Thursday, January 02, 2020

Primetime on Univisión (#2): Ringo - Week of Dec. 30, 2019 – Jan. 3, 2020

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series where Diana and RGVChick are providing recaps for “Ringo”, but if you are feeling generous and want to fine-tune those recapping skills, this is a perfect time! If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute some highlights or a mini-recap for RLPDSV, I’m sure it would be appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TN covered by this page is:

7PM  - Ringo: La Pelea de Su Vida: Ep. 26-27

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Ringo”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.
֎֎֎ HAPPY NEW YEAR!! ֎֎֎

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Ep. 26, Part 1: A Bear (Oso) of a Foil

We start with Diego walking in on Ringo and Julia as they are about to kiss. He scowls as he yells out her name and demands to know what they are doing there and locked in. Julia tries to explain that she is just checking Ringo, but Diego thinks that Ringo should find another doctor. After Ringo leaves, Diego yells at Julia and tells her that if he could, he would kill the idiot. He is fed up with Ringo trying to seduce her.

Rafa asks Zorra for her phone number when Carrizo interrupts. They start throwing snide remarks at each other until Turco comes in carrying his poster and calls Carrizo so that they can leave.

Julia congratulates Rosa for her job with Teresa, but before Rosa quits her job with Llorente, she and Eva have plan, but they have to complete it before Rosa quits…that night! The only way that they can get evidence is by getting it themselves. Rosa will have to help them get into the factory. Gauchin, who was eavesdropping, runs to tell Oso about Julia’s plan.

Eva enters and Julia tells her that they need to start their plan that night. Meanwhile, Gauchin and Oso try to figure out how to stop Rosa. Eva and Julia ask Rosa about getting them some uniforms, but Rosa is afraid that she will be caught. Julia insists that they have to take the risk. Just then, Oso calls Rosa and tells her he needs to see her that night, but Rosa tells him she can’t. After Oso hangs up, he tells Gauchin that Rosa seems to be going ahead with Julia’s plan and they need to follow her…and try to stop her.

Manuel goes to see Estela and they talk about how awful the fight was for Ringo. When she asks about a rematch, Manuel hopes that there will be one. Estela assures Manuel that if Ringo goes for a rematch, she will be a true sponsor for Ringo since business has picked up after the fight. El Chimo then stops by to thank Estela. Manuel recognizes him and asks Estela if she has plumbing problems. Estela explains that the man is not a plumber…and he dedicates his time to street fights.

Lupe goes to see Diego at his office. She has something to tell him about his house, but he is not in the mood to talk about it because now that he sees her he would rather think of other things. Lupe is thinking the same thing so they start smooching and fall to the couch.

Ivan talks to Leticia, the therapist, who explains about Brenda’s condition and pyromania. When Ivan asks if it can be treated, Leticia explains what treatment she would need. If Ivan won’t agree to aggressive treatment, Brenda needs to take her meds and attend therapy sessions. Brenda walks in and goes off on Leticia who explains that she is there because she missed her therapy sessions. Brenda points out that she is paying for the sessions; and she will decide when she will go. After Leticia leaves, Brenda tells Ivan that she hates that the therapist is always after her. The conversation then turns to Julia’s house and Ivan tells Brenda that they have no further information about what may have happened,

Manuel calls Alejo and tells him that he needs to talk to him. Alejo, however, is getting ready for his own fight at the underground cage fight against Black Magic. The fight ensues and Alejo takes a beating, but manages to throw some good punches as El Chimo and Don Carmelo watch.

Julia, Eva, and Rosa are at the factory as Oso and Gauchin watch them from a distance. They enter the factory without a problem. Once inside, Rosa calls over the girls when she is alone and tells them to hurry. Outside Gauchin and Oso try to figure out how to help them. Oso thinks they should go inside, so Gauchin pushes Oso over a brick wall; and Oso drops to the ground with a thud 0oooh, (Ouch! that sounded like it really hurt!) and grunts.


