Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras Lunes 1/18/21, Chapter 76: Promises

Dear Readers: Promises should not have to be in question, but here they have no good end. – Velma, secretary to Mr Hammett

José Luis lost his cool over the missing money. He pointed a pistol at Teresa's head at point-blank range. She swore on her daughter's life that she didn't have the money. He froze, then backed off. He apologized and said he believed her. “Then, who took it?” Teresa didn't know. Neither believed that it was Leo. She mentioned that Clara had been there, but didn't believe it was her. He picked up the pistol and headed out the door.

Leo was still trying to convince Elisa that he had not been involved in the art trafficking. She seemed to have forgotten that Fabricio had a motive to lie about this. Leo had been reluctant to believe that his own brother had been involved. She accused him of being blind to that. He told her that if José Luis was involved he would personally turn him in.

Teresa ran to Nieves' house and asked to speak to Clara, who came running out. Teresa asked if she had been in her room when she last visited Leslie. Clara shook her head and said know. Nieves told her she had some nerve accusing her daughter of being a thief. Teresa was trying to think of what to say when there were gunshots and a pounding on the gate. Nieves opened the gate, José Luis charged in, pistol in hand. He grabbed Clara by the arm and shouted “Where is my money?”

Mario brought Fernanda a glass of water. He told her she would be spending the night in the precinct lockup and be taken to the women's prison in the morning. She denied knowing anything. Mario pointed out the inconsistencies in her statement. She had omitted her affair with Augusto Cantú, and that he had been involved in this with Eugenio. “Who are you covering up for?” he asked. “Did Eugenio Serrano tell you what to say?”

Leo calmed down and continued to try to get Elisa to talk about this. He asked who told her about this and who killed her father and Julia. She had not mentioned Sonia. She answered that Dario had confessed it all to Fabricio. Leo concluded that the two of them were in cahoots with Eugenio. Elisa got up to leave and he asked her to open her eyes. She walked out just as Sara came out, saying she couldn't find José Luis or Teresa; the doctor wanted to talk to them. He told her not to worry, he would find them. She told him she was alright but needed to know what was going on. Leslie needed her parents. “What are you hiding from me?”

Back at the Nieves' house José Luis looked through a closet and didn't find the money. He demanded to know where it was and Nieves yelled at him. He asked Clara again, in the same threatening voice, and she swore she didn't know what he was talking about. He went into another room and looked through another closet, followed by Nieves who tried to order him out of her house. She counterthreatened him by saying she would tell Leo everything about him. Teresa asked what this was about and she said that José Luis had gotten Julia involved in all this. José Luis said she had sold her daughter for money, first Julia and now Clara. Teresa was shocked.

Nieves stupidly said she would tell the police and he would rot in jail. He pointed the pistol at Nieves' head. She did not flinch. Teresa quickly got over her shock and grabbed his weapon hand. “Don't shoot; think of Leslie.” He backed off and she said “She doesn't have the money.” He ran out.

Christina got Mario out of the interrogation room and rudely demanded that he leave. She entered it and told Fernanda that Eugenio will be grateful for her statement.

Leo barely managed to avoid telling his mother what was going on. She implored him to find his brother because Leslie needed him. He said he would and now he needed to talk to the doctor.

Eugenio took Christina's call at Fernanda's apartment just out of earshot of Fabricio, who was distracted by Juanito. He was pleased. He ended the call as Fabricio sent Juanito to his room. Eugenio then said that this would invalidate Sonia's statement and Fernanda would be home in a day. As he saw Fabricio pick up a toy from the floor he teased him about enjoying being a father. “But Fernanda is in the way,” he said. He suggested they take advantage of the situation because they would soon have Augusto's entire fortune.

Mario visited Adriana and updated her. As she took her pills he asked why she didn't denounce ose Luis. She answered that she felt like the worst idiot in the world. She knew that Leo would also be hurt. Mario told her to think about herself for now rather than the rest of them. She had not wanted to believe what Sonia told her. She started to cry.

José Luis was trying to pack while avoiding Teresa's questions. He kept saying he had to get away. She asked what would happen to Leslie and he shouted that all the money had been in the closet, which said that there was no more. There was a knock on the door and he told her to stay in the bedroom for Leslie's sake. He went downstairs, armed, and slowly opened the door to admit Christina. She came to negotiate and asked whether he was interested.

