Thursday, November 21, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#2): Y Mañana Será Otro Día, Hijas de la Luna… y Mas - Week of Nov. 18, 2019

Good Day, Caraymates!

Welcome to pg. 2 of our afternoon delights! Join us at our patio; everyone is welcome to provide highlights, summaries, Andycaps, or details of scenes/episodes…we enjoy discussing the different perspectives and thoughts. Questions about specific scenes or dialogues are also very welcome; someone is sure to respond and explain to ensure that you can enjoy the TN(s).

·         2 PM   - Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor:  Ep. 55-56
·         3 PM   - Hijas de la Luna…Y La Familia Cambio:  Ep. 28-29

Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mañana”)

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Part 1

Sometimes you can identify a certain theme with an episode, but this was more like a Brunswick Stew--just throw a whole lot of stuff in and see if anybody will swallow it!
I promise to more or less faithfully tell you all that went on, but mostly it was a replay of scenes we're watched before, and lines we've heard before. If you were watching, you probably could have predicted some of the lines yourself. In Spanish!

So...a dramatic start. A couple stagger into the hotel carrying an unconscious Juana Inés. Before we can start worrying about her, we're back in the Love Shack, aka Yacht, with our ardent young lovers, still in the buff and still madly in love. They want to stay like this forever and ever! Well, duh. Too bad it doesn't work that way. In fact the bliss and an incipient Round Two is interrupted by a text on Vicky's cellphone. It's Estefania telling her how miserable she is.

Whoosh! Big pail of cold water on that burnin' love. Vicky seems to feel a little more guilty than Sebastian. He's still declaring they're going to love each other against all odds [contra viento y marea lit. against wind and tide]and manages to land a few more kisses amidst lascivious looks.

Was there more? Who knows? We're suddenly in la Dolorosa where Octavio and Fernando are doing a very poor job running the place. Seems the folks at Table #7 left without paying their many rounds of drinks. All while Octavio was boring the socks off Fernando telling him about the freaky spirits surrounding Soledad.

And now Vicky and Seb are back in the office, fully clothed and wondering what's up with Juana Inés' poor health. Plus the usual canoodling because these two ardent lovers just can't help themselves. But oooooh, so painful to live a hidden love! Painful but totally worth it!

Hey Patio, let's be honest. Hidden loves are by far the best. Once they're out in the open and fully sanctioned, they lose a little bit of their zip, don't you think?
Well, we'll leave that discussion for another day. But think about it.


Part 2

Juan, Seb and a wan, droopy Inés are huddled in the office checking the hotel insurance policy. They're covered for a natural disaster, but the deliberate poisoning of food doesn't fit that criterion, so bupkis. They're ruined! No way to recuperate their losses.

And we zip away to perpetrator Dario's office where he's sadly remembering Estefania's last lament: "Don't blame Sebastian. He's not at fault. Love is like this. It sometimes ends."

This doleful trip down Memory Lane is interrupted by that dizzy blonde who messed with the hotel insurance, all for Dario's benefit. He wants her to vamoose but she was hellbent on stopping by one last time to thank him for the gob of money he paid her. Why, she now owns a home in Rome, thanks to you you, Sweetcheeks! And she's off.

Let's revisit our Romeo and Juliet. They're cute but not overly bright. After musing on the horror of Inés passed out on the wharf while they were making whoopee inside the yacht, they wonder what could possibly be causing her tension headaches. And Vicky is worried. Not so sure about Sebastian. I think he's got his mind on other matters. And it's not insurance.

Octavio's got his mind on other matters also. The Great Beyond and Soledad's visions. In order to convince him that she's for real, she takes him to Dario's house, counts to 5 and orders him to dig in the ground right there! And they find a mysterious box. I'm expecting to find a murder confession or something really righteous, but it contains a toy luchador that Octavio's dad gave him, a photo of Octavio and his mom, plus some other little treasures that a 6-year-old would collect.

And actually, Octavio has always believed in Soledad's powers. But his mom also had the power of second sight and it caused her a lot of harm. We see him remembering a frightening scene where some invisible force threw his mother around the room while a loud knocking could be heard. He was terrified then, as a 6-year-old, and he's terrified now. Soledad hugs and comforts him and calls him her little "jericalla" [Mexican dessert made with milk, eggs, vanilla and caramel]. Yum!

Losing my train of thought here. Sounds like a wonderful pudding. Which I could totally eat right now. But no!, forging on.


Part 3

And we're back to the hotel, where Inés is lurking in the hallway after trailing Sebastian to the room of a new guest-- a good-looking brunette. Who must be his married lover! When the maid leaves her passkey on top of the towels, Inés grabs it (surely another sin) and barges into the room, expecting to catch them en flagrante. But of course they're simply reminiscing about their secundaria days together (lots of mischief evidently) and planning how to resuscitate the hotel. Amelia is now a reporter for an important magazine and she could publish some kind of notice to bring guests back to the hotel.

This rational discussion is interrupted by an hysterical Inés, foretelling hellfire and eternal damnation for her sinning brother. She must save him from perdition! Au contraire, Seb yells. You must respect me and stay the hell out of my life!

A crushed Inés limps back to Soledad for comfort and a therapeutic massage. But Seb yelled at me something terrible [me gritó horrible] she wails!

Trying to feel sorry for Sor Inés but she is terminally annoying, isn't she? We need to re-write this character.

So back to Dario. He can't stand being away from his darling daughter another minute. He's going to fly off to Chiapas and bring her home. Leonora arrives at this point and she too wants to find Estefania and bring her back. And get her to marry Sebastian after all. (Clearly Leonora is worried about the fallout from Jerome being revealed as Seb's biological papa.)

Evidently an Oropeza marriage is no longer in Dario's plans. He fibs big-time when Leo asks if he knows where Steffi is. So she sets off on her own to locate her hopefully future daughter-in-law.


Part 4

Our dim but attractive lovers are now phoning the Mother Superior of Inés' convent to see if she knows what could be causing her craziness. After a little hesitation, the good nun reveals the one other time she went "loca" was when she climbed to the top of the church spire. And that was because she had fallen in love. Our infatuated pair are still flummoxed. Gosh, WHO could she be in love with?

Well, let's leave these two. They don't want company anyway. They're planning a romantic evening, with wine, fire light, scrumptious food, sand and surf. Clothing optional. But better off!

