Monday, November 25, 2019

Primetime on Univisión (#1): Amor Eterno - Week of Nov. 25, 2019

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. AnonFri and Clara are doing an outstanding job of providing some very appreciated recaps/details about “Amor Eterno.”  If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute some highlights or a mini-recap for AE, I’m sure it would be appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TN covered by this page is:
  • 7-8PM   - Amor Eterno: Ep. 96-98
Please Note: Evening Univisión TNs will be preempted on Thursday, Nov. 28th due to Fútbol. On Wednesday and Friday, El Dragón will air for 2 hours (from 9-11PM).

Only one TN is being covered by this page for now. Although there is really no need to identify it in your comment, you may continue to do so to avoid confusion in the future. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Amor”)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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Kemal can’t believe Zeynep is at the window and she can’t believe she just saw her brother. Nihan and Emir enter the room and demand to know what’s going on. Nihan repeats herself. Kemal is watching the commotion from his window and calls his sister at that moment. Zeynep rejects the call but still can’t find what to say. Emir readily says “I already told you I won’t give you the firearm.” Zeynep plays along but looks annoyed and says “I’ll find it either way.” Nihan asks if she really came in for the firearm but Zeynep gets rude: “Sorry but for what else would I really be in here for?” Emir asks her to leave. Nihan is suspicious and furious.

Zeynep accepts her brother’s phone call and she says she’ll call him tomorrow, that’s she’s doing everything for him. Kemal is furious but continues watching the window. Through the curtains he sees Emir kiss her, but then Nihan walks away. Kemal cries when he sees Emir go out of view.

Emir asks Nihan why it is that she doesn’t want to be with him. She wants to know why on earth she would want to, if he’s so obsessed with her and doesn’t even love himself? Emir says he will never get rid of this feeling that he has for her. After a pause, Nihan asks him “What was Zeynep doing here?”

Zeynep continues to play with Kemal over the phone: she’s unselfishly sacrificing herself for him. Kemal wants to know why she’s looking for the firearm. Vildan, ready in her sleepwear, demands to know who she’s taking to and why is she discussing Emir with him? She also wants to know why she was in Emir’s room to begin with. Zeynep says she’s tired of reporting everything she does to her, and refuses to say goodnight.

Emir says that the Soyderes are irrational people. Nihan wants him to give back the gun. He refuses, continues to talk about the qualities of each of the Soydere siblings and Nihan tells him she’s tired of listening to him. Emir then reminds her that tonight is the end of sleeping in separate rooms but Nihan demands that the prior order of their marriage continue to take effect. He says that she already broke that order and so now he has a new one and she must sleep in his room. Nihan sits down on the couch, furious. “Don’t be afraid of me,” Emir says. Nihan bravely tells him “I’m past the phase where you scare me. You’re just bark. Stop hurting the people I love.” “Passive aggressiveness,” Emir contemplates, “I like this phase.”

Onder wants to talk to Vildan about everything’s that’s happening. Vildan thinks that “Nihan and Emir sleeping in the same room tonight is the most positive thing that has happened in our lives so far.” Onder can’t believe she truly believes that. Vildan claims that because Nihan and Emir are married, and she came back, that this is a step in the right direction. Onder reminds her that their daughter almost died not long ago. Vildan chooses to forget that. She’s happy that Nihan is giving Emir a chance. Onder loses his patience and starts yelling: “I don’t think you love Nihan, Emir is forcing her to do what she doesn’t want to do!” Vildan grabs his hand and tells him “I think everything will be ok. You should go to your room now.” Onder tried to make her see reason. He yells that “Kemal was the right man for Nihan all along!” Vildan says “Well, it’s too late to do anything about them anymore. I continue to think that this is what’s best for everyone,” and she walks out of the room. Onder, incredulous, says that he will make sure he does something to stop this.

Kemal knocks on Leyla’s door. He’s speechless, so Leyla asked if he saw what Nihan wanted to show to him. He affirms, claims he thought he was going to see another of Emir’s plans unfoil, but was wrong. “Nihan must have her reasons,” Leyla says in a matter of fact way. Kemal retorts that yes, she does have a reason, they were about to escape but then suddenly she backed out. Leila tries to make him see reason: Nihan didn’t want to live a life where she would have to hide forever. She chose to give Emir a chance, and so Kemal should leave them alone. Kemal brings up that Nihan almost killed herself because of Emir. Kemal decides “From now on, I’ll only worry about myself.” Leyla invites him into her home.

