Sunday, January 05, 2020

El Dragon #71, 1/3/20: Moving Forward...Maybe

Adela enters Carmen’s house and Carmen immediately locks the door. Adela is obviously a little worried when she asks her why she locked the door. Carmen gives her an excuse type answer. And the audience goes “uh oh.” Then, to add insult to injury, Carmen offers Adela coffee that she herself does not want to drink which Adela also looks at suspiciously, and again…the audience goes “uh oh.” The women talk and the camera pans to Tacho peering around the corner…and the audience goes “uh oh” wondering what fate is in store for our poor Adela.

In between what happened in the scene between Carmen and Adela, back at Naga company headquarters, the group is trying to regroup and figure out how to proceed. Jimena calls in sick since she is being held hostage by the sadistic man that is Hans.

At Jimena’s place, Hans wants the name of the scientist that is in charge of Efelina formula. She tells Hanz that the scientist is super far away, but it doesn’t matter to Hans.

Trejo is droning on about all of the business end of stuff. They have to make sure the network of shell companies keep working during the migration. What I take this to mean from later information is that they are going to be shutting down companies and opening new ones systematically, so that anything that Edna may find in her search will be obsolete before she can do anything with the information. But at the same time, they have to keep the money flowing. Flaco is bothered by Jimena not showing up. He thinks it is something like what Patricia did the day before, abandoning the sinking ship. Trejo tells him that the ship isn’t sinking. Actually, he says, who says the ship is sinking as a rhetorical question. But same difference. Jorge does not like the pessimism. Reminding them that they have hit rough spots before and always gotten out of them. When asked when, he reminds Flaco of the fact that the building itself was bombed. Flaco reminds the group that Jimena betrayed her old boss to come and work for Miguel. But Jorge argues that he doesn’t think anyone is going to betray Miguel, he also points out that Miguel has made all of them millionaires. I love how the camera keeps panning on Kenia’s face throughout Jorge’s argument. She points out that they shouldn’t judge. I am sure she is speaking for herself. That just because Jimena betrayed her old boss doesn’t mean she is a traitor. Trejo brings the meeting back to its focus. Money.

Back to Adela and Carmen… all this build up to a let down, cause the entire plan for this meeting that erected from the great minds of Tacho and Epigmenio is that Adela write down an address of the supposed location where Epig is hiding. Now Adela does fall for the bait and writes down the address.

She calls the new scientist Emilio Varela and tells him that he needs to come to Mexico. He doesn’t like the idea. He claims that he hasn’t left his position since they started. Jimena has to tell him that it isn’t a request, it is an oder because they are going to install labs in Mexico and that it is per orders of Miguel. He finally agrees to come. She tells him that they will be waiting for him at the airport.

Adela and Carmen say goodbye and Adela leaves without incident although Carmen is pissed that she couldn’t just kill her on the spot. Tacho praises her for for her acting.

Miguel calls via video call and is telling his team about what he is doing to try and contain the incident. He is at a hotel with Edgar Sanchez Morris, who he says is one of the best lawyers in the world, as well as his other lawyers to figure out what they need to do to stop the investigation of Edna. He tells them that from their end, he needs them to reconstruct the financial system, which is what Trejo tells them he has been working on. He asks Flaco how likely it is that Edna’s hacks can break through into the information that was unable to be erased in the raid. Flaco tells him that he doesn’t think that even the best hackers can get through the nucleus of his system. Kenia tells him that even if they do get in, they still have time to erase any trace of a connection with whatever they find. Miguel asks for Jimena, Jorge tells him that she called in sick, but Flaco expresses his doubts in regards to her despite the fact that he knows his coworkers are not going to like it. Flaco says that the AG (Edna) is serious and that they could end up in jail, there is no way Jimena isn’t there because of a stomach ache. Miguel tells Flaco not to panic yet and that if they have any other questions. Trejo tells Miguel that they are all working together, to get out of the crisis. When Miguel hangs up Kenia tells Flaco to stop being hysterical, Flaco tells her that it isn’t hysteria, its paranoia.

