Thursday, March 26, 2020

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Doña 2, Operación Pacífico, y más: Week of March 23, 2020


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
  • 9-10PM -   La Doña 2
  • 10-11PM - Operación Pacífico
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Pacifico, Wednesday

yes, an interesting and revealing story.

Copete joined Horatio because, well that's what he does, and hinted at starting his own business after this was over.

Guapo we learn was bit by the snake, who's recovery by the desert guy is directed to follow the path of the serpent (same as Amalia, but her recovery didn't go so well), he now has a tattoo on his back from Coatl (Quetzalcoatl?) (only for those chosen by the serpent) amazing his mom, but she (was she also bit) says the serpent is for justice, he talks about a revolution that he needs his cartel to fund, but in the end says, "I am the serpent".

(Daily Dish thinks that Serpent justice will be carried out by Amalia).

it turns out Rene's brother is alive and we learn from Ped ?? that when their father died, Horacio adopted them, sending Joaquin off to cop school, then to infiltrate Guapo.

We learn from Horatio who now runs the Sinaloa Cartel that Guapo assisted Chapo's escape in '93 ?? and inherited part of the business, and the mention of Arturo Beltrán Leyva (these are real people).

Rene has a solution involving Chapo's famed gun, the name is bleeped.

Enrique (who hired Maldonado to ruin Jorge's life) asks to use his place, and is delighted Amalia's sister is there.

when it comes to girls, good guy Jones finishes last to the bad guys, nothing personal Ped says.

thanks Anita, I thought "Curare" was that Yepes was the cure for the problem.



SO FINALLY, INTERPOL … coughed /hacked up something useful.... FELINA MORENA-LINDA CAT WOMEN, had to bust Braulio/wolfman's heart by giving him the -411 -on -what happen to his momma!!!

I CALLED IT.. .. I knew [ soon -to-drop-dead] Manny was a friggin liar!!

I quess DIVORCE IS A NO- GO/NOT- AN- OPTION …..that poor woman took little /Baby- wolfie and ran for her life, and he still had her killed wha??!!!!!


deb--Thank you for all the information on the cartel relationships. I have to admit most of that is not of interest to me.

So, we see Rene almost hanged, but reunited with Jones (I think his interest in Amalia was waning anyway.) Since Amalia got away on her own, Ped gave Jones the gun to use to trade her for El Chapo's gun with Horacio.

Amalia checks in with Lopez and Helena and promises to be at the next custody hearing. Jorge allows the boys some facetime--and then cuts it short so they can't. He's now acting like a warden at a military school.

Paula talks to the Sgt's widow and gets the name of the reporter, who we all met at the beginning of the show. Not sure what she was going to get out of the meeting.

Wilson is finally out of Mari's life, and ours, too.

Vargas continues to hear everything.

La dona 2. Wow! I didn't see that one coming! This novela had been priming us for Manuel's dropping dead from a heart attack, but then Braulio gets more information on his father's role in his mother's death, so he murders him??!! And why did the assassin keep shooting at Felina and Altagracia once the boss was dead? It doesn't make sense. Of course, the Interpol agents were inept as usual. The doctor mentioned that AG had damage to her vertebra, along with a lot of other things. Does that mean she'll be in a wheel chair for the rest of this season. Of course, they could spend hours and hours showing her in physical therapy, and I wouldn't put it past them. I hope Lucho doesn't kill Diego. That would be terrible, but then again, this tn has done a lot of terrible things.

"LA Dona 2":

SpanProf: Wake me up when we get to Ultimos Capitulos.


I finally heard the magic words: etapa final! Of course, there's no telling how long this final etapa will be. All we know is that it will be over sometime in April.

And yes, SpanProf, as I feared, it looks as though Lucho is going to try to hurt or kill Diego. Sigh.

Well, at least Braulio didn't succeed in killing Altagracia.

As for Leon and José Luis, they may look older than teen-age boys, but looks are apparently deceptive. I almost laughed at the end as they two of them try to out-macho each other. And why in the world does Carlos Ponce give José Luis a ludicrous bug-eyed stare at the end? Is it supposed to make Leon look fierce? In fact, it makes him look like an alien from another planet.


WHA???.. WHAT I MISS....

JUANITA: LEON trying to pass as a teenage.. and fighting loco as -a-bedbug-lucho..
okay.. I'M -ALL-IN..



AG survived but injured!Oooookaaay.. you mean they exploded her Brazilian butt....!!NOO!!!

