Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras #77, 1/19/21:The Shot Heard 'Round The Front Yard


We return to the sight of a cowardly Jose Luis, head of the Fiscalia, now facing total humiliation beyond belief at having to confess to his dirty dealings and being condemned to prison for a lifetime if not longer.....He pulls his gun and places it under his chin.  (I am mesmerized by that fuzzy beard bobbing up and down.) The scene shifts to Leonardo entering the front gate.  Suddenly he hears the gunshot and races into the front room to find JL blubbering away.  He's too cowardly to even kill himself. (All I can think of is how are they going to fix that bullet hole?)  Finally, it dawns on Leo that maybe everything Sonia related in her statement about his brother very well might be true.  He asks--no, he pesters-- JL about whether he really works for Eugenio Serrano; did he kill Cantu--and Julia as well as his unborn child????  JL's silence speaks proverbial volumes.  

In the hospital lounge, Sarah breaks down in tears now at the sad truth that Theresa brings to the party as well. 

Back in the Velasco living room, JL is still bobbing his beard as he makes a half-confession.  He only owns up per the script: he worked and killed at Dario Ramirez's orders.  He works for Ramirez, he insists and Ewwy has nothing to do with the art-trafficking gang that Darth Dario heads.  Leo should hand him over to the authorities, but pleeeeeease don't tell Leslie a word of this.  Disappointingly, Leo--who Viewerville half expected to see throw at least one well-aimed punch -- simply does what is asked.  What a Boy Scout.

At the same time, Clara pussy-foots around asking Nieves to say it ain't so that she was capable of having stolen the Velasco's money.  After all, Nieves stayed in JL and Terry's bedroom supposedly "arranging" things in their closet when Clara left.  Nieves tries a double-talking divert by yelling at her daughter how dare she accuses her own mother of being a thief!  She will roast in Hell for this (--Alongside Nieves, if so, adds this part of Viewerville).

Over at los Cant Do Nothin', Fabricio advises Eliesa that Ewwy has used his connections to get Majo freed and without being charged.  El says incredulously that Tio Ewwy always uses his contacts to get people out of these kinds of hotspots.  Victoria comes down the stairs and asks why El's using "that tone" of voice.  Ewwy simply has lots of influence.  She should be thankful rather than ungrateful.  And, once Leo's brother--her Daddy's real assassin--is tried, the whole nightmare of having to associate with such riff raff will finally end for the family.  El says we'll see about that.

Back in the interview room, Majo denies being a criminal or knowing anything about Dario's role in art trafficking or heading criminal gangs.  Nope, he never forced her to do anything.  Mario and Adriana try in vain to get any kind of recognition, either, of Dario's association with her Unky Ewwy.   

Terry, meanwhile, tells Leslie to try getting better--yeah, totally ignoring that they all should know by now  that she ain't gonna, allowing that most all involved in this crazy thing either are part ostrich or don't know how to add 2+2 to get anything less than 5.  (FF>>FF>>  Yawn.)  Suddenly there's a knock at the door and who should appear but an unknown oncologist needing to set up Leslie for some very unexpected and pricey. additional treatment.

Back at los Velasco Chrissie The Crime Queen arrives with her posse for JL.  An "I told you so" twerk smirk is plastered on her face from ear to ear.  Leo's not happy.  But she is cuz Ewwy's plan is being followed to the letter.  JL gives a backward knowing glance over at Chrissie as if some sort of mental telepathy is passing between the two of them.  Yup, just as planned.  She wears a shit-eating grin as the police car whoop-whoops and wails away.  Third time's the charm, Ewwy.  No longer will her ass be grass.

At the fiscalia, El arrives with Fab who races off to greet his papi who's apparently just now arriving.  Adri advises El that Majo is covering up for Dario and refuses to tell all that she knows.  Eliesa tells Adri this is nothing but a plot by Christina to get back at her.  Whatever.....More reason, and it's in Majo's best interest to open up.  El changes the subject to JL in what we perceive to be a neat way of rubbing Adri's nose in it.  Well, Adri tries to politely apologize for being hood-winked like Leo and the rest of the gang at the Fiscalia.  Adri tries to say that Leo is suffering but  El ain't listening.  She turns on her heel and heads for the jail cells to get her sister.

