Monday, November 18, 2019

Cuna de Lobos, Capitulo 19 Lunes 11/18/19: Blood, Sweat, and Tears

Lies, bribes, and sex as payment or manipulation are the stuff of psychopaths. It's a good thing I never went into law enforcement because I don't like thinking about how many people paid for crimes they didn't commit just because the killer had money. Or were induced into committing ones by other people with too much money. Maybe I'll pick up a copy of Double Indemnity and send it anonymously to Commandante Vega to shake up his world. – D.D.

Catalina – in her usual manner when stressed, angry, or triumphant – strew the papers on the table and threw over its top.

She then carefully placed Leonora's wedding ring on the floor of the future terrace.
As though she had all the time in the world she went down to where Miguel's body lay and placed the hair strand in his hand.
When she arrived home she handed her black leather gloves to Gélica, telling her to throw them in the trash. “They do not suit me anymore,” was her answer to Gélica's enquiry as to why. Her face took on a stony expression for the remainder of the night.
At that moment or shortly thereafter Alejandro arrived at the construction area to find emergency vehicles and personnel near the gate. He shoved his way past some of the people, calling out for Miguel. When he arrived at the ambulance he zipped open the body bag and cried out at the sight of Miguel's bloodied face. He collapsed on the ground, crying out his anguish.

Luis received a call about Miguel's death. He woke Leonora, who had fallen asleep fully clothed. She was shocked, asking how it happened. He told her that for the moment it appeared to have been an accident.

The following morning Alejandro was in the medical examiner's laboratory where he saw Miguel's body in the freezer drawer. Catalina waited for him in the corridor.
What are you doing here?” he asked.
You need me. I came to be with you.” He walked toward her, then broke down into sobs. She embrced him with his head falling on her right shoulder.They went down on their knees. She continued to hold him. Any observer would have thought that she was a normal mother comforting her grieving son.
You have to be strong,” she said. He continued to cry, but said nothing. His face was turned away and he could not see her facial expression.

Omar Vega spoke with the medical examiner, who handed him a photo of Leonora's wedding ring.
The footprints show evidence of a struggle before the man fell,” he said. “Then he fell. We found this ring. Based on its characteristics it seems to be a woman's wedding ring.”
May I see it? It would have an inscription.” Vega asked.
When he held up the evidence bag and looked at it the examiner said “'Alejandro', and the date of the wedding.” The examiner handed him another evidence bag. “This was found in the hands of the deceased. We've determined that it's a woman's hair. We're working on getting the DNA sequencing. We need to do an analysis to see if the that and the ring's owner are the same person. Then we will have a case.”
I hope so.”

Leave me alone,” Alejandro said as his mother entered the room.
Tell me what happened,” she said. “You will need to be strong.”
I don't need your pity, Mother.”
It isn't pity. I know what you're feeling.”
Ah, yes. You also wanted him dead.”
Please don't say that,” she said, sitting down next to him. “That Miguel fell is sad, yes, but you have your whole life ahead of you. Trust me. You will get over it.”
It all ended with him.”
Listen to me. I've been through this. I know it hurts because Miguel was your lover.”
Leave me alone,” he repeated, barely looking at her.
She acquiesced, then stood up and looked at him. She took his cell phone off the couch before leaving the room.

Catalina called Leonora, who asked to speak to Alejandro.
No, at this time he can't talk to you.”
How is he?”
Very bad. At the moment very bad. It would do him good right now for you and the baby to stay clear of him.”
Could you call me later to let me know how he is and tell him that I'm very sorry for his loss.”
Leonora, you know how he is.”
I'm sorry, Catalina.” She ended the call.
Luis was preparing sandwiches when she entered the kitchen.
Was that your mother-in-law calling?”
Yes. She almost threatened me, saying he didn't want me at his side. I suppose that's true but I don't know what to do because I don't want to be with him.”
So, therefore, what's the problem?”
You're right.”
She took a bit of her sandwich, despite not being hungry. She had no way of knowing that she was about to face something much bigger than a problem.