Emir is laying in bed and asks “My dear wife, are you watching me sleep?” Nihan is still sitting on the couch, in the dark. She asks “Zeynep knew that you would be here in your room?” Emir tried to play it off as he did earlier, but Nihan thinks that Zeynep thought-or knew-that he would be alone in his room. “We left the dinner before they did,” Nihan says, “and she knows that we sleep in different rooms. Why would Zeynep be looking for the firearm knowing that you’d be here?” Emir gets irritated and gaslights her, claiming “I’m not up for your insinuations tonight. If you want to believe that Zeynep is my lover, that’s up to you. Goodnight.” He turns to his side to sleep.

Tufan apologizes to Asu. She can’t forgive him because he’s betrayed her, made her live a lie, accused her of knowing about his mother’s existence...she doesn’t like the fact that he did everything because he was in love with her the whole time. Tufan says that he knew she was always in love with Kemal, and so here he was helping. “Enough,” Asu says, “I won’t continue listening.” And she leaves him there.

The next morning Zeynep asks Nihan if she fell asleep in the living room last night. Nihan wants to know why she’s asking. Zeynep observes her wearing the same clothes as last night, so she assumed Nihan didn’t sleep at all. Zeynep goes to the dining room. Nihan sees Efsame and says “Efsame, how much earlier did Ozan and Zeynep get here before us last night?” “Twenty or fifteen minutes, it wasn’t much of a difference, honestly” she responds.

Leila wants to know if Kemal will go to work, but he reminds her that he quit his job. They both agree that he should get in good terms with Hakki again. He says he has to leave now, and Leila suggests that maybe it’s time for him to open his heart up to new possibilities.

Vildan is surprised to see Nihan up and asks her “I thought you were in Emir’s room?” Nihan asks her if she’s ok now knowing that everything is going as she planned it. Onder comes and is shocked when he sees Nihan and wants to know if she slept at all. Nihan tries not to worry him and continues to exit the home.

In the garden, Nihan tries to exit through a somewhat hidden exit but she opens the door and finds the frame sealed off with bricks. She gets agitated seeing this, but decides to go through the main entrance.

Emir asks Efsame where Nihan is and she tells him that she already went out for a run. Zeynep says good morning and he demands that she speak with him in his office now. She tries to prolong their meeting, to not give Efsame any ideas. Zeynep texts Emir to say that she will go see her brother first. He texts back that he wants to speak to her first. Efsame is observing while she prepares the table.

Nihan exits her red gates and looks down the street to where Kemal lives. She starts walking and meets Kemal’s white car. He slowly drives past her, not taking his eyes off her until the last minute. Nihan pulls off her headphones and asks god to help her fight off the pain.

Zeynep is watching Efsame prepare the table. She’s chewing and planning her escape. When Efsame goes back to the kitchen she smiles knowingly at Zeynep and closes the door. Zeynep walks away only for Efsame to come back out and carefully follow her. Zeynep goes up the stairs and isn’t aware she’s being watched.

“What do you want so early?” Zeynep asks Emir, closing the door.
“Tell me what you wanted from me last night” He demands.
“You already know. I miss you. And just to think about this baby who might be yours-“
Emir cuts her off and says he doesn’t want to hear it.

Nihan came back from her jog early and wants to know if Emir is in his office. Efsame closes the door and confirms, immediately calling Emir to alert him.

Emir notices Efsame’s call. Zeynep doesn’t care and says “You can’t do this to me, you promised me!” Emir coldly tells her “So don’t force me to break it. You already know.”

Nihan opens the door and finds Zeynep with Emir. “Zeynep, I’ve seen you a lot with Emir lately.”
“Thank you,” Zeynep tells Emir. Nihan wants to know what it is. She finds the firearm. Zeynep leaves with it, to hand it over to Kemal.

In a flashback, Emir accepted Efsame’s call and he’s alerted that Nihan is arriving. He goes to his safe and takes out the gun. Zeynep gets scared and asks what he’s going to do. He hands it to her at the same time that Nihan opens the door.

With Zeynep gone, Emir tells Nihan that he did that just for her. He says he’s hungry and suggests they go eat breakfast. Meanwhile, Zeynep walks out of the house all nervous and discombobulated, while Efsame continues to watch her.

Hakki tells Asu as they’re eating breakfast that he will speak with Kemal today and ask him to come back to work. He won’t accept his renunciation at all. Asu barely shows any attention. Hakki comments that he knows she’s hurting now, but they will figure out the mess soon. “Tufan,” Asu interrupts him, “I don’t trust him. Get him out of our revenge plans. Of course, continue protecting him.” Hakki is confused but says he will see to it.

