Thursday, January 14, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras, Ep. 74, 1/14/2021: Just when you think you don't know what to think: . . . . . You think you should order more Anvils


Leo is at headquarters confronting Crisbitch. She has made an illegal recording to try to vilify Majo…and now she is accusing his Brother JLow without any good reason, so, Leo wonders what the heck she wants! As he rants, Mario tries to get his attention because he has something important to tell him, but Leo snaps at him to wait, so Mario just gives up. Leo continues to insist that Cris tell him what it is she wants! Cris responds with her usual smug look and creepy smile. Meanwhile, Eliesa is trying to call Leo, but only gets his voicemail. She leaves a message to call her ASAP. Leo again asks why Cris has it in for Majo and JLow if her problem is with him (Leo). Cris assures him that he is mistaken, but Leo continues and asks if she thinks that by pressuring him he is going to go back to seeing her. “Why not?” CrisBitch asks, “We’ve already been together before.” Leo clarifies, “That only happened because I wanted to keep my job.” Cris doesn’t think so. 

As she moves closer toward him, she tells Leo that lying is not good…there are things that cannot be faked, moreover, there are things that a man can’t fake. Like making love. He was not faking it when they were making love, he was not faking it when they were together, just like he can’t fake what he is feeling right now. Leo knows Cris’s games, he has her manipulation tactics memorized. Cris reminds him that it happened a long time ago and people change. He has changed and so has she. Leo thinks not! She is the same manipulator. He wants things out in the open and asks what it is that she wants in exchange for leaving JLow in peace. Is Leo smart enough to breathe on his own?

At the (Not So Much) Love Shack, JL has his totally unused gun and is preparing to leave, and Adri wonders if he is going to just leave her alone there. After he tells her that he can’t take her with him, Adri tries to convince him that he has an opportunity to get out of this mess if he lets her go, but JLow knows that the opportunity is long gone. He didn’t want things to get to this point and asks her to forgive him. Adri thinks that he is the one who should forgive her…for falling in love with him, for thinking that he was a good person and a great cop, just to find out that he is a coward who can’t face his problems. JLow thinks that Adri can’t understand, she is too young. The only thing he can do to continue on and give his all for his daughter…he has to save her. Adri asks if he has thought of how his daughter will feel when she finds out what kind of father she has, he will not be able to face his mother out of shame, and Leo does not deserve this. Adri again tells him that his has an out, but JLow gets frustrated and yells that he has no out! Adri then pleads with him to do it for her, if he ever felt anything for her, he should give himself up! He should ask Leo for help and turn in Ewww! But it all falls on deaf ears as JLow leaves and latches the door. Count your blessings Adri. Ever watch any TNs?

Ewww is sitting in his study thinking of Vic telling him to do to Dario what he had done to Marcelo. Vic-ious walks in wondering what he is doing there when she is waiting for him to go to bed. Ewww isn’t sleepy and needs to think. Vic wonders if he is thinking about how he is going to kill his bastard son. Ewww complains so Vic wonders why it bothers him if Dario isn’t his son. Ewww responds that he is thinking of how he is going to do it without anyone suspecting anything, but Vic doesn’t believe him. Ewww counters that it isn’t just a matter of killing him because of the stupid things her daughter did. Vic snaps back, “Oh, now you are blaming Maria Jose!” Ewww asks, “And who ordered her to go roll around with Dario?” Vic counters, “ And who sent that wretch to kidnap her? Dario only follows your orders!” Ewww tells her not to involve him in that, so Vic thinks that he only wants to be involved in defending Dario. What she is asking is very simple—do to Dario what he did to Marcelo! When Ewww refuses to talk about it anymore, Vic thinks that it’s because he can’t continue keeping up his lie…Dario IS his son! And the same thing is happening with Dario that happened with Sonia, he could never get rid of her because he thinks that the baby might be his. It’s time that Ewww tell her the truth…ALL of it!! Oh My Vicky. . . . you sure?