Ep. 26, Part 2: A Bear (Oso) of a Foil

Eva and Julia are gathering evidence as Rosa keeps an eye out. When Don Ramiro comes by, they all pretend to be cleaning. Outside, Oso and Gauchin sneak into the factory and start looking for the ladies. Oso then thinks that they should start a fire to get all the employees out. When a security guard spots them, they give chase as Oso and Gauchin run off. The fire alarm sounds; so, Don Ramiro orders everyone out. The ladies freak out, but then figure it’s a false fire alarm and they have been found out. Suddenly, Oso and Gauchin approach with the security following close behind so they all run so they all run and hide in a small room where Oso has a bout of claustrophobia. As they exit, their eyes bug out as they raise their hands!

At the cage fight, Alejo wins and Don Carmelo thinks that Alejo can bring them a lot of money.

Manuel tells Max that he worries about Alejo since he is acting strange, He tells him about Alejo lying about who El Chimo is and that he found a card for a fighting club. Just then, Eva calls Manuel that they are at the police station.

Ringo mentions to Teresa abut Rosa working at the cafeteria. Tere is thrilled that Oso hired Rosa, but hopes that Rosa wasn’t hired because Oso thinks she can’t handle the cafeteria. Just then Ringo gets a call about the girls being at the police station. Meanwhile the not-so-magnificent five get their mugshots taken. (Diego will be the proud one…NOT!… once he finishes bopping Lupe.)

El Chimo tells Alejo that he did very well and hands him part of the money he won from betting on him.

At the office, Diego and Lupe have finished their friendly bop and are now drinking as Diego badmouths Julia. Diego threatens that he will kill Ringo…and he is going to have Brenda sent to the looney bin for the rest of her life, but when Lupe asks why not prison, Diego like that idea more. Just then Ivan calls Diego to tell him about Julia.

At the jail, Manuel chides the ladies for going into the factory; so Eva explains that they needed to get evidence. Manuel will see what he can do; so, he goes talk to Mirta (the twin who seems to be a judge??). After he tries to vouch for the ladies, Mirta gives him the paperwork so that he can get everyone out on bond.

Now back at the club, Rosa explains to Ringo what they did and asks how much she owes him for the fine. After Ringo takes Rosa home, Gauchin chides Oso for his claustrophobic attack and thinks they could have gotten away if it hadn’t been for that.


Ep. 26, Part 3: A Bear (Oso) of a Foil

Julia arrives home and has to deal with Brenda’s sarcasm. Ivan hopes that Julia has learned her lesson and drops her obsession with Llorente. After arguing, Julia gives up and doesn’t feel like discussing it anymore. After Julia leaves, Brenda relishes in the fact that Julia messed up and is now the one who is letting Ivan down.

Eva explains to Mirta why they entered the factory and how Oso and Gauchin messed everything up. After Eva leaves, Mirta thinks that destiny keeps throwing her and Manuel together. She suggests that he invite her for a drink.

In their bedroom, Diego starts in on Julia, but she would rather know why he smells of alcohol (geez, Julia, sniff a bit more and you may recognize the perfume). Diego then starts ragging on her about how he is always last in Julia’s life. It’s no use that he is her husband since she never listens to him…she keeps seeing Ringo. He asks if Julia loves him and when she responds with, “Of course,” he suggests that they leave there; he is tired of her father telling him what to do and having to put up with her crazy sister. When Julia states that Brenda has done nothing against Diego, he cackles; so, Julia asks if there is something about Brenda that he is not telling her, but Diego refuses to tell her anything because she won’t believe him anyway. The only thing Diego cares about is them and when he tries to kiss her, she pushes him away since he reeks of alcohol. Diego is NOT happy and growls that he feels like he is talking to a stranger. After he apologizes for yelling at her, Julia gets away and goes to the bathroom…and has nowhere to run.



Thanks, RgvChick, for keeping us up to date. I missed everything except where Julia told Diego she wasn’t interested because he smelled like alcohol. The title was very clever. I cannot believe Rosa got Julia and Eva Into her company to obtain evidence. Bummer.


