Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Diseñando tu amor - Capitulo 6 - Enter Yolanda Pratas... and may God have mercy on us all!!!!

Hi everyone!  Rgvchick kindly gave me access to post here, so I THOUGHT I'd try and see if I could get a patio going here.  If ANYONE would be interested in contributing a recap, please email me- ''.  Here's a recap for last night's episode.  Take care, everybody!!!  

Claudio brings Valentina flowers.  He declares his love (whoa!)  It is all very sweet and innocent.  She tells him, understandably, that her boyfriend has just died and it's like, a little soon... (ya know????), but that's he's really wonderful.  It's all sweet and lovely and even I am, like.... awwwwww..... :-( 

Leonardo is talking to someone about Helena's business.....  We do not know who this person is.  Ominous music plays in the background.....  (Obviously he is a double agent. Dun-dun-DUNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!)

Claudio and Valentina talk about stuff and family stuff that explains to we viewers why, in the end, they will be perfect together.  

An epic battle of the titanesses (Helena and Patricia) continues.  Helena, of course, has the upper hand, what with the debt that Patricia's father owed to Helena, unbeknownst to Patricia.  We mortal viewers are graced with back-history, explaining the enmity:

(To recall you all as to how we all got here, and why Helena (who is usually- I think- a NICE character, is on such the attack here against a woman who just lost her husband, father, and brother...)- Helena was just repulsed at her beloved brother's funeral by her father (Guillermo) and sister-in-law (Patricia).  Before she left, she told Patricia, she wanted to see her, to discuss a legal matter.  This legal matter was apparently a huge loan of money that she (Helena) lent to Patricia's father, just before he died in a plane crash.  Helena now is expecting Patricia to cover that debt.)

Anyway....  Patricia goes on high defense by playing by playing the grieving dead wife, saying she loved Alfonso with all of her heart and soul, and how can Helena not believe her?  She is doing a good job, too...  If it weren't for the high neck on her outfit, I wouldn't have been surprised if she were to have pulled out a strand of pearls containing a locket with Alfonso's picture in it to clutch throughout her conversation with Helena for added effect.  Helena parries that easily by saying that they both know otherwise.  Patricia then acknowledges by saying that, well then, okay, the two of them were very happy throughout their entire marriage together, and tries to pull the "I tried and tried to bear him a child, but my womb remained empty, now I'll never be a mommy, WAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!"  card (may I say here... I LIKE Patricia.... I mean, I like CHARACTERS like her.  I LIKE villains like this- she is SHREWD.  A true ANTAGONIST!  FINALLY!!!!)... Helena is having none of this either.  She tells Patricia that the reason she couldn't have children with Alfonso was maybe because SHE didn't love HIM as much as HE loved HER, because SHE was too busy screwing his BEST FRIEND!!!  <GASP!!!>

Patricia does not even bat an eye.  She denies it, and calls Helena crazy, but in a calm and even voice.  Then she admits that, no, she never loved her husband, but she did care about him very much, and she spent every day of their marriage wanting to make him happy.  Unlike Helena, who doesn't love or have anyone to love or care for, which is why she is completely alone.  Ana Belena again shows how great she is with her facial expressions.  Patricia's remark cuts her to the core, and both know it.    

And with that, Patricia turns on her heel, and walks out, having won this round.  Martha Julia should win an award for the triumphant smile of villany on Patricia's self-satisfied face.

(The tense music was great in this scene, too!)

A great scene where we, again, get a glimpse of what a truly horrible person Nora is.  I'm not sure if the character is supposed to be 15, but, really, it's the only way I could think to.... well, no, even THEN, there is just NO excusing her absolute LACK of sensitivity for.... EVERYTHING!  Here, she doesn't understand why Valentina can't forget Ricardo (just like she can't understand why Valentina can't forget their father.... like, WHAT, NORA?????? Do you HAVE a SOUL??????) I guess she IS trying to console her weeping sister and give her her own brand of.... uh, 'advice'?  But.... let's just say if this were a telenovela of the 90's Nora would be played by Cynthia Klitbo and she would win an award for villainy just for being a horrible bitch.   I hate to say that I wish Nora would just meet a shady boyfriend who would lead her to the bad end that she deserves.  Because, surely, means no good to anyone of good heart and pure intentions...

Now a scene where Patricia and the aforementioned Enrique (Armando's best friend) are going through what they know.... over a glass of wine <AHEM!>.  
Enrique reveals to Patricia that the deuda involves.... the ranch.  Patricia is incredulous at the possibility that Helena might now own the ranch....