Peligros, Adela and Ishiro are talking about the address that Adela got. She wants them to go to the address to confirm that Epig is really there, just to have the knowledge in case they need it. Ishiro tells Adela that he doesn’t like that she did that operation alone. Peligros reminds Ishiro that she wasn’t alone. That the fact that he didn’t know was another thing. Adela tells him that Miguel knows everything and that he agrees, so there is no point in arguing. She tells them to be careful, because if they are seen, it is going to trash all of the work she has done with Carmen. Peligros tells her of course they will be. Adela tells Ishiro that the last thing she wants to do is start a war. Ishiro tells her that he follows instructions. They will be careful.

Hans offers Jimena food, she doesn’t want any. He grabs a slice of pizza telling her that she should eat, because when she is hungry there may not be any left. In his creepy way, he tells her that there will always be a way for her to get from him what she wants, but maybe she will ask him for something else. This goes along with his disgusting comment earlier that I didn’t put, where he tells her to behave, but that he likes it when she doesn’t because it turns him on. This guy is sick! Jimena tells Hans, sidestepping his suggestiveness, that it is likely that Varela calls Miguel or the office and that they will come looking for her. Hans tells her that he hopes not because up to that point will her life last.

Tacho is with a guy looking at a camera feed, drone, mounted camera, something and see Ishiro and Peligros on the roof of a building close to the house. They are sneaking around on the roof to spy on the residence in question. Man Ishiro has a lot of makeup on. A car arrives and Carmen gets out. She and Tacho exchange words confirming that they are indeed being watched. Peligros confirms that it is Carmen, Epigmenio’s wife.

Epigmenio is dressing a man name Gallo dressed in his clothes. Making him look like him, but in a bullet proof jacket. He tells him not to worry, his family is going to be well compensated for his work. I am guessing that is in case the bullet proof jacket doesn’t work. “Epigmenio” arrives at the house. Tacho tells Carmen that the shooting could start any minute and she asks what they do if a bomb in thrown. He tells her they duck.

Peligros and Ishiro watch it all go down. Peligros confirming that it is Epigmenio, even though his face is indiscernible. They just watch.

At Naga, Flaco is unloading a new computer. Kenia asks him about the new computer and he tells her that he is going to leave it unconnected to the network, virgin. She teases him about being left with ‘needs’ from earlier. Flaco explains that the computer is going to house all of the confidential information that can only be seen there in the office. That if someone tries the incorrect password 3 times all of the data will be erased. Kenia asks who will have the password, he tells her just him and Miguel. Kenia says he doesn’t trust her.

I swear this episode is once again too much Epigmenio. He and Carmen are arguing over the fact that there was not an attack, once Miguel knew his whereabouts. He doesn’t like it. She thinks he should be glad nothing happened. Epig claims that he would have preferred an attack, at least then he would know what Miguel wanted. That if he doesn’t want to kill him, then why does he have his girlfriend going after Carmen. Tacho throws in that you have to be careful with the Japanese guy. There is extra security. Carmen, once again wants to kill Adela. Wow, she gets messed with and goes straight to killing. She is a mafiosos wife. Epig tells her, not yet, don’t get ahead of yourself. We have to have a good strategy. Miguel is very good at that. What is that dead fish look Miguel is giving?

Jimena is trying to be sneaky while Hans sleeps and grab her phone off the table. Unfortunately, she drops it on the floor and he wakes and then takes out the SIM card. The next morning, he meets Dr. Varela at the airport, as soon as they get to Jimena’s house, he pulls a gun on him and starts trying to get the formula out of him. He tells Hans that he doesn’t have the formula, Hans comes back with a drill ready to torture it out of him.

Duarte calls Epigmenio and his secretary (the one that tried to get hot and heavy with Hector) overheard the name Epig. She picks up the phone and hears them agree to meet.

Dr. Varela gives Hans the formula after some apparent torture, as there is blood everywhere. He threatens them that the formula better work.

Adela is at Naga company on the phone with Miguel and Trejo. He tells her that he is going to have to dismantle Jin Foundation as part of the new strategy they are developing. She is upset at leaving all of the women in the street. Miguel asks about Jimena, he tells Trejo that if she doesn’t come in or call in 30 minutes to go and see her. The Governor of Baja, Montero is there to see Miguel, and Adela is sent to meet with him. She is pissed about Jin and leaves without saying goodbye.

Duarte’s secretary goes to see Hector and tells him everything. They have a conversation in which Hector apologizes for leading her on and she tells him that after all that he has gone through for the information he was after, she could see that he had his reasons.