But first a cover story for their uncovered evening. Vicky will claim she's going to Culiacan for a class. Sebastian will pretend he needs some quiet time snorkeling. Alas, he leaves his equipment behind in the office. Well, again--he's cute as a button...just not as smart.


Part 5

Leonora is in the office, in high dudgeon, accusing Juan of lying to her about Sebastian's whereabouts. "No way is he snorkeling if his flippers are still here! But why am I surprised--our whole life has been a lie!" Not content with that, she then excoriates Juan and Javier for just sitting around the office doing nothing, when their whole livelihood is going up in flames. "How can you be relaxed when we're about to be begging on the streets!"

Octavio revisits Soledad and asks her to help him contact his mom. He thinks she might need some help. But when they go to his room, the strong wind we saw earlier in Octavio's memory, makes a return visit. And the loud knocking resumes. We'd love to find out what happens next, but the scenes switches once again to our love-drunk couple.

They're spouting the usual nonsense that new lovers do.

How much do you love me? To the very nucleus of the Andromeda Galaxy.

Vicky is not impressed. Mostly because she doesn't know beans about the whereabouts of any galaxy. But Seb assures her it is many, many light years away.

Oh well, then.

And I love you from here to the end of the Universe.

Passionate kisses ensue. Clothing seems to be loosening up.

And now the winning bid folks--the Unbridled Passion Strawberry appears.

She nibbles a bit, he nibbles a bit. And their strawberry soaked lips meet in the middle.

Gosh. Last time we saw that, it was with Estefania. And it didn't end so well. Could a reluctant soldier be in Vicky's future?

Nah. But honestly, not much happened in this episode that hasn't happened before. Still, stay tuned. Sometimes there are Friday fireworks and Momentous Developments. We can but hope.

JudyB--You made me wait until almost the last sentence to cover the SEXY STRAWBERRIES. Since my attention was "elsewhere" all day, I have yet to see the episode. Now I wonder if I really want to since I don't care about SPIRITS unless it comes in a bottle and there's A WHOLE LOTTA NUTHIN....of course I do...gotta zero in on our main beefcake and bask in his sunshiny smile. Thanks for the heads up and thanks for the recap.


Thank you, Judy, for your recap. I agree, this was a snooze fest. A whole lot of nuthin’ sums it up succinctly. I ended up FFWD thru some of the Sor Fastidioso scenes as well as some of the smoochies. But I saw the UPS ( unbridled passion LOL) scene. You made this episode sound better than it really was.


Terrific title Judy! So much here made me smile.

"contra viento y marea lit. against wind and tide" and "jericalla" [Mexican dessert made with milk, eggs, vanilla and caramel]" were my favorites.

"And now the winning bid folks--the Unbridled Passion Strawberry appears" - Vicky and Sebas' newly found, blossoming love is something to celebrate. Such love has become far too rare in recent telenovelas. Sebas seems to be an unintentional (albeit unaware) heartbreaker. "he's cute as a button...just not as smart" said it all.

"I don't care about SPIRITS unless it comes in a bottle" :) Anita.

I have lived many years on this earth and I have never heard of Brunswick stew! Should I be embarrassed?

Judy, thank you!



ANITA...Hah! Making you wait for the strawberry...haven't you heard about "saving the best for last"? And by all means watch it. Sebastian remains very attractive throughout.

DORIS...Gosh. Thanks. I like "making the episode sound better than it really was". Certainly our Señor Andy does that with his recaps of Mañana. I look forward to those, whereas you couldn't pay me to actually watch the episodes.

DIANA...Ah, m'dear, if you'd had a Kentucky mom like I did, you'd know the dish. It's definitely a Southern delicacy. Brunswick Stew has lots of juicy meat and vegetables, including corn and is delicious. Some folks (not me!) have been known to even throw in a little squirrel meat.

We don't eat it anymore, due to my husband's health restrictions. But I still remember how tasty it was. However, strictly regional. There's probably a lot of east coast dishes I know nothing about either.

Thank you JudyB. Excellent as always

The old guy carrying Inés certainly impressed me! Ever tried to lift 100+ pounds?

I caught that Juan and wan JudyB. Very clever!

Didn’t like the red on Leo. Dress was beautiful but not her color

Sol commenting “Pobre” when she heard Octavio’s mom had the “gift”

Doris I didn’t know “handcuffed to urinal” was yours. Read it once and never forget!




Judy, thank you for another sterling recap. Your recaps are always better than the episode itself.

And you have definitely nailed these guys: "Our dim but attractive lovers..." and "he's cute as a button...just not as smart."

One good thing comes of this, I start thinking that, in comparison, maybe I'm not as dumb as all that. But then I get depressed again thinking who I'm comparing myself with.



MAÑANA (part 1 of 3)

(some scenes combined, ignored, fudged, etc.)

Bad Day at MediaLink

Where we left off:
Camilo is an intensely unhappy camper, thinking that Diana and Monica have deceived him and plotted against him.
At MediaLink Rafa finally goes to give him the bad news about his project's overrun which he and Monica have been hiding from Camilo for a few days.

Camilo is pacing in his office and muttering to himself that Monica is a liar. He talks with Almudena by phone and she, naturally, fans the flames of his wrath.
Rafa arrives and gives him the bad news about the cost overrun and Camilo goes ballistic. He yells at Rafa and is so upset he can be heard throughout the office.
He calls for Monica and she joins him and Rafa. He yells at her for concealing the bad news and says that she betrayed him again.
Monica says, "Again?"
Camilo continues his tirade, but Rafa says there might be a solution to the budget problem and wants to discuss it. Camilo says OK, he will discuss it with him, but not with Monica. Rafa and Monica are shocked, but Camilo rudely tells her to get out, and then again, "Fuera!"

Pregnant Regina is expelled from school for being a bad example to the other school girls. She runs to Tita Eugenia for help and Eugenia calls her lawyer, this is discrimination.

Rafa and Camilo continue discussing, or arguing about, how to get out of MediaLink's problem. Rafa finally suggests he could get Iñaki to lend some money or make an investment in MediaLink. Camilo realizes that Iñaki knows about the problem that he, the owner of the company, did not. He's further infuriated.

