Monday, January 11, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras Lunes 1/11/21, Chapter 71: The Truth, The Half-Truth, and More Lies

 Dear Readers: Mr Hammett regrets he is unable to complete this assignment due to major stress from the pace of this action. While he rests and tries to reduce his dependence on the hair of the dog, I will complete this assignment for you. – Velma, secretary to Mr Hammett

José Luis tried to tell Adriana that he loved her above anyone else but failed to extract the truth from her about Sonia's whereabouts. She told him that Sonia was in the custody of the Federales. [Take that, Castro wannabe.]

Elisa told Leo she had not seen Fabricio at the office the entire previous day. She wanted to question him about Dario and what Dario had to say. She felt bad about not telling anything about this to Mao or their mother, wondering what Victoria would say about this. Leo said not to worry about this. They were together and they needed to find out who their real enemies were. Elisa named at least one: Christina. “What is she really up to? She ia hell-bent on separating and hurting us. Tell me what happened.” He thought back to a psych session with Christina after his partner had saved his life and his feelings about it. Elisa realized that this created Christina's obsession with him.

He then thought about the first time the session ended with her coming on to him. He was caught somewhat off-guard and told her he did not like this situation. However he needed to complete the therapy before he could go back on the force.

Majo went to Leslie's party. She and Clara teased her about Carlos.

They later led the two to another room so they could have some time for their first kiss.

Fernanda went to the insurance office to make her claim. The agent told her that there was a necessity for an investigation before they could pay out her claim. This would begin right after she signed. Fernanda became suspicious that she was seen as a suspect, but the agent said it wasn't up to them to do anything except to pay out the money at the end of the investigation. She signed.

The next morning breakfast in the Cantù house went from lighthearted to difficult when Majo asked what they were going to do about their mother. Renata was determined not to believe that Victoria could have done such an unspeakable thing to her. Majo was incredulous. Elisa tried to table the discussion, saying that she would offer an apology on all their behalf. It wasn't clear what her own opinion – or intention – was.

Two goons told Eugenio that Dario had stolen works of art and hidden them. Eugenio cursed him as he downed some of his favorite poison. They told him that this had been done with Fabricio's help. Eugenio wanted to talk to the buyers.

Leo went to the precinct and saw Mario talking to Christina. She admonished him for not being at home resting and he said he had things to do. She asked about José Luis, but Leo told her he didn't know where he was. She didn't accept this and said “I'm trying to help you.” It was her usual gaslighting. As she walked out Leo asked Mario what he and Christina had been talking about. Mario told him she was looking for Sonia as part of investigating José Luis.

Another unpleasant confrontation occurred when Fernanda got to her office to find Victoria questioning her presence.. and threatening to throw her out into the street. Victoria then went into Elisa's office to ask why she tolerated Fernanda's continued employment.

Elisa reminded her mother that she would have to take this up with Fabricio, since he was in charge. Victoria then asked whether she had known about the life insurance policy and the $10 million Fernanda could collect. Elisa had not know. Victoria insisted that Fernanda was there laughing at them because “That is our money” and their company was sinking.

Mauricio called Renata, telling her that his family had bailed him out of the manicomio. He sounded almost normal. She asked him to come over to see her and actually suggested they marry. He was unsure at first but the L word worked its usual kind of magic.

Clara found Leslie lying in bed. Leslie told her the truth: She was not getting better.. She suspended her treatment and lied for her parents' benefit. She then told Clara she had to keep this secret. She was to help her get to the hospital when the time came.

Mario told Leo that Christina was investigating José Luis “for things having nothing to do with you” and that he told her nothing about Sonia. He was called away before he could say more. Leo left a message for his brother.

Elisa explained to her mother that they wouldn't be able to do anything about the life insurance payout. Victoria suggested that they say that Augusto was drunk when he made out the policy but Elisa was firm. She also made the apology she told her sisters, saying that what was being said was the result of Renata's delusions. Victoria – as usual – said that she loved her daughters and wouldn't do anything to hurt them. Unlike them, attacking her when she became involved with Eugenio. “Are you ever going to accept that Eugenio is the only person who never lied to me, who would never hurt me?” Elisa said that Eugenio wasn't what she thought it was. Victoria accused Leo of putting that idea into her head and Elisa denied that. “How else does it happen that Majo's kidnapper is Eugenio's son?”