At headquarters, FooLeo still expects a straight answer from Cris. (Ha!) She would love to tell him that if he took her to bed, she’d forget about everything, but she can’t. There is nothing that she can do to help JLow, he committed a penal offense. She reminds FooLeo that she tried to warn him that the person whom he had to watch out for was close to him…but when it comes to JLow, FooLeo is just a FOOL and closes himself off. Cris also points out that Leo is so much better that JLow, FooLeo could have been the head of the prosecutor’s office, but he preferred to hand that to JLow. After she adds that its time for FooLeo to be the man he should be, he looks at her with his hard boiled egg eyes bugged out and tells her that she sure is a good manipulator…he could almost believe her. Yes FooLeo, three more brain cells and you could put it all together. Cris insists that Adri’s life could be in danger while FooLeo is refusing to believe that his bro is corrupt…and THAT is no manipulation. FooLeo still does not believe her, so, Cris calls in Mario to tell FooLeo where he saw JLow. Mario informs FooLeo that he saw JLow going into Ewww’s house. He told Adri, but Adri wanted to go look for JLow and try to talk him into turning himself in. FOOLeo still questions Cris’s methods, so Cris tries calling Adri who is not answering her phone. She tells him to try calling Adri himself…Adri’s life is in danger!

Dar calls Majo who wonders how he is able to call her. She tells him that he needs to behave so he can be with them. She doesn’t want their child to have his father in prison. Dar asks Majo to go for the conjugal visit…Majo also wants to see him and hug him. Majo then shows him the shoes Piedad gave her which puts a nice smile on Dar who promises that they will be together and go far away. Majo asks him not to try to escape, their child shouldn’t live in hiding. Dar promises that he will do whatever he can to get out as soon as he can.

In her bedroom, Leslie tells Clara that she feels that she will never leave her room. She knows that they will all die sooner or later, but she thought she would have more time. Clara tells her she can’t die because she is the best friend she has. Tere enters and interrupts, so Clara leaves. Leslie curls up and asks for her papa…she wants him to come and give her a kiss. Tere replies that her father hasn’t arrived and covers Leslie with a blanket. After Tere leaves the room, Leo enters the house. Tere asks for JLow and senses that something serious is going on. FooLeo avoids the question and calls El to tell her that he needs to talk to her. He hangs up when he and Tere hear Leslie crying out in excruciating pain.

JLow pays Ewww a visit and asks for his help. He couldn’t find Sonia and his higher-ups are closing in on him. JLow needs help to get his daughter out of the country for treatment and he knows Ewww can help them get out without anyone finding out. JLow assures Ewww that he can continue working for him wherever he goes…and warns, “If they catch me, I might have to tell everything I know.” Ewww scoffs that JLow is threatening him while asking for help…JLow had never done that. JLow apologizes and pleads with him, but Ewww thinks that JLow is costing him too much money. Ewww will have to hire someone to finish the job JLow couldn’t do—find Sonia…and it doesn’t benefit Ewww to get involved with corrupt cops and murderers, like JLow. JLow begs Ewww, his daughter needs a special treatment and he promises that he will disappear. Ewww doesn’t want him to disappear, he has one last job for JLow. Do I hear 'Jaws' music?

Fer and Fab are in bed together. Fer likes it and it’s good that Juanito will have his parents together. Fab tells her, “Don’t get confused. We are together because we are continuing with the original plan, but this has nothing to do with it.” Fer thinks that what just happened also unites them, he still likes her, she likes him, and they have a son. Fab changes the subject and tells her that she needs to get the insurance money ASAP, but Fer reminds him that she can’t until Aug’s murderer is found. Fab has another option, he can transfer all the Grupo Cantu money to a Swiss account and they can hightail it out of there. Fab would do it for his son…doesn’t want his son raised in that world of lies. When he adds that the only one he would have regrets about is Eliesa, Fer reminds him that Eliesa has made her decision…to be with Leo. Just then Eliesa calls and tells him that she needs to see him, it’s urgent! Fer is aghast that Fab is running off to see Eliesa…jumping when Eliesa snaps her fingers is NOT part of their original plan! Yeehaw!

