Thursday, November 07, 2019

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Final del Paraíso, El Señor de los Cielos 7, y más: Week of November 4, 2019


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

9-10PM -   El Final del Paraíso
10-11PM - El Señor de los Cielos 7
10-11PM - El Secreto de Selena (Sundays only)

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. 
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sin senos#4 fianl

last night was a quantum leap..into the worm hole...[I am in love with the Sisko-emissary]

any way.. diabla is married and plotzing to kill Lulu..

the whole shadow crew is on the run

Nobody knows what's the deal with Cata media??

hilda and thee whole crew are heading to Miami with Jo in tow..

and titi shows up as CG driver and spooked her so bad ,that she jumped out of the SUV..

Sasha took Titi's picture.....

now I want to know how the head of the DEA can travel without security... ??

last night was a timewarp...


thanks for that recap. I saw it.. no holes just cray cray.. wha?? is corrct…
it flew over my head, that's why I like seeing these summeries in writing..


but her stabbing him with the scissors? was funny!!


"El Sultan" premieres 2 December, 8/7.

"La Sultana" (I believe also in this series) that ran earlier this year, I thoroughly enjoyed.


Sin-Senos4 #62

Cata's head is spinning, as Titi pleads his case, if there was ever a man that... (fill in the blank), Cata says that story is over, nope, it's just starting he says.

Cuina is pissed, Titi's been gone since daylight, she gives Tonina the order to go get him.

Mari is restless, they are waiting for the call, and ransom for their deaths, and Cuina, she has no weaknesses, except for that dog, Cardonita, Mari suggests.

Al and Jota meet with the kids, Marcela video calls Vane to show the smiling faces.

Cata is hedging, Titi throws in a bigger fish, Valeria is Diabla (yep, dondi, her head explodes) and Titi adds how the drooling Diabla welcomed Mari to las Babies.

Shadow sends Art out to look for Alex, no one knows nothing.

what to do with Hand's body, it has to be out of the morgue, the Colonel suggests burying it as a john doe.

Alf is working on his speech, he meets Major Suarez his new security guy, they want to make sure he'll die for Alf, Val says she would but gets a call, it's the Titi/Cata pics, (hmm, is she worried) what would the DEA think about Cata hanging out with known criminals?

Shadow, Santi, and Art talk about Jo's threat, maybe she hired someone else, maybe they should call her.

so the plan is to kidnap Cata and return to Cuinas and take them down, Cata likes the plan (everything Titi does excites her), he's chartered a luxury jet so they can hold hands along the way.

Jo grabs Hilda and with a gun to her head clears the room except for the fashionistas who she has on their knees, Mateo calls her crazy, you just noticed she replies.

Alex ducks into a little shop, pays for 2 hours computer time with an expensive watch, slips the chip in and on top of files is a video from Hand, first you need cash, then follow the clues, it's like a game Hand says, but never disclose the secrets, afterward Alex brings up the latest news, never will they bury my father in an unmarked grave.

Shadow has Art call Jo to set up a meet where Cata can grab her (it's been months, duh), Jo says she is taking care of business herself.

Vane and Nat arrive on scene, the police are waiting for backup, Vane goes in as negotiator, unarmed (and I'm thinking she will be the first to die) nope, Jo decides she wants to marry Sal, she wants a priest. (and where is that sniper that is always looking for a clean shot)

Cata wants an explanation of Titi's death, they found a body and made a mask of him, and Yessica?, nope, she killed a girl and took her face says Titi, who gets a call, it's Cuina who will have Tonina kill Titica, Titi says he's working on something big, has Cata play the victim, they recognize her voice, later Titi says Cata could be a movie star, they could play lovers, but Cata is thinking taking down Cuina will give her enough pull with the DEA to get Yessica, and Mari? Titi tells the tale of Mari killing him, Cata wants to care for Titica/Catica (should be a law about her raising kids) that's what Titi wants, both of them together.

