Thursday, September 10, 2020

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Todo por Mi Hija, Enemigo Íntimo y más: Week of September 7, 2020


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

9-10PM -  Todo por Mi Hija
10-11PM - Enemigo Íntimo

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I posted this by mistake on page 1. I want to make sure you know I'll do the recap for tonight.

Thank you, novelera, for your fabulous recap and follow up comments. Great observations by Rgv Chick and Juanita.

I also wondered why was Seda’s bike was kept. I suppose it was waiting for Demir to fix it. Is that some sort of symbolism? IIRC Seda was 8 when she died, and she would have been 18 now.

Regarding Ugur’s fake, the matching frames made me think Candan’s painting might also be fake and that both paintings were done by Bari.

While I find Ugur increasingly annoying, he has been helpful to Demir and Oyku. I am inclined to agree with Juanita on this.

We all agree on MuRAT, Rgv Chick.

I had to Google the match & onion trick. I found mixed answers, so I guess YMMV.

Very disappointed in that doctor, no surprise he’s a friend of MuRAT’s. Did I hear correctly that MuRAT wanted that doc to work at his hospital?

Juanita, I have watched thousands of hours of Turkish language series and movies. I can’t speak it, but I have acquired a Turkish “novela” type of vocabulary.



Hija #8 part 1

Busted! Or so it seems. What’s going on, asks Candan? Murat wants her to be careful there could be a weapon. Demir shouts at Ugur, drop the painting! To Candan he yells, he was going to steal. Demir gives the escape plan to Ugur, now hit me and run. Hit me. Ugur doesn’t want to do it. He tells Demir, take your hands off me. I’m not going anywhere. What is Ugur thinking?

Schools out and Oyku is walking out with Mercan. His mother hired a math tutor. Oyku says she will help him, too. Oyku sees no one is there to pick her up so she starts walking. She repeats the Metro stops. She gets them all and smiles. She’s fine!

Candan is grateful to Demir. She says, no one would have done what you did. You could have gotten hurt. We see the police loading Ugur into the squad car. Demir looks dejected.

Oyku is reciting times tables as she arrives at Candan’s. She rings the bell, knocks but no one answers. She calls Demir? Demir? I’m outside. Open up, I’m here. She sits on the steps to wait.

Candan and Murat are leaving the police station with Demir trailing behind them. Murat tells Candan she needs better security. He’s going to send hospital security staff to help her out with that. Demir keeps looking back. He’s thinking of Ugur.

Driving home, Murat says that guy must be crazy, thinking of stealing in broad daylight. He should get at least 10 years. Murat looks in the rearview at Demir, don’t you think so too, Mr. Demir? Candan thanks Demir again. Murat keeps staring at Demir in the rearview.

They arrive home and Candan apologizes to Oyku, I’m sorry you were locked out. Oyku was scared they would never come back. Oyku asks Demir, what happened? Demir answers, nothing. Candan tells Oyku that her dad saved them from a burglar. And you know him, she tells Oyku. It was that guy who was here looking at the paintings with your dad. We were at the police station giving statements. Your dad was a hero! Demir feels more like a traitor than a hero. He wants to go rest and Candan thinks he should, too, after the accident and now this. Meantime Oyku goes upstairs to change.

Murat asks Candan about Demir’s accident. She tells him how he saved Oyku. Murat is such a cynic when it comes to Demir. He says, wow he’s a real hero, saving Oyku and stopping the burglar. Is it just a coincidence he was here with the thief? Candan is annoyed and reminds Murat he didn’t find anything on Demir. That is Murat’s point; the check came up with nothing, no record of Demir at all. Murat finds this suspicious. (I suppose I would too, if I were Murat.) Candan wants to drop the subject. We see Oyku is listening to this.