Zeynep visits Kemal. She hands over the firearm. He throws it on the table and tells her this wasn’t her business, why did she bring it? She says she was trying to help, but Kemal asks her “Do you know what would happen to you if you get in the way of this war? You’re going to be a mother soon.” “A war?” She dumbly asks. Kemal tells her to stay out of it all. Zeynep gets the flashback to when she called Emir and betrayed her brother and Nihan in exchange for her baby’s life. She starts crying to Kemal and says “Brother, I think I haven’t been a good sister to you. I’m saying it to you honestly.” Kemal says “It’s ok.” She cries as she hugs him. Kemal tells her she must take care of herself and the baby.
“I know you’ve been feeling guilty, Zehir told me,” He says.
Zeynep says “Sometimes we make rash decisions, and then there was the baby. Then Nihan comes back-“
Kemal cuts her off with “Nihan’s decision has nothing to do with this.”
“You must know that the marriage is not a farce anymore. They sleep together now.”
Kemal isn’t listening to it and walks into his yard. Zeynep asks him to forget about Nihan and move on and live his life for once. She asks him not to worry about her anymore, because God will help her and she will fight herself and her baby. She walks away.

Onder sees Leyla in the office and requests to speak to her. He speaks about the art school they wanted to build that didn’t go through, but he wants to push that project again today and wants Nihan to be part of it. Leyla puts a stop to that and says “Nihan and Kemal tried their relationship and failed, those two shouldn’t work together now.” Onder blames Emir for what’s happening and just at that moment Emir passes by and overhears. He makes his presence known and asks Onder what he’s planning. Onder says that he wants to go forward with the art school project and he wants Nihan to be part of it. Emir asks why would Nihan be interested, and Onder replies that Nihan’s been having a rough time and the art school would take her mind off things. Emir considers the idea and walks into his office. Leyla tells Onder that he did a great job at putting them on Emir’s radar.

Emir calls Nihan to ask what she’s doing. She says she’s getting ready to go to her workshop. He tells her to stop breaking his heart, doubting his actions, and to come to the office now.

Nihan hangs up the phone and tells Efsame that she hates Emir because he reminds her everyday of how much she hates him. Efsame apologizes and says that Zeynep is a topic she can’t speak about: all she knows is that Zeynep was very curious about Nihan’s marriage. That’s it. Nihan tells her “You know more than what you’re telling me because you’ve seen things, heard things through the doors, been witness to others, and yet you don’t want to admit to any of it.” Efsame asks her not to make questions that she cannot provide answers for. She walks away and immediately calls Emir.


I find it ridiculous that everyone is so aware what’s happening in Nihan’s marriage. There’s no privacy at all in that house. Even more annoying is that Vildan clearly doesn’t care that Nihan is suffering because she believes it’s for eveyone’s benefit. But what can we expect from the person who stole her sister’s fiancé?

I’m not sure why Leyla is allowing Nihan to continue with this farce. She should have said something by now!

Nina, unfortunately Kemal didn’t put two and one together. He was too busy focusing on Nihan’s private life. He’ll really cry in pain when he finds out that’s Zeynep is Emir’s lover and the traitor. And possibly he’ll have a nephew with Kozcouglu blood. Why they haven’t figured it out yet, who knows.

Curious about Efsame's role in all this. Clearly Emir is the big dog but is she actually reporting to Vildan? Suddenly Vildan is noticing Zeynep’s stalking of Emir too.

Clara, we all hope you enjoy your vacation in Mexico. Have fun!

Thank you RGV Chick for the page!


Thank you for the recap Ms Chick.

Kemal didn't put it together. Yet. That is cuz he don't think his little
Sister wouldn't slut her way into emir
s bed. And could quit possibly be with
Spawn from the dark prince. What would
Really be good is the baby is ozan's.
Then she wouldn't be able to use it to
Cling to alien boy. But he'd just make her get an abortion, or kill the baby himself.
Zeynep should have been vildan's spawn
She's more like her than nihan could ever be. She Don't care about nothin but Living in a mansion like a rich lady.

Im kinda surprised Leyla has given up on the 2 lovebirds do quickly. Well if she knew her niece was living in Hell
She'd probly help kemal.
And since nihan is not afraid of emir
Anymore why don't she help kemal get rid of him for good? No she'll just keep sleepin on the chair every night.
And be miserable. Kemal will keep doin
All the work while she waits to be rescued.

Thanks for the page Rgv Chick



Efsame calls Emir and alerts him that Nihan is asking too many questions about him and Zeynep. She adds that she told his wife that she knows nothing at all. Emir asks “and do you know anything?” Efsame says “nothing at all.”