Mari (in Mexico city) is hot to get Titica, Marino has tracked down some properties Cardona owned that weren't seized by the government, bingo Cuina's location.

Al, Jota, and the kids are at Marcela's, it's a family for her, she has been so happy since Alberito has been staying there (and what will happen when Al leaves for Cata)

the priest and sister Nat have arrived for Jo's wedding, Jo rips the ring off Hilda's hand, the one that should have been hers, and the ceremony begins, with Nat knocking Jo to the ground, and from then on Jo has at least 3 guns pointed to her head, and the trip?, all are ready but Hilda, she has a bad feeling about Cata who should have been there, which melts when she recognizes Natalia.



Dondi356: I see the Casillas family ambushed El Capo & Co., at an undisclosed warehouse.

But is El Capo really DEAD ?

Jaime desperately trying to keep his association with El Capo a secret.


El Final del Paraíso

Thank you, deb, for the recap. It was helpful.

Yes, Halimacandy, we went into a DS9 wormhole! We jumped months later but parts of the story seem to have stood still:

Jo’s contract on Hilda? Now they decide to set her up?
Alex wandering around for months before finding a computer? How has he survived all this time?
How long were Albeiro and Jota in the hospital? Imagine that bill!

I thought MY head was going to explode when Catagrande said: ¡Yo sabía! ¡Yo sabía, Titi! Cata was suspicious of Valeria for about 2 seconds. Natalia and Lucrecia (even Vane at some point) were the ones and Cata was always in denial. She dropped the investigation because of some forged documents? Where’s Valeria’s little brother? Isn’t it strange how Albeiro never saw Diabla’s face?

What’s with the cops who ran out with the others when Jo took her hostages? In my neck of the woods, Jo would have been shot dead on the spot. Jo makes a parting threat, you haven’t seen the last of me. Somehow I don’t doubt her.

There oughta be a law: Lol, yes deb, CataG should not raise her granddaughter. The poor kid doesn’t have good options. Cata also said to Titi, if anything happens to me, give Catica to Hilda. Hilda with Sal might be ok if we knew for sure that Jo is gone.




"El Sultan" I think this was the first in the series, "La Sultana was the sequel.

Telemundos official release is here,

if you want more, the original story was "Muhteşem Yüzyıl", (The Magnificent Century).

(the costumes alone make it worth watching)



thanks dondi, great comments as always!

I think we needed the time warp to get past the wedding.



Thanks for the info, deb.

I was able to see some episodes of Magnificent Century when it was on Netflix, in Turkish with subtitles. It was very good but I couldn't continue with it for lack of time.

If you enjoyed Kosem, you'll enjoy this, too. I dislike dubbing, but I'll definitely watch.

I've seen some excellent Turkish dizi. I've become a big fan.


Sin Senos 4

Deb, Dondi and Halimacandy, your hilarious comments and recaps are dead on. I'm relieved that we were spared Valeria's wedding night eye rolls while smooching Alf! But I'm baffled that there was no explanation for Alf marrying her despite everyone's suspicions. Lu warned him that Diabla/Valeria could be deadly. Lu also was bothered by her smudgeable documents. Remember when Nat got passed-out Val's fingerprints but was security blocked from checking them? I assumed Hand's people fast tracked Val through the DEA and covered her criminal tracks.

Regarding Al's mask, maybe Calvo explained that Diabla was disfigured from Titi's attack, but Al should have recognized similarities in Val's voice and not detecting two separate women in the same room. And what about Val's "brother" -- no wedding invite for him?

I'm glad we were spared endless scenes of Cata M and Hernan being caged, but they seem to be just afterthoughts to Hilda, Al and Cata G.


Suleiman El Gran Sultan

This 4 season Spanish-dubbed Turkish telenovela ran on MundoFox. I think it preceded El Sultan and La Sultana.



MCM, thanks so much for your comments!

good reminder about Val's brother, the press announced there will be no family members at the inauguration, either.

rumor is Val's wedding left all the other characters in a coma for a month.