Hans meets with his scientist about the formula and wants him to create it and test it as soon as possible so that he can get rid of Varela.

Adela meets with Montero and she tells him that Miguel can’t see him. He isn’t too happy about it. She tells him he only needs to support Sayanes. His nose starts bleeding again and she gets him tissues. Remember, that this happened before with his nose. He blames it on the pollution of CDMX, says it doesn’t happen in TJ.

Claudia and Hector are arguing about him going to spy on the meeting between Epig and Duarte. She wants to go alone, he wants to go alone. They finally agree to go together. He tells her that she wanted him to be the same as before, well he is.

Trejo is trying to get ahold of Jimena. Flaco is tracking her phone. He says that it is untraceable. The only way that could happen is if it was destroyed or the battery was taken out. Ishiro asks him to look at her last calls. Flaco tells them that the last calls were to Trejo and to Napal. Ishiro and Trejo exchange looks, like they know what this means. Ishiro immediately splits.

Jimena and Varela are talking in the house. She asks him if he gave Hans the correct formula, he says yes, she tells him that they have to escape. That when he tries the formula they are going to be worthless to him and he will kill them.

Hans is at the the lab looking at the mice and saying that it all looks good. The scientist tells him that it looks good, but isnt because something is failing, that something is wrong with the formula. We see dead mice with blood on their faces. Hans says that Varela lied to him, the scientist says he doesn’t know, but something doesn’t add up.

Hector and Claudia arrive at the meeting place are arguing again, because Hector wants Claudia to stay in the car. They agree to do it together. He wants to find a place to hide.

Hans returns to the house furious because the formula isnt working. He confronts Varela, telling him that it is exactly the formula they are using at the lab. When a knock sounds at the door. We see Ishiro trying to peek in. Hans unties Jimena so she can answer the door and she pretends to be sick and tells Ishiro, can’t she have a day off to rest. Then before he leaves she tells him that she is sorry that she can’t meet him at Atari restaurant tonight, but can they do it another night. Ishiro says ok and leaves.

Claudia and Hector catch the conversation between Duarte and Epig. Duarte wants them to be on the same team, he wants them to take out Miguel. Proving that Miguel is a mafioso will discredit Sayanes. He wants to feed info to Edna and help her take Miguel down. Claudia and Hector are taking pictures the entire time and then accidentally set off the alarm to the car they were hiding behind. Epig goes to check it out, but they are not there.

Montero is getting ready for his interview. Before he goes on, he takes a pill out of his pocket and takes it. We are assuming it is Efilina, since he always wants it.

Hans has a gun on Varela, ready to execute him when Ishiro comes in and stabs him, I am assuming in the heart, from behind. Because he collapses and doesn’t even move a bit. Ishiro calms Jimena and unties her. She tells him that she knew he would figure out her clue. The word Atari, that she used for the restaurant means under threat in Japanese. She says she learned the word to impress Miguel, but that it was worthless. Ishiro asks her why she thinks it was worthless. That today that saved her life. Then her and Varela stand around looking panicked.

Final scene of the night, we see the entire world, or at least cast of El Dragon, la familia Garza, , Edna and crooked husband, Duarte, Sayanes himself, watching Montero give his interview. In the interview he names Sayanes as the obvious candidate for the presidency. That he knows no other candidate who is against corruption, clean and transparent. Montero says that he can’t say that about any other candidates. While Montero is giving the interview, Hector is looking at the photos he has developed of Duarte and Epigmenio and writing an article. He looks up and we see the blood running down the eyes of Montero. In the studio where he is being interviewed we see the aftermath. He asks for the interview to be paused. Freaks out, along with everyone around him about blood coming from his eyes. Tries to get up and collapses, seizing on the floor. End episode.

So, apparently there are no immediate addictive side effects of Efilina, but something is wrong, because it appears, over time…well, bleeding eyes, and I am assuming death. What is Miguel going to do when it is too good to be true?

That is all for tonight my friends. Sorry this post took so long. I did not have the focus I needed and it came super slow. Hope everyone had a great weekend, a great New Year, and back to the grind tomorrow, for those who are not already back at it. See you next week. Which for me might be my last, not sure of the total number of episodes.



Esther: Somebody is NOT going to be among the living.