Mario and Adri await Leo and JL's arrival.  She wants to be the shoulder Leo will need to lean on.....martyr complex anyone?

Majo says she's confused.  She's gotten two different stories about Dario as the killer and that Sonia says Ewwy is the head of the gang that killed Daddy.   Others say that Dario killed her Daddy.  If he did, then what does she tell little Dar-Jo?  (Maybe you should have thunk about that before getting in bed with said squirt-bag.....) And, he once, in the throes of passion, aka doing the horizontal sheet slide, swore that he did not kill Daddy.  (Yeah, I'd believe anything a guy says in the middle of getting his jollies, too--NOT!)  El looks blankly at her.  There's no proof -- of anything. Ok.  All so confusing, though.  Who to believe? Anyway, now Majo's having second thoughts about this pregnancy.  El assures her that the kid isn't to blame for what Papi does or did.  (Naw, just he comes from a rotten sociopathic gene pool, for which Majo is totally to blame.  Just sayin'......)  Majo says she doesn't know who to trust and doesn't want Unky's help.  Neither does El right now, but they got it and you know what they say about gift horses and perusing their mouths.  Anyway, El finally gives Majo the big news:  Leo's big brother, JL, just confessed to killing Papi!

Speak of the devil, and his minions and Leo appear.  JL is led to the interview room, but not before convincing Leo to let him call Terry.  She tells JL about the visit of this oncologist and asks who he is and where the money's going to come from.  There's only a click on the other end as a response.  JL's heard all he needs.  Leo, of course, is determined to get JL to admit he's hiding something more and covering for someone.  (FF>>FF>>)  

Sonia now gets grief again from Adri: Sonia keeping quiet all this time is the reason things have gotten so bad  Sonia gets back in Adri's face and again defends herself to Adri who, more and more, looks like she prefers ostrich feathers.....  "--Serrano's the head of this whole thing and JL works for him!"  Adri self-righteously says a judge will decide that. (Wait, isn't she the one who gave Sonia up to JL after screwing his brains out?  Oh, yeah!)  Sonia says think again, toots!  "--Not with Serrano running the show--and the judge!  Hey, you!  I was the one kidnapped and left for dead and rescued by the Coast Guard!  You, on the other hand, were ( working with this man and sidekick to Leonardo, his brother.  How should I know who to believe?  Jose Luis took me right back to Eugenio!  I came in and told you all I know.  So, no, it isn't that judge who's got to prove it; it's you!  You're the police.   (As opposed to the keystone cops, she must mean.)  He's just playing with you and you don't even know it.  He's got you so confused you don't recognize him for who he really is!"  

Meanwhile, Mario informs Leo that Adri won't make a statement regarding her kidnapping.  She's still in luhhhhv with JL and this hurts too much.  (Spare me!)  Leo, bright boy that he is, says it's still not clear what's happening here and who's telling the truth.  "--Sonia swore it's Serrano running things and JL (for whom Leo still has a blind spot, certainly) swears it's Dario heading the gang and who ordered the murder of Auggie Cantu.  So, for now, Ewwy is completely exonerated.  He looks like a complete saint!"  And speaking of His Holiness The Serrano, in he walks with a sneer from here to the D.F. and back again.  He rubs Leo's nose in his pile o' poo.  As far as he's concerned, it's all JL all of the time--Mr. Boy Scout's own brother --and NOT himself that's going to jail for the murder of Cantu and his fiancee.  Ewwy turns on his heel and struts back out the hall.

Back at los Can't Do, Renata moans and groans and simpers over poor Majo's baby2b.  She finishes that train of thoughts and then wonders if Vicki really does love her;  Of course, says Mama Vicki right after she hands La Nutty a pill or two, just for good measure, and allows dear drugged-up Ren to snuggle on an arm--just not sure which one it will be.

