Thursday, October 08, 2020

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Médicos: Linea de Vida & Dulce Ambición - Week of Oct. 5, 2020

 Greetings, Caraymates!


Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. “Médicos: Linea de Vida” has an awesome patio with Lila continuing her delightful recaps for it. If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNs, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8PM  - Médicos: Linea de Vida

10PM – Dulce Ambición

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “MÉDICOS”.)


Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Buenos dias, Peeps! It was a doozy! Its-a-comin'! Hang on! Have another cup of coffee!


Lila, waiting at the edge of my seat for the recap..cup of coffee in hand :-) And a belated thank you for Wednesday's were shining brightly and that came through in your words. Thank you so much for brightening that episode that was overflowing with darkness.


MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Hola, Peeps! I extend well wishes to everyone in the path of this coming storm, or in its wake! Thank you and welcome to the Medicos Patio! I know some of you read the recap first and that is humbling, and I thank you. So, I don’t want to spoil it for you, I’ll just say take heart! We may not have besitos but we’re not beaten, either! Vamanos!

There is a place in hell. . . Regina is with Sr. Alvaro in the ICU as he says through labored breathing that he hopes his children will pardon him; he wants to talk to them one more time. Regina said she will try to reach them and tell them the situation. With literally his last breaths, Sr. Alvaro says, “I don’t know in what moment I did something so wrong. Everything I did in my life was for them. Tell them that I love them deeply.” Regina says she’s sure they know. “I hope so,” he gasps and then rapidly deteriorates and flat lines. Regina calls for the crash cart and applies the defibrillator paddles three times to the shocked eyes of Sol and Jorge who have pushed forward to try to enter the room. Because of the medical procedure, Luz holds them back! The resuscitation fails. Sr. Alvaro has died! The door is opened; Samantha is the first to fling herself over Alvaro’s lifeless body and Jorge and Sol finally get to see their Father, finally and painfully at peace.

Jorge turns to Sandra and asks her why she didn’t tell them their Father was so gravely ill. Sandra says she has been trying to get them even before Alvaro arrived at the hospital. Regina is in the room and quickly exposes the lie. She turns to Sandra, “You told me that they didn’t want to see their Father! In unison Sol and Jorge declare Sandra is a liar and the conversation devolves into a shouting match which Regina has to squelch. Samantha marches out, indignant that they are not respecting that her Father has just died; Sandra follows. Regina tells Sol and Jorge that Sr. Alvaro has asked to see them ever since he arrived. They say Sandra separated them from their Father. “Before your Father died, he told me how much and how deeply he loved you both.” Sol and Jorge break down in sobs, grasping their Father’s still and cooling hand. Regina and Luz regard the heart-breaking scene in silence.


MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Moments later Regina and Luz discuss this sad situation. Regina says that what really bugs her the most is that Sandra and Samantha told her that Jorge and Sol did not want to see their Father; they were deceiving Alvaro! Luz is open-mouth impactada! How can they do such a thing? Luz asks, staring in the direction that Sandra and Samantha left the unit. Regina says that the gentleman would have died much more peacefully had he been able to see his other children. Regina continues that nothing is more precious or valuable than the love parents have for their children, neither love, or money, or another person. Luz nods yes, but she seems far away. “Yes, children should be near their children. This is what’s happening to me!” Luz cries that she is growing farther apart from Caro; she thought it was resolving but it’s not! Regina embraces Luz and encourages her to reach out to Caro; to seek to get closer to her; the more time that passes, the harder it will be the bridge the distance. Jorge and Sol confront Samantha and Sandra in the hospital lobby, they will never forgive them! Samantha tells them turned their back on her Father, he found out and disinherited them! Sol and Jorge say he would never have done such a thing! Jorge says he’s going to go to the press and make sure they know what kind of desgraciados Sandra and Samantha are! Sandra coolly declares she tired of this fighting, tells them she knows this is only about money, and asks Jorge and Sol to name their price.

Kangaroo court from hades. We pick up with the “hearing” in the conference room where Gonzalo is accused of hoarding the scarce and expensive chemotherapy drug, methotrexate, for the exclusive use of Aurora, mother of his son and thus for his own personal benefit! Gonzalo mounts a passionate and vigorous defense, appealing to the many years the Secretary, Alfonso and Undersecretary, Eduardo, have known him personally and professionally: he is not capable of such a thing! The Undersecretary says there have been other problems, the HVAC and power outage. Gonzalo argues that every hospital has problems and he met those head on and resolved them! Gonzalo suggests that what there are political objections to the hard, honest and noble work he has led the Instituto in providing quality, personalized and humane care to every patient they serve! Alfonso and Eduardo brush aside this political narrative and tell Gonzalo the crisis he is having with his family is affecting him more than he realizes; during the investigation, he should remain at the side of the mother of his son. Gonzalo exclaims and puts his head down briefly on the table and his demeanor changes as he realizes the motivation behind this demotion and his energy has shifted as he looks up at the Secretary. “This is the last straw, that you would take advantage of this moment to do something like this.” Gonzalo stands up and tells them he understands, do what they want. He is going to leave Aurora at the Instituto because he trusts the medical team to deliver the excellent care she needs. Arturo, who has been in stunned silence speaks up that there must be a better way to deal with this situation! Gonzalo asks Art to stand down. “Sooner or later the truth will come to light and YOU,” he says pointing at Alfonzo, the Secretary, “will realize the mistake you are making!” Gonzalo leaves the room; Rene maintains his role as sorrowful supporter who had to turn Gonzalo in. Miryea looks a bit uncertain.


MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

After Gonzalo leaves, Rene continues to express his fake regret over what has happened, having the nerve to fix his mouth to invoke Santo Dios! Art explodes that an injustice has just been done against Gonzalo and that Rene, who has spent years in administration is not qualified to be the Director of the Instituto! Rene says he is and Eduardo notes Rene’s fiscal management. Art continues, Gonzalo is right; he never thought about money before patient care and what they are doing is an abuse! Rene reminds Art that he was a witness to the medicine theft. Art declares he believes Gonzalo and will do everything in his power to prove he did not do it! Who was it then, Alfonso asks? Art doesn’t know and that’s what he’s going to determine! Addressing Art by name, Alfonso says that he has always believed that one shouldn’t take things on face value; that he has known Gonzalo for a very long time and he also hopes that this has an explanation. Alfonso asks Eduardo to take care of the rest and rises to leave; he tells Rene he hopes he can fulfill the post. Rene asks when can he organize the press conference? Alfonzo asks with a look of disapproval why there is need for a press conference. Well, when Gonzalo was appointed there was a news conference; he thought this merited one as well. Alonzo says he wants to keep this matter private; besides, Rene is only interim Director until the matter is settled with Gonzalo. After a heavy silence, Art looks at Rene and tells him, “I also hope you know what you’re doing. Permisso!” and leaves. Focus on Miryea’s face who continues to look uncomfortable and uncertain.

Gonzalo bolts into his office followed by an apologetic Marta! She didn’t know anything about the meeting! After saying many times nothing happened, he breaks the shocking news of his demotion and investigation to Marta. She shouts about the injustice and threatens to leave with him. Art comes in, he asks her to allow them to talk. Art excitedly tells Gonzalo he had no idea any of this was going to happen! Gonzalo calmly declares, “All of this was planned.” Art is surprised. Art says when he got to the conference room Miryea was already there with the Secretary and Subcretary and he doesn’t know what she had said. Rene was not there, he arrived with Gonzalo. Gonzalo says the only ones who knew what happened was me, you, Rene and Miryea. So, Miryea was the one who told the Secretaries, Art suggests. Gonzalo says no, the Secretary of Health is not going to participate in such an action on the word of a Nurse. Gonzalo doesn’t know if it was planned by Rene or a pretext by the Secretary to fire him as Director. Art tells Gonzalo he doesn’t know what will happen to the Instituto without him; not only for his guidance, but he taught them everything they know! He just hopes it is resolved soon and Gonzalo can return to his post as Director. Gonzalo agrees and says that’s why he wants to find out what has happened and prove that it was a mistake. Art asks Gonzalo not to give up and leaves.


MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Rene, too repulsive to recap, so I’ll be brief. The repulsive one enters Gonzalo’s office still feigning regret and ignorance of what just unfolded. Gonzalo demands to know how the Secretary and Subsecretary knew about the medicine situation; Rene lies that it was because the patient reported the incident to CONAMED. Gonzalo confronts him with his lies and hypocrisy and berates him for not being man enough to accept what he has done. Gonzalo knows all of this was done to take his place; he should enjoy his time in the post, because it won’t be long. Rene stoops to say Gonzalo is just bitter because he couldn’t cure Aurora at which Gonzalo explodes that he should leave Aurora out of this! Not in words, but in demeanor, Rene drops his fake innocence and tells Gonzalo to get his things and go. Rene immediately goes to Ana’s office and tells her. She does not believe Gonzalo would do such a thing. Rene tries, again, to invite her to ally with him; it could mean benefits for her area and the ER no longer being a priority in the Instituto; she rejects him, he tells her to give it some thought. After he leaves she looks like she IS giving it some thought.

Gonzalo’s grace under pressure Art sees Regina and she wonders why he is so agitated; David is nearby and rushes over to make sure she is okay. Art dramatically rolls his eyes and tells Regina what has happened. David stands behind them a few paces. Art makes a point to ignore David’s exclamations about Gonzalo’s firing and investigation. The three head off to see Gonzalo. Gonzalo goes to see Aurora, he is now in a suit and, despite the years of estrangement, Aurora knows all is not well. He tells her what has happened and she is immediately gripped by guilt that this has all happened because of her. Gonzalo assures she is not responsible, does his best to reassure her and tells her he will be back later and to get some rest.

Gonzalo walks with a crying Marta as he leaves the Instituto. He instructs her to get his documents before Rene can meddle with them and make copies of absolutely everything he authorized or did during his tenure. She sobs that she’s so sorry that he is going. He hugs her and is able to rest his chin on the top of her head. Regina, David and Art approach. David asks and Gonzalo tells them what has happened. David and Regina are incredulous! Rene doesn’t have any idea about anything! It’s unjust! Regina says she will submit her resignation. David, and then Art echo the same. Regina said he taught them they were a team during good times and bad; where he goes, they go! Gonzalo agrees with their assessment of Rene’s lack of management skills or moral compass; precisely for that reason they have to stay to take care of the patients and protect them from Rene’s abuses! Regina still doesn’t agree.


MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Gonzalo reminds them that Aurora is there; he needs them to take care of her for him. Art says not to worry. David says he promises they will do all they can to clear up the misunderstanding but he wants to make it clear he doesn’t want to work under any other director than him! Slowly Gonzalo brings them around; it’s only an administrative investigation against a deliberate act of sabotage against him. He needs them to help discover what happened. Regina asks and he answers that he thinks it was Rene. David agrees. “Listen, muchachos, please stay; as long as you are there, it’s as if I am still here!” The trio finally begins to accept his parting. Gonzalo asks Regina what is the first thing she taught him. She dutifully recites, “Evaluate the damage and give priority to the areas that need attention.” “Good! I’m going to charge you all with demonstrating that I am innocent. You all pay attention to everything that happens In the Institute. I will be most calm if I know you all are here. Truly, everything will be fine.” The three hug him in turn. “Continue being a strong, unified team and tell your colleagues to keep giving their very best.” Gonzalo leaves; Art goes back inside the hospital. Regina seeks refuge in David’s arms, her eyes fill with tears. Ana calls Gonzalo and expresses her sorrow and surprise over what has happened and that she wishes she could have seen him before he left. He accepts this and tells her that despite their differences, he always was supportive of her and her area. She thanks him, says she knows. He gives his word that this will all be resolved. He says she knows he would never be capable of depriving anyone of what was rightly theirs. What is he going to do? He says he’s going to protect himself against any future harm; he’s going to get help. She wishes him luck.

Gonzalo goes straight to the office of top notch lawyer and first class friend, Alonso Vegas, whom many of you already know and whose help I will need in part of this retelling. Gonzalo is immediately ushered in to Alonso’s office where he relates the whole sordid story with a drink to relax. Gonzalo tells him an administrative investigation is like an audit where everything that he approved, every purchase order, every inventory is examined in front of the Instituto. There is no doubt Gonzalo didn’t steal the medicine but what can he do? Lightening sharp, Alonso has grasped the problem. First of all, there is a rule that the burden of proof is on the accuser. The Secretary of Health has to demonstrate that Gonzalo abused the resources of the Instituto for the benefit of a family member! Alonso says, “If you had called me at that precise moment, I would have requested a fingerprint expert to analyze the medicine boxes, man!” Gonzalo said all he could think of is getting the medicine to the people who needed it! Alonso said that’s why he is a lawyer; their professions are very different! Alonso tells him he will get his team to begin by investigating this Rene Castillo. And the Secretary of Health? “He’s got to make his own case; they will find nothing, meanwhile, we will do our own investigation. Do you have a copy of everything you’ve signed?” Gonzalo tells him yes; his Secretary has copies of everything and will get it to Alonso. Excellent, Alonso declares. With these documents in his possession, they will be able to determine if anything was forged to make this false case against him.


MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20 END

For the first time in many hours, we see tension begin to drain from Gonzalo’s face and a smile even begins to slowly grace his worry worn face. “What a great Lawyer you are; what a great friend!” “Look who’s talking,” Alonso says, “Don’t worry, hombre, you’re in good hands!”

Gonzalo updates him on the status of a Manuel. [Whom I don’t know]. In consultation with Manuel’s neurologist, Gonzalo learned that Manuel’s vital signs are stable, inflammation of his brain is diminishing and in Gonzalo’s opinion (Gonzalo is also a Neurologist), it’s only a question of weeks before he wakes up from the coma. Oh, that’s good news, Alonso declares; his family will be very happy! Alonso encourages Gonzalo to concentrate on being with Aurora and leave everything in his hands; he tells Gonzalo: “Even though you are going through a very difficult moment, life is giving her and Felipe a chance to realize the great love you have for them.” Alonso declares Javier is a coward when he learns of the desertion. “Above all, you know your family needs you; stay close to them.” He thanks Alonzo, they shake and Gonzalo leaves.