Emir then calls Zeynep and asks her what Efsame knows about them. She tells him “Nothing. What can she know? Efsame has always been trying to get into everyone’s good graces. What could she say that can be a problem for you?” Emir tells her that Nihan has been asking too many questions, and that if he ends up discovering something-anything-his deal to not kill Zeynep’s baby will be void. Zeynep starts to protest, but he tells her “But nothing. Nihan is trying to trap you. If she catches you, you’ll have to pack your things and leave this house.” He hangs up.

Kemal tells Hakki and Asu that he won’t come back because he doesn’t want Emir Kozcouglu as his associate. He says he will bring him down everything that has that last name. Hakki makes it clear that Emir is everyone’s enemy, he will support him in his revenge, but he requests him to not let Asu work alone with the Kozcouglu men. He wants Kemal to be his right hand. He threatens that if Kemal rejects this proposition, he will take it as Kemal never having believed in his friendship. Kemal accepts. Hakki says that if Kemal will be going to war, Hakki will be providing the weapons and expects Kemal to use them to the fullest extent. Kemal thanks him and promised that he will.

Asu and Kemal are talking outside. “Welcome,” she tells him, “You left and came back hurt. What happened?” “You can’t just leave things alone,” Kemal responds. “Revenge is the way out, Kemal?” Asu asks. She thinks he wants revenge because of Nihan. Kemal denies that. He doesn’t want to tell her what he’s seen or experienced: he’s dead now. Asu tells him that it would hurt her a lot if Emir does something to him. She asks him to do revenge by giving Nihan jealousy: she permits him to use her to get Nihan back.

Emir starts telling Nihan about building the art school in the zone of the thermal power plant. He asks her that they build it together. Nihan asks what he expects her to do with the project. She says that Kemal would inevitably get involved. Emir says that Kemal renounced his title and doesn’t work for Hakki anymore. Nihan accepts the project, under the fact that it’s for charity. Emir says this will be her first opportunity to sit in the meeting. As Emir leaves and expects to be followed, Nihan tells him to go ahead, she needs to get her purse first. Once he’s gone, Nihan pretends to be Emir and starts texting Zeynep through his phone: she asks her to meet him at midnight in his room. Zeynep is a little confused but accepts. Nihan stares at the response and wants to know why Zeynep isn’t asking for a reason.

Emir enters the boardroom and sees Kemal. Galip looked upset. “Me. Kemal,” Emir says, “It appears that you are back in the game.” Kemal tells him “it’s only the beginning. Don’t worry, I’m not here for friendship.” He adds that they were running late, but that they can begin talking about forming a new plan of action. Emir drops the bomb that Nihan will be involved in the next project. Just then, Nihan is introduced and sees Kemal sitting next to Asu.

Emir starts speaking about the power plant, and asks Nihan to take it from there. Kemal interrupts and asks what abilities Nihan has to lead this project, or if her last name earned her the position. He watches Emir touch Nihan’s hand and bluntly says that he doesn’t approve of the project. Emir asks “Does that bother you?” Kemal responds “I don’t think it’s professional.” Emir says that Nihan is more than capable to lead the project, but Kemal disapproves again. Emir retorts that he doesn’t remember asking for their approval at all. Kemal asks for the purpose of the project, and he finds it questionable that Nihan would be at the head of the art school, for society’s sake. He thinks their real interest in the charitable project is to hide illicit things. Nihan continues to push for the project, but Leyla says she agrees with Kemal and doesn’t believe this is a realistic goal and should be an independent project instead. Emir supports Nihan, and continues to say the project will move forward. Nihan asks Asu for the reports on the matter. When she leaves, she breathes a bit of relief, but not enough. She sees Pelin and requests her to bring to Emir’s office the reports on the nuclear power plant.

Emir goes into his office and sits next to Nihan. She tells him that she wasn’t warned about Kemal being involved in everything.

Kemal sees Emir hunched over Nihan and kissing her hair. He stares and Leyla claims it’s time to leave. Asu touches his arm and Nihan notices. Emir looks up and goes to close the door. He says that Kemal is deeply hurt by all this, so he’s definitely accomplishing his goal. Nihan doesn’t want to play Emir’s game. She says she can easily get tired of all this and spill the beans to Kemal. Emir is positive that she won’t, she can’t because she values Kemal’s life more than her own. She must do as he says. Nihan tells him she’ll find a way to stop him and she’ll recover her life back. As she walks away, Emir reminds her that tonight they will be in the tabloids and newspapers and she must dress the part for it.

Banu and Tariq are eating together. She tells him that she’s noticed he likes expensive things and his mom’s cooking. He suggests that they have his mother over someday. Banu asks if he’s serious. He says “Why not? Then we can make things official.” Somehow they start talking about Emir, and Tariq says he believes she’s in love with her boss. Banu says that there are painful things she doesn’t want to talk about. She thinks back to Emir scolding her for the abortion. Tariq promises to make everything better.

