Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #36, 4/7/20: Everybody Doesn't Like Someone

Aqua House o' Drama

Ingrid runs out into the street and pulls Mauro off Julian. Mauro promptly breaks up with her, although it's not clear whether the precipitating factor was the sleeping around, the sleeping around with a subordinate, or the interruption of the strangling of the subordinate. Either way, she's been a really annoying girlfriend. "Hospital!" croaks Julian. "Tequila!" hisses Ingrid. She wins. Nobody turns off the car alarm.

Cafe TMI

Tizzy drops in to taunt Gael about his apron. "I knew you were a terrible lawyer, but this is your side gig?" Gael tells him he's just helping out "Blanquita" -- I'm not sure the diminutive is evidence of advancing intimacy, but I'll take what I can get -- and if he's late to work, Tiz can go ahead and sue him. After Gael dashes off with some plates, Tizzy copies Franco's hotel info from the napkin where Gael had jotted it down.

Reclusorio of Misdirected Emotion

After Natalia hits the floor, Paolo flings himself out of his wheelchair so he can lie down next to her and pet her like a kitty. Now he's twice as mad at Rufino -- "Look what you did to this poor, innocent girl!" I'm surprised she can get up from under the weight of all that irony, but before you know it she's back at Paolo's place having a conversation that's so boring I've forgotten it already. Anyway, she remembers Julian saying it would be better to be hated for being Juls' flip-flopping arm candy than for being Paolo's fateful instrument of doom, so she calls her favorite mental retrograde and asks him to come and get her.

Illegal Aid Society

Tizzy calls in some political favors in Acapulco to keep Franco and Alba from finding a place to lay their heads. His argument to his unseen crony: "You don't want tacky people like this ruining the reputation of your beautiful city." One wonders where all the other criminals sleep, but I guess they don't know Tizzy personally.

Nosehair Bachelor Pad

A super-cranky Mauro smashes up some framed pictures of his wife and daughter before pulling out a cigar box of polaroids of his very pregnant ex-girlfriend. "If she's really my daughter," he promises her, "I'll give her everything. Everything I never gave you." Since the last thing he gave her was the order to terminate a pregnancy that was apparently about 8-1/2 months along, that's particularly icky, but we all hate him anyway.

No Room at the Inn

Franco and Alba get pitched out of their hotel room before they can even disarrange the heart-shaped pile of flower petals on the bed. He tries to cheer her up by tangoing her around the patio, but it only works for a few minutes. He sure can dance -- but he can't get a reservation for love or money, so the lovebirds hop dejectedly back to their separate nests in Alternate Mexico City.

Cafe TMI Redux

Mauro plucks a stray hair off of Alba's blouse after an idiot discussion about how neither one of them can sleep when they're worried about something. Juarever. Ingrid plonks herself down at the table and tries to blackmail him back into the "relationship" by threatening to spill the beans about him lighting up his wife. He points out that Berti is her only witness, and nobody believes anything she says anyway. I point out that she has basically just said that unless he makes her his new wife, she'll tell everyone that he killed the last one, but I guess my table is too far away for her to hear. Gael, honey! More absinthe!

Around Town:

* Julian tries to convince Natalia to run away with him to France. Why, he'll even give up his job for her! What a mensch.

* Nat refuses to believe that Franco broke all of Roberta's fingers, until Franco follows Bert into the bedroom and starts screaming at her. She attacks him, he tries to defend himself, Natalia walks in and...dude, are you sure you're a lawyer?

* Katia goes to visit Rufino in prison and promises to get his story out. Julian looms up behind her. Ruh-roh. The hit list just keeps getting longer...


Hola Blue and my other Isolation Buddies!

Well, now you've got me trying to finish the sentence to "Everybody Doesn't Like Something, but Nobody Doesn't Like __________". Ack! What is it? The closest I can come up with is NesCafe, but I'm sure that's not it.

So funny about the possible breakup reasons for Mauro: "whether the precipitating factor was the sleeping around, the sleeping around with a subordinate or the interruption of the strangling of the subordinate".

Also loved "I'm surprised she can get up under the weight of all that irony" and "Illegal Aid Society". I was right there with you on "Gael, honey! More absinth!"

I hooted and had to rewind when Julian was asking to go to the hospital and Ingrid said "no, tequila". Gawd, that was funny! I hope Sabine had as much fun playing that role as we've had watching her.

