Thursday, April 30, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #53, 4/30/20: Just another day on the crazy train!

Our Thursday recapper has had life get in the way, so we are all jumping in to get something up on the board.   Please add to this, if only in the comments.    I'm working from memory, since I watched and deleted hours ago.

-  Mauro goes to the Turquoise House of Horrors and Skankiness and tells Gabe he is invited to come live with him.   Bianca is in the background, shaking her head a big ole  YES!   Gabe hasn't had enough chemo to have the dreaded "chemo brain" , so he totally agrees to do that.  He does not trust Ingy.   Ingrid tried to guilt trip him on staying, Mauro called her on that, and I had to mute the TV to shut her up.

 - Alba's day in court.   First, did I miss something? She and Franco are acting like they have kissed and made up.  Seriously, did I miss something?     But I digress.   Gael is there, too, and he has done his homework.  He has Javier's attending nurse on the witness stand, with a timeline.  Alba checked in at 11:43 to see Javier.  Shortly after, she ran down to the nurse's station all freaking out,  because she had unplugged Javi and plugged him back in.   Expert witness said the alarms did not sound because the equipment had  been unplugged for thirty seconds, not long enough for alarms to ring.

- At 11:45 Ingrid checked in.   Shortly after that, Javi's equipment was unplugged and he was finally dead, after that.
The "oh sh!t" look on Ingy's face was priceless.

- Tiziano has the brightest blue eyes, but his brightness ends there.   He is a cr@p lawyer and it showed.     Let's just assume any case he has won had nothing to do with his lawyering and everything to do with douchebaggery and assholery and murder on the side.

- Alba must have been set free, because I think I saw her in regular clothes, but maybe I'm remembering wrong.   I'm staying tuned to see if they stick it to Ingrid.  But really, if Alba should go free for unplugging Javier, then seems like Ingrid should, too.  He begged to have his life ended.  Maybe they can come up with another reason to throw Ingy into the slammer.

- Later at Mauro's, Gabe's hair keeps falling out, so Bianca shaves his head for him.

- Even later, Roberta shows up there and is trash talking Gabe, who is standing behind Mauro, who  tells her to stop it.

-  Roberta is not done spreading the joy her brand of hatred around.  She goes to visit Alba and is her usual hateful self.  (I can't remember if she told Alba that she is Mauro's daughter, mostly because I don't care.)

-  Julián sees Paolo at the No Tell Heartbreak Cafe and proceeds to lay his own brand of douchebaggery & assholery on Paolo, by telling Pao that he knows  Nat is pregnant because they are still good friends and she trusts Julian and confides in him, even though they've broken up and gotten back together a bazillion times.  Oh, by the way, they've been "intimate" too.  What a jerk.


Thanks, Doris!

Best lines from the episode:

JULIAN (to PAOLO): Of course it's my baby!

ROBERTA (to MAURO): Did you just bring him here to shave him?

KATIA (to PAOLO): Helluuuuuu!

And yes, Franco and Alba magically reconciled in the elevator or something, because we didn't see any of it.

Here’s what I saw—hope this fills out Doris’ most excellent recaplet.
Pt 1/2

1. “Tatito” (from AV) tells a very confused Gabe that he’s indeed family. Ingrid fakes terror that this anciano is going to steal her only blood family member she hasn’t managed to kill. He offers his home and his attention to Gabe. Gabe pretends to hesitate, but we all know he was dying (pardon the pun) to get out from under Tia’s care. Bianca has been witness to all this and is pretending to be shocked and surprised. Mau peels Ingrid off of Gabe, whom she was trying to suffocate on the spot and re-offers his offer. He also explains that the reason Gabe is his nieto is because Alba is his daughter, the child of himself (puff, puff) and the great love of his life—Gabe’s unknown grandmother. Gabe decides in favor of a mansion and a very rico abogado, to Ingrid’s disbelief. Gabe actually was getting dizzy in the AquaHouse. And Bianca gets to go with him. They file out and Ingrid tries to pummel Mau and swears revenge (or sth like that).
2. Gabe is welcomed to his new digs. Mau instructs his maid to keep a watchful eye over him. Bianca waits for him to fall asleep and when ready to leave Mau says she can come and go anytime she pleases. I think it was the next day she was back and it was time to shave Gabe’s hair off. We see his auburn locks falling on the floor around him.
3. Julian visits Nat in prison and instead of hanging up on him, she hangs on long enough to get harangued and finally admits she is pregnant with Pao’s baby. He won’t tell her how he found out. He just says he knew she was lying when she claimed it was low blood pressure.
4. Alba doesn’t want to keep Nat’s secret. It was bad enough losing Franco over keeping Nat’s other secret. She swears she wasn’t the one who was the source of the story. Nat says that’s no longer an issue now. She’s actually glad it came out. Now she knows she has to tell Pao, but he won’t talk to her. Alba says she’ll get the ball rolling and calls him to come and see her. It’s important.


