Monday, July 06, 2020

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Cennet, 100 Días para Enamorarnos, Enemigo Íntimo 2, y más: Week of July 6, 2020

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Cennet
• 9-10PM—100 Días para Enamorarnos
• 10-11PM—Enemigo Íntimo 2

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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100 días

I will put up something about tonight's episode later tonight.

100 días - el lunes - p. 1 de 2

Mariana tells Dani that her abusive ex-boyfriend has tracked her down and sent her a photo on which is written "I've found you." And we see the boyfriend (whose name I can't remember) sitting in a car nearby taking a photo of Dani hugging Mariana.

Alex tells Lucia he's not comfortable being in the girls' bathroom.

Pablo brings José Miguel to see his parents. Pablo's parents clearly don't like JM. They tell Pablo that they want to support his business efforts, but not if JM is involved.

Emiliano tells Plutarco that he's been going to Luis' therapist, Gil. They agree that Gil is rather strange, but Emiliano points out that Gil has said one thing that has made him think: "You have to stop rescuing the world and start rescuing yourself."

Marta sees Lucia and Alex kiss in the girls' bathroom. She tells them that demonstrations of affection are prohibited in the school, and that they are both suspended for 3 days. Alex asks whether she would act the same way if a male student kissed a female student. Marta insists that she'd treat them the same way. Alex tells her he doubts that, because he has seen lots of displays of affection between male and female students and hasn't seen any of those students punished. Marta claims it's because she hasn't seen them.

Max tells Emiliano that he and Reme are trying again to be together. Another chance. He asks Emiliano to leave them in peace. Later, Emiliano calls Reme and apparently leaves a message telling her "Have a good life. I wish you the best."

Alex is in the boys' bathroom. So too, of course, are Benjamin and his fellow thugs. They grab Alex. He resists, but he's outnumbered. The four of them carry him out of the bathroom. In the hall, Benjy pushes Alex up against the wall. Lucia tries to stop him. Marta comes by. She's clearly not pleased by what she sees, but she focuses her anger on Alex, asking him why he's still here when he's been suspended.

Connie has been talking in her office to someone named Karla. I have no idea who she is, just that she has no children and has been divorced for 3 years. Karla is very impressed with Connie: "You do it all: you have children, a life, friends, your office. How do you do it?" Connie says she's not unusual, there are lots of people like her. Karla then says, "I knew that one day I was going to find someone like you. You arrived to change my life." Uh oh.

Connie and Karla go out to lunch. Karla tells her that being alone is the best state for a woman. You can do what you want when you want. Connie calls Tere and cancels her appointments for the rest of the day.

Plutarco learns that Connie would not be in the office that afternoon. So he has to cancel his plans with Gloria, who tells him that this is the 2nd time he has cancelled plans for lunch with her. Gloria then offers to watch Martín. Plutarco expresses his gratitude and leaves. Gloria tells the not very pleased Martín that "we're going to have an unforgettable day. What would you like to do?"

Karla asks why Connie doesn't travel with Reme. Connie replies that it's complicated, that Reme has responsibilities at home and also often doesn't have much money. Karla then suggests that Connie could travel with her. Of course, just then Reme calls and tells Connie about Alex's being suspended.

100 días - el lunes - p. 2 de 2

Martín helps Gloria with video games, and she finally succeeds. Martín mentions that his mother doesn't like video games. Gloria says that surely Connie also does lots of wonderful things. Martín agrees, and mentions that she reads to him before he goes to bed. He adds, though, that he's now 11 years old, and she still reads to him. He begins to be a bit defensive about this. That leads to his thinking of the one bad thing she does: she puts him on a diet. He loves double chocolate ice cream, but she lets him have it only on Sundays. Gloria of course then tells him double chocolate is her favorite, and she'd really like some now. Would he? He, it's not Sunday. Gloria then calls Connie and asks for permission to buy double chocolate ice cream for Martín, but don't worry, it's got no sugar and is made with skimmed milk. Apparently Connie gives her permission. (I'm not at all sure that Gloria really called Connie. I would have thought that Connie would have more to say to Gloria than just a quick yes.)