Elisa went home and sat down, exhausted and upset. Victoria came downstairs and wanted her to talk about it. “You can count on me,” she said “and your Uncle Eugenio.” Elisa said one can never know whom they can trust. She told her about Sonia's testimony and Victoria called Sonica a traitor and a prostitute, just like Fernanda, asking how she could trust the word of a woman who cheated with her brother-in-law. Elisa said that if Leo was right then Eugenio was responsible for the death of her father. This provoked Victoria to accuse Leo of covering up for his brother, the real killer.

Christina's offer was that José Luis confess and incriminate Dario and Eugenio will pay for Leslie's care. José Luis realized that he would go to prison for the rest of his life. He wanted to talk to Eugenio. Christina asked “Why, you don't trust me?” He answered, “No. Not Eugenio either, but I want to talk to him face to face. To say what has to be said.” She warned him not to talk because it could cost his daughter's life. With the pistol pointed at her bitchy face he said “Tell your boss. Now get out of here.” She complied.

Teresa appeared and asked “Why?” He answered “For Leslie. I was an idiot, an animal. Because I hoped our daughter could have a better life. Better than the one we have. I don't know what to do.” He embraced Teresa as she began crying. She stepped back and asked if they could go away after recuperating the money. He said they could escape the police but not Eugenio. He wanted to see Leslie to say goodbye and needed her help.

Carlos visited Leslie. Between the huge bouquet, the teddy bear, and his words, she seemed to feel better.

Mario went to the hospital to find José Luis, who was not there. He told Leo that he was there to arrest him after hearing Sonia's statement. Leo was a little uncomfortable, but realied the necessity. He excused himself to tell his mother.

As he was about to Teresa arrived and he ended up having to tell both her and Sara that there was an arrest warrant out for José Luis. He asked Teresa to stay with his mother until he got back. Sara said she would wait. Leo told Mario they needed to go to his place and he suspected that Teresa was hiding something.

José Luis was negotiating with Eugenio, saying that his daughter must have the best doctors, the best hospitals, and he must have a good lawyer. And mucho dinero, por spuesto. Eugenio said he would get it all “if you follow my orders to the letter.” José Luis said he would make a statement to free him from suspicion, but for now he needed to see his daughter. “What is your plan?” Eugenio asked. “Recover from a wound,” he replied, before shooting one of Eugenio's henchmen in the leg. Eugenio nodded to another to get the man out as José Luis left. [Why he didn't then have his henchmen kill José Luis is a mystery.]

Majo visited Clara, who told her what happened. Clara did not understand anything about it but she was afraid. Majo told her she understood better than she would realize this, then told her she also wanted to get away. Just as she told her she was pregnant the black cloud known as Nieves arrived with her usual venom dripping from her witch's mouth. She ordered Majo to go. Then she made more than a clumsy slip “You believe her beause she has a lot of money. Well, we have a lot of money, too. Get out!” Majo was not in the mood for her nonsense and left without argument. Nieves then demanded that Clara get back into the house. [It did not look as though Clara complied.]

Teresa asked Mario to talk to Sara about what was going on, as she didn't think Sarra would believe her. Mario said he had to stay where he was. Teresa told him that she was sure that José Luis was far away by now. He excused himself and stepped away. José Luis then appeared and Teresa led him into Leslie's room.

He kissed her and she woke up. He told her he was working undercover. She said she felt better and wanted to go home with him and her mother. He told her that wouldn't be possible. She said she wanted to be home, not in the hospital.

She started to cry. He did also, as he embraced her. He continued to lie about what he was doing. She asked whether they could go to the beach when she got out of the hospital. He told her they would. Teresa looked in to get him out and out of Mario's way. He sneaked out the way he came in.

Elisa and Fabricio were talking about Sonia and Fernanda's statements when the maid entered with an apology. She was followed by Christina and four police with an arrest warrant for Majo. “I always keep my promises.” Elisa correctly called her out on abuse of authority before telling Fabricio to call the lawyer. “Oh, please, Elisa, don't complicate things,” Christina said. Majo walked in, sensed what was happening, and tried to leave. A policewoman closed the door. As another cop was about to advance, Fabricio said “Don't touch her.” Elisa went up to Majo and yelled “You will not take her.” Christina threatened to re-arrest Elisa for obstruction of justice. Elisa continued to say this was an abuse of authority and said to arrest her but not her sister.