At the hospital, Leo goes in to see Leslie since she asked to see him. Les wants the doctor to tell him everything, but Leo, seeing how serious Leslie is, prefers to hear it from her. After she asks him to promise not to tell anyone, especially her parents, Leslie tells him that she is dying. Leo can't believe it since the doc had told them that treatments were discontinued, so Les explains that she doesn’t want him to tell her parents anything because she needs some time. After she again asks him not to tell her parents and especially not her grandma, Leo pleads with her not to ask that of him. Les adds that she doesn't want to see them suffer/ Leo remains quiet so Les hugs him and tells him she loves him. My dog is even crying.

Fab arrives at the Can'tDo house and is greeted by El who quickly explains that there is a problem with Majo. There is a cop from internal affairs who is obsessed with Leo. Fab scoffs at this...problems again because of Leo! El explains that Cris has a video of Majo with Dario and wants to charge Majo for being an accomplice...and put Majo in jail.

Next Day—

JL wakes Adriana up and tells her he is going to go get something to eat. Adri pleads with him that he is putting himself at risk for being caught…he should just turn himself in! JL prefers to go make a visit that will ensure that he can escape.

Bearded attorney explains to Fab and Eliesa that he can get a judges order that will make sure Majo doesn’t get arrested since the video that Cris has was obtained illegally and without a judge’s order, BUT Cris can still file the charges which can take tangle them up in a lengthy and difficult legal battle. Majo could spend up to 6 months in jail until proven innocent. Fab asks if there is something else they can do, but bearded attorney shakes his head and tells them that the only thing he can advise is that Majo not leave the house.  Well MJ, you can scratch scratching that conjugal itch.

At the hospital, Leo lies to Sara and tells her that everything is fine, but Sara isn’t asking about Leslie, she is asking about JLowest. Leo still lies and tells her that JLowest is muy busy on an assignment. Sara isn’t fooled, a Mother knows when something is wrong and ever since Cris went to the house and talked to JLow, JLow changed and became jittery. Leo insists that Sara not worry, he will not allow anything to happen to JLow and when he finds out what really is happening with JLow, he will tell her everything. See, Leo, this lying gets easier with practice.

At Fed headquarters, Sonia tells Olvera that she will not testify until Leo arrives. Cris enters and interrupts saying that she needs to conduct a psych eval on Sonia. Olvera tries to stop her and when Cris insists that the judge ordered it, Olvera firmly snaps, “Let this be the last time you tell me what to do! I am your boss, remember?!” After Cris continues to insist, Olvera orders her OUT! (Take that, Bitch!)

Dar is told that he has a visitor. Meanwhile, at the Not so Much Love Shack Adri manages to lift the table and slips the handcuffs off the table leg. She RUNS!

At the Can’tDo house, El tells Majo that she can’t leave the house because the cops might detain her. El then starts to explain why.

At the dark gloomy warehouse, Ewww gets out of his car and stomps toward his visitor…CRIS!!! “What are you doing here? it’s dangerous that you be seen here?” he hisses. Cris knows the risks, but she came to tell him that she couldn’t stop Sonia from giving her testimony. Ewww is disappointed since this is the SECOND time Cris has failed—she was supposed to talk JLow into turning himself in, in order to distract the cops, and she was supposed to take care of Sonia! Cris acknowledges she failed, but Ewww needs to find JLow and not allow him to leave the country. Ewww counters that he can’t risk having JLow in prison for too long since JLow could rat him out. Cris insists that JLow being in jail can benefit him…in exchange for something…she wants Ewww to turn Eliesa over to her!

Dar is taken to a secluded area where he faces his visitor…JLowest with his five n dime gun! JLow tells him that he was ordered to pay him a visit. Dar wonders if it was Ewww who sent him…to kill him.