Braulio killed his!!

I WILL GIVE A BLOW BY BLOW[sorry]..later....cause if they are ETAPA final... I m' going all in!!-[ permisso]


Yet the ultimate goal remains the same: Braulio wants Altagracia DEAD.

La dona 2. Steve: Yes, Braulio wants Altagracia dead, but he's still a little conflicted about it, which is why he didn't kill her immediately in the hospital, giving Matamoros time to save her(of course). Halimacandy: I too thought Leon and Jose Luis were very silly. Is the message that people with y chromosones never grow up? (Only kidding. :)). Juanita: I too was thrilled to hear ultima etapa. In fact, I had been so hoping for that that I wasn't sure if I should believe my ears--until you confirmed it of course.

LA Dona2 chapter 53

Luccho calls Romelia over to talk to her and ask her //demands her to contact braulio and hook him up with Braulio the killer.
She insists that he doesn't want to meet with Wolf man because Wolf man is real trouble and he counters with... can’t be anymore of a ****** and I am BADASSZZ... then I am.

Then he finds out ,while looking at the computer that Diego was isabella's friend …so he's ready to F@#$$ with Diego in order to get back at Diego For supporting Isabella.

At the restaurant… it's a traffic jam /a stall/ then Manny worms his way into the apartment across the café and kills the owner,some poor innocent guy getting killed in his own apartment
So Manny can have a Birds Eye view at AG and Felina sitting at the table . More traffic jams and damn… didn't Braulio LOCATES DADDY

and ….Oh my God… Bro.Braulio bust in ,just before his dad/ Mr Manny Padilla detonated the bomb 2.0…
How did braulio found the apartment .. when Interpol couldn't ….freaking INTERPOL could not find it..even,if it had a light shining out of the window …HALO- LED bursting out of into the apartment… where his dad was watching AG and FelinaCatwoman…

Braulio confronts Manny Padilla …good- old- pop pop and calls him out for being the low down dirty , stinking, S *******…. Rat *** ******* that he is. He asked his dad ,if he's afraid to die after you've killed so many..
Manny, swore at Felina , saying ,she was the bit@@# ,she made his son a tradior… a @@##$kid damn you@#$ mother @##$

Braulio hit him .. called him@##$ ---on having his mother killed …
called him a coward for not having the guts to do ..what..?? kill his own wife by himself??
Daddy Padilla told him that he was the worse , that Braulio was just plainold..'Tussy -whipped and that , tussy...would be his downfall because he had his nose- blown- open.

Interpol couldn't find a elephant in a swimming pool

Whatever the case …Matamoro stayed on the case… he recognized Fed.cops ,when he sees them …he went around,and came right back..

Braulio kept giving Manny a chance …. put the damn bomb detonator down … wolfman ,kept telling him ….to put it down !!
Dad was talking about paying dues …. talking about bullsh#$t Patriot issues … told him that he was going eliminate 2 bitches for you … Braulio had to shoot dad between his eyes …. right into that Crown chakra…
… no bomb today!! bye and then he leaned on his dad and cried like a baby..over his dead body ****** ****** why pa/ why??

Well, well… oh..didn’t your son/diego, asked you the same thing.. why ??


La Dona 2 #53 pt. 2

Back at the office, Leon’s talking to Noelia …she's asking what's happening with lucho. Leo talked about he's making some progress and of course loose lucho is 10 steps ahead of everybody.

Wow Leon is waiting for the judge’s warrant ...he's trying to find Romelia. Momma Florencia, she had played hardball with Noelle and she didn't appreciate it..

Leon had to put her in check as well.. Yea!!! Noelia walks out and calls him a moron ….it's about time Noelle wake up and she storms out in a hissy fit.

Back at the restaurant ;Morena Linda, Cat woman, had to come clean to AG about what's going on...She tells her..' you can't leave cause... you'll be in danger'..AG, did not appreciate it ..she told girlfriend ...'what did you do -set- me- up'.

Braulio is calling with good news.. battle call!! ...the good news!!..' haul- aszz- out- of -there while you can'..

Manny is dead n run, while you can..
OK so Interpol was able to get to the apartment, but not in time to stop Manuel’s assistant or Lieutenant from shooting LA DONNA

. Battles
in the next scene ..they all are at the hospital, very worried she's alive ...Felina’s alive!! everybody's alive... but,Ladonna‘s big booty is in bad shape. Oh--no!!