José Luis told Eugenio that he had not found Sonia, that she was possibly in the hands of the Federales. Eugenio was not satisfied, telling him that if Sonia were found and she testified he would also lose everything. “My men will be following you.”

Mauricio came to the Cantu mansion. He and Renata were making out on the steps like teenagers in a 1950s movie. She told him she wanted to marry him and have a baby. He came down from Cloud 9 to suggest they adopt. She told him that she will be given a baby to make up for the one that died. When she said that her mother and her uncle were arranging it Mauricio looked straight at her and asked “Whom are they taking the baby away from?”

Fabricio went to the office and Fernanda told him about Victoria trying to humiliate her in front of the whole office. He went to Elisa's office and stood outside. Victoria was telling Elisa that Dario wasn't Eugenio's biological son, but was sort-of adopted. She continued lying to Elisa, even denying that Dario kidnapped Majo. She went on about Eugenio protecting them and bailing them out financially. Elisa shook her head, not buying any of this. Victoria claimed that Eugenio told her everything but said not to tell her. “It wasn't his intention to deceive us. When he heard about Dario and the art he tried to have him arrested. He didn't want to involve you.” When Elisa questioned this she went on to say that Eugenio wanted to wash out all the suspicion and accusations and see to it that Dario didn't do them any more harm. Elisa shook her head, saying she didn't get it and she would talk to Eugenio.

Fabricio accused Fernanda of spilling the beans about Dario being his brother. She denied having done so and said she didn't know who did.

Leo spoke to Robles about Christina and that she was only interested in complicating his existence. Robles told him that there were issues about José Luis and that it was very important that they get Sonia's testimony to snare Eugenio. Christina was demanding to know where Sonia was. Robles said “Very well.” [This does not sound good.]

Eugenio visited Dario in the prison and told him the jig was up. He demanded to know where the stolen money was. When Dario wouldn't talk he showed him a video of Piedad, which stoked his flame.

It looked as though Mauricio's words were going to set off another crisis for Renata. He told her he was looking to help her see the truth. He was convinced that there was a crime in all this. He said they needed to talk to her sisters. She lost it and began shoving him away. She didn't want to talk to him. She went inside.

José Luis was at home when Leo arrived. Leo told him that if he had been hiding something now was the time to tell him because there were two investigations about him. José Luis blamed Christina for this and said he had nothing to be ashamed of. All he was interested in at the moment was Leslie's health. He didn't care what anyone else thought and finished by saying that all Leo needed to know was that Christina was on their butts “because she is obsessed with you.” He sat down and told Leo to talk to Adriana, who said that the Federales had Sonia. “I need to talk to her to get the information to trap Eugenio Serrano. That's the only way to rid you of the doubts you have about me.”

The only way to trap Eugenio Serrano is with an arrest warrant signed by a judge. Only when we have that can Sonia help us.”

Alright, then let me help. I need to do something. Let me talk to Sonia. Where is she?”

Look. It would be best for you to concentrate on your faily issues now so you have the best quality of life. I don't want you to take risks.”

I'm a cop, too, Leonardo, remember?”

Surely someone is paying to incriminate you. Surely we can find out when Sonia testifies about Eugenio. Everything that's happened with Sonia is because Euganio is capable of anything.”

Elisa told Fabricio she wanted to call a meeting ASAP to get back the general direction of the company. He asked her about knowing that Dario was his half-brother. They talked about this. He had not known that he was going to get sucked into such a hellhole of crime. He wanted to go back to London. She told him that this would not nullify his involvement. She told him the lie that Victoria told her about Dario. She wasn't going to let him leave now; they had to see this through.

Mario went to Adriana's apartment and told her that he had been following José Luis and saw him entering Eugenio's place. She didn't want to believe this and told him to leave. He lashed out at her, asking whe she would open her eyes to the truth of what kind of a person José Luis was. What was going on in Internal Affairs was nothing compared to what was going on at the precinct. As in having been an accomplice of Tapia's.