Helena is fuming to Maria Jose (characters like Maria Jose I usually find immensely annoying, BTW, just as a side-note... yes, I GET that you are 'simpatico'.  I DON'T need it rammed down my throat ad nauseum, thank you... Anyway...), Helena is fuming about her run-in with Patricia.  We get some further back-story as to why Helena (who, remember, is the 'good-girl' in the story) has such a hate-on for Patricia:  It seems that, for all her "I loved him!  I wanted him to be happy!" sob stories, Alfonso actually ADMITTED to Helena that Patricia TOLD him that she didn't love him, that she was in love with Enrique, but that he loved her so much, he forgave her for everything and always would.  And, Helena tells Maria Jose, that's why, now, Patricia is going to pay.  Oof!
Back to Patricia and Enrique and their wine and discussions.  Enrique is reassuring Patricia that will be there for her, no matter what.  They kiss.  Well!  Apparently, Helena was right.  

At least Patricia has someone to comfort her in her grief, I guess. :-/

What is THIS????  Nora is actually DOING something for someone ELSE???  YES!!!  She is bringing a TRAY with TWO CUPS of something Nora is bringing a tray with two cups of something to someone!!!! 

Oh, wait.... it's to Claudio.  I should have known.   

Claudio has it bad for Valentina.  Poor Claudio.  Nora can't understand why.  She says it's much easier and better to do things and go through life without complications or promises or anything.  She offers herself in Valentina's place.  There is a literal bang of a drum <BOOM!> for effect when she does so, which I quite liked.  She goes on to say that every guy back at the ranch that she liked only had eyes for Valentina, and then the same thing happened with Ricardo.  She just wanted him to know that she is ready, open, and available, okay?  Some people say our Nora doesn't have the morals of an alley cat, but I say that she does.  Claudio says he needs to go and find his father, and, uh... how about those local sports teams, eh?????

The credits roll...

After credits....

Valentina is crying... Nora enters, wondering what is wrong.  Valentina had a dream about their father.  Nora (who surely should look into a career in managing a crisis center or suicide hotline....) rolls her eyes and eats her banana.  They have a brief discussion about death that is rather interesting.  Suffice it to say, I think Nora's real mother might be Livia Soprano.  In the end, however, Nora DOES give her sister some good advice: "They're DEAD, YOU'RE alive.  You have your dreams.  And (even though it's because I want to sponge off of you), GO LIVE YOUR LIFE". She's horrible, yes, but... in this case- Go, Nora.  Valentina looks like she may have gotten it. 

The galans and the familia humilide are eating and making me wonder why Maria Sorte hasn't been cast as the Mama Luchona y Sufrida more before- she looks and acts the part perfectly, and I think much more honestly than even Victoria Ruffo does at this point in life. They are discussing how great it was that Mama Luchona Consuelo didn't sign anything.  Mama Luchona Consuelo is just glad that Camila is alive and has opened her eyes and still has skin that is skin.

Guillermo (Sergio Goyri), his sister Adelaide (Norma Herrera), and their daughter-in-law Patricia are eating.  Patricia advises them that she has to go back to the ranch and resolve something.  Guillermo and Adelaide say they will arrange for her to go back there.  Patricia (aware that Guillermo hates his only surviving daughter, and with his only other child now dead), asks about the news about this NEW daughter, either Nora or Valentina, and what he is thinking of doing.... she plants seeds of doubt, recognizing that she also needs to protect what is hers (and the music gets ominous here.  I like that.  This time- repeated low stringed instruments... very good!)  Patricia bids them good night, and Guillermo and Adelaide have a moment together where she pleads with him to talk to Helena.  He is obstinate against doing that, and says if she decides to do take matters into her own hands, they will have a problem.  They then share a touching fraternal moment and it is obvious that both care deeply about one another. 

Next scene...
Familia humilide being familia humilde.  Osvaldo de Leon calling about his sister whilst Maria Sorte polishes family photos and they embrace lovingly.  Then, Jose Elias Moreno and and Juan Diego Covarrubias talk outside about how he fell in love with Gala Montes's character at first sight, but her Chris Pascal's character just died so what does he do?  It is wonderful and loving, but my Dad just died so I have to <<FF<<  But, in essence... Love and goodness, the music is high strings and yadda yadda.... 