Rgv Chick, this was amazing! I hung on every word. The title was perfect. A lot happened last night and you captured every word, every nuance with your wit and wisdom. Incredible.

"Meanwhile the not-so-magnificent five get their mugshots taken. (Diego will be the proud one…NOT!… once he finishes bopping Lupe)" was my favorite of many excellent lines.

I enjoyed every single second of the caper gone wrong. I admit that my crush on Cesar is escalating with every single episode. He and Gauchin feed off each other and this unexpected pairing just made me laugh. None more so than when Gauchin simply rolled Oso off the wall! And of course the men felt they HAD to protect the women when all they did was get them caught. The claustrophobia was a nice touch.

I alwo enjoyed Rafa putting Carrizo in his place, his gestures seemingly urging him to go after his "master" (Turco).

I also enjoyed the mug shot pictures. Seeing a doctor and lawyer busted for breaking and entering isn't something you see every day! I suspect both careers will go on with nary a hitch :)

In addition to Diego, who is always a downer, the "underground cage fight" (perfect description) was also very unsettling. It appeared as though this was a loose interpretation of boxing as legs were also being used. Alejo is in for a world of hurt but am relieved Manuel is suspicious and hope he can save him.

"If Ivan won’t agree to aggressive treatment, Brenda needs to take her meds and attend therapy sessions". I wonder what the treatment beyond meds would entail? The therapist is right and Ivan needs to do something. Now.

"Julia gets away and goes to the bathroom…and has nowhere to run". Yes, she certainly has herself boxed in doesn't she? It will be interesting to see how low their relationship goes...

Rgv Chick, just great. Thank you!




Good morning Rgv Chick. This is a crazy morning and I haven't seen the episode yet, but after reading the recap I have a very good idea of what happened. Loved this:

Oso thinks they should go inside, so Gauchin pushes Oso over a brick wall; and Oso drops to the ground with a thud 0oooh, (Ouch! that sounded like it really hurt!) and grunts.

They do slapstick well, don't they?

Also loved "not so magnificent five" and

"(geez Julia, sniff a bit more and you may recognize the perfume"

Diego is such a disturbing character and since I sometimes watch old episodes of El Hotel de los Secretos, he becomes even more sinister in my eyes.

Thanks for keeping me up to date as well as entertained, and if I have time I'll watch this later.


Thank you Ms. RGV Ufff ! When Oso landed on the pavement it almost knocked the wind out of me. Like falling out of a tree as a kid.

Yeah, and what IS up with Julia's smeller? A woman can smell another woman'd scent on her man from inside a locked car. Lupe' is a hard act to follow though, great legs and no morals. Heaven sent. WOOF

We might remind Alejo that there are 3,927,406,338 better ways to earn some extra money other than a kickboxing cage match.

Diego sure has the nerve romping with his squeeze Guadelupe and then ten minutes later being on the warpath with Julia about Ringo. Can not wait to see the prize he is setting himself up for.

Light Gauchin's jacket afire to set off the fire alarm? These two should stick to whatever, if anything, they are good at. What was a smoke detector doing on a (NONFLAMMABLE) brick wall above a concrete sidewalk? I've never seen one placed like that. What's Oso doing carrying a BIC around if he doesn't smoke? tall is Eva? Can she buy off the rack or must she have clothing made?


Judy, Diego IS disturbing, isn't he?

Kirby, Alejo has a lot of alternatives doesn't he? But I didn't realize there were quite SO many options :) I've been wondering about Eva's height as well. I can't find info on Cesar or Óscar Bonfiglio's height, but I'm thinking 6'3". She is at least a full foot taller than Julia.



Thanks, Rgv Chick. Great job. My fave: the not-so-magnificent five

The sight of Gauchin shoving Oso lying on his back over the brick wall was too funny.

Uh-oh, not only is Alejo doing no-holds-barred street fighting, he seemed to enjoy it. Wondering if all Brenda's yapping about how she likes a creative, unpredictable type of guy is messing with his head.

