Monday, September 14, 2020

DAYTIME TNS…Y MÁS!!: Week of Sept. 14, 2020

 Greetings, Caraymates!


Welcome to Daytime TNs! This page is being provided for the discussion of TNs on any channel that are aired prior to 6PM. The TNs currently being discussed are

• 9-11 AM—Mariana de la Noche
• 3-4 PM—Cita a Ciegos

BUT ANY other TN can also be discussed. Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Please start your comment with the name of the TN you are referring to at the top so that readers can easily find what is of interest to them. You can shorten the title to one word (i.e, Mariana).

Daytime TNs will be posted every Monday morning. There will be a different page posted on Thursdays with a variety of topics for week end discussion.

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Okay, I have to admit that the "cabalmente" schtick has gotten on my last nerve.

Didn't Mariana or Iggy ever hear the common sense advice "to get going while the going is good." Leave and then go back for your things??? Really???

Also, if Mariana had been choked that hard for that long she wouldn't be so easily talking and she'd have bruises all over her neck. So there! ; )

Enough reality checks for today . . . I guess.


Continuing with "Gabi Spanic's surreal pompis"...I always thought the same thing about JLo. Wouldn'nt it be funny if it really was padding and it started to slide down her leg HAHAHAHA


Jarifa, I've only seen the first few minutes of this but I already TOTALLY agree with "to get going while the going is good." I got tired of waiting for them to "get going" and opted to start on chores. I'll finish watching...uhmmm...later :-)

"Wouldn'nt it be funny if it really was padding and it started to slide down her leg HAHAHAHA"
LOL! A new type of wardrobe malfunction. 😁

This comment has been removed by the author.

CITA #6 - a mini-recaplet

This crazy telenovela had me laughing out loud. Again.

Ingrid, who is someone higher up on the management food chain than Lucía (she has her own office!) is jealous of Marcelo talking to Lucía too often and tells him to rein it in. I think they had a relationship, or she wants one, or I don’t know because they talk so fast.

There is a family meeting with Los Salazar, Marina and Julián, and Julian’s parents (Lorena & husband) who are furious that their future DIL’s (daughter-in-law) sister is doing a … gasp! … vlog. That’s just. so. naco. Qué horror. People of their class do not do things like that. Salazar finally ended the soiree and kicked their snooty pompis out of his house. Later, Marina asks Lucía to go talk to Lorena. Julián is a wimp and toes the line to whatever mommy expects. #needstogrowsome

Salazar’s mom (abuelita Esther) is a hoot. There is not much love lost between her and Maura, either, but she loves her granddaughters, including Lucia, her step-grand.

Marcelo tells Lucy “te quiere” but in a BFF way. I think Lucía has a slight crush on Marcelo. (remember, this is the guy she got into the argument in episode #1 over who owned the seat at the self-help guru event.)

The station Yoga & zenmaster TV show guy Bobby is acting as Lucía’s manager or agent in this whole vlog thing. He has booked a blind date for Lucía and her vlog. She is not a happy camper and tells him she wants to pick her own dates out from the dating app. That date was an epic fail and LOL funny. A toupee was involved that, when flung by Lucía, looks more like a dead rat on someone's plate.

Salazar accompanies Angel when he goes to close a deal on a used car Angel is buying for Lucía as a surprise gift. The deal is a set-up and they both are robbed of the car, the money, their cell phones, everything. Even Salazar's car was stolen. Yeesh.
And I just love how these two guys get along so well.

Lorena a/k/a She Who Must Be Obeyed tells Lucía that since she won’t give up her vlog, then she is not welcome at her sister’s wedding. Punto.


Thanks DORIS. Loved your #needstogrowsome. Clearly Marcelo and Lucia are destined to be together. He seems even more interested in her than she in him. The two dads are adorable; but still can't stomach Victoria Ruffo. She just drags down any scene she's in.


The "cabalmente" refrain is really getting out of hand JARIFA. Lord have mercy! As is the repetitive, saccharine dialogue. I'm still enjoying seeing my various telenovios in their younger days, with more hair and fewer wrinkles, but otherwise, long-term watching of this telenovela will require cabalmente the patience of a saint. And I ain't no saint!