So what's the big mystery?” Catalina asked as she went out to the terrace.
Miguel's death wasn't an accident. I think we're dealing with a homicide,” said Vega.
Someone killed him?” she asked.
We found two pieces of evidence that look very compromising.” He showed her his cell phone. “That ring belongs to your daughter-in-law”
What would she have to do with any of this?”
It was found on the roof area near where Miguel fell. There was evidence of violence at the spot.”
But that doesn't prove anything.” She handed his phone back to him.
Maybe, but there were some women's hairs in his hand, and we know that women were not his specialty. We suspect that the hair belongs to Leonora.”
Yes, well, we have to do the DNA test to confirm it”
Catalina almost smiled as they sat down.
We think that Leonora was with him just before his death, they had some type of discussion which became more every time and for some major reason such as hatred for your daughter-in-law, someone committed the murder. Or for some other reason.”
That could be. Leonora discovered that Alejandro and Miguel were lovers. She ran out of the house; she was very worked-up. But I can't believe she would do anything so horrible.”
The most probably is that it wasn't anything premeditated. It was probably an emotional shock and she didn't know what she was doing. It's likely that this is the first thing that will occur to a judge because it's very common in crimes of passion.”
The hatred upon discovering that Alejandro was with another man was stronger than her.”
We're in a good position to avoid a setback.”
What are you saying?”
We have the evidence. I could arrange for it to disappear if that's what you want.”
No. Do what you have to do. Get the samples. If Leonora committed this crime, she will have to pay for it.”
Are you sure?”
This women can't impose herself further.”

Later Catalina went to check up on Alejandro in his room. He did not answer her knock or the sound of her voice, which was not like him. The door was also locked. She leaned against the door to listen.
She recognized one of her favorite sounds, that of an an ammunition clip being inserted into a pistol. Only this time she did not like it. She called out his name.
I'm worried. Why have you locked yourself inside? Let me in. Open the door, please!”
When he failed to comply she called for Gélica and sent her running for the duplicate keys. She kept trying to get Alejandro's attention. She did get José Carlos'.
What happened?” he asked.
Alejandro has locked himself in.”
José Carlos began hitting the door. “Alejandro! Alejandro!” He forced the door open and entered before Alejandro could pull the trigger. Alejandro backed away from him and Catalina as Gélica returned.
Keep back! Stay away from me!”
Please, please, put down the gun,” José Carlos said.
You shut up! Shut up!” Alejandro said to him. “If you want it all you can have it! You can have it all, the money, the family...”
Alejandro, please put down the gun. I beg you, please.” Catalina was that desperate.
Don't come near me! You have no feelings. Where is Miguel? Who took him away from me?” He began shouting. “Where is Miguel? Where is he?”
Shhh!” said Catalina. “You know he is dead. It wasn't an accident. Someone killed him.”
He was murdered.”
Who did it?”
That's a lie,” said José Carlos.
Shut up! It isn't a lie!” Catalina shouted. “It's the truth.”
What are you saying?” Alejandro asked. He was still holding the pistol to his temple.
Commandante Vega is in charge of the investigation. He has evidence that Leonora and Miguel were together. It looks like they argued and she killed him. She killed him! Put down the gun, please!”
Alejandro moved the muzzle of the pistol to the bottom of his jaw, but did not put it down.
Alejandro, you know Leonora perfectly well. She is incapable of hurting anyone,” said José Carlos.
Ask him. Ask him what proof he has,” Catalina said. “The police have evidence. They have proof. She is the one who killed him.”
José Carlos tried to stop her saying more, but she held him off to get closer to Alejandro and put her hand on the pistol.
She continued talking, telling him how Leonora found the situation disgusting, and that the police had proof that she had killed Miguel. She held his attention well enough to get the gun out of his hands. He then ran out of the room and José Carlos grabbed her.
What have you done?” he shouted.
What worked,” she said, and left the room.
You are mad,” he said. He went to the other door. “Alejandro, Alejandro, listen to me, please. Don't believe Catalina. Catalina is lying.”
You always defend her.”
I defend her because Leonora is incapable of hurting anyone. You know that!”
Precisely because I know her I couldn't let her see me with Miguel. I think she went crazy and pushed him.”! Alejandro, listen to me.”
She killed him.”
He kept repeating that to himself under his breath. José Carlos gave up out of frustration and ran into his room.
He called Luis to alert him to this and tell him to take Leonora as far away as possible. However, Leonora was still angry with José Carlos and began arguing with Luis.
The police were already on their way. Luis wanted to take them to where his ex-wife and child were staying.
Stop doing that, we're not going anywhere,” she finally said to Luis. “I haven't killed anybody. Why would I have to escape?”
Your innocence is of no importance. Don't you see that this is a trap?”
So what? Isn't it worse to run and look guilty?”
We've got to buy some time so we can prove you didn't kill Miguel.”
Good God, how much time? I'm not going to run and risk my son's life.”
Luis didn't even listen as he put on his jacket.
We're going. Now.”
Last night I went to see Miguel. When I spoke with him he said he had to see me to talk to me and tell me the whole truth.”
Why? Why didn't you tell me?”
Because when I got there I couldn't get into the entrance. When the police get here I will tell them the truth. Luis, I have nothing to hide.”
Luis slumped against the door, feeling useless at convincing her to look out for herself.