I think we will lose various next week. Although seeing Hans go wasn’t hard.

Thank You Ms. Trooper. You reminded me: What EFFECT did the knock out drops Carmen put into Adela's coffee have? Was it neutralized by her Nuclear Orange lipstick? Or was it actually just Dramamine and was not supposed to be seen by US?

I was beginning to almost not hate, though a stretch from LIKE, Carmen until we saw her true colors about Adela last night. She can go ahead and die whenever the urge hits her now. She will not be missed in Florida.

Poor ole Doofus Aw Heck! bumped a parked car he and Claw were hiding behind and set off the burglar alarm. I presume that is what happened. Many car alarms have vibration sensors which detect any contact with any part of the car.

Wow that Ephilina sure would be a simple solution to the Opioid epidimic sweeping America, according to the propaganda which passes as news lately. Get them off Opioids onto Ephilina and before long they will not be a problem. :-)


You are a real trooper. Thank you for the time you spent bringing us such wonderfully detailed recaps to help fill in the gaps we may have after watching a fast-paced episode. Sometimes, the action skips ahead so fast, it's unbelievable how they can put into action a difficult and complex plan with minutes. Oh well, it is a novela, right?

So, Ephilina took the world by storm shortly after being produced; and finally, by coincidence, we see Mexicans (the Governor of Chihuahua) and lab rats have nose bleeds? Not hundreds, if not thousands, of other world-wide users haven't had any side effects that we have heard about? I guess no pleasure drug (that I know of) is absolutely side effect free.

Again, I'm not seeing a nice ending and am dreading seeing El Gran Final.

May I ask those of you who watch Telemundo telenovelas how they are able to extend a successful novela, but they didn't plan ahead to film multiple seasons? For example, ESDLC, LD, SA, etc. Therefore, they couldn't have contracted the cast members ahead of time. Such was the case with Ana Brenda Contreras in PASL with the second season achieving lower ratings. And such is the case with AAM which lost Angelique Boyer for the second season. Well, they did kill her off.

Your thoughts would be appreciated. I'm sick of José Ron, skipped Ringo, and will skip his upcoming novela.

Has anyone else heard our favorite refrain 'Caray' said several times throughout????


Esther, thank you for providing us with this recap despite the migraine.

Why did Carmen let Adela walk out the door? I, too, was considering Carmen just a shallow person married to a monster and getting by with shopping excursions, the gym, and love affairs. #theunexaminedlife However, she evidently is a pretty vengeful person if someone tries to mess up her chosen lifestyle.
Nosebleeds, tattoos, drugs, terrorists, torture, corruption .....back to the Hallmark channel.

Got a dusting of unexpected snow last night.



I think Carmen let Adela walk because Epi could not figure out what Adela was up to since Miguel already knew that he was alive. So he didn't want to knock him off until he could figure what was up. At least someone is playing with somewhat of a full deck.

Carmen allowed Adela to leave to set a trap for Miguel, based on Taco and ePichilada's mistaken belief that Miguel had sent Adela in to discover where ePig is hiding.

So they plant the fake address of the abandoned house thinking it will lure Mig into an attack so they can get him. Nothing worked out though, except their seeing ePeligros and eShiro spying from a nearby roof.

Oops we were typing at the same time.

Victoria and kirby, thank you for clearing that up for me. Carmen was certainly furious that adela had tricked her.
No idea where this is heading.

Well, Adela didn't need that booty shakin class anyway. She stays slim just chasing Migalicious around. And must be in decent shape anyway, she showed her muscle in jail against a gal three times her weight. And ironically, she does not even have any TATTOOS, a supposed requisite for any modicum of toughness. re Ringo...Ishiro...Kenia

Carmen? You sleep with dogs, you get fleas.

Esther, your recap is terrific. I hope you are feeling much better.

Yay, Ishiro to the rescue. I like the way he does what he needs to, but never gets excessive with it (if we're not counting the full body tattoo). And I don't even think he needed Jimena's "can't meet you at Atari" clue. He knew something was wrong without her even saying a word.

Disappointed in Peligros. He identified Epig without being sure to see his face.

OK something which did not make sense: ePig fixes up eClone telling him, you know, just in case, his family will be taken care of, etc.