Diana, at a lawyers office, finds out her mother's name, Mercedes Garza Ávila, and where she lives now. [HA! I'm having delusions of actually understanding some spoken Spanish. The CC says the more common "Ávila" but I could swear the lawyer said "Avila" without the accent. For what little it matters.]

Camilo makes a cell phone call outside, later he returns and brusquely asks Monica to meet with a certain client that evening as he can't. Monica agrees, but she and Rafa marvel at just how annoyed Camilo is.

Best scene of this episode:
Nico and Elisa meet at the school's playground, and Elisa asks Nico if he will be her novio. He hesitates and she thinks he doesn't want to be her novio, but he says that's not so, it's just that she beat him to it, he was going to ask her. Smart girl that Elisa is, she says OK, you ask me.
"Eli, will you be my novia?" (and it looks like he got down on one knee to ask :)
"Yes, but with one condition, that you teach me how to knit." Smart boy that Nico is, he agrees. And they are novios.

MAÑANA (part 2 of 3)

Rafa meets with Iñaki and Iñaki suggests he become a major investor which would give MediaLink sufficient liquidity to continue with the project. Rafa is thrilled. They continue talking and Monica comes up. Iñaki admits that he is profoundly in love with Monica. (About, um, darn time we heard this from him.)

Ximena calls Monica and they talk. Ximena asks Moni if she is ever going to forgive her for... Monica interrupts her, says please don't repeat it [sleeping with Malicio on his wedding night].
A chastened Ximena asks again if she is ever going to forgive her. Monica responds that she is trying to, but if her tone is seriously upset, it's not because of her, it's because of Camilo, who is furious. They will talk about it later. Ximena tells Monica that she got the job she was after and thanks Monica for her help and the books. Monica is delighted and Ximena is happy to hear some warmth in her voice again. They do some female bonding and decide they have their occasional disputes but they are and will be BFF regardless.

A reluctant Rafa tells Iñaki that he should not get his hopes up about Monica; she is absolutely a wonderful woman, but, but there is something you should know...
What, responds Iñaki, that she's in love with Camilo?
Rafa is surprised that he knows this. She told me herself, says Iñaki, and the whole story, in great detail. But the love she has for him is not truly returned and sooner or later Camilo will reconcile with Diana and will want to be with his family.
But Monica is a wonderful person and deserves a real love. I will woo her cautiously until she is ready.

A doctor tells Muy Mal Malicio that physically he is healthy, that he should see a psychiatrist for his problem and hands him the business card of a shrink he trusts. Malicio scoffs.

Pablo confides in Monica that Regina rejected him and doesn't want to see him again, and they commiserate about unrequited love.

Silly Barbi, in disguise, goes shopping for clothing suitable to wear on a happy honeymoon in Miami. She goes back to their hotel and takes selfies and uses an app to change the background from the hotel room to various beach scenes. All this to keep up appearances with the family.
Malicio returns and tells her that the doc gave him a clean bill of health but thinks he needs to see a shrink. Ha! He throws the card in the waste basket.
He tells Barbi that he is disappointed in her, is sex all she thinks about? But that's all you thought about when we were engaged.
Malicio: You may not believe it but I was attracted to you for many other reasons. But now I feel like you are treating me like a sex object. [I had to laugh at this]

Exit Malicio stage right and Barbi retrieves the shrink's card from the waste basket and calls his office.

Barbi, why are you putting yourself through all this for such a jerk? You had your beautiful wedding and you have pictures to prove it, now dump the jerk.

Run, Barbi, run!

MAÑANA (part 3 of 3)

Diana arrives at what appears to be an institutional residence (for Seniors?), a very nice one. She would like to see Mercedes Garza. The receptionist is cute and very sweet, but she is surprised as no one has ever before come to see Mercedes Garza. Also visiting hours are over for now; she gives Diana an information sheet about the home. Diana is very disappointed.

Rafa arrives back at MediaLink from lunch with Iñaki and talks with Monica who is studying the details of the client she is to meet with later. Rafa has a surprise for her. Iñaki sent her a box of chocolates. She sends him a text message, "Thank you for your friendship and for the chocolates."
When he gets the message Iñaki is content and says to himself, "Patience. I'm fighting against 20 years of her loving Camilo."

Patricio visits Laura at the pastelería to tell her that he is leaving for Brazil and will file for divorce. Laura is OK with that, but she hopes for a generous settlement. He says no, he did her a lot of harm by giving her money, making things too easy for her.

Pablo leaves MediaLink for lunch and Nora chases him to ask him to get her some of the sandwiches that she likes. He then continues across the street but a motorcyclist comes up and, seemingly deliberately, strikes him. Pablo is hurt but not very seriously.

Adrian brings Nico home and he runs up to Lidia just in time to hear her say something to Luis about having been in jail. Nico asks, "You were in jail?!" Lidia denies it, but Nico knows what he heard. [and is probably thinking that he has his next blackmail victim lined up]

Manuel meets with his private investigator who is searching for Lidia.

Nora helps the injured Pablo back to MediaLink and Monica totally freaks out. Pablo says it's not that bad but Monica thinks he needs first aid, a doctor, and a trip to the hospital. Eventually Pablo calms her down a bit by suggesting mouth to mouth respiration as shock therapy to help her because she needs more help than he does.
They discuss what happened. Nora and Pablo both think that the motorcyclist deliberately hit Pablo, not with the intent to seriously injure him, but to scare him. Perhaps someone opposed to his ecological activism?

Lidia tells Nico a story to explain why she was in jail. She was sent to jail by an evil witch, the worst of the worst, because the witch wanted her prince and so invented a false story that Lidia had stolen money and jewels. The prince must have been drugged because he, too, became evil and helped the witch send poor Lidia to jail.
The prince was named Manuel Arturo Felipe Alejandro Cepeda de la Reconchinchina. [Thank God for CC.] Nico thinks Reconchinchina is not a nice name and Lidia agrees. [and I think I know at least the first name of the evil witch]
Nico has to think about all this a while.

Cute nice receptionist (CNR) at the residence seeks out Diana's mother, Mercedes, whom she calls "doña Meche", and tells her someone was here today, a writer, and she wants to see Mercedes. Turns out Mercedes was a writer also when younger, but not a very successful writer. In conversation she tells CNR that she made so many, many mistakes in her life, and CNR asks her to not be sad. Maybe better this Diana not visit her.

[Probably "Meche" is a diminutive for Mercedes. Maybe. Anybody know?]