Gélica looked Catalina in the face and asked “You believe that Leonora killed Miguel?”
What I think is not important. The police have proof and justice will follow that.”
Catalina left Gélica to ponder this.

Unlike many other situations, the police wasted no time. A female officer knocked on Luis' door and showed her badge when he opened it. She told him the purpose of their presence and that they were aware that Leonora was there. They had an appearance order but would show it only to Leonora.
The lady is connected to a crime. If she doesn't come voluntarily we have the authorization from a judge and the duty to arrest her.”
Luis tried to prevent them entering but Leonora came forward and identified herself. She was holding her son. She asked to see the order and the officer handed it to her. As she read it Luis said they should call José Carlos. Leonora told the officer that the baby was a newborn and should not be alone. She was told that he would be looked after. Leonora asked Luis to get the diaper bag. Luis followed them out. He called José Carlos before getting into his car.

Francisco noted that Ámbar was looking better every day. When he tried to take her hand, however, she pulled it away.
When I recover, I'm going far away,” she said. “I want a divorce.”
I've made a mistake, yes,” he said. “But I love you. You know that I love you. I will never stop loving you.”
I also love you,” she said. “All my life. But now I can't. I was sick. You fucked Catalina in my own bed. Would you be able to forgive me if I had done the same?” Francisco did not answer. “No. You wouldn't.”
You can't go. You'll be back in a while.”
There is nothing else to do. Leave.”
She turned her face away from his. Seeing that it was useless to try any longer, he left.
As soon as he was out the door Ámbar cried, choking back any sounds that he might have heard through the closed door.

As the arresting officer held baby Edgar the forensic examiner took a bucal swab from Leonora. Another took several strands of her hair. Afterward she was placed in an adjacent room while the tests were begun.
José Carlos arrived, telling the police he was Leonora's lawyer. Both knew that Catalina had to have been behind this. He told her not to say anything. A male plainclothes officer arrived and José Carlos told him he was Leonora's lawyer. The man then told the female officers to detain Leonora and said “You are being detained on suspicion of having murdered Miguel Terranova Contreras. There is a witness with a direct accusation.”
José Carlos protested that a single witness was not sufficient and was restrained by two male officers as one female one took baby Edgar out of Leonora's arms.
It is sufficient for preventive detention,” was the reply.
No, no! You can't do this! It's illegal!”
As though choreographed in advance, the police took Leonora and José Carlos off in different directions.
She was locked in a cell by female officers. She asked about her baby, but was ignored.
The two female guards left her in the cell and a male guard closed the other gate when they walked out, leaving Leonora to cry out that her baby was alone.
José Carlos and Luis met and talked about the crime scene. José Carlos said they had to figure out how anyone could have gotten a strand of Leonora's hair to put into Miguel's hand.
We're got to think with cool heads. I will take charge of Leonora's defence,” he said. “but I have to tell you that Catalina will attack with every weapon on every front.”
But what do we have?”
Leave that to me.”