Finally Fab brings in the legal official from the court who allows that Christina's cell phone taping has no legal bearing and Majo's free to go.  She and sissy lead the way while ignoring Unky Ewwy as if he had The Covid.

At the same time, JL gives his statement and denies "for the record" that Ewwy had anything to do in masterminding the murders or the art thefts.  He drops plenty of crocodile tears over the death of not only Cantu, but especially his brother's preggers fiancee.  If this were a telenovela, he's got the premio all wrapped up with a bow.  Oh, wait!  This is a telenovela!  And, true to form, belatedly as it seems, in rushes an enraged Leo to try strangling JL for shooting his beloved and covering it up.  They must drag him off his big brother and he begrudgingly leaves the room.  

Back at the Can't Do It, Just Can't Do It manse, El refuses to toast with the Serranos and Mama.  First, she and Ewwy have a long chat pending.  Vicki scolds her daughter's rude behavior.  Majo looks like she would just rather be taking a nap.  El says, well sorry, but lots of people are saying it's Unky Ewwy that's large and in charge and she just doesn't know who to believe.  (JL's side or Sonia's, essentially.)  Fab, who's in the know and just for show, has saucers for eyes about now.  Ewwy says well, do they have proof or is it just police speculating?  El says "--You tell me!"  Ewwy pontificates, saying lots of things will come to light now that JL Velasco's been caught.  Yup, she says, and some of those things will be the accusations made by Sonia! Let's hope some of those things aren't as compromising as what she's got to say!   Vicki again jumps in and tells her not to be so insolent.  She and Ewwy make their flustered but grand exit to the next room.  Fab apologizes and makes another play for Elisa on his way out.  She thanks him and lets him head off.

Leo, meanwhile, tries to interview Fernanda, who is also sticking to the script.  He says she made an agreement to be a C.I. with JL so she's in the know.  Wrong!!!  She snaps back that she was forced into an agreement by his brother who now turns out to be a dirty cop!  He changes tactics.  He tells her that Ewwy's going down and her name is closely associated with his.  She says they got nothin' on her.  She's clean as a whistle.  In fact, she's out of there tomorrow.  "--How come you're so sure? He had you lie about your kid (i.e. to Leo) so what makes him so trustworthy now?"  (I didn't catch all of that, so somebody correct me if needed.)

A while later Leo comes in to fulfill his promise to Elisa  He's caught her Daddy's doer and Julia's and his unborn child's in one fell swoop.  Elisa's opinion is that it took long enough!  However, things aren't totally resolved because of two versions of the facts being given: Sonia's and JL's.  He's got to get to the bottom of this conundrum and the common denominator is always Eugenio Serrano.  She's pissed to hear it --the sad truth is he covered for his brother to her way of thinking.  He insists he didn't realize.  Didn't have a ...ahem... a clue.  She counters that he continued to deny what was right in front of him all along.  He had no problem sniffing around her family, but never once did he consider checking out his own.  (Ok.  So the guy has faults.)  At this point, she is determined that she and he are like fire and water.  They can no longer stay together.  It's over.  Yeah, he loves her and she loves him and they both agree they had planned to spend the rest of their lives together, but she can't look him in the face any longer, knowing that it was his brother who killed her father.  He isn't exactly happy about his fiancee and unborn kid being caught in the Cantu trap together either.  But,  we digress.

Back at the jail, Christy The Crook came through for Jose Luis.  She's got his money.  She found it and now they will share it--finder's fee?  So, she sent the oncologist.  Now, he's got to come through for her.  He's got to be her guarantor (?)  Tit for tat.  Hmmm.

Back at the manse, Leo's got his wounds to lick also.  He loves her and that won't change, and it hurts to realize his own brother murdered not only her papi but his fiancee and unborn child.  What's worse, he's got to look at himself in the face for the rest of his life also.   He insists he didn't know and she insists he refused to even consider it.   He's not as fair a guy as he'd like to think. He reminds her that when they met they were both emotional wrecks.  Their relationship healed them both.  They were good for each other.  His love for her will never die.  She still is cold as ice.  He gives in after that and leaves.    