Right off the bat “some scenes combined, ignored, fudged, etc.)” perked me right up and made some of the tiredness go away.

"Muy Mal Malicio" and " Cute nice receptionist (CNR)" were a few of many favorites.

"But Monica is a wonderful person and deserves a real love. I will woo her cautiously until she is ready". Patience AND understanding. How rare.

"But now I feel like you are treating me like a sex object. [I had to laugh at this]". Yes, me too :)

"She sends him a text message, "Thank you for your friendship and for the chocolates." Ouch.

"When he gets the message Iñaki is content and says to himself, "Patience. I'm fighting against 20 years of her loving Camilo." Iñaki sounds perfect. This sadly mirrors real life where honest, true love is rejected for a mere shadow of what never was.

andy, don't look now but you've more than hit your stride. You've put together the entire package - dialog, action, witty comments and humor. I enjoyed every single word of this stellar recap. Thank you...



MELY...we're in total agreement--Red is NOT Leonora's color, but the sheath dresses do show off her nice figure. Still, I'm a fan of the more flowing garments. The actress is tall enough to pull that off and she always looks regal.

The "handcuffed to the urinal" is actually Carlos' quip. I'll let Doris tell you her exact phrase, but it was along the lines that given how telenovela actors dressed, Casual Friday would probably mean come to work in your underwear. Always a favorite of mine.

ANDY...Hey, buddy, we're going to declare you smart no matter whom we compare you with. Okay, maybe not Einstein, or Hawkings, but aside from that you are officialy our Smart Cookie. And funny too. Now to read your recap of Mañana.


ANDY...First off, as always, I'm in total agreement with my querida amiga've really hit your stride and have the full package, recap-wise. (no innuendos please)

And I loved this whole bit:

He tells Barbi that he is disappointed in her, is sex all she thinks about? But that's all you thought about when we were engaged.
Malicio: You may not believe it but I was attracted to you for many other reasons. But now I feel like you are treating me like a sex object. [I had to laugh at this]

Exit Malicio stage right and Barbi retrieves the shrink's card from the waste basket and calls his office.

Barbi, why are you putting yourself through all this for such a jerk? You had your beautiful wedding and you have pictures to prove it, now dump the jerk.

Run, Barbi, run!

Your recurring chorus of Run, Barbi, run! is always a hoot.

And of course, thank God for CC's when we have a long, long, long name like the one you dealt with. How these people do their jobs I don't know. Yes, they occasionally goof, but given the demands of the job, they are truly amazing.

I'm glad to see we still have some cute Nico scenes to save this show from total sturm und drang. This little actor is darling and I hope he stays that way as he grows up. Maybe he'll look like William Levy as an adult! Wouldn't that be nice? We always need another Sweet William in the mix.

Mely. Handcuffed to the urinal was not mine. Our beloved Carlos (QEPD) said that, I think while watching Un Gancho al Corazon.
The casual Friday/underwear comment was mine.

Andy - I thank you in advance for your andycap. Hockey game last night, then take dog to kennel and head out of town this morning. I will read once we are on the road and hubby is at the wheel. I guess it would help if I pack a suitcase, too. Gah.

Hi, all. I am Still here. I just have been busy taking care of various and sundry responsibilities and duties while taking care of daily chores. I read the recaps and comments and bask in the warmth and humor of the caray family room , but I don't have the time or energy to comment most days. Still just trying to keep going day by day. I have come to know that my broken heart does still keep beating miraculously as I keep on keeping on. Please know that I appreciate the recaps and andycaps so much . I am grateful for the connection that I feel to all of you who are somewhere out there, and I look forward to hearing your voices here every day. Please know that you all make a difference in others' lives by offering your bits of humor and wisdom . You help me each day to go forward another day. Thank you.

SUSANLYNN...Thanks for checking in. We think about you every day and marvel at how you do keep on going. Sending love and warmth and caring thoughts always.

Good Morning, Patio!


Thank you! Thank You, JudyB! anda belated thank you to Anita for providing such wonderful stories that outdo the actual episodes. For some reason, my days have been busier than usual; and while I do drop in on the patio, I just can't find enough time to comment.

I don't have much to add or say about the episodes that hasn't already been said...and it doesn't help that the hamsters are going crazy spinning that wheel and gettin' nowhere. The beach scene was nice, but J-Vic is kinda getting on my nerves with her ever-forced smile and exaggerated expressions. J-Inez is getting pathetic; and those visions/hallucinations that J-Sol is getting are really over the top. Despite all of that, I am hooked to this patio wonderful patio.


Sacre Bleu! Andy, you are just getting better and better. I look forward to reading your Andycaps...not because of the story I might add, but only because you make it so entertaining. I also had to laugh at that sorry excuse Malicious came up with. Seriously, Dude? If Barbi swallows that BS , she's gonna end up poisoned.

Got to watch the episode. Thanks to Senor Andy, the 44 minutes was shortened by about 15 min. Did anyone notice that during the spirit wind at Octavio's place one of the magazines on the table was TVyNovelas? I had to laugh, then I was forced to remember it the rest of the day in order to report it here.

Ever clever Andy. This episode was filled with lots of disconnected scenes that try to be relevant and connected. Mau and his accomplice were really good at covering their butts on finances, but not so with Mau's all important front part of the butt area. Good luck Barbie. But she really turns desperation into harridan mode. I felt sorry for Mau for 3 seconds until he came up with this lame excuse to blame it on Barbie.

So, Inaki is going to save Rafa's butt while Camilo (distracted by his three women) takes it out on him. I'm liking Inaki more and more. So adoptive dad shares with son that he's in love with Monica. One little step forward before we have a couple of set backs.


JudyB this was a fun snooze feast.

The Funy part was when seb n jvic were
Tellin each other how much they love each other all the way to some galaxy
And some other place far far far far Away. Luke skywalker could probly help them find it. Luke would sleep while they sightsee on the trip.

I really want to see leonora get her anvil. The way she berates jaun is kind of annoying. She's passing another mans Child off as Juans while he was out takin fertilizin mojo juice
And gettin horny with 4 woman, ok this
Is not sounding good on his part. The
5 children are here get over it Leo Ur
Not perfect either.
Maybe todays episode will be better.

