Saturday, January 16, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras #75, 1/15/21: Liars' Lineup

Jose Luis arrives at the shantytown and shoots into the air to scare off the lusty hillbillies. He's looking less and less like a real murderer. Adri puts up a fight when he drags her off, but he's way bigger -- also he has a gun, and she's still handcuffed. I'd give them closer to even odds in a fair fight. At least he doesn't tell her she's beautiful when she's angry.

Fab tells El he'll stay on top of Majo's lawyers and let her know right away if there's any news. Is he lying? How would we know? (In this tn it would be easier to look for tells that people are not lying. Note to self: Pay more attention to Mario and Leo's forgettable boss.) Elisa tells the grandmotherly maid not to let either of her sisters leave the house and goes out to look for Leo. The maid must be wearing an invisible beanie, because she nods agreeably as if this is even remotely possible. 

Clara and Nieves are packing up an overnight bag for Les when Elisa arrives at Casa Velasco. Elisa offers to drive Clara to the next stop on the boyfriend scavenger hunt, while Nieves insists on staying behind to snoop in all the cabinets "tidy up."

Leo goes to interview Sonia. He finally seems to believe her about Eugenio and JL, and she finally seems to be telling the truth. (So what is the tell? Washed-out beige sweater, manky hair? Or is it just that she's really, really tired?) She also reports that it was Fernanda who gave her the Aztec surprise-kitty and that the last time she saw Adri she was headed off to see JL. Girlfriend is a real font of useful information tonight.

Eu drops by Fer's pad to tell Fer that Sonia has implicated her in the art trafficking, but she'll be fine as long she does exactly what he says. (Fortunately we know he's lying, so we don't have to look at him too closely.) She says that better be true since she knows even more about him than Sonia, and he tells her not to threaten him. (He's had to deliver that exact same line to so many people recently you'd think he'd notice the uptick in uncooperative behavior.) 

He says she really earned her ten mill by betraying "your best friend, her father, and my son." Not sure if he's referring to the preexisting mound of betrayal, or if there's more to pile on. It's a good thing Juanito can't talk.

Eu lurches off to Can't-Do to give Fab the same set of bad noticias, adding that Sonia dropped the dime on that corrupt cop Jose Luis Velasco. "You mean Velasco, like Leo Velasco???" Apparently Fab has been unaware all this time that Leo even had a brother. (Seriously, that's the secret this show managed to keep? The two of them have never been in the same room/hospital/police station/jail/restaurant together? He's never even come up in conversation?) Oh, and by the way JL killed Elisa's dad. Run off and tell her.

Hey! Someone's still at work! Mario traces JL's phone, and Crazy Chris demands the deets from him before he can get to anyone more official. 

Fab finds Elisa at the hospital and spills that JL & Dario were the masterminds behind everything and that JL killed Augie. He also says, very somberly, that this is "the end of the lies" -- which is hilarious, and also patently untrue as there are 17 more episodes. Elisa pulls her own string and says "no puede ser" over and over. Fab adds that Leo knew all about it the whole time, and Elisa swallows that like a poison macaroon. Just then Sara conveniently topples over, ending the scene.

Ren goes to Majo's room with some tiny outfits from her collection. She wants Majo's baby to have them. Then she appears to realize that kidnapped babies don't come with their own wardrobes and takes one of them back "for the baby mama promised." Majo tells Ren she's acting weird and edges away, and Ren squeaks that it's all a big secret and runs downstairs. And to think they could have spent that time tying up the maid...

JL takes Adri back to the shack and strings her up to the roofbeams. She might have been better off with the hillbillies. She's still giving him plenty of sass and he's obviously out of ideas when Chris texts him from just outside. He warns Adri to be quiet but bolts the door behind him when he goes out, which seems to defeat the purpose of pretending no one's in there, but whatevs. 

Chris tells him she's giving him a heads-up so he can go see Leslie in the hospital before he turns himself in and takes credit for all the crap. In return, Eu will take care of his daughter's medical care as promised. But he'd better hurry up, because Mario's on the way! That has to be the first time anyone's ever been threatened with Mario, but it seems to work.

A trio of loud and door-pounding policewomen come for Fernanda. Fab holds Juanito and promises he'll take care of him and that a lawyer will be waiting for her at the station. He looks normal, so he's probably lying. 

Leo and Mario arrive, and Leo cuts Adri down from the ceiling. He tells her what Sonia said about JL and she confirms it -- JL confessed everything. Mario looks devastated but definitely not sleepy.

Ren collides with Vic in the palatial living room and blurts out that she only told Majo she was getting a baby, not that she was getting Sonia's baby. Vic is exasperated and tells her she's not getting any baby if she doesn't learn to STFU. Majo comes in and demands to know what's going on, but Vic sends Ren to her room and spins a little tale of perfectly legal adoption. This descends into a hissy spit about who has the smarmiest boyfriend and Majo earns herself a slap. It doesn't seem to have quite the usual oomph, but Vicky is out of practice. 