Clara arrives home about that time.  She goes looking for Nieves and sees her sprawled out of the floor.  Clara cares that mom is down for the count and wounded.  She is in a panic.  Nieves mumbles to her that "they took the money."  Clara has apparently forgotten what she and Mama argued about earlier.  "--Wwwhat money?"   Suddenly we see what Clara sees: Nieves is bleeding from the gut.  (Stabbed?  Shot?  Who knows....who cares?  She finally got what was coming to her.....)  Clara runs off for help.  


Jardinera: Good Job on the recap. Sonia going beast-mode on WEAKLING Adriana was epic! I loved it.

More winning by Creepy Eugenio & his cronies.

How many episodes left ?

Good work, Jardinera.

I hope this has finished off Nieves but only after she identifies Christina as the one who took the money and left her to die. This cold bitch didn't deserve her daughters. the know and just for show was great! We still don't know Fabricio's real intent here. The way he pursued Elisa is as creepy as his father's pursuit of Victoria. He should get a blow-up doll.

Jardinera, funny about the bullet hole. I ALWAYS thought about that in these Mexican TNs. These nincompoops fire off a whole magazine for effect and I always think 'Is there anyone in the bedrooms upstairs? Dam that barrel tile roof is in shambles.' I've broken mine just tip toeing in the valleys. $$$$ to repair.

I now wish Stupido Adri had not been rescued and was still with her new boyfriends and their friends in those farm hand huts.

BTW did Clara check Stone Face for a pulse to see if she needed..............a second BULLET?

Thanks for a snappy fun recap Jardinera

I will confess, the only thing which makes me continue watching this show is my hatred for the worst of these characters. But this whole crew is an exercise in stupidity. The one who could be a bright spot, Leo, can not even think with his brain. I am sooo over him and E-lies-a mooning and pouting. Hey kids, a suicide pact would be soooo romantic. Do IT!

The remainder of these people are Evil, Stupid, or Crazy, or an indigestible combination of all three. I feel like Majo watching this show, with a bottle of Tequila on the left and Rolaids on the right.

I think I am just pissed that in both instances when we thought we might be able to enjoy seeing JL and Stone in caskets, we find them S T I L L sucking air. What does it take to kill these people? Like the night of the living dead set to Mariachi music.

And then we have Adri who is still defending and covering for JL.? Excuse me? So what was that handcuffs to the table in the grungy hut in Nowhere, Mx? A friggin homeymoon? I give up.


Jardinera, what a delight! From the clever title to the increasingly ineffective variations on Can't-Do, I enjoyed every word. And as UA said, "in the know and just for show" is a perfect description of Fabricio. We should get him one of Majo's slogan t-shirts.

I've been peeking ahead on the Mexican FB page, so I've been refraining from comment to avoid inadvertent spoilers. But many thanks to the recapping team, who are doing a wonderful job keeping up with an increasingly intricate "plot." Worrying over whether all of these loose ends are ever going to be tied up in the gran final that may or may not land in my lap has me pretty anxious -- hence the FB snooping -- but it will all be over soon (more for some than others, I'm sure.)

Meanwhile I'm spending my free time in El Rosario with the pretty horsies, swinging saloon doors, and comical shower scenes of Quererlo Todo. It's not a limpid pool, but it's close...


Your recap hit another mother lode of gold.

"She and sissy lead the way while ignoring Unky Ewwy as if he had The Covid" had me laughing out loud.

"twerk smirk" (I am going to downright plagiarize that) and "you know what they say about gift horses and perusing their mouths" were more winning lines.

Sonia is STILL at Adri’s???

No surprise that the yellow streak down JL's back meant he wouldn't pull the trigger. "They just keep going "Like the night of the living dead set to Mariachi music". Couldn't have said it better Kirby.

And Nieves is unpalatably putrid. I completely agree Urban - her only excuse for wasting any further oxygen would only be to unmaske CrisBitch and her evil schemes. These people, these people. Ack.