Yes…. If there ever was a man that -can-talk- your- socks- off. it’s Poppi-Chulo ,Titi…is -da- man...!!

Yes !please some more Titi-sex!! abt time!! Let’s -get-it – on….!!...

Cuina and poor Pilar [she is in full motherhood vibe.]...Cuina is in La Regina’s cross hairs.

….what could two sisters possibly have to fight abt... mom and dad ‘s favorite child what?? husband stealing ...wha??her doc martin boots ?? wha?

But the line of the night:

Was …When Titi told CG, that Diablo pulled Mari meth into the cartel/Babes- life style . and 'Turned-her-out!!..

….and that Diabla…… ‘DROOLED’… when she founded out abt Mari/her being CG’s daughter...
When Titi pulled that finger ... and slid it down the side of his mouth....slowly… to play up the malevolence of Diabla bloodlust…!!!

I almost fell out!!!!!!!Damn that was good!!

Dude you worked that !!how clear can you presenting the vile, diabolical nature of Yessica.

I could see the 99 rooms of hell ….. that CG has envisioned and planned for Yessica
CG is going to slice her ugly flesh, a thousand times ...start with that plastic butt-then her face!!

Yes..!!!. Love it…...her ‘head explodes!! Lol!! Yes!! God ! yes!! Whew!!!!!

Yessica has played Cg since high school…...CG was never the brightest bulb in the lamp. She has used her as a chump ,every step of the way...

Cuina your dog is dog meat...

CG and Titi have begun the final big score!! And dude was thick in the [ CG essence]…mix, real job. Getting CG to surrender and let him fly that plane... go- to- it -big- daddy !!

Besides where is that rock, she accepted and threw in her purse... doesn’t she still own Titi’s ring???

Shadow. only a father’s love and clear understanding of the teenage criminal mind .only a father’s love, could keep you in the game with Alex... Alex is a killer, but the apple didn’t fall -far-from-the-tree?!!

Jo at the airport, how the heck ?did she manage to hold the whole airport hostage?? Espec. on a paramilitary country like Colombia??!

Vanessa is a bad aszz!! And natalia. is the nun from hell!! They got the job done…Mateo read the itch -bay like a book!!

Back to Titi. Yes!! Boss -the- plane!!.... let’s hold hands , meanwhile- I -get- you- propped -up -on -this- fence- at- the -right- level….

Oh! the man can talk. HE HAS A ‘MEAN RAP’...!!!

YES!! .DEB…...YOU DUG IT.. !!

….‘EVERYTHING HE DOES …EXCITES HER...! and us too!!go- big- daddy!!

Alex and the body ... he hocked his Rolex… and gets to play the devil’s 1st cousin … last will & testy...….he is going to claim his dad??


Yes... you are correct ... Cg has no business raising anyone!!

While ,Cg and Titi were 'working' the fence...thier photo from Sasha. was relayed to Yessica ,who intends on using this picture to get

CG fired, but she has no idea CG and Tti have played a dopefiend move and plan to score big and take on the players/old guard???!!

…..all of which, will lead them all to cross paths with Marimath and Poncho?!!

and ALEX???


THANKS FOR COMA'!!! AWESOME!LOL..!! and yea !! what abt valeria's beloved brother!!

Sultana... was great and I saw some of the Sultan series from 5 years ago is this the son?? or a remake??



Sin-Seños4 # 63 part 1

El Final del Paraíso

Berrio is sworn in, with Valeria shown in the background. He swears to abide by the laws and constitution of Colombia. The response: If that be the case, may this country, those present and God, reward you for your service. If not, may God and the people demand you do so. He gets the sash and congratulations. He starts a lengthy speech, includes thanks to his lovely wife in the opening.

Vane and Nat realize that Catagrande is missing. Should we call Valeria? No way says Nat. Let’s call Lucrecia.

Titi is back with his prize: Catalina Santana! On your knees, perra! There's a mixture of surprise and caution. Pilar says she knew he wouldn’t leave his daughter.