Insurrection in the Instituto Regina and David go back into the hospital, Art goes to gather the team. Regina can’t see how they will work with Rene. David says he’s the last one to put up with the likes of Rene, but one thing he’s certain of and that is that it does not suit Rene to have problems with them. [My Spanish might be off; please help with this.] David reminds her they promised to stay and she’s the Chief of the ER! She will try; she is SO ANGRY. He shores her up; you’re the head of our team! Yes, she says; I can’t lose control; this will just make Rene happy. Okay, David says, let’s go, you can do this! They go to the staff area where the entire team of Residents, Daniel, Cinthia, Rafa, Pamela, Tania, Marco and other staff are gathered. Long story short, they are shocked, it is a nightmare and the Residents want to quit en masse in protest and support of Gonzalo. Much as they were just convinced, Regina, David and Art alternate supporting and encouraging them that staying and continuing the hard, principled work that Gonzalo taught them IS the best way to support him. Marco doesn’t look as stricken as everyone else and he’s taking in all this initial strategizing to support Gonzalo and defeat Rene’s negative influence. The reprehensible repository of refuse approaches and announces his ascension to the position of being the only one to make changes in how the Institute operates. What changes is he thinking of, Cinthia asks. First of all, he is not going to work as Gonzalo did. He looks at Regina. “We have to be more discriminating about the patients we admit. Very shortly, you are going to give me a report of every patient you admit to the ER. Minor illnesses can go elsewhere; more complex cases are the one that earn us money.” David says not everything depends on money. Rene says he disagrees, that with more money they can avoid the kinds of problems the Instituto has been having up until now. David steps forward, “Gonzalo has always trusted Regina because she knows exactly what she is doing so I recommend, licenciado that you don’t interfere with her work.” Rene says Gonzalo is no longer there and the ER has had many problems. David steps further forward, facing Rene. “What can you possibly know when you never come out of your office? Let me see, when was the last time you actually saw a patient? Oh, wait, I remember; when Dr. Lara died.” David is facing Rene, his arms folded across his chest. Rene tells him, “Who are you to question me. If you don’t want to follow my orders, you can leave now.” The camera pans Cinthia’s, Art’s, Regina’s and then lands on David’s unwavering gaze.


MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20


Regina continues that nothing is more precious or valuable than the love parents have for their children, neither love, or money, or another person.


Regina continues that nothing is more precious or valuable than the love parents have for their children, neither work, or money, or another person.


MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

“Yes, children should be near their children. This is what’s happening to me!”


“Yes, Parents should be near their children. This is what’s happening to me!”


One of your finest recaps to date Lila. Your impassioned words were powerfully written and your insight not only explained but added another layer of depth to this riveting drama.

“Sol and Jorge break down in sobs, grasping their Father’s still and cooling hand. Regina and Luz regard the heart-breaking scene in silence”. Riveting and heartbreaking. You need not have watched the scene to see it in your mind’s eye and feel it in your heart.

“Sandra coolly declares she tired of this fighting, tells them she knows this is only about money, and asks Jorge and Sol to name their price”. If there is indeed peace for the deceased in the next life, I pray Alvaro did not hear those words.

“The reprehensible repository of refuse approaches and announces his ascension to the position of being the only one to make changes in how the Institute operates” was perfection.

“Regina says she will submit her resignation. David, and then Art echo the same. Regina said he taught them they were a team during good times and bad; where he goes, they go! Gonzalo agrees with their assessment of Rene’s lack of management skills or moral compass; precisely for that reason they have to stay to take care of the patients and protect them from Rene’s abuses!” Amazing the loyalty and fidelity goodness engenders.

“Kangaroo court from hades”. Indeed. It was character assassination pure and simple. “Art explodes that an injustice has just been done against Gonzalo and that Rene, who has spent years in administration is not qualified to be the Director of the Instituto!” Righteous and indignant, but why did you wait until it was too late Arturo??

“Focus on Miryea’s face who continues to look uncomfortable and uncertain”. Medusa growing a conscience? “Gonzalo says no, the Secretary of Health is not going to participate in such an action on the word of a Nurse” sadly true but in 2020 this surely stings.

Gonzalo goes right to Alonso. What Rene could not possibly understand is that not only does Gonzalo have the truth on his side, but he also has friends. Those who believe in and who implicitly trust him and who will go to the ends of the earth to ensure he is vindicated.

Thank you Lila. Superb once again.


MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Diana! Thank you! This WAS a riveting episode, yet it was not tiring, especially when Alonzo Vegas appeared! OMGosh, I was so glad to see him!

Oh, Diana, I fear that we're in for a bumpy ride to justice, "the pit" as Urban describes it! YIKES!

Yes, and I do love the loyalty and fidelity of this group! They are the A-Team in more ways than one!

And yes, character assassination! That's the concept I was looking for! That is what it is, pure and simple! Or IMpure and simple.

And THIS is heartening!

What Rene could not possibly understand is that not only does Gonzalo have the truth on his side, but he also has friends. Those who believe in and who implicitly trust him and who will go to the ends of the earth to ensure he is vindicated.




Great recap, Lila! Thank you!

It was great to see everyone rally around Gonzalo. Hopefully everything will be resolved and Rene gets his comeuppance. I think in the moment Gonzalo did the right thing by (mostly) keeping his composure. I wouldn’t have expected him to stay completely calm and not defend himself but he didn’t go overboard in my opinion. And Aurora is still getting the best care at the instituto with or without him there.

I find the situation with Alvaro to be very complex. Hopefully Jorge and Sol don’t take the bait and fight for what they deserve from their father in the calmest way possible but I imagine it won’t be completely easy.

I am sure Alonso and his firm will be able to help Gonzalo. For future reference here’s what happened to Manuel. I don’t if I can make a hyperlink from my iPad but here’s the link to copy and paste:


Dear Lila, thanks for yet another amaxing, heartfelt lilacap. I truly don't know how you do this day after day . I look forward are to your recap and all the comments every day. I am grareful.

Alonso is a true friend . It is nice to see this actor play a good guy because I have seen him play terrifying , despicable villains . Gonzalo is a good nan, so naturally he has good people as friends. Yay. Good vs evil ...I need to see the good win. I mean , I literally NEED to see good win ...right now.

Loved, loved " Don't worry, homre, you're in good hands. " Aren't those the words that we all long to hear whenever we feel down and out ?

Alonso is investigating Rene !!! Yay .This is going to be good !!! Go ,Alonso, do your thing ! It helps to have loyal,competant, powerful friends .


Thanks so much LILA. I was in agony watching this. Scene after scene—just unbearable. You did a wonderful job pulling it all together and I loved your attention to the character’s facial expressions and how their body language sometimes belied their spoken words. And I will echo the Anonymous comment that I don’t know how you turn out these marvelous recaps day after day, but I surely am grateful. Dark days right now in Medicos but always bright and sunny with our Lila and the Patio.

MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

You are welcome, TF!! Good to see ya! ITA about Gonzalo keeping his cool. We've seen him be explosive before. They always talk about David, but Gonzo can let it rip, too!

The situation with Sr. Alvaro is SO heartbreaking! Sandra's cool cruelty is maddening. I want something bad to happen to her!

Thank you for the link on Manuel, TF! Can't wait to look at it!

MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Anon@3:00 PM! Thank you so much! It makes me feel good to know that you look forward to this and the comments everyday. This Patio is the BOMB!!

Anon, I truly felt heartened to see Gonzalo go straight to Alonso's office! It's been a rough couple of weeks with only David and Regina's love to cheer us up. To here Alonso say, "You're in good hands, hombre!" and see Gonzalo actually smile was WONDERFUL! Yes! We need a WIN!!!

Hey! Susanlynn, is that you the Anon above. I typed this last line before I saw this comment at 3:09!

Loved, loved " Don't worry, homre, you're in good hands. " Aren't those the words that we all long to hear whenever we feel down and out ? We are on the same wavelength!


MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Hi, JudyB! Had some three-dimensional interruptions last night and this morning so that, along with the high drama, took a little while. It appears the story of the singer is going to explode. I understand that it parallels real life story and it seems the writers are trying to rectify some real-life injustices with this fictional account. Judy, everytime I say I'm going to summarize, it ends up longer than it would have been otherwise. I should just keep quiet! Anywho, any show of affection between my kids, Regina and David, makes me feel downright good! That and Alonso Vega coming to Gonzalo's rescue saved the night!

Gracias, Amiga!!!!