Thank JudyB


Diana you never heard of brunswick stew? Giiirrl its an old recipe, and it is delish. Now I think you use beef chunks, but I use chicken. I haven't made it in a long time. You can use whatever of those two you want. Hey what to do with the leftover turkey? Cut it Up in chunks and use that with carrots Potatos onions, bel peppers, celery or Whatever else you want to put in it.

Ok this got nothing to do with this tn, but girl you got me started. This
Would be perfect for this weather cuz its cold outside in some regions.

When I saw Leo at the airport with the
Hot guy that's suppose to be seb's pa
He was lookin at Leo like she was a happy meal, he gettin ready to make himself happy. Again.

RGV CHICK...Yes, I'm finding Juana Victoria annoying also. Every move, every line delivery seems "over the top", plus those enormous teeth and gum line. I'm just seeing way more of her mouth and its interior than I want to.

NINA...Leave it to you lady--"out takin "fertilizin mojo juice". Exactly. And as we're finding out, our Leonora has some juicy secrets herself.

And indeed, I figure you'd made some Brunswick Stew in your time. It's tasty no matter what you throw in.


Part 1

Well, finally a little spice to jazz up our silly episodes. Nopis, not talking about the extended love scenes between Vicky and Seb-- but rather the amazing transformation of Juana Inés from annoying church lady to scintillating siren. Judging from the group's reaction, they prefer the free spirited bikini babe to the martyr in sackcloth and ashes also.

Too bad that scene was the final microsecond of the episode. But that's how it goes. Now dear reader, you get to wade through all the other stuff. And here in Columbus, the closed captions were lagging way behind the spoken dialogue, so it was sometimes confusing. My hearing has deteriorated to the point where I even use it for programs in English. Fortunately, most of the exchanges today were pretty simple. But if I say something that seems way out of left field...let me know. Especially you bilingual folks.

We begin with more information about Vicky and Seb's lovemaking than I want to know. The phrase "swapping spit" comes to mind as we're treated to extreme closeups of moist lips making extended contact as well as Vicky sliding a white rose (without thorns I hope) down Seb's nose and lips. As the Hispanics say, "Don't eat in front of the poor!"

But they did.

What else went on. Well, Soledad is being harassed by her future mother-in-law from the Great Beyond. Her suegra wants grandchildren. Now, if not sooner.

We have more scenes of our tiresome couple. They're playing hopscotch on the beach like little kids. Vicky then jumps up and does a pelvic lock on Seb like they're big kids. And the requisite sailing off into the sunset while they make goo-goo eyes at each other. Gosh, they're cute. But enough already!

And Dario is fit to be tied, now that he's discovered the wretched place where his princess is living while tending to the poor orphans of Chiapas. How can she choose this when he's put the world at her feet!?

Steffi, who at the moment seems by far the wisest character in this story, reminds her dad gently that she's not a "princess". She's a woman. Dealing with her heartbreak by doing meaningful work.

He wants to take her to Paris. She wants to stay where she's needed. He wonders how he can possibly manage this pain. By the love you feel for me, she replies.

Yep. Our Steffi is still perfect. I'm pretty sure there's some scrumptious man in her future. We just haven't met him yet.


Part 2

Some of Juana Victoria's brain cells are firing, and she asks Inés if she's in love with Sebastian. Inés lies, naturally. What's another sin or two as long as you're at it? But after finally admitting to being in love, she throws out Mauricio as her secret heartthrob. With each new lie, her head seems to ache more and more and Vicky threatens to haul her off to the "matasanos" [doctor] by force if she has to.

And Jerome is meeting Seb in their favorite café--ostensibly to give him a couple of his novels that were translated into Spanish. Seb of course wants him to write a little acknowledgement and asks him to use the special gold pen to do so. And well, this is the kiss off baby. Jerome is going back to Paris. But didn't want to leave without saying good-bye to this special new friend. And he wants to keep in touch. Dear Seb, cute-as-a-button-but-not-as-smart, feels the vibe of amazing closeness, but doesn't suspect yet that this might be Mystery Dad. Maybe when he reads the book. If he reads it. Between trying to save the hotel and chasing after our frisky Juana Victoria, he may never get around to it.


Part 3

Poor Ines is still tending that aching head and getting very generous with her medication. It seems to have the same effect on her as a couple of martinis. Sure wish I knew what she was taking!

Jerome then goes to bid farewell to Leonora--who's in another unfortunate dress. Has she annoyed someone in the wardrobe department? This is two days in a row that she's looking like someone in need of a makeover. Please solve that feud, Cynthia, so we can enjoy your snazzy attire once again!

Meanwhile, the four Juanas, jabbering like magpies, descend on Todoelmundo, imploring him to cook up a publicity campaign to put their hotel back in the money. If he can post some fabulous pictures on a travel site, that should bring in some much needed business. Of course, it's impossible to make out what they're saying as the collective shrieks merge into cacophony. Fortunately, Mundito, who goes to school and knows how civilized folks should speak, makes them raise their hands and offer suggestions one at a time. Once he understands, Todoelmundo is on board and gleefully says they'll do like the Yanks and start with a brainstorming session [tormenta de ideas]

Now we're back at the office where a doleful Juan is complaining to Seb that his mom thinks he's a liar and covering up for his son. Seb looks confused. Juan points to the snorkeling equipment left behind. Ah yes, didn't snorkel after all.... I'm so distracted lately. This little discussion is interrupted by Leo, still in that awful dress, wanting to speak to her boy ALONE. Kvetches a bit about about Señor Oropeza acting huffy...I mean, how dare he, and then segues into a little fact-finding mission. I feel like we've been drifting apart. How ARE you? How are you getting along with this Jerome person? Etc. etc. Well, turns out they're getting along like a house a-fire. In fact Jerome is going to base his next novel on a young man just like Sebastian. Imagine that!


Part 4

Well, Seb and Vicky may have thought they were discreet, but naturally Tio Javier knows exactly what they're up to and thinks it's time for a little fatherly advice. He points out that they're weaving a web of lies--something that shows disrespect for those around them and disrespect for themselves. So what are they going to do?

Well, Vicky thinks this calls for sitting alone by the sea with a super-glum look on her face. I guess this is supposed to pass for Deep Thought. Seb finds her though. After all, this particular rock on this particular stretch of beach is "their place". And too bad if she wants to be alone--he's come to a decision. All he needs to do now if prepare his parents to receive the truth. As I watched this conversation, all I could think of is what huge teeth both of them have. But I digress....

