Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #16, 3/10/20: Bed Heads

Radio Mala Racha:

The "mysterious caller" goes on and on. And on. And on. Not only are there no peepholes in Alternate Mexico City, there are no kill switches either. Finally Alba flees in tears, followed by Franco, who tries to talk her down. You are innocent! I am guilty! I can't recognize my own wife's voice! Me neither! It all ends in an inappropriate hug as usual, inconveniently witnessed by Roberta through the glass door of the studio. If you're wondering QTH she could possibly be doing right there right then, join the rest of us. We will probably never know, because she does a 180 and disappears.

Casa Paolo:

Paolo and Katia are sharing fond memories on top of the bedclothes. She tries to kiss him and is rebuffed, which for some reason moves her to strip down to her Frederico's of Hollywood and announce, "I don't really expect anything to happen between us; I just want to be near you." Honey? If you're shoving that much cleavage under a guy's chin and he's still looking at you like he needs a Maalox, he's just not that into you.

Despacho Pro Bono:

Mauro has only just now noticed that no one ever comes to work anymore, especially "Juliancito," whose main client just dumped the firm because nobody was paying any attention to him. Where is the little toad, anyway? Olga blandly replies that perhaps something has happened to him. Mauro says he'd better hope something has, or something's gonna.

Departamento Lounge Lizard:

It's a little past nooner, and it's all t*ts'n'g*ggles until Julian asks Ingrid why she never married. Didn't anyone ever ask you? Of course they did! Then what; did you get left at the altar? Ingrid gets a seriously weird expression on her face, and we're talking about Ingrid, so that's saying a lot. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Ingrid rabbits off to hide in the bedroom while Mauro fires Julian in the living room. Sadly, Jules manages to convince his putative grandpa-in-law to give him another chance. But Mauro makes it clear he's on a short leash, and he'd better get the client back pronto.

Bad Coffee R Us:

Franco drops Alba off at the cafe. Apparently Bertie was tailing them, because she wastes no time in popping up behind her rival with a wicked sharp knife. There's lots of repetitive invective, more hair-pulling, and finally a guided tour of Alba's bedroom, where Bertie's imagination really goes wild. Natalia wanders in the front door, followed by Bianca, and they witter around wondering where Alba's got off to.

Bertie must hear Nat's voice, because she calls her up and pretends she needs her to come "home" immediately. (Really, Alba? You can chokehold Crazy-Teeth Ingrid up against the wall but you can't slip away from a 50-year-old in high heels who's on the phone?)  Nat packs up to leave, but suddenly it occurs to Alba to start screaming, and everyone runs to the back of the store. There's more blood than I expected at 2 p.m., but all of Alba's fingers are still attached.

Bianca calls Franco, who's just walked back into the office. Guess there won't be any billable hours today, either. He gets there in no time (well, it is only 32 feet) and manages to talk her down. Most of what he says doesn't make much sense -- "If you really love me and Natalia, you won't want to upset us by killing someone in front of us"? -- but he finally settles on a soporific mantra of "trust me, and put down the knife." Bertie has one final flare of wackadoodle where she threatens to kill Alba and then herself, apparently by stabbing herself in the right temple (which I wouldn't mind seeing, even at 2 p.m.), but then she crumples.

Casa Paolo:

The next morning, Dante puts on Paolo's shoes while he cries. It's clear that Katia spent the night but not clear if anything transpired, although all the crying is probably a clue. Do we even care? Dante tells Paolo that he and Katia are both basket cases at this point, so they might as well give each other another chance. Viewerville disapproves of this advice, but to be fair, both girls probably look pretty flaky from his vantage point, and Katia is the push-up devil he knows.

Casa Too Many Rooms and None of Them Padded:

Everybody argues about whether to cart Bertie off to the manicomio. The doctor says yes, because she hasn't been taking her meds, and there was that suicide attempt just last week, remember? Franco's inclined to agree, but Mauro says no way, we'll take care of her here. And by we, of course he means Franco, who he blames for everything. Natalia just says, the manicomio, again? When Franco starts to pack up Roberta's things and she realizes what's going on, she runs downstairs screaming and starts flinging backstory left and right. It's all your fault, Daddy! You want me to end up just like my mother, don't you? Shall I tell them what you did to my mother? You can't beat me to keep me quiet now! And you, Natalia -- taking his side! Shall I tell everyone what YOU did???

Elsewhere in AMC:

- Gabe drops by to see Hot Mama, who feeds him apple pie and is not quite discouraging enough for my taste. There is altogether too much smiling and hugging. He says he's a man; she says he's a muchachito. They both agree he's 15, so it's freaking illegal no matter what they call it.