Valentina is up early and dressed for her audition with Yolanda Pratas to show her designs.  Nora is in bed.  Consuelo knocks and I wish she would be my Mom.   I think everyone wishes Consuelo would be there Mom.  Claudio tries to apologize to Valentina, then she tries to apologize to him, it is all very sweet, but feels very right, and is all very well done.  I don't want telenovelas for the love and the 'Happily Ever Afters', I watch them for Serial-Killing Aunts, and am always very disappointed if a telenovela doesn't have one... but I am really enjoying this sweet couple right now!!! :-)

Everybody who watched 'Medicos'.... was there a Doctor on there who was more beautiful than Mariluz Bermudez is here now?  She is speaking lovingly to Chris Pascal's Ricardo, telling him that he is out of danger.  A little.... TOO... lovingly??? 

We get a scene with Helena and Majo where Helena is stressing.  We find out that Helena was fat, interestingly, and we find out that, as stressed out as Helena gets- fat or thin- Majo loves her no matter what.  THEN... we find out that Yolanda Pratas plays dirty.  She is scheduling the same thing on the same day as Helena.  
Patricia is back at the ranch, looking for clues, info, or SOMETHING.... she finds a picture, and thinks back to a phone call....

Later, she greets her lawyer.  She asks the lawyer about, just immediately before leaving for the flight, her father got a phone call that made him very, very angry, it confirmed that someone stole from him.  She wants to know who it was.  The lawyer doesn't know anything.  

Helena and Claudio are talking.  Helena has told him that she is now the owner of the ranch, apparently.  Claudio is talking about Valentina, they are talking about Patricia, Ricardo.  "Getting caught up", basically...

Valentina enters Olimipo Pratas.  There are a bunch of other aspiring fashion designers and models there talking about themselves, and how magnificent they are.  I hate them all.  Without exception, they are all nothing but pretentious douches and disgusting human beings.  Full stop.  I want to pull Valentina aside and say "DON'T LET THIS BE YOU!!!!!"

Patricia is now meeting with all of the Upper Employees.  She is demanding to know who it was who must have been the one who stole.  The employees point out that the only ones who had access to those funds were, Patricia and her brother.  They point out, as delicately as possible, that they would be happy to walk her through the process.... I think it is obvious to all of them what happened.  I am kind of feeling bad for Patricia.  If she were to know her brother were alive right now, I would ABSOLUTELY not blame her for visiting him in the hospital and pulling a #PillowOnFace #BreathingIsOverrated.  

Mama Luchona Consuelo is visiting Camila in the hospital.  Camila is reflecting on meeting Juan on the plane when he was talking about his daughters and their dreams.  She is wondering why she had to live, and he had to die.  Then all of a sudden.... she starts to feel bad and passes out.  Consuelo runs for the doctor!  :-(

Leonardo and Majo are stressing over the models. 

There is a scene I don't like here.  Helena is being a white bitch to Indigenious Mexican women (this is how the scene looked) because they weren't good enough seamstresses.  I know this is just to show how utterly shafted Helena was by Yolanda Pratas today but, I'm sorry, I don't care how stressed out you are, you don't treat people this way. Even though I know she's the villain, personally, I'm #TeamPatricia in terms of THIS triangle...  (ok, not really, but....) 

Moving on...
Camila is fine.  Doctor with a great voice is explaining things.  All is well.

This is probably one of the greatest entrances for ANY character, EVER, in the history of telenovelas.  Meet Yolanda Pratas. 

Mean Girl from Olimpio Pratas is doing a brief introduction about a designer, into the frame walks an incredibly severe looking woman with Incredible Hair who looks like she would eat Cruella deVil for lunch.  She has a look of abject disgust on her face that I imagine never leaves it.  Within two seconds of being in the frame, she has already waved her hand to dismiss the prospective designer in the most dismissive way possible (she even gives fierce side-eye to the girl AFTER she dismisses her!!!), lets the Mean Girl know how BITTERLY disappointed she is with her, let we viewers see her Impressive Profile, and I am alternately  absolutely in love with and terrified by her.  This is Yolanda Pratas.   She has been on the screen for two seconds now, and she has already made her mark.

