Thursday, November 21, 2019

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Final del Paraíso, El Señor de los Cielos, y más: Week of November 18, 2019


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

9-10PM -   El Final del Paraíso
10-11PM - El Señor de los Cielos
10-11PM - El Secreto de Selena (Sundays only)

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Sin-Senos4 #72

Cata is concerned if Al and Titi fight they might get hurt, wait Santi is in as well.

Al is in a huff over Alberito being kidnapped but won't believe Val is Yessica.

Diabla checks in, her guys got all the info on Karla and know the police have her dad, then she looks over at asleep Alf, will you feel well tomorrow with the poison and narcotics, you are so annoying when you are awake.

after sex chat, Moncho wants many babies with Mari, and to find peace, far away from this, what? Mari thinks he doesn't have what it takes to be a narco, her only love is catica.

someone in a hoody is checking out our gang and clicks on a pic of a Jota holding a baby, gently touching the screen.

Mari clicks, she'll use Hernan and CataM to bargain with, has Manotas split up the lovers.

Sal and Mateos ready the fashions while back home Hilda tells Leticia she is done with the fashion world, she is going to design clothing for plus size women, Leti thinks it will be a "huge" success.

Santi with the gang gets a voicemail from an unknown number, it's CataM pleading for help.

Cata is visited by the three wise men, as Shadow calls them, Santi, Titi, and Al, they all promise her happiness and paradise in their separate ways, her eyes sparkle with each, Bang!, they are all dead, with Diabla arriving on the scene, says she will never allow Cata to have paradise and the next bullet is for her, Cata awakes.

Al confronts Val, or is it Yessica he asks, (who is wearing a lot of white these days), she leads him off to talk.

in a cafe, Sal is convinced that he has lost Hilda but will present her designs, and is off, hmm, Jo's bff Maribel is nearby but gets a call from Jo that the remaining Mateos overhears, Jo is being released on house arrest, Mateos confronts her, gives her the real slant, Jo tried to kill Hilda, and kidnapped him, she's closes her ears and heads for the door.

Val sells herself, it's Titi that is poisoning everyone about me, there is a lot more to her pitch and we can see the loneliness and desperation in his eyes, he doesn't know where to turn, Val says "you can trust me", and Al is buying in (working on his new name, Bobeiro), he spills on his son, she will help him get him back, then he wants them to get a DNA test, she will and then leave Alfonso to be with him (or maybe homeless Al will leave the world again to be her slave).

Alex is having some guys build a cake bomb, pentolite, and has Sebas arrange a meet with his sis.

Cata's latest plan, that's right, they will kidnap Valeria and make her tell the truth, she is only the First Lady.

Jota arrives with Vane, hugs, but wide eyes from Vane when Titi says hello, her and Cata go off to talk, Cata learns Rubens is shutting down the office, Vane learns Mari is dead, she'll look into it.

on the ground the Reina gang meet with Alex, he's curious about what happened between Mari, Moncho, and his dad, Mari speaks the magic word, Diabla, and Alex learns that she is Valeria, they bond having a common enemy.

Hilda pulls out Sal's engagement ring, remembering their time together and decides, in the end it was worth it.



Dondi356: I see that Amado & Diana are still having problems.

1.) El Capo wants Mommy Amuhada DEAD still. Will his plan work tonight ?

2.) Was Violeta's hubby using the same toothbrush she was using ? Gross!

3.) Berenice & Diana's phone conversation being tracked by Castillo, Navarro & DEA.

4.) Colon & Corina getting freaky. Hmm!

5.) Ambar & the former Venezuelan Ambassador to Mexico going at it over some issue....

6.) El Chema & Co., scheming & plotting.

7.) Jaime will try to spin his way out of this current situation he finds himself.

He badly wants to be in Los Pinos in 2024.

8.) El Capo & Evelina as usual. Nothing to see here.

9.) Castillo & Carla look like a good couple. But how long will they last ?

10.) Dona Alba & El Pepque enjoying honeymoon & a new residence.

11.) More infighting inside the Casillas family.

12.) Ojeda & Dalila being followed by undercover DEA agents.