Leo arrives at fed headquarters asking for Sonia. Olvera tells him that Sonia already sang…and there is a problem. Flashback: Sonia states, Ewww is the boss of an art trafficking organization. He kidnapped me and threatened me to stop me from giving this statement. He has always ben protected by the cops.” When asked for a name, Sonia states, “Commander Jose Luis Velasco.” Olvera apologizes and informs Leo that he has had to order JLow’s arrest. Leo points out all that JLow has done for him and asks that he be given the opportunity to talk to JLow and to read Sonia’s testimony.

At the prison, JLow tells Dar that his own father ordered him to kill him…but he is no murderer (Que? Que? Que? Since when? Since he killed Aug and Juls??). JLow has planned everything so that the others can go to his cell to kill him. That is what his father will be told and he will think that his order was fulfilled. What Ewww won’t know and what JLow doesn’t want him to ever know is this…JLow hands Dar his gun…so that he can protect himself. Before leaving, JLow advises Dar to be alert, it could happen at any moment.

At the Can’tDo house, EL continues to explain to Majo about Cris and what she has on Majo. When EL tells Majo that she can’t report Cris because Leo is in Cris’s hands, Majo thinks that El prefers to protect Leo rather than worry about Majo. She then reminds Eliesa how she wanted Majo to stay away from Dar because he put their family in danger and now Eliesa prefers to put Majo at risk so that she can be with Leo. Eliesa back peddles and explains that all she is asking for is time…and that Majo not leave the house. Majo replies that the only thing she knows is that they will never be happy…and walks out.

At the warehouse, Ewww reminds Cris that he hired her to get Leo out of the way and she hasn’t done it! Cris insists that is why Eliesa is a dangerous enemy, she is strong and Ewww won’t be able to stop her. (QUEEEE?? Throwing up my arms in frustration! Is she talking about the same Eliesa we know?). Ewww then orders Cris to make sure JLow turns himself in and takes the fall for everything and Jlow better leave his name out of it. Ewww is sure Jlow will do it if Cris tells him that, in exchange, Ewww will take JLow’s daughter to the US and get her the treatment she needs. When Cris wonders who JLow should name as the leader, Ewww doesn’t hesitate to say, “Dario!” And he adds that Jlow should testify that he only went to his house to blackmail him. In regards to Sonia, Ewww will report her for perjury, Sonia was unfaithful and she was stealing from him. Eliesa wil be left alone, after she finds out that Leo is the brother of the man who killed her father...and that wil be your opportunity to do with her as you wish. Cris better follow his orders to the letter!

JLow arrives back at the crabby shack to find that Adri has escaped. He receives a call from Tere telling him that the doc wants to talk to them immediately, Tere has a bad feeling and thinks Leslie is going to die, but JLow insists, “She is not going to die!” and he runs off to look for Adri.

Meanwhile, Adri is running through the woods and finds a row of more crabby shacks and shouts out for HELP!! In one of the run down shacks, Adri finds some scummy men and asks them to help her, but they start salivating when they see some not-so-fresh meat and grin as they tell her that they will gladly help her. They push her around until they throw her down to the ground as they lick their lips. And there we end!

Thanks Kirby!

Just finished watching so I think I can actually leave a comment while it's fresh in my mind.

What a cliffhanger this episode ended on! I hope the attack on Adri doesn’t get that far. Although that area looks pretty secluded so no wonder there’s random weirdos hanging around.

Super satisfying to see Olvera reprimand Cristina. I’ll be interested to see what happens to Sonia now.

The scene with Leslie and Leo was heartbreaking.

The dynamic between Fabricio and Fernanda is very interesting to me. Can’t wait to see what their fates are.

Hey Gang, thanks for dropping in.

I have to say I have no idea why they think they need the Leslie story. That said, it is just gut wrenching seeing Leo gather her little frame out of her bed to rush her to the hospital. I had to keep telling myself 'It is just a TV show.' though that helped very little. Poor little Leslie trying to soldier on to a certain death alone, save for telling Clara, to spare her parents and uncle Leo and Gramma her pain is a sentence she did not earn.