El Chimo then stops by to thank Estela.

Who knew El Chimo had proper manners?


Good Morning!

For some reason, my morning chores took longer today, but here I am. Thank you, everyone for stopping by and for your kind and very generous words.

Jarifa, Rosa resisted, but it didn't take Julia and Eva very long to convince her to help them. It seemed like they were in the factory long enough, but I guess with the scare and all the running, they must have forgotten it. I also wondered where Llorente was during all of this and even afterwards.

Diana, I do like watching Oso and Gauchin together. Great casting by the producers! Rosa is only a supporting actress, but I think she is stealing quite a bit of thunder from Julia.

In so far as Manuel saving Alejo from the cage fighting, I'm not sure since Alejo needs to want to be saved for that to happen; and, unfortunately, he doesn't seem like one that would want someone else saving him.

JudyB, oh yes, the slapstick on this show is by far much better than that of the Hijas de las Loonies.

Kirby, I'm so glad you joined the patio. Me thinks those ringside girls were quite enticing :-). Eva is 5'10" according to what I found, but she does seem to be a lot taller; maybe because she's so thin.

Niecie, I think Alejo surprised himself with his winning. If he did enjoy it, he's in for some very dangerous matches.


Diana, I meant to say this yesterday, but I kept forgetting--

CONGRATULATIONS!! on posting the first recap of the decade!!

Kirby got the prize for the first comment of the decade on the "Hijas" patio; so CONGRATULATIONS to Kirby ,too!!

Rgv Chick, I didn't think of that! Well, that is an honor!

Congratulations to Kirby too.

I'm really looking forward to tonight. I keep thinking Julia and Diego can't prolong their (and our) agony much longer. Right?? I mean there are 80 episodes and they haven't even split yet. Sigh.

And I forgot to thank you for telling us Cesar and Jose won awards for their respective roles. They both deserve them...

And...WHEN is Alberto Estrella coming?? I sense he will be a villain but his main man Mario role in Pasion will always have my heart.


Diana,I loved Alberto as Mario , Captain Rick's bff in Pasion. Then, he played that awful pimp in " La Malquerida, and he had a unique ending that one . " I wonder if he will play a villain in this one.

Susanlynn, my feeling is yes, he will be a villain here. I had such a hard time reconciling his LM character with Mario...He does evil well though, doesn't he?


Tonight on La Clothes de Guadelupe....Julia goes to's office and finds some article of clothing, not hers and for sure not his, stuck to the little sofa. Since she is already nose blind to other women's perfume on him, maybe this will rock her boat a bit and wake her up.

Blue Demon returns Tuesday January 14, at 11:30p/10:30c on Unimas.

Thanks, Alexander, for always letting us know what is going on.

Ep. 27, Part 1: Illogical Logic and Unreasonable Reasoning Is How Truth Becomes Untruth (Andrew Cervantes)

Julia is locked in her bathroom as Julio pleads with her to open the door, but she tells him she is going to take a shower. After Julio storms out of the room, Julia receives a text from Ringo asking if she can talk so she calls him. He notices that she is sad, but she tells him not to worry. When he tells her that she can count on him for anything, she admits that those are the first words of support she has heard since she left the jail…and it’s nice to know that someone cares. Ringo then tells her that Mirta is going to give them the lunchbox with the samples they took from Llorente’s. Julia smiles as this is great news.

Manuel comments to Mirta that he is amazed how she and Marta are so much alike. He admires Mirta, but can’t see her as anything more than a friend. Mirta doesn’t care if she is only a friend…with benefits. As she is about to kiss him Alejo arrives and Mirta notices all the bruises. After Alejo explains that he was assaulted, Mirta leaves. Manuel doesn’t believe that Alejo was assaulted and asks him where he really was. He also mentions that he bumped into his “plumber” and knows that El Chimo is involved with street fighting. After Alejo chides him and tells him that he doesn’t need a father, Manuel suggests that if he wants to fight he should consider boxing in a ring. Alejo who doesn’t appreciate Manuel’s advice, thinks that Manuel living there is no longer a good idea; he is used to living alone and not having to explain himself to anyone.