And Icky hugging Renata made my stomach roil.

I missed a minute or two of this and saw a quick shot of JL at the murder scene. Has JL spoken about the shooting, particularly his killing of Julia? At one point he said it was an accident. Did he not know she would be there or has he offered any explanation?

In any event, JL killed Julia and Leo's unborn child. I realize JL is Leo's brother but Leo's brief flash of anger was remarkably restrained - I would have gone for the jugular. And JL was involved in dishonorable dealings way before Leslie fell ill. I scoff at the notion he fell into a life of crime simply for money “for Leslie”.

When Elisa was breaking up with Leo, did anyone else think there was a very brief instance where her eyes flashed and her face froze, eerily mirroring Icky?

So now all fingers are pointing to Dario. Who is going to figure this out????

Ewwww sure seemed scared when Elisa haughtily dismissed him :) Sigh.

Just great Jardinera - thank you!


The one bright moment was seeing the oncology specialist.

Perhaps Leslie will live after all....


I'd betcha MaJo knows Dario is not the main one like the Fake News is telling everyone. She could be the one to unmask Ewww and Icky Vicky Vicious.

Dear Jardinera, wow, what fortitude you have to recount every detail of this dark, grim tale of lies and treachery . Thank you .

I loved reading all tbe comments, too.

Icky hugging Ren was ...well...icky....extremely icky.

I must say that seeing poor Sara completely folded in hslf and sobbing into her hands as her family crumbles was just heartwrenching


Thank you Jardinera. Frustrating episode but good recap.

Ok nieves-"they stole the money".
Me-"well you stole it first, what goes around comes around you greedy
cow". I dont feel sorry for her at all. I hope she survive so she can live with her evil self.
Ok that was cruel but come on she had it coming, her daughter is dead
And like jl said she was gonna pimp
Clara to the same people. And look who may have stabbed or shot her.
Crazyass cristy. That heffa got her anvil coming too. I hope its worst
Than a anvil.

All those smug looks, I want them all wipped off their disgusting faces.

Eliesalot got nerve, with all them
Lies she told. She needs to shut her pouty mouth. But I do like that
She dont trust or believe unky tio.
Leo needs to leave her alone and do his job and bring that troll down. And his woman to if necessary. And
It will be.
She hugging renata with a smirk on her evil face. So much evil.

Now when jlower was confessing/lyin
Were we seeing him actually killing
Augy n juls? Cuz I didnt see it all
What did he actually say?

Adriana got balls gettin in Sonia's
Face after she gave her up to jlower just cuz he gave her a good roll In the bed. Yeah it did take a long Time for sonia to speak up but she was scared to death, which almost became a reality. So adriana needs to shut her big fat yap cuz she was to busy moving sofas with the killa Cop.
I wish this was coming on tonight
Theyll be showing reruns? They can
Look At C-span and watch that.

Ok thank you Jardinera good recap as always.

Another great recap, Jardinera.
The only reason I’m still watching this awful telenovela is that it’s almost over. A week ago, I still had hope for Renata seeing the light, but she’s lost her way.
Why does Adriana still have her badge? She gave Sonia’s location to JL after he confessed his corruption to her. If the feds hadn’t gotten to Adiana’s apt. before JL, Sonia would have been killed by JL. Adriana should be removed from police work! Ugh!!

I was saying they will probly show reruns of the inauguration to night
But they showed a virtual ball, and
It was really good, what I saw of it anyways.

Jl is to much of a coward to off himself. And using leslie as an excuse to get that money was a load
Of bull. She wasnt even sick then.
All of the people that the troll used to help himself to augy's life
Are having a hard time of it. Fab better watch out cuz hes being used too, just like the other stupid jackasses.
Poor ren, icky know good and well
That woman don't need no baby. Why did she kill her baby and have her
Sterilized if she thought she could handle a baby? Or could it be She dont care about this baby since its Sonia's baby. Which is probly the case. Evil through and through.