Judyb..whoops, I was anonymous. I thought I typed in my name . Sorry

MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Whoa, TF!! I watched the clip! Poor dude! How in the world did he survive? And it looks like they beat the crap out of him before the shot him! I'm a whimp! I'm glad I didn't watch that show! I hope Medicos doesn't get that dark! YIKES!!

Susanlynn! I thought that was you. I know your online presence, Hon! ❤��❤


Hey, Lyrical Lila :-) You're like the energizer bunny; you just keep going and going and going. Great job on the recap as always!

I'm not even going to bother with the nasty pair FFW

Gonzalo is a great man and anyone who has his team behind him 100% is certainly a great leader. He is going through the grinder but I'm sure he'll come out the winner...eventually. I just hope that the TN Gods don't make us wait till the next season. I want to see the nasty pair in prison or out begging in the streets...NOW!

The Alvaro situation is sad; I too hope Jorge and Sol can expose Sandra and Samantha and get what they truly deserve in the calmest way. I'm wondering why Regina never called them since Alvaro first entered the hospital. He specifically asked her to call his other children because they wouldn't answer calls from the two vultures.


This comment has been removed by the author.


Thanks Lila! I haven’t seen the episode yet, but you described everything so vividly, I can picture everything clearly. Muchas gracias!


Hi all! It's been a rough few weeks and I've been trying to keep up from afar. Lila, thank you for the wonderful recap! You always write so beautifully--not only what happened, but the emotional weight of it. Just fantastic!

I must say David and Regina have been the thin ray of lightness in the tense world of Medicos lately. I appreciate them and their demonstrations of affection are true to their world, but it makes me crave more and bigger examples. I want nothing but fluff, I want breakfast in bed and hand holding and laundry tickle fights--anything to counteract the rest of the grief, greed and suffering!

I appreciate the loyalty of the team, but I would love for someone to point out that this supposed scheme makes zero sense. Gonzalo, with all of his resources, would steal not one or two, but every single box of an in-demand medicine in his hospital and hide it not in his house or office or anywhere else in a hospital that would be less conspicuous, but rather in a drawer in his ex-wife's hospital room, where anyone in the world could find them? It's just stupid and I'd rather have someone point that out that just keep saying it's impossible because they "know" him.

Can someone explain the hospital's organization? Ana's awful, but every time I see her I do wonder why she doesn't appear to have her own team, just whoever feels like helping. When Luis bailed on work the other day, it did have me wondering who actually checks on shifts across hospital units. Shouldn't someone besides Ana be checking on if he's coming to work and assigning someone to cover his shifts?

Medicos.. & a little OT

Yesterday on Primer Impacto there was a brief little interview with Daniel Arenas (David) and he said that El Guero is still planning to film the second season of Medicos in 2021. So even if we’re left with cliffhangers, hopefully we won’t have to wait very long for the next part!


Thanks for that note, UO. I, for one, have my fingers crossed that Livia's apologies are enough to salvage her place on the show. I really love that TN casts stay largely intact, start to finish and it would suck to have to deal with a recast or a big plot change to accommodate a new actress, especially when it involves the main romance.

MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Hola, Rgv Chick!!! Oh, Rgv Chick! This second season talk is scaring me. I don't want to be pessimistic, but it does sound like an opportunity to torture the viewers! ITA, Regina did say she would contact the family. She did ask for the contact information, knowing Sandra and Samantha, they probably hemmed,hawed and stalled while she was busy trying to save Alvaro and other people! She didn't realize they were liars until Jorge and Sol got there, desperate to see Alvaro!

Thank you, Rgv Chick! Quite a week! I'm glad it's Friday!

MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Hey, UnOp!! You're welcome! I'll see you later!

MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Hey, UnOp!! You're welcome! I'll see you later!Hellashelle!!! HI! You are welcome!

I could NOT agree more!!:

I must say David and Regina have been the thin ray of lightness in the tense world of Medicos lately. I appreciate them and their demonstrations of affection are true to their world, but it makes me crave more and bigger examples. I want nothing but fluff, I want breakfast in bed and hand holding and laundry tickle fights--anything to counteract the rest of the grief, greed and suffering!

Ok, I can't copy your whole comment, but what you say about the theft is like the FAT, PINK, PURPLE AND YELLOW ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM!!! It's the first thing hubbie said! DUH, yah, pretty stooopid!

I appreciate the loyalty of the team, but I would love for someone to point out that this supposed scheme makes zero sense. Gonzalo, with all of his resources, would steal not one or two, but every single box of an in-demand medicine in his hospital and hide it not in his house or office or anywhere else in a hospital that would be less conspicuous, but rather in a drawer in his ex-wife's hospital room, where anyone in the world could find them? It's just stupid and I'd rather have someone point that out that just keep saying it's impossible because they "know" him.

And yah, Helleshelle, I note early on that there is NO WAY a big, important, national tertiary care medical center like that would have ONE DOCTOR in the outpatient department! Every specialty would have their own outpatient clinic, for that matter, she seems more like the urgent care of a humble primary care clinic in Diego's village than the Instituto's OPC. I know, Helleshelle, they're just trying to make a point. No telling what kind of havoc Rene is going to wreak! Will Rene try to reassign David to the OPC at Ana's request? How much crap from Rene are they going to take from Rene.

But, yah, we have to not think too much about the running of the Instituto because some of Rene's fiscal measures would make sense and we can't do that 'cause he's the villian!!

Thanks, Hellashelle!


Medicos. Super recap, Lila! Yep, I figured that lawyer would probably step in again and will save the day.


You're welcome, SpanProf!! Yep! He's a sight for sore eyes...literally! Canpt wait to have them get started!


Lila, you are batting 1000.

Alvaro's situation is not only sad, it's obscene. Gold diggers are among the lowest class of human beings. They give all women a bad name. Sandra needs a severe punishment for this, but this is something that could end up in court for years.

Nobody in this tale is lower than Rene.


Thank you Urban!!!! That means a lot to me!!! Here comes Friday!

MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

Que Pasa, Peeps! Pray you all are well! Let’s see how the dust is settling, or not, at the Instituto. It’s been a dramatic week for our friends. This is stitched together primarily by character, not order of airing. Chime in as usual. Vamanos!

We left David facing down Rene who had invited him to leave if he didn’t want to follow Rene’s rules! Regina steps forward and calms the situation. David says he’s only trying to tell este señor that he should respect the people who have worked in the Instituto for years. Rene says he was named as Director because there has to be changes and if anyone has a problem with that, they can leave now! He tells Regina that the report he requested (about admissions to the ER) is to be submitted daily. She says ok. He tells everybody to get back to work, and leaves. David and Regina face each other as Art approaches. Art doesn’t exclude David, but doesn’t look at him either, as he says this is going to be worse than he thought. Regina tells them they must be calm; getting them tense and agitated is just what Rene wants and reminds them of their promise to Gonzalo.

Luz runs up and announces they have a problem. David is standing near, attentive to Regina and listens as Luz tells her there are reporters outside wanting a statement about Sr. Alvaro! Ay! Just what we need, it’s a bad time, something grave has just happened with Gonzalo. Regina tells a stunned Luz about the demotion and investigation. Regina leaves David in charge and goes out with Luz to meet the gaggle of reporters and photojournalists. Regina staunchly refuses to answer any personal questions about Sr. Alvaro and curtly leaves them after sharing minimal medical information. Regina returns to the Instituto common room and joins Cinthia on the sofa. On the TV the live shot Regina just left is finishing up. Cinthia observes that they only wanted to hear about Sr. Alvaro’s personal problems; they had no interest in his condition or what led to his death. Back in the studio a story comes on about the extradition of Aureliano Martinez, “el Ciego.” Cinthia and Regina watch with rapt attention. His lawyers haven’t issued any statement about the United States efforts to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges on drug and firearms trafficking, homicide and money laundering. The U.S. Justice Department has declined to comment on this pending litigation. The Attorney General of the U.S. has submitted a second request for extradition so far this year. The Mexican Government has expressed its willingness to extradite Aureliano Martinez; the only thing that remains is the completion of the legal process. Recall that Licenciado Alonso Vega, one of the most prestigious criminal lawyers in the country, and his team have been very closely following this case! Regina says Vega and Associates team are the bomb!


MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

Regina says she is so sorry about what happened with Gonzalo and when Cinthia asks, tells her of course he didn’t do it. Ok, Cinthia can go with that, but isn’t it strange that the medicine appeared in Aurora’s drawer? Regina shakes her head and says someone put it there. Who? Regina looks around at the open door and says she’s sure it was Rene. Cinthia says she can believe that but it’s going to be very hard to prove, especially now that he’s the Director. The kvetch some about the chaos Rene will usher in and how horrible it will be to work under him. Regina asks Cinthia if she thinks she can talk to her parents about the situation. Cinthia seems a bit dismayed. Regina continues that she thinks it’s important that a Patronato at least should know what’s going on. Cinthia shakes her head and says the last time she talked to them it went really badly. Regina apologizes; she doesn’t want to cause problems for Cinthia. Cinthia says she will at least see what they’ll say; Regina is right: they need to know the truth.

Well, I guess Jorge and Sol discussed a price with Sandra and Samantha! Jorge comes out to meet the press, an arm around each sister. He thanks the reporters for worrying so much about their Father. The reporters cut to the chase: all is forgiven for not advising the sibs their Father was dying? Samantha says with a shaky, tearful voice it was all a misunderstanding; she was very nervous because her Papa was dying and what’s important now is that he knows they loved him. So everything is settled? What about the royalties? Sol echoes how nervous and agitated they were over Alvaro’s health. Sandra takes over; now that they are calmer, they can report that her Papa died in peace. That’s what’s important, right? We shift from the scene outside the Instituto to its display on the TV. Cinthia can’t believe how quickly everything has been smoothed out; that they have been united by their Father’s death? Regina announces they are a bunch of cinicos! Just a few minutes ago they were fighting! If she were in their place there’s no way she could forgive so quickly not being advised that her Papa was dying! They conclude all family disputes are about money! Either because there’s no money or a lot of money and somebody wants to keep it all. Cinthia says, “Or, because they can control everything with money, like my Papa.” Regina looks thoughtful.


MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

[Okay, this is getting too long-winded. I need to rip the bandaid off the nastiness, ignoring the yucky dalliance.] Rene and Miryea coo over his coup and plot the chaos and horror everyone fears. Rene plans to not only continue the black market in buy low/sell high medical supplies; he’s going to buy new durable medical equipment but of the previous generation and make millions in commissions! Miryea worries they might get caught. Nope! The Secretary and Undersecretary of Health are on his side. But there are a lot of Doctors that think like Gonzalo, she says. No problem; he’s going to get rid of them one by one, starting with Regina. Oooo, that’s excellent! It’s so hard for Miryea to work with her and fake that she likes her! No worries; left to him he’d get rid of all of the Doctors but, sadly, he needs specialists! Later miserable Miryea interrupts a pleasant visit between Aurora, Felipe and Gonzalo to do her “care.” She tells Gonzalo he shouldn’t be there; only one visitor is allowed at a time. Felipe goes to eat dinner. Later the strumpet goes to see Rene in Gonzalo’s former office and hears the end of him giving orders in a condescending way to Marta. He manages to smoothly slide in a suggestion that she can be replaced if she can’t keep up with his pace. This decisiveness makes Miryea all gooey. She suggest he send a memo around the whole Instituto announcing that HE alone is the one to give directives to everybody!

Rene, armed with the news of Gonzalo having spent the night goes to Aurora’s room with a security guard in tow and, essentially puts Gonzalo out of the hospital! His pretext is that Gonzalo knows the policy of one visitor. Because Gonzalo was dismissed for abusing Instituto resources for personal gain and is under investigation, Rene is concerned that Gonzalo avoid the appearance of being granted or seeking favoritism: he’s trying to help him! Besides, if Gonzalo is allowed to do as he pleases, HE will get in trouble. Gonzalo does stand up for himself and let Rene know that Rene is doing this to hurt him and that his conscience is clear. All he is trying to do is attend to the mother of his son! Well, Rene can’t let him do that, either. While he is under investigation, he can’t practice medicine in the Instituto! Gonzalo is gobsmacked and tells Rene to enjoy his five minutes in his post, because it’s going to end soon! Rene says he is in charge now, and if Gonzalo wants to see Aurora, he has to get a pass like everyone else. Gonzalo has been at a low boil all this time; he vows to expose Rene for the kind of person he is. Rene is annoyingly steadfast in his patronizing demeanor of wanting to help Gonzalo; he’s so sorry Gonzalo continues to be angry. Gonzalo agrees to go to the waiting room. Well, no, he should wait in the street! WHAT??? The waiting room is only for people waiting to be seen in the OPC or to wait for testing. Gonzalo says he can’t put people out in the rain, the hot sun; is he crazy? Well, when the Instituto has more money, they will put some covered benches outside. The Instituto isn’t some kind of charity foundation, much less a hotel. Gonzalo whallops Rene’s right shoulder – WHOP - and the security guard is unmoved! Rene looks surprised, looks at the security guard. Gonzalo stares him down for a second. “You miserable person! All this that you are provoking, life is going to pay you back for it!” Gonzalo walks away. Rene straightens out his jacket and looks at the security guard who shrugs and walks away.


MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

Other reprehensible stuff: Rene orders Luz to get rid of the socioeconomic criteria that allows people not to pay for their medical care. Of course Luz is indignant and wants to refuse. They’ve always opened their doors to anyone who needed care! Well, he’s in charge now and if they can’t pay, the door will be closed. That’s IT and if she doesn’t like she knows where the door is as well! Rene also meets with Montesinos who has swallowed Rene’s story hook, line, and sinker! He didn’t think Gonzalo was like this. Rene hypocritically tsks about never really knowing a person. Montesinos sits down and says he’s worried about the Instituto. Why!? Rene’s got everything under control! There’s the little matter of the Administrative Director of the Instituto, Rene’s former position; he can’t do both. Not to worry, Rene says he’s got somebody in mind!

Once home, Rene announces his promotion to Connie with a bottle of champagne. She is thrilled and allows Rene to swap a bit of slobber with her before she shoos him off to take off his filthy hospital clothes and take a shower. The next morning she runs into Patricia having café al fresco. Patricia is likewise thrilled with the news and tentatively accepts a dinner date with the Castillos to celebrate.

The happier part of Gonzalo’s day is his having the first relaxed visit with Aurora he’s had since her admission. Aurora feels the best she has since the surgery and chemo; hardly any nausea. He was able to visit with her and Felipe told them about Alonso Vega defending and representing him. The good thing in what has happened is that he can spend time with them free from the pressures of management! He asks Felipe how his studies are going and learns that Felipe has begun research for his thesis on environmentally sustainable living. Gonzalo thinks it’s fascinating. Father and son talk about the pressures of clinical and administrative medical work and graduate study. Gonzalo recognizes the irony, but encourages his son to strive for a healthy balance in his work and life as a student. Felipe smiles appreciatively.


MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

How are the rest of our Instituto friends handling the management shake-up? Once home, Cinthia does call her Mom as Regina suggested. Patricia is tickled that Cinthia called her and agrees to meet with her outside the hospital early the next morning. Prior to this, Cinthia fielded a call from the persistent Juanpa wanting to hang out. Nope! It’s late and it was a complicated day. She tells him a bit about what happened and Juanpa suggests that he can “talk to someone” if she likes. I didn’t hear her decline this offer. Please chime in!