El Final del Paraíso

Thanks for the Wednesday and Thursday night recaps, deb.

Do we have less than 10 days left? I saw última temporada, so is this really the end?

I feel like I’m watching Survivor. Enemies forming temporary alliances to knock off another person/group. Once that’s accomplished they will turn on each other. Who gets voted of the island next?

I can’t believe that intelligent, brave Marcela made such a stupid move.

Doesn’t Al realize he never saw Diabla’s face. Where's the little brother?! Put it together, Bobeiro.

I’ll guess many of the major characters will show up at the cake bomb venue.




Thank you for the updates, Steve.

Esther is in for it, Cabo won’t give up easily. She was lucky Diana rescued her.

Can’t believe Rutila thinks the kids should be with her. On the other hand, if Alba thinks she can protect Beto and Isidro, she’s wrong. There’s really no place to hide.

Joaquin and Violeta (especially with Cabo and Evelina) are comic relief. Joaquin is growing a strong hatred for Cabo.

Los Casillas are a bunch of hypocrites—trying to stop fentanyl from flooding into Mexico and the US supposedly for unselfish reasons. Although it might be interesting to see them working with the DEA and the Navy. Maybe they can make a deal for some kind of immunity at the end.





YES!! HOW THIS CHIC BALANCES HER MEN is a testimony to the rest of us… we are meeting our role model.. ‘handle-your-business-CG’…

Yes..Al doesn’t believe Valeria is Diabla…and it’s ‘f!!king'with Cg head...repeating in disbelief is correct!!

Yes ! of course the bad guys have moles in the police. Captain continue to plan as-if-it's-just-so-normal.. with blinders…

MARImeth/ Moncho.. what are your living on ??momma Regina’s money??
And what [the ‘F!!k '] does Maribeth Know abt being a Nacro… the man was RAISED-IN-THE-GAME’..! you were raised in Prep school.STFU!…

Yes! Of course, somebody is watching jota.. WHy not!!

That BULL SH!T WITH Catamedia IS GRUESOME…!!! WHY THEY DECIDED TO TORTURE THEM .. may be the reason the two actors decided to take-their-leave..

But Mari meth… Hilda needs to put a bullet into your head on G-P… and either Catamedia is joining the DEA.. or all this was for nothing…
NEXT SEASON…..that is…

Hilda what was that bust on BIG SEXY ,IF ANY OF IT IS CUTE.. YOU WILL$$‘BLOW-UP’ BIG!!!

Cg, can’t you just.. go ahead and PICK a MAN AND LET THE REST GO.. WHAT happen BETWEEN, you and Bobo, I thought it was a green light. The Three Wise men…Larry, Curly and Moe ??!!That dream.. was it a Freudian slip…!!!

Diabla is the 'TRUTH'.. Cg if you come face-to-face with Yessica ,shot first ask QQQ?? Later…

Mateo ran it down to the Maribel the latest chump….Maribel is making a play for /Sal.. But, Jo got house arrest for a TERRORIST ACT IN AN AIRPORT??

BOBEIRO ,why didn’t your spidey sense/ antenna GET Tingly. When a suspicious woman promises you,that you'll all LEAVE TOGETHER, AND THAT’S COOL WITH YOU?? didn’t you get a sense of obsession…a whiff..??

DNA test… okay. It’s your SON !! Bobo… ..and didn’t DIABLA almost PUMP HIM FOR INFORMATION…??!!..WFT -is his PROBLEM.. HEAD INJURIES???

Dr.Evil and the bomb..[ a Vincent Price movie]..but you like V.Price..a lot more and have more sympathy..!!Alex is annoying.. he has the personality of a gerbil….Sebas.. pathetic!!

Vane was as-cool-as-a-cucumber’ when she saw Titi…I am glad she decided to pick-up-her-marbles-and -leave…she lost her oldest daughter along with Daniel’s Lucy.. gone. THE CURSE IS REAL!!!

Yes!!GOOD [WEIRD] analogy to Survivor.. the writers should be exiled..!!

Bobo is an idiot… Daibla was drooling over her good luck..