Hi, I’ve been reading your comments for a while now and although I am a Spanish native speaker and I don’t seek these out for language improvement, I do find them very informative (and therapeutic). You all are very insightful, eloquent and and so respectful of each other without being holding back of what you think. I have been reading this blog for over a year without daring to enter this tight nit community, if there is space for another voice or just another member I would really like to be included. I do love how as non Spanish speakers you break down the language and provide different perspectives. I see these novelas and feel i need therapy at the end of them, which this site has provided. Thank you! you are all so lovely. An amazing sight with intelligent, respectful and articulate people.
Kind regards,

AWS Of Course!
You are welcome here. We are always glad to have new people, you just have to be sort of nice. You know, not sickeningly nice, just don't pick fights. :-)

We have a lot of fun here with these crazy shows and sometimes it seems like this is one of the most sane places around.

It is nice that you stopped by. You don't have to join or be approved or any of that rigamarole, you are already HERE.



New commentators are always welcome in this blog! I've been writing for this blog for almost 11 years and I always love when we attract new readers who can add more perspective to our discussions.

This particular series definitely feels like a manicomio, doesn't it? This producer really seems to love stories like this.

UA: Big question is who'll be among the living when all is said & done ?

Since this series was adapted from a Turkish one and this producer hasn't had much in the way of happy -- or even just -- endings, I'm not going to try to predict this.

BTW, was this pre-empted last night?

AWS happy to have you - a very warm welcome.

By your eloquent speech, you are already fitting in.

Nina, "And look who may have stabbed or shot her. Crazyass cristy. That heffa got her anvil coming too. I hope its worst Than a anvil" was great.

Other than Icky and Ewwww, I can't imagine anyone I'd miss less than Nieves. So while "Crazyass cristy" may have done us (and the world a favor) she needs to be taken down and brought to justice. I hope for a cold, lonely cell where she can fantasize about Leo to her heart's content without harming anyone else in her insane pursuit.


Urban, yes it was.


Oh, AWS, we're going to have sooooo many questions for you. ;}

WELCOME, AWS!! As others have already stated, newcomers are always welcome and encouraged to participate. I'm a bilingual native speaker too! I found this wonderful site almost 4 years ago and was immediately taken in "with open arms" by this a wonderful virtual family. And now I'm even a Caray administrator! So we are very happy to have you jump right in with comments...and recaps if you would like to take that leap too.

Now for the Loco Episode...
Jardinera, what a sensational recap you've written once again, thank you!!

So we have one evil ogre down, how many more to go??? I do hope this producer read all the criticism and thumbs down reviews of her the past couple of endings she has dished out; I'm hoping some BIG anvils drop for Ewww and Vic-ious. Fab is so wishy washy and jumps the fence so many times, we never know what he is going to do, but he deserves one too.

Kirby, "The remainder of these people are Evil, Stupid, or Crazy, or an indigestible combination of all three." So maybe they ALL deserve some type of an anvil LOL

As for Dario, I just dunno. There is a part of me that thinks he should have an anvil, but then I think of the horrible life he had growing up as a child and hope for some type of redemption. But OTOH, will he ever be the man that Majo needs, sooo (shrug)

Diana, "I realize JL is Leo's brother but Leo's brief flash of anger was remarkably restrained - I would have gone for the jugular." The problem with Leo is that he STILL doubts that JLow was the murderer....and I can some what understand. JLow fooled everyone and he was Leo's father-figure who practically brought him up and has supported him in all that he does. I try to put myself in Leo's shoes and wonder if I wouldn't have doubts too. How could this person whom he has known all his life and looked up to be a murderer? It'll take some time before that sinks in. Even some of us here on the patio have our doubts about JLow being Aug's and Julia's murderer. Now Reynaldo is another story that seems to be forgotten; it would be hard for me to believe that Jlow didn't arrange that.

Fe, "Why does Adriana still have her badge?" Does anyone other than JLow know that she told JLow where Sonia was? Mario and others are looking at her as a victim who made the mistake of loving and trusting a corrupt man...who fooled them too.