Doris: Who are the Antagonists in this one ?


JudyB, this has become my a.m. background; sort of like having the radio on . . . the advantage of this is I don't find it upsetting just curious and funny. Still waiting for lighter fare in the 7:00 pm central time slot. Time to get going. Target opens at 7:00.


Steve - it is not clear (to me) who the antagonists are, or even if there are any real villains. So far, a "somewhat" antagonist is Lorena and possibly Ingrid. This telenovela plays more like a sit-com or rom-com.


Jarifa and Judy, the TN Gods must've heard you. HALLELUJAH! A scene with Isidro and NO "cabalmentes"!! I've only watched the first half...and let me tell you this one is a doozy! Starts out as slow as molasses, but it picks up.

JudyB "long-term watching of this telenovela will require cabalmente the patience of a saint." Can't agree with you more, Judy!


RgvChick, I couldn’t believe the “cabalmente” free scene either but he was back to it later. It makes me wonder if the cast/writers had some kind of running inside joke on how often they could include that word.

Every time Atilio huffs and puffs he sounds like a bear.

Mariana faints. Is she pregnant???

How long until our star crossed lovers are back together again?????

I love how Lola always gets the best of El Cumache.

Iggy sticks it to Atilio so well over and over again.

Oh, no! Iggy arrested!!! How long until he breaks out again? Better be soon because there is no story without Iggy.


Jarifa: Let me guess. Iggy will find a way to get out of this current jam (being in jail). How many crimes has this dude committed ?



Only seen a bit of this (need to take it in very small bites) but I've noticed the dialogue writers love to go in terms of resentimiento, odio y violencia...or ternura, compassión y amor...

Along with the frequent repetitions, they are dragging this thing out with a minimum variety of words and concepts. If words were cash, this would be a very scant, frugal repast, I must say.

Whatevahs, Ignacio is still gorgeous. And Mariana is very pretty. Vapid. But pretty.

JudyB, “vapid” is perfect for her. Watching “Mariana” and thinking about what is on now, shows how far telenovelas have come in many ways, not all, but many.

CITAS #7 – In which Gabriel Soto has a guest appearance

…. along with some latino celeb named Faisy (???)

Another min-recaplet…..

In this episode, Chez Salazar is turning into a hotel, now housing Alondra and her teenage nephew Aitor(because he wants to experience Mexico City), Los Salazar, Esther, and Angel. Angel asked Salazar if he invited him to stay at his house just to punish Maura. However, Salazar has his own reasons for inviting Angel (who was on the verge of homelessness because he is flat broke) to live there.

Lucía must have been very young when Maura divorced Angel and married Salazar. Lucía calls Salazar “papa” and Angel (her bio-dad) “Angel.”

Marcelo takes Lucía to see a high-end designer for a feature on her Lady Apuestas vlog. Marcelo is thinking Bere can do something with it on her vlog, too, cross-promoting(they said it in English) Lucía's vlog.

Said designer is our Gabe Soto. Who is looking good. And seems taken with Lucía. To the point where he responds to her on the dating app. Yep, Bachelor #3 is more than “guapish”.

Eduardo’s trophy wife has been “moving the sofa” with Bobby (the station’s yoga guy) at his place. Yeesh.

Angel has a really bad migraine. Salazar offers some meds for it and asks Angel if there is more to that then “just a migraine.” Ruh-roh, could this be a yet-to-be-revealed health drama for Angel? Could this be why he has come back into Lucía’s life? Inquiring minds want to know. Stay tuned…

Aitor sees abuelita Esther dancing to some video on her phone and thinks she is having a health crisis, makes her sit down, and wants to call an ambulance. LOL



" And Mariana is very pretty. Vapid. But pretty."
Well put, Judy. Vapid. That's how she seemed to me in the few episodes I watched when it first began airing.


doris, Gabriel Soto is always a welcome sight. Too bad it is only a guest appearance.Sounds like fun. Wish I had time.