Felina … is surprised to find out that Manuel is dead. Interpol needs to meet/stand up their agreement …she did everything she could on her part...

Back at many Padilla’ s HANG-OUT, his crew is getting to 411 / lie from Braulio …...regarding what happened. He's the boss... now !! who killed Manny…?? he tells everybody, he won't stop until, he finds out, who killed Manuel …. cause he's the Jeffe, now
Braulio is standing next to Diego … it's Braulio &son running the business now.

Felina is getting interrogated by Karen and of course she's like copping a plea..... 'I don't know nothing --I ain't seen nothing what's going-- on how's Ladonna--- I'm upset-- I'll help you anyway I can/ stall /stall.

You know these novella people go through a bunch of stuff and their hair ,still be looking good!!it survives everything


. LA DONA 2 CAP #53 PT 3.

Madonna's in surgery, everybody's worried about it, Cat woman is telling the truth.. she doesn’t know nothing.. because that whole thing was a HOT-MESS... Karen keeps pressing the point; what’s going on --where those gunshots- came -come -from??

Karen wants to know about those Interpol guys
Felina was right, when she told Karen about Ladona having a lot of enemies. Everybody is copping the same line …’We’re gonna catch whoever did this!’…

Leon wanted to see his woman!! and Daniel tell the doctor... we want to see my sister in law... we want to see her now…!! Ladonna has so many enemies Daniel was running them down like a laundry list. Lucho, Navy clients, and Braulio.

Then Leon gets the call from the judge to arrest Navy-Navarrete. Meanwhile daddy Navarrete was watching TV, when he heard about Ladona getting shot but he's busy trying to get those false documents together to get lucho out of there and over to Dubai.

Loco lucho /He's right they gonna try to pin the AG
Gunshot …on him…

And sure, enough Leon walks into daddy’s space with his arrest warrant payments …Oh my God !!they arrested daddy Navy for concealment instruction of justice. And there was a lot more cussing …it was a blanky-blanky… cause wha? /...blanky-blanky. Navy told the …. you gonna have -to -drag- me -out- of- here...!!
….and they- sure- enough -did!!...

Diego wants to leave…. To find /Felina!!! Diego challenges his father about …The Who? What? where? why and ??? how things are just too much of a coincide

Braulio challenges him on his commitment to grand pa/CAUSE?... and how, he really into ...all this life of crime…so he gets -next- to- Cat woman. Braulio put-Diego-in- check, I’M THE BOSS!!Diego tells him you're not -the-boss-of-me!! and of course dad and son got to go- at -it -,
...he told the Diego to get out and don't come back!! Braulio did the right thing by that child. He knows that this lifestyle is a dead end, he doesn't want him in the game… period ...Braulio did the right thing, my God !!he loves that boy!!

Fernanda and Romelia talk about Manny Padilla.. And how he was determined to kill ladona. Romelia is like… ‘I'm not calling nobody find out what's going on …cause I’m not trying to go to jail!!...
. Fernanda is happy Ladonna got shot, but they both decide to play it cool and stay put.


LA DONA 2 CAP #53 PT. 4



Navy does the ‘PERP ‘Perpetrator walk, and Vidal is not happy …however judge ROBLES got it on lockdown. Commissioner Vidal is funny making Nobel Peace-Prize jokes abt Leon for not following the change of chain of command jokes ...

and Leon made a good joke about the next ... ‘Lifetime TV series or Lifetime movie’: I loved a psychopath......
Lucho is -just- about- done -living- that- criminal-life …. on the run life and he gets a call from Gerondo about your dad being in jail and arrested.
… so that puts a stall on that; going to Dubai with false ID...
… Fast forward.

Florenzi Molina get all dolled up to go visit ladona in the hospital. And reminds Miss ‘hot-butt’ Noelia about ...having some sisterhood/ solidarity /
and women sticking together and getting her priorities straight.

Felina, Eunice finished her interview with Karen and who talked to Leon about ladona

Vidal jumps in between them and claps at …… ‘hotbutt’ Leon, …. what's this all about, is getting Navy's woman...
Navy’s lawyer comes in and she tells him that Leon cannot make Navy testify against a blood Relative.

Leon talked to him about the fingerprints at the motel. But Navy's not saying ...nothing!!

Leon made a good point abt ted Bundy. Out there…in the streets… while your sons lucho is …. he's going to kill again !! he has too!!
Back at Felina’s place ...
Diego comes in to talk to her about Manuel Padilla death. But she's not able to give him any more information... She asked him to leave… he accuses her of teaming up with ???... to get rid of the grandfather.

