Saturday, January 11, 2020

El Dragon #76, 1/10/20: Everyone is Shook!

Good Evening my Patio Peeps, glad to be here tonight with you all. Or this morning, since this episode it taking an eternity to get through. Lots to see here, so read on.

Ending last night Kenia, finally met her end. It was long in coming, and at one point I thought she might even get away with it. That some way, Jorge would save her in front of Miguel. But alas that was not to be. Gary finds his star witness dead on the floor. At least it wasn’t a bloody death. We really didn’t need another one of those.

Tonight starts with Gary leaving the scene in shock. Was Edna right, he fell in love with her? Because he looks shook. Finally, he calls in the downed officer and the death.

Ishiro arrives at the house and with just a look he confirms the death of Kenia. He asks what he should do now. Miguel just nods and proceeds to tell him about the kidnapping of Varela. Ishiro asks him, what will now become an important question. What allies do they still have. Miguel tells him none. At this point, with a feeling of loyalty toward Miguel, Ishiro tells Miguel about his talk with Tadamichi. That Tadamichi told him to report everything that was going on with the business. Miguel tells him to go ahead, that he owes his loyalty to Tadamichi. Ishiro tells Miguel that he also owes him loyalty. That what he asks him he will do. In the middle of this conversation, Peligros walks in telling Miguel that Gary is there. Miguel tells him to let him in. He tells Ishiro to stay in the office. Not everyone has seen Ishiro, it makes sense that he wants to keep him out of sight.

Everyone is in the entry, except Jorge, when Gary arrives. Gary comes in with a raised voice, asking Miguel what he felt when he killed Kenia. Miguel politely responds, “and you are…?” Gary doesn’t like that Miguel answers his accusations with politeness. He says “ don’t come at me with your manners, I know what a piece of crap you are.” Miguel tells him how dare he come and accuse him in his own house. Gary responds that he knows that Miguel or one of his guys of killing Kenia. Miguel tells him to watch his words, they are in front of his family. Gary tells him that he is not afraid of him, that he is going to put Miguel in jail. Miguel with his normal cockiness in front of the law in general asks…”do you have an arrest warrant? Are you going to read me my rights?” Gary puts hands on Miguel and pushes him up against the wall and Miguel immediately grabs and twists his arm putting Gary on the floor. It was kind of amusing to see the groups look of surprise at what happened. Gary yells, “you are going to pay dearly for this. Miguel responds that until he has an arrest warrant he better not bother him again, while he still has him on the floor. After a long minute, Adela tries to calm Miguel down, telling him to calms down. Miguel tells Gary to leave and Dora puts in her two sense telling Gary to get out, that they don’t like being branded as murderers. Jorge walks in at this point and asks what is going on, Miguel tells Peligros to get Gary out of there. Gary yells at Jorge to ask his brother, that he killed his girlfriend on his way out. Jorge just says “my brother” and runs out holding his head. Chisca goes after him.

Peligros walks Gary to the gate. Peligros tells Gary that he hopes that now he will leave the family alone. Gary tells him that he isnt an idiot, that he knows Miguel did it. He tries to change the subject and catch Peligros off guard. “Where are the cars.” Peligros looks confused for a second, “what are you talking about, what cars?” Gary goes on “the car that followed me.” He claims that he knows the car that followed him was around there somewhere. Peligros catches on and reminds him that if he wants to see the cars, he will need a warrant. Gary is still out of sorts and says “all of you are going to be sorry.” Peligros is all bravado with “we will see about that” Gary’s final parting words to Peligros are “tell your boss he is going to go to jail.”

Chisca approaches Jorge, he is crying and she tells him that he has to calm down. Dora arrives on the scene and tells him that he has to be strong. Jorge, visibly broken up, says, ‘he dared to kill the love of my life. I hate Miguel, I hate him forever” I am actually surprise that he spoke. He went mute when Kenia broke up with him, so it surprised me to see that he could still talk after finding out that Kenia is dead. However, I guess it was necessary for this next part. Miguel and Adela walk up to the three of them and Jorge yells at Miguel “you are turning into our grandfather, killing your own people, your own family.” There is shock all around, and everyone is looking at him confused about what he is saying, except Dora. Chisca asks him, “what did you just say.” Jorge responds, “grandpa, the nightmare,” We get the end of the nightmare we have seen the beginning of numerous time. Little Jorge approaching his grandfathers office, except this time he remembers Lamberto talking to Gato. Gato is explaining how he didn’t know the kids were going to be there. Lamberto tells Gato to not worry, he knows that it is something out of his control. Gato asks him what now. Lamberto tells him that the oldest grandson (Miguel) is old enough to recognize him and to want revenge, so he has deposited Gato a lot of money, more than necessary for him to leave the city, forever. Chisca tries to come to terms, she says that it can’t be, that it has to be something he invented as part of his nightmare. Dora attacks Miguel, telling him “Look what you did, your brother is going nuts, saying all kinds of crazy things.” Jorge yells they are not crazy, that Miguel, everyday is more like grandfather, doing whatever it takes to stay in charge. This whole time Adela is in the background holding her head, trying to wrap her mind around what is being said and assimilate it with what she already knows. Chisca confronts Jorge “where are you getting all of this from, what motive would grandfather have to kill his own son?” Dora is standing there saying the whole thing is absurd, when Adela speaks up . “It’s true.” Dora in true denial fashion attacks Adela “how are you going to know anything?” Adela speaks over Dora claiming that she found something that could clear up the whole thing. Miguel asks her why she didn’t show them to her. Of course Dora is still spewing her lies, “looks at this woman, who does she think she is, this is nuts.” Adela says that it wasn’t the time, that Miguel already had enough going on. Miguel says he wants to see the evidence. Chisca and Jorge look on in utter surprise. Adela says she is going to tell Peligros to take her to get them.