Marco is at home in the evening and tells his Father about the shake-up. Esteban’s first response is to ask Marco how he plans to position himself to take advantage of it! In a surprise move, Marco says what they did to Gonzalo was unjust and he doesn’t plan to take advantage of a situation like that! Esteban tells him dinner is ready. After Esteban leaves, Marco says Esteban can eat by himself!

Clara and calls to Dr. Jurarez; he asks that she call him Daniel. They discuss the take down. Daniel fiercely defends Gonzalo and shares that he learned a lot about both medicine and life from him. He has no doubt Gonzalo is innocent! Dr. Olmedo believed in him and encouraged him when he was going to leave the residency, and now he believes in Dr. Olmedo! Clara didn’t know he had planned to leave and takes the opportunity to praise Daniel, “You’re the best pediatrician I have ever known; very few Doctors have your way with patients and besides, you’re so kind and….” “What?” He has to urge her a couple of times. “You’re so…gu…guapo!” Daniel chokes and can’t even repeat the word as applied to himself. Clara says, “You don’t have to say anything. Permiso!” Clara leaves, blushing and flustered, bumping into another staff on the way out. Daniel looks after her and considers this new impossible description of himself and its source!

The residents all talk about Rene. Pam tells about how when she, Marco and Luis were on call covering the ER during the congress, Rene made them discharge a lot of people whom they didn’t think were medically stable. Yah, he’s always in the office, what does he know, Daniel adds. Tania may ask for a transfer and finish her residency elsewhere! Daniel says Dr. Castillo is so hard to get along with, she understands why David wanted to beat him up! Regina alerts and grills Daniel about what he just said. Daniel apologetically tells Regina how David went with him to the loan shark and fought with one of the thugs. “I thought he wasn’t going to stop!” [WHAT!!!??? Unless they edited something out, all I saw was a quick headlock on one of the thugs. I know I referred in a recent recap to David having beat the a$$ of one of the thugs but that was verbal embellishment. What we saw was a quick headlock! Please chime in!] Regina then begins saying things out loud which should be private thoughts about how David can’t go around fighting all the time about everything and how he’s got to learn how to control himself. Regina turns this into an announcement for those gathered. “Look, I know we’re all upset about the changes but let me make one thing very clear; violence will never solve the problems we are having. Now, get back to work!” [What the fudge?]


MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20 END

Speaking of David, Ana stops in to one of the OPC offices to talk about the demotion of Gonzalo. The Instituto feels strange to her. Yah, David says people are working in fear. Ana says even though she believes in Gonzalo, she understands he would do anything to help patients; why not his ex-wife? That’s precisely it, Gonzalo says, he would never deprive another patient of anything they needed for personal reasons. Echoing Art with Regina, Ana says under the same circumstances, she’s not sure what she would do. Gonzalo’s big heart may have won out; likewise, Ana doesn’t want David’s feelings for Regina to make him fall into the same trap. “Don’t let anybody interfere in your decisions or sentiments. David just looks at her.

The same night of the announcement of the character assassination of Gonzalo, David and Regina finish up dinner at her apartment. Regina is sure Gonzalo didn’t put the chemo meds in Aurora’s drawer. They both agree that the whole thing was a set up and they have to find a way to help Gonzalo! They discuss how the only ones who have access to medicine are Doctors and Nurses; they have to start by finding out who was on call that night. David thinks they have to think about the motive; he thinks it’s more than a professional dispute. Regina says someone has something personal against Gonzalo. She reflects on how Gonzalo took her in when she had nowhere to live and steadfastly stood by her. The least she can do is stand by him. David touches her arm and says, “Together, we will help him.”

Finally, Rafa and Pam continue working with Carmen whose liver is failing rapidly while she is suffering the pangs of withdrawal. Carmen has got to have a liver fast and her only hope is a direct donation from her daughter! Pamela seems to have researched this and says that with part of her daughter’s liver the daughter will suffer no ill effects and be able to regenerate liver tissue easily. With these primordial cells, Carmen can survive! In a later scene, Pamela takes notes on everything Carmen can recall about her baby. Her baby was born July 20, 1995 right there in Mexico City. Pamela notes that it’s also her birth year. The baby was sick with a fever for two days and cried and cried. Carmen had money neither for food or medicine, having spent it on drugs. She left the baby on a pew at La Iglesia Del Señor de Los Milagros – Church of The Lord of Miracles. Ever since that day, Carmen has heard the baby’s cries, maybe as a reproach for her abandonment! Carmen wails, what if the baby didn’t survive? Pamela says she did what she needed to do to save the baby’s life! Carmen wishes she were that optimistic. Pamela says she not only believes the baby survived, but that they will find her and reunite Carmen with her daughter! Carmen sobs, “All I want to know is that she is fine and that she lived a better life than I could have given her!” Pam says, “You’ll see, it’s true.” Carmen continues to sob, “ I want to ask her to pardon me for leaving her; for not fighting for her. Ojala that I find her and that she understands me! I want her to understand me!”



Thank you, Lila! Another gold star for you! But I have to admit that I skipped over the "nasty pair" scenes, watching them is difficult enough...and again I'm boycotting any comments on them. j/k I'm only boycotting my own comments about them.

Marco really surprised me; is he one that will be redeemed? He's another one that could help bring the nasty pair down. Crossing fingers...

Oh poor Pamela, insisting that she will find Carmen's daughter. When Pam realizes the truth, I'm hopeoing that she remembers her uplifting speech to Carmen about making the right decision to give up her daughter.

Looks like Aurora and Felipe are finally seeing exactly how much Gonzalo loves and cares for them. Crossing my other fingers for a permanent family reunion.

I'm glad Cinthia agreed to at least talk to her mother, but will Pat believe or realize that her newfound friends are despicable manipulators? Ran out of fingers, so going to my toes :-)

More laters...have a wonderful day!



There seems little to say as you did it all with great distinction Lila.

Things are dark but as there is so much love and support for Gonzalo, certainly not hopeless.

For the few sweet flower petals strewn about last night. "Clara leaves, blushing and flustered, bumping into another staff on the way out. Daniel looks after her and considers this new impossible description of himself and its source!" He was completely astonished that someone would feel that way about himself. And from a lovely young woman who wasn't flattering or tantalizing, but speaking her truth. I hope these two get together. Not that I don't like her but "Tania may ask for a transfer and finish her residency elsewhere!". Adios and good luck :)

"Rene and Miryea coo over his coup and plot the chaos and horror everyone fears" and "This decisiveness makes Miryea all gooey" had me smiling away. I cannot wait for their just desserts. Rene shooing Gonzalo out of Aurora's room was disgusting.

I also wonder if Patricia will take the side of her daughter? I think she will at least listen. But she isn't the answer to this tangled web. Unfortunately, Cin's father is!!

"In a surprise move, Marco says what they did to Gonzalo was unjust and he doesn’t plan to take advantage of a situation like that!" Wow. That caught me completely off guard as did "After Esteban leaves, Marco says Esteban can eat by himself!".

Despite the evil machinations, Gonzalo is indeed finding his way back into Aurora and Felipe's good graces. I hope his entrance into their hearts is next.

And Cynthia Klitbo is giving everything. And more. She is a tour de force and mesmerizing. "When Pam realizes the truth, I'm hopeoing that she remembers her uplifting speech to Carmen about making the right decision to give up her daughter" was exactly right Rgv Chick!

Lila, thank you for your detailed, time consuming work. Another excellent summary.