What else? Soledad is plucking daisy petals and murmuring "I want kids, I don't want kids, I want kids, I don't want kids...(I've heard that Latino mother-in-laws can be very domineering, but sending messages from the Great Beyond is really over the top.)

Inés is still suffering excruciating headaches. So why won't she go to a doctor? Because if he looks into my eyes, he'll know what's wrong with me!

Don't ask me to explain this reasoning. It is what it is.

A brief return to the beach where Seb drops his gold pen and Vicky wants to know where he got it. Don't ask me to explain that either.


Part 5

So let's wrap this up. Soledad is spending a very restless night, tossing and turning and having the sheets pulled off her by a nagging, motherly spirit. Okay, I get it, she shouts. You want grandchildren! The lights go on and there's a lot of unkind chatter from her disturbed roommates.

Leonora, now in a robe, is on the phone with Jerome, reaming him out big-time after reading his novel which describes their love affair in alarming detail. And you gave this book to my son! Well, he's NEVER going to read it!

Okay, let's just enjoy this moment. Up to now, Leonora has held all the cards. She's the noble victim. Juan's the foul betrayer. Looks like the tables are about to turn.

And speaking of turnarounds!...The Juana Pack and their swains are all gathered at the beach for the filming of the hotel publicity. And looking very fine indeed. Rippling muscles, curvy waists, delightful young bods in skimpy beach wear. What's not to like?

But where is Juana Inés?

But wait. Is she arriving late?

The camera pans to a set of svelte ankles. Slowly rises to perfectly sculpted legs. and then the full oh-so-bad-oh-so-good Mama Jama of Inés the Babelicious, tucked into a teeny-weeny bikini.

Who knew? Well, perhaps Mauricio. At any rate, he's looking positively dazzled right now.

And there we end.


Judy, loved "Judging from the group's reaction, they prefer the free spirited bikini babe to the martyr in sackcloth and ashes also". A perfect title.

"The camera pans to a set of svelte ankles. Slowly rises to perfectly sculpted legs. and then the full oh-so-bad-oh-so-good Mama Jama of Inés the Babelicious, tucked into a teeny-weeny bikini”. I didn’t need to see this, the words and imagery was so vivid, I could clearly see this in my mind’s eye.

“As I watched this conversation, all I could think of is what huge teeth both of them have. But I digress” had me laughing – yes, bright and gleaming Pepsodent smiles both.

So many yearning for the handsome Sebas. Steffi graciously bowed out, easing her heartache with good works. I dare say there doesn't seem to be anything the slightest bit imperfect about her. Inés coming out of her shell (so to speak)and her effect on Sebas (if any) has yet to be determined. Right now, Vicky is in the driver's seat with that "pelvic lock" in place. We will see if the spell can be broken. I'm voting for the Jaws of Life as these two seem cemented together.

Another wonderful recap Judy. Thank you!


MAÑANA (part 1 of 2)

(a lot of scene combining; the interspersing is fine to watch but it's rough to write up)

The "truth" is out and Camilo blows up

Diana and Chabela are in the kitchen. Chabela brought Diana's favorite cookies from Eugenia who wants her to remember all the good times at home with her. Diana tells Chabe not to worry, even though she has found her biological mother she will still love the family she grew up with. Chabe tells her not to have illusions about her biological mother but Diana asks, how could she not? She has considered everything from the possibility that her mother might be the sweetest woman on earth, to the possibility that she is an awful, shrewish witch.

Nico agrees to keep Lidia's secret.

Paloma has a phone conversation with the contact Patricio gave her and she sets up an appointment to discuss selling her jewelry designs. Then she gets a call from an unknown caller. Turns out it's Malicio calling on a newly bought phone because she has his original number blocked. He blames Paloma for his little problem and begs her to stop the witchcraft and Voodoo, she has already ruined his honeymoon. "Witchcraft and Voodoo???"
Yes! says Malicio, I've found you out, don't bother to deny it.
And what have I done to you?
Thanks to you I haven't been able to "do it" with Barbi.
Paloma just laughs and offers no help, she just rubs it in.
[OK, I'll admit it, I'm beginning to feel a little sorry for Malicio.]

Barbi, wearing shades, arrives at psychologist Dr Germán Botero's office. (I don't know the actor, nor do I have any idea what his calves are like, but I think he's eye candy for the ladies.) He invites her to call him Germán. He tells her he can't help with this problem without Malicio coming in. Barbi is furious and goes to leave, but he stops her and says he can't yet do anything for Malicio, but he can help her. Me?

Monica and Pablo are talking, and Monica apologizes for yesterday's "hysteria" (her word :) and she has an idea to help Pablo with Regina. What if she, carefully so as not to upset her in her condition, let her know that Pablo was hurt? All's fair in love and war.

The Crazy Wicked Witch (CWW, maybe?) is talking with Regina and is unhappy with all the attention Pablo is paying to her. Regina says she has asked Pablo to leave her alone, she doesn't want to see him. CWW is made happy by this news.

Not so bright Luis is talking with not so bright Nora about calling Malicio for help with Rafa's endangered project. Not so bright Nora is against the idea, and she asks him "What if I called you and interrupted your honeymoon?" Not so bright Luis says that could never happen because I will be spending my honeymoon with you, and goes in for a big romantic movie kiss.
Nora pushes him away and slaps him hard. "I'm not going to be your 'other' so forget it."

Nonetheless Nora calls Malicio who says he knew Rafa would sooner or later screw up and put the firm at risk, but not to worry, he won't let the company founder, and their jobs are secure as long as he has a say.
He then calls his accomplice, Damian, and tells him the bomb exploded at MediaLink, now it's time for the next blow. He'll let him know when exactly.

Malicio returns to Barbi, who is still calling him "Mi Amor" for some reason, and he tells her that he has to return to MediaLink to resolve a disaster that Rafa has caused. She says OK, we return together from our honeymoon here in "Miami". And she is naughty pointing with her remote control while telling him he needs to find some ayudita for his problemita.

Rafa talks with Camilo, but Camilo is dead set against any investment by Iñaki de la Masa. When Monica learns this she's upset. Could it be that Camilo is rejecting any help from Iñaki because he's jealous of Iñaki? Because of her?