Yes..!! another end of season.. extravaganzas a blowout. What is this? their signature closing??
The kidnapping… and bombing. Okay ,so who will revive from the debris

…it FRIGGIN BETTER BE Titi,Cg and Bobo…I know that much…

Diabla will be president.from hell!!


If the Casillas family can survive the incoming bloodthbath by Volpi first....

Because I'm getting a strong vibe he's running after them.

As for Mommy Amuhada: El Capo will try another tactic in whacking her. Jaime is involved in killing her too...


HALIMACANDY: Did I just hear you say Diabla will be slithering her way into Casa Nonino (Residence of the Colombian President) ?

WTH ? Catalina & Co., better step up their game to stop her.


Dondi356: Watched the previews for next week. Both Mommy Amuhada & Berenice are in serious danger as El Capo & Co., are hell-bent on whacking them.

Jaime the IDIOT just handed them over to slaughter.

Sin-Seños4 #73 part 1

El Final del Paraíso

Marcela is looking at a picture of Karla and Leticia. It’s the only photo they have. They still need more evidence. She also has some other papers, not sure what they were, maybe Valeria’s fakes? She stuffs them into a teddy bear and sews it up for safe keeping.

Back at the Billar Diamante, Catagrande has an idea. Let’s kidnap Yesica at the retirement home event. But how do they get around the security? Just so happens that Santi consulted at that very same place before he met Cata. Looks like Titi is worried that Santi is scoring points with Cata but he goes quietly along.

There’s a knock at Marcela’s door. It’s a dejected Bobeiro. First his daughter, now his son. Marcela is so sorry but Albeiro says she shouldn’t feel guilty. He is grateful for all she has done to help. Marcela tries again to convince Al that Valeria is Diabla. He will have none of it and abruptly leaves. No one understands how he can’t see the truth.

Meeting on the plane: Alex proclaims Diabla as enemy number one and all are in agreement. He doesn’t want her dead, that’s no punishment. He wants her destroyed, writhing in misery. The one condition is Alex is the boss of this operation. Moncho gets a kick out of this kid and laughs. Reina says don’t mind my idiot son. Moncho continues, you want a kid to run our lives? Well this kid has the money for us to expand our business so we will do it his way, ok?

Alex reveals his plan to bomb the retirement home. Now Mari has an objection. The elderly are not to blame. The ends justify the means for Alex. Besides, he thinks they are doing the old folks a favor by sending them to a better place.

At la DEA, Vane is with Liseth and Francisco. They are discussing Mari’s death. Francisco says do you know how Cata found out? I can’t find it anywhere in our files. It would have been documented here and of course I would have told you. Vane says they need to investigate.

Now that business is over, Mari and Sebas have an emotional reunion. Flashback to when Mari proposed the two run away. He’s gotten so big, they hug. Sitting down they talk. Mari’s alive but is she ok? Mari tells Sebas this is not the place for him. Why? Because he’s innocent and in danger. Mari says, look at me for example—I can’t be with my daughter. Sebas says in the middle of all this, he’s managed to find love. Mari guesses Yadith, Sebas says Alex. He was so alone, Alex makes him stronger and his love is a comfort. Mari cries.

Granados is driving Leticia and Luis. They thank him for all he’s done. He’s doing this off the record. Quique is following them.

Diabla arrives at Sasha’s. Pilar is with Albeirito. Come to mama, m’hijo. Diabla says he’s so handsome like his dad. She promises, we will be a real family now.


Sin-Seños4 #73 part 2

El Final del Paraíso

Santi is laying out the floor plans for the event. They can use a back entrance. Cata asks Santi if he thinks the place is still the same as it was 20 years ago. Other than some cosmetic changes, it should be. There’s that look on Titi’s face again.

Albeiro returns to Billar Diamante. So did you find we were telling the truth? He really doesn’t answer but looks at Titi and says everything’s ready for our fight. He extends his hand to Titi, they shake on it. Cata stops Al before he leaves again. What about your illness? What illness? It was just another of Diabla’s lies. She can’t understand why he still has doubts about Valeria. He says lots of things have happened and he needs confirmation. (Is that the DNA test?) But if it turns out to be true, he will deliver Yesica. Cata is frustrated with Al and he leaves.