Drenka and the Russian show up in Napal with Varela and Hans’s chemist. The second chemist won’t shut up about the fact that he doesn’t have anything to do with the whole thing and that he was just hired by the German to look at the formula. Varela tells them that the formula is no good, Drenka tells him that the formula is perfect and they finally just shoot the other guy and tell Varela to start production again. After seeing the other guy shot, Varela gets to work. The Russian asks Drenka if she contacted all of the partners and she says they should be on their way.

Edna and Gary are arguing because Gary went to Miguel’s. “How could you have dared to confront Miguel Garza in his own house?” Gary answers “he is a murderer.” Edna yells back, “we don’t have proof of anything, didn’t you see that his lawyers accused us of pursuing him illegally, do you want them to do it again?” Gary responds that “he killed an officer and killed Kenia.” Edna replies, “we have a lot of dead people and little proof Gary.” Gary is taking the whole thing personal, that it is different this time because she gave them the information they needed, she didn’t deserve it. Edna has to has to remind him that Kenia was a terrorist. She tells him to go out and look for witnesses, video footage from a security camera on the street, some kind of proof. “We are not going to beat Miguel Garza threatening him with nothing. Gary I know how you feel, but we need to be smarter than him.” Gary says he will go out and look for evidence. Edna says she will look into the evidence thet Kenia gave them. She tells him that if he wants Kenia’s death to not be in vain then they have to take down Miguel Garza once and for all.

Adela apparently already went for the tape. She and Miguel are sitting on the couch with the others all around listening to the recording. Dora is looking nervous and walks away. Adela tells Miguel that found it in Cuidad Jimenez in his grandfather’s office. “What I understand is that when he found out about the betrayal of his son, he had him killed.” Everyones faces are shocked and or angry. Jorge says “so my dreams are true, what kind of family are we that we kill each other? You know what Miguel, hopefully you die too,” and he storms out of the room. I am surprised at how this all came about. I thought the writers were going to save it for a big Epigmenio moment. But it is kind of interesting how they make it happen when only the family is present. Giving them a chance to deal with it now. Later when I am sure that Epig tries to use it against Miguel, he won’t have that weapon. Only the info that could really matter, and that would be if he somehow decides, in a typical villainous monologue to admit to setting the whole thing up, when he thinks he has Miguel on the ropes, like he did with Lamberto.

Jorge goes into his room and is remembering his relationship with Kenia. He has memories of the first time Kenya kissed him to save him from the teasing at school. The first time they made love, a conversation where she said he helps her forget her problems, that she wouldn’t leave him, that what she feels for him, she never felt for anyone. He mourns her.

Miguel confronts Dora, he can’t believe she knew all this time. She tells him that she promised his grandfather that she would never tell, did he want her to betray the love of her life. Then of course, because she is Dora, she tries to turn the tables and blame Adela. “Are you happy now, look what you did.” Chisca, our much changed Chisca comes to Adela’s defense, “this isnt her fault,” Dora doesn’t like that Chisca defended Adela, but Adela defends herself. “I only found the truth, don’t try and blame me.” Dora changes tactics “So, now everyone knows, where does that get you?” Miguel tells her that she could have told him the truth when Lamberto died. Dora tells him that her loyalty to Lamberto doesn’t end because he died. Miguel tells her that he did all of this in his grandfathers memory, the killer of his parents. Dora doesn’t want to talk anymore and says that she is going back to Ciudad Jimenez, she doens’t have anything else to do there. Chisca can’t believe that she just left and Miguel still looks pissed. After all of the buildup to this situation, first of all, I am kind of let down, I thought it would be more explosive. However, after all that we have talked about it, I can’t believe that I am the one who gets to recap it. I am putting lots of actual quotes because I feel we need to live this in their words, not just in summary. I hope I did it justice!!