Oyku goes down to Demir. Demir is in no mood. Don’t get mad, she tells him. You did what you had to do. You couldn’t turn yourself in. If you are in prison you can’t take care of me. Oyku figures that Ugur probably understands this. She tells him he shouldn’t be friends with thieves. She asks if his other friend is a thief, too. What other friend? She describes Cemal and says, he asked me to give you a message. Flashback to message. Demir warns Oyku, don’t talk to strangers! He gets up and goes out of the house.

Demir seeks out Cemal. We get a brief glimpse of them as youngsters and it looks like they had issues back then, too. Demir cautions Cemal, this is between you and me! Don’t go near Oyku! Cemal heard about Ugur. He tells Demir not to worry because Ugur is not a snitch and neither is he. But Demir is one. Cemal wanted to let the girl know who Demir really is. Demir head butts Cemal and leaves.



Hija #8 part 2

Dinner time. Candan notes that Demir is late, he must be busy. They eat dinner without him. Candan asks Oyku if she has a has a grandma or grandpa. Oyku answers they died before she was born. Her dad grew up in an orphanage. She doesn’t know if she has other family. Oyku admits she hasn’t known Demir very long; it was her aunt that raised her. Then she left. She didn’t know her father was alive. Candan tells Oyku, your dad is a good man.

Oyku asks Candan if her dad was a good man. Flashback to dinner and young Candan is apologizing to her father. He says nothing. She cries, will you ever forgive me? No response. Her mom says, eat Candan. She leaves the table in tears. Present day Candan tells Oyku, my dad was a great dad too. Like all fathers.

Demir is at Ugur’s house. He hesitates and then knocks. Mufide answers, welcome Demir! Apparently, she doesn’t know what happened. She asks Demir to sit. She thought he was Ugur, that he forgot his keys. Demir has come to tell her that Ugur is on a business trip. She’s surprised he didn’t tell her. He never goes anywhere without telling her. How long will he be gone? Demir doesn’t know when he will be finished. She’s sure he will be back soon. Demir says to call him if she needs anything. Ugur’s mom is so sweet. I hope she is spared any heartbreak. No way Demir could have told her the truth.

Demir arrives home. He has no keys. Rings the bell. He tries to find another way to get in the house and climbs the fence into the yard. He can’t open the sliding door to the kitchen, so he sits down on the patio furniture. Next morning, we see him sleeping outside. He’s dreaming and talking in his sleep when Candan finds him. She listens. He’s saying leave, they are going to catch you. He repeats this a few times. Candan calls his name, Demir? He jumps up! He was having a nightmare. He’s embarrassed; he left his keys and didn’t want to wake anyone. She has to leave early this morning so can he take Oyku to school? He wonders what he said while dreaming.

Demir and Oyku are at the breakfast table. Eat slowly he tells her. She asks, where were you last night? Not important he says. She tells him, you can’t just go out anymore without telling me. Then don’t talk to strangers, he counters. But he said he was an old friend. They argue whether or not Cemal is a friend or a stranger. She thinks once a friend always a friend. Demir is annoyed she is giving him one of her life lessons.

He will teach her how to deal with strangers. He wants to do some play acting. Suppose I’m a bad guy. Then suddenly the bad guy approaches. Oyku isn’t taking this too seriously and says, hi, how are you? Demir is dead serious, pretend you don’t know me. He tries again. If my old friend approaches you what will you do? I will walk away and say nothing. Suppose he tries to follow you? What would you do? Think of something clever. She bites Demir, hard!

On the way to school Oyku asks Demir if it still hurts. Well, yes. Hey, you told me to think of something. Well ok then, if a bad guy approaches you, bite him. Demir asks her if she has a pic of her aunt. She does and Demir puts the pic in his pocket. He tells Oyku she shouldn’t keep the pic anymore. He gets a text from Jilet--Sorry Demir, your time is up. On top of that, the car breaks down. He gives Oyku money to take the bus.

Demir sends pics of the engine to a mechanic and asks what now? The mechanic says, it’s only good for parts now.



Hija #8 part 3

Candan is at the horse farm. Her foot is better. How is Şimşek? After he hurt you Ibrahim took him from his stall, he sold him. She’s devastated. She leaves.

