Thursday, April 02, 2020

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Doña 2, Operación Pacífico, y más: Week of March 30, 2020


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—La Doña 2
• 10-11PM—Operación Pacífico

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Hey, it's April! This turkey is set to end in April! Therefore, relief will soon be here. I wish I could say the same for the coronavirus pandemic.

In the meantime...Lucho seems to have convinced Diego that the two of them can take over Braulio's lucrative arms business (or perhaps just steal the guns? I'm not sure). Either way, Lucho makes a convincing proposal to Diego: "All you have to do is trust me." Uh huh.

Looks as if poor Dr. Adolfo is going to be disappointed in love yet again. Fer leaves to meet with a "client," and tells Adolfo that she'll be back that evening. Oops. Matamoros and another guy follow her to her meeting. They come in with guns drawn, inject Fer with some kind of knock-out sedative, scare the gringo who has hired Fer to have sex with him but no kisses or hugs, and take her away unconscious.

Meanwhile, Noelia has indeed found Lucho's hideout. Lucho isn't there, but José Luis is there with Romelia, whom he knows as Olga. Noelia sticks her camera up over the top of a door to get a photo of JL and Romelia (though I don't think Noelia is aware of who the woman is when she takes the photo). Of course, Noelia's phone makes some kind of noise, and of course she gets caught by José Luis, who points his gun at her and seems about to shoot. Noelia catches sight of Romelia, and bursts out with a surprised "Romelia Vega?!" JL is puzzled. As far as he knows, her name is Olga, and she was a friend of his dead wife. "What are you talking about?" he asks Noelia. She replies, "That's Romelia Vega, she's related to one of the Monkeys!"

Tune in tomorrow, same time, same station, as they used to say.

"LA Dona 2":

In other words, the Monkeys' relatives are increasing the Body Count.

La dona 2. Whoa! Romelia has finally been outed. I trust that Navarrete will not dare to kill Noelia; it's even possible that Leon will arrive in the knick of time if he even attempts it (as presumably that is what Romelia would want--and I see her pulling a gun at this point.). Diego is being almost incredibly stupid about Lucho--another plot element that is kind of hard to believe.


This one had a couple of big twists. And I’m picking up a pattern here. The writers love to end an episode with someone having a gun pointed right between their eyes.

In this case it was Don Hortensio pointing a gun at Guapo. Amalia wings Guapo and shoots Don H.

Vargas has arranged for bombs to kill off our OP crew after having listened in to one too many phone calls on the mic in General Lopez’s office. Arias is seriously injured, Diaz just has scrapes, but Paula and Rojas were not at home.

Amalia and Pedraza got out of Guapo’s house with some proof. Amalia gets away, but Ped is grabbed up by the Texas cops.

Dr. Valeria has Cadavid intubated and is threatening him. The actor does a great bug eyes.

Jones talks to the widow Collins, asking for at least the security camera images since the CIA won’t give him anything. She just wants to leave Colombia, but I think he may get the images.

Ángel is the police cadet who we saw more or less forced into having sex with some guy by Solano, who's now in charge of the cadet prostitution ring. But Solano is also in love with Ángel. Ángel goes to see Susana Vega, the TV reporter. He assures her he’s not gay and they have sex. She wants him to give her the name of the ringleader, but he did not.

Guapo has flashbacks to the deaths of his mother and brother while walking down a highway in TX. He gets a ride with some cops who promptly inject him in the neck.

Lopez takes the OP unit to a safe place.

Jones meets up with René in a hotel room. She is one sketchy woman. She tells Jones that Guerrero did not kill her brother; it was one Enrique Bernal (the guy from Maldonado’s vacation house, who really is her brother Joaquín). She says she’s going to kill Bernal but gets sidetracked by sexual attraction to Jones.

Amalia gives the Mexican fiscal (Valdez) one of Humberto’s fingers and a floppy disk with information from Guapo’s TX house. She convinces him this may have been Guapo’s way of making sure information he wanted secret wasn’t hacked. She says Pedraza has the rest of the disks.