I guess the fashion show was a great success, Mateo is congratulating Sal and wondering what Hilda will think. They did this without her permission. Mateo drops a bomb on Sal. He saw Maribel, the girl Sal was with. She was spying on them and she’s friends with Jo. Mateo confirms that Jo is still obsessed with Sal.

Leti and Luis arrive at Hilda’s. They will stay with her. Granados says nothing to worry about we will have trustworthy people watching 24/7. (Time to worry.)

Mari tells Sebas how Black Hand ruined their dad. He can’t believe it. We get a flashback to Mari holding a gun to Hand’s head. He blamed it all on Zoraya and her jealousy and hate for Santi and Cata. Santi was a good but naïve man; it wasn’t difficult to trap him. Sebas wants to ask Alex but Mari stops him—if you do that they will kill us. She tells him he has to get out of here but he loves Alex and won’t leave him. Yadith interrupts Alex wants to speak with everyone.

Santi has drawn up plans of the retirement building. Everyone takes a look. Santi says the best strategy is to use the service entrance. Titi thinks they should go in from the rooftop. Cata and Shadow agree with Santi. Titi will go along because they are a team, right? We get a flash on how the plan will work. Shadow and Santi will be photographer and journalist. They will get Val to do an interview by the service door where Cata is waiting. Titi is the security guarding the door, letting Cata in to tranquilize Valeria and they all leave through the laundry room.

Meanwhile Alex is going over the cake bomb plans with his group. The bomb must be close to the president and first lady. Reina and Yadith, disguised as servers will bring it in. The detonator needs to be close by to avoid signal disruption; Mari will place it overhead in the air duct. When the bomb goes off everyone needs to be at least 800 meters away. There will be a truck waiting.

We see both groups preparing for the retirement home event. Guns, equipment, disguises, etc. But Titi is saying prayers at the Billar altar, crosses himself and lights candles. (I always find it interesting when I see “bad guys” praying and/or crossing themselves and how many of them wear religious jewelry.)

Valeria is dosing Berrio’s coffee. Valeria is so happy they are going to the retirement home to help the vulnerable and overlooked people. Berrio enters, tells her to stop. (Don’t’ worry Valeria, false alarm.) It bothers him that she says she doesn’t have a big heart. Berrio will meet her downstairs in 10 minutes. She will go wait in the car but drink your coffee before it gets cold. That idiot takes a sip.

Berrio makes a call and gives a code number, unaware that Nelly is there behind him. He has the evidence needed to capture Yesica Beltran. It has to be done through a third party and it can’t be today. As an FBI informant and president of a country a third party is needed. Berrio will make contact tomorrow morning to turn in the evidence. He takes another sip of the coffee and leaves.




okay..!!MS.MARCELA ..YOU WERE HOLDING OUT on the EDVIDENCE.. then good girl, you SEW IN A DOLL … you..Mad-props!!!
.. I MIGHT HAVE PITY ON YOU. Al can forgive you, but chickee, you folded like a lawn chair under pressure!!

Reina. She has the skills.. to play Dr.Evil Jr., for the Young boy punk , that he is.. she is init, until she can kill him, cause its dog-eat-dog in that game..

Marianna and Sébas reunion was very sweet, I think these two can kill……Dr. Evil -in-training. They look at each other like they recovered ,a lost part of their hearts… Mari always loved her baby brother. Alex you are going to have to kill both siblings….but these kids are the NEW PARADISO DYNESTY!!!

Vanessa listen to the teenager with an Android-phone: Lizette: 'Mari's' death has no collaboration…Get on it!!!!

Sebas and marijuana[ no disrespects to kali-bud]reunion, the next generation, lost children..
They are holding hands and asking if each other is okay.. oh yea!! You are both living in hell-on-earth…. Sebas ,you are an uncle … a little dad to Titica…who Diabla has….kidnapped?!

Sebas is in love.. I must kill our parents. But you understand?!!

So Leticia and hubby and colonel are leaving us from Hilda's house....??