Her story makes the trials and tribulations and lies of these other misfits and malcontents pale in comparison. She is one of the most or one of the most innocent in this whole story, but I know cancer does not keep a scorecard to choose victims.

I have no idea where the term 'Pissed in Your Whiskey' came from, but somehow it conjures up an old wild west saloon. Wherever it originated, it sure fits Adri's situation she has manufactured for herself. Good Luck stupid girl.

Cris? Who knew? That came out of left field. Thanks bitch right after I wrote yesterday that I had been secretly cheering you on. I am back to square one on figuring out women.! <:-(
That's a Dunce hat.

Kirby: Sonia already sung like a bird to Olvera already ? She better flee to Canada or the Philippines.

TF: Let's see if Adriana gets rescued.

Kirby, I can't think of a better title. You captured all the madness perfectly.

"Well MJ, you can scratch scratching that conjugal itch" and "Not so Much Love Shack" added a bit of light to this dank, dark, depressing episode.

So Cris is on the bad side. Shouldn't have been a surprise - but it was. Yes TF, at least she got a scolding. I'm shaking my head in disgust but I have a feeling she likely enjoyed it.

This wasn't the only treachery revealed. "Eliesa prefers to put Majo at risk so that she can be with Leo". Rather than keeping away from Leo for a few hot minutes in order to ensure Majo's safety, Elisa concocts and implements a ridiculous plot to continue to see Leo. It is Elisa's fault Majo is spiraling downward toward a terrible fate.

Sonia finally gets to testify. Seemingly safe. For the moment.

"We’ve already been together before.” Leo clarifies, “That only happened because I wanted to keep my job". Yeah? How many times Leo? I don't think we can/should believe you on anything regarding Cris. You lied and it's too late to backtrack.

"Les adds that she doesn't want to see them suffer/ Leo remains quiet so Les hugs him and tells him she loves him. My dog is even crying". Yes, this story has no silver linings and this tragic story was unnecessary. Her crying out in pain was blood curdling and seemed excruciatingly real.

Why is JL helping Dario?? Is it selfish or selfless? Not that I mind, I want anything to lead to Ewwww's downfall and I have a tiny soft spot for Dario and Majo, although I likely shouldn't.

And the Queen of Darkness urging Ewww to kill Dario was truly frightening. Her eyes burning in her pale face, oozing madness and evil.

I think Leo will find Adri in time. I hope he will...

And I know Leo was at the Julia death scene but are we sure he was the actual killer?

Kirby, thank you for this wonderful recap.


I meant I know JLouse was at the Julia death scene.


Kirby...woweecwow... " My dog is even crying. " that says the it all. I watch these telenovelas to escape cruel reality , but now this show isn't an escape into the world of fictional villains . Instead, the writers decided to give us an innocent young girl fighting a horrible illness . Thanks . The actress is doing an incredible job of portraying this tragic situation. Anyone who has lost a loved one watches those scenes of Leslie and her family knowing what is to come.....soulcrushing heartache and grief .

These writers are vicious the way they keep throwing in people filled with malice , obsession, greed, and callousness . For good measure , they have decided to kill off a sweet, young girl . Ugh .

Then , they make us think that A. Has escaped only to have her wander into that frightening gang . Ugh I hope what happens next is not what happens next . Please, writers . We need a break .

I guess we now know that Leo actually moved that sofa with Cris back in the day . So now I guess it is " I didn't want to do it . She made me do it. Look what you made me do! " un huh . Next!

And finally,surprise, Cris isn't just crazy and obsessed with Lovely Leo. She is part of Ew's network. Evil, Inc.

This episode was frustrating and depressing . Just the ticket right now....verdad? I

Well, are you expecting any happy endings from this nihilistic endeavor ?

Kirby, thanks for adding a bit of humor to this dark, depressing episode, thank you!

Kirby, "I have to say I have no idea why they think they need the Leslie story." ITA! But I have to say that of all the storylines, this is the best written one.