Plutarco returns to the office and looks for Martín. Tere tells him that Martín left with Lady Silicon. (Let's hear it for Tere!)

Dani suggests to Lucia and Mariana that they have a demonstration in support of Alex and respect for his rights. They could get not just the students but also the teachers to come.

Alex tells Max and Ramiro that he wants to go to the demonstration. Max wants to go with him, but Alex says he'd rather go alone. Ramiro supports this, saying that Alex should learn to fight his own battles.

The school's halls are filled with students carrying signs and heading off to the demonstration. Fernando is there as well, along with his daughter Frida, who carries a Trans Rights sign. Of course, Marta sees him and berates him for supporting this bad behavior. Fernando informs her that he's supporting his students' right to protest. He tells her that if she feels so strongly that this is wrong, she could fire him, but it might not be in her interest to be treading on the grounds of illegality (estar pisando los terrenos de la ilegalidad).

Back at Connie's, Gloria comes in with a plate of broccoli for Martín. Connie takes it away, saying that Martín doesn't like broccoli, but he says he does like Gloria's broccoli. Gloria explains how she makes it and offers to teach Connie. Ooops. They snap at each other, and Gloria accuses Connie of being ungrateful. Plutarco has arrived just in time to hear some of this. He turns to Gloria and says, "I left you at the office. Why are you here." Gloria angrily recognizes that he's taking Connie's side. She leaves.

The students are demonstrating outside the school. Pablo arrives with sandwiches. Everyone seems happy, but suddenly Mariana catches sight of her menacing ex-boyfriend hovering close by,

Connie is very upset that Gloria was in her house taking care of Martín. Plutarco tells her it's no big deal. Connie says that Gloria is very much involved, it doesn't seem at all temporary. Reme adds, "When I found that they were living together, I said, 'This is going to be a real problem.'" Connie turns to her and says, "You knew?" Reme starts to explain that Emiliano had sent her a message...and then she realizes she has put her foot in her mouth, and she goes off to find Martín.

Connie is exhausted with all that she has to deal with, including the business with Alex. Plutarco asks what happened, and is there anything he can help her with. End of episode.
Today they made the announcement we've all been waiting for. The novela is in Últimas Capítulos!

"100 DIAS":

I see the abusive stalker is tracking down Mari & Dani.

100 dias. Excellent recap, Juanita! I loved "Let's hear it for Tere!" I too am happy about "Ultimos capitulos." It does seem as if the plot is winding down (and getting a bit repetitive) anyway. Marta gets ever more disgusting. I also wonder who the heck Karla is and why she wants to be Connie's besty. Is she another victim of the cuts in this tn, and there was some professional or personal encounter between the 2 of them we weren't shown? I actually felt a little sorry for Gloria. She was doing a nice thing in offering to watch Martin and in giving him a choice of what to do. She was even getting him to eat broccoli! I can kind of understand Connie's not being thrilled, but Plutarco could have been a bit more grateful. I hope the show rewards her with a child of her own.

100 Dias

People en Espanol reported that the cast was back in the studio Monday after 3 months to resume filming.

(and I guess Fridays are now movie days)

(I haven't been watching but am enjoying reading your recaps and comments, thanks!)


100 días

Great comments, SpanProf and deb. Muchas gracias.

SpanProf, after reading what you said about Gloria, I felt a little guilty for not having much sympathy for her. You make a very good case. However, she's just too clingy for me to like her. And the two great danes in her bed distanced me further. I do agree, though, that Plutarco could/should have been a bit more grateful to her. I was also relieved to know that you, too, have no idea who Karla is. I assumed that it had all been made perfectly clear in rapid Spanish that went right by me. Whew! For once that wasn't the case!

deb, I'm always happy to see you here. Thanks very much for the info from People en español, though I confess I'm not happy to hear that they've resumed filming of this telenovela. I'm very ready for it to be over. More filming may suggest that we may not be in últimos capítulos after all :-( . Then again, perhaps the filming they've now resumed deals with the novela's final segments. ¡Ojalá!
Do keep up posted.