Felina cat woman...reminds him that he needs to control himself and leave / there's nothing gonna on between ….
...he accused her of using him. She says you need to get out of here and get away before the ‘sh#$%t hits... the fan !!...get out!!... save yourself.

...Back at the interrogation room daddy Navy... No! information and Leon are getting frustrated. He shows him picture of the girls, but Dad already saw the pictures of the girl/ victims of rainbow killers... it was Nando and Pablo’s fault
. Leon mentions the woman that has been the accomplice, took him to the hotel. Navy look very surprised /going to figure out that it's Romelia ….
Romelia still trying to cover her tracks and talk sense into loco-lucho, to stall him from going out. Lucho told Romelia that his daddy Navy is arrested. Romelia was very upset however she's patient, I wonder if she's gonna try to kill loco lucho
. When daddy Navy saw that sketch, he knew ... Navy recognized those sunglasses.






trust me.. he is going to kill her but after ,wards.. you know what -I-mean!!!



Thanks very much, Halimacandy, for your comprehensive recap. I have to say, as I watched the episode, I found it hard to keep everything straight in the scene leading up to AG's being shot.

And it looks as if there are no more vulnerable young women for Lucho to prey on, so he's switching to vulnerable young men, more specifically, Diego. Arrgh.

Well, things are moving right along. There's another couple of sweet kisses between Amalia and Pedraza. They figured out that El Guapo not only fooled them by pretending to be the guy in the wheelchair, but that he's fronting as a legitimate business man who just bought a bank. When Am & Ped confronted him at a press briefing about all his properties in Colombia, he shut down the briefing without ever saying why he bought the bank. He's pissed at Guerrero for letting them in.

Jones' vest bomb was fake, but he saves Rene and gives Horacio's goons El Chapo's gun. They have mad hot sex and then she leaves him.

Paula visits Dominguez in the hospital. I think they could be friends. She tells him the doctora left her. She tells him to be careful what he says to the bald general waiting to see him. Bald general is "one of those." Dom says times have changed and he can be more open about his sexual preference. BG says he can't. He must protect his reputation and family at all costs and warns Dom not to say too much to Paula.

Mariana swallows the story that Wilson left of his own accord.

Helena goes to visit Jorge's one-night-stand-mistress and she covers him by saying she doesn't know anything about Baranquilla and her daughter's father died a few years ago. Then she calls Jorge and lets him know what she did for him and instead of an apartment in Mexico City, she wants a house in Miami (we'll see how that goes).

Vargas doing his listening in on the wife of the Ambassador, finds out they are into S&M as she orders a new sex toy--a better whip that can do more harm. Vargas instructs one of his toadies to go buy one. He brings the toadie back to his apartment for dinner and then tries to use him for sex, putting lipstick on him. Thankfully we don't see the rest, if it happened at all. Later, we see him smearing the cord of the whip with, probably curare or some other quick-acting poison.

Vargas gets a call from El Guapo (or was it Guerrero, or who?) to chew him out because he read that there was an attempt on the Ambassador's life, but it was prevented by none other than Vargas. Vargas insists that it was all part of his plan because now the Ambassador and his wife are in debted to him and he's becoming very friendly with them. He asks to be left alone to work out his mission.

Ped finds Aparicio dead and almost gets dead himself. He and Amalia lament they lost another witness that could offer proof of El Guapo.

Paula tells Amalia about her meeting with Susana Vega and her confidential source (fuente) may be able to lead them to El Guapo. Vega pretty much corroborated everything OpPa had so far.

Is there anything important I left out?

Ladonna 2 cap 55?

Navy's in jail.. and not happy ,but his lawyer passes him the phone and he calls olga /Romelia for help.. she is cool with it.. when lucho has a BIG MAC W/FRIES

FELINA is fed up with the accusations for the Cassilines/senor Cielos family??

Leon is a wreck and cries in front of Noelia , who is more than happy to give him consolation!! leon goes into AG's room and cries!! and blabbers and cries!!

AG's maid and Matamoros are getting along, but she is not upset in the slightest... nice pocketbook with that kmart outfit...or is she RAIDING AG'S CLOSET!! I WOULD..!!

Vidal swears he is going to get daddy Navy out??