Gary walks into Edna’s offices, she immediately looks up from her work and asks, “and?” Gary replies, “obviously, I didn’t find anything. Not videos, not witnesses, Miguel’s men are always a step ahead of us. Edna tells him “maybe not always, I have better news.” That in the information that Kenia gave them she found accounts in the name of Carlos Duarte in offshore accounts for millions of dollars. Edna says that Duarte is going to have to explain where all of that money came from. Then she shows him the picture of Solomon Infante, the alias given to Braulio Lopez. She found information that Miguel Garza helped him leave the country with a fake identity and fake papers. She also has an article written by Hector about Braulio. Gary tells her that it is all good information. She says what is better is that Hector is on his way to give them an explanation.

Back in Napa, the drug lords are meeting. Drenka, the Russian, the Chinese guy, and Peiro the Italian. They are waiting for Tadamichi. The Chinese guy says that he is there to represent Tadamichi. The Russian tells him that Tadamichi better be in agreement with everything they talk about in the meeting. Chinese guy confirms that Tadamichi wants to continue with the Efilina. Russian guy says that they are meeting because Miguel Garza is out of the business of the Efilina. If he wants to return, he will do so as just another partner. Do they all agree. Drenka says that they need another supplier in Mexico, Chinese guy suggests Epigmenio. Maybe now that Miguel is out, Epig might want to participate. Drenka says that she is not sure. Pig has a new alliance with Jaramillo, he may not be interested in doing business with them. They say that it won’t hurt to ask. They can offer him a part of the business and see what happens. They all agree, Piero will take charge of getting into contact with Epig. Miguel should have realized that the second things stopped working perfectly, these guys were going to break the partnership. He had his reasons, but theirs are all money. No other concern.

Chisca goes to talk to Jorge. He tries to kick her out. She tells him that she feels as bad as she did. Chisca cries while she replays the whole thing, “dad wanted to kill grandpa, and ended up killing grandma, and then grandpa killed our parents.” and Jorge adds “and Miguel killed my girlfriend, we are a disgusting family.” Chisca agrees, “we are disgusting.” Jorge says it would have been better for him to never have been born. Chisca tells him not to say that, that he has her. Jorge tells her that she has Ishiro, and that he is alone again.

Adela is yelling at Miguel about Kenya’s death. She is telling him that he never had the intention of questioning her, that he was always going to kill her. Miguel yells back that she never was going to tell him what she found on the recording. She tells him that she did it to protect him. He tells her that he did the same thing. Finally, Adela says “enough, we can’t go on like this, we are going to go crazy.” Miguel tells her that she is right. She asks him what he is going to do about the Efilina. He tells her that he will stop producing it until he finds the correct formula. Adela asks “and your partners?” He says try to make it so that they don’t continue, that the idea was to create a substance that didn’t kill, a substance that substituted all of the others. If it weren’t for that he wouldn’t have gotten involved in this business. Adela tells him that she doesn’t understand his way of seeing death. He tells Adela that he hates himself for what he did to Kenia, for what he did to Jorge, but he didn’t have any other option. Death is and will always be his last resort. Then he asks her what kind of person she thinks he is. Basically, he doesn’t like gratuitous death, unnecessary death. But is fine with the death of those who deserve it in his eyes.

Hector is in Edna’s offices with her and Gary. She states “Miguel made Braulio disappear to help him, what other reason would he do it?” Hector just shakes his head not speaking. She tells Hector that she knows that he doesn’t want to incriminate Miguel, but she needs him to cooperate. “If Braulio comes and testifies, we can put Carlos Duarte in jail. Isnt this what we have both wanted for a long time?” Gary tells Hector to give them the location and they will take care of the rest. Edna gets a call, her husband is looking for her. She tells her secretary to not let him through, she will go out to meet him. Now that she knows he is passing information to Duarte, she doesn’t want him to have any clue as to what she is doing it seems.

Edna goes out to meet Mauricio. He invites her to lunch, she tells him she can’t, she is in a meeting. She tells him that she is too stressed with work. That she doesn’t like him to see her like this. Maybe it is best for him to not to come by there again. He is left looking after her suspiciously.

When she returns to the office, Hector decides to speak. He tells them about Natalia Rios and how she was the lover of Carlos. That one of her jobs was to pick up the bribes from the cartels. And one day she showed up dead. Hector tells them “We don’t exactly know how, but the way things worked out, Braulio was left looking like the only one guilty.” Gary adds “there is a video right, where Braulio confesses and talks about an apartment that supposedly belongs to Carlos Duarte?” We see a replay of Hector and Claudia looking at Braulios confession video. Hector tells Edna that it is obvious that Duarte is never going to admit that that is his apartment and that he has the apartment in someone else’s name. location. Edna says that they will just have to find a way to connect him with that property. Hector tells her that he has some pictures that might help, he will send them to her. She asks Hector about Braulios location and he tells her that he can get the information. Edna is pleased and tells him that if everything goes as planned, then in a few hours they can have an arrest warrant for Carlos Duarte.