Demir goes to Jilet’s. This isn’t a courtesy visit. Demir wants to know why he beat Ugur. He calls Jilet out on going to Mufide, too. Jilet tells Demir if he brings in two paintings, he will call it even. Demir says there is a condition; he wants Jilet to find someone. Jilet thinks Demir has some nerve. Demir insists. Look for this person or else he will destroy those paintings. Jilet asks, who is this person? Her name is Zeynep Kaya, and this is her last address. Find her and we have a deal.

The principal (?) tells the class the teacher is out, and they will have a substitute. Oyku looks out the window and tells Mercan about a squirrel she saw. Oyku wants to go out to see it before the sub arrives. They make a plan to sneak out. They get outside but Ilayda sees them go out.

Candan arrives home. Murat has sent security staff from the hospital. (I wonder if Murat will spy on Candan or maybe he wants to spy on Demir)

Demir visits Ugur in jail. At first, he won’t even look at Demir. Finally, he faces him and asks, what are you doing here? What’s the point now? Demir wants to know why didn’t Ugur get away according to plan? We run from the police. This is what Ugur taught him. Ugur is tired of running. Besides, Jilet has him cornered and Cemal is after him, too. Ugur feels he’s safer in jail.

Demir tells Ugur he spoke to Jilet and he agreed to finish the job. He will get Ugur out of here. Demir knows that Ugur is in jail because of him. He will fix things. Ugur has misgivings. Demir turns to leave and Ugur asks for just one favor. Watch my mom. That’s all he wants from Demir.

Jilet calls Demir, I found that woman.

And we are out.



Thank you, dondi! I enjoyed this episode and reading from your eyes was even more enjoyable.

My favorite scene was Demir "teaching" Oyku how not to talk to strangers. He found out the hard way how sharp Oyku's teeth are LOL

I also liked Demir's headbutting Cemal YAY!! Sometimes Demir surprises me; he seems like such a goofball, but then he goes and does something that shows how responsible and brave he can be. The man has a big heart that he has been hiding. So glad he went to talk to Ugur's mother and offered to help her in any way he could.

I expected Ibraham to get rid of Şimşek, but I was hoping he'd sell him to Candan (sigh)

Ugur made the right choice in getting arrested. He is definitely much safer in jail, but I'm wondering how he will avoid the 10-year sentencing. Looks like Demir's change of attitude is rubbing off on him; so, I'm hoping he gets a happy ending.

dondi, "I wonder if Murat will spy on Candan or maybe he wants to spy on Demir." Probably both!


Many thanks, dondi356, for yet another superb recap.

I was pleased to see that Candan continues to be cool toward Murat, accusing him of being "obsessed" with Demir. But I agree with you, dondi, it's very strange for there to be no record of any sort for someone who has lived in the city, never mind the country, for so long. I'd be suspicious too. Indeed, I can remember trying to find information about someone I'd met and being astonished if I could find nothing on the Internet about him/her.

I was moved when Candan asks Oyku about grandparents, and Oyku says "you asked that before, but I couldn't tell you." She now feels much more comfortable with Candan, and so she's able to be more open about herself. But only to a point.

I hope Oyku remembers how effective biting can be. I suspect she may need some defensive moves before the novela is over. (I keep thinking about Teresa Mendoza's daughter, Sofia, in La Reina del Sur 2. Her mother had taught her an immense number of strategies for saving herself, but Sofia also improvised extraordinarily well. Oyku reminds me of her, even though in Oyku's case, her knowledge of self-defense is all self-taught.)

Demir certainly knows that Murat is having security cameras installed, and perhaps so too does Oyku. But I'm still apprehensive that the cameras will somehow enable Murat's doctor friend to recognize Demir, and perhaps even Oyku. The doctor, of course, is intent on finding the father of the Niemann-Pick patient.


What a great recap, dondi! Are you a screenwriter in "real life"?