Diabla has plans to reunite her family… okay.. she might get her wish; the way things are going.. Albert -LA-BOBO for FIRST-1ST husband of the nation?!!
Al’s reticence to believe Valeria is bad.. is due to love….YES LOVE,HE IS IN LOVE WITH VALERIA..
Cg can’t you see!!..don’t’ tell Al-BOBO NOTHING!!!

MARIMETHODONE ..told Sebas abt BH-Dr.Evilness…how he set/framed-up, their dad Santi for murder charge and prison.. funny ..HOW Dr.EviL jr.. set Sebas to FINISH THE JOB !!!.

Watch out for yadith the super ears…presentata…hovering over sebas and Mari… she is listening to every one and being a Rat-Fink-Tattle-tail-SNITCH…!!

THE PLAN …IT LOOKS GOOD ON PAPER.. Santiago has the building layout and entrance and exits.. they have their covers and idea of what the security entails. SHADOW IS THE CAMERA MAN AND SANTI IS THE PRESS CORP!!

What’s Titi…the security guard!? they plan to ask for a private intereview,isolate her.. maneuver Valeria to an empty stairwell and shoot her up with tranqqquils and lift her out of the building…?? what dream..??

Wait what happen to raising money thru the garage fights needed to build an army.. this old folk home kidnap scheme requires greasing some palms…!! To get inside and get cooperation from some staff??


Sin-Seños4 #73 part 3

El Final del Paraíso

Camera on Nelly who is in shock. She has a flashback to when her and Lu were watching Valeria and Berrio together from outside his hospital room. She remembers Lu’s words about Valeria. How there is something disturbing about that woman. Lu couldn’t confirm but the evil in her eyes reminded her of the most perverse woman Lu ever met—Yesica Beltran, La Diabla. Whoa, Nelly!

Cata’s group is outside the event venue. They see Alex’s group arrive in the van and think it’s strange. But Titi says it could be normal because of the special event.

Cata gets a call from Vane. There’s no proof of Mari’s death; she could still be alive. Cata shares this with Santi and they are hopeful, joyful. It’s another blow to Titi’s chances of being with Cata. The team is ready to move in.

Alex and Sebas are setting up for a video as we see Mari crawling through the air duct. Both groups are in place at the event. Reina and Yadith wheel in the cake bomb. Santi interviews some of the residents. Titi is working security. Cata is crawling through the air duct, not sure why. I thought she was going to take a quick look around and then wait behind the door to tranquilize Valeria.

Berrio and Valeria arrive at the event to a room full of applause. Valeria passes Titi but doesn’t notice him in his brilliant disguise. Moncho in the van gets word and gives Mari the order to place the detonator. She’s cursing Alex.

Cata catches up to Mari in the air duct. Freeze! Mother and child reunion. My God, you’re alive! Mari says you’re not the only one who can fake her death. Cata says this is a miracle, blah, blah, blah! Cata wants to know why Mari is there. It’s nothing good.

Cata begs her to leave, she’s in danger. Do it for your daughter. Mari says she is doing this for her daughter. She needs to find her and protect her. Cata reaches out to touch Mari, now you understand.

Seems they are both there to destroy Yesica Beltran. And Mari adds the president, too. She takes out the detonator. Cata begs her not to do it, she can help Mari. Mari says there’s no help for her. With that, she sets the detonator. As Mari leaves she tells Cata to go, too. Cata tries to shut the detonator, it’s a no go.

Valeria is giving her BS speech. She has prepared a video. Cut to Berrio not feeling well. Nelly notices. We see Yadith and Reina leaving.

And the video? It’s Alex! Buenos Dias, Mr. President, First Lady and our friends of the press. I’m announcing today that I am the new Black Hand. We get camera close ups of everyone, ending with a shocked and worried First Lady Valeria, La Diabla. And we are out.



THE BIG BOOM!!EVRYBODY IS GETTING STRAPPED DOWN… they are packing rods/JOHNSONS... on every part of their body.. the accoutrements are getting prepped by both groups of players.