100 días

Oops, that last line in my message should have said "Do keep US posted."

100 días

Excellent recap, Juanita! Thanks so much.

Well, we're now in unison. Karla showed up out of the blue. She appeared to me to mostly be a plot device to arrange for Gloria spending the afternoon with Martín.

I'm on the please-no-Gloria team. I doubt she cares a rats patooty about Martín and, if it came down to the kid or the Great Danes on a cliff's edge, well, bye-bye Martín. And her behavior was very high handed in CONNIE'S house. And a parent who has the physical custody of a child in a separated parents case should never leave the child with someone else without checking with the other parent. I'm pretty sure Gloria called Plu about the ice cream, not Connie, especially judging by her shock at discovering where Martín had spent the afternoon.

We discovered why Pedro and Mónica dislike José Manuel so much. It seems they were traveling together and JM abandoned him in Greece, presumably with no money to get home, although they did not specifically say that.

I feel that Max is doomed. For one thing Reme does not love him. And his showing up at Emi's medical practice to say what he did was pretty rotten. He also told Ramiro and Alex the same thing. And, after that, Alex asked his mother if this would make her happy.

Another awful thing Benjamin and the rotten jocks did was push Alex in front of a urinal telling him to pee standing up.

Marta, gah! She and Marlene have got to go. I'm waiting for Connie to sue the pants off the school and for Marta to be dismissed for her role in making Alex so uncomfortable and suspending her without reason. We've seen Dani and Mariana kiss beside the lockers and I'm sure other couples have done the same. Marta is just a bigot who, again, needs to go!

100 días

I'll do a recap tonight.

100 dias

Yay, últimos capítulos!

Thank you, Juanita for the recap. I’m losing patience with this show. I skipped a couple of episodes last week and just read the recaps, thanks to you and novelera! I figured if there was something of interest, I’d go online to look.

I did watch last night. The confrontation in the men's bathroom was disturbing.

I feel sorry for Dario. He’s sincere. I wonder if he will get a makeover.

Martin is 11 yrs., not 1 yr. Why do his parents treat him like a baby? If he’s in the office, does he need someone to watch him every minute? Doesn't he have homework to do?

No one complains that Gloria smells like a dog.

I do think Gloria overstepped with Martin but Plu is partially to blame here. He's clueless a lot of the time I don’t think Gloria and Plu will end up together but I wish her well.

Connie is the one who has annoyed me from day one.

Not looking forward to the stalker storyline.

Thanks, deb, for the filming update. Hoping the return to the studio is just for finishing touches.



Muhteşem Yüzyıl / Magnificent Century

deb, still watching? Have you finished?

I’m on #121. I am preparing myself for a lot of heartbreak.

I initially missed seeing Meryem Uzerli on screen, but I like Vahide Perçin’s portrayal of Hurrem very much.

Very late in the game, I found a blogsite that has excellent, full translations of each episode: Really comes in handy. I wish I had found this earlier. This site also has translations of the Kosem series.



100 días

Many thanks, novelera and dondi356, for your excellent comments.

novelera, you seem more worried about Gloria's winning out than I am. I just can't take her seriously. And I'm glad you mentioned Benjy's pushing Alex in front of a urinal and telling him to pee standing up. I hope some awful karma awaits Benjy and his fellow thugs. Ditto Marta. I might add that I don't regard as "rotten" Max's saying what he did to Emiliano.

dondi, though 11-year-old Martín may not need someone to watch over him every minute, many states have laws mandating that someone must be officially responsible for a child under the age of 12. Simply leaving him alone in the office wouldn't be legally acceptable in such states. (I have no idea whether Texas has such a law.)
And I'm strongly hoping that the stalker storyline will die out on the cutting room floor.

100 días is such a strange, intriguing mixture. Basically it's a silly comedy where almost all the principals act in absurd and immature ways much of the time. But at the same time, there's thoughtful treatment of some important, serious topics such as transgender issues and homophobia. I'm still trying to sort out what I think about this mix.