Diana, "And I know JLouse was at the Julia death scene but are we sure he was the actual killer?" Very VERY good question! When he told Dario that " I am not a murderer" I was like, WHAAT?? But then, I too wondered if there is some twist to the murders that is yet to be revealed. JLouse might have chickened out or maybe Aug and Julia were already dead before he got there. Ewww ordered and paid him to kill them; so maybe JLouse was afraid to tell Ewww he didn't do it...and of course kept the money Ewww paid him. I've always thought that Vic was the murderer. She followed Aug and on her way, looked at and squeezed her purse. Much later than she should have, she arrived home looking rigid and cold.

I agree that Adri deserved an anvil, but what she might get is just too much IMO. Hope JLouse finds his way to her before it's too late.

TF, "Super satisfying to see Olvera reprimand Cristina." Yes it was!! And it really didn't surpise me that much to find that Cris is one of Ewww's puppets. She's cray cray, she's devious, she's manipulative, she's evil--perfect recipe for Ewww appetite.

Kirby, I forgot to say thanks so much for that detailed account of every single twist and turn of a dark and stormy episode .

Please , JL A. Do one noble thing . You have made a miserable mess of your life and legacy.

"She's cray cray, she's devious, she's manipulative, she's evil--perfect recipe for Ewww appetite" regarding Cris was sublime Rgv Chick.

JLouse may not be a murderer in terms of actually committing the crime himself. If he didn't shoot Tere's bf, he had someone else do it. I also think he arrived to execute them but someone else either beat him to it, or did it with him there. I can't explain his statement that he killed Julia by accident though. I agree that Icky is an excellent suspect but until we actually see what happened, I absolve no one! :)

Susanlynn, "Well, are you expecting any happy endings from this nihilistic endeavor?" Ummm, nopis. And from earlier in the week, Judy is fine just busy with her family and new grandbaby.


Good work, Kirby.

The shack in the woods has to be he same one where Elisa and Majo were originally taken to. However, almost nine months have passed by since so it is no longer a secure place for a kidnapper to bring a victim, as the presence of this gang of rapists might mean witnesses they would have to bribe or kill.

If Adriana escapes from them she has no choice. She needs to tell Olivera and Robles what she knows about JLowest or her career goes right down the crapper.

Majo still doesn't get it. Elisa isn't sacrificing her at all; she is trying to save her from becoming a fugitive if Dario escapes or other misery if Dario is in prison long-term.

That Christina is in Eugenio's employ does not surprise me. When she entered this story we all thought she was just a random psycho to become an additional obstacle for Leo and Elisa's relationship as well as his investigation. That Leo didn't believe a word she said at the precinct is natural: She has told too many lies and is such a manipulator that not believing her has become his default position. That she is corrupt is not a surprise to me and she is also the least qualified person to insist upon a psych eval for Sonia as she is the 3rd biggest psycho in this story, right behind Victoria and Eugenio.

All three of them are entirely without conscience.

In the last few days it has occurred to me that Victoria is probably even more evil than Ursula of YNCELH. She actually told Eugenio to kill his own son. She is also very astute about Eugenio's issues. Will he do her in for that?

Urban I have suspected that killing Vic was Ewww's plan all along. He seems to care only about money. Money for him and him alone.

Somewhere along the way Ewww was asked if he wanted Vic killed, and if I remember right his reply was to the effect of 'Not until I tell you to.'.

I just don't get why people want to spend their last years stockpiling money when there is irrefutable evidence that one day it will not be yours any longer.

If you do not believe in the hereafter, end of discussion.

If you DO, what makes you think the currency in use is Dollar$ or what the exchange rate is over there?


And how harebrained was JL putting Adri's 'cuffs around that little Rooms to Go table leg? I was looking for the 'Hecho en China' sticker when she upended it.

Kirby, a student once shared a German saying when we were doing a unit on proverbs . " Your last suit has no pockets. " In English : " You can't take it with you. "It was always interesting to me that proverbs from different countries often offer the same advice . They just do it with different words.

Kirby, it was funny to see JL handcuffing A. To that flimsy table leg . Que the hell? Gettting out the barred door was trickier.