Jaramillo, Epigmenio and Tacho are talking about the meeting that has been requested by Piero. Jaramillo says that he doesn’t like him, but Epigmenio tells the group that Piero never liked Miguel, and just for that reason he likes him. Tacho tells him, well, then you have to listen to him. He tells Tacho to set up the meeting.

Back in the AG’s office, Gary tells Edna she looked stressed when Mauricio showed up. She clams that she is bad at hiding things. She confesses to him what she found out about Maurico, that he is an informant of Carlos Duarte. Gary wants to know what is she going to do about it. She says fake it, one never knows when it might be useful to trap the ex secretary. She says, first work, she will deal with her marriage later.

Ana driving Hector to Miguels house, to find out Braulio’s location. He comments on the security when they pull up. She says they are armed. Hector says it looks like a fortress. He gets out of the car, Ana decides to stay.

Hector asks Miguel if he got robbed or something, Miguel looks confused but the Hector points out that the amount of security being way more than the other house. Miguel says that they are in the middle of some very difficult times and it is better to be prepared. Hector tells Miguel that he comes from talking with Edna. Miguel asks if she has information that incriminates him. Hector tells him, not information about him, but yes about Carlos Duarte, for now. Hector tells Miguel that he is going to turn over the USB of the payoffs, and that is why he is there. He wanted to tell Miguel first. Hector tells him that on the USB there is information about his grandfather. Miguel says that thats ok, they can fix that beforehand. Hector also tells him that he needs the location of Braulio, they need his testimony. He is the last piece necessary to put Carlos in jail. Miguel tells him no problem, but he needs a favor in exchange. Hector says of course, he was ready for that. He needs Hector to tell him about all of the information that Edna has about him. This is another scene that shows us the unique friendship between Hector and Miguel. Because Hector is fully aware that Miguel is manipulating the information to his benefit and he finally isn’t protesting. I think after all that has happened he may have come to the realization that you can’t be all good. Maybe even seeing Miguel as Miguel sees himself, using whatever means necessary to go after a noble cause.

Miguel has Flaco clean the USB of all of the information that connects them or Ciudad Jimenez to Duarte, but leave the rest of the information as is. Flaco assures him there is no problem. To Trejo and Jimena, Miguel tells them that Hector told him that Edna has information about the accounts of Duarte. He tells them that if Edna wants Duarte, he is going to hand him over to Edna on a silver platter, but anything that can incriminate them needs to be cleaned up. Jimena and Trejo agree. I wonder what he is going to do when he realizes all of the money that Jimena already conveniently moved.

The Italian drug lord, Piero, meets with Epigmenio. He comes in with his eyes covered and everything. He tells him Miguel Garza is no longer part of the Efilina, that he has had an attack of conscious for those who died. Epig comments that he will never understand the Japanese guy, the only mafioso he knows that is upset over the death of those that make him a millionaire. Piero tells him that the partners are going to continue with the business. The Serbians will be in charge of the US and the Baltics, they, the Italians will take care of Europe, the Russians in charge of Eastern Europe, Kuang and Tadamichi taking care of Asia, but they need a partner to distribute in Mexico and all of Latin America. Are you offering what I think you are? Epig asks him if he is offering what he thinks he is offering. Piero tells him that if he wants to grow his business, this is the opportunity. Epig, of course is one track minded, his only comment is “So little Miguel ended up alone, how interesting.”

Miguel is on the phone with Tadamichi about what happened in the meeting. He tells him that they crossed the line, the Efelina business is his. Tadamichi tells Miguel that he didn’t go to the meeting in person, but he gave Kuang permission to agree to continue the production. “How could you?” Miguel demands. Tadamichi, all calm, drinking his tea, tells Miguel that stopping the production of Efelina was a mistake. Miguel tells him that he doens’t think so, that the idea behind the Efelina was something else. Tadamichi answers. “What can I tell you, in the long run it would be worse hit.The partners have decided to offer the distribution of Mexico and Latin America to Epigmenio Moncada.” Miguel asks Tadamichi if he was capable of becoming an ally of his enemies to kick him out of the business. Tadamichi tells him that they were not his enemies but his partners and that he turned them into enemies and he went back on his word. Tadamichi says that he wasn’t in agreement with that decision but that it is already made. Peiro is probably offering Epig the business at that moment. Efelina will continue with or without Miguel. Tadamichi tells Miguel that he needs to accept his defeat. Miguel said no, he doesn’t accept it, that he will get back control of the business, although it is sad that Tadamichi has stopped believing in him. Tadamichi tells him that he still believes in him. Miguel asks that if he gets the business back will he have Tadamichi’s support. T tells him yes, but that he will not agree to the stop in production.