I also enjoyed the scene where Demir teaches Oyku what to do about "stranger danger". But, considering the extremely loose parenting her auntie did, it's surprising she doesn't already know these things. But she's presented again and again as sort of a "holy innocent" expecting goodness from people.

Yes, that "security" MuRAT is having installed doesn't sound good to me.

I didn't like the plot point of Demir agreeing to steal the paintings so as to save Ugur. Ugur is a minor, bumbling criminal. And Candan is a kind, virtuous woman who has taken them in off the street. I understand that Ugur has been his only close friend for many years, but still... It probably won't ever come to pass, but he chose Ugur over Candan and Oyku.

Candan's annoyance with MuRAT as he tries to insert himself into her life and "protect" her is a good sign. Probably her instincts are like Viewerville's.

Juanita, I forgot to thank you before when you mentioned the similarities between Sofía in Reina2 and Oyku. Both are very resourceful, but Oyku is more innocent and trusting.


I'll try to put up some sort of recap of tonight's episode.


Thank you, Rgv Chick, Juanita and novelera. Very insightful comments.

Rgv Chick, I like what you said about Demir and I feel that Ugur (and possibly even Cemal) has redeeming qualities, too.

Juanita, the Candan & Oyku dinner touched me, too. I left this out in my recap, but I remember Oyku also told Candan that Demir didn’t know about her either. I agree that Oyku has “Sofia” attributes, she is wise and brave beyond her years. Thanks for taking on the Friday recap.

novelera, I’m hoping that Demir is just buying more time with Jilet. It’s good that he still has some loyalty to Ugur and it’s obvious he cares for Oyku and Candan. It’s a tough situation to juggle.

Yes, Candan, keep Mu-rat at arm’s length.

As for screenwriting, sometimes I think any or all of us could come up with something better than what we see on our TVs.



Todo por mi hija - #9 - p. 1 de 3

Jilet tells Demir he's found the woman Demir is looking for. She lives in a house in Kustepe. But he'd better hurry--there's not much time. [I'm not sure whether he knows the woman is about to leave or whether he, Jilet, isn't willing to wait a long time for Demir to get the paintings Jilet wants.] Jilet gives Demir the address and Demir goes off to the bus station.

Murat's security people have finished installing cameras in Candan's house. One of the guys is explaining to her how the system works, and that she can change her password whenever she wants.

Oyku returns from school (actually, from the outing she took with fellow student Mercan instead of staying at school with a substitute teacher). Candan asks Oyku how school was. Oyku hesitates a moment. "Uh, fine." Oyku asks whether her father has come back yet. Not yet, replies Candan.

Demir goes to the address Jilet provided. He knocks on the door. A guy opens it and asks who he is and what he wants. Demir tells him he's looking for Zeynep Kaya, and he knows she lives here. The guy informs him that she left yesterday. When Demir asks where she can be found, the guy first asks for money. He then says he'll settle for Demir's phone in exchange for the information.

Oyku asks Candan why she lives alone in the house. She's a good person, so why isn't she with someone? Candan replies that she's not as good a person as Oyku thinks. She has made some serious mistakes in her life. Oyku says her father has made some bad mistakes, too, but he's a good person, and so is Candan. As Candan has told her, people can do better next time.

Demir goes off to find Zeynep, who has gone to see her mother. He takes a bus ride and then asks people how to get to the address he's been given.

The next morning, Oyku comes downstairs to wake Demir, so she won't be late for school. Oops, Demir isn't there, and it's obvious he hasn't slept there that night. Oyku is afraid he has abandoned her. Candan assures her that he'll be back that day. Meanwhile, Oyku should go to school.

When Oyku arrives at school, she finds Mercan's mother there, talking with the teacher. Mercan's mother tells the teacher that Oyku and Mercan left school and went to see the squirrels in the woods. Oyku says she shouldn't blame Mercan, it was all her idea. "You see?" says Mercan's mother to the teacher in an "I told you so" tone of voice.