MAÑANA (part 2 of 2)

Monica calls Regina at the Sarmiento home phone to ask her if she knows if Pablo has any enemies. Why? Because someone banged him up pretty bad and he needs the help of his friends. Pablo is with Monica and they high five each other after the call.
Regina soon arrives at MediaLink and goes to see Pablo. She says that, of course, she is not there just to see Pablo but to see her father as well.
Fine, says Pablo. Have a seat, Regina, there is something I want to say to you. I was wrong to ask you to be my novia. You don't know what a relief it was when you turned me down. I realize now that I like you, but just as a friend. Forget that other stuff I said to you because that love I spoke of never existed.
Regina sat down smiling, but does not look at all happy now.
Hmmm... what gambit is Pablo playing?

Laura goes to a restaurant to meet her computer match date. She is waiting to be seated at a table when Adrian walks in looking at his cell phone. She is going to have lunch with a friend. He is too.
They are seated at different tables and they wait.
He looks at her across the floor, she looks at him, they both look away, try to ignore each other, and continue waiting for their whatevers. And waiting, and waiting. They both contact the match making service and receive the same message, your date has already arrived. They ask the service for descriptions of those dates, and then look up from the phones and at each other, slowly realizing that they are each other's matches. Ay, caray!
[Have you seen this movie before?]

Diana arrives for her date with Camilo at another, fairly deserted, restaurant. A few minutes later Monica arrives for her dinner meeting with a client, as requested by Camilo. The hostess tries to seat her with Diana but they both protest.
Suddenly Camilo appears and says, You two must have gotten along a lot better back when you made a deal with each other to decide my destiny.
[Oops! Caught!]

Camilo is truly enraged. He says to Diana, You didn't believe me capable of taking care of my kids, or of myself if you died? You think of me as that stupid and just not man enough for the task?

And you, Monica, you couldn't find another way to advance at MediaLink other than to pretend you were madly in love with me?

Monica is upset with "pretend to love me".

Diana says she didn't want him or her children to be alone, she wanted him to be with a good person. [Monica here looks at Diana]
Camilo says a good person would never have agreed to this deal. [and Monica looks crushed]

He is especially hurtful with Monica, comparing her to a scorpion on his back.

Camilo raves on, they used him, deceived him, manipulated him. He gave them a chance yesterday to come clean, but no, nothing. This planning his life and setting him up, while he was suffering thinking he was the one at fault for becoming involved with Monica and deceiving Diana, all this has killed any feelings he ever had for either one of them.

It ends with him saying, To hell with you both!

[Harsh stuff! And a quite long scene. Camilo is hurting and really vents, and says some hurtful things. I have cooked it down to the essentials, otherwise I would have to try to translate the whole dialog, and my dictionary is nearly in tatters already.]



Judy, thank you for another great recap. I enjoyed every bit of it, but what really cracked me up was:

"Well, Soledad is being harassed by her future mother-in-law from the Great Beyond. Her suegra wants grandchildren. Now, if not sooner."

OK, I know this telenovela is not exactly Macbeth, but seriously, spirits of the dead make themselves known to ask for grandchildren?

What's next? Asking for Octavio to call her more often?

I did not get to see even a second of Babelicious Inés. I'm looking forward to the next episode. I have wondered from time to time what was under those voluminous clothes.

Here's hoping!

(No offense, but sometimes male and female evaluations deviate a bit :)



Good morning DIANA and ANDY. Petite patio indeed.

DI, glad you enjoyed the recap. This show is about as silly as it can get, but there are occasional moments of humor to keep us going. Plus the shots of the beach, sea and sand become all the more precious during these gray, soggy days of near-Winter. Anything to keep our spirits lifted!

ANDY, Yes, sometimes male and female evaluations deviate a bit. Plus there's always the element of inflation in order to "tell a good story." So here's a hint. She's no Dolly Parton, but she is a lovely young woman in a bikini. Not sure if she'd fit the rest of the song's lyrics "perfect in every dimension, she's got a figure that's sure enough payin' attention" you said, it depends on the eye of the beholder.



ANDY...Thanks for another fab Andycap. I loved your shoutout to Hijas and possible muscular calves when you described the therapist Barbi saw. Believe it or not, I actually watched part of this and I'd say German is the perfect Bachelor No. 2 for Barbi now that her marriage to Mauricio is on the rocks. Of course he would have to stop being her therapist in order to pursue any sort of relationship. But definitely eye-candy for us females. Even in long pants.

And how right you are...interspersed scenes are okay to watch but trying to weave them into a reasonably flowing recap is hard indeed.

Yeah, we've seen the Laura/Adrian dating matchup scene a gazillion times. And it brought back sweet memories of the film You've Got Mail. But I enjoyed it.

And I like the actress playing Diana's biological mom. She does indeed look "related". The same fragile bone structure etc.

Thanks Andy...for a reluctant no no not me! couldn't possibly! recapper, you are knocking out beauts day after day and we're certainly enjoying them.


"(I don't know the actor, nor do I have any idea what his calves are like, but I think he's eye candy for the ladies". After reading that and Judy, your "But definitely eye-candy for us females. Even in long pants.", man, I have GOT to catch this show.

"Crazy Wicked Witch (CWW) - just great andy. Excellent recap.

Your comments on the Camilo/Diana/Monica triangle said it all. "Could it be that Camilo is rejecting any help from Iñaki because he's jealous of Iñaki? Because of her?" Yup.

"He is especially hurtful with Monica, comparing her to a scorpion on his back". A bit harsh but honestly, not far off the mark.

"This planning his life and setting him up, while he was suffering thinking he was the one at fault for becoming involved with Monica and deceiving Diana, all this has killed any feelings he ever had for either one of them". So, isn't this an admission he had feelings for Monica? Sometimes indignant condemnations backfire, don't they? :)

andy, your recaps are must read. Just wonderful. Thank you.



Diana, thank you for your kind words. But I disagree that Monica could be compared to a scorpion on Camilo's back. I think she has been incredibly silly wasting 20 years that can never be recovered, but she has been an extremely good person the whole time.

Or at least until recently. Making a play for someone married may not be a great thing, but the circumstances were not the usual.

Judy, thank you for your comments.
"Believe it or not, I actually watched part of this..." Judy, if you say you did I believe you. I know you're a strong woman.