Brenda sees Diego drinking and grins as she asks if there are marital problems already. Diego tells her to leave him alone…she has caused enough problems. Before she leaves, Brenda reminds him that the hangover can be pretty bad…and welcomes him to the family.

Alejo finds a note from Manuel telling him that he knows things are not working out with him living there. He apologizes for butting into Alejo’s business, but they have known each other for a long time and he can’t help but worry about him.

Turco is drowning his sorrows with liquor because of what the press is saying about the match. Carrizo reminds Turco that he is better than Ringo…and he has Gloria. They laugh after Turco brags that he stole Gloria from Ringo.

Ringo goes to get the samples from Mirta who hopes that the samples will be sufficient to take Llorente to trial.

Manuel and Oso are sleeping together (at first, I thought this was a purple mattress commercial!). Oso is shocked to hear Manuel call out Marta’s name…and even more that Manuel is there. Manuel explains that he came over because he left Alejo’s place. Oso warns him that he will not be sleeping there every day. After they go out to the kitchen, Rafa teases them about sleeping together.

Ringo and Max see Alejo’s bruises; so, he continues his lie that he was assaulted. After Alejo leaves, Max wonders if Alejo is telling the truth, but Gloria interrupts when she approaches to ask for Santi’s birth certificate and vaccination record…since the school is asking for them.

Rafter she leaves, Ringo calls Julia to tell her that he has the samples and they make plans to meet at his house.

Rosa chides Oso for getting her into trouble…but she likes that someone cares about her. Oso tells her that he not only cares about her, he loves her…like a man loves a woman. They are about to kiss when Ruben, her husband, surprises them…and once again a kiss is interrupted (geez, this show should be called “Besos interrumpidos”!). After Rosa introduces Oso as her trainer, she asks what Ruben is doing there. Just then, Oso gets a call from Damasio who tells him that Rosa’s husband doesn’t exist. Oso accuses Damasio of being a fraud and tells him that Rosa’s husband is there.


Ep. 27, Part 2: Illogical Logic and Unreasonable Reasoning Is How Truth Becomes Untruth (Andrew Cervantes)

Ringo and Gloria enter the house. While Ringo goes for the birth certificate, Gloria calls Turco demanding to know where he spent the night…and he’d better not even show his face at home! Just then Julia arrives and Gloria opens the door. After Ringo comes out, Gloria wonders if they are lovers since Julia is coming to his house while her husband works. Julia tries to explain but Ringo tells her that she need not explain. After Ringo goes for the samples, Gloria asks Julia if Diego knows she is there; so, Julia tells her that she can tell Diego if she wants. After Julia leaves, Gloria wants to know what Ringo gave Julia but Ringo tells her it’s none of her business.

Rafa and Manuel are in the kitchen chatting. After Rafa asks about his father’s past, Manuel tells him how Oso came to have the club and how he met Ringo. Manuel then asks where Rafa has been all this time. So Rafa gives him a bit of his history. When Rafa mentions that he went to a school where Marta was his teacher, Manuel hopes that Rafa can help him out by saying good things about him to Marta. Oso then enters and tells them that he was trying to apologize to Rosa but hey were interrupted by her husband’s arrival.

Julia arrives home and tells her father and Diego that she went to get the samples she got at the factory. Diego wonders if she wants to end up in jail again, and Ivan tells her that she has no evidence; so, Julia tells them that she does have the evidence she needed. Just then Eva calls Julia and tells her that her father owns 20% of the Llorente shares. Julia then asks Ivan about who denies being a partner with Llorente and storms off. After Diego chides her for accusing her father and tells her that she has gone too far, Diego goes to see if Ivan is okay. When Diego wonders where Julia got the information; Ivan tells him it doesn’t matter, what bothers him is that Julia thinks badly about him.