Later that night Vega explained the legal situation to Catalina.
When Bustamante... died, he was in the middle of a complicated narcotics trafficking case. I think they will assign that to me.”
Little by little you will be returned to active duty. That is bad.”
What I'm concerned about is your daughter-in-law's case. I don't think they will detain her for long because the evidence is only circumstantial.”
I can testify against her. And Gélica, and the nurses who attended her in the hospital when she gave birth. The whole world saw she is out of her mind. Besides, someone told her that Alejandro deceived her. She would be capable of anything. Do you think my testimony will be enough to strengthen the case?”
Yes,” he said with a little hesitation. “If you think it's important to keep her incarcerated.”
Yes, it is.”
Therefore, leave it to me. I'll do what I can.”
That would please me very much. It's good for our association. I feel more secure and more protected than ever.”
I would have to be a fool, a bad joke on your business that you are trusting me with.”
Well, Diego is in the past. Now we are in the present.”
She drew her fingers down the center of his chest to below his waist. He had no idea he was her Walter Neff.

Alvaro sat in a bar, drinking. He thought back at the video he shot of Miguel's murder. He then took another sip and called Alejandro's number. He only reached his voice mail, so he ended the call without leaving a message.

Alejandro was in his room. Catalina went to check on him.
How do you feel?”
Very angry,” he said.
This woman isn't worth it,” she said.
I want to see her suffer.”
But is that fair? You might destroy yourself.”
She took away the person I most loved. Now that is taking me. I will take who she most loves.
Catalina looked down his arm and saw that he was gripping the edge of the empty bassinet.

The next morning at the office Catalina spoke to her lawyers, telling them that under no circumstances would she allow Leonora to retain custody of the baby. One told her that until and unless Leonora was sentenced the baby would legally be in the custody of its father.
Yes, I understand, but what happens afterward? I do not want my grandson raised in a prison. Is there a way to avoid that?”
Your daughter-in-law's situation is very complicated. In view of the circumstances of the homicide it could be easy to demonstrate that she doesn't possess the emotional capability to raise a child, least of all in a prison.”
And what if she is released?”
What she is accused of carries a minimum of a year in prison. She automatically loses primary custody.”
Is there a way for her to recover it legally?”
It's her right, but it could be very difficult The strategy therefore is to prove she is unfit to be awarded primary custody.”
Do whatever it takes. My grandson's future is the most important thing of all.”

Miguel's family was at the cemetery when Alejandro arrived. The service was being read and Miguel's mother noticed Alejandro arriving and parking nearby. Her other son approached him as he exited his car.
You have nothing to do here,” he told him.
I've come to say goodbye,” Alejandro said, not looking him in the eyes.
My mother is feeling very ill,” he said. “I ask that you respect her grief. Leave, please.”
He went back to his mother as the priest concluded the service. Alejandro went back to his car. Francisco approached him.
What are you doing here?”
Accompanying you,” he answered.
After the Terranova family left Alejandro knelt down next to the gravesite and touched the carpet of white flowers. He cried silently.