Icky is stone cold evil.

Ew....Money and power is the only thing he loves . Chris supposedly wants Leo. Those are their motivations for the evil things they do , but I really don't understand Icky's motivation. What does she want? Everybody wants something . Telenovela villains usually want money, power, pleasure . The good guys are motivated by love, honor, ethics, faith .

Susanlynn. I think Vic-ious is also after money...and power. What was it that she told Ewww? Something to the effect that he was the man she always dreamed of'; so I think that she is attracted to his power, influence AND dinero. A lot of good that will do when and if he kicks her to the curb without a penny to her name.

Some people are so greedy that no amount of money is ever enough. In Eugenio's case is he possibly attempting to compensate for other... inadequacies?

Susanlynn, TN villains of both sexes also want control. That is what our triumvirate of psychos wants.

Totally agree with you, Urban, about Ursula vs Victoria.

So I heard that there are 4 different endings to this so even if the exact scenarios of the ones that aren’t used aren’t revealed it’ll still be interesting to see how this all ends. I believe there were multiple endings of Caer En Tentación as well. And while the killer wasn’t officially revealed until the last scene it was essentially revealed in one of the last episodes, I believe. So we know JL and Dario (?) were at the scene of the crime but that doesn’t necessarily mean they were the only ones.

Thank you, Kirby, I agree with you that we no longer know what to think, who to believe or what is motivating these people.

When Dario mentioned harming Vic, Eww did say "not until I say so", meaning she's not off-limits, it's just that her expiration date hasn't come. I still believe that he fancies Renata more, there is something about him every time they interact that makes my skin crawl (more than usual, I mean).

I think Leslie's death will be JLow's biggest anvil. He keeps saying that he turned dirty in order to protect her. As it turns out, she will most likely die regardless, we can only hope this happens before she realizes who her father truly is. His "sacrifice" was for naught.

Urban, it boggles the mind how Majo can still believe that she and Dario will actually get to raise their baby as a family. No matter what Elisa or anyone else tells her, she will never get it, she's as obsessed with Dario as Renata is with having a baby.

It is common knowledge that once they get rich, people go after power. Eww has enough money without the Cantus, but what he didn't have were Augie's influence and status. I don't know if it was Victoria or someone else who said at one point that she always thought Eww stayed in Augie's shadow and that was a turn off for her, but now she realizes that he was on top all along. She's definitely after control, too, but social status and image are a big deal for her, Augie dying with a supposed lover by his side was a huge blow for her, she's probably trying to pay back her husband by hooking up with his best friend.

I just had a thought..Icky has no friends . Have we ever seen her having lunch wuth a friend? All she has are her daughters and her servants, and yet , she is a toxic mother. Her only ally now is Ew. It's a tangled web these deceivers have woven.

Formerly: "...mentioned harming Vic, Eww did say "not until I say so", meaning... "
Thanks, it is a relief that I am not Dreaming about this show.!

Majo seems to believe, like any twelve year old with her first real crush, that they can ride off to Wonderland and live happily ever after.

Unaware that the things you 'rode away' from will be there to greet you at your destination.

I too have sensed something far more sinister between Ren and Ewww than has openly come to light. There is the love letter she wrote as a little girl which somehow figured into how Vic treated her from then on. To this day!

There is some uncomfortable undercurrent any time Ren and Ewww are within sight of each other.

Then despite all evidence to the contrary, Ren believes every word From Ewww about her abortion and hysterectomy. Had it come from anyone else, she would have been ReNuttying all over the place.

Adriana and kirby, yes, i agree that there is a creepy vibe happening whenever Ew and Ren are together. I was stunned that Ren accepted Ew's explanation of the reason for the hysterectomy so quickly and easily. Ren hates her mother but loves and trusts Ew???? Why??? Will we ever find out what is bubbling below the surface there? Or is this just a red herring that some writer started constructing and then forgot about?

I emailed her at:

Maybe she will tell me!

That quote about Augusto's shadow was from Victoria herself.

