Monday, May 04, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #55, 5/4/2020: Time To Wrap This Mess Up!

We're nearing the finish line, Patio.  Still a lot of loose ends dangling, and they may still be after the gran finale, but at least some of our side stories are winding up.  So let's just hunker down and get this one over with.

We start with a reminder of Tizzy and Bertie's latest murderous pact.  Roberta eggs him on by promising to be a passionate, committed lover once he takes care of Alba's assassination in jail.  And together they happily propose a toast to that grisly prospect.  Our  gruesome twosome are well matched, don't you think?

Bochornoso Bufete

Ingrid comes a-calling to the law office and is informed by the snotty receptionist that Julián has been fired. That's "licenciado Soberón to you," snaps Juls as he comes out of his cubby hole and overhears her..  Next thing you know, Ingrid and Juls are going hot and heavy back in his tiny closet.  Evidently Ingrid likes to play "punish me" games, so they're in pretty deep when Franco pops his head in the door. This is the first of many "Oh really?" moments that our clueless Franco enjoys during this episode.  He didn't know Juls and Ingrid were involved and he didn't know Ingrid was the one who filmed the video and made Alba the culprit.  Four other things he failed to grasp were that Mauro really did kill his wife, Roberta arranged Gabe's kidnapping,  his daughter Natalia is pregnant and Paolo has moved on to a new girlfriend.  When you think about it, it's quite a list. This guy has been murmuring tranquilo, tranquilo so long he's completely missed out on the relevant action.  But he's about to get a clue.  Big-time.

The Tea and Sympathy House

Gabe is at Julieta's house and he's about to get a clue as well.  This May-December romance is about to come to an abrupt end.  Julieta's husband, who's being quite a champ about the whole thing, is telling our lad that he's moving back to the States where his business is, and taking his son Pedro with him.  But he'd also like to take Julieta and he thinks she'll come along.  And sure enough, when Julieta and Pedro arrive, that's how it goes.  First Pedro bids Gabe a fond good-bye, giving his bald head a good rub.  Then it's time for the big kiss-off with Julieta.  There's a lot of I'll always love you, No you can't go, I'll die without you, I'll die alone,  No, no, you'll grow up, meet a wonderful woman and I'll just be a fond memory.  Never!  I'll love you 'till the day I die--which will be very soon.  No, no, you'll grow up to be a fine man with a lovely wife.  And when you have a son, you'll understand my decision.

Well gosh, all we need is Debra Kerr murmuring, "When you talk about this--and you will--be kind."
(And if you're too young to have seen that movie, well you have no idea what I'm talking about._

Anyway, it's a done deal.  Whether it's family or Mauro's threat of prosecution, Julieta has definitely made the right decision, in this recapper's opinion, and I'm happy that her ex-husband is all "Sure, let's get back together and move on" about it.

Back in the Steamy Closet

Franco is outraged to learn that Juls has been Ingrid's lover all this time.  Of course Juls denies it, and pretty skillfully too, but Ingrid is ready to drop the dime.  Yeah, we're lovers.  So what? Juls makes a timely exit.  Ingrid goes on with her "You're so stupid" Confessions. I made the video, Juls did the editing, I'm the one who decided to make Alba the culprit. But "everybody" knew already that Natalia was the one who hit Paolo.  You were the only one in the dark. And if you want to know more, you need to promise me that you'll arrange for me to be Gabe's guardian again. Franco's not inclined until Ingrid lets him know that Roberta's not as crazy as she plays.  Daddy Mauro really did set his wife ablaze. But Roberta's got secrets too.  Want to know 'em?  And so she lifts a few more veils...Did you know Roberta planned Gabe's kidnapping?  And that she paid off a doctor at the hospital to pretend that Julián was in a coma?  All so they could guilt Natalia into marrying him?  Of course that didn't work out.  But Roberta gave it her best shot.  Franco looks a bit dazed.  But being our hero after all, he bravely leaves that mess and trundles into his own office to deal with Paolo and his new novia. But first!...

Gael's Office

 Gael's holding Julián hostage until Franco can confront him. But that sequester is a bit short-lived.  Juls wants to leave.  Gael says no way.  They come to blows. Our younger, muscular Juls wins easily.  And makes his exit.