José Carlos was finally permitted to see Leonora. She was escorted to a different cell. She cried.
Get me out of here, please!”
I am doing everything possible to get you out of here.”
This is a nightmare!” She covered her eyes for a moment.
Yes. Everything will be clear but you will have to be strong,” he said.
Edgar. Nobody is telling me about him --”
Edgar is alright.”
How can he be? He isn't with his mother. He needs me! Where is he?”
He is at the station. He is being cared for.”
He's too small to be there!”
Yes, but it necessary. It is all part of the process.”
I need to have him here! He needs me!”
You need to calm down,” he told her.
I need to have my child! He needs me!”
I promise I will do this but you need to trust me, please!”
I trust you, but --”
You need to help me now. You need to tell me – step by step – everything that happened on the day Miguel died.”
I didn't do anything! I'm incapable of killing anyone!”
I know! I know you are. You need to calm down.” She took a deep breath and nodded. “ Work with me. You received a call.”
Yes. I got a call. I don't know if it was a man or a woman; the voice was distorted.”
This voice told you where you could find Alejandro?”
Yes. I got directions.”
Directions to where Miguel worked?”
Yes. I went. I saw them. I heard everything they said. I left. Miguel was alive when I left.”
You went home after you left?”
Yes. I went back and packed my suitcases.”
And went to Luis' home?”
Yes. I got out of the house while Catalina slept.”
Luis told me that Miguel called you.”
Yes, the next day. When I got there I couldn't get inside. I went back to my car and left. I never saw Miguel again. Why are they saying they have evidence against me? I don't understand.”
They found your wedding ring at the crime scene and a the other on Miguel's body.”
What? I don't understand. The ring couldn't have fallen there. I left the ring at Alejandro's house. Gélica saw them. She is a witness. Who would try to make me look guilty? I don't understand.”
It was Catalina. It has to be.”
After everything... why would she do this to me?”
I am going to ask. I will ask. Catalina will pay for everything she's done. Trust me. Trust me, please.”

Alejandro parked in front of the police station just as José Carlos was leaving.
Of course,” he said sarcastically. “I knew you'd be here to take everything I have.”
I'm here as Leonora's attorney to demonstrate her innocence.”
And what the fuck can you prove? I'm here for my son.”
You can't take the baby.”
Oh, no?” He showed José Carlos the document. “Well, Mr Attorney, here is the custody document. After all, I am the father.”
You can hand over a thousand papers. The baby needs her.”
I don't think a judge would think so. A killer taking care of a baby?” He turned to go inside the building.
I know you're hurting over Miguel, but you know Leonora. You know she is not a killer.”
No, no, no. You don't know what happened. And the proof will confirm that.”
At least listen too her. Talk to her.”
Yesterday she fought with Miguel. What would you have me do? The same she did to me. She will never see her son again.”
He went inside. He did not answer when José Carlos shouted his name.
José Carlos got into his car and drove home, where he confronted Gélica.
José Carlos, I don't know what you want me to do.”
Gélica, please, I need your help. You were here when Leonora left the house, correct?”
She said that before she left she gave you her wedding and engagement rings in the house. Did she?”
Gélica thought back to when Leonora took them off and put them on the sideboard next to the phone.
No. I don't remember,” she said.
You don't remember or you didn't see her do it?”
I didn't see her do it because she didn't take off the ring, José Carlos.”
Think hard about this. Leonora could spend the rest of her life in prison. Don't lie about this.” He pause for a moment, not taking her eyes off Gélica's face. “It was Catalina, wasn't it? You're lying for her.”
How can you dare to say anything like that? How could you dare –”
Gélica, this is very serious. Miguel is dead and Catalina is trying to frame Leonora.”
I'm very sorry, but I don't know anything.” She turned away.
Gélica, you and I have known each other since I was a child. We've both been through difficult things and I know that Catalina is the author of all this. I know she pays you to solve her problems. That's why I'm telling you that it's one thing to be loyal but another to be her accomplice.” By then he had her full attention. “Leonora is not a killer. So tell me, what did you do with her ring? Think about it.”
José Carlos, I don't know.”
You know what? I don't believe you. You are lying. It's not the first time you're lying. Remember when you found me alone when I was a child? It was the night of the accident with the arrow.”
Oh, no! How could I –”
I was innocent but you lied for Catalina!”
I don't know what you have in your head, but –”
You lied. Now go to bed.”
Gélica caught herself, stood erect, and excused herself.

Leonora was let back into the same cell as when she met with José Carlos. Only this time Alejandro was there holding baby Edgar. She reached through the bars but Alejandro deliberately remained far enough away for the baby to be out of her reach.
Come closer so I can touch him,” she said.
I only brought him so you can say goodbye to him for the last time.”
He waited for her to have the most pathetic expression he had ever seen on her. “Do you think you can kill Miguel and have things alright between us?”
No, no. I didn't kill anyone! I couldn't kill anyone! The last time I saw Miguel he was with you.”
Again you're lying. He said he was going to see you.”
Yes, the other day but I didn't enter. I didn't see him.”
I won't believe that you could say you feel about about someone you killed.”
No. I didn't kill him. Alejandro --” She reached through the bars one last time.