Thanks DORIS. Love “guapish”. And have to admit I fast forwarded after a bit till I could get to the Gabriel Soto part. Something about the frenetic pace of this leaves me cold, along with most of the actors. But I like the fellow playing Marcelo. I’ve seen him play lowdown evil fellows but he’s quite endearing in this one. Do like your brief summaries lady. Well done!


I didn't get a chance to comment on yesterday's episodes, which I thought were quite OK. It was a very nice wedding ceremony that Isidro performed in the magical glade, under the full moon, and surrounded by a thousand candles and torches.

And then he left them alone on a nice bed of flower petals in the magical glade, under the full moon, and surrounded by a thousand candles and torches.

Sheesh! Why didn't they sell tickets?

Anyway, Telenovela, virgin, magical glade, full moon, a thousand candles and torches; yep, she's knocked up, a little Lugo-Navarro de Montenegro on the way. Or is it a little Montenegro de Lugo-Navarro? Whatever.


Halcón seems to have more lives than the proverbial cat. He even beards the Montenegro lion in his den, and then walks out.

But the idiot has to come back only to be arrested. And now, (Sorry, but I can't help myself), he both has an esposa and is in esposas.

(I know, I know; I'll wear a hair shirt to bed tonight. I bought a few back when I started watching telenovelas.)



Esposa, esposas! Thanks for the laughs, Andy!



Drat! I know it was too early but I sure would have liked to have seen Atilio dead. I came in late but it looks like Lucrecia shot him and unfortunately he was saved. Bummer.

Loved Lola screaming they were going to kill the capitancito at the docks. She is great when she gets on a roll.

Sr. Cabalmente is still throwing the bones and the lighting always cooperates with the bad news.

I had to give it to Marcia for having the smarts and the nerve to go see Iggy and have her way with him as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Mariana could use that chutzpah. She showed up a day late and a dollar short!

Chachi needs to leave that hell of a town where her choice of men would be better.


Thanks for giving me an idea of what I missed, JARIFA. My schizophrenic DVR again decided not to record this morning, and I was busy chasing my grandson around the yard and never noticed the "record" light was not blinking on the TV. I started to say my DVR Hates Me...but maybe it's Love. It figured I needed a day off from "cabalmente" and repetitive posturing about "venganza, odio y rencor". So be it. glad you have a good supply of hairshirts. I understand that the global market for those exquisite contraptions is under severe threat right now. Would not do to run short during this troubled time.

I may need to borrow one of your extras though. Just sayin'.


JudyB, Iggy ended up in jail and was soon beat up and then whipped. He had passed out in his cell when Marcia, having used her womanly wiles on the warden, paid him a visit. He was so out of it, he took her for Mariana. He tells Mariana as much at the end of the episode when she finally shows up the next day to see him.

VCR’s/DVR’s are a real pain because you can’t count on them.


Will Marcia be pregnant or pretend she is? Hmmmmm.


Oh boy, what a whipped and beaten he can't tell one woman from another, but his little soldier can still function. Mother Nature is a lady with a one track mind...May your mate be "like a fruitful vine"!!!!! Great. Can't wait to see the fallout from all that.

Thanks for the gory details, JARIFA, and the DVR sympathy. Sure helps.


JudyB, “ his little soldier”. Too funny. You always have such a unique and creative way of putting things.


Judy - It's okay that you are not hooked on CITA. There is something for everyone, and I need some no-brainer comedy right now. :-) As skeptical as I was about this telenovela, I am enjoying it. It almost seems like they were inspired by The Office and woven some of that type comedy into it.

And today we learned that Gabe Soto's character is .... a mujeriego. (gasp) lol


JARIFA, most of my witticisms are CarayCaray hand-me-downs. I think Ferro (a long ago guy recapper) first used the "little soldier" term. And "galanparalysis" also comes from a long ago recapper or commenter. This place is a treasure trove of snappy language.



I watched a little bit today, at the moment it's still too frantic and high-pitched for me DORIS, but I do love me some Gabriel Soto. Especially that wink! And Marcelo continues to be endearing. Perhaps in time, it will grow on me, if I keep taking it in little bitty sips. After all, it's all about the Spanish!