Franco's Office

Our lovelorn licenciado staggers in, complaining that it's been a tough day.  And evidently it's about to get tougher.  Paolo and his newly minted novia are kissing but break that off to make sure Franco is still going to prosecute Natalia for her crime.  Of course, snaps our upright papa.  "Uh, I thought maybe you might have changed your mind, given her pregnancy," mutters Paolo.  "Though while Natalia maintains the baby is his, he doesn't believe it." "I DON'T BELIEVE MY DAUGHTER WOULD LIE ABOUT SOMETHING THIS SERIOUS," replies Franco sternly.


 Well Katia begs to differ.  Your daughter is the queen of two-faced hypocrites. Julian is the father!

Gael's Office

Franco staggers in here next to find Gael on the floor.  But all is well.  He gets up and hands Franco the judge's decision.  Alba is going to be set free! And Gael vows to hunt Julián down.

Mauro's Mansion

Bertie is camped out there having a little supper and more than ready to give Gabe a hard time.  She wants to know where the hell he's been and he replies it's none of her dratted business.  That earns him a hard Bertie Slap [bofetada]. Mauro is there in a flash telling her to leave his grandson alone, but she's not about to.  Kid has been badly raised.  Doesn't respect his elders.  If he lips off again, he'll get another slap, believe me! Mauro suggests instead that she pack her bags and leave.  Nuh uh. You want me to be sympathetic?  Were you sympathetic when you locked me in the basement [sótano], cold and afraid, after you killed my mama?  -Don't start Roberta.  What do you want?  I want ALL your money and property.  I'm not about to share any of it with your bastard daughter and your bastard grandson.

Paolo's Soltero Apartment

Paolo and the relentless Katia are snuggling but his mind is elsewhere.  They establish that she loves him (te amo) and he's fond of her (te quiero) but maybe if they lived together, he could fall in love again! The dolt agrees.  So now they're live-in lovers once more.  Doubt this will last.  But honestly I don't care at this point.

The Perilous Prison

Things have been pretty rough for Natty and Alba lately.  The mean girls ganged up first on Natty and messed up her lovely hair.  Quickly Julian's paid off guard put a stop to it.  But with a special treat--a knife for the ringleader and a promise that she can get to Alba later without a problem.  And she does.  During meal-time, someone dumps food on Natty. When Alba goes to defend her, she gets a shiv right in the stomach.  Great drama ensues.  In the prison infirmary, we hear the usual She's lost a lot of blood.  If we don't get her to the hospital she will die!  And then at the hospital we hear more She's lost a lot of blood!  We're losing her!  The defibrillator!  On tenterhooks?  Nah, I didn't think so.  We don't even get a coma out of this one.

The Fertile Café

Let's put aside all this tedious drama for a moment and wallow in some happy talk.  Bianca has bandaged up Gael's wounds, but she's looking pensive.  He wants to know why.  Well, y'know, wondering whether or not to keep the baby.  Our fella jumps in and promises to be the best dad ever--he''ll go with her to gyno appointments, change diapers and give the little tyke a bath, everything but be a wet nurse.  And sure, we're an unconventional couple.  But we LIKE each other.  These couples that fall in love and then end up a daggers drawn--that won't happen to us!  Think about it!  She does and finally decides she'll keep the little stranger.  And later calls her cousin and his wife to tell them she won't be giving up the baby for adoption.

Okay.  Honestly this is the only story line I like in this mess.  And in real life would it work? Absolutely not.   But this is telenovela land, so I'm all on board.  They're the only couple out of all our parejas I can stand.  So this is it for me. Case closed

Mauro's Mansion

Fernando, still making his "Is-there anything-else-I've-missed- rounds, is now seated with Bertie, grilling her on recent behavior. ( Have to note before going any further that our Roberta is dressed very strangely.  Some kind of blue sweater jacket and long purple skirt.  Not flattering. All she needs are some Birkenstock sandals to look really repellent.) But I digress. Franco wants info.  Did you kidnap Gabe?  Because if you did, I'll bring the full weight of the law to bear.  Bertie sluffs that off as crazy talk and suggest maybe he needs to see a psychiatrist instead of her.  But hey, she certainly doesn't care if that worthless brat dies.  She wants to see Alba suffer as much as she is. But let's stick to talking about our daughter.  Franco finds out that of course! Bertie knew Nat was pregnant.  "And did she tell you it's Julián's?" he probes.  Roberta sluffs off that question too and leaves him in the dark. (where he's been for most of this story). But she does get in one more little dig.  "Actually I think Alba was the very first to know.  Just one more thing she neglected to tell you sweetie."   Then Mauro gets the call from the hospital that Alba has been stabbed and off he and Franco go on yet another perilous journey.