The now, not-quite-so Mean Girl goes to the next prospective designer, or tries to... as they are walking towards her, Yolanda looks her up and down looks at her assistant and with one intake of breath, a hand gesture, and a glare... that is it.  The girl is dismissed and I am happy, for these are the same idiots that were bragging about themselves so shamelessly in front of our humble little Valentina earlier. :-) :-) :-) 

With each of these dismissals, of course, Yolanda doesn't make eye contact with the lowly losers.  (I would have LOVED to have had flushing sounds to follow them, which I think would have been terrific, considering how obnoxious they all were, but, I guess... hardly fitting the medium.... ;-) ), all she does, is fix a horrible, steely, disgusted GLARE at the Mean Girl assistant that just SCREAMS "I am SO, SO, SOOOOOO disappointed and disgusted with you right now."  Frances Ondiviela, in just these few minutes... is just PERFECT right now. lololol

Next up is Ludivina.  We hear Yolanda speak.  She tells the poor girl that the only 'Divina' is the 'tela' (fabric) and... well.... this continues a couple more times.  We hear her utterly destroy people, until she finds someone she wants to just have coffee with in her office.  Valentina is, like, "Um... Wait!  I wasted this afternoon for nothing??????"  Yolanda is like "You wanna talk to ME like that???" Valentina is, like "I just came to have my designs looked at!!!" 

Yolanda looks at her designs..............

Leonardo and Helena are stressing out.  WONDERING how... oh, HOW, Lawd???  HOW could they have gotten such muerte de hambre second rate people..... and HOW could it have been POSSIBLE that Yolanda Pratas managed to sneak in and steal their thunder and spoil their show????  Hmmm........  Claudio and Majo come in with more bad news.  Why does Yolanda always just play so..... DIRTY, Helena wonders????  Majo then gets a message- Yolanda's newest protege is a young girl, new to the city.  Helena has nothing but sympathy for the girl.    

Back at Olimpio Pratas, Yolanda is looking out.  Her Mean Girl assistant is prattling on, saying "she is Naca, what are you doing???".  Yolanda, of course, isn't paying any attention.  

As the music gets more dramatic, she smiles.  It is not necessarily a NICE smile, though (I don't know if she is capable of those...) Yolanda turns, and waves her hand.  

She walks towards Valentina, who is standing towards the back with her arms folded across her chest.  

"Down there is where mere mortals live", Yolanda says.  "But up here, live the GODS of fashion." 

A waiter appears with two glasses of champagne.  Yolanda takes two, and gives one to Valentina.  The Mean Girl in the back can do nothing but fade into the background, with her mouth agape.  

Yolanda clinks champagne glasses with Valentina.  The music gets more dramatic.

"Welcome to Olympus!" says Yolanda.
Valentina looks stunned.    



It's so good to see you back!! I swear I was just thinking about you as my husband received a call from a Nicaraguan friend of ours from decades ago!
I haven't been watching novelas where you might have posted, so I thought you stopped watching and posting.

Hi Stevey,

I posted on the other thread today but thought I should put it here as well.

Anonymous JoelD said...
TU AMOR ep. 8 (partial)

I have to get to work today so I was only able to recap scenes with Helena or Yolanda. They provide some of the backstory.

Valentina is curious about why Yolanda changed her mind about her apprentice. Well, although Val's designs are very deficient and basic, they have potential. Val confesses that she hasn't studied in Europe, has never been on a plane, doesn't speak other languages, and only learned from her mother and fashion magazines. Yolanda explains that talent is something you're born with and it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor. Some of the greatest designers have worked their way up through blood, sweat, and tears. Now it's your turn Valentina. I'll guide you. In a few days we'll plan the concept for the new show and you'll learn to design there. Here's an advance on the large amount of money you'll earn here. I'm not interested in your thanks. I'm interested in your designs. You may go. (She seems nice)

Héctor shows up at Helena's. Her headache has finally gone away. She needs to talk to him. The day was horrible. The morning was fine and then the seamstresses arrived. Then the inexperienced models. And it was all the fault of... Who?, asks Héctor. Of someone who has made my life miserable for years. I'm tired. My whole life I've fought against something or someone to get ahead. When I think I'll reach my goal something happens that gets in my way. Many years ago, a friend of my father gave me the opportunity to be their apprentice but what happened to me was horrible. They became my worst enemy. And what happened today was their fault. I never told anyone but that woman stole all of my designs. I signed a contract where I almost sold my soul. That's why I say she's like the devil. I was 18 and faced with things I couldn't deal with. I've had to defend myself alone since I left home at 16. My father kicked me out. Don't ask why. I never want to talk about it again.