Oyku enters the classroom and takes her seat next to Mercan. When the teacher enters the room, she tells Oyku that she can no longer sit next to Mercan. The bratty blonde girl, whom I'll refer to as Blondie, smugly takes Oyku's seat and gently pushes her as they pass in the aisle.

Demir knocks, and Zeynep's mother comes to the door. She tells Demir that Zeynep has left and is not coming back. She came to see her mother to get her blessing before leaving. Demir says, "I'm doing this for my daughter. Please tell me where your daughter is."

As Candan is driving, she gets a call from Murat. He asks a favor. A friend has a sick horse, and he's panicked about it. Could she go see his horse now?

Demir is at the large bus terminal, trying to find the aunt. He knows what she looks like from the photo Oyku gave him. Finally, he spots her, standing on line waiting to go through security. She claims she has nothing to tell him. However, he does learn that Oyku's mother isn't dead. She offered Zeynep a lot of money to care for the baby, and she accepted the offer. Zeynep doesn't know where she is. She only saw her once. She doesn't remember what she looks like. She thinks her name may have been Leyla, but who knows? The baby was 20 days old. The mother said the baby's name was Oyku. She dropped her off at the door and didn't even look back.

Todo por mi hija - #9 - p. 2 de 3

Demir then hesitantly admits that he wants to know whether he's Oyku's real father. Zeynep replies, "You can't even recognize your own daughter? You still don't feel it?" She starts to leave, but Demir has one more question: "Why did you stop caring for her after 8 years?" "Didn't Oyku tell you?" Zeynep asks. "What didn't she tell me?" Demir asks. Zeynep doesn't answer. She keeps walking, goes through security, and disappears.

Candan comes to see the horse, as Murat requested. It turns out to be Shimshek. Murat appears and tells her he bought Shimshek, he did it for her.

Blondie tells Oyku that Mercan's mother has forbidden him from playing with Oyku. Oyku tries to ignore her and works on her drawing. Blondie comes over and says "What an ugly drawing." "Like you," replies Oyku. Blondie then tears the drawing out of Oyku's notebook and rips in into pieces. The two girls start to fight physically. Mercan tries to pull them apart. Oyku remembers Demir's advice about dealing with bad people: she bites Blondie's arm [did I just hear Viewerville cheer?].

Oyku and the teacher are in the principal's office. Blondie's mother comes in. "She hurt my daugher. Look at her arm!" she demands. The teacher observes that both girls hurt each other. She mentions that Oyku's mother is dead, and her father hasn't been reachable by phone. The mother storms out with her daughter. As they leave, she mutters in outrate to the daugher, "We pay money so you can get a good education!" [I had assumed this was a public school. Who is paying for Oyku to attend?]

Demir is returning on the bus. He keeps wondering what Oyku hasn't told him. When he gets off the bus, he calls Jilet from a pay phone and reports that he couldn't find the woman. He'll keep trying. Don't call him, he doesn't have a phone. He then calls Ugur's mother and tells her Ugur has broken his phone and that's why he hasn't called her. After he hangs up, he says he doesn't remember which lie he's told to whom.

Jilet summons his thuggy-looking employee and tells him to get Candan out of the house.

Candan comes to see Oyku in her bedroom. Oyku is upset that Demir has still not come back. Candan confesses that she's worried about Demir, too. She tries to phone him but gets a "person is not available" message. She assures Oyku that he'll be back. Oyku asks her to wake her when he comes. The door bells rings. Oyku's face lights up. "It's papa!" she yells, as she races down the stairs. Alas, at the door is Jilet's thug. He asks for Demir. Candan tells him he's not here. "I have a job for him," says the thug. He wants to come in and wait. Demir is almost at the house when this happens. He stays out of sight as he watches and listens. Candan tells the thug to leave or she'll call the police. She closes the door. The thug steps back and calls Jilet, telling him "Don't worry, I'll wait for him outside." Demir puts up his hood and slinks off in the opposite direction.