100 días

Juanita, I think I'll amplify what I meant about Max showing up at Emi's workplace. Remedios broke up with Emiliano, but she never IIRC said she was seriously back with Max. This is the second time they had sex, but whenever Max jumps to the conclusion that they're back together, she never verbally agrees with him. And she may have told him the 100 days were not over the first time it happened. Remedios said out loud in one episode that I remember, probably to Emi, that she had a lifelong inability to make decisions.

So I, for one, did not like Max telling Ramiro and Alex they had reconciled and without any sort of commitment from Remedios. Alex looked troubled from the instant he said that and queried her mother if this was going to make her happy. And much less did I like his showing up at Emi's workplace. To me it appeared like the male dog peeing on his territory.

Muhteşem Yüzyıl / The Magnificent Century

dondi, wow!, I'm on 125.

we pretty much knew how the story would go, so why am I sitting on the edge of my seat every night?

from wiki, it looks like the original showing was one night a week, the original audience must have been clawing at their tv sets to get to the next show.

yep, I'm ok with the new Hurrem, an older more hardened lady, cracked me up early on when she would make facial gestures just like the original.

the cast sure is aging, Gülfem Hatun looks like she is 200 yo.

I've been enjoying the actor who plays Rusty, twist and tilt of the head with an eye role when yet another thing goes wrong, (can't seem to get rid of this guy), and his black ops guy is just too scary.

also impressed that Ibrahim was so interwoven into this season, the Sultan had to bury his book so he wouldn't read anymore.

got a flashback of Firuze, she was cool, I miss her.

I barely remember that Mahidevran had Mehmet (Hurrem's oldest) killed.

I'm waiting for this to end before I see what history has to say about Suleiman.

thanks for the link, Kosem had 2 seasons, maybe Telemundo only showed us the first.


100 días – martes – parte 1 de 2

The whole cast shows up at Connie’s house to brainstorm Alex’s situation at school. Max behaves like a jerk trying to exclude Emiliano. Jimena only now finds out about Emiliano being Alex’s father.

At school Alex is SO pleased his classmates are standing up for him.

At school Mariana talks to Dani about Roberto and the feeling she has that he’s watching her. Dani says he’ll protect her. [Dani, I don’t think you’d stand a chance against a guy like that. And why doesn’t she just get a restraining order?]

Karla shows up to Connie’s house uninvited, I think. [Why are the rivals in telenovelas always so pushy?] Later Karla plants a kiss on Connie and Plu, of course, sees it.

Marlene! Gah! She’s blathering on about how horrible the kids’ protest is and manages to insult Reme by alluding to her having two men there [Emi and Max].]

Plu tries to let Gloria down gently but she’s in high dudgeon because he hasn’t been putting her first. She tells him it’s over.

Susi catches Darío creeping down the stairs at Jimena’s house, having obviously spent the night.

Connie and Remedios intercept Marta when she arrives at school. I believe the kids protested all night. Connie tells her in a reasonable tone that the solution to the students’ boycott of classes lies in the law that prohibits sex discrimination in their schools. Marta insists there is no discrimination. She goes on to say that the protests are harming the students and that the solution would be for Alex to finish school elsewhere.

Connie says that she’s not here as Dani’s mother but rather as the attorney for the Rivera family. Marta raises her chin a bit and says that the school also has lawyers. Connie pulls out a copy of the law she referred to and cites a precedent where a student exactly like Alex sued the school district for not being able to use the male bathroom. He won in the Supreme Court.

Connie goes on to say that this law could “help” Marta because (waving her hand in the direction of the kids) she surely can see how energized the students are. It’s likely the press will come and there will be a scandal. They might even close the school and Marta could lose her job. [Connie says all of this in the mildest, most reasonable manner possible, as if she’s Marta’s friend.]

Dani is speaking over a loudspeaker to the other students when Marta approaches and says she’s decided that what happened in the bathroom wasn’t really an offense and Alejandro (and she said his name correctly) can return to classes immediately. Everyone cheers.

Jimena is getting some responses on the Flirter app that Tere installed on her phone. She thinks most of them are either ugly or old or both. [Can I just interject here that the way Jimena treats Tere drives me nuts. ]

Karla shows up to see Connie at work. She comes right out with it. She wants a relationship with Connie. Plutarco, of course, is eavesdropping.