Be careful.”
He backed away and left with the baby, leaving Leonora crying and nearly hysterical.

Alejandro went directly home, stone-faced and without emotion. The baby began to cry. Catalina came out of her room still in the same dress she had worn at the office that morning.
Now you have him. Your grandson,” he said. “Your biggest achievement.” He handed the baby to her. She took the baby slowly and carefully.”
You're in charge of him. He doesn't interest me at all.”
He is your blood.”
Without a word he turned and walked away. She looked at the baby and did a slow about face.
Edgar. You are home.”


Thank you Urban for another wonderful recap. Thanks for last Tuesday as well (I fell behind). I really enjoyed your Double Indemnity reference. My guess Vega will go down as well as only realize too late he was just another one of Catalina's pawns.

We know Catalina is evil but Alejandro completely disgusts me. How is it he can believe his mother at this point? The only person who wanted Miguel dead was his mother. Leonora was very fond of Miguel even after she discovered his deception. And knowing how much Leonora loves her child and he wants nothing to do with it. Lastly, he gives the child to his mother and he knows she is evil. He also took pleasure in tormenting Leonora by taking Edgar away. Again I'm done with him!! He does not have to be one of the survivors of this tn. But he must learn that he mother killed the love of his live before he goes.

I'm hoping things will rapidly unravel for Catalina. She now has Edgar so the rest of the tn needs to show her being exposed.

I feel for JC that he realizes that Gélica is awful too.


Thanks, Urban. Excellent! I loved D.D.s intro.

The whole episode was bleak at best.

Karen, I agree about Alejandro being just disgusting.

This sure turned into a freight train to hell for Lenora much more quickly than I would have thought. I wonder if she will be in jail for the last six episodes.

The only good news: Ámbar deciding to leave old Francisco when she can. Too bad she had to end up almost being killed to finally come to that decision.

Vega always has an initial look of incredulity on his face at first when Catalina tells him how it is going to be. I wonder if he will be the one to surprise her in the end. Maybe the sex will get boring.

I loved José Carlos confronting Gélica. She is a piece of work.

Good that baby Edgar is too baby to know he is being cared for by a murderer.

Urban, you hit every high and low note of this shocking, sordid tale perfectly. Your dialog translations, screen shots and recap were masterful. I'm just in awe.

"She recognized one of her favorite sounds, that of an an ammunition clip being inserted into a pistol. Only this time she did not like it". A mere, unexpected diversion from the master plan that she handled like the icy, murderous liar that she was.

Karen, I kept trying to put myself in Alejandro's place. Through his haze of unbearable grief, is it possible that he really thinks Leonora would be capable of killing Miguel? Perhaps. Yet, he is his mother's son - cruel and vindictive, using his own child whom he cares nothing about to torment Leonora.

José Carlos' scene with Gélica was very intense. What on earth is the true backstory of Catalina losing her eye? Gélica seems to care for JC, but it has yet to be revealed if she has any conscience left to reveal the truth. I feel she holds the key as in order for Catalina to fall, it must be someone who has her implicit trust and that is one person.

Ambar's scene was heartbreaking as well.

It is now clear to me why the actress playing Leonora was cast. Her desperation and pain could not have been more clearly depicted. A tour de force.

One depressing scene after the next last night. It seems as though a miracle will need to occur for Catalina to be caught.

Urban, again, thank you.


Gracias, ladies. This is a pivotal episode that will raise many questions about the resolution of this tale.

This is the episode where Alejandro truly became his mother's son. He became aware of the deception she practiced during his entire life when he found out that Francisco was his sperm donor and was justifiably angry about that. I think he has forgiven Francisco partially because he clearly had been kept in the dark and now is trying to make amends with him. We should see tonight or tomorrow whether Francisco really steps up to the plate to do whatever damage control is possible before he falls either as another of Catalina's victims or in connexion with the diamond smuggling.