Demir goes to see someone named Korkmaz, who apparently knows both Demir and Ugur. Demir tells Korkmaz that he needs money. Korkmaz says good timing, he knows a safe in a mansion in Yenikoy that has lots of valuable jewels, etc. Demir says he came to ask for a loan, not a "job." Korkmaz replies that he can't give Demir a loan without collateral. Demir leaves. He remembers Oyku preaching to him about not doing anything bad, and he thinks to himself, "I'm turning into a moralist just like you, Oyku."

Todo por mi hija - #9 - p. 3 de 3

Blondie's mother is trying to track down Oyku's father, without success. She then goes to see the school principal and tells him that if Oyku's mother is dead and her father has disappeared, Oyku has no one to care for her and nowhere to stay. Oyku's teacher is also present. Then Oyku comes in. She immediately tells the teacher that she hasn't done anything wrong. The teacher assures her that that's not why they've asked her to come. The teacher asks where her father is. Oyku replies that she doesn't know. The principal then asks where she is staying. "With Candan."
"And who is Candan?"
"Candan is a friend of my father, and also my friend."
"You see," says Blondie's insufferable mother, "he left the girl with his lover and he escaped." The teacher gives her a disapproving look, but Blondie's mother is on a tear: "I don't want my daughter to be in the same class as this girl who has no family! I'll be waiting for your call," she tells the principal, as she leaves.

The teacher asks for Candan's phone number. Oyku offers to dial the number for her. Oyku then leaves to wait on the stairs outside the principal's office. Candan arrives and asks whether everything is OK. "They going to send me to an orphanage," says a very sad Oyku. Candan is greeted by the teacher, and the two of them go into the principal's office. The teacher suggests to Oyku that she could wait in the garden, but Oyku says she'd rather just wait on the stairs.

The principal asks Candan whether she has any idea where Oyku's father is. No. The questioning reveals that she hasn't known Oyku's father all that long, and doesn't know his habits. The principal then asks, "You're telling me you put up someone in your house whom you barely know?" Candan explains that Oyku and her father were staying in a tent, and she wanted to help them. The principal explains that she should have contacted the authorities, since the child had no one to care for her. "But she had me," replies Candan. "You're not related to her," he points out. He continues, "If her father doesn't show up, she'll have to go to an orphanage."

Candan leaves the principal's office looking very sad. Oyku sees this. Candan says nothing to her; she simply sits down next to Oyku and puts her arm around her. Oyku moves close to Candan, both of them speechless and downcast, as the episode ends.


Dondi356: They're still in Ultimos Capitulos last I've checked. Alejandro still in prison for a murder he didn't commit.


Juanita, your recap is stellar and the conversations you included are very appreciated, thank you!

Okyu continues to impress me. She accepted responsibility for leaving the school, good girl! She does, however, lie and/or keep things to herself when she wants...typical little girl :-)

Juanita, "Oyku remembers Demir's advice about dealing with bad people: she bites Blondie's arm [did I just hear Viewerville cheer?]." I shouldn't wish harm on anyone, especially a kid, but (hanging head low) I must admit that I did cheer...just a little LOL

Demir went to a lot of trouble to find Leyla. I can't understand why she would tell him about Oyku's mother (whom she didn't know well and wouldn't be able to describe) yet she refused to tell him the most important piece of info! QTH? And if she didn't know Oyku's mother very well, how is it that she recognized Demir so quickly? Hmmm...

I was hoping that Candan would keep Şimşek, but I hate that it was MuRAT that got him for her. Now he is going to expect something in return. UGHH!!

"[I had assumed this was a public school. Who is paying for Oyku to attend?]" I had the same question.

" Blondie's insufferable mother" nut -> tree



Thanks so much, Rgv Chick, for your terrific comments.

I confess that I hesitated before implicating all of Viewerville in the meanspirited cheer. But I know I cheered, and I was hoping my heartfelt meanspiritedness was shared. :-)

I think that possibly Zeynep felt very uncomfortable about her decision to stop caring for Oyku after speaking with the doctor. She may not have wanted to have to bring that decision up again. Hence her decision not to answer Demir's question about why she stopped. Of course, that's just a guess.