Valentina meets Claudio at a nice outside restaurant. She shows him her advance. He asks why she never told him that she wanted to be a designer. That his boss is Helena Vargas. Val says she was going to try there tomorrow. She never thought they'd take her at Olympus. Claudio says that they're our competition, and worse, Helena and Yolanda hate each other to death.

TU AMOR ep. 8 (partial) cont.

Valentina, please tell me that you didn't sign anything.

As they leave the restaurant, Claudio tells her that she gave him a good scare. She says, sorry, but I already learned my lesson. Never sign anything without reading it. Claudio says Sooner or later they're going to have you sign a contract. Please don't sign until you read it. Val says, I'll give it to you so you can read it.

Majo and Helena are at the office. Majo tells Helena that Yolanda Platas doesn't want to meet with her. She said, "Majito dear, I know that Helena wants to meet with me, but tell her my calendar is completely full until the end of 2021. And for 2022 I'll already be dead because I'm old and sick" This gives Helena a good laugh and she decides to go straight to Yolanda's. There, she literally bumps into Valentina causing some designs to drop on the floor. She compliments Val on her beautiful designs as she helps her pick them up. Yolanda shows up at this point and asks, "What are you doing with my designs Helena?"


JoelD, okay now I am truly impressed! This is your first stap at recapping??? You sure had me fooled! Your recaps are so well-written and the sides are noteworthy. Like Diana, I especially liked, "Several of the aspirants are having a brag fest."

Thank you so much for posting last night's highlights which provide some of the backstory. I'm looking forward to watching this in its entirety.

Since you reposted your most recent "minicap" here, I reposted my comment (posted on the Primetime page) here too.

Mil gracias!!

Stevey: Thank you for giving AMOR its own page! And JoelD: Thank you so much for doing recaps. Today you got all the basics of one of the main conflicts.
And my goodness! Both Helena and Valentina are both very talented fashion designers. Could they be......half sisters? And we've all noticed in previous novelas that Mexico City seems to have only 1 hospital and 1 police station, and now apparently 2 fashion design firms. And what a coincidence that Claudio works for 1 of them, and Valentina has found work with the other. Should be interesting!


I posted this on the other site but wanted to be sure you saw this...

JoelD, another stellar recap, replete with so much important background information.

You have contributed so much - we are so fortunate you have joined us!

Now we understand some of Helena's brittleness. And yet, she needs softening, in her actions, her words and in her heart. Will Héctor be the one to provide it?

I like the competing fashion houses and the fact Valentina will have Claudio read the contract. Did she cash the check? Not sure legally what that might mean, if anything.

Yolanda is formidable but I wouldn't count Helena up.

Fantastic recap JoelD. Thank you so much!!


Stevey, this was sensational.

“epic battle of the titanesses (Helena and Patricia)” indeed.

Your wit was evident at every turn.

“Helena is being a white bitch to Indigenious Mexican women (this is how the scene looked) because they weren't good enough seamstresses” was exactly right. Helena is not the perfect heroine and while I like imperfections this showed a very dark side. I am hoping not to see anything along the lines of this again.

Thank you!




Stevey: Thank you very much for the recap. My personal thoughts:
1.) Patricia is going to be wreaking havoc including her sidekick/bodyguard.

2.) Nora is one wicked POS expletive.

3.) Interested to see if Helena & Valentina will meet face-to-face.

SpanProf: I think it's possible both Valentina & Helena might be half-sisters, but I'm worried that Helena will HATE Valentina.

RGV Chick: Sounds like Nora wants to take EVERYTHING from Valentina!

I am SO glad you guys all commented on this!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

This IS going to become a regular patio, okay???

Again... I DO live in Turkey. ALL content from Televisa and Univision has been blocked and/or barred, so, even though I am 7-10 hours ahead of all of y'all, the ONLY way that I can get content is if I can get kind hearted people to piece together a capitulo for me. :-)

Joel, I am SO sorry to have done 'double duty' on what you had already done. I was just so thrilled to have finished the damn thing, I just posted it, without even having bothered to have checked to see if anybody had done anything. And, from what I had seen from lurking on the site, I didn't THINK it was likely...

THANK YOU, JoelD, for trying to open up a patio in the main room for us all. :-)

RGVChick has kindly given me access so I can open up a BIG patio for us all! And... if you would LIKE, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me if you are able to recap, because, of course, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it, okay?

Thanks, everybody!!!

See y'all out there!!! :-)


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