What will Alvaro do with the murder video? We have seen an example of it going nowhere in another novela, so I will be very peeved if this is a red herring. He should put it on the internet for any honest person in law enforcement to find. I doubt that it would have picked up any sound but the eye patch is unmistakable.

If this were a normal-length story I would be wondering more about the police investigation:

--- The footprints in the struggle would have been Catalina's. Does she wear the same shoe size as Leonora? I'm also fairly sure she doesn't have the same taste.
--- A wedding ring doesn't come off that easily and there wouldn't be any DNA from Miguel on it. And why only the wedding ring and not the engagement ring? Leonora had continued to wear that.
--- How much does Gelica really know and did she keep the gloves? We didn't see her dispose of them.

Finally, who is left in the police department who can't be bribed with money or sex?

Vega may surprise us yet, but I'm not really holding out hopes for it. His statement to Catalina may be him pulling back when he said he expected to be assigned to the narco case.

I have said all along that the version of events regarding the arrow was something that Catalina told Gelica, who repeated it to JC. We have seen flashes of the truth when JC was in his shrink's office: He heard baby Alejandro crying and went looking for Catalina. Her anger was about that he caught her in the act with Francisco, not that he threatened Alejandro's life with the bow and arrow. I have a theory about the rest of that story but will not reveal it here.

Jarifa, "Vega always has an initial look of incredulity on his face at first when Catalina tells him how it is going to be. I wonder if he will be the one to surprise her in the end".

Excellent point. Someone will have to turn against her...And does Vega know/suspect Catalina? I didn't think so initially.

Urban, Alvaro is a loose cannon. He seemed unhinged and I have little (if any) hope he is going to turn the video over to anyone who will be able to help. I suspect he will be the next victim. Speculation only.


Diana, I agree about Alvaro. He's not intelligent enough to realize that he will need to protect himself. He would be stupid enough to try to blackmail Catalina. While he might be happy to have Miguel out of the way he has most likely not given a single thought to any possible motive for Catalina to murder him. He never thinks ahead, so he is no criminal mastermind.

If anyone turns on Catalina, it's likely to be Francisco. She kept him in the dark about Alejandro's paternity for 24 years, tried several times to kill Ambar, and treated JC like garbage from the get-go. We still don't know how Ambar knows that Catalina killed Carlos' first wife and since Ambar is getting better she is in a position to talk. We just have to hope that she talks to the right person.

Diana, I, too, want Gélica to spill the beans on the “ eye loss story”. Is there anything that will stop her supporting Cata unconditionally?

Urban, good point about Gélica and the gloves.

Thanks UA!

So Vega doesn’t know that it was Catalina or does he? Since he described the potential motive and scenario as to what led up to Miguel’s death with certainty.

Unbeknownst to everyone for the time being, Leonora’s fate is in Alvaro’s hands. I don’t think we will be seeing Catalina taking Leonora’s place in a jail cell. If the proper/non corrupt authorities eventually see the video I don’t think they’ll take Catalina in and keep her in so easily.

Catalina unfortunately has a loyal accomplice in Gélica. Gélica would probably take a bullet for her if necessary. And I don’t think Catalina would have any problem with that. Gélica is likely dispensable to her.

Alejandro is proving to be just like Catalina. What good was it to give Edgar to Catalina when Edgar is not Carlos’ heir? I know Alejandro never wanted to be in this situation with a wife and child but he is still the father even if Miguel was still alive. I wonder if Miguel’s family wasn’t happy about his lifestyle either.


Good question, TF.

It's likely that Miguel's mother wasn't thrilled about her son being gay. However, she still loved him. While Catalina keeps saying that she loves Alejandro, we have all pretty much agreed that she doesn't because she is incapable of loving anyone.

How the hell can Vega not see this after spending more than a decade in law enforcement?

Catalina in a jail cell would be a sweet sight because she would consider that to be a fate worse than death. The question now is whether Gelica has anything left of a conscience.