José Luis took a box from his top shelf and spilled its contents on the bed. Teresa finaly asked were it came from. He told her “Relax; it's mine, and there are more boxes in the back.” She assked if it was legal and he said that wasn't important. She asked more questions and he would not answer. He said that it was for her and Teresa in case anything happened to him. She was to take it and Lesli and leave the area. She demanded to know what he had done, why he thought something was going to happen, and why he wanted them to leave.

Sonia came out of hiding after Mario left and told Adriana that Mario was speaking the truth She told her about having seen José Luis in Eugenio's house and how when she went in to give a statement she had to clam up when José Luis entered the interrogation room. He had left her with Eugenio and the two were the same corrupt criminals.  Adriana cried.


My apologies, but the pacing and choppy scenes made the literary style difficult to sustain, especially because it takes twice the time to do it. However, that will not be retired forever.

Dario's "stolen" money is likely still in Piedad's house.

Everyone in this novela is deaf, dumb, and blind.

Thank you, Urban, the show was hard to follow, you helped me make sense of some of the crazy going on.
I was glad to see Ren talk to Mau about her plan, hopefully he will reach out to Elisa and this will add another dark twist to her opinion about mom and tio.

JLow is going down. All that is left is for him to have a teary conversation with Leslie and then I think he'll be joining Julia on the other side. I don't see Eww letting him live with all that he knows.
Still can't figure out who is supposed to save the day...Could it be Adriana now that she knows the truth ?

UA: I still do NOT see Sonia being among the living since we're a long way from the Gran Final.

Adriana: Big question is whether JL know that Leslie's health has taken a turn for the worse ?

Based on recent events it can't be long before Leslie's parents know the truth about her condition. We didn't even hear the details because there was no dialogue about it. However, since there have been no miracles in any of this producer's series we can't count on her survival.

JLow is going down one way or the other and knows it now. I hope Christina goes down with him. Leo should have reported her advances from the beginning.

Thanks Urban. This show reminds me of trying to photograph dragonflies out in the yard. Impossible to keep up.

Adri sees the light, finally. OK this IS a TeleNovela, so is she now preggers too?

And they are successfully hiding Sonia out in Adri's all this time as it is Grand Central Station. So Sonia never sneezed, coughs or farts while anyone is there?

Elisa thinks she may have seen a glimmer, but not the light, but nah! she decides she didn't. Vicky Vicious is still a gold star Mom. Let's see, her 'uncle' immediately starts dating her freshly widowed Mom, his son Kidnaps her and her Sis, his other son is now running her company, her new on again off again Boyfriend thinks uncle Rug is up to something, and Tio Rug is still beyond suspicion. Somebody clock her over the head with a cast iron skillet, it couldn't make anything worse.

Have to give JL credit for managing his money. Half a dozen boxes of cash and still living with Mom and driving a two dollar car. Can'tDo Groupo might have a position for him.

Adriana: "Still can't figure out who is supposed to save the day."

Me Too. Given this show's flight of the Bumblebee, I think they are going to throw us a curve on that. But even given that, I still can not figure out who might be the most improbable. Counting out the usual suspects, it only leaves loveable Loopy ReNutty and Mauricio. It would almost be fitting, as those two have been used and abused , esp Ren, for longer and far worse, than, say, Majo's sexnapping at the hands of Darling Dario.

And ReNutty does think outside the box. Admittedly sometimes waaaay outside the box. She and Mau might be a great combination. For one thing, people do not know how to deal with them cause, well, they are cray cray! Unpredictable.

Urban, another stellar recap and excellent screen shots. Perfect title.

Where to start???

"She was to help her get to the hospital when the time came". Although Leslie and Renata's situations are more dire, Clara deserves honorable mention. Let's see, her sister was more or less forced into a life of crime - then murdered. Then Clara is roped into the unholy mess, threatened, terrorized, etc., etc. She falls into unrequited love with Majo and now is the recipient of yet another secret, keeping the fact her friend is dying. And oh yes, it's up to HER to take Les to the hospital when she either collapses or dies. Her father is rolling over in his grave.