We see Taco on scene watching the Hardy Boys with his DJI Drone. They watch Carmen get out of the car. "Taco tells Carmen the shooting should start any minute." ePig arrives, or the eClone, we are to believe. The next minute we see ePig talking to Carmen. Did they all leave the fake house and go home?? It looked like eClone morphed into ePig right there at the fake house. I suppose there was a time jump of a few minutes, or I was not paying attention.

Kirby, I think you are right, a time jump, it was day when the fake Epig arrived at the house. This seemed to be more evening. And Carmen was with him at the nice house he is actually hiding out in. Not the little thing they used as bait. It was good seeing Ishiro come to the rescue once again. Hope Jimena doesn't try to steal him from Chisca out of gratitude. Thanks for reading, sorry I posted so late. Have a great week. I am actually looking forward to tonights episode. But it is going to be weird because we are in the process of cutting the cord, so at some point this week I am canceling my dvr.

Dear Esther--
I wouldn't want anyone to suffer from a migraine for any reason, but this recap was your best among all the great ones. You had a lot of good material and there was no shoot-out. Ok, Poor Hans is Dead. I thought Miggy did the job back when--or should have.

Nothing makes sense anymore--too much wheeling and dealing. I do love watching the episodes and seeing how Miggy & Co. stay ahead of the Feds. But best of all is to see what Carayers are thinking the next day.

I guess I'm just too jaded after >10 years. Are all these creative minds running out of stories and plots? I'm with Susanlynn, bring back a real romance.

1. Even if Varela left immediately from Nepal (and how many flights a day are going out?), I don't think he could get to CDMX the next morning (Miguel and Trejo confirmed the time).
2. Montero is the first and only dude to suffer from a fatal nosebleed? Efilina has been in production for weeks, if not months. Wouldn't Varela have noticed his rats bleeding out by now? Ok, maybe it was contaminated at the source and distributed while the formula is fine.
3. Who, including Hans, would leave his captive, even tied up, next to her phone. When he destroyed it, he eliminated a chance to make Jimena keep Naga folks away. Did Hans ever let her go to the bathroom? (Yay for Ishiro. I didn't mind the stabbing, but I closed my eyes when I saw the drill coming. What a sadist--and he seemed to be German. Do we need that stereotype to be perpetuated?)
4. I'm tired of underground parking garages used for clandestine meetings, in this story in particular. I can only surmise that Televisa rents them on the cheap. How could a highly placed official like Duarte go wherever he wanted to without an entourage. There's no way Hector could have rolled himself away before ePig could check out where the alarm came from, so they made eP look around first.
5. Ok, we get it, Howard is a failure as an IRS employee. How do we know? He wears nerdy-only, white short-sleeved shirts.
6. So, Flaco installs a "virgin" computer to store all sensitive information that will self-destruct after 3 false tries. So, there's no back-up?
7. Never knowing anyone with a lip ring, I'd like to know how Kenia manages to avoid stuff getting caught in it and tearing at it. How good is kissing with one of those? Her Goth look has gotten old.
8. For one flash second, when Miguel & Co. moved into and arrived at the "new" house, the interior was EXACTLY like the Carvajal house in Amar a Muerte. The big sliding doors with the pool right outside and the fireplace wall in the living room was a dead give-away. The outside shots of the mansion I think were of El Alacran's mansion.
9. All you need to get someone out on bail in Miami is $12 million and a judge who speaks Spanish? BTW, I seem to recall a sign on the outside of that "jail" Adela was in that said Federal Detention Center, but the clientel didn't look at all like tax evaders, not even Adela.
10. Are we seeing the first "break" between Miggy and Adela over the Jin foundation? So late in the story? Maybe not. However, everything points to some group going down and out by the end. Do we really want those inept IRS officials (who only exist in the writers' imaginations) and Edna, incorruptible with a corrupt husband come out as winners? Those are supposed to be the good guys. Do we want Miggy's candidates to win the election? Why would we want Miggy and Co. to come out ahead. We like Ishiro but he's an assassin.

Ok, it's just a story, it's just a story. I would like some semblance of decent research and writing to make it believable--or, maybe that's the point, it shouldn't have to be, to make it good. But why do other tns manage to do it: Amor Real, Amor Bravio, Amar a Muerte, Hotel de los Secretos, Reina de Corazones and select others. Bah, Humbug! Ok, off my soap box.