Hi, AWS. Welcome. I guess your comment is correct that we do a bit of group therapy here ! I know that folks here have always been supportive ,kind , respectful , wise and funny. It is a safe harbor when the world seems to be spinning a little too fast.

Urban, yes, the show was not on last night.

Can't wait to see what happens next. If Nieves dies, then we have seen one villain delivering an anvil to another baddie. I think this trend will continue because none of the good guys seem up to the task of uncovering the evil ones. The baddies will have to turn on each other .

UA: This was pre-empted by the virtual Inaugural Ball for POTUS Biden & VP Harris last night.

The Inaugural festivities aired all day yesterday.

Gracias Rgv Chick
I hadn’t thought that perhaps no one else knows that Adriana revealed Sonia’s hiding place to JL.
In that case, Adriana should resign!

Susanlynn: I'm predicting NO HAPPY ENDING here based on the idiotic executive producer, who loves CHAOS & loves seeing everyone miserable in previous Telenovelas.


Fe: I'm 100% convinced that Sonia is NOT going to be among the living when all is said & done in less than 2 weeks.

Adriana not only ratted Sonia OUT to JL, she even gave him the location. Let's see IF she gets kicked out of law enforcement.

I wasn't surprised to see Nagging Nieves bleeding on the floor, but who stabbed her ?

Wecome AWS and ditto what everyone else said.

Thanks all for coming by and commenting. I am totally commented out. I cannot wait for this butchery to finally kick up feet in the air and breathe its last. I would also say if you ever get a chance to watch the original Black Money Love on Netflix you will love it. I binged on it. It has got me hooked on Turkish Novelas that come at least with Spanish audio and CC because they use a clear Mexican accent. some of the voice dubbed in seem to be our old favorites also.

AWS, welcome to the party, the place we come to where everybody knows our name. Sorta. We are very
Opinionated here and we have fun with it. We make fun at these silly
People and their propensity to be stupid, most of the time. But as the others have said giiiiirl it's
Good therapy. I never imagined I'd
Have virtual friends from other parts of the country let alone other country's. We are a Wiley crew here so welcome welcome and a
resounding welcome. Hey patio we are a pretty good welcome committee
Welcome AWS.

Ewgy the troll and his troll queen
Are feeling cocky cuz they think they're in the clear. Everyone else
Is taking the fall for what he did
Including his own child. How does he really feel about jaunito? He probly can't wait to start training him to murder, steal, manipulate &
Lie for him. His anvil will be a very very special one. Tailored just for him. And the same for his troll queen, the so-called loving
Mother. Tic tock tic tock.

I never liked nieve, don't feel sorry for her at all. Shes got her daughter's blood on her hands. And
She was still trying to steal $$$$.

Adriana is a disappointment, she
Should resign. But will she?

Leo Leo Leo, do something instead of just moving your beady eyes around.

Nina: Bold Prediction: Adriana will NOT resign from law enforcement even though whatever happens to Sonia (she's still in danger) cements the stupid WEALKING's complicity.

The Gran Final cannot come soon enough. Big question is whether Univision will let it be a 2 HR finale ?

Jardinera, I understand -- I think I'm about commented out as well. It's hard to care about these people, all of whom are either evil or stupid or crazy or some combination thereof. There isn't even a dog to root for, like that empty-headed poodle in MEDICOS (although Juanito kind of fills that role.)

I think jaunito is alot smarter than his sneaky devious moma & dumb
Daddy. He'll probly grow up and write a book which will turn into a movie(he will be away better writer than these numnuts) and make a boat loading money toboot.

I didn’t know until maybe half an hour beforehand that it was pre-empted. It was the only TN in primetime that was pre-empted last night, I believe.

I’m sure we’ll probably see a flashback or something that shows what happened to Nieves. I don’t think she’ll survive and she kinda had it coming to her.

I’m still not 100% convinced that JL is the killer. I need more information because I’m sure that other people (also) had motives.

I feel like Sonia is more likely to survive to the end than Fernanda but we’ll just have to wait and see.

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