5. The next day, when Pao arrives, he’s faced with Nat because Alba has been whisked away to her trial, or whatever it is that passes for trials in Mexico. Ingrid looks just as disheveled and inappropriately dressed as usual. Tizzy oozes confidence. Alba is with Gael and concludes that Franco has really written her off. To her delight, there he is telling her all is forgotten. He believes in her and he’s there to support her. There’s the regulation smooch and it’s off the courtroom. Meanwhile, Nat finally is able to tell Pao she’s Having My/His baby. He don’t care. He’d just as soon never see her again.
6. No sooner than Pao gives Katia another chance to be a couple, he gets the news of the baby. Of course Katia firmly believes THIS time she’s lying again. The reason isn’t very clear, so we leave them to work it out.
7. Bertie is mad at Julian. What else is new.
8. Julian “bumps” into Pao at the Tell-All Cafe and “reluctantly” and smugly tells Pao the baby is Julian’s because Nat never really left him. She’s a yo-yo, she always came back and they never let an opportunity to “be together” go by.
9. In the worst confrontation I’ve ever witnessed, Bertie comes a-calling to assert her rights to Papi and the Mansion. She wants that escuincle out of her sight and her life. Papi tells her to suck it up, this is the way it’s going to be. Bertie calls Gabe all kinds of nasty names right to his face. I think the way it ended was we cut to another scene.
10. The TRIAL OF THE CENTURY. I’ve been waiting for this for all the prior episodes and lo and behold, I wasn’t very clear on all the details. What it boiled down to was that Tizzy brought a bought and paid for doctor to say things against Alba, but when cross-examined, he had no documents to prove that things happened the way they did. Tizzy wants a continuance until he can come up with the documents, but the judge says he ought to have known better than to come without proof. Gael calls up his formerly unlisted witness, the nurse who was tending to Javier and brought the documents that showed the equipment keeping Javier alive was unplugged for 30 seconds and replugged, so there was no alarm. The equipment was unplugged again two minutes later and never replugged. Meanwhile, Alba had come to the nurses station begging for help. The nurse showed that Ingrid was the visitor at the time the equipment was unplugged the second time, so it couldn’t have been Alba. Happy Happy Joy Joy. Franco and Alba share a few loving moments before she’s taken back to the prison to await the judge’s decision.

Oh, and Pao decides to give Kat another chance. They must have been in that weird reconciliation elevator, too.

Thanks Doris, and I thanked you for yesterday's but quite late, so you probably didn't see it.

Yes, I was wondering the same thing as Blue, how did Franco's change of heart come about? And does Alba want someone who can turn so cold so quickly?

Roberta told Alba that if she is going to be motherly to Nene, then she'll be like a mother to Gabe. This will work because they all have the same blood since she and Alba are hermanas.

I can't wait for Paolo to find out Katia has been sleeping with his friend. This just hasn't been Paolo's year.

THANK YOU ANITA! And you had the snark to make it really fun. :-)

It was interesting that both Julian and Roberta were wearing purple today. Julian's purple suit was a bit much, even though it was a pretty shade of purple. Both pants & coat, IIRC, were purple, as well as the shirt. The tie probably was, too. I was too purpled out to look.

And Roberta had a brief scene where she was standing up.

I totally missed Juls telling Pao the baby was his (Julian's) so thank you for including that.

There was a brief moment, I think when Bianca was shaving Gabe's head, that Gabe turned and said to her she would be a great mother, or STTE. I don't think he knows she is pregnant, but she definitely caught his comment.

Blue Lass - yes, and ew! Does Pao know Kat slept with his buddy Emanuel?

I watched a little bit of La Vecina this afternoon and saw the Paolo actor. No man bun, no crying, no wheelchair, and he seemed really pleasant. He is a nice-looking guy.

Oh, in No. &, Bertie charges Jullian with making sure that bebe of Pao’s never sees the light of day.
I have another anvil to befall Roberta. I want her to lose all her hair and be as bald as Gabe, long after his hair grows back. I DO hope Bianca can persuade him to try a different hair style. Oh, I thought it was very sweet that Gabe told Bianca she’d make a great mother while she was cutting his hair. I’m not sure whether he knows Bianca is pregnant or not.

Shoot, I meant in No. 7.

Doris—we make a great tag team.

Blue Lass- Kat and Pao’s reconciliation took place in the park, with joggers jogging by.