Medicos. Another first rate recap, Lila! "Coo over the coup." Great one! Rene is being gratuitously cruel in banning Gonzalo not only from Aurora's room but from the hospital waiting areas. I hope it comes back to bite him! But...1.) Isn't this a state-owned hospital and shouldn't every citizen have access to its public areas? 2.) Doesn't this hospital have a coffee shop? That's where I have spent time whenever I have gone to visit a very sick friend or relative. And I agree with Rgv Chick and Diana: Wait, what? Marco actually did something decent? I thought he was Rene's stooge.


Thank you, Lila!

I don’t have much hope that Cinthia will be able to have a useful conversation with her mom (and by extension, her dad) about what’s going on. Since Rene has already declared victory and Constanza is eager to celebrate, Cinthia’s parents might not budge. The monetary gain is probably all they care about when it comes to the Patronato.

I thought it was kinda awkward when Daniel had to reveal to Regina that David was helping him and all that drama with the loan shark. Again I hope nothing bad happens with that down the line.

I wonder who is this person that Rene has in mind to take his old position. Rene probably can’t afford to get rid of everyone as much as he wants to. Unless he knows people in the medical field to hire who will blindly do his bidding. The part that actually baffled me the most was when he said that if visitors want to have a waiting room it’ll be outside. That’s just ridiculous.

Pamela won’t have to look far to find Carmen’s daughter. I hope that when she (Pam) eventually realizes it that she won’t be too hurt or disappointed etc.

Thank you , Lila. This show has become very dark. It is disturbing watching Rene get worse and worse as he seems to enjoy being cruel now that he has maneuvered into Gonzo' s postition. Ugh

MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

Hey, Rgv Chick!! Thank you SO MUCH! Everytime I say I'm going to be brief, it turns into a novelette!! Please don't apologize about skipping the nasties! This week has been full of them! GUACALA!

Marco's response SHOCKED ME!! I don't want to get too excited, but seems there's hope for him. Maybe he really does like Lili and was strung when she told him she would never trust him again!

ITA hopng Pam reacts well to being Carmen's daughter as she surely HAS to be! I think Pam will be more than ok and will happily donate half her liver to her bio-Mom even more happily than she gave blood to Eric, who suffered from dengue fever.

I'd never believe Aurora would be a bright spot in a show, but her and Felipe were! Gonzalo looked so relaxed (prior to you know what). Yep, they're comin' around.

I'm glad Cinthia agreed to at least talk to her mother, but will Pat believe or realize that her newfound friends are despicable manipulators?

Excellent question! And who is it that Juanpa is offering to talk to!

Thanks, Rgv Chick!



Oh boy, LILA, you are on the frontlines for this bloody drama. Thanks again for taking one for the team. I did love this description:

. Gonzalo has been at a low boil all this time; he vows to expose Rene for the kind of person he is. Rene is annoyingly steadfast in his patronizing demeanor of wanting to help Gonzalo;

"low boil" was just delicious. As want your recounting of the scene where the security guard ignored the swat Gonzalo gave Repulsive René and just shrugged his shoulders as he walked off. EVERYBODY knows René is scum--even his wife who demands that he strip off his germy clothes and takes a shower before she'll even consider a kiss. Mireya, of course, is not as demanding, which is why she'll remain his "complice" and supply room lover as long until she finally gets wised to being used.

I loved the Clara/Daniel scene and hope the seed that was planted in that conversation will flower into a full blown romance. We need that for Daniel, whom I would suspect has NO experience with women whatsoever. He and Clara can found their way together as two novices in the realm of love.

So, do you think René is thinking of tapping hard-hearted Ana as his new Administrator? If so, he'll be biting off more than he can chew, I'm sure. She's ornery, but she's also smart, and has a sense of ethics, however irritable. She's perfectly capable of bringing him down.

Ms. LILA, you have been an absolute champ all throughout this. You're the kind of gal Gonzalo would like to have on his medical team--incredibly hard-working but gentle of heart. Thank you sweet lady for all you have brought to this story and the Patio.

MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

GRACIAS, Diana!!! Oh, weren't Clara and Daniel SO PRECIOUS!!! Yah, the other day when I used the word "cultural" about Daniel and Clara being a better match, I in no way meant anything racial or ethnic. It's just Tania seems like a Girl who likes them hot, fast and flashy. And that's OK! I just can't see her enjoying spending a day making tortas with Elena or watching futbol on TV with Paco and Daniel. Know what I mean?

And oh, I am with you in hardly being able to wait Rene and Miryea getting what's coming to them! Forget anything I ever said about her hesitance! She's in it for the disgusting duration!

Cinthia calling her Mom to tell her about the Instituto and Marco were both a surprise. Marco was more of a shock! WOW! Aurora and Felipe coming around. There's going to be a lot to talk about! Writers, don't muck it up!

And Cynthia Klitbo is giving everything. And more. She is a tour de force and mesmerizing.


Thanks, Diana!


MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

SpanProf!!!! Thank you for this:

Rene is being gratuitously cruel in banning Gonzalo not only from Aurora's room but from the hospital waiting areas. I hope it comes back to bite him! But...1.) Isn't this a state-owned hospital and shouldn't every citizen have access to its public areas? 2.) Doesn't this hospital have a coffee shop?

YES! Rene is ker-razy! All that to humiliate Gonzalo, and we got the point! Dirty dog!!

Marco is the the talk of today's episode! What a shock! Let's see what happens!

Thank you so much, SpanProf!


It looks as though Rene has crossed the line for Marco . I think that Marco has located his moral compass somehow and is about to be redeemed. I am eager to see who exposes Rene' s wickedness and brings him down . In the meantime , we have the super lawyer investigating Rene , who at present thinks he is in the catbird seat. I know I have seen the actor portraying creepy Rene before, but I cannot recall where.

Rene will have to put someone in his former position that will go along with his corrupt ways. A new character ?


The actor's name playing René is Rodrigo Murray SUSANLYNN. And if you look at his bio, I can't imagine you watching any of the shows he's been in. He has had a lot of roles in US productions, and voiced one of the characters in the Spanish dubbed version of Harry Potter. He's well suited for playing scum.

MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

Muchisimas gracias, TF!!!! I think you're probably right about this:

Since Rene has already declared victory and Constanza is eager to celebrate, Cinthia’s parents might not budge. The monetary gain is probably all they care about when it comes to the Patronato.

I think this may be what Cinthia is afraid of, the second part about the monetary gain. But could we be in for another shock with Andres Guerrero the way Marco seems to have shocked us!

I thought Regina going on about David having to control himself was weird! That was a long time ago, David did not beat the crap out of anybody, I don't know; seems like the writers are trying to manufacture a rift between David and Regina! Jeezopete!

I wonder who is this person that Rene has in mind to take his old position.

Miryea. That's my guess!

Yeah, visitors outside?! STOOPID!! Hey, how did you like Gonzalo slugging Rene on the shoulder!!

Gracias, TF.

MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

Hi, Susanlynn!! Awww, yeah, it is getting nasty. I guess I call it dark when people start getting killed. I hope we don't go there! Hang in here with us. And yes, cruel DOES describe Rene! Thanks!!

MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

Judy! Judy! Judy! Gonzalo is a saint for his patience but I DID love him hitting Rene. Besides Marco and Regina's outburst, this was one of the surprises of this episode!

EVERYBODY knows René is scum- YES!!

Now the following is just lovely and ITA:

I loved the Clara/Daniel scene and hope the seed that was planted in that conversation will flower into a full blown romance. We need that for Daniel, whom I would suspect has NO experience with women whatsoever. He and Clara can found their way together as two novices in the realm of love

Oh, Ana? No, I was thinking Miryea! Ana makes more sense and boy, would she relish stickin' it to Regina! OMgosh, if she agrees to that, this thing is going to get NAS-TAY!! I think we could even see a significantly more substantial and longer break up between David and Regina! YIKES!!