Tacho, Jaramillo, Epig are talking about Piero’s visit. Jaramillo claims that Efelina is a drug like any other, why not look at the upside. Tacho says that what he is worried about is that Miguel Garza left the business, just like that. It sounds like Piero was not clear that they kicked out Miguel by force, not that he left willingly. Epig says that he never trusts anything when it comes to Miguel, and that is why he is going to do some research before he makes a decision. Jaramillo suggests that they just say no, and forget about the business. Tacho tells him, because if they don’t do it, others will.

Chisca is having a nightmare, “grandpa don’t kill me!” Ishiro wakes her up out of her panic. Chisca tells him “now I understand why I can never be happy, there is a curse on the blood.” He tells her it doens’t need to be that way, he will make her very happy. She says that she needs to leave, can he please take her to Japan with him. He tells her that he can take her to the island where is family lives. Island of Awaji.

Rosario tells Dora that hopefully time can cure the wounds. That they have a good family, they just need to focus on the future, not the past. Dora says “if only it were that easy.” Chisca walks in and asks Dora if she is going, that she can’t tell her that she forgives her, not for having kept the secret, but even though it sounds crazy, she does understand her. If she really did it because of the loyalty Dora had to her grandfather, she didn’t have a choice. Dora tells her that they are hard decisions to make but that she will always be there for her and Jorge and that they will always have a home in CJ. She tells Peligros that they should go out the back door, that she doesn’t want to cross paths with Miguel. I mean really Dora, you think that after all of that, he doesn’t have a right to be upset, or to blame you. You are the only person living. He was 12. He has to come to terms, not only with what his grandfather did, but the misinformation of thinking that his own father wanted to do the same. He may be a grown man, but he hasn’t had close to 20 years to deal with the information like you have, you can’t blame him. All you did was tell him his grandfather would hate what he was doing with the business, but come to find out the kind of man his grandfather really was. The guy is going to need a shrink.

Carmen and Epig are at breakfast and Epig tells her that the time has come to take down Adela.

Adela sits down to breakfast with Miguel , Carmen is texting her. He is surprised that she has stayed in contact. Adela tells him that she disappeared for a bit, but that she is back in contact. Miguel doesn’t want her to answer. Adela asks why. He tells her that she got close to her to find out who killed his parents, unfortunately, they now know, so there is not reason to go on. Adela hits Miguel with some of his own words. She asks him “aren’t you the one to say that you have to keep your enemies close, and now that Epigmenio might be mixed up in the Efelina business, we have to take advantage of Carmen to stay informed. He asks, stay informed of what. She tells him, anything, anything could be a clue. Doesn’t he want to get his business back, that the others don’t let it die, well this is an opportunity. Miguel tells her that he doesn’t want to put her at risk. She asks him to let her help him. That she promises to stay away from their house, to only meet in public places, and to keep Peligros close. He agrees, although with reservation.

Flaco gets a call and it is Ishiro, he tells him that he is sending him the profile of a new chemist. Jimena is looking all upset, she can’t believe that they have fallen to that level, that they are working out of a house, for that reason she could have stayed in her house. Flaco says that his house is a pigpen, this one is nice. She says that she is going to leave and if anything comes up, they can contact her via cell. Trejo tells Flaco, that everyday there are less on the boat.

Ishiro and Miguel are talking about the chemist Flaco suggested, he is a genius. Miguel wants him and is willing to offer him tons of money to fix the formula.

Hector takes Edna the USB . He explains that the first column are cities names, using Airline codes, the middle, the person who gets paid, and the far right, the amount. She says that how convenient, that there is nothing to do with Cuidad Jimenez. Hector tells her that he didn’t put the information on that table, it was Natalia Rios, and that he had the location of Braulio Lopez. But that he has said he won’t show unless it is as a protected witness. Edna suggests that he is asking a lot. Hector uses the same line on her that she used. That the objective is worth it, to capture Duarte. She agrees, and the Hector gives her another USB, information that he has kept apart, in case of a moment like this. There are photos of Natalia in the doorway of the apartment that they know belongs to Carlos, and the fake passport that Natalia used. He said that he held onto it because with Duarte as secretary, it would have done no good. Edna tells him he did well in saving it for now.

Adela is going to see Carmen, Jorge is overhearing all of this. Peligros makes sure that it is all approved by Miguel. He is looking at an app on his phone, it looks like Uber or something. Yup, a car service. Adela and Peligros leave and Jorge tells them to follow Adela.