The Hospital

Our frantic lovesick lawyer is pushing aside curtains in the intensive care ward, stunned when he sees a covered body being pushed out, then suddenly gratified to hear a high-pitched trill..."FRANCO!" And a radiant Alba, all gushy and sentimental after her near-death experience is pretty and perky,ready to murmur sweet nothings in his ear.  He is too.  And they do. I'll spare you the details.  But Daddy Mauro peeks around the curtain and smiles complacently, seeing the two lovers reunited once again.

Tizzy's Delusional Bachelor Pad

No one, not even Roberta, understands why this guy is so into her.  But he is.  He's pleading, via telephone, that now that he's settled the Alba matter (or so he thinks) he wants Bertie in his house and in his bed.  Pronto!  But our cagey lady has a plan for that.  Poor thing has been so sleep deprived lately, she needs one more night in her daddy's mansion. ''And y'know, I think I'm going to sleep very very well tonight," she crows.

And there we end Patio.  We're reasonably sure where this is going and none of it will bode well for Roberta and Tiziano.  But as for the rest, it's still up for grabs.  But be like Bertie and get a good night's sleep.  Because I'm sure it will all be sorted out by Friday.


Judy, I laughed at the title. I truly enjoyed every single word of this wry, wonderful recap.

So admittedly, I know none of the characters. Or the storyline. But none of that matters. I know good writing when I read it!

"she lifts a few more veils" had me nodding in approval, I want to remember that gem.

"Roberta sluffs off that question too and leaves him in the dark. (where he's been for most of this story)" also brought a smile to my lips.

"he''ll go with her to gyno appointments, change diapers and give the little tyke a bath, everything but be a wet nurse". Wow! Who could ever resist such slavish devotion??

"Tea and Sympathy House" and "Steamy Closet" were but a few of your terrific titles.

Thank you amiga. What fun to read after a long day!


Thanks DIANA. It’s been a long day for me too. Another tooth seems to be developing an infection and I’m getting that “What else can go wrong?” feeling just like our hapless Franco. And yet odds are, this hot mess of a story will end up happily for at least some of our characters. And maybe if I can get a good night’s sleep like Roberta, my second tooth problem will disappear as well. At any rate, much as gracias for stopping by, kind friend. correct again! Muchas gracias I meant!

Judy – thank you for your recap. I haven’t had a chance to watch and think your version is probably better than the recording on my DVR. But I will give it a go, if only to see the scales fall from Franco’s eyes and Bertie’s bizarre outfit.

”Julieta's husband, who's being quite a champ about the whole thing….”
Well, that guy has no room to talk, after running away with another woman, marrying & divorcing her, and coming back to Julieta. He is no prize, either.

”"When you talk about this--and you will--be kind."”
Sorry, I had to ‘Googlear’ that one because I am too young, although I have heard of the movie. That is a wonderful quote.

”So now they're live-in lovers once more. Doubt this will last. But honestly I don't care at this point.”
Does anybody really care? ;-) Nopis, I think not.

”Back in the Steamy Closet” and “The Fertile Café”
Good ones! I’m glad Bianca will keep the criatura. are a wonderful ray of light...much as gracias. I hope that your tooth drama stops.

Nat wears her lunch , and Alba gets stabbed coming to her defence. Uff.

I STILL do not get why Tiz thinks Rob is a great prize. Why ?.. whatev

Ingrid is at least consistent in her crazy.

Great job on your last recrap of MDC, Judy! Thank you for sticking with it so we could all wallow in the misery together. Your recaps have been delightful.

I had to laugh when Franco couldn't keep himself from touching Gael's sore face.

Franco may talk about his future wife, but he's still wearing that damn ring.


JudyB you made this funny girl. Funny
HaHa funny.

"We don't even get a coma outta of this one". No there's not enough time for that, how many days left 4,5,3-1/2
? They have a lot to wrap up in 4 more days. The only way I can see them tyin
Up all The loose ends is if they do a
Time jump. Pao gotta get his legs back
The baby gotta be born, 2 murders are
Not solved yet & the big one how did
Berti's momma die? Did he set her on fire or did she do it herself? Why is
Berti psychotic nutjob?They gonna mush
The scenes together.