JUDY - Yes, it's all about the Spanish and I learn a few new words with every episode.#justified (lol)
I really like Marcelo. That's a much better role for the actor than the derpy one he had in Hijas de la Luna. I also think he is endgame for Lucía.


Wow! A lot of stuff and nonsense today (Wednesday). Mostly nonsense, but fun.

I thought it was very nice of Marcia to help Halcón get his mind off the beatings he's been getting and have a little fun. Of course she said she was Mariana, so it's OK, everything is kosher.
Hey, it worked for Mónica and Camilo in Y Mañana, so I'm sure Mariana will be fine with it   :-)

I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but I was happy to see Doc Camilo and Chachi smooching. I'd also like to see her get along with her equally crazy mother. Poor crazy girl could use a break. But I don't want to get my hopes up too much, happiness for Chachi may be too much to ask of the telenovela gods.

Why did Lucrecia start cutting her hair? I didn't understand that. Hopefully it will be explained next episode.

I don't think I've mentioned it before so I will now: Isabel (Alma Muriel) speaks her lines really, really well; I don't know if I've ever had to read the CC's for her dialog, even when she talks fast. Kudos to her!

BUT I was a little disappointed in her the other night when she and Atilio were arguing on the stairs. There were a couple of times I think she could have shoved him down and claimed it was an accident.
It's amazing that nobody has drowned Atilio, he certainly deserves it. So I guess kudos to César Évora, too, for his acting.



Andy, I didn’t get the hair cutting thing either.


Lucrecia wiped off her make-up and cut her hair because she wants to change and be a better person...for her son. I guess she thinks make-up and hair make a person.


Well, the telenovela writers have always let us know that a change of hairstyle means a change of character. Looking forward to seeing Lucrecia's suburban mommy transformation. Much fun, RGV CHICK.

ANDY...thanks for point out Marcia's noble intentions in seducing Ignacio. You have deftly taken over our dear Dr. Carlos' role defending the bad gals. All good.



A few thoughts:

This is starting to look like a comic book (I prefer that to graphic novel) with the way the scenes are blocked out.

Iggy should have given Mariana a look at his back to explain why he was out of it in this “fantasy”. In reality, he would have been so out of it that sex would have never been on his mind.

I find Atilio so much more disgusting than the warden because the latter is at least honest about who he is and happy with the money from Marcia to see Iggy and Atilio to kill him.

We sure needed the new characters: gambling entrepreneur Iván Lugo Navarro who, it sounds like, was a bad boy from the start and his PR person and lover(?) played by Marjorie Sousa.

Of course, there had to be a “shower gone to hell “ scene at the prison.At least, Iggy finally had enough water to rinse the soap off as he contemplated his escape or death never expecting a hawk (shape shifter Isidro)to come and untie him. I was pleasantly surprised that Isidro actually had some power beyond throwing the bones. I always like realismo mágico whenever and however it is woven in these novelas.

No surprise that Mariana ended up pregnant.

At least Camilo and Gerardo are looking out for Iggy knowing that Atilio is behind it all.

Yay! Somebody has filed charges against Atilio.



I was browsing the Guide/channel listings on my Comcast cable and saw that Cafe Con Aroma de Mujer (ca. 1994) is available free ON DEMAND. People have always spoken so highly of it that I am giving it a try. No closed captions, but I'm following along well enough. I just don't get why Guy Ecker was considered such a hottie back then, but that's okay.

Maybe Comcast will one day give us one of the other old Colombian classics like YSBLF or La Hija del Mariachi.

No to go watch today's capitulo of CITA ...


It's the Colombian original from which Destilando Amor was based. My Colombian friend loved it, and watched it faithfully with her American husband here. He didn't understand much Spanish but she translated the basics for him and they both really enjoyed it. Of course that was early on in their marriage when doing things together had a special warmth and charm for both of them. I watched a few episodes when it was on HULU years ago. Since I'd already watched Destilando, I passed after a few episodes, but I did think Guy Ecker was quite fetching in his younger days.