Leo returned to the hospital with Teresa's large purse, but told her he didn't see José Luis. She told him that he had been there and gone to say goodbye to her and Leslie. Leo asked where he was so he could help him. Teresa said he was probably on his way home, but unsure of where he would go from there. She was worried.

Dario was taken from his cell and pulled into another room. Eugenio came in. There was no beating... yet. He said “Don't worry; I'm not going to make your son an orphan. What are you prepared to do for him?” “Everything you didn't do for me. Papa.” Eugenio then told him that Majo had been arrested for being his accomplice. “What are you going to do if your son is born in prison?”

The stand-off continued at the Cantú mansion for one more pass. Christina would not back down. Elisa told her that Majo was pregnant. Her answer “Don't worry; we'll take care of her.” [Christina is so insane I can see her becoming the next Lisa Montgomery.] Before they closed in on Majo Elisa whispered to Christina “If anything happens to Majo I will kill you. I swear.” They cuffed Majo and Christina gloated with a smug smile as the other police lead her out.

Eugenio attempted to get Dario to agree to say he was the mastermind for the art trafficking and money laundering in exchange for getting the pregnant Majo out of prison. He was to implicate José Luis and make the declaration in front of Eugenio's lawyers. “If you don't follow this to the letter, Majo and your child will pay the consequences.”

José Luis went home and picked up the framed photo of Leslie. He thought back to the conversation with the doctor disclosing that she didn't have much time. To the more recent meeting with Leslie where she said he was the best cop in the world.

He took out his pistol and pointed it under his chin.

Leo pulled up in front of the house and heard the gunshot.

UA: Not shocked JL offed himself. How many episodes left ?

Urban, your recap had me on the edge of my seat, absorbing every wonderful word. You could not have conveyed the taut, on the edge drama any better.

"the black cloud known as Nieves". I would applaud her ferociousness but she has no heart, no soul and no conscience. Her hands are stained with Julia's blood and now, blood money.

The stench of sweat and fear were rampant.

Desperation was omnipresent. Jose Luis in a crazed haze trying to find his money, Tere helping Jose Luis and Leslie say goodbye, Elisa powerless to stop the preening Chris from taking Majo...Yet, Eugenio was cool, calm and collected, threatening everyone in his orbit, discrediting Sonia, forcing his own son to do his bidding to save his family and planning Fernanda's expiration date.

Although dying by one's hand is cowardly, it takes courage to pull the trigger. Did JL have such strength?

If the writers have any mercy, Leslie will live.

Thank you Urban.


Thank You Urban, great detail. I give the award for the most unbelievable line in this show so far to Cris asking JL: 'Christina asked Why, "you don't trust me?”' Ha! Surprised she didn't choke on that one just getting it out. She could be in politics.

Of course they let us hear a bang at the end of this episode. Prob open the next episode with Leo looking over his shoulder at some jalopie with oversize wheels and dingleballs and a puff of smoke out back. I trust these writers about as much as I trust these Darwin Award contestants.

A makeup deprived Adri feels like the biggest idiot woman. Because you are. Funny how that works out. And good old Mr. reliable lets her cry on his shoulder rather than standing back and snickering as he agrees with her. Like they say, nice guys finish last.

Kirby, Mario definitely fits that description.

Diana, No heart, no soul, and no conscience definitely describes the majority of the characters in this tale. Kirby, Christina never would choke on such words because she is an emotional sadist, like Eugenio.

Victoria and Nieves are just plain greedy, cold, and unfeeling. The only difference between them is that Victoria is capable of hiding this when it suits her. Each seems to think that her daughter(s) should be as unfeeling as she is. Both are sociopaths. They are also incapable of seeing their daughters as anything other than extensions of themselves.

Kudos to Herman Mendoza (JL) for his performance in this episode. However, my gut says JL is probably still alive, with 16 episode hours to go.

Urban, excellent recap, you relayed every moment and emotion with your usual expertise, Thank you!

I had to laugh when Nieves took that stance as if saying "I dare you!" This TN is filled with "stupidest women in the world." How she could allow JLow to grab her daughter and yell at her is beyond me, but she did NOTHING! Urban I agree that she and Vic-ious are greedy, cold, and unfeeling; I would add extremely selfish, self-serving beyotches.