100 días – martes – parte 2 de 2

Alex spends some time with Ramiro learning to do car repairs. I enjoyed this scene.

Luis comes to school to pick up his children and Susi remarks that Jimena’s voice teacher spent the night. And that she heard her mother being very loud practicing. [I’m unclear about whether Susi is being innocent in this scene or not.]

Connie is telling Reme and Jimena about the kiss from Karla when…Karla arrives . I believe this takes place at the diner. Later Karla flat out tells Connie she wants to have sex with her.

While Emi, Luis and Plu are commiserating at the only bar in Houston, Gloria arrives with some friends. Emi and Plu take off.

At Emi’s apartment, he tells Plu that he realizes that it’s over with Remedios. She’s had many years with Max and now he just wants to concentrate on Alex.

Dani and Mariana are about to make love in Dani’s room when we see Robert lurking somewhere. [This looks like an office building rather than Dani’s house; but the scene came right after Dani and Mariana sink onto the bed.]

Emi calls Alex and asks him to come over.

Mónica and Pedro show up to meddle, er, ask what’s up with the 100 days. Idiot Plutarco tells them the marriage is over and that Connie is dating a woman. [Really? Who does that?]

Another whaaaat? Remedios and Max are arguing, saying something about money having been stolen from the diner and that Reme has to make good on it. Max suggests they borrow it from Connie and Reme explodes.

So the next scene with Emiliano after the one in which he said he wanted to be there for his son, he’s telling Alex he needs air. He’s going to Argentina. He gives her the keys to his apartment.

Again…whaaaat? Jimena and Aurora are discussing the money missing from the diner. They mention $5,000. Aurora, who’s usually nicer, hints that Reme wanted to buy into the diner so… Aurora goes on to get agitated about being undocumented but honest. [Why would she think she’d be accused of this? Is she working there now and they cut the scenes?]

Aurora has grabbed Jimena’s phone with the prospective Flirter guys on it. Jimena says she’s going to bed a different guy every night!

Alex calls Remedios to tell her that Emiliano went to Argentina already. Reme then calls and leaves him a voice mail saying that this is what he does best: run away.

Jackass Luis is getting a big come-on from Gloria at the bar. He goes into the men’s room to try to convince himself to resist. He has a funny conversation with his nether regions about why “it” doesn’t find an appropriate time to “function”. He goes outside and is backed against the wall by Gloria. Of course, he doesn’t appear to be resisting.

100 dias. Excellent recap, novelera! Do telenovelas even have restraining orders? Probably too undramatic. In this episode we find out that Connie met Karla at the gym. Did we see her in some of the early episodes? I don't remember her. It was funny that the transgender kid in the successful lawsuit was called Andy Griffith. Was a theft from the diner another one of the cuts? Could Max have taken the money? It's unbelievable that Emiliano could just pick up and go back to Argentina. Doesn't it usually take longer than that? ticket? visa? his job at the Houston hospital? I agree that Luis acted like a jackass, and I wonder if Gloria thinks that making a pass at Luis is somehow a way to get back at Plutarco. Creepy!


"Exatlón Estados Unidos" (4) is ready for its big comeback on Monday, July 13 at 7pm/6c


100 días

SpanProf, I also suspected Max but didn't put it in the recap. And I also suspect they must have cut José Manuel discovering this. I was dumbfounded at that conversation between Remedios and Max.

They seem to be cutting interesting scenes or else they never recorded them due to work stoppage from the shelter in place. If TNs are like movies, they do shoot scenes out of order. They sometimes even film the end of the movie first.

We didn't see Luis on the rooftop threatening to jump either.

100 días

MANY THANKS, novelera, for your excellent recap. Alas, I desperately needed it. There were a number of times in last night's episode that I couldn't follow what people were saying, especially in the latter part of the novela.