****PG-Mature aud..:14+

BRAULIO TIPS over to Felina's.. she is looking unhappy and he comments on it.. ..momma what 's problem...

….Every thing should be cool with Interpol and your son ,’s over with Manny,…she says: yeah, it would have better to have taken him alive ,but it satisfies the Spanish police…Wolfe: you can bounce whenever..

Cat woman: nah, I got obligations to the damn CAllisldees?/I got to be cool in case AG wakes up.. Ladona suspected I set her up.. ..

Wolfed..: well she may have to die before that happens…

Felina; wha?? I thought AG was your box…

Wolfman: nah.. that' over, you got all of my attention now, you’re my woman now..

She says:wha??... I want you too…!! And stop squeezing my shoulder…

HE pulls her to the couch.. and GUIDES her, she slides up and saddles her fine frame, on top of his lap.Cat woman throws one big leg to the right and another big leg to the right.

. and Braulio looks like a veerrryyy happy man, dude was half leaned back and half sitting erect[ sorry]. He had his head in an upright position …so he could appreciate all that was coming towards him...

....with the biggest grin and his eyes look like they were going to pop outta his horney head.... when you see that smile ,its death or hot sex… and it a shock.. to my system. Considering ,he scowls most of the time..

Felina positions her big booty dead center and begin to remove her black slinky negligee.. she tells him , I have a problem[yeah?] I am cursed[really?- helping her get her clothes off]….all the men I love die….watch that bruise!!..

...dude said..[F@#$ that.. I will take my chances…bite.slurppp,lick ..kisses, Dude gently kisses her bandaged shoulder…he pulls her forward toward him .Seriously,with strong determination to get the goods,begins to nuzzles ,totally guzzle ,the top portion of her soft Morena-Linda charms…

...he has both hands ,gripping all of that big momma.. Braulio, dude, you are....'not-there-to-play-play'..go-on.. 'handle-your-business'.. and he begins to take-care-of-business.. …. this man loves,his foreplay in seated position!! .. likes to let them ride!!



DIEGO must have caught th vibe.. that his daddy is 'laying-pipe' with Felina.. the love-of-his-life.. teenage angst...

Diego is drowning his sorrows and he tells Noelia, that Manny was the gun man..he doesnt want to believe it..

Leon is keeping hold of Navy despite the counter charge the arrest/ its a personal vendetta over a woman..

loco-lucho and hench man, is trying to locate Diego, but the woman at the foundation do not trust strange men..
...of course, loco follows a drunk Diego down the city streets..i think Diego saw him??

YES....Navy and Leon ..'gritting'....-mala-oro'... 'eye-balling ' from the jail was ..'LOL'..!!



thanks Anita!

so cool how you weave a story together!

I find Jones totally fascinating, bad luck with the women but wait, even his hot jailer in the jungle jumped in bed with him.

Rene is equally mysterious, intense sex only please, and did she miss a date with "I love you" phone convo, that Jones overhears.

Paula was pumping Susan for her informants knowledge of Vegas replacement.

Vargas slips Solano, Vegas's contact list, want the job?

the A team finds momma Guapo at their Texes hill country estate, but wait, Guapo is there.



I know, it's the middle of the night, but shelter in place has me keeping odd hours and I just watched Friday's episode. Thanks so much for the recap, Anita And thanks to deb for your astute comment.

I'm really, really enjoying this show. I should be more distressed about the body count, but they tend to be subtle about it. And there hasn't been TOO much torture.

At the very end of the scene after the A team arrives by Telenovela Airlines in Texas, Jones is caught by one of those ubiquitous guards big narcos have. I am pretty tired of Jones having the crap beaten out of him!

Not sorry to see the last of Wilson, but I'm a bit concerned about Mariana trusting that cold-blooded killer. Enrique, is it?

Well we can see why Vargas was warning General Padilla that someone was onto the male prostitution ring at the police academy. He may have been a participant.

I did enjoy El Guapo's consternation at Pedraza and Amalia confronting him about his "businesses" in Tumaco, Colombia.

Vargas told Solano to kill Susana Vega, but after Solano swaps out delivery of the whip that the Ambassador's wife ordered with, I assume, the one Vargas brushed with...something.

I am really, really tired of Vargas hearing all the developments in the General's office. Can we send him an email suggesting he have his office swept for bugs? Maybe it's


Novelera: Wiretapping must be common.


Steve, Vargas stuck one of those tiny bugs on the underside of General Lopez's computer, so it's technically not a wiretap.

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