Majo phones up Dario in prison and tells him she's changed her mind; she does want him to escape. She can't stand living in that cesspool of hypocrisy one moment longer. Wouldn't it be easier to, I dunno, go out and get a job? Or even move into that nice empty apartment everyone's forgotten about? 

What am I saying? Of course not. Jails just have locks, guards, spotlights and barbed wire. The Cantu mansion has a maid.

Leo finally shows up at the hospital and Elisa demands to know why he hid all the JL stuff from her. They argue interminably about who has the most corrupt relations. Yaaaaawn. At least they're not playing that stupid song.

Fernanda lies her fancy fanny off at the police station. She is a simple employee at Can't-Do; she only knows Eu professionally; it was Sonia who gave her the illicit kitty. Behind the one-way glass, Mario watches alertly. Well, he has to pay attention now; he's the only cop left. 

Surprise! Instead of going to see his daughter at the hospital, JL dashes back to the house to empty out the shoeboxes and run away. He pulls them down from the closet shelf and discovers that...they're already empty. (Cut to Nieves surrounded by cash, but we knew that, didn't we? They should check if any matronly blouses or mom jeans are missing as well.) He accuses Tere of making off with the money, which makes no sense since he already gave it to her and anyway she always looks at it like it's a basket of dead fish. She protests in vain. No longer capable of anything even approaching reason, he cocks his gun and points it at her face. 

Back at Fer's, Fab is trying to explain to Juanito that Mom's kinda held up. (They're clearly dubbing the kid's voice at this point. That poor child actor must be completely traumatized by all the choking and gratuitous shirtlessness.) Suddenly Fab's phone rings from an unknown's Dar calling to tell him Eugenio put a hit on him in the prison. Fab drops the phone. Is he...thinking? 


Great title Blue Lass and another fantastic recap.

Enjoyed your sly comments which had me smiling including "Elisa pulls her own string" and "He looks normal, so he's probably lying".

"...that this is "the end of the lies" -- which is hilarious, and also patently untrue as there are 17 more episodes" captured this miserable, still simmering stew perfectly.

I can't even keep up with what is happening now let alone speculate on where this is going. I have no idea.

I didn't think we'd ever see Dario frightened but he certainly was during Majo's call. Apparently, Majo, who doesn't seem to have the capacity for rational thought or ability to listen, has failed to realize that she is in dire, imminent danger. Instead of pleading with jailed Dario to break out and help, she should be hightailing it out of her own prison, Casa Cantu immediately.

"Vic is exasperated and tells her she's not getting any baby if she doesn't learn to STFU". Mind your mother Renata or no baby for you! Bile rises in my throat every time Icky darkens the screen.

So, Adri is safe and the only one we can credit is (sadly) Cris.

Instead of immediately condemning Leo, Elisa might have asked Leo if and when he found out about JL. While understandably upset, she might have waited to hear his side before her threats and incriminations.

Was Sonia's testimony damming enough for Ewww to get arrested? He seems unconcerned, going about his daily business of threatening and incriminating everyone except himself.

Now that JLouse's funds have been appropriated by the horrid Nieves, what will he do? I don't think he will kill Tere but suicide seems the only way out.

With Leslie dying, Tere having a gun to her head and JL's prospects for a long life dimming every second, will there be any of Sara's family left? Her health seems to br deteriorating and our yet to prove himself galan's future murky.

Why did JL give Dario the gun?? If Dario dragged him into all this, why would be aid and abet him?

Thank you!


This recap was great fun! Loved the title and all the little digs. So funny about putting the maid in charge of keeping las hermanas corralled. You are right, she must have on that invisible beanie. Then adding these hilarious lines: "Jails have locks, guards, spotlights and barbed wire. The Cantu mansion has a maid." Just perfect!

I was having a nice chuckle with "Elisa swallowing the poison macaroon" when you delivered "Just then Sara conveniently topples over, ending the scene."

Also a favorite that tickled my funny bone: "They should check if any matronly blouses or mom jeans are missing as well."

Sweet little mute Juanito. His silence has made him quite endearing. Maybe Renata can take him too?

Leslie looked a little better today. She had good coloring. I'm still hoping for a miraculous recovery, although Elisa saying she and Leo will name their daughter "Leslie" does not bode well for her rebound.

I'm worried about Tere, who I've grown to like. If Leslie dies, she'll have nobody but her mother in law who is conveniently collapsing. I'm hoping whoever ends up with Sonia's baby moves in with her.

It sounded like Mexico has the same Miranda rights as the United States. Does anyone know about that?

Thanks again for the great recap, Blue!

R la O


Blue Lass, thank you for a bouncy recap of a dismal episode as we dog paddle with these damaged characters to the end .