My Renata has fallen far from grace. While we ache for her, she and we know she cannot continue on her current course. For a moment, she and Mauricio looked like a couple in love, the scene immune to their respective mental illnesses. But "Mauricio looked straight at her and asked “Whom are they taking the baby away from” showed that reality is far away from Renata's misplaced and deluded dream. Adriana, yes, the only hope that this not escalate into kidnapping and irredemption is for Mau to tell someone. But no one will listen to Majo and Elisa will not listen.

"Have to give JL credit for managing his money. Half a dozen boxes of cash and still living with Mom and driving a two dollar car". I laughed out loud Kirby. There is nothing else I could possibly add.

And exactly how big is Adriana's apartment?? Is Sonia hiding in the bathroom? Talk about hiding in plain sight.

Fab and Fer continue to self serve although I would be happy if Fer gets the money if only to bring torment to Icky.

Dario is rendered ineffective by his incarceration. With Ewww now knowing where Piedad is or holding her hostage, Dario's world has gotten even more desperate.

Are Adriana's eyes truly opened? Will she gather her gumption and team up with Mario? Leo may join them if he ever wakes up from his self-induced coma and takes his blinders about JLouse off.

Leo and Elisa's carelessness will surely result in eagle eyed Cris finding out their break-up was a lie.

Urban, thank you for your dedication and excellent relating of all the events.


I don't think that Elisa is totally in the dark. For all we know about this producer and the writers she might be feigning ignorance in front of everyone except Leo. She no longer argues with him about whether Eugenio is a criminal. She will, however, be an emotional wreck when -- or if -- she finds out that JLow killed her father.

What we really don't know now is what Fabricio will do next and whether he will survive now that Eugenio knows that both of his sons are looking to take him down.

Mauricio is much closer to reality than Renata, who is still not ready for prime time. She needs that great shrink from PyP.

Adriana is a woman in the edge. She has no reason to think Sonia was lying to her.

Urban, thank you so much for that detailed, wonderful recap and screencaps.

The recaps of this crazy show and the interesting , clever, funny comments make my day because they provide a brief escape from real life crazy into fictional crazy. I am ready, willing, and able to suspend my disbelief and tighten my beanie to share this unfolding wacky tale with you all here in the family room at caray. Pass the popcorn .

Geez , Crissy , no means no. She looks at Leo like he is her favorite dessert . cheesecake ? Could she glide any closer to him killed ?

I still think that the wicked are going to bring each other down because the good guys all seem dazed, confused, and ineffective .

Later, gators. Hang in there , lovies.

Diana: "Are Adriana's eyes truly opened? Will she gather her gumption and team up with Mario?" Ya know, if Adri were like any normal TN girl, once she sees how badly she has been made a fool of, she would move Heaven and Earth to get revenge. That's what people do in matters of the heart, and maybe a little less so with massive betrayal.

The dam is breached already, so she needs to immediately go bed Super Mario, who BTW, would appreciate it far more than JLow, and then team up with her old partners Mario and Leo again. BUT, keep it all a secret. Not an IM secret, where you put it on Facebook for all CDMX, I mean a real secret where nobody actually knows.

Thanks, Urban. You made gold out of straw that has been trampled in a goat shed for a few weeks.

What a frustrating episode; just when we think key characters have taken a few steps forward, they take a backwards leap. Are we to expect this from Adriana too? I wouldn't doubt it.

I know it's senseless to wonder about anything anymore, but I'm trying to understand who exactly who knows where Sonia is. JL is asking; Cris is asking; Ewww is asking. If the federales had taken Sonia, wouldn't they have taken her to a safe(r) house. Olvera, Leo's boss, knows about the investigating into JL"s affair with Adriana; so why would they put Sonia with someone who is under investigation by another department? Or did Adriana lie to JLuis about the federales taking Sonia and is only she and Leo who are hiding Sonia?

Ren wants to marry Mau...QUE!? Mau is really smart; I hope he is smart enough to RUN, MAU, RUN!

"You made gold out of straw that has been trampled in a goat shed for a few weeks" - I fervently wish I'd said that Rgv Chick. DEFINITELY side bar worthy.