If berti keep putting tizzy off he's gonna have somebody go after natty in
Prison. Why in the world does he want this sick woman? What's the attraction
? Her wardrobe is horrible and she probly smells like a distillery.
This should to hurry up and end. Franco is the most clueless Galan Ive ever seen.
These People believe lies easily.

Thank you JudyB. Y'all stay safe now.

Juls must have been standing at attention when he was interuptus by franco, kept his back turned a long time. Try to zip up.

I thought ingy was gonna blow the horn
About berti killing her BFF but that
Would have incriminated herself. Just
One more thing to be outted in 4 days.


Franco take off that damed ring)))))))


Are they doubling up episodes for the rest of this week? Not that I mind. I'm seriously impatient to see how their Karmageddons play out.

Julián, didn't you know Leti from Vega y Asociados? She specialized in desk desecration.

Franco, you should have eavesdropped a little longer. Neither of these two ever speaks any word of truth.

Julieta, bring up the legal aspects of this situation. You've already lost a job over it.

Franco, I hope you still have some booze in your desk. You will need it after this conversation.

Gael, don't take any BS.

Paolo / Katia, you deserve each other. You're both garbage.

Mauro, we aren't surprised, but don't cave.

Franco, this time I'm wondering if she's delusional, crazy, or just cold-blooded. Good move, though; maybe she and Ingrid will kill each other.

Tiziano, you will be a dead man soon, which is better than you deserve.

I can't see Mauro caving to this demand. His best bet would be to hide Alba and Gabriel in the USA until Roberta gets what's coming to her. He should know by now that she is such a waterfall of hatred. I don't think she would stop until everyone else is dead.

Good Morning Sweet Patio. We had a glorious sunrise today---deep shades of pink streaking the sky, then as the sun rose higher this changed to deeper peach and warm golden orange tones flooding the heavens. With the flowering trees in bloom, and the sky on fire above.... the total vista was just awesome.

DORIS...Yes, you're quite right--Julieta's husband is a troll. But generally, trolls do not reverse course and act well. A typical troll could have ignored his own failings and simply hammered her for mating with an underage male. Instead he explained the situation kindly to Gabe, and as far as we know has not criticized Julieta, either to her face or to Pedro. So I was amazed. And happy at how it turned out. Mitigation, as we say.

ROSEMARY LA OTRA...Poor Gael. And darn that Franco with his wedding ring still on. Forgetful much? Happy to have wallowed in this misery with you, because we've missed your spicy comments. Glad to have you back.

SUSANLYNN...You ask the one over-arching question in this telenovela. WHY does Tizzy want Bertie? Makes no sense at all. Guess we just needed a "plot propeller" to help her in some of her nefarious deeds. In the meantime, his icy blue eyes were certainly a treat to us gals.

URBAN ANTHROPOLOGIST... Oh my, I had deluded myself that this was going to wind up this week. Maybe not. Well, sometimes living in denial is a good thing. I liked your "Tiziano you will be a dead man soon, which is better than you deserve." And I do think Tiz has sealed his fate by never, ever coming up with what he promised the demanding damsel Roberta. The old three times and your out rule is about to come into play.

NINA...Happy to see that your "mustard in yogurt" ended up on the sidebar. I was tempted to try it. Who knows...might have tasted like sour cream with a bit of a punch? But I digress. Like you, I am hoping that we get a time break or "meses después", however, and whenever this darn thing winds up. I would like to see Paolo walking. And not crying! And I'd like to see Gabe get healthy and interested in Lollipop Girl. But I'm more than willing to skip the Franco-Alba wedding.

Sure enough Patio, this story will "bleed" into next week. I'll have the privilege of recapping one more time. Whatevs. It's fun to hang out with y'all.

Thanks, Judy! I was going to skip this one -- I've been shorting Mondays to concentrate on recapping Tuesdays -- but now I have to drop in to the Nose-Hair Mansion just to see Roberta's outfit. Darn it.

I am beyond certain that your recap was more entertaining than the episode itself, though. My favorite lines:

"She's lost a lot of blood! We're losing her! The defibrillator! On tenterhooks? Nah, I didn't think so. We don't even get a coma out of this one." (Fortunately we've had so many comas so far, my bingo card is secure.)