If Bianca was auditioning for the role of step-mom to Gabe, she was doing a great job of it. I think I'd rather see her and Alba end up together than Alba and Franco. Alba could raise the baby since she is the one who is excited about Bianca's pregnancy.

ANITA - "Mau peels Ingrid off of Gabe,". I just love the way you said that and it is so accurate. Creative writing is not my forte but I sure do appreciate it. 😊

R la O - yes, great idea to just let Alba and Bianca room together and raise her baby. And maybe Natalia's, too.


While rewatching this show, I had forgotten just how much screeching and screaming goes on in this telenovela. Caray!


Joggers? Was that Thursday or Wednesday? Not that I ever know what day it is anyway. ;}

Thanks so much DORIS and ANITA. How marvelous that you both were ready and willing to step in late in the day to help out PRINCESS JUJU. Shaving Gabe's head brought back sad memories of my friend's 15 year battle with leukemia. She would undergo chemo, shave her head, would recover, the hair would grow back--and then, after a few years, another round. Towards the end, it was the last round of experimental chemo that hastened the end of her life. Cancer is a cruel disease and the current treatment is cruel as well.

It will be interesting to see how the writers finish up this story. In the meantime, thanks for being such a great team and stepping in to help another recapper.

Anita and Doris, thank you both.

It is hard to figure out exactly how the writers will wrap this up. There are a lot of storylines that should be resolved but will they ?

I cringe when I see Ingrid grasping to hold on ( literally) to Gabe.this poor kid is surrounded by three middle-aged women of whom he had his first experience of carnal knowedge with. He needs some friends his own age besides his future stepfather Pedro. PErhaps, he will strike up a friendship with the girl he met in chemo..or is that little scene going nowbere.

Gracias, amigas. This was a hell of a revelation.

Speaking of hair, I think that the long hair we are now seeing is Daniela Castro's real hair. If you take a good look at the shot in the credits where she is looking up to Juan Soler that hair from the earlier episodes looks too much like a wig. Televisa needs a few lessons from the wig department at the Met.

Ingrid should also suffer loss of her absurd curls. Maybe in the prison when the other women in the cellblock find out what she has done to Gabriel.

Gabriel, your aunt made you sick, just as she did your father.

Ingrid, forget it. Mauro has what it takes to crush you into powder.

Natalia, hang up on Julián; he only wants you for a meal ticket.

Julián, you've also committed another fashion felony [the pants looked red on my screen].

Franco, you are lucky that Alba is so absurdly trusting.

Paolo, you are an idiot.

Gabriel, sorry about your hair but at least you are away from Ingrid.

Gael, good work. There is hope for you yet.

Paolo, don't believe anything Julián says.

Alba, keep your cool and don't fall into Roberta's trap. You know she's BSC.

There are too many outstanding crimes and only ten episodes left.

Roberta: Two murders, two attempted murders, assault, harassment, bribery, accessory to kidnapping. Everything that could land her in prison.
Julián: Drugging Natalia at least twice (probably no longer provable so this will need a confession), blackmail, multiple counts of bribery, assault, and conspiracy leading to a death.
Ingrid: Murder of Javier (the poison), attempted murder of Gabriel, framing Alba for Javier's murder, accessory after the fact to murder (Luciana), drugging Alba to keep her away from Gabriel.
Tiziano: Murder (Rufino Santos), conspiracy to kidnapping (Gabriel), interference in legal proceeding (Gael's "imprisonment" to prevent his court appearance).

If he survives the story:
Mauro: Attempted murder of Julián, but only if anyone believes either Julián or Ingrid. We still need proof he did more than goad his wife's suicide.

Mauro told Bianca that he is old and has heart trouble and doesn't know how long he has I think we can count on him popping out on his own, probably as a result of some shock or another.

Blue, how did you miss the joggers? There was a blonde one who clearly didn't want to be on camera coming towards us, then one of the ones running past us was wiping her nose. It made me wonder if they just filmed it without letting people know they were going on an active set.

Speaking of our mind's wandering... did you see that Natalia is literally down to 3 eyelashes in her right eye? I guess watching the disintegration of Natalia's eyelashes is my quarantine hobby.

Apparently my quarantine hobby is going into fugue states whenever someone says one of the anti-magic words: atropellado, sobrino, reclusorio, rechazado...and definitely MI HIIIIIJOOOOOO.

Urban: Best line--"Ingrid, forget it. Mauro has what it takes to crush you into powder." I assume it will be the same powder she's used.
About Mau's crime against Julian. I don't think he ever intended to murder Julian--it took place in broad daylight. Of course, in telenovelaland, that means nothing. I think, despite his being a nasty old man, the charge that would stick is assault.