Esther Thanks. Good for you cutting the cord. To me, it is an IQ test to pay for Television, then sit there with half the time spent either watching or muting the wall to wall commercials. It is a documented fact that the percentage of time in commercials has very insidiously crept Way up over the last decade or so. And most of the offerings would bore a bright 8 year old. Go to Wal Mart and buy your own Antenna and DVR.

Anita, I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately, I think we've seen the last of the traditional, romantic telenovela.

I'd love to know if anyone wants to share what they switched to when cutting the cord. I don't watch TV. As Kirby said, I can't stand the commercials and have no patience for them.

Just email me. My email address is on my profile page.

Before I forget, I must say, the latest telenovelas are doing a bang-up job with their on-location scenes/sets. So much better than Juan Osorio's stage built sets that are so fake.

Thanks everyone. Can't wait until tonight.


Anita: Good eye on the AAM house. It slipped by me. I will pay attention tonight. Thanks.

Flaco's silliness about the one lonely little laptop to be the cerebral cortex of all things Garza was laughable. Three incorrect tries and the Garza IT infrastructure erases itself?

Anita, I know two people who ha tongue piercings which seemed like a Very awkward, comfy idea. Like...why would anyone think that was a good idea?. Well, anyway, I noticed that they both took out that stud quite soon after having it done. I wonder about a lot of things that people do . Life is hard enough ...why pierce your tongue ? I do have pierced ears , but I was 26 wheb I had it done and my mother had to talk me into it.

There are some other things rumored about tongue piercings which are supposedly the unspoken reason.

But I am about piercings like I am about cars. If the factory didn't feel like it needed a hole there then leave it alone.

Completely off topic, but Kirby, what do you recommend for a DVR? My antenna arrives today. But none of the streaming services we are looking at have Univision, just Telemundo. So I need the antenna and dvr to record novelas. And in case of recapping, when the app goes out like it did this weekend.

Kirby--It was just that one living-dining scene that was AAM's. The bedroom Adela went into didn't look like Lucia's. We haven't seen Rosario in the kitchen yet, so can't predict that it might be Silvina's.

Susanlynn--about tongue piercings, one of the check-out young girls had a silver ball in her tongue. It made her lisp when she talked, but I don't know if that was because of the thing in her mouth or was a pre-existing condition.

Growing up in South America, all baby girls had their ears pierced. It was the only way to distinguish the girls from the boys as infants. I felt like the outlier and finally convinced my mother to let me do it. (Our landlady did it, icing my ears first, then using a silk thread to keep the hole open while it healed. Then I got a pair of little gold balls they called teaks.)

Well to make a short story longer, when we returned to the U.S., decent girls wore clip or screw on earrings, indecent girls had pierced ears. How times have changed! It's hard to find non-pierced earrings any more except in yard sales or in collectible shops. BTW, I had my daughter's ears pierced when she was 3 months old--and probably the first in her U.S. cohort. By the time she graduated from high school, all the girls had pierced ears.

Anita, that is so funny. I came home to Charlotte to deliver our daughter, because the conditions were so deplorable after the Nicaraguan earthquake completely destroyed Managua and there were no hospitals to safely deliver babies.

I did not even think about having her ears pierced while we were here in Charlotte. However, when we came back to Managua after 3 months, people kept assuming she was a boy. My husband would get so upset. So when she was 6 months old; and we visited Charlotte again, I had her ears pierced by my dermatologist. She sat on my sister's lap while I held her arms down from the front, she didn't acknowledge me for 2 days!

And I can think of more akward places one can have pierced?

Esther, what I use is very rudimentary. I got it at WalMart for next to nothing, though it does need an external hard drive. But if you are computer savy or have a friend, it just plugs into the DVR USB port.

Mine is an Ematic. Model AT103B. It is called a 'Digital Converter Box'. But it has a tuner and all the stuff needed to record TV, except the hard drive to record it onto. And it is way under $50 if I remember correctly. I used it when we were doing Beasts and AAM.


Victoria—Great story. My obstetrician pierced my daughter’s. He wouldn’t let me be in the room with her and told me it was like her getting a shot—the unexpected hurt, and she would cry, but then it would be ok. It was. She never rejected me—of course, she was only 3 mis. old!

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