The next scene is a press conference where Valdez outs Sanmiguel as El Guapo.

Now the twist. El Guapo has a boss, some respectable looking grey-haired suit. The injection was to get him across the border easily. His boss tells him that, in the organization, every once in a while someone has to be the prey – the one everyone hunts. And it’s his turn. Guapo is married to Fabiola, the big guy’s daughter. And…Guerrero is NOT dead.

Dr. Valeria plans to castrate Cadavid and has him on the operating table when Paula rushes in and stops her.

Amalia is returning to Bogotá. The re-scheduled custody hearing is in two days.

Enrique/Joaquín asks Mariana to come stay at his house. Then he disables a chip in her phone while she’s packing.

Pedraza and Ortega have a sad goodbye.

Guapo tells his wife he wants Amalia captured. He wants to kill her himself.

We get another pistol pointing cliffhanger. Amalia is grabbed by some guys in a black SUV. One of them has a gun to her head, but Pedraza points the gun.



AWESOME..!! thanks... I wondered abt Noelia , our girl Nancy Drew ,she is not!!.. butRomelia has been outted!! 4 me!!


YES..!!,...Diego is like -a -deer-in-headlights!!

another weak eddie perez...but if Lucho makes a move towards Felina, the only woman he HAS EVER..loved!!!..maybe??!! she may be the lynch pin to WAKE -HIS-DUMB-ASZ-UP....WAKE UP DIEGO!!

BRAULIO, WHA??!! WHAT KNIDA OF FATHER AND SON moment was that.. from hell??
but if lucho thinks he can run CON -IN -THE DRUG-GAME.. HE IS CRAZIER than a bedbug.!!!



I doubt that anyone was surprised when Leon arrived just as José Luis was pointing his gun at Noelia. I loved it when, thanks to Noelia's jumping JL, Leon and JL fight, and Romelia is busy recording it on her camera. Oops, she couldn't really see what she was doing, hit the wrong button, and got nada. Way to go, Romelia!

Being inept must have been contagious in Mexico City that day. One the one hand, Daniel warns whatever his name is not to follow too close behind Braulio's car, since he doesn't want Braulio to know he's being followed. Daniel even decides that whatshisname isn't up to the task, gets him out of the car, and drives off alone to follow Braulio. But somehow he seems to have forgotten the advice he gave whatshisname. Daniel follows close behind B's car, with no cars in between. And guess what--Braulio and his driver quickly realize that they're being followed. Duh.
Fortunately, part of Daniel's brain starts to work again, and as Braulio orders him out of the car, Daniel makes some neat moves and drives off.

What a disappointment. José Luis tells his son he loves him, and they hug. Of course, psychopath son hugs in order to get JL's gun. He points it at him and I'm thinking, OK, shoot him. But then Lucho turns the gun on himself and I'm thinking, YES!! Please, kill yourself!! But no, Lucho can't do it and just runs off. Sigh. I guess we still have several weeks to go.

Diego, who used to have a brain and some common sense, seems to have misplaced both. When Lucho turns up at Diego's with a sob story of how his father tried to kill him, Diego offers to let him stay with him.

Leon tells Altagracia that José Luis has a relationship with Romelia. Could Leon possibly have an ulterior motive?

I remember when I used to be sad that the weekend had arrived and there would be no telenovela for two days. Sigh.

La dona 2. Juanita: Yes, doesn't Diego supposedly have a law degree? Hard to believe!

"LA Dona 2":

SpanProf: Diego has a Juris Doctorate ?

La dona 2. Steve: I think he's just a licenciado, more or less a BA +, but in the area of Law. I think he was working on getting qualified as a lawyer or something of the sort when he went to work for the Foundation.


DIEGO HAS... A degree from the School- for- rich -kids- University... it was funny looking at the picture of his mom and scruffy,,, love him. hate her...

whatshisname = Cisco- the -you-gotta-be-kidding -me. you are an idiot!!! your poor mother!!

Lucho is going to blow Diego brains out[ sorry for the pun] and make him be his bit#$%h..