So, Nieves went immediately to the "cleverly " (ha ) hidden money . Did she do a mind meld with JL?

That poor Cantu maid . I think the servants just nod and say "si" at this point. Thats what i do.

That verbal sparring between Ren and Madre seemed like they were talking about Ren's birthday wish list . Ren: " I want a dolly. ". EvilMom: " Well, you wont get one if you are a naughty girl and keep telling your friends that your mommy promised to get you one. "

Where do we go from here? Who lives ? Who dies? Who goes to jail without passing Go or collecting 200 pesos? Who gets a rose and makes a love match? . When did the writers make these decisions? Maybe Leo and Cris end up togetber . That leaves Sleepy Mario open for Eliesa . Fab, Fern, and Juanito happy family ? How many babies will we have at the finale, and who gets them ? The End .

Thank you, Blue Lass, as always your recap was full of gems.

"The maid must be wearing an invisible beanie" The things this poor woman had to have seen...

"Girlfriend is a real font of useful information tonight" - ALWAYS go to Sonia for information, she knows everything! Do you guys remember when we were taking bets on who dies next in the first few episodes and many of us thought that Sonia is expendable? Little did we know...

"He looks normal, so he's probably lying." Do we know what Fab planned to do in those 5 days that he still needed in order to catch Eww? Or has he forgotten all about it?

"That has to be the first time anyone's ever been threatened with Mario" Poor guy, maybe he ends up saving the day. Adriana just got a clue, but it had to be spelled out to her so it doesn't count, Leo counts even less... SuperMario to the rescue, I guess... Unless he's in cahoots with Eww, too...could be.

Diana, our protas seemed to be both suffering from the same novela disease that many have fallen victim to in the past: jumping to the wrong conclusion and thinking the worst about the person you love most in the world.

Rosemary, I thought Teresa's story would go somewhere more interesting, but she's right where she was when the story started, only now she's likable. With Leslie dead and JLow in jail she could probably adopt Clara, who is in need of a maternal figure.

Susanlynn, I was wondering why Nieves was there, I guess someone had to find the mucho dinero. If there was someone less worthy of it...

Adriana, Nieces is a nosy Nelly . She just have known that JL got a big payday and figured he his it in his bedroom...I suppose that is the logic that these illogical writers used .

We knew that Eliesa would blame Leo when she learned JL was her dad's killer. We can't have those happy, happy, joy, joy moments from the intro until they are kept apart until the end . I still don't know why that intro was changed and now it features only the two leads in love. What message were we getting from that change ?

Did they really do four different endings ?

BlueLass another humdinger. Yall just keep cranking em out. This was
A juicey one just like the one the night before. These epi are getting better and better as far as gettin busy with stuff moving fast.

Oh the lies the lies the lies. Wow.
What the hell is nieves gonna do with all that money she stole? For reals, I hope she gets caught and soon. Her daughter is dead because of her greed, and she was gonna sell her other daughter to the devil for the same reason. What an evil bitch. Kirby there is 4 crazy
Ass people in this tn that top all the other crazies, ewgy,icky,cris &
Nieves. If this was a car and it ran on crazy, the tank would never go empty because of these 3 twisted bitches and this troll from hell.

Ewgy threw fer in under the bus and
And jl, and dario. Does jl really think that this lying liar is gonna
Take care of his daughter? Theres a
Better chance of jimmy Hoffa poppin
Up in Happy birthday cake singing
Pop goes the weasel.
Is fab lying about a lawyer being at the precint when fer gets there
? These people can lie the skin off of a catfish.

Leo didnt know anything about his brother cuz he don't believe his brother can stup that low. Even tho we have given him the nick names of
Jlow,jlowest, jlower, castro wanna be, and just plain crazyass.

Poor stupid adri, she only believe
Jlower after she got slapped in the
Face with the truth. Was she really dumb enough to Think that he would not turn sonia over to ewgy the troll? How dumb is This woman? And mario standing just lookin at her her cry into Leo's tired arms. These people are just pitiful. His cop intuition is shot To hell. He needs to give that nice meddle of honor back. Not shocked About crazy cris being one of ewgys Minions, she fits the bill. Every one that works for him is nuts.

Now wheres sonia? Whose protecting her? And the baby? Writers protect Sonia.
Theres only three innocents in this tn and that's leslie, majo's baby &
Sonia's baby. Ren shouldn't have a sonia's baby. She needs help not a
Baby. Sorry ren but youre obsession ain't healthy. I would love for her to get well and nail her bitch of a mother.
Is dario suppose to defend himself
With that gun jl gloved handed to him?

There is so much to talk about with
Comments but Im getting tired of typing so I will talk more later.

Thank you Blue, you hit it girl.

Blue Lass: High marks for the snicker and snide factor!

Some of my favs:

"Or is it just that she's really, really tired?" (--Or is it that we're really, really tired???)