I'm sure you're right about MuRAT's motivation. And if the cameras he ordered installed in Candan's house pick up images of either Demir or Oyku, and if MuRAT shares that footage with his doctor friend Hisan (as in Hiss-on? :-), there's more trouble for the good guys.

I loved your "nut->tree"! So true!


This was posted on the "TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Todo Por Mi Hija, Enemigo Íntimo 2, y más: Week of August 31, 2020" page. Just wanted to make sure you all saw it...

Anonymous said...
Dondi 356 and Novelera: Thank you once again for the detailed recaps! As always, I'm so appreciative of all the enriching details.
Oyku is struggling under some heavy burdens that no child should have to face. Yet she is a game little character and keeps soldiering on. Her friendship with Candan is so sweet. And I'm glad she has a sypathetic teacher. Enjoying this show more and more.
J in Oregon

Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 5:50:00 PM EDT


Fantastic recap, Juanita. Oh, I have no shame about enjoying Oyku biting the blonde brat! And that mother! It's easy to see where the kid got her charming personality. I remember when they first showed "Blondie" she was giving dark looks at Oyku and I thought it was because SHE wanted to sit next to Mercan. They seem a little young for crushes, but she was very satisfied to now be sitting next to the boy.

Zeynep told Demir that, at first, she was given sort of a down payment to take the baby. Then payments arrived every month or Zeynep would not have continued the care. I don't remember if she said the payments had stopped, but clearly the reason she left was because of the diagnosis. So it doesn't appear that Zeynep had any feelings for the child other than being glad to get the money.

What a dark episode. We're at the baddies win every round stage. Demir can't even call to say where he is. And the thug appears to be staying on that street until hell freezes over.

Candan was very pleased to see the horse, and MuRAT gained some ground. Now I'm wondering if he's after the paintings or the house, if he has enough money to buy such a fine horse that, until it had an injury, had a racing career in its future. He may be really falling for Candan, but it's odd he didn't look her up for years.


Just watched this late last night. Juanita, that was a perfect recap! I felt like I rewatched the episode.

I’m glad Oyku bit Blondie.

Obviously Oyku is a sensitive subject for Zeynep. She must feel some guilt about leaving her. I think she must have cared for Oyku on some level, otherwise why would she even bring her to a doctor. Rgv Chick has a good point here – Zeynep must know more than she lets on about Oyku’s bio mother. How would she have known about Demir?

As far as I know, elementary and secondary public education is free in Turkey. The refrain of “We pay money so you can get a good education” is somewhat akin to what I hear locally from people who feel they pay excessive school taxes.

About MuRAT: I thought from the beginning that it was strange he showed up years later upon the death of Candan’s father. novelera, whether he wants the paintings, the whole house, and/or a relationship with Candan, he’s clearly manipulating her in an unsettling way. He bought the horse, I won’t be surprised if he secretly buys the house, too.




Thanks again Rgv Chick, this time for mentioning J in Oregon's comment. I saw it when it was first posted, and I welcomed J, hoping s/he would join in on a more regular basis. But so far....

And thanks, novelera and dondi356, for your appreciative and interesting comments. I'm delighted to see that all of us seem to have taken part in the Viewerville cheer when Oyku bit Blondie. :-)

Alas, novelera, I'm not sure that we've arrived at "the baddies win every round stage." At least in my mind, that usually occurs closer to the novela's conclusion. So I guess we've got to be prepared for it to be even darker then. Arrgh!

dondi356, you raise a good point about taxpayers who often express their unhappiness with the education their tax dollars pay for. Do students in public schools in Turkey wear uniforms? That's something I associate more with private schools.

Of course, if Demir doesn't show up in time, the question of whether the school is public or private will be irrelevant, since Oyku will be sent off to an orphanage.

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