Rosa asks Ruben when he got out of prison. She explains why she came to this city and how she came to the club to get trained by Oso. Ruben cackles about Rosa being trained by an old foggie and wants Rosa to go back with him. Rosa refuses to go; she wants to save money to buy a small house and give her daughter a better life. Ruben grabs Rosa and tells Rosa that she will do as he says. Fortunately, they are interrupted by Gauchin who tells Ruben that he is training Rosa. When Ruben smirks and tells Gauchin that neither he or Oso have what it takes to be trainers, Gauchin puffs out his chest and challenges Ruben. Rosa, however, manages to keep them apart and tells Gauchin to leave.

Ringo returns to the club where Oso tells him that Diego called to ask for a meeting to discuss a rematch.

Eva and Max are at the office. When Alejo comes out, Eva quickly goes to her office followed by Max. When Max mentions Alejo’s bruises, Eva responds that she doesn’t care…she is fed up with Alejo who has changed completely after he started seeing Brenda…she even caught him having sex with Brenda in his office.

Oso and Ringo are at the meeting with Ivan and Diego when they see a news report about Turco being detained in Queretaro along with some “service” ladies. Gloria is seeing the same report when Santi comes out and asks what Turco did, but Gloria denies it was Turco. At Ivan’s office. Oso is smirking about Turco being in trouble when Ivan gets a call from Carrizo asking him to go help them.

Alejo goes to tell Manuel that he didn’t have to leave his apartment. Manuel tells him not to worry about it.

Julia calls Eva and tells her that her father denies having anything to do with Llorente, but Julia has doubts. She invites Eva over so they can talk. Later, Eva explains to Julia how she found out that Ivan and Llorente are partners. Brenda passes by talking to Alejo and laughing. They listen as Brenda flirts with Alejo about meeting him later at his apartment. After she hangs up, Julia comments that Brenda seems a little hyper.


Ep. 27, Part 3: Illogical Logic and Unreasonable Reasoning Is How Truth Becomes Untruth (Andrew Cervantes)

Ruben asks Rosa to make him something to eat. When she offers to go buy something, Ruben doesn’t want anything; he prefers something else since she is looking mighty fine. Just then Dona Gertrudis, the landlady, brings Rosa her bill. Ruben explains that he asked for it since they are laving town tomorrow.

The men are playing dominos at the club. Ringo follows Damacio into the restroom where Damacio tells him about Ruben showing up. Ringo then ask about Damacio seeing Elsa. When Damacio responds that he hasn’t seen her in about two weeks, Ringo suggests that Damacio drop by Garay’s house since Ivan went off to Queretaro.

Brenda goes on and on about her relationship with Alejo; she even tells them about having sex on Alejo’s desk. When Julia tells her to stop making things up, Eva assures Julia that Brenda is telling the truth. After Brenda states that the problem is that Eva can’t stand the fact that she is seeing Alejo, Eva responds that the problem is with Brenda’s relationship with Alejo since it wasn’t too long ago that Brenda was interested in Ringo and made up stories about them. Julia tries to stop Eva, but Eva continues that everyone knows that Brenda is crazy and that she makes things up. Brenda smirks as she tells Julia that Eva is just resentful because she has always wanted to be a Garay; so, Eve reminds her that she IS a Garay. After Eva goes off on Brenda saying that she makes things up, is crazy, and a pyromaniac, Brenda storms off. (Careful Eva, before you go off on cray-cray Burnda, make sure she doesn’t have matches or lighter.)

Damasio calls Elsa and asks if she would like to go out and see the full moon. Elsa will hurry so they can meet.

Ringo calls Alejo who tells him that he will be with Brenda. Ringo smiles as he mumbles that everything is set.

Oso gets a call from Rosa. She will always be grateful to him for giving her the opportunity to train with him, but she will no longer be with him. She then tells him that she is returning to her town.

And so the episode ends with Gauchin on Oso’s shoulder like a squirrel trying to listen in on his conversation.