Cardonita steps forward. I remember the stories my dad told me and since you’re already on your knees why don’t you… Cata breaks in, you wish! You are a cheap copy of your father! He hasn’t forgotten she shot him and today she will pay.

Cuina says it’s time to meet the King. Cata calls Cuina a second-rate bitch. Tonina wants to shoot her but Pilar prefers the dog. Cardonita says the dog should eat the bitch. Titi plays along. Woof, woof, grrr, says King.

At Marcela’s, Berrio’s speech is on the TV but no one is listening—Albeiro and Jota are chowing down. Jota babbles about the kids falling in love, getting married we’ll be friends in law. Good grief. Marcela is waiting to hear about Jota’s exoneration. Granados stops in and he receives a call—Catagrande is missing. He assures Albeiro and Jota they will do all they can to find Cata.

Lucrecia gets Vanessa’s call. Cata was going to attend the ceremony but never showed. We can’t find her. GPS on her phone and the agent assigned to her have been turned off. This sounds like a kidnapping.

Hilda and Co are in Miami. Sebas gets a text message from Alex: You’re a traitor and you’re going to pay. I’ve found my path and I’ll have my revenge.

Jo is swearing revenge from behind bars. She won’t rest until Hilda is dead.

Diabla sends a text to Sasha. Send the pictures to the email I sent you.

Dinnertime for the King and Cata makes her move. Cata pulls out her gun and shoots King. Titi springs into action taking guns, get on your knees! Cardonita says you’re biting the hand that fed you. Cuina says, what did she offer you? Titi answers, it’s what you will never have, Cuina-- peace.



Sin-Seños4 # 63 part 2

El Final del Paraíso

Cata tells them they will be extradited to the US and goes to find Titica/Catica. She finds her and babbles on and on, wasting precious time. We get a flashback to Titi holding the newborn Catalina la pequeña. Another flashback to when Mari called her to get Titica. (I feel sorry for that little actress; how can she not be traumatized by these next scenes.)

Cardonita brings up Marcial to Titi and we get the flashback to Marcial asking and Titi killing him.

At Reina’s, Mariño shows everyone the article on Black Hand’s death. Reina has set up a raid at Cardonita’s hideout. Watch out, Cuina.

Titi calls out to Cata, amor, amor? Pilar looks daggers. Cuina pulls out a gun she had hidden and shoots Titi in the back of the head! Cata hears the shot. She puts Catica in the safest place in the room, stay put, don’t worry about what you hear or see, it’s a game.

Cuina & co go upstairs to look for Cata. Cuina is a lousy shot because Titi’s still alive! He gets up, stumbles around for a bit and goes after them.

Cuina calls, come out Cata, we have to tell that little girl her dad is dead. Cata appears, gun blazing. With shots fired back and forth, Pilar asks Cuina to keep her word on killing Cata.

Cuina challenges Cata to a duel. As Pilar counts down, Titi appears behind Cuina and the group is recaptured. Titi reminds his daughter this is all a game. (I don’t think she’s enjoying this game.)

Sal reminds Sebas they need to support Hilda. Mateo says his friend has invited them to a very chic place to dinner and then to the wildest party. Hilda doesn’t want to go until she hears from CataG but Sebas talks her into it.

Vane tells Lucrecia she’s ready to call a code red and Nat thinks Valeria is behind this. Lu agrees but now Valeria has power as First Lady.

Granados gets word on Cata footage. It only shows Cata getting into her car. (I think I notice Sasha in the video, spying.) Jota says what if Cata doesn’t want to be found?

Cata wants to record some Q&As with the captives as evidence but that doesn’t work out well. Titi says call la DEA.

Moncho tells Mari that Cuina had Reina sent to prison. As if that wasn’t good enough, she tried to have her killed in prison. Reina made it through and here we are.

Agent Rubens gets the email with Cata & Titi pics. Seems like he jumps to the conclusion that Cata’s gone bad.