"He's had to deliver that exact same line to so many people recently you'd think he'd notice the uptick in uncooperative behavior."

"Just then Sara conveniently topples over, ending the scene."

"she always looks at it like it's a basket of dead fish" --LOL! IMHO she always looks like everything is a basket of dead fish.

Thanks for a weekend barrel o' chuckles!


That maid was lookin like she was thinking, "how the hell she expect me to keep these heffas in the house? Whatever long as I get my paycheck every week. Now I'm gonna watch the bold and the beautiful". Elisa needs to shut up and listen to leo explain. But fabadoodle set
Her off with his lie about him knowing his brother did the deed. And he may not have. Well whatever.
They'll be stupid til they're not.

Nina..ha...that is probably exactly what that maid was thinking !

Blue Lass: Fab is worthless & STUPID. So is Dumb Blonde Elisa.

Susanlynn: Let's hope JL doesn't whack Teresa.

Jardinera: Adriana still needs to suffer the consequences of ratting out Sonia to JL.

Gran Final I'm assuming will be on February 5th 🤔

A big thanks to all of the recappers for keeping us up to date and entertained. I binge watched all of this week’s episodes this a.m. and I must say I enjoyed it much more than watching it day by day. Somehow it just flowed better.


Have to say I especially enjoyed Nieves getting her “blood money”.

Hi, Jarifa, I have heard people say that they enjoyed binge watching other shows better than watching individual episodes . I have done that with a few shows that I never watched when they first aired like "Downton Alley" and "The Office " and loved them. Others that I binge watched I just couldn't get into .

Great work, Blue Lass.

Since we're still 17 episodes from the end we had to expect another monkey wrench to be thrown into Elisa and Leo's relationship. Elisa should be smart enough to add two and two and realize that this time it ends up at 3. Fabricio has every motive to lie to her about Leo.

I will be so angry if Victoria doesn't get a huge Karmageddon at the end of this story. Question: If she ever finds out that Eugenio once ordered Dario to kill Majo, would she care?

Not that JL is entitled to it, but Nieves getting blood money like this will probably move him to his next murder.


Susanlynn, I am a big fan of the binge watch. That sort of sounds Seinfeldian? Showing my age. The last non-novela show I binge watched was Bridgerton. That was a fun one.

BTW, 106 countries have a Miranda warning, so it is plausible for Mexico to have it.

Mexico's sentencing for double homicide and 1st degree murder is in line with the UDA, but they don't execute in Mexico.

Ot..jarifa...i have one more episode of Bridgerton to watch.

USA; sorry.

Good Monday Morning, Patio!

Thank you Blue Lass! I've been sneaking in throughout the week-end to read your snippety recap and the comments which are always a joy to read and have me nodding in agreement.

Diana, I was in disbelief that Majo asked Dario to break out of jail. I don't know where she would go, but she does need to get out of that prison...all the Can'tDo girls need to get out and get Vic out of their lives.

I'm really not sure why JLow gave Dario the gun, but maybe he didn't want to have one more murder under his belt??? Maybe his conscience is eased with giving Dario an opportunity to save himself; or maybe JLow hopes that Dario will break out and go after Ewww? Just grasping at straws here :-)

Ewww is too smug to show any concern about getting arrested. He thinks that his money and his evil ways will always protect him from any consequences.

RdO, thanks for pointing out all the little gems that brightened the recap; you saved me some time :-) And yes, Mexico does give individuals who are arrested similar rights to those of the USA, Here is a summary:

The Mexican Constitution provides that an individual who is suspected of committing a crime has the right to be notified, both at the time of arrest and when appearing before the prosecutor or judge, of the reason for the arrest and the acts of which he/she is accused; of the right to remain silent (which may not be used against him/her); and of other applicable rights, which include the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty and to be adequately defended by an attorney chosen by him/her, or by an attorney appointed by the government in cases where the arrested individual cannot choose or does not want to have counsel.

Susanlynn, "So, Nieves went immediately to the "cleverly " (ha ) hidden money . Did she do a mind meld with JL?" Very convenient, wasn't it? Tere has slept in that bedroom for YEARS and she never came across the boxes of money. Do they not do spring cleaning in TNs??

AdrianaN, "SuperMario to the rescue, I guess... Unless he's in cahoots with Eww, too...could be." Ooooh, I hope not!

Nina, you precocious girl! Your comments always bring on a chuckle or two...or three :-) Of all the witty remarks, I like this best" "If this was a car and it ran on crazy, the tank would never go empty because of these 3 twisted bitches and this troll from hell."

Urban, "Since we're still 17 episodes from the end we had to expect another monkey wrench to be thrown into Elisa and Leo's relationship." Most definitely! And no one has to throw in wrench, Eliesa and Leo seem to do a swell job of keeping each other apart all on their own.

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