RgvChick, thanks for the comprehensive recap and the “insightful” title. It made me smile. Also, “Besos interrumpidos” was the best. Poor Oso can’t make a move!

I didn’t like seeing Rosa intimidated by Rubén. That creeped me out. Why is she responsible for getting him food? Is she concerned for her daughter? Is that why she so quickly agreed to go back to her town? Anyway, here is hoping she puts Rubén in his place and out of her life sooner rather than later.



Good morning Rgv Chick...loved the title. And now who is Andrew Cervantes? When I googled all I found was a singer, but those words don't sound like lyrics to a song.

You were right that there have been a series of "besos interrumpidos" in this one and also a plethora of "casi besos" between Julie and Ringo. Like that old joke about 'hacemos el amor casi todos los dias...casi lunes, casi martes, casis miercolés...etc.

But my favorite was "Gauchin on Oso's shoulder like a squirrel.." Just a perfect description of that scene! A lot of the intended humor in this falls flat for me, but that was scene was well played...and even realistic I thought. Rosa certainly seems to be a macho-magnet. Would not have picked her as an irresistible female but evidently she is. Perhaps she could give Eva some tips.

Was anyone else suspicious of Brenda's phone call? I thought she was making it up, just as a way to torment her cousin. And I must say, I fail to feel any compassion for her mental illness as her craziness takes such malicious and criminal turns.

Anyway, thanks for the detailed recap and oh my! I'm going to think "squirrel" now every time I see Guachin.

RGV, you did it again. Thanks This was a fun episode and you sure helped it along.

Purple? I was waiting for the Blonde chick to appear, and the screen to get a distinct purple tint. I'd put nothing past LooneyVision. Too funny RGV.

Sooo...this lout who just materializes out of thin air at Rosa's door is a HUSBAND? I thought he was the Beso police or something. What, did she get repossessed? What is this shit? Did he have his Veterinarian track her chip so he could bring her home? Does he have a wife carrier out in the car? Wait, this bozo does not look like he might actually HAVE a car, they are going on the friggin bus you can bet. I wanted Rosa to lace on her gloves and imagine he had braids.

So exactly WHAT does Gloria see in a ?Relationship? with Turdo? I mean it is always flattering to see your sig other on TV, unless you are also seeing Handcuffs and Hookers, then...not so much. Will she put up with all this to not be with someone covered with garish tarttoos which would embarrass a circus guy?

I will guarantee you there was no one on the other end of the phone when Cray Cray Brenda was going on and on for her Juls and Eva audience. Surprised she didn't flip the phone around to show them: "Look at this video I made with Alejo and me !" Cray Cray.

I think I see Manuel goo gooing at Ivan's housekeeper? Who was his luuuurve interest in a recent TN we all watched where he did a cat impersonation outside her apartment at night? He seems to find himself in odd relationships. He is a funny guy. He was a great Daddy in Vino as Adolpho, I think, of the neighboring vineyard, whose daughter died.

Thanks again RGV


Rgv Chick, I am in awe. Truly. You did masterful justice to a wonderful episode. One of your finest recaps yet. Your beautiful writing was on display at every turn. Wise and rich with heart and humor. I drank in and savored every single word.

The title was outstanding! An inspiring read.

As usual mi amiga Judy and I loved the same lines but my favorites bear repeating: “Besos interrumpidos" and " the episode ends with Gauchin on Oso’s shoulder like a squirrel trying to listen in on his conversation". Just perfect.

Favorite couple? Gauchin and Oso. Hands down. Second, Oso and Manuel :)

Eva went toe to toe with Brenda. I also was a little concerned as while I think Eva is a good person, her entire rant was based on green eyed jealousy. Judy, I also have my suspicions about the phone call.

Brenda seemingly carries the seeds of her own destruction and I have no doubt she will self implode. I hope she doesn't bring Alejo down with her.

Manuel is a good, comforting presence. I liked his confronting Alejo, letting him know he cares but then leaving, giving him his space. I hope he doesn't give him too much though. Alejo is getting sucked into a vacuum that he may not be able to extradite himself from.