Well, about halfway through. I DO like Lucrecia's shorter hair and lighter make-up. She does look like quite a respectable mom, visiting her son. And got quite a kick out of Roberto Blandón's swish entrance into the casino. He does a great job playing villains, and he was also quite likable as the bewildered, but kind, husband a totally different story, Mi Pecado. Always good in whatever he plays.

husband IN a totally different story


This TN is one of the silliest I've ever seen, but it's fun. And a little like those Russian "Matryoshka" (thank you, Wikipedia) nesting dolls, open one up and find another. That's how the stories and secrets are handled. Now that we have much or most of the story about the characters we have already met, including the fact that nice but dim-witted Isabel hasn't figured out who killed her fiancé, a new character or characters are introduced. Enter Iván.

Also dim-witted are Halcón and Mariana. She makes the trip to see him in that awful place and what does he tell her right away? 'Marcia and I slept together and had sex last night.'

Pretty dumb, but Mariana is just as bad. Does she ask how it happened that Marcia was there with him in a miserable jail cell on an island in the middle of nowhere? On the floor or what? Did the guards come in to watch? Will it be on youtube?
No questions whatsoever? No listening to explanations?

Dumb and Dumber.

I wonder about actors. Atilio is mean and nasty and pretty much evil, regardless of what Isidro says he was like back when. He's also a pervert, and not a nice pervert who just likes to dress up now and again and wear kinky boots... Um, never mind, too much information.

Another one is the warden, or whatever his title is, at La Isla. Not an especially good-looking guy to begin with, made very clear with some close-ups, he then makes his character worse with that hideous "heh, heh" stuff and his attitude. And he's another pervert, for sure.
So what does he say to his real life friends and family? "Hey, guys, you have to catch me in this one. I'm really and truly ugly, nasty, and repulsive!"

Well, time to finish watching. I can't take the whole two hour show in one sitting.



JudyB, I knew the casino guy looked familiar. I saw him in QPTR and AMQL.

Andy, great comparison to the Russian nesting dolls. “Matryoshka” I learned a new word.

You can’t get much sillier than this novela. It could be a parody. Guess it is my Uni source for laughter until they put a comedy on in the evenings.


Running Commentary:

Isidro lives to fly again!

Atilio gets creepier by the scene. How long until Mariana finds out he isn’t her father? Disgusting. I think I say this every episode.

Sure took Camilo long enough to find out the horses legs were tied. A doctor with no attention to detail. A big Duh! on that one.

Looks like the old quick sand almost got Gerardo. Haven’t seen that in a while.

The unbuttoned shirt is not a good look on Atilio. He is too old.

El Cumache stealing sandwiches from kids on the street? How low can he go?

“Interesting” reasoning: Marcia thinks since she never got pregnant before so she can’t be pregnant now. Okay . . .

Mariana reminds me of the Comcast Internet “slowsky” turtles. She might take some action sometime after thinking about it forever.

A mob with torches! Where are the pitchforks? Where is Frankenstein? Iggy is sprung from the big house and cleared!!!! Now will everyone be able to keep their mouths shut about his whereabouts.

Party time and Iggy couldn’t miss it!



LOL Andy and Jarifa. I'm so glad y'all are watching so that I don't have to. Mejía delivers, doesn't he? ;-)


A parody of fools and misfits, indeed, Jarifa! Sr. FFW and I have gotten so close; he could probably do this on his own. Anytime (which is most of the time) I start hearing the long, drawn out, melodramatic speeches/fits, it's FFW time. I have it down so that I can watch/listen to this thing in about 45 most.

Andy, "Matryoshka" oooh that's going into my personal dictionary :-)

Geez, Louise! Isidro the Hawk is cabalmente working overtime. Is there a hunting season for hawks in Mexico?

Cumache foils again!! Teeheee, Judy, are you feeling sorry for bumbling, fumbling Cumache again? He's really getting to be funny with those facial expressions.

Iggy sure made a quick recovery...and he's giving Ivan some competition with that suit!

Jarifa, I know you are waiting for a comedy. If Univision replaces "Medicos" with "La Mexicana y el Güero" you'll be in paradise.