Felina, cannot help him, with his puppy-love, too -codependent- trauma- residual- psyche..aka: ...the boy is 'f@#$ked -up ..his -head-is bad!!

...I CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH HIM SNAP!! hope it's on lucho!!



terrific recap for Thursday's show novelera!

this novela is cryptic in the details (which is why I prefer to watch it the next day with rewinds), I was thinking the finger in ?? liquid nitrogen that was important to Guapo was from the dead brother he was impersonating to buy properties and such, but for Amalia it was to get the family DNA.

so the head of the snake is another guy?

clever idea keeping your info on old 3.5 floppys, better yet on the real 5.25 floppys, I have both and no idea what's on them.

so much for being a man Cadavid, I had to look up "inguinal orchiectomy".

dondi- do you recognize Cadavid as Pipe from Sin Senos?

Friday's show,

Guapo arrives at Enrique/Joaquín's place, where's Mari?

Amalia has a million dollar price on her head.

Ped is suspended, when was he not?

Jones clicks on the cat mic, but Solano takes the evidence.

Valeria gives in, forgives all per Dr. Rios advice, but, later Paula.

Amalia hugs her kids against the restraining order while scumbag takes photos for the hearing.

Ped is drinking alone with temptress ex Lupe, 1 for 1, he's drunk but she is not.

Renata fakes her death blaming Enrique, leaving her damaged phone and dragging a bag (body) leaking blood foe Jones to find, (increasing the sexual tension maybe)

Vargas meets Guapo for the 3rd test, he makes the logical choice, taking the illogical choice, (Obedience, trust and silence) my guess.



Thanks, deb. Yep, cryptic is the word for this one. I think we are just meant to assume things happen that we cannot see.

Could you expand on "Jones clicks on the cat mic...Solano". My memory is of Jones arriving at the vet or grooming place for the cat and the collar with the mic was gone. I don't remember seeing how it disappeared.

General Lopez got Jorge to leave Amalia alone with her kids by mentioning Karine, the mistress, and the illicit activities with Maldonado.

I did not realize Guapo was at Maldonado's place. I can't keep these luxury narco houses straight.

So I guess Renata wants Jones to think her dead for his own good? She's always playing three-dimensional chess. Not sure what her end game is.

So, Vargas swallowed the "poison" and had symptoms. I fully expected him to bomb the people on the screen. What did Guapo say? They were refugees? I also thought the liquid would not be poison, but he certainly doubled over with pain. It's way too early for him to die, so I assume Guapo has an antidote.

I have noticed a difference in the type of narco portrayed by Julio Bracho. As El Colmillo in Bajo el Mismo Cielo he was a violet bully who enjoyed hurting people. As El Guapo he shows feelings for his family, loves his wife, and has a "it's just business" attitude throughout.


novelera, Jones visits Tom's widow to pick up the security footage, Vargas listens on the cat mic, and hears the cat is going for grooming, then calls Solano and asks if he has a cat, Solano shows up at the vet, under a different name, with his cat for an exam and as Jones arrives we see him rushing out, he'll come back later, Jones then discovers the cat collar is gone. (first part of second segment)

Thurs, Joaquin is leaving Maldonado's place to go back to work (head of security for a coal company north of Santander Colombia) and asks Mariana to go with him, he has a large house in San Martin de Zulia, she goes to pack. Friday we see Guapo arriving at Joaquin's place, with a private airstrip, Joaquin takes the plane to get Vargas.



Thanks again, deb. One thing they finally showed, last night IIRC, was how Vargas knows to listen to his mics. I was wondering how he could sit there all day waiting for someone to say something. But last night they showed his computer giving him an alert so he could put on the headphones.

I can't keep these "cadets" straight, so probably did not notice Solano rushing away from the vet's office.

One other thing: Valeria told Cadavid that she forgave him for what he did and that she was sorry for...coming close to castrating him. But she isn't forgiving Paula Gaitán! A same sex version of the classic telenovela gambit to keep the lovers apart...a disagreement followed by distancing.

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