Katia better watch it. I think that in a twist of fate, she'll be saved from whomever by Natalia.

Thanks again, Blue. You truly make it a Super Tuesday.


Sara Lee. :D

Lovely recap Blue Lass.

These people's lives are a disaster.
Now mau wants to be daddy to a lady who wouldn't be here if her mother had done what he told her to do all
Those years ago. He's a Piece dogy doo. Now whats he gonna tell berti
When she asks why are you giving my
Inheritence to that hussy? While she's choking him of course.

Natty is useless. They really need to do something before some of the
Patio starts to abandon ship. Ya know? Like we done that other one.

They could have went to a little bed n breakfast nobody has heard of in
Where did they go again? Anyways its
Getting looow with this show. The beanies will just melt if something don't happen to keep me interested.
Like the TRUTH)))))))))!!!!

Thank you Blue Lass, the Recap was
Good, the actual show.....meh! You did what could with what you had to work with. You made it interesting.


“Everybody doesn’t like something, but nobody doesn’t like SARA LEE.” Once I had the tune, it only took a minute.

Thank you for your seriously snarkalicious recrap, Blue Lass.

These characters are …. I don’t know what to say.

Too bad Mauro didn’t finish off Julian. Who wants to bet Mau will take Ingrid back?
Too bad Javier didn't make an appearance while she was knocking boots with Juls.

The level of cRazY in this show is beyond anything I’ve ever seen, including Gaby Spanic’s character in Soy Tu Dueña.

At least Mauro will get a DNA reading from Alba’s hair. Can you really get paternity results from a hair? IDK and IDC(I don't care).

Yes, that's it! Sara Lee! And of course nobody doesn't like her. That frozen cheesecake is my favorite. Yummmmm. I wonder if that is considered an essential that I should run to the store for?

I thought Julian did a good job of looking dead. I really thought he was. Then suddenly he revived. It looked to me like Mauro drove off thinking he was dead too, and really didn't care. Does he know he survived? Is he not worried about a violent retaliation?

I've said this before... I really don't want Alba to be strapped to a father like Mauro, even if she inherits everything. Is that a clue that Roberta isn't his biological daughter?


If Roberta is not Mau's bio-daughter, that would mean her mother had an affair, which might be why she was ultimately "killed" by Mauro.

Roberta will either be committed for life to the manicomio or she will die. Death makes for a cleaner break so Franco is free to marry Alba.

I can't see any other outcomes for Julian besides jail or getting killed and I don't know which would be more satisfying to the Patio. Or me. This guy makes my skin crawl.

Ingrid's teeth are so white they could use them on an airport runway during a power outage.

Gracias, Blue Lass.

Illegal Aid Society, indeed. No wonder lawyers have a bad rep.

Hair strands need the follicle in order to extrapolate DNA. That was in at least one early episode of Law & Order. There later was an U episode where Dr Warner had to pluck ten each from the suspect's head and a more private area. With Benson watching. Talk about shrinkage...

Mauro, this was a tactical error. You better hope that both of these pieces of garbage are too afraid to talk.

Tizzy, you may turn out to be the biggest rat of all. And what you are doing is known as harassment.

Franco, you have a good alibi but be prepared to air Roberta's dirty laundry.

Natalia, you are now officially an idiot.

Julian, this does not mean you get Nat back.

Gabriel, don't tell Ingrid anything she can use against your mum. You know your tia is loca.

Mauro, don't destroy evidence. [Actually, I'm surprised Roberta hadn't snooped and found those photos long before this.] All you had to do was fire that simian and now you have to worry about how many witnesses could have been on that street.

Roberta, you are so damned lucky I'm not your daughter because you could never get away with calling me nene or lying about my father. Or all your gaslighting.

Too bad all Ingrid's neighbors probably do not have a Ring doorbell or other security cameras to capture Mau strangling Julian in broad daylight, in the street. How convenient that Julian's car is a convertible. lol

Good Morning All. What a fun way to restart my morning (have been out for a long walk before the pathways got too crowded) and I too needed a hint to guess Sara Lee. But now I'm dreaming of cheesecake too, Rosemary la Otra!