Granados gets a call about the theft of Aaron Mondego’s body. We see Alex in the middle of a field, dragging a wrapped body. Dad, I’ve done what you asked. You were right about everything. I read the files. I’ll make the earth quake and your enemies regret they didn’t die before you did. Alex sets the body on fire.

Berrio cancels some official plans in order to spend a romantic evening alone with his lovely wife. Valeria says to herself the idiot will have night of passion but in a few weeks he will be dead and she will be a widow. We get a flashback after she was shot by Sasha and sees her negative HIV result. She realized Hand was manipulating her. Do you really want me to describe the bedroom scene? Valeria in control, hands around his neck, licking, slapping. Total yuck.

Cata asks Titi if he knows the identity of Diabla’s face donor. No, he says, Diabla just showed up one day with Calvo. Ave Maria! It was a tough blow. And we’re out.




Dondi356: Did Rutila & Co., rescue Luzma yet ?


dondi, excellent recap, you have such a nice style, love it!

typical Cata, goes off with Titi telling no one about Val/Diabla, no backup, no plan.

closing my eyes to Hilda and Sebas, remembering her with young Albeiro.

Jo looks good in orange fashions.

the best scene for me is when Titi takes over the Cuina gang, 'Pilar stands and points that one finger at him', saying nothing, other than making the drug she hasn't done anything bad, right?, I'm taking that finger to be a curse.

Telemundo has been teasing online with 1 of 3 will die, Jota, Mari, Titi, sold me bigtime when Cuina shot him, I was hoping that was king's blood.

yep, Titi did kill Marcial, but he also teamed up with Gato Gordo, took his money and tried to kill him, he really is not loyal to anyone.

yep, the video of Cata, normal, would it have made a difference if Sasha was pointing a gun instead of a camera at her, and where is Rafa?

Diabla's idea of a good time sure is hard on her boyfriends, is she imagining Alf is Albeiro, I remember when she was married to that mayor who boinked Dani when Diabla was in prison, RIP.

interesting closing shot, the Cuina gang tied and gagged, on their knees, is there a problem calling the police?




Yes.. thanks, you worked the heck-outta-that one!!


Titi brings CG into the Lion's den… and the MAD-Doghouse, they pulled a serious double cross...

… and Titi almost got killed again but if looks could kill??!!!... Pilar killed him and /CG twice…Pilar is pissed off

Captian Grand.. is clueless!! He calls CG’s old USA boss and the man assumes she is a rouge cop.. and Al, you need to defense your woman…
Al and Jota what can you do!!??? Except look worried..

Lulu is on it and Natalia is the girl for keeping it real.. Valeria could care less.. Vanessa , you and Natalia are a dynamic duo..

Hilda in Miami and the crew is relaxing at last..

Alex is angry with Sebas..???? why??because he doesn’t want to be a killed. Or is Alex jealous!!

Jo is in jail plotzzing.. in her orange outfit and picking off cooties, those chicks are going to jack her snooty aszz up soon ..

CG and Titi put the crew on there knees.. dead dog…
Pilar is very upset…they tried to guilt him abt Marcial, but that wasn’t the way they imagined, Titi was a good AND LOYAL friend to the end!!…

DANG-damn .THOSE TWO,they went back ,way back to when CG was a teeny bopper.. and screwing for Tatas.. and getting raped and ripped off. And being set up to be ripped off by Yessica!!

CG took a third of this show looking for Titicaca….
Good one abt Cuina being a lousy shot!!!!!

The Columbia DEA has CG ‘s back but not central Office... THAT macho=gingo Team can’t wait to fry her…?

Alex cremates dad!!! And Diabla has a freakazoid romp..HELL-NAH!!….yuck!!!

Pilar put the evil eye on him with that finger?!!
What the heck IS THE PROBLEM CALL THE COPS!!!!!?????

La Reigna is MOVING closer..
WE HAD A BUNCH OF FLASHBACKS but the one with Mari,Titi and momCG was too cute!!