"Roberta sluffs off that question too and leaves him in the dark. (where he's been for most of this story)." (Most. Clueless. Galan. Ever.)

"All she needs are some Birkenstock sandals to look really repellent." (She couldn't borrow some from BoHo Ingrid? Oh, right; they're not speaking.)

"No one, not even Roberta, understands why this guy is so into her." (I don't understand why *any* of these pairings have occurred, not a single one.)

Well, I did not get a good night's sleep like Bertie, so I'd better put in my time on the real job so I have energy left to deal with her shenanigans later. Now that she's back on her feet, anything could happen.


We still have another week, after this, of this sh*t????? I don't know who is suffering more... us or Paolo (or Gael or Alba or Gabe or Natalia or Julieta or Dr. Tatiana's widower ... you name it, there is a lot of misery going around here.)

I'm so glad you guys talked about AV and Sortilegio. I am loving both of those, and really really enjoying Te Doy La Vida. In comparison, MDC falls way short. Juan Soler, and us, deserve better.

R la O, it should wrap up on Wednesday.

Doris, will that be your first-ever gran final?

Hey there BLUE LASS...Great to hear from you. But by all means, fast forward to near the end of the episode to see Roberta's sad, dreary outfit. She really looked quite frumpy. But I quite understand your reluctance to watch. I skipped viewing your episode last week. The quarantine is tough enough without a dose of Culpable on top!

Alas, I'm despairing of anybody on this blog line having seen Tea and Sympathy. My only hope is Anita who is near my age. Or maybe La Paloma. Where are you lady? Anyway, it was deemed quite a risky, daring movie back in the day. And Ms. Kerr's line became famous. Ah how quickly though dost Time move on.

ROSEMARY LA OTRA...AV and Sortilegio are both good telenovelas. And I'm enjoying Te Doy la Vida even though I hate seeing families come apart. But this one has some very endearing side stories and the child actor is knocking it out of the park. Really very good...and very natural.

Blue Lass + oh yikes! I have El Por Fin? Now I am stressed out. 😳😵. I'm not qualified!

WHATEVER WILL BE BROADCAST WHEN THIS TURKEY IS DONE is being kept super top secret by Looneyvision. My cable TV guide shows it through May 18 (as far as the whole guide will go), so even Comcast has no idea. What else is new? . . .

DORIS...Of course you're qualified! And I don't think this is going to be one of those 2-hour extravaganza gran finales with a happy happy Walt Disney wedding and a gazillion dropped plots suddenly coalescing.

But at any rate, you always write a delightful, witty recap whose lines strike everybody as super-funny and super-memorable. So relax and just enjoy the fact that IT WILL END NEXT WEEK!!!!!

Doris, I did my very first gran final on PASL2, and I was nervous, too -- but it went fine. I just thought you might want some advance warning!

Dear JudyB--Sorry I'm so late. Had a long phone call and then just HAD to have brunch with my favorite governor, Andy Cuomo--then, of course, I had to read the recap and the comments. Not much to add. Loved it all. I'm glad we get one more of your afternoon delights before we bring down the curtain on this mess.

BTW--I believe Bertie had a lap blanket to cover her knees. I have a deep maroon one, almost like it. Doesn't matter. Since they very often film out of sequence, maybe the day we saw her standing she was better and could put weight on it, but this scene was done earlier? What do I know.

JudyB--"Alas, I'm despairing of anybody on this blog line having seen Tea and Sympathy." Huzzah, your wait is over. I saw Tea and Sympathy a few years after it came out, but still tender around the ears. It was quite a revelation regarding all the kinds of relationships that are possible. I thought John Kerr was quite handsome.

More OT--I DID see The Moon is Blue when it came out--without my parents' permission, with a very daring girlfriend. Now THAT was a controversial movie at the time, but at the end, I really didn't see what all the fuss was about.

Judyb...that sunrise sounds lovely . I missed it.

Ah ANITA...Now you're bringing back the memories...yes, The Moon is Blue was another controversial movie.

SUSANLYNN...I wish everyone could have seen it. It was glorious. Just what I needed to start off the day. We don't get many spectacular sunrises in cloudy Ohio (or Catarrh Valley as one doctor friend used to call it.)

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