Hector is back at the office, meeting with Juana, Duarte’s secretary. He wants to know if they can count on her testimony. She tells him that she is willing to collaborate. He shows her a photo that he stole from her phone. He apologizes again for taking advantage of her. She tells him that this apartment is his, he says it isn’t was his, but he pays all of the expenses. That she is ready to give a declaration if necessary. She says that she always thought that Natalia and Duarte were lovers, but that she didn’t say anything at the end, as to not mar Natalias memory.

Adela and Carmen are talking. Carmen wants to know about Victor. She says that shouldn’t their husbands know each other? If they are in the same business. Adela says that Victor works in the labs and that he isn’t as high up as Carmen’s man. Carmen suggest that they should double date. Adela says she has to go or is going to miss her hair appointment. Someone is watching Adela as she leaves as well as Carmen. It’s Jorge, he follows Carmen.

Braulio is giving his statement to Edna. He tells her what really happened. That he was called to the building to remove the body of the girl. Edna says, for the record, when you said the girl you mean Natalia Rios. He says yes, and then what happens Edna asks. He tells her that he moved her to another neighborhood and shot her, so that it looked like she had died in another place. Edna wants to know who gave the order, Braulio names Epigmenio Moncada. Edna asks if he was sure that the girl was dead already. Braulio says yes, she was colder and harder than ice, that she didn’t even bleed when he shot her. Edna says that should be enough information to request that the body be exhumed. Braulio tells her that if it would have been Epigmenio he would have gotten out of prison right away, but that he was covering for a very powerful person, someone who didn’t want to leave loose ends. Edna says that she understands and will help him.

Jorge sneaks onto Epig’s property. Dude, you are gonna get yourself killed! Maybe its what he wants, to go to Kenia. Tacho catches him and that ends this weeks episode.

Wow!! That was a lot!! Sorry I had to split this up, but I haven’t written this much in months. There was too much happening to gloss over. The set up, I am sure the for final week. The preview for next week was pretty awesome. Well, my friends. According to the schedule, our finale is next Friday night. If that is the case, I will see you all then to end this crazy show. Good weekend to all.



Esther: Sounds like Tadamachi is plotting one final attack on the Latino Michael Corleone.

Wow. Thank you, Esther. That was a lot to do. I agree with you that the unveil was less dramatic that expected. I'm wondering if it's Jorge's intent to betray Miguel. He certainly has the motive. And he may be wanting to end the family's evil ways. He snuck in the same way Tacho did last time, but without the dogs to stop him. Somebody ought to fix that hole in the fence. I like that Hector does the right thing but continues to stand by his friend. Adela yells at Miguel for already intending to kill Kenia and he yells at her for keeping the recording to herself. Uh, not the same thing.

"...typical villainous monologue." Heh-heh, I can see the Pig twirling his mustache now.

What could down vested man/boy be thinking...Was driven to pigs compound...what does he have in mind?I gonna say he Becomes the leader of the Garza clan....Sonny gets killed Michael, the youngest has his gf killed in Italy. In Mexico, Miguel will die and Jorge will become
new leader ala Godfather.....he too had a loved one kille...

Esther, thanks a bunch. You have done a fantastic job slicing through all last night's action. I'm glad too that Epig won't be able to blindside Mig about Don Lamberto.

Surprisingly, Drenka has grown on me. I enjoy her badass act.

Amazing that Jorge for the first time in his life seems to have come up with a plan about something, whatever it is.

Edna, I think your hubby knows you're on to him.

Adela and Jorge are understandably shaken by Kenia's murder, but the evidence she gave Gary could put Mig, Jimena, Flaco, Jorge, Adela, and Trejo in prison. They aren't addressing that at all.


Thank You Ester. So down vested boy boy and an Uber in a Toyota Corolla did what CSI NCIS Policia Federals and Interpol could not do, found the ePig sty?

And the smug cute little hard headed Adela's dead clock is ticking. She is playing with a stick of Dynamite without knowing that the fuse is lit, still cavorting with pigs. Carmen is dumber than a box of rocks and Adela should be able to figure out that something is up. With people dying left and right around her, she still wants to play? Smart chick but about half crazy. Your looks and street smarts may have saved you in the past Adela, but this is not the street, it is the Autobahn.

Niecie: "could put Mig, Jimena, Flaco, Jorge, Adela, and Trejo in prison. They aren't addressing that at all." Exactly, especially Adela, who is new to the criminal life.

When Heck turned over his thumb drive to Edna she quickly noticed that there was (mysteriously) no mention of anything Garza in it. Duarte and everyone else, but nothing which connected Miguel.


Esther, thank you so much.

How many more episodes we have? Any guesses on how this will all finally end ?