Lots of funnies in this recap (which was sooo much better than the blah episode)

Aqua House o' Drama

although it's not clear whether the precipitating factor was the sleeping around, the sleeping around with a subordinate, or the interruption of the strangling of the subordinate. Either way, she's been a really annoying girlfriend.

[Natalia and Paolo] conversation so boring I've forgotten it already

Nosehair Bachelor Pad

No Room at the Inn

Franco's dance skills (Yes, I was very impressed with how the actor was whirling Alba around, and that hand was riding pretty low on her hip--I hope Anita noticed and enjoyed!)

[Mauro] lighting up his wife (interesting way to put it!)

And I also loved Doris' quip about Ingrid's teeth being so white they could light up an airport runway. Evidently all the actors in this one have been super-bleached. I've never seen such sparkle.

Snappy recap Blue Lass. Always enjoyable. But oh how I long for Sara Lee "forbiddens" now! My stomach is rumbling.

If you saw Rebeca back in 2003 the actors' teeth n that one would have glowed in the dark.

JudyB, I think all Argentinians can dance -- it's in the water or something.

Blue Lass, thank you for giving me a snappy recap to enjoy while remaining in the twilight zone of sheltering in place.I, too, could not place the phrase...Sara Lee...yes, everybody does like Sara Lee..if you can find Sara Lee.

Amazing that nobody in the neighborhood noticed an old dude choking a shirtless dude in a convertible . And yes, it was a bit of luck that obnoxious, conceited Julian has a convertible...but remember, this guy thinks he is too cool for school , the fool..so..of course ..a convertible a la Paul Newman ( an actual cool guy).

I wonder if Daniela feels as rung out after each growling, writhing performance as I do after watching .

Franco didn't get Alma into that rose petal strewn bed, but he did get a lovely twirl beside the sea . These days , one has to take what one gets in so many ways. As my granddaughter's kindergarten teacher used to say , "_I get what I get , and I don't get upset. " I wrote that down..a life lesson for us all .

Well it is a bit breezy today, but I am trying to walk around outside and sit on the patio reading and listening to oldies for as long as I can since rain is in our forecast. I am also on watch for the birds who are trying to build nests under the patio roof. I just took down the patio clock where someone had started to build a nest.

The dandelions are beginning to pop up all over the yard ..they go happily on. The guy is supposed to come some time this whalpiky mow for the first time.

Blue Lass, as to the water and Argentinians..I agree. This applies also to Dominicans. I have taught many of them . One guy told me that the water is also responsible for their baseball skills !

BlueLass A cLASS act, as usual. Thanks for all the laughs. I think Mau paid off all the potential witnesses before he did his belt-tightening scene. No one seemed disturbed by the incessant horn honking enough to come out of their houses or look out windows. Then I remember that neither do I, except to get amply annoyed. I'm surprised Ingrid even looked out at all when it didn't stop.

"I think all Argentinians can dance -- it's in the water or something." Also, moms who drink the water give birth to some really good looking babies who grow up to be heart throbs and telenovios for millions of panting women (and men, nowadays).

JudyB--"I hope Anita noticed and enjoyed" Yep, sure did. He started out kinda slow, though, then he got the rhythm, and even got a little knee-between-her-legs move.

I'm waiting to see how Franco gets out of this one. It sure looked to Nat that he was the aggressor, with Bertie conveniently and plaintively crying out not to hit her any more.

Poor Franco. Saddled with an evil, cunning FIL, a dolt of a daughter, a witch for a wife, a defendant in a capital crime for an almost lover, a vindictive ex-suitor of his wife as a temporary associate, a soggy defendant in a hit and run and none of the resources the others have. At least he has good coffee to turn to since he only has his smarts and that's not doing to well these days. Calmate, tranquilo, hombre. It'll only take about 30 more hours for you to get your reward.

Thanks again Blue Lass. It was a real pick me up after the gloomy Gov. Cuomo show today. He reminds me of Franco--he has an impossible job up against adversaries he can't see.


Ah Nina, here you come again with a gem: "The beanies will just melt if something don't happen to keep me interested. Like the TRUTH)))))))))!!!!"

Melting beanies. That a good one.

Anita... I agree any escape from harsh reality is appreciated....even These monsters who make me cringe and recoil and the dumb folks who are their victims. At least it takes my mind temporarily off what's happening in our real world.

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