Kemal gives Zehir the gun. He wants to know how he got it back, and Kemal says Zeynep was able to retrieve it. Zehir says that Kemal must let go of his revenge plans. Kemal asks if Zehir means venom. Zehir says that it’s venom for whomever he directs it to. He suggests that Kemal continue on with his life and forget about Nihan if she truly did choose Emir over him. Kemal changes the subject and asks if he would like to work in the private sector for once.

Zeynep watches Ozan sleep and starts lightly calling out his name to see if he moves. He doesn’t, and she leaves to go see Emir. Nihan and Emir just arrive to his room, he goes immediately to sit on his bed and asks if she will stay standing by the door. She wants to know what the heck he’s thinking, like she would ever sleep with him in the same bed. Nihan claims to go for water, but heads straight to Emir’s study.

Zeynep is in the study, anxious to see him. Nihan is still on her way there. Zeynep texts him as Nihan hits the stairs: “I don’t have much time, where are you?” He calls her and demands that she leave the room because Nihan set up a trap. She tries to leave but sees Nihan approaching the study. When Nihan opens the door she finds no one there. She checks her watch and it’s two minutes past midnight. She checks the bathroom, everywhere she can think of and just when she’s about to check the closet Emir comes in and stops her by asking what she’s doing. She says she came in here to check something, and when Emir continues to play dumb, she says “you know what I’m referring to.” Zeynep got away with it, as Nihan foolishly leaves without checking the closet. Emir calls Zeynep and asks her where she is. She comes out and he scolds her that he will not lose Nihan over her. He says if she had nine lives she now has eight: he grabs her roughly by the arm and forces her out of his study as she begs him not to hurt her baby. He slams the door and she leaves.

Nihan is in her room and breathes onto the window. She draws the Infiniti loop with her finger on the window fog. She thinks back to being soaked by the rain and having Kemal to hold. Nihan goes to her canvas and starts drawing. The next day she has a finished painting that seems to be of heavy fog in a dark night. She opens her curtains and thinks.

Zeynep is at her gynecologist. Fehime wants to know how much time the pregnancy has so far. “Six weeks,” the Dr responds. Fehime is surprised about how much technology has changed, and that one can easily see their child through the sonogram. Vildan smirks that Fehime acts as though she’s never done a sonogram before. Fehime holds back her enthusiasm and says in a matter of fact way that she’s had them with her kids. Zeynep meanwhile doesn’t seem interested in the sonogram picture. She asks when she will be able to know the baby’s sex, but the Dr told her it wouldn’t be clear until week 16 or 17. Zeynep claims that she’s positive her child will be a boy. She must be thinking of Emir’s fortune.

Nihan goes to the dining table and finds Emir with Ozan. She wants to know where her parents are. Ozan says Vildan went with Zeynep to the ultrasound, and that Onder went out. Nihan asks why Ozan didn’t go with them to the ultrasound. He responds that he didn’t want to create more tension between Zeynep and Vildan. Nihan doesn’t seem impressed and called him a very responsible father. He seems unfazed and continues to enjoy his breakfast. Nihan asks Emir what he’s thinking about. “That if we had been parents already, we could have taught Ozan what it means to be a good father,” he says. Nihan says “I’m sure you’ve taught us all how to be a good husband. Enough.” Ozan asks them: “Shouldn’t it be a passionate love between you two, given how much you fight?” Emir says “our love is a little strange. It’s like joining a gang: once you join it, you can’t leave it.” Nihan suggests they destroy it instead. “If you do, I’ll help you. I’ll always be there with love for you,” Emir tells her as he leaves to the office. Alone, Ozan asks Nihan if they really sleep in the same room. Nihan glares a bit and he apologizes for having asked. She tells him that this isn’t his business but yes, she is sleeping in the same room as Emir.

Emir is in his room (or work?) and calls someone to ask when he’d be able to get a paternity test. He was given 9 weeks. He calls Zeynep. He wants to know how many weeks she has so far. “Why? Are you feeling like a father now?” She asks, with Fehime in the background. He demands that she respond to his question. “Six weeks,” she says and hangs up. Once Vildan finishes the payment, the women head home.

Tufan meets Hakki, claiming Asu told him to meet him so they can talk about his mother. Hakki rudely cuts him off and says he’s not going to talk to him about that: he’s telling him that he’s no longer part of the revenge anymore. “Have I done something wrong?” Tufan asks. Hakki responds “Must there be something done wrong? Asu asks that you be let go.” Tufan wants to continue to be part of the revenge plans, but Hakki tells him he needs to convince Asu first. Hakki leaves, and Emir calls Tufan at that moment. He says “Contact the same Dr who treated Banu and then take Zeynep to him. You figure out the details.” Tufan thinks back to when he made Banu get into the car for her scheduled abortion procedure. He looks disturbed thinking about doing it again.