One part I did understand, at least in terms of the Spanish, was Emiliano's telling Alex that he was leaving for Argentina. But understanding the Spanish didn't help me at all in understanding Emiliano's decision. How will suddenly fleeing to a country 5000 miles away enable Emiliano to establish a meaningful relationship with Alex, be there for him, etc. etc.? SpanProf already listed some of my other questions about Emiliano's action. Like just up and leaving the hospital where he works and abruptly leaving his patients. What an irresponsible, cowardly thing to do.

I too wondered whether Susi's account of her mother's behavior is that of an innocent child or a clever tween. There's something about Susi's manner that makes me think it's the latter.

While watching Ramiro teaching Alex about cars, I kept wishing someone had done that for me years ago.

And many thanks for your message explaining your thoughts about what Max did/said to Emiliano. My feeling is that although Reme may never have explicitly agreed that she and Max were back together, her sleeping with him the second time and her tenderness toward him led me to think that that's what was happening. Also the fact that at the same time, Emiliano was becoming less and less admirable. His drinking to the point of drunkenness, his relationship with Lore (and especially his having sex with her in his medical office), his reliance on Luis' "therapist," etc. etc. all made Reme's relationship with Max seem more attractive. So it seemed to me that Max had good reason to think that he and Reme were giving their relationship another chance, and I saw nothing "rotten" in his letting Emiliano know this. Of course, I'm aware that I miss a lot of the novela's dialogue, and if I understood it better, I might not have to depend so much on my impressions.

100 dias

Thank you novelera for another fine recap. “whaaaat?” should be the title of this episode. A thank you to SpanProf and Juanita for helping to make sense of this mess. It has to be because of the pandemic. I can’t believe that Telemundo would do this much damage to the show otherwise.

Marta should have been fired a long time ago. Is this a public school, a private school, a charter? I was never clear on this.

Emi says he’s giving up but I’m not totally convinced he’s leaving.

I have no words for Luis. Or Jimena. Or Aurora.

I still think that Connie and Plu will get back together and this might end with Reme deciding to be single.



100 dias. Ooh! Let's hope it was Benjamin who stole the diner's money and he gets caught!

100 días

dondi356,I think the school is a public school. When Aurora arrived in Houston, she apparently had no trouble enrolling Nico. I think a private school would have had more obstacles, including Nico's lack of proficiency in English. And the cost of a private school would probably have been a problem both for Aurora and for Reme and Max.

100 días

I'll put up some notes about tonight's episode later tonight.

100 días
There's a lot I didn't catch about tonight's episode, but here are some things that happened. Please add and correct.

Emiliano and some attractive blonde are chatting while waiting in a classy airport lounge for their flights. Emiliano's flight to Buenos Aires is delayed. To pass the time, they wind up in bed having sex. Several more delays follow. At one point, Emiliano listens to a voicemail on his phone from Reme. She wishes him well and asks him please not to abandon her son.

Reme and Max are in bed. Max is snoring loudly and making other gross noises. Reme can't sleep. She eventually calls Connie and tells her she has a hole in her heart now that Emiliano has left.

Fernando asks Isabel whether she really wants to go back to work so soon. She says she does. Fer tells her he admires her, she's a fighter. Fer mentions Pablo, and Isa tells him "your happiness is my happiness. You are always in my heart." They K-I-S-S-S-S, after which Fer is very disconcerted at his response. He says he has to leave to teach his class and starts to leave. Isabel points out that he has forgotten to take his briefcase.

Connie hires a new personal assistant, a young man named Carlos Zapata. Tere is not happy, since months ago she was apparently promised a promotion, perhaps to that same position. Jimena immediately finds Carlos very attractive. Plutarco seems a bit bent out of shape when he learns that Connie has hired Carlos.

Lucia is watching Alex practicing on the football field. Benjamin comes over to her. She's quite cool to him. He tells her he's changing his attitude toward Alex. It's hard to know how sincere he is. He makes it clear that he wants Lucia to be his girlfriend again.

Connie, Plutarco, Dani, and Martín go to a bowling alley to have fun as a family. Connie and Plutarco immediately start arguing. Dani tells them if they don't calm down right now, he and Martín will leave. (I'm glad to see there are some adults in this family.) After a few successful rounds of bowling, Connie gets a call from Jimena about a law case. She has to leave to deal with it at court.