RLO: Best visual--" I guess watching the disintegration of Natalia's eyelashes is my quarantine hobby." I'm checking out her nail polish. How long will it last. Do they have access to nail salons in prison. My quarantine hobby is getting through MDC without heading for the fridge for sustenance. Thank goodness this tn didn't involve a lot of cooking and eating, like there was in LQNPA and Sortilegio.

Susanlynn: Absolutely top notch insight--[Gabe]"this poor kid is surrounded by three middle-aged women of whom he had his first experience of carnal knowedge with. He needs some friends his own age besides his future stepfather Pedro. PErhaps, he will strike up a friendship with the girl he met in chemo..or is that little scene going nowbere." (Note: Pedro would be Gabe's stepson, but that's irrelevant.) The writers, unfortunately are paid monkeys with little regard to storylines. Lollipop Girl might show up again. Let's hope she does, for Gabe's sake.

Blue Lass: Absent observation--"Joggers? Was that Thursday or Wednesday? Not that I ever know what day it is anyway." It was Thursday, but who's keeping track. We just want this to be over. The joggers really weren't worth the notice. Katia was OVERJOYED to be asked to give their so-called recent relationship another try. There was a lean-over kiss involved. Not that I care. At last I can Declaro Myself Bored--with this tn. (I miss the Juan Soler of CME and Reina, although he does use his famous head-down, look-up anger face from Reina here.)


Anita, how do we know they're paying the monkeys? Maybe they're just promising to release them in 9 days if they reach a certain word count. That would explain all the repetitive dialogue.

I loved Juan Soler's smirk as the hearing ended. Haven't seen *that* expression before.

BL--I think there are bananas involved in the payment. Here's hoping they slip and fall on the peels. I wonder if Daniela has good medical coverage for her slip and fall.....I keep trying to figure out what she did on camera that caused the injury, but perhaps it was during set up or retakes or just walking to the canteen. Quien sabe.

Anita, I think those floors at the Urzua mansion look very slippery. That, combined with those high high high heels they all wear can be treacherous. So, that's my totally uneducated guess.

Well, I am using this show as a distraction from the new normal of everyday life in solitary confinement. At least I am not trapped in quarantine with any of these folks...or the writers. The folks at Caray could do a much better job of writing a script that makes sense.

Okay..I am going out for some powerwalking before the next episode.

Either Blue Lass is gaslighting us or she is showing off that she does not need closed captions so that she can actually see these alleged joggers. ;-)

Susanlynn--Thanks for the shout out to Caray recappers and commenters. Their combined writers' skills have been recognized for yo these many years, but it's nice to hear it again, when we have to find some outlet for being pen-ned up (sorry about the I'm not).

Doris, I am caption-free these days, but I *still* don't see joggers. I think I may be too fixated on the fashion faux pas. As Roberta would say, HORRRRORRRRRROSO!

Daniela was hurt when a lighting fixture fell from the ceiling onto her knee. Or at least that's her story.

I said, "Lollipop Girl might show up again. Let's hope she does, for Gabe's sake." I should have said, FOR OUR sakes.

About those relationships where the guy is much younger than the gal. Sortilegio went through the same agony with Fernando and Victoria--but they were both adults at the time, but the ewwws and the ugghhhs were used liberally when it was obvious Fernando had a thing for Vick and he was Alex's contemporary and BBF. The ick factor is deserved in MDC. Couldn't they pick someone else? Julieta could have been a perfect segunda madre and confidant of Gabe's without crossing the line and Lollipop Girl could have come along earlier--and at age 15, he didn't NEED to have a first sexual relationship where the kid thinks he's in love and it's clearly in lust. Well those are my thoughts before heading for the TV.

BL--Thanks for the update on Daniela. It was an accidente!!!! No conspiracy involved. No hit and run. Wish it hadn't happened, but no one is going to jail for it.

Thank you Urban to Doris & Anita

You are quit the writing team my dears. It takes a team to tackle
This hot mess.
I missed part of yesterday's Epi
All of today's episode. I saw the court case. They made up and
They are more over sugared now than They were before the cold snap(alba n Franco). I hope they
Can get her out and they can take the bebe while natty does her time, then get out on good behavior. And then pao comes to
His soccer ball kickin sinces &
Kick katia to the curve, forgive
Natty and they get their bebes.
They had twins. In my mind. Two
Is better than one. Hey this isa fantasy, we can take it where ever we want.

So did the Ol man run over juls?
Was he successful? Does ingy have straight hair? I know thats just a dream, of course her hair is not straight that would mean shes sane.

Anyways thanks for 4/30/20 urban
Anita and Doris. Ya please stay please safe.


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