Ozan shouldn’t comment at all. And honestly he looked like he couldn’t be bothered to go to the ultrasound. He’s a real lazy bum. Also he’s pretending that Nihan and Emir are ok with each other. He really does have nerve.

Zeynep seems very positive that she’ll get a son and that he’s Emir’s son. What’ll happen when everyone finds out he has the ETERNO pucker face? I guess she worries less about the fallout and more about her payday. And Emir.

Kemal can be a jerk when he wants to be, but it’s understandable. Asu is going to get her way, it seems.


I'm surprised she would let herself be used to make nihan jealous. If that's
What she is really doing, I don't even trust her. She is so obbsessed with k.

Ozan got balls don't he? He could care less about anybody just so he get his
Cookies and ice cream. Just like a kid
That's spoiled rotten. Its non of his business about his sister's sleeping arrangement which she would not have if he Wasn't such a whimp.
"Shouldn't there be a passionate love
Between you two given how you fight".
That would have the perfect time to go
Upside his big head. He know good and well His sister wouldn't be in that hell if It he had not whimped out. He is one sorry cuss.

Isn't hakki suppose to be dying? Whens
He gonna die? He looks kinda healthy to be at death's door. Huh!

So nihan told emir he's crazy if he thinks she gonna sleep in The same bed
As him. Good girl.

Thanks AnonFri.

PS, If tufan is so disturbed about ag doing Those terrible things emir tells him to do, why do them? Just stop. Get his Mom and get the hell out of dodge. But noooo He'z in Luuurve with asu. He can do better.


Asu tells Nihan that this is the state of the primary school building, which they were going to fix but got backlogged when their focus centered on the power plant. Nihan enters the decrepit building and starts taking pictures. She tells Asu that she feels they will have to start over again and form a team right away. Kemal observes silently. Nihan enters a room with children’s drawings. Leila is amused and appears to warm up to the project. Kemal brings them back to earth and suggests they make a budget. Nihan tells him that she wouldn’t be getting involved in this project if she didn’t have the resources for it. She chides him for thinking that this project won’t be of any help for the community. He tells her that they won’t discuss this anymore. He attacks her by saying “You are a Kozcouglu. You guys don’t do anything without receiving some type of benefit.” Nihan gets offended and says “I am not a Kozcouglu, I am Nihan.” She tells Asu that she doesn’t want to waste more time with all this. Asu agreed, and they both continue looking at the rest of the place, to follow out with the garden. Leyla and Kemal stay behind, with Leyla commenting that Nihan is obstinate.

Zeynep and the two mothers are at a restaurant. Fehime is happily thinking about her grandson. She believes that because Zeynep is eating everything in sight, she must be expecting a boy. Vildan says they shouldn’t believe in superstitions and asks what would happen if Zeynep is actually expecting a girl? Fehime gets obstinate, doesn’t acknowledge the thought and says that her family only has boys as the firstborn. Vildan gets aggravated and says “and what if it’s a girl? Are you going to turn your back on her?” Zeynep pretends to have an emergency and chooses to go home. The two mothers are left to think about what to drink.

Nihan is looking at the garden and suggests that they form two teams for the project. Asu twists her ankle as they’re walking in the yard. Kemal helps her to the bench and calls her “Querida.” Nihan gets jealous. Kemal is going for bandages in his car, Nihan wants to check her car to see if she has anything that may help, but he tells her to go back. Nihan says she will go anyway and when they’re alone, Kemal tells her to stop talking and let him speak in her place instead. He yanks her Infiniti necklace off. “What’s wrong with you?” Nihan asks. “I’ll save you from everything that hurts you,” Kemal responds, and walks away. Nihan stands there, a little scared.


Emir arrives at the school. A car slowly arrives after him and a man in a suit walks out, approaching Emir’s car when he’s out of range. He takes out pliers and starts messing with the brakes. He calls someone and tells him he’s finished the job and that the brakes will inevitable fail, but nothing serious will happen to Emir. He drives off.

Emir approaches Nihan. Leyla asks what he’s doing here. Emir says he’s here to accompany Nihan, but he also asks Asu how she’s doing. He goes up to Nihan and holds her, whispering “just act the part.” Leyla doesn’t think he needed to come. Emir says he’s here for support and to take Nihan away. Emir tells Nihan “Don’t think you’ll leave me to go alone, my love, because I won’t permit it.”