Emiliano's flight is finally ready to board. He tells the woman he's been with that his trip to Argentina is a voyage of rediscovery. She tells him, "You're in love and you're deceiving yourself at the same time." Emi suddenly realizes that he's missing the colguije that he always wears around his neck. He decides to go back to the room they were in to look for it, even if it means he'll miss his flight.

Luis tells Aurora that she's the love of his life. She tells him she's not impressed, since he says the same thing to Jimena.

There's a lot during this episode about a lawyer named Ivan. It's possible he's the opposing lawyer in a court case of Connie's, but I'm not sure. What is clear is that, 20 years ago, Ivan and Connie were engaged, but one of them broke off with the other. They apparently haven't seen each other in 20 years, but they seem interested and happy to see each other at court. Ivan is now married with a daughter. He and Connie talk about old times. He gives her his card.

Emiliano doesn't take the flight to Buenos Aires. We see him back with Alex. He tells Alex that the plane kept being delayed, and he took that as a sign. He doesn't want Alex to give him back the keys to his apartment. Alex should feel he can always come there. They hug.

Luis is with Emiliano and Plutarco when his phone rings. He says it's business, but the guys see it's from Gloria. The guys leave him alone.

Connie is in her office looking somewhat pensive. She picks up Ivan's card and stares at it.

At a Mommies Meeting, Marlene tells Jimena she saw Luis kissing Aurora. Jimena leaves the meeting.

100 dias. Great recap, Juanita. I don't think you particularly missed anything. Ivan is the opposing attorney in one of Connie's cases. I think he told her that if she had just answered his phone call she might not have had to come back to the office in person. But, Ivan? Another complication? Shouldn't things be winding things down? And I must say, for all their bickering, Connie and Plutarco seem to have raised 2 very good kids. Pablo seems to be attracted to Carlos Zapata. Wonder where that's going.

100 dias

Thanks so much for the great recap, Juanita.

Connie left Fabián Ríos at the altar for Plutarco?! Why?! Connie didn’t tell Ivan she’s separated from Plu. He said he married and has one daughter but is he still married? Seems Ivan has kind of kept tabs on Connie through her mother—she plays cards at his house on Saturdays. Connie has spent the past 20 years avoiding him in various situations but she still has a box full of remembrances of their relationship, including the necklace he gave her for their engagement.

SpanProf, I also took note of Pablo flirting with new hire Carlos.



100 días

Thanks very much, SpanProf and dondi356, for your interesting and helpful comments. I too noticed that Pablo seemed to be attracted to Carlos, but Pablo seems to be attracted to lots of people. But since the two of you also noticed this, I began to wonder whether Fernando is headed back with Isabel and Carlos may be Pablo's new novio. The scene between Fer and Isabel did make me wonder.

And SpanProf, you've echoed something I thought last night: "shouldn't things be winding down?" I didn't put the question in my semi-cap, but I probably should have. I'm really glad you asked it here.

100 días

I'll get this in under the wire and maybe repost when the new page opens.

Thanks so very much, Juanita, for the fine recap.

Last night was very confusing for me.

And, dondi, it looks like you have the same sweet tooth for Fabián Ríos as I do. I have had a mad crush on him for years, not quite as bad as the one for Fernando Colunga, but close. It was helped by seeing a video, can't remember where, of him talking about his family life in Florida. Seems like a really nice guy as well as being smoking hot!

Yeah, that "left at the altar" thing came out of nowhere. And introducing such a fine actor at the 11th hour?

I can't wait for the confrontation between Jimena and Aurora. And THAT'S why Marlene was at the bowling alley. I confess I had to look up boliche when they discussed it before actually going there. That's a new one for me.

I wasn't sure if Carlos was an assistant or a new lawyer, but your recap cleared that up for me.

I think the attractive blonde at the airport is Davíd Chocarro's wife. I saw a You Tube of the two of them doing the tango on some TV show when I was randomly googling his name. They've been married over 10 years and have two daughters.

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