Come on, the show is not that bad. But we are into the final third of the show and it's time Monica detached herself from Camilo and started looking elsewhere. I didn't think there would be such a forceful assist from Camilo, but there it was. And after the hurtful things said at that restaurant, Monica must be rethinking things.
I don't know if I have ever before used the word "hurtful" as much as I have in the last two days.


Anyway, I have unexpected company and will probably be very busy for a day, a few days?



ANDY...Unexpected company! Always great at Thanksgiving time. Are you a good cook?

I've got a commitment on Monday, so hoping someone can fill in for me recapping HIJAS. If not, recap will be late. And possibly whopperjawed if past performance, after Prosecco is any indication. But not sure it matters with this particular story anyway.


Woweee! A double header from raconteurs par excellence. Thank you both JudyB and Andy for keeping me from my Saturday chores a jot longer.

Manana - Camilo grows a spine!!!! YAY! We've been waiting for this moment from the day Diana cooked up this scheme. BRAVO to the script writers. Camilo blasted them both equally (I thought), but don't forget, he's under the impression (fostered by Almudena) that with Monica it was all an act. Act or not, she deserved what she got (albeit Jimena should have been part of the beat-down for all she did to foster this ridiculous plan).

Mauricio still can't find his starch. GOOD! Sorry, though, that he is going to come to the "rescue" of Camilo and MediaLink and make Rafa look bad in one swell foop.

The first thing I thought on German opening his door was, oh, a new suitor for Barbie. He's about the right age and medium good looks. Then, sigh, he's the head shrinker (too young for me to believe he's the best in CDMX), but ni modo. Where is this going to go?

Ok, so now we have Manuel hooking up with Lidia and Regie possibly going back to Pablo and CWW alone (although I don't think of her as Wicked as Really Crazy Witch. Well, if she weren't a RCW, she could still do the adoption as a single parent. But I think Regie is already having second thoughts.

Mystery of the weekend--Will Diana get in to see Meche?

Hijas - Oh, JOY, oh JOY, more canoodling between the leads. I wonder if once the crew and script-writers knew that the kisses between Seb and JVic were "real" (according to that TV y Novelas in Octavio's house) they didn't cook up more scenes where they could "express" themselves. It CAN get a little tiresome, I've decided.

On with the bikini reveal.

Interesting tid-bit about the books Jerome gave Sebastian. I think he was hoping there would be enough revealed for Seb to figure out who the lovers were. (Reminded me of Sortilegio, but in that one, Victoria gave Alejandro the book to read.) BTW, how did Leo get ahold of the books? Does Seb still live at home? I can't recall ever seeing him in a bed to call his own.

Seeing Dario go through the paces with Stefie to try to get her to come back with him was way over the top and we all knew it. I think Alexis did too, and loved every word and gesture. This Daddy is clearly too obsessed with his daughter, the NOTPrincess. It's hard to believe she AND her brother turned out to be such lovely perfect people. You have to hand it to Mauricio, he's making his own living under his father's nose and sees JInez for who she is rather than what she looks like.

Dario is all for outward appearances and social standing--as is Leonora. I wonder if she will manage to bring Stefie back only to have Seb and JVic announce their relationship at that very moment. Poor Stefie. When will all this bad timing and bad luck end for her.


HIJAS--JudyB, wish I could help out, but I'm on a double-hour of Dragon on Wednesday and I need to gear up for that. Fortunately I don't have to cook on Thursday. My friend's husband is undergoing some uncomfortable surgery on Wednesday and being discharged on Thursday, so we're looking at a Roast Chicken on Friday (maybe).


I totally understand ANITA. Prayers for your friend's husband undergoing surgery and kudos to you for helping out on Dragon and with, hopefully, a happy post-surgery roast chicken dinner.

And I think Seb does still live at home. Remember when his dad came in for a late night chat...after being thrown out of the master bedroom? So yes, Leo could certainly have popped in and snatched the book from his bedside table.

Good Sunday, sweet patio!


Awww JudyB, your snazzy recap is one big gem, but big smiles came upon me with--

We begin with more information about Vicky and Seb's lovemaking than I want to know. The phrase "swapping spit" comes to mind as we're treated to extreme closeups of moist lips making extended contact...

Dear Seb, cute-as-a-button-but-not-as-smart...

Of course, it's impossible to make out what they're saying as the collective shrieks merge into cacophony. Fortunately, Mundito, who goes to school and knows how civilized folks should speak, makes them raise their hands and offer suggestions one at a time.

Vicky thinks this calls for sitting alone by the sea with a super-glum look on her face. I guess this is supposed to pass for Deep Thought.

Your snark is endless and seems to come with such ease. Moreover, you churn these out with warp must be the life of all parties! THANK YOU for sharing your delightful versions of the events.


Andy, I am still in awe at your Andycaps! How lucky we are get to get two snarktastic recappers (Andycappers) in one patio. I got to see Camilo blast Diana and Monica; GOOD FOR HIM!! But, like Anita, I wish Jimena had gotten some of the lashes; she has been such a bad influence on Monica. I'm not sure Monica would have gone as far as she did if Jimena had cheered her on.

I didn't get to see German so I can't comment on how much candy he would be for our eyes, but if you think he could be eye candy, I am willing to bet he is :-)

OT-Diana and JudyB, ITA that Andy has hit his stride and has the full package; so take a look at the 2019 Recapper Gallery--

...but sshhhhh, don't tell Andy :-)

RGV CHICK...Thanks so much for all that appreciation. You keep us recappers going. And I love Andy's "picture" now in the gallery. Can't think of any better "eye candy" than that.


I'm back from a much needed getaway weekend.
JUDY - I can recap either Tuesday or Friday of this coming week.Your call.


DORIS...Tuesday help would be great! Thank you amiga mia.


Judy - Tuesday it will be. 🤗

I went back and watched the last few minutes, Inez looked like she was plum
Pickled. Cuz she would never come out with only 98% of her antimony covered in public. Why she'd surely go to hell for that. Shivers!!! Lol. And she was about to tumble down those steps. If
That was even her. I think it was tho.
In the opening credits she must have
Sobered up, cuz she is now 90-1/2% un-
Covered. Silly inez!


Yes, NINA...Inés' headache medication has left her seemingly "plum pickled". Certainly seems to be an improvement, given her up-tight, guilt-prone personality. We shall see how this unfolds!

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