seeing each other? She tells him to stop being ridiculous. He tells her to stop treating him like a child, he’s her husband and she’ll respect him. She’s not to see Salih again. She asks if he’s jealous, and he says yes, like a crazy man, and he doesn’t want anyone else looking at her.

Nihan is alone in bed, asking god for strength.

The next day, Hussein is walking to his barbershop and finds Kemal sitting across from the store. They acknowledge each other and Kemal helps his father open the gates. Hussein asks him to buy some snacks, and they’ll talk after. He sends his son off.

Zeynep is dressed a bit too revealing and checks to see if Ozan is sleeping. She sneaks out and was going for Emir’s room (it seems), but she gets spooked at seeing Nihan. “Why are you scared, Zeynep?” She asks. Zeynep claims that she knows Nihan is upset that they changed their mind. Nihan confronts her and says that she knows she’s the one who convinced Ozan to call Emir. “You both acted so suspiciously and didn’t tell us anything, it’s like you guys planned to ambush me.” Zeynep tells her that wasn’t the case, but Nihan continues: “You both conspired with Emir, but I came back out of my own will.” Zeynep gets offended, doesn’t believe her and asks “Oh so now you’re pretending to be his wife? You should be grateful that I prevented a tragedy yesterday.” Nihan says “Listen very carefully: I’ll find out if you’re the one who betrayed us.” She walks away and Zeynep stands there looking confused, or maybe worried.

When Zeynep walks away she sees Emir at the corner. He walks back to his office and she follows him. He asks if Nihan suspects her, but Zeynep stays calm and doesn’t believe she can ever corroborate that. Emir says “You actually believed that you’d end up with me, if Ozan went to jail and Nihan escaped, but when you found out that you were pregnant you quickly changed your mind.” He then throws her on the couch and says “I know that you only want this child because you consider him the heir to the Kozcouglu fortune. He wont be. If I ever have an heir, it will be with Nihan.”
“You made a promise!” She says.
“Yea, but I regret it now. Even if that child is ever born, he’ll never be a Kozcouglu. I’ll never recognize him.” He leaves her there.

Vildan says good morning as Emir passes her by in the hallway. He didn’t say anything. Then she sees Zeynep walk out of his office, pretending to read a book. She greets her as “mom” and claims that Emir let her borrow the book. Vildan begins to suspect something is wrong.

Leyla is ecstatic and can’t believe that she’s back in her home. Kemal tries to calm her down. He leads her to the kitchen and she’s amazed that he renovated the house. He said he started with the kitchen, and she thanks him, wondering what she would do without him. He says it was nothing, and he helps her sit down. He will come back with more of her things. Leyla, alone in the kitchen, asks “and how is my old friend?”


I tried my best with the Emir/Kemal confrontation. I guess I expected nothing serious to happen, but it’s upsetting that Nihan continues to stay in that house. Everyone knows what’s going on, she has witnesses, but I guess most of them don’t support her.

I don’t know what it will take for useless Ozan to realize that Zeynep is a terrible person. But then again, he chooses to see what he wants to.

I completely forgot that Emir forced Banu to abort. I also didn’t realize that he’s really protecting his wealth, hence why he wants to kill his “brother.” Is there a word for killing family members? I guess he does patricide. He’s a real creep like Galip.

Clara, during the Leyla/Nihan hospital scene on Tuesday, I also remember Leyla asking Nihan if Zeynep was Emir’s lover. Nihan denied knowing anything and Leyla frankly said she doesn’t believe her.

Nina, I’m thinking that your pregnancy theory will play out, and Emir won’t kill Nihan’s child just to give Kemal proof that his marriage was finally consummated.

I definitely can’t watch on Thursdays, but still hoping good things happen tonight!



Lol, AonFri I think we all want some kind of something good to happen in this show. My heart goes out to kemal. He is the bravest most hard fighting galan Ive ever seen in a tn. And he just cant catch a break. Not a lasting
One anyway. And nihan comes there yelling She's gonna spend the night with emir? Yuck. Emir Will run with that, which is why he'll make kemal think he done The dead with nihan. Lol, in 5 years he hasn't touched her, what make him think he will now. She's already with Child. Kemal's. That last night They spent together the sperm went for a swim Upstream. When she almost fainted at the door after kemal left, yeah its a bun in the oven. Emir you wish! Hah!

O sorry butt ozan. Tryin to act like a man, tellin zeynep :You will not see
Him again, I am your husband and you will respect me" yeah on what planet?
That marriage is a joke and so is he &
That twit he married.
Im glad that nihan recognizes that she is in Hell because of his sorry butt.
And him admitting he's a coward is no comfort at all. Everybody knows he's a
And don't care that much anyway, look how hes gone back to being comfortable
In that joke he calls a marriage. And he Got the nerve to demand Respect from a Person that tricked him into marrying her So she can be with his sister's own nightmare of a husband.
And they together right down the hall. While He is asleepin in his still adelesant bedroom. He has not grown up at all. And if he ever does, he probly
Wont have anymore seizures. And Which could be more of a fear mechanism than
A seizure. And they've been feeding into it. Whatever.

Aaawww, sweet of Kemal to Reno leyla's
House for her. Which makes you wonder why the bad guys always wind up on top

I think Hussein knows kemal has been through something heartbreaking.

"vildon starts to suspect that something is wrong". Really vil? When
Did you get your first clue girl?

Thank you AnonFri. I enjoyed this recap immensely.

And another thing, where did daddy onder get the idea that things will get easier. Whats easy about being in hell? Him saying that did not make her
Feel better, she begging God for help.
Cuz her mom n dad are crazy as hell.
And her brother is a whimp. She's in Hell. No easy in hell! Ok that's it for now.

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