Nihan does as told and out of earshot she reprimands Emir for taking her away. He clearly tells her that she works for him, not Kemal. Nihan says she won’t play this game with him now and claims she will get her keys and go home with Leyla. Emir stops her and Nihan gets in the car. No one notices the brake fluid on the floor.

Vildan and Fehime are still at the restaurant, talking. Fehime gets passive aggressive and mentions to Vildan that the baclava she brought over the night of the dinner wasn’t bad at all. Vildan says “I appreciate it. So you didn’t throw it out?” Fehime responds “How could I throw it out? I have it to the animals.” Vildan notices Tariq with Banu. She asks Fehime if that’s not her son over there by reception. Fehime acknowledges that it’s him, but doesn’t remember Banu’s name. Vildan comments that “Banu has always been in love with Emir, but he has no eyes other than for Nihan. Banu is too unsophisticated for Emir. Your son loves her after all, in spite of everything right?” Fehime gets uncomfortable and chooses to leave Vildan. She leaves a bill and excuses herself, unnoticed by her son. Vildan smirks.

Emir is driving. Nihan wants to know if they’ll continue arguing on the way home. Emir mentions that the car isn’t running well. He gets out of the car and inspects.

Asu, Kemal and Leyla are walking towards their cars. Kemal asks Leyla to take Asu home, because he has to speak to someone. Asu asks him if he was nervous about the whole thing. She adds that when Kemal was giving her attention over the twisted ankle, Nihan got sad. “I don’t care if Nihan was sad,” Kemal coldly says. They say their goodbyes and part. Kemal gets into his car and drives off.

Emir is looking at front of the car. He blames her for the car messing up. Nihan flashes back to when she was stuck in the mud and rain in Kemal’s black car. She suggested that they push the car out of the hole. They were bickering and Kemal asks her to shut up because she’s obstinate. Nihan asked him what they will do, and he says he doesn’t know. In the present, Nihan asks Emir to call for help. He requests someone to drive over a car for them. Nihan just stands there and continues thinking of the same night again: They didn’t have cell signal and were forced to walk to find shelter somewhere. She asked if it would be a long walk, and Kemal suggested that she stay in the car with the lights off to not attract wolves. Nihan asked if he wants to leave her alone, but Kemal takes it back and says that he does not.

Emir breaks her memory and says that they should go for a walk as they await the car to come.

Kemal is speaking to a man from the village. The man thinks that it’s wonderful that the company will be investing in the school. However, Kemal warns him that “though the school belongs to the Kozcouglus, it actually has nothing to do with the power plant. The school would be strictly a charity, and the idea was Nihan’s.” The man thanks Nihan, thinking that the project would be great for the children in the area. Kemal tells him “I wish you could see the difference: if there’s anything wrong with the power plant, the Kozcouglus could use the school as an excuse to not be held liable.” The man asks if they really would bribe the engineer. Kemal says that it’s possible, but that he won’t permit them to sabotage the project.

Leyla is driving and gets confused. She asks Asu if she took the right exit. Asu doesn’t respond and Leyla finds it amusing. She asks “You didn’t really hurt you foot, did you?” Asu tells her that she really did hurt herself. Leyla apologizes and said she though Asu was pretending to make Nihan jealous. Asu wonders if Nihan believes the same thing. Leyla wants to know why she’s thinking that. Asu believes that Nihan didn’t seem jealous at all, she seemed unmoved by Kemal’s attention. Leyla says that Nihan has no reason to be jealous.

Nihan is walking down a slope, ahead of Emir. He says he’s happy that they’re finally alone. They see a cabin. Once again, Nihan continues the memory. She and Kemal found the abandoned home and make their way in. In the present, Emir is knocking on the door. Nihan wants to know what he’s doing. “Let’s recover our breath while the three bears come back,” he says. Nihan prefers that they wait outside but they go in anyway, with Nihan sitting across from him. Emir says that this whole thing isn’t his fault: the car malfunctioned but at least now they have the opportunity to stay alone, just like that time she was stranded with Kemal. Nihan puts the pieces together and realizes Emir did this on purpose. Emir confidently says it wasn’t his fault. He tells her he’ll prepare pasta.

The man Kemal was talking to earlier thanks him. Kemal drives off.

Sema is with Zeynep at a cafe. Sema says she can’t believe what’s happening. Zeynep chides her for thinking it’s all fun and games, adding “I need to give birth to this baby, regardless of everything that’s happening.” Sema is alerted and asks if Ozan wants the baby at all. Zeynep says “Of course he does, it’s just I’m worried that something might happen to my baby.” Sema offers her support, all the while they are being watched by Tufan.