Will Jorge actually be the one to finally kill Pig or will he be killed ? Perhaps Pig will hold him Hostage . Will someone die saving Jorge from Pig?..Mig ?Chisca? Pel? IShiro?.


Alright guys, that is it, the last of the episode is posted. Sorry that took forever. In regards to some comments. I put some little asterisks where the split was.

It looks as if Kenia only gave Gary the info he asked for, information about Duarte, not the rest of the stuff that was on the hard drive. She was the mole, but she wasn't trying to take them down, in reality she was doing the bare minimum to keep Gary happy. Even giving wrong times and such. She was just trying to save her own butt.

Who knows about Adela, I think that with Jorge delivered on a silver platter, Epig may choose to change his plan to include Jorge instead of Adela, but Carmen won't be happy. We will have to see. If I were one of them, I would always have two phones on me. One to leave close to where I was and one to carry on me, so I could be tracked. But Jorge is not thinking right. I don't know if Jorge has it in him to betray Miguel. Then he would become what he accused Miguel of and hated.

As to how it is going to end. I have no idea. I think that they probably leave a lot of loose ends so that if the ratings are good enough, we can get another season. As for Epig, I think he dies. Next season would be a new villain. I am actually a little excited to see how they tie this all up. But you can assume that it is going to involve lots of shooting and the death count rising. But Duarte is going to prison, not just for all the messed up political and criminal stuff, but it is going to come out somehow, that he killed Natalia and that is why he is so in bed with Epig.


Gracias, Esther for another brilliant account of events.

I can't imagine why anyone would object to halting production for two days until the problem was identified. Especially someone as smart and forward-thinking as Tadamichi.

Since I haven't had the time or energy to write a standard Karmageddon lead sheet I think we can do our speculations here. I'll start:

Jorge does not have what it takes to run a drug empire. He has needed a shrink ever since we know him. If he betrays Miguel he is Fredo.

Cisca has shown positive changes thanks to Ishiro. If she returns to Japan with him what happens to her there? I don't think his parents will approve of her (if they're still alive).

Dora will end up alone because of what she hid from Miguel, Chisca, and Jorge.

The Pig will end up dead.

Karmageddon time? well, for the "bad" killers here's my guesses:

Epigmenio- Using his great business acumen, the Pig starts the world’s first drug cartel pyramid scheme. It eventually collapses, and Jaramillo loses everything. He cuts the Pig into tiny pieces which he then sells on the streets of Cartegena, marketing it as “the other white meat.”

Carmen- Greatly distressed over the Pig’s death, Carmen joins a nunnery. She quickly bores of having to wear the same thing every day, and convinces her sisters to tie dye the white parts of their uniforms. They write a new musical, a mash-up of Hair and The Sound of Music, and it wins Mexico’s first Tony Award.

Duarte and Mauricio (Mr. Edna)- These two clowns go directly to jail. They share a cell where they bicker constantly. Eventually one of them shanks and kills the other, but Viewerville doesn’t care which.

Tacho- He leaves the bidnez and goes on to star in a Mexican sitcom called Tacho in Charge, where he plays a college student who earns room and board by being the caretaker for the family’s children. It is wildly successful in Mexico, but it fails to win U.S. audiences who have the impression they have seen this before.



Susanlynn and any other moon admirers-- WOLF MOON out tonight; quite the eye catcher!!

RVG Chick: Jorge is taking a BIGLY risk. I think he'll rescue Adela.


With each passing episode, I become more and more convinced that we are in for a less than happy ending.

Would Efilina be illegal in most Countries?

At least someone is loyal to Miguel — Hector.

Leave it to the spoiled rich kid, Jorge, to screw things up. Of course, Epi will hold him hostage, not for money, but for something much worse.

Yeah, somebody explain why it was so BAD when Jorge curls up, sucks his thumb, and STFU?

Happy Sunday patio

Victoria: We're NOT going to get a happy ending here.

Karmgeddon for the "good" killers:

Dora- She returns to a career as an exotic dancer because, well, because she can. She still looks gorgeous.

Peligros- Tired of playing the lone wolf, Peligros permits Rosario to give him that long overdue make-over, and in the process discovers he has feelings for him. Together they run off to run a fabulous bed and breakfast in Oaxaca.

Ishiro- For failing to prevent Karmageddon from happening to the bidnez, Tadamichi assigns Ishiro to be a talk show host where he must daily make small talk with people he despises. He develops an eating disorder and quickly dissipates into nothing.

Miguel- For defying his mentor, Miguel is brought back to Japan where he spends the rest of his days as a stable boy. Sebastian Rulli, on the other hand, continues to be successful. He stars in the sequel, Tres Veces Ana, Otra Vez, where Angelique Boyer playing one of the surviving triplets discovers she has multiple personalities (OK, this is just me wishing).