Diana, your words are awe-inspiring; you always find the perfect words to catch emotions. I especially liked "Desperation was omnipresent. Jose Luis in a crazed haze trying to find his money, Tere helping Jose Luis and Leslie say goodbye, Elisa powerless to stop the preening Chris from taking Majo..." Tere is a fool; why would she even think of running off with JLow when she supposedly doesn't love him anymore. I can understand that she might feel pressured to keep Leslie calm and happy, but this is extreme...and it certainly won't help Leslie.

Kirby, "I trust these writers about as much as I trust these Darwin Award contestants." I'm 100% with you. A backfire would be most probable. As Diana stated, "Although dying by one's hand is cowardly, it takes courage to pull the trigger." JLow is big coward and has no courage, so I don't think he pulled the trigger either.

Thank you, Urban, your writing really illustrates the drama going on.

If JL is dead at least he managed to say goodbye to Leslie. But they talked about going to the beach together, so I'm guessing not ?

Eww keeps turning those manioulatives brains of his in all directions. What should be his anvil ? Prison doesn't seem enough.

I would say that prison would be appropriate if it were solitary confinement. No human contact whatsoever.

-- His ill-gotten gains should be confiscated. Anything stolen from the three sisters to be returned to them. Anything else should go to charity and/or pay the additional expense of solitary confinement.
-- Standard prison food.
-- No television.
-- No visitors.

Anything else?

--Solitary confinement in a rat infested cell...and throw in a few scorpions.

NO Conjugal Tent visits.

Urban, thanks for delivering a recap bubbling with the drama .the

Loved all the comments , too.

Diana, yes, this episode could have been entitled " Desperation" because so many characters were so desperate . To quote Henry David Thoreau. " The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation . "

However, we got some very loud , extreme desperation from JL. I think that gunshot and Leo running up The stairs to his home is another case of the writers dragging us around fooling us . I don't think JL actually killed himself. He just tired the gun in ...wait for it....desperation.

I Wonder if the actress playing Criscross goes home with a tired face everyday from all the overt smirking .

Thanks UA.

Nieves is looking to get herself killed, me thinks. She and Victoria are definitely competing for the worst mother award.

I don’t think JL killed himself. That would be too easy and it wouldn’t be fair for Teresa and Sara to suffer the loss of both him and Leslie.

Cristina tries really hard to be evil but I’m not convinced by this character. She’s manipulative for sure but I don’t find her to be intimidating. I can see her being one of the first villains to fall by the end.

I actually enjoy when villains end up disfigured, paralyzed etc so I think something like that would be more satisfying than death for Eugenio.

TF: I am praying that Majo doesn't get harmed or loses the baby.


TF: "I actually enjoy when villains end up disfigured, paralyzed etc so I think something like that would be more satisfying than death for Eugenio."

I say send Ewwwwgenio to Elisa's implant doctor and have him a nice set of boobs put on and then put him in prison with the general population.


Kirby: Let's not forget about Sonia NOT out of the woods of danger. We've got less than 2 weeks left in this nightmare of a Telenovela.


Well, Ewwww has said he wants to keep her alive at least to have the baby. By then maybe Adri can serve as a midwife and whisk her out of there in a laundry hamper.

Joseffry Loupstein didn't kill himself.

Wow Urban this was a heart wrenchin
Episode. And you done phenomenal recap.

I hate that they are killing off leslie. Jl should have left record
Of everything he did for ewgy and
Implicated that piece of dog dooky
With bad hair im n everything. Cuz
Did all of this to just to take all
Things augusto. His life his wife,
His daughters, his money,everything
I really want to see when he turns on that bitch that he thinks is so
Perfect. I want both of them gone.

I cant stand these 2 mangy dogs in their pjs thinkin they are better than everybody else.
Rhe bad guys just keep getting the
Points and the good guys are always
0(zero). Sign of the times.

Nieves can't stand that nasty bitch either. Shes mean and nasty. She just told her daughter
She stole the money. Now when's she
Gonna put it together. Before the next Full moon would be good.

Bitchy vicky
Crazy cristy
That nasty house keeper that works for ewgy.
They should be put in a house full
Of snakes with no way out and bit
Until they are all dead. That's probly to good for them too. They need to suffer. Alot.

Ok for now I'm done, this is just so excruciating to watch but I just
Want to see the bad guys punished &
Suffer more than the people they made suffer.

Thank you Urban. Are they gonna be Tomorrow night? Yall stay safe please.

According to the announcement tonight, Imperio will be preempted Wednesday night due to a news special. Regular schedule will be back Thursday night.

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