Very few toxic mothers in TNs have anyone they can call a friend. Their daughters are their main victims; some even victimize their sons: Remember Miriam of Caer en Tentacion? Truly cringe-worthy.

Are there really 4 endings to this novela??????

I had to tried to forgot about Maleny’s suicide in YNCELH and I now I remember it. Hope that doesn’t happen to Renata.

I wouldn't doubt 4 endings because Televisa must have heard a lot of angry things from viewers after the finale of Cuna de Lobos.

I think Mao is a more likely candidate for suicide than Renata.

Kirby, thanks for this detailed recap. You didn’t miss a thing!
I was thinking about what JL could have done when his car was stopped by Dario and told that he would need to follow Dario’s orders or his family would be in danger. (What would Leo have done?)
At the moment, JL could have taken the money and pretended to go along with Dario. However, as soon as he was back home, he could have insured that his family was safe, body guards; etc. Then with the help of higher ups they could organize a sting operation to catch Dario and the others. I know that this is a telenovela but I am sure businesses, politicians; etc. are often tempted by similar proposals and some people are greedy and become criminals and others fight for justice.

Thank you Kirby I'm late to the party again but that's okay. Wow! what a humdinger of an episode this was.
These people really are good at lying. Theyve got it down to an art
Form. Did yall hear ewgy running those lies off to cris? "Empire of lies". Yes it is. They're called compulsive liars. And they are good at it. Evil vicky has fallen right in step with ewgy. Murder to these people has become second nature to them. How sick.
I'm glad sonia got a chance to sing
Her Number one hit called "eugenio serrano's greatest hits: augusto, julia,marcelo. Those hits just keep comin. Shes still in Danger tho and
She has no protection. There is nobody to protect nobody. The bad
People are holding all the cards.

And the stupid part of this episode last night for me was when jlowest
Handcuffed adri to the table leg that she could clearly get away from by lefting the table and just
Sliding her arms down the leg and away she goes. Jlowest must not have read that chapter in the cop
Manual that said: do not under any
Circumstances handcuff your perp to the table leg, cuz they will figure it out and escape, and you will loose that collar.

Yaaah, somebody told cris to get out. That was a short lived burst of joy. Cuz butting in again some where else.

Poor leslie she will probly be thinly one in this tn who wont die by murder.
Majo asked an interesting question,
Whose crazier her or renata. It's a
Toss up. Actually the whole family is flown the over the coocoo's nest
And crashed. Well real life is nuts crazy why not fantasy.
Ok leo poor poor leo. Poor blind stupid leo. Slap!!! Snap out of it!

Thank you kirby, this was off the rocks. I'm anxious to read the next


Fe Excellent point. Almost ALL these situations in this TN make little to no sense. Hardly anyone would have done what JL 'SAID' he was forced to do. Though we can assume it was only partially true.

Then there is E-Lies-a being blackmailed into EVERY thing. No normal human would do all these cray cray things without going to Law Enforcement. And after it is seen that the local guys might be dirty, you go higher up or to a different jurisdiction.

These TNs capitalize on the fact that in Mexico Law Enforcement and government is taken to be highly corrupt. Though not advertised, it seems that is the situation everywhere. THESE DAYS.

Poor leslie, she will probly be the only one in this tn that wont die by murder. Not that that's a good thing. She the sweetest one on the tn. And she gotta die, whyyyy))))).
Why not fer or fabapoodle. Or evil nieves. Why is she still breathing?
Annoying people.

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The thing that I really dislike about this telenovela is that not ONE woman is portrayed as having a brain!!!

Nina: Damn shame about Leslie. Dying not knowing her father is a dirty cop & murderer.

Victoria: I think we're going to see a twist on the murders in the Gran Final somehow.

Victoria, wait a minute. Little Leslie is not brainless, and while she might not be a Mensa she makes up for it with a heart the size of Texas.

Clara is not bad either, at least she had sense enough to tell her selfish bitch assed Mom to stick it, she would not be another sacrificial daughter.

But the 'grownups' are a mess. I agree.

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