Thank you, UA. This TN is now going at warp speed; it's amazing that it will all end in 6 more episodes.

In regards to what really happened to Catalina's eye, I think the truth was revealed when Catalina first recalled the incident during the first few episodes. Carlos walked in on her and Fran. When she saw him, she went after him and started berating him and grabbed him. That's when Carlos struck at her with the only thing he had...the arrow; and it landed in her eye. Gélica was not around; so I'm sure Catalina gave Gélica her own version of what happened.

UA, "We still don't know how Ambar knows that Catalina killed Carlos' first wife..." When Catalina went to finish off Ambar in the hospital room, she told Ambar how she had killed Gloria (Carlos's first wife).

Diana, "I suspect he (Alvaro) will be the next victim." Me too. If Catalina finds out that he knows more that he should, she'll definitely go after him.

By Vega's initial expression and statement, I thought he did suspect Catalina was behind Miguel's death. He seemed to mellow after she mentioned the evidence against Leonora, but I think (deep down) he suspects Catalina...surely he knows exactly what she is capable of.

Alejandro is definitely his mother's son...que triste!

Alejandro certainly now has the potential to be exactly the same species of monster his mother is. Here's hoping he doesn't have time for the seed to truly take root.

We can only hope now that JC and Luis can save the day. This producer's other series had less than HEA endings. Put me on the record for the idea that 25 episodes covering 7 murders (so far) isn't enough. Do you guys think we need a separate Karmageddon discussion this weekend?

Superb recap, Urban! So complete it was almost a script. We could almost see this coming, and the Miguel/Leonora outcome takes care of 2 of Catalina's problems: Miguel is dead and Leonora may be locked away for years.

"...think (deep down) he suspects Catalina...surely he knows exactly what she is capable of". Well said Rgv Chick. And there never appears to be the thought of - if she murders her own family, will she do it to me?" Rhetorical question but seemingly not considered by Vega.

"Unbeknownst to everyone for the time being, Leonora’s fate is in Alvaro’s hands. Yes, terrifying isn't it TF??

Urban, we ALWAYS need a Karmageddon discussion! That was a rhetorical question too, correct? :)

SpanProf, yes, Catalina's "spare" resulted in a strike. I hope the hapless Alvaro takes up all Cat's time so her focus is off of JC.


I too think that Alvaro may not survive. I don’t know who could help him besides the proper authorities. JC and Luis of course also wanna help Leonora and take down Catalina but there’s no guarantee they can protect Alvaro. I still think Alvaro should go to them first before thinking about going to the authorities though. It might not help if he wants to stay anonymous but it’s worth a try.

I agree with Urban that knowing this producer, the ending could be unpredictable even for a condensed version of the original.

With or without Miguel, Alejandro was never concerned about Edgar. Miguel was the one actually more concerned about the baby than the father. Alejandro probably blames his son for Miguel’s death too, as he told Leonora in the jail cell that she killed Miguel hoping that it would make them one happy family. From his actions yesterday, he needs his anvil too.

I get the feeling that the courts would uphold the will in favor of Alejandro because his birth certificate has Carlos Larios as his father. A few years ago, Julian Gil was in a paternity fight with Marjorie de Sousa over baby Matias; there was the general consensus that because Gil’s name was on the certificate, and at least 6-9 months after the birth passed where he did not contest it, he is legally binded as the father. The same thing applies to Alejandro, so Catalina wins.

Jose Carlos may be an attorney, but sometimes I wonder about his competency.

Thank you for the recap, Urban.



I agree about the possible court decision. Carlos was Alejandro's father for 23 years and probably would have never rejected him over this particular revelation. However, he probably would have divorced Catalina and fired Francisco without caring about any possible scandal over this.

The bigger question is whether he would have rejected Alejandro over his sexual orientation. While Catalina told Alejandro that Carlos knew he wasn't hetero, I don't believe her.

BTW, does anyone else think that the name "Edgar" was chosen by the writers because the child was destined to live in a nightmare?

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