- Gael comforts Bianca in the wake of the hostage crisis, and they are very cute together. A pitcher of fuzzy navels for the Gael table!


Good stuff, Blue Lass. My faves:

She tries to kiss him and is rebuffed, which for some reason moves her to strip down to her Frederico's of Hollywood and announce, "I don't really expect anything to happen between us; I just want to be near you."

Olga blandly replies that perhaps something has happened to him. Mauro says he'd better hope something has, or something's gonna.

Ingrid rabbits off to hide in the bedroom while Mauro fires Julian in the living room.

That entire family belongs in the loony bin if they don't put Roberta there. Catering to Roberta's crazy puts them all in danger.

The radio host should have cut off Roberta's call.

Bianca should have called the police before calling Franco and Roberta would have been in the psych ward before Mauro even knew about it.

Now I have to now what was up with Roberta's mother.

Another fun Blue recap! Too bad it was such a boring episode. jk

Your headings were superb, like "Departamento de Lounge Lizard" and "Casa Too Many Rooms None of Them Padded".

I also loved "like he needs a Maalox", "t*ts'n'g*ggles" and "Katia is the push up devil he knows".

Did you see those red dots on Roberta's forehead from where she kept poking herself with the knife? LOL! That was a good touch, makeup department.

The actress who plays Katia looks so much skinnier in this show than she did in PASL. It could be that I got a new cable box with more memory and am recording in HD now, but even so, was she always this rail thin?

I wonder how much of Roberta's illness is real and how much is staged. Like when she was acting remorseful over what she'd done to "that poor woman" Alba. Does she feel bad about it, or was that just a ploy to make Franco think she's still the sweet girl he met 20+ years ago?

Hopefully we'll get some flashbacks to her childhood.

Thanks again, Blue. Muah.

That's a ploy. He is the only one who agrees with the doctor and was packing to send her to the manicomio. Where she should be. She doesn't regret one nanosecond of this.

Blue Lass: I busted out laughing at your reference of Paolo "just not that into you" because it's obvious he's not into Katia.

UA: Roberta's "illness" is FAKE NEWS.

Alright BLUE LASS, you had me laughing from beginning to end. You must be hell on wheels in the teacher's lounge and at faculty meetings. And whoa, how many times did you get in trouble as a student for cracking buddies up in class!? Oh well, water under the bridge..just leave those detentions marks off your resumé

Some of my favorites:

You are innocent! I am guilty! I can't recognize my own wife's voice! Me neither! It all ends in an inappropriate hug as usual, inconveniently witnessed by Roberta through the glass door of the studio.

"little toad" Yesssssss, perfect name for Julián. And I'm sure he'd really resent the "little"

Despacho Pro Bono Wow. How that law office stays afloat financially, I'll never know.

Ingrid gets a seriously weird look on her face and we're talking about Ingrid so that's saying a lot.

witter around LOVE that word! Don't hear it enough...or ever.

Your question about how Alba went all weak and wussy and yet could put Ingrid in a life-threatening chokehold. Indeed--and that knife scene was as long and boring as Alba's sob-fest soliloquy on the radio.

Guess there won't be any billable hours today either (see financial question above)

Katia is the push-up devil he knows....I must say for a rail-thin girl she had unbelievable appendages. If he resisted those, it must be True Love for Natalia

And the winner is!......

starts flinging backstory left and right Not only funny but yikes, the backstory gets more intriguing and murky-murky every episode. Nose-hair Mauro is looking very bad indeed.

You are a great comedienne, Blue Lass. As I've said before, you could take your show on the road, but I'm glad you stick around here and regale the Patio with your writing.


It would be rather interesting if we were to find out that Roberta's mother taught her to fake mental illness to guilt-trip a husband into not leaving her, but that hardly makes for happiness. Roberta is a deeply miserable person who fails to recognize that she is driving Franco away from her with her histrionics and her homicidal tendencies.

Mauro is clearly the captain of the ship at work, since he threatened to fire Franco if he lost Alba's case. However, he should have not allowed Julian to talk his way back in after he terminated him and he is delusional if he expects that Franco could be effective at the office and police Roberta's madness at the same time. Roberta needs to be committed for her own sake and that of others.

Finally, the reason the story is going the way it is with Alba and Ingrid is that the issue of mercy killing in Mexico is not yet legally resolved.

Blue lass, thanks for the giggles. You can never have enough giggles in your day.

These people, right ? Scary crazy.