Kirby, my one mistaken outburst about Mario aside, admittedly, he has been the one stalwart, consistently THINKING character here. I think Adri sleeping with Mario would do them both good. Adri deserves a man who honestly cares about her, isn't using her and thinks the world of her. And despite what she may think, Mario has done just that.

Rgv Chick, I think Adri definitely lied to JL about Sonia's whereabouts as Sonia is indeed snug as a bug in a rug in her tiny home. I can't answer your questions about why she is there but it seems no one suspects. Yet...


Well, Adri is gonna have to get Sonia out of there before Junior arrives.

"Adri, are you do not know where Sonia is hiding?"
"Me? You're being silly now!"
Waaaaa, Waaaa

"Huh? What's THAT ? ?"
"Oh, new appointment reminder alert on my phone. Sounds real doesn't it?" "Oh, look at the time, gotta run, thanks for stopping by."

Yes, and then there is THAT Kirby :)


Ha..Chickie, you would have first-hand knowledge of the straw in the goat shed!!! All the recappers do, indeed, spin that straw into gold for their recaps, and all the recaps and comments are bright spots in my day . ( Today it is bright and sunny here...but cold compared to the cozy warmth of the I caray den.)

I think Adriana and Leo just took it upon themselves to hide Sonia.

Diana, I dont know if poor, longsuffering Mario is going to get bedded by Adriana or anyone else . She just doesn't see him as a lover, only as a friend . Sometimes that happens in real life and amorous feelings are not returned . Why she is attracted to JL and took him as a lover is unbelievable to me. Why? What does she see that we dont? I am hearing Michael MacDonald singing, " What a fool believes, he sees. " On the other hand, I can buy Crissy being obsessed with broadshouldered , tall, dark, and handsome Leo . I think that he is supposed to be the strong, silent, John Wayne type, but sometimes I am getting a lethargic, lazy, slightly dim, lovesick Leo instead.

Kirby: Big question is whether Adriana can keep Sonia safe from danger considering Eugenio & Co., want to exterminate half of the entire cast ?


"The blind and the dumb". That's what this show should be called.
What is wrong with renata? Why has she made a complete about face? Its
Like she has shut everything out as
Of when ewgy fed her that plate of
Cow manure about giving her Sonia's
Baby. Imagine the suffering that child would go through if it's a girl that looks just like mommie.
Sonia and not marcelo. Elisa must have told majo n ren that she would
Issue an apology to calm the dinner
Time between the girls.

Jl is about to his wits end. Does he really expect tere to take stolen money and run away with baby
Girl and there not be questions? He
Really got himself in a bloody hole
Emphasis on Bloody. All those dead
Presidents, he's been at that for a long time to have collected all of that much money. And keeping it in shoe boxes in the closet. Leo still
Has faith in his big brother. What a heart break he's gonna have.

Ok since eugenio ewgy has told the
Tall tails to vicky and she knows he is into unlawful activity don't
She know he's been lying about this stuff? Or is it she doesn't care? I
Vote she don't give a damn.

And now it's been slammed hard into adriana's face what jl is capable of, well she don't know about the murders yets. Shes gonna have to shoot somebody. It could be jlower.

Mau seems to be the one that has his wits about him and ren is livin
In Make believe land. The lady want
A Baby And that is all shes thinkin
About. And she knows that's not right that's why she pushed him away, she dont want to hear the truth about mommie and uncle ewgy. What they did to her. Wake up girl.

Urban thanks for this lovely recap
Giving us more of an understanding of these crazyass people.

Looks like stuff is unraveling. So
Theres what 3 weeks of this left or
More. So crazy Christine's thing is
To disconnect leo n elisa and bring down jl n ewgy. Ok then we're on a roll. Of some sort.


Well, unbelievably, Adrianna has done a better job of keeping Sonia hidden than anyone else, including Sonia. And she is packing, has had law enforcement training, etc. etc. so she might be a handful

Especially if it were Loverboy J Lowest himself who decided to execute a spur of the moment search of her place, ya know, given that she may be in a pissy mood now anyway. Like a hive of hornets you sprayed bug spray at and missed? !

It's four weeks or maybe more if there are any pre-emptions coming up.

Sonia should be in a witness protection safe house, if there is such a thing anymore.

Sonia's NOT going to be among the living.

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