This makes me feel better:

If so, he'll be biting off more than he can chew, I'm sure. She's ornery, but she's also smart, and has a sense of ethics, however irritable. She's perfectly capable of bringing him down.

Awwww, thank you, Hon! I'm good enough to work with Gonzalo, Regina and Daaaaaavid! 😍😍😉😉😁😁You are so welcome!


JudyB: Your guess about Rene possibly choosing Ana actually wouldn’t surprise me. So yeah my bet’s on either Mireya or Ana.

Lila: I loved when Gonzalo hit Rene lol Rene should realize that as much as he tries he can’t intimidate Gonzalo.


I'm always wrong but I wonder if Rene is going to tap Marco for the job.

He needs someone he can keep under his thumb and Marco's already there.

Or, he WAS there.

Not sure how resolute Marco's loyalty will be to Gonzalo, especially if odious daddy threatens him financially.


Rene is getting cocky , so I am hoping he gets careless and starts making mistakes that will lead to his downfall. Montesinos seemed to not believe what Rene was accusing Gonzo of . I will enjoy whatever or whomever contribute to Rene's fall. At this point, Rene thinks he is invincible . Let's hopeo he isn't and that the good will be victorious in the end. Rene has sold his soul to the devil, and the devil always gets his payment .

MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

Surprises for me this episode!

Gonzalo hitting Rene -- you are so right, TF!

Marco refusing to take advantage of Gonzalo's character assassination

Regina grilling Daniel about David's behavior; a person-morphed-into-professional rebuke of him in front of everybody

Cinthia agreeing to call her Parents about an Instituto manner

Juanpa coming off as decent and possibly helpful


MÉDICOS #61, 10-9-20

Oh, Diana! Marco! Hadn't thought of that!


Marco? Not likely. He's only a 1st year resident. Mireya or Ana would be more qualified.

Cooing over their coup indeed.

<ore tomorrow. I am wiped out. Sorry, amigos.


Thanks, Urban!

You beat me to it; yes, Marco's a first year resident but had he not expressed his disbelief and rejection of Esteban's directive to take advantage of Gonzalo's expulsion, I could see him ditching his medical school career to shoot right to an administrative position and the possible power it entails.


Since he DID reject his Dad's proposal, I have hopes that he IS being redeemed. He does seem to really want to be a top notch plastic surgeon with his own internationally-renown practice. I think he has learned a lot working alongside decent, hardworking people and has learned the value of getting ahead through merit and the sweat of one's own brow. I hope that's the case and that he will one day contribute to Rene's downfall.

Thanks, Urbanita, get some rest; we'll chew the fat tomorrow!



Thank you Lila for another stellar recap! In particular, the stuttering, shy nurse Clara stumbling over her words and feet over Daniel—adorable and adorable described. I was waiting for the Tania connection, but if they are going down that road, maybe it’s not until Season 2?

Count me among the surprised about Marco! I was wondering where he was while this takedown was happening. I thought he’d experience an unprecedented and undeserved rise through the ranks that would lead to a health tragedy for someone and bring down Rene’s house of cards. I was def not expecting him to suddenly develop a conscience.

After all her unceasing complaining about her parents, I do wonder how her parents will react to Cinthia’s asking if they can step in with the Gonzalo situation, if that is in fact what she’s going to do. After all, she’s been very clear that she thinks their involvement is only so they can have power to manipulate things (specifically her). Then again, her mother is the most supportive, loving mom in the world, so maybe...

As much as I love Gonzalo and crew, I don’t understand the way they run things. Why is only one relative allowed in the room? If they just meant overnight, I could understand, but then Gonzalo wouldn’t have had to leave in the middle of the day. They’re lucky Rene is a horrible, hateful smidge of a man because if he wasn’t embezzling money and framing Gonzalo, he wouldn’t be abusing his power in a way that would justify what I hope is his coming humiliating downfall.

MÉDICOS #60, 10-8-20

Hey, Hellashelle!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!! I think Clara and Daniel stole the show in the lovey dovey department! Regina and David were so worried about Gonzalo and determined to help him, the weren't in that vibe. Clara and Daniel are a surprise possible romance and I hope they develop it. I'm NOT interested in a jealous Tania, though. That's not appealing IMHO.

Yes, let's watch Marco! Not only did he reject his Dad's credo to take advantage of every situation, he even said he couldn't believe his Dad was asking him to do that! Amazing!

Our other Resident with rich and well-healed parents is our Cinthia. I think she's not even sure what she's going to ask her Mom to do. It will be interesting to see what her ask is and how each parent responds!

The whole visitation policy thing was awful! Everything Gonzalo did, Miryea helped him think it up; that's her role: to be a spy in the room and look for vulnerabilites they can exploit! I thought Rene was going to say that Aurora was not receiving a sufficient level of care to warrant hospitalization and discharge HER! It still could happen!

Thanks, Helleshelle!



Did we miss a scene with the famous singer family? Why was Regina allowed to discuss the medical details of his death with the press? What happened to the mom/stepmom of the famous singer family? Only the kids showed up for the cameras.


Hi, Hellashelle

Here's what I saw and summarized about the last time we saw the singer's current wife (now widow) and youngest child, just after the singer had died:

Jorge and Sol confront Samantha and Sandra in the hospital lobby, they will never forgive them! Samantha tells them turned their back on her Father, he found out and disinherited them! Sol and Jorge say he would never have done such a thing! Jorge says he’s going to go to the press and make sure they know what kind of desgraciados Sandra and Samantha are! Sandra coolly declares she tired of this fighting, tells them she knows this is only about money, and asks Jorge and Sol to name their price.

That's why I concluded when they appeared outside the hospital before the cameras, that Sol and Jorge must have named their price. Regina seemed to have concluded the same because she said they were cinicos and all disputes were about money. It does feel like we missed something that ended up on the cutting room floor. Not that I wanted to see more of Alvaro's family, but it seemed to have ended rather abruptly. Oh, well!



Thank you Lila!!

Things seem choppy.. in the TN, not your recap lol

Did we miss something with Marco? Now that I think about it, we haven’t seen him at all in a while and all of a sudden he has a conscience? He was all for doing anything Rene wanted, and now that Rene has even more authority, the logical thing would be for Marco to be thrilled. I mean, it’s great if he’s going to be a good guy now, but it’s strange...

Where does Regina go off thinking David solves everything with violence? Because of the one time he fought with Sergio? Sergio hit him too, it’s logical for a person to defend themselves. Same thing with the loan sharks, they attacked first, what was he supposed to do? Just stand there and let himself get beat up? Of course not! But with that situation it was actually Daniel that didn’t explain things. He didn’t say they were gonna get their ass beat and David stopped them. He made it sound like David showed up throwing punches for no reason.


You are welcome, UnOp! I would just repeat your whole comment, but there it is, just above this one! ITA with everything you say!

We must have missed some scenes where Marco developed a moral compass. The closest thing I can find is his expression when Lili told him she'd never trust him again after he outed Diego. Even then, I interpreted that as him realizing he'd lost a source of dirt on other staff! It's too bad, but I think they did chop some stuff off!

Thank you for that on David's so-called contant resort to violence. I'm just afraid this is going to be the cause of a manufactured rift between Regina and David! If they break up and Art "comforts"her, I'm going to need therapy right here on this blog! Gosh, forbid!!! Silly Daniel; next time he get's his arse in trouble, he can go by himself!

Thanks, UnOp!!


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