I just want Sebastian Rulli to grow his hair longer again. He looks so much better with it at "dancer" length.

Miguel would be better off back in Japan manipulating stocks, like he was in the beginning.

I'm not sure how much more of this Adela can take. She needs to get to a place where she can be safe and not have to look over her shoulder all the time.

OT..dear Chickie....I looked out the window over my kitchen sink and that huge moon shining through the trees took my breath away. So beautiful.

Only 8 days left. Will the Gran Final be 2 HRS ?

Ithabill..your predictions gave me a giggle. Thanks.

I have no real clue how this all will grind to an abrupt balt. I think that Chisca and Ishiro might survive. Dora will ride off into the sunset but no more exotic dancing if she wants to avoid hip or knee surgery. To me, Mig has been in a trance moving slowly through this whole show like a zombie..already dead. Maybe AdelA can forge a new life for herself..never an easy task. ...if Carmen doesn't get her revenge by killing her. The invincibl Pig has to finally die.

Steve, according to the TV schedule I use, the Gran Final will be on Jan 20th from 10-11PM (no 2 hours)

"Rubi" will replace "El Dragon"


Another OT

I've added the " 2020" link to the sidebar for easy access.

Thanks for the clarity RGV, I was confused thinking the premier on the 21 was Monday, should have looked at a calendar. So I misspoke in my post. Sorry about that.

Thank you, Esther for this twisty tale trying to tie up everything in some sort of bow.

I'm sorry to see this end, only because we will cease to be treated to the excellent, action and dialog filled recaps that Esther, Urban and Jardinera have provided to us passive watchers (except when we get riled up and express our feelings in the comments).

Ithabill--Just loved your just desserts. Especially Ishiro's. Does Chisca dissipate along with him? What about their desire to have a child together? Will it also dissipate? Hmmm.

I can see Peligros wearing mauve.

Where oh where is Victor? To him belong the spoils, no?

I never thought Victor trustworthy. We have still not received confirmation that his pursuit of Adela wasn't really about confirming suspicions about Miguel.

I'd like to see Hector get the professional status he deserves and maybe the miracle of getting back the ability to walk again but... lately that seems too much to ask.

Cynthia--I apologize for leaving you off my list of kudos to the recappers. You have been just as instrumental in bringing all the good stuff and the bad stuff to the Patio with style. Thank you, mucho.

Good Morning, Patio!

I've been surfing in and out of the patio and thought I had already commented on your fabulous recap Esther, but to my dismay, I haven't! OOPSIE!! Needless to say, your recaps keep getting better and better.

Esther, you're probably right about Kenia "cleaning up" the thumb drive, but when did she have time??? Or is it one of those TN FFW moments?

I simply cannot figure out what Jorge is up to, but he's in a heap of trouble and may not come out of it without a severe beating. OR maybe EPig will use him as a trade for the Migster. Either way, he is wa-a-ay over his thumb-sucking head.

Ithabill, your predictions are hilarious. I can't even begin to predict any outcomes and I really hesitate to do so since everyone except Rosie and Granny need some type of a GOOD heroic act to redeem themselves. I just want Adela to say "ENOUGH" and hightail it out of there before she gets killed. Maybe she can become a famous race driver.

Migster needs some consequences for the money laundering, and especially for ordering murders; jail-time would suffice.

Though I like Ishiro (except when he is playing the assassin), he needs consequences too. For him and Chisca to live happily ever after just seems NOT OK. Maybe he will get killed after impregnating Chisca.

I can't see Dora as an exotic dancer; maybe she can go entertain the folks in a retirement home or she can use all the money she has stashed away to help the community that she worries so much about.

Before Jorge went on his little adventure, I thought that maybe Jorge and Chisca would be the only ones who would come out of this without consequence, but that thought quickly went down the drain.

Well, folks, with only 6 episodes left to wrap this up, we are in for one heck a TN week, but as others have expressed, happy endings don't seem to be plausible.

Happy Endings? For who? A landscape strewn with dead and dying bodies sans Granny, Adela and Rosie is as happy as a monkey in a banana tree.


Good Morning


Yeah, what made Jorge decide to visit Pig?

Thank you Esther very much for your detailed recap. There is not much more than I can add to everyone's comments. When I saw the previews, it doesn't look like anything is turning out well.

Anna, that's okay. I get forgetful too. No worries.

I'm always kind of sad to see a TN come to a conclusion, but I really wish things were going better for this one. But maybe things will change this week. Poor Jorge, what a bad decision going on to ePig's property. But maybe all he wants to do is talk to ePig and tell him that he knows it wasn't him that killed his parents. Who knows? It's really been hard to second guess these characters.

Oh and I meant ANITA, not Anna. Thank you.

I need to rewatch the episode but the recap should be finished by noon.

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