Óscar Bonfiglio has been in so many wonderful TNs, my favorite roll of his was Amor Real. Kirby I can't recall which TN you are asking about but that rings a bell. I think Damasio is the one who lusts after Elsa.

Jarifa, Rosa and Rubén as a couple shocked me. How did she ever hook up with such an abusive Neanderthal?

Looks like Gloria left for greener pastures and has now landed in one blanketed in manure. Be careful what you wish for.

Rgv Chick, just wonderful. Thank you.



Extricate, not extradite (Alejo)


Oops, I melded the two guys into one character. The cat caller I believe was Damasio, the smaller of the two fellows, from Ramon, and Manuel was the Daddy Adolpho in Vino, with Irina Baeva and Soto, the vinyard TN. Thanks RGV. They are both great to watch.

Chickie, thank you for the recap of all the crazy.

Diana and kirby, I first saw the Manuel character ( Oscar)as Fernando Co!unga's bff in Amor Real. He was very thin in that one. I also remember him as the dad who was only ever seen in his office I the neighboring vineyard in Vino de Amor. I think that he usually plays a good guy.

It seems that the character actors continue to get telenovelas but those actors we loved as Val and have disappeared..beautiful Fernando, Big Ed Yanez. Why has this happened? Were they too expensive ?

Miserable,foggy gloomy day here. Ugh


Great job, Rgv Chick. I loved "Besos Interrumpidos" and "squirrel" too. Come to think of it, Gauchin's hairdo reminds me of a squirrel's fluffy tail. I don't know Andrew Cervantes, but he sounds very deep.

Rosa's been pretty upfront with Guachin and Oso about what she wants with her life, so why cave when her ex-con hubbie shows up? Fingers crossed that this is a setup that will end as Kirby says with Rosa imagining he had braids and taking care of business.

Anyone else feel like Uni scissors were afoot? The TV news about Turco busted at the cathouse seemed to come out of nowhere.

I enjoyed Eva telling off Brenda, who was being deliberately mean. Ivan and Julia coddling Brenda hasn't done a bit of good.

Arrrggghhh cold and rainy here in FloriDuh too. Flipping through the channels looking for football, I see that Rooms To Go chick, Sofia Viagra, is doing spots for St. Judes Children's Hospital now. Woof !

Good day, Patio!

Late start on the patio today, but I'm glad everyone has already stopped by. Thank you for all the kind reviews.

As for the title, I had never heard of Andrew Cervantes either until I ran across his quote. If you search for "Andrew cervantes quotes" you'll find a few others which, like Niecie said, are pretty deep. AND if that is really him in the picture that shows up (young bearded stud leaning back on a chair looking pensive), I could listen to him recite his quotes all day long. Of course if he had the melodious Cesar Evora voice, well, my goodness! I'd have to go get me some of those pretty "Always Discreet" underwear LOL

Jarifa, Ruben creeped me out too. I have so many questions about him. Why was he in prison? And yes, Kirby, how was it that he found her so quickly? Did Rosa learn her fighting skills from having to protect herself from him? She has learned enough to protect herself from him so I hope she whoops his arse and sends him on his not-so-merry way.

Judy, I thought Brenda's call was a little over-exaggerated and one of her "illusions" but when Alejo told Ringo that he had a date with Brenda, then I knew it was the real thing.

Niecie, I really did enjoy Eva telling off Brenda, but I do fear for her since Burnda can be quite vindictive and dangerous.

Susanlynn, yes, I do remember Manuel in Vino El Amor, he was such a good father. It was so sad that his daughter died.

Diana, ITA that any "couple" that includes Oso is a favorite...speaks a lot to Cesar Evora's acting!


I like Sofia Vagara. Every time I see her in "Modern Family" ( she is very funny) , I remember that the first time I saw her was in the telenovela Destilando Amor. She was a jungle doctor who had the hots for Big Ed Yanez. In real life , she is Mrs. Joe Manganella who was in Magic Mike. What a couple.

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