Emir asks if she would like to live in a cabin like this. Nihan says that they can never live together again. “Maybe we can be like the cat and mouse, and I can trap you.” Nihan hates that idea. “Have you ever wondered why men love to trap you?” He asks her. “Because I’m always running away from them,” she says.

Kemal finds Emir’s car on the side of the road. He steps out to inspect and finds no one there. He starts looking around and pondering what’s happening.

Emir hopes that Nihan likes his spaghetti. She asks if he’ll force her to like it. He says no, this time she has a choice. Nihan starts to eat. She asks him “why are you doing all this? Trying so hard to be with a woman who doesn’t want to be with you?” Emir says he just wants a chance. He remembers that even when they were kids, she always rejected him, even for playtime. He wants to know what it is that he hasn’t been able to give to her so that she can love him. Nihan responds that he never gave her space.

Kemal reaches the slope and notices the cabin. He holds Nihan’s Infiniti charm in a fist. He looks at the windows and sees Emir with her. Kemal looks at the necklace one more time and decides to turn back.

Zeynep is walking, about to cross the street when suddenly Tufan almost runs her over. She gets scared and demands to know why he’s not being careful. “I’m sorry. You got lucky this time,” he says. Zeynep wants to know what he’s talking about. Tufan asks her to get into his car or she can get run over. She thinks back to Emir threatening her and chooses not to get into the car. Tufan convinces her to go with him anyway, and doesn’t tell her where they’re going. Zeynep isn’t dumb and she texts Kemal what’s happening.

Kemal is driving and thinks back to Nihan and Emir in the cabin. He suddenly receives Zeynep’s message for help. He calls her. She doesn’t want to answer the phone and rejects the call. Tufan is unsuspecting. Kemal gets worried and starts to driving to the location she texted him.

Nihan wants to know what Emir is thinking. She doesn’t want to tell him what she’s thinking because he’ll hate her for it. Emir asks if she really does hate him. She corroborates that. Emir asks her “Why are you in love with a man who can’t even do a fourth of all the things that I have done for you?” Nihan responds that Kemal is different.

Emir thinks back to when he was in the mine with Kemal, telling him “I fought for Nihan’s love. And someday she’ll end up loving me because I’ve done many things for her, and I will continue to do many more things, bad things even. What are you capable of doing for her love?” Kemal responds with “I can do a lot, I can keep silence, I can stay away, I can give up on my love for her.” Emir is brought back to his conversation with Nihan. She tells him again that he’s obsessed with her, and he should find someone else, someone who can love him. Emir asks if that’s possible, if she can actually be happy with Kemal. Nihan reiterates that with or without Kemal, she would never give Emir a chance. Emir is mad and says he’s done with the games for today. He grabs her by the arm and pulls her out of there. She asks “Where are you taking me?” “The only place where you’ll be forced to love me,” he says. They start walking up the slope.

Nina, Asu is plain weird. Now she was upset that Nihan didn’t appear jealous enough of her? Her plan is probably to make Nihan jealous to the point that Kemal will propose as a form of revenge to hurt Nihan as much as possible.

At least there was no Ozan today. Seriously only a gold digger would marry him. No ambitions in life.

I don’t understand why the people who know that Nihan was blackmailed again refuse to say anything to Kemal.


"I dont understand why the people who
Know that nihan was blackmailed again
Refuse to say anything to kemal".
Kemal probly had an idea that she was,
He just don't get why she's acting like nothing happened between them. They just had this wonderful time together and then BAM)))))) nothing.He
Did ask her when did emir get to her,
But she just deny deny deny,or lie lie
Lie. He is so angry with her he can't
Even see straight. Which Will give him
Fuel to go after the dark prince.

After all the stuff emir has pulled he
Can actually ask her those dumb things
With a straight face. Like he's done
Nothing to cause her to hate him. And
He has the nerve to get mad when she tell's him the truth. Whats he gonna do push her off the cliff if she won't love him? He's had a life Time to get
A clue, if she didn't want to have any
-thing to do with him when they were
Kids and nothing has changed......well
Duh! He can't take NO! For an answer.
He's pitiful.

Kemal walkin around lookin good in that black suit. He even crys pretty.
Lol. It's thanksgiving and I'm happy.

What is it with these people wanting sons? Nothing wrong with it, but they put aLot of emphasis on having baby boys.
Well they do carry the seed. A father can be just as proud of his daughter as he can his son. Fehima just braggin
On her family having boys. I hope it's
A GIRL just to shut her up. Lol.

I don't think tufan is gonna make her get an abortion. How do you even make somebody have an abortion. I'd really be surprised if she did it.

Thank you AnonFri. Happy Thanksgiving
To every Body on this page.

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