Blue Lass, you are absolutely hilarious! Despacho Pro Bono, the push-up devil he knows, flinging backstory right and left- are just a few of your gems.
I missed a few episodes, so correct me if I'm wrong: wasn't Gabe gay just last week? Now he's found his very own Mrs. Robinson?
Roberta sure went from hysteric wife to criminal threat fast, didn't she?


Adriana, I think that the writers are portraying Gabe as a confused teen. Loca Tia Ingrid is not helping him.

Adriana Noel, you're right that the plot is moving incredibly fast. Not only are characters switching teams while we're not watching, but super-psycho events like the cafe caper are usually reserved for the final kidnapping, not a little over 3 weeks in! Although kidnapping seems like it would be too much for someone as unfocused as Roberta to pull off, I'm sure there are other ways she can up her game.

R la O, I do think Roberta's genuinely crazy, but that whole "I have to apologize to Alba" maneuver was definitely a put-up job. I think she was just trying to get another shot at her. And Franco's response was a masterpiece of understatement -- "Um, not a good time."

When I was working in wildlife rehab, my coworkers told me about raising some baby vultures that were incredibly hilarious because their beaks were so big they pitched forward every time they tried to stand up. That's what I keep expecting to happen to Katia.

Meow,Blue Lass. Sling that kitty litter!

Adriana, Roberta is already a criminal from week 1: She killed a blackmailing accomplice of Julian's and figured out that they were in cahoots.

Roberta is creeping up the hierarchy of Txoic Mothers.

BTW, Angelique Boyer was the original choice for Natalia. I always thought that she and Daniela Castro would be matched up again.

Blue Lass -- Another perfect shot into the Blue Blue Sky. Wish there were some other nuggets to pull out, but they've all been pulled out.

Lest we forget--Roberta has been OFF her meds since she decided to get pregnant--against Dr. Metesperma's advice (both for getting pregnant AND going off her meds).

On witter and wittering--that brought out a trip to the dictionary. I knew what it was in context since Nat and Bianca spoke about nothing in general, while we all waited for Alba to scream. My dictionary (from the 80s, doesn't include either one--probably because it is obsolete (or little used until Blue Lass came along). The following come from Merriam-Webster's on-line dictionary.

--Middle English (Scots) wittering, witering, from gerund of witteren, witeren to clarify, inform, teach, of Scandinavian origin--not exactly what Nat and Bianca were actually doing, well, maybe remotely.

--Even more comical is that a witter (n.) is "the tee aimed at in curling," and --definitely something Scottish.

--Dictionary dot com says the verb is, "to chatter or babble pointlessly or at unnecessary length," but does not specify origin. Of course that is what Nat and Bianca were doing. Maybe even Paolo and Katia. Certainly Roberta and Alba! (Yes, I think Lorena was as skinny as a rail in PASLII.)

BLUE LASS -- Thank you for your recap! For some reason, my DVR did not record yesterday's episode. The darned thing was having a brain fart, not even showing "Scheduled Recordings" Yikes, PaNiC tImE! But I started watching, in real time, at the beginning and made it all the way to Franco arriving and then the phone rang and I had to take THAT call. So yes, thank you very much for your recap.

I love "Bad Coffee R Us"

Not much else I can add to the conversation, at this point. But, gee, I guess Alba was not in prison long enough to learn more self-defense skilz. There were a couple of times she could have knocked that knife away.

If Franco & Family don't get Roberta locked up, than any damage she does in the future is on them. There is denial, and then there is DENIAL. Yeesh!

Today's recap will be late. I've got to take hubby to the doctor to rule out flu right as our show starts (it is likely some virus crud or horrible allergies) then pick up the dog from the groomer. Um, yeah, this day is SO not going as I had it originally scheduled. LOL
So, it might be after supper hour before the recap is up, and the recap might be brief, depending on the amount of locura we get today....on the telenovela...not real life. ;-)
As the saying goes, "life is what happens when we've made other plans."

Blue Lass, you are truly a gifted snarkster! Love the title and subtitles...and all the other sides. What a mess of an episode.

Why is it that TN crazy people are always hauled off back to their homes to be "taken care of" and trusted to take their meds on their own? Crazy people!

Plot propeller. How much damage can they do in the manicomio?

Ah, UA, remember Fina in the manicomio? She ended up running the place, along with Blanca. Roberta is a horse of a different color.

Finally? What series was that?

Oops, my phone corrected that from "Fina". I hate that.

Fina was in CUANDO ME ENAMORO. A real front-runner in the toxic mamas contest.

Oh, yes. She was a piece of work.

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