El Final del Paraíso

Thank you very much, deb and Halimacandy for the kind words and comments.

Yeah, I thought that Sebas hanging all over grandma was weird.

Thanks for mentioning Pilar pointing her finger. A Colombian malocchio. She overheard and gave an evil nod when Titi said to Cata, “we are going to change our fate”.

I was thinking about Titi’s loyalty, too. Narcos cheat or kill each other and that goes with the territory, but you’re not supposed to snitch. CataG will be his perdición.



Señor7 Resumen 15 al 19

Nikos’ betrayal is revealed: Volpi was going to bribe CIA agents in Sarajevo. Instead, Nikos killed the agents, took the money and blamed everything on Volpi.

The caravan woman’s (Rita Peña) 4-year-old son dies from conditions on the trip.

Colon does not want to accept Corina’s help especially since she’s using narco money. Corina is determined to help him. She wants to be close to him maybe start a relationship. Later, Colon gets excited seeing Corina in the bath. Corina is pleased.

Diana uses merca they stole from Cabo to draw him out. Diana contacts Isma. The Cabo plan is in effect.

Drunk Nikos leaves the wedding, goes to Volpi intending to kill him but kills Volpi’s son instead. For revenge Volpi kills Andreas in front of Nikos and Irene. He then tells his men to do whatever they want to Irene. Finally, Nikos is strung up to a tree and Volpi shoots him several times. Amado drives up on his moto.

Volpi shows Amado a video of Luzma with Ojeda. He says if you want to see your niece again you will agree to my terms. Amado agrees to do business. Volpi will return Luzma but has no mercy for Nikos’ family. He hopes Athina suffers before she dies.

Two wrapped bodies are left at Athina’s front steps, but there’s no time to unwrap them. Amado gathers Athina for a quick getaway. They get on a plane to Mexico. Amado swears they will get justice. I’m not entirely sure about those 2 bodies, since Volpi had Nikos, Andreas and Irene. Can we be sure Irene is dead?

Volpi is going to Mexico, too.

Rutila tells Pompeyo they’re going to Geneva to rescue Luzma. Amado takes a detour to Switzerland to help Ruti.

Shoot out at Monclova: Casillases lay in wait for Cabo. They don’t recognize Pio when he enters. Was this guy sent to negotiate? Diana phones Cabo, Pio answers. After some confusion, they realize the guy in the suit is Cabo and start shooting. Cabo was wearing a vest but was hit in the shoulder. Cabo’s guys take over a clinic to get him medical help. Cabo will be ok.

Jaime calls Esther, says Diana is in Coahuila, but don’t tell Berenice. Esther gets word of the shootout; she arrives at the scene with the cops. Esther sees the footage, there’s Chema, there’s Diana.

Corina has located Luzma. The crew moves in; someone trips an alarm. Ojeda has his machine gun ready—Welcome Casillases! Ruti and Co manage to stop Ojeda as he’s leaving with Luzma. Ojeda holds a gun to Luzma’s head. Dalila throws a grenade and she gets away with Ojeda. They leave Luzma behind, so mission accomplished.

Valdes wants caravan mom Rita out of the picture. First, Fidencio needs to find out what she told Carla. Fidencio and Rita talk. Turns out she was involved in the Venezuelan revolution and did some shady things there. Fidencio offers Rita money to get lost instead of killing her.

Navarro will drop all charges against Ambar if she turns in Chema. She wants legal entry into the US and a green card. He will think about that and then gives her a day to decide.

Volpi is pissed that Luzma was rescued. He calls Amado. Do you know you just started a war? Amado vows to kill Volpi and Ojeda.

Javi wants Chema gone because he’s a liability. Amado agrees.

Jaime snorts some coke.

Valdes wants to neutralize Carla.

Volpi tells Ojeda he wants Diana in his bed.

Alba is interested in buying a ranch in Durango, far from family troubles.

Diana takes off with Ricario but doesn’t tell anyone else. She shows up to surprise her mom.


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