BAD GUYS-Team: Dr. Evil.Jr. and his group are prepping their high-tech ware , nanotech equipment and supercomputer locators and controlS...

CG.....SHE is getting strapped by layers and Titi is lighting candles to the Queen of Heaven. Virgincita, help us overcome the devils of Satan…flying in a plane and on the ground in the President’s house. AMON..
CG and the crew are organizing their shields and shills as press and security… they are stashing their pistols and armory...YES!!..Shield us with the Armor of the Lord.. cause the GOOD GUYS are winging it on the Power of prayer…really!!

DIABLA and dumbaszz ALFONSO sweet talk before the old folks’ presentation and she serves him a super-duper serving of poison coffee.. he drinks it, because she has him brainwashed? Or Tussey whipped I don’t know..

She leaves and he calls in his YESSICA BELTRAN investigator? and Nelly overhears and has a lulu flashback to that name..

Of course, she will take this info to Yessica and die for it , most likely

The event.. loading dock had good and bad guys pulling up simultaneously.. ‘

CG gets a call from Vanessa, Telling her..that Mari may be alive.. ironically CG, doesn’t notice that Mari is leaving the trainee- DR. EVIL ‘S ..BIGASS -SUV…

SOME TIME LATER ,MARI is making her way thru the air vent.. than QUESS-who uses that same route later as the event starts...Big Momma CG,unknowingly , hot on the trail of Mari momma like stupid brain-dead daughter..

Santi is walking around ,talking to folks, smhoozing and fitting in while his camera man,Shadow is filming??

I wonder ..IS THIS A SUICIDE MOSSION FOR MARIJUANA[no disrespect to ganja]
Alex ..DR. EVIL. Jr. is no slouch!! Kill two birds with one stone….

Reina..where are you??…..what is the[ your personal] plan with Diabla.. is it to kidnap her by Alex the Punk… or kill her…? Regina do you want to capture her and hold her for ransomed$$$$$

where is Sasha and quiqui…. and Cuina and tontohead...they have to have her back… she is planning to kill her husband and stand as the Manchurian candidate... at the event!!!


OKAY.. JUST WATCHED CG...beg MARIMETH not to kill innocent people, then WATHCES / let'S her activate the bomb and MARI books/'SLITHERS' OUT....I like that word a lot!! yes!!!

Diabla makes, her debut, as her husband dies... DIDNT DAMIAN FROM THE OMEN ..POP UP IN THE SCREEN ...with Omen music...DR. EVIL JR. and announces!!……..!he wants 1 million dollars or its a atomic bomb!???





It filled in gaps , cause I missed it. then had to watch w/out eng on youtube..


dondi, I'm always impressed by your very professional recaps!
and you covered everything so well!

when the show started I was thinking they were talking about getting Diabla when SHE was in a retirement home.

I was guessing that it was Karla's birth certificate Marcela sewed into the bear with the pic but it was all blurry.

something Sebas said about Alex being the only one I was wondering if he was talking about sex, yep, if I was teary Mari I'd be on drugs too.

kind of interesting how homeless Alberio floats in and out of the scenes, where could he possibly be going next?

I was waiting for Cata to tell Mari that Diabla has catica, but I remembered that she doesn't know that yet, hard to keep this all straight.

Cata was sure nimble in the ducts but Mari sure made it look tough, especially with sliding the gun ahead.

Cata has lost the prepago look lately, and Mari is aging fast.

and here I was thinking they would save the cake bomb for the gran final, and kill everyone.

Halimacandy, interesting point of view you always have, love it, and thanks for reminding me, Alex doesn't want to kill Diabla.


sin-senos4 trivia

daily soap dish mentioned Natalia was from sin senos no.

and speculation of the hoody Jota stalker,,, Adriana, Valentina, or Jota had a girlfriend, Julieta Riva (Sofía Lama) also from sin senos no.

I had to look up "whoa nelly" since dondi said it, urban dictionary,

"Nelly" was an old standard mare's name - not really a name because Farmer's didn't often name their work tools, the horse being a work tool, was simply, universally, called Nelly. When you wanted to stop a (female) horse, you'd say, of course, "Whoa Nelly"".


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