Yep, DORIS, JARIFA and ANDY are making this one fun. It really is unintentionally hilarious and I can understand watching it as pure comedy. I've only seen a bit of today's episode, but I remain fascinated by the prison wardens yellowed, uneven fangs (I refuse to call them "teeth"). But it just shows how we've been spoiled by years of Toilet Bowl White TBW perfectly straight teeth on our stars. No one without strict orthodontia and bleaching ever makes it to a leading role in these stories, but occasionally they let a bit part player sneak in with normal, imperfect teeth like most of the rest of us.
JudyB who still has quite an overbite and isn't showing up to any casting calls

"If Univision replaces "Medicos" with "La Mexicana y el Güero" you'll be in paradise."

And I will definitely be watching, if they do. Thanks for the heads-up, Rgv Chick.


I saw the first episode of “La mexicana y el güero” and it was cute. It looked like it had possibilities. Maybe it will follow “Médicos” in the 7:00 C slot but for now Uni has turned into ALL DRAMA ALL THE TIME but, hey, they need $$$$$ to pay the bills. I am not against dramas but I do appreciate comedies/dramedies/some sort of variety and choice/something to make me laugh. As for dramas, “Imperio de mentiras” might be good since I heard somewhere it has only 94 capítulos. Guess this next week will tell. Until then, I am out on the ranchos exclusively. I hope to finish STuD this weekend.

CITAS #8 -10

Lots of plot building these last few days. I finally watched Friday’s episode this afternoon.

Lucía’s latest blind date from the dating app turns to be a setup to mug her. The perp does not see BFF Bere, who is filming the meet-up on her phone for the vlog. She and Lucía beat the tar out of this guy with their big handbags(it was funny) who was in cahoots with her blind date.

After the (Marina/Julián) wedding was called off, it is back on. My money is on this happening over and over before this telenovela ends. Julián tells Maura to agree to whatever his mother wants for the wedding because HE will cover the expense.

Marcelo tries to warn Lucía that Afredo is a womanizer and his only plans to use her. She does not appreciate his interference, but in the end, she tells Alfredo that she does not want to go out with him.

Marcelo has an ex-wife and the cutest 6 or 7 year old daughter. Ex-wife has a job opportunity in another city, so Marcelo will have the daughter live with him.

Angel & Salazar go on a bro date for lunch. Angel tells Salazar that he already knows why he (Angel) is having these bad headaches. It is the reason he has come back to town to spend time with Lucía. Sounds like Angel’s days/weeks/months are numbered? Salazar switches to mezcal even though he knows it makes him crazy. It does, and much silliness ensued.

“queca” --- quesadilla
“trompudo” --- grouchy, grumpy
“booty call” --- booty call (LOL!)
“botana” --- snack
“tubería” --- pipe (plumbing water pipe)


Jarifa - thanks! Maybe they'll give us “La mexicana y el güero” in the afternoon, if there's not enough drama in it for prime time. That, or perhaps they'll put it in the 7EST time slot for family hour.


Doris, thank you for keeping us up to date on this TN. I don't really get much of a chance to see it, but I have an idea what's going on because of your, ahem, Doriscaps.




I am very much enjoying this TN, and I have laughed much more watching this than with other comedies. Comedies can be tricky if there is word play, double entendre, etc. Too much of that would go right by me in Spanish (and sometimes in English, too :-)
This is a much more accessible comedy. Assuming it's meant to be a comedy...  :-)

Marcia didn't seem very upset at the idea that she might be pregnant. What's going through her dirty little mind?

One thing I am not quite OK with is Max, the greedy shopkeeper. He could be a comedic bit, or turn out to be a very good guy before the TN ends, but was it necessary for him to have an accent?

At the end of the episode where the server was weaving her way through the guest with a tray of drinks, and then it was down to just one glass left and still she kept going. Who, oh who, would be the one to take that last glass???

Yeah, we knew. He was looking amazingly good for someone who had just recently been at death's door. Interesting expression from Atilio, deadpan from Mariana. Must see TV.


Andy - thank you.. somehow, though, doriscaps just doesn't sound as nice as andycaps. 😍

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