Thursday, May 13, 2021

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Diseñando Tu Amor, ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi? & La Hija del Embajador - Week of May 10, 2021

ANNOUNCEMENT:     -    Si Nos Dejan premiers on June 1st @ 9PM(E)


Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! JoelD continues to provide excellent recaps for Diseñando Tu Amor and Dondi356 is still providing amazingly detailed recaps for La Hija del Embajador; we are SO grateful! Minicaps are also being provided for ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi? by yours truly and Diana. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8PM -  Diseñando Tu Amor: Ep. 14

9PM: ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi?: Ep 68 (Últimas Capítulos!) 

10PM – La Hija del Embajador: Ep. 53-54 (Últimas Capítulos de Primera Temporada!)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “EMBAJADOR”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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TU AMOR. The telenovela was replaced last night by futbol, so I'm assuming that this evening they will show episode 14, instead of 15--unless there's something I'm missing.

Thanks, SpanProf! I'll add that info to the Primetime page.

Embajador #52 part 1

Dudu almost sticks her foot in it by congratulating Nare. She realizes Nare does not know. Dudu thinks back to what her Aunt Ayse told her: “I’ve got good gossip, you know that Mr. Sancar kicked Menekse out? Well, Menekse is pregnant and will return to the mansion.” Nare is waiting to hear what Dudu has to say.

Dudu comes up with something, Uh… I’m talking about the marina. He transferred some shares to you. Nare corrects her, the shares were for his daughter. Dudu causes more trouble by suggesting that Nare go to work at the new marina and Dudu could take over here. I’m sorry, Nare replies, I will stay here. I’m not going to leave.

Dudu spots Yahya arriving for work. She quickly notices he’s not in a good mood. She makes it worse by congratulating him on the new nephew. Yayha shoots her a dirty look. Boss, are you upset because you don’t have children? Yahya denies this. He tells her he doesn’t want children. He adds, if I had one, it would be the most spoiled. We’ve been insulted for not wanting children.

Dudu doesn’t understand why anyone would insult someone for not wanting children. If two people decide to marry, she says, they do it because they are deeply in love. If that couple can laugh and cry together and share the weight of life together, having children shouldn’t matter. Yahya likes what she’s saying.

Yahya asks her if she has thought about getting married. Not yet, Dudu answers, I haven’t found a man that I could have fun with. I doubt I would have as much fun as I have with you. Yahya says, we do have a good time together, right? Dudu laughs coquettishly. I couldn’t just marry and have children. There would be problems, she says. Oh boy, just what Yahya needs to hear. He asks, you don’t want children? I don’t think so, Dudu replies, I’m looking for something more in life.

Do you know what you are looking for, Yahya asks? Dudu clears her throat, um… a few days ago you wanted to take me to dinner, remember? Yes. If the offer still stands, I accept, she says, I will tell you what I am looking for in life. Yahya is more than willing to go to dinner. [He is playing with fire.]

Nare meets Muge. I want to apologize, she tells Nare. Nare is not looking for an apology. Muge is contrite, how could I have said such things to you? Nare replies, you were hurt and what you said didn’t hurt me. Muge can’t believe it. Weren’t you offended, she asks? No I’m not, Nare answers. Muge starts to cry. Nare says it’s alright, the nightmare is over. No, it isn’t over, Muge says, I need to confront Akin. I need to show him that he lost, and I won.

Nare asks, will that calm you? Yes. Nare tells her that she knows where Akin is if they haven’t already handed him over to the police. Muge warns Nare that Gediz can’t know. He doesn’t want us to meet unless there are metal bars between us. Okay then, Nare says, we will go at lunchtime.

Muge sighs, Akin hurt me but he destroyed you. How did you get over it? I haven’t, Nare responds, it still hurts. Muge asks, is he the reason you are upset with your father? He wasn’t the reason my father and I argued, Nare tells her, it was about my daughter’s father.

Guven is at Kahraman's marina. He is on a video call with a Japanese investor on behalf of Kahraman. Gediz shows up and interrupts saying, “konichiwa.” How do you say, “don’t invest, you will lose all your money” in Japanese? Guven tells the investor they will talk later, and he closes the call.



Embajador #52 part 2

Gediz sits at the table and helps himself to some food. Look the clown has arrived, Kahraman mocks, it’s time for the entertainment. Where is your friend with the drum? Sancar sends greetings and he’s ready to attack, Gediz replies. Kahraman says he will ruin everyone in the damn orchestra. He asks Gediz, what the hell do you want? Guven quietly watches the exchange.

Aren’t we partners, Gediz asks, I’m here for the free breakfast. Gediz turns to Guven and says, you never turn down a proposal, do you? I’m afraid he (Kahraman) would make you miss your dear Akin. Did you find Akin, Guven asks, what did you do with him? Gediz smiles and doesn’t speak.

Gediz turns back to Kahraman, tomorrow there will be an executive meeting. You will get a message. Come, we will be waiting for you. We look to increase capital. Kahraman is ticked, why call a meeting? I need to get money. Whatever, Gediz says sarcastically, Mr. Guven will help you get money. He stays in our hotel for free. Gediz complains about the quality of the breakfast and gets up to leave.

Kahraman calls after him, are you attacking me because I spoke to the Greek or is the problem about your sister? After all this time? Gediz turns to face Kahraman, I hate anyone who has ever dared to hurt my sister. My goal is to cause problems for you for the rest of your life. Would you like a hug or should I go? Get out of here, Kahraman says. Gediz makes a kissing sound and leaves. Kahraman breaks another string of beads.

Guven tells Kahraman he knows another man who had problems with Gediz’ sister. If you can find him, I assure you he will give you the money you need. Kahraman asks, who is he? His name is Akin Baydar.

Nare distracts Nedim while Muge sneaks into the mill to see Akin. Muge tells him, Gediz hit you in the face and Sancar crushed your hand. I managed to ruin your kidneys. Akin puts his head down. Muge gets down to his level. I lost my mind because of you, she says. Look at me, can you see these tears? I will remember them forever. But I will get better. I feel better every day. Seeing you like this makes me very happy. I just came to see you suffer. I’m glad, but I have to go now. Goodbye to those nine years. Goodbye Akin. Good luck in jail. You know what they do to people like you in prison, so be careful. He calls out, Muge, please. [the nerve to try and con her again!] Muge leaves unnoticed and the women get in the car.

Nare asks Muge if she is okay. She is. There’s a knock on the car window it’s Gediz. I think you take me for a fool, he tells them. You refused to bring me, Muge responds. Ah, so now it’s my fault, he replies. Nare asks why he is there. Sorry for the trouble, he says, I brought a doctor for Akin. Do you have any other surprises for me? Akin is still alive, right? Nare asks Gediz to follow them because she has another surprise.

Guven and Kahraman arrive at the mill. Kahraman is sure Akin is in there.

Sancar shows up at Nare’s. He’s there to pick up Melek at 2p as promised. There’s no answer. He rings again, then uses a key to get in. He runs through the whole house. The house is empty, everyone is gone. She knows the truth, he worries. He sighs. He looks at the hand prints on the wall and recalls when they made them. He puts his hand over Nare’s print. Nare, wait, he says softly, I don’t want you to leave me. He moves his hand over his daughter’s print.

Nare takes Muge and Gediz to her new home. Elvan comes out. She’s not happy to see Gediz walk through the gate. How quickly he found us, she says to herself, the animal prepares for the hunt. Gediz asks what is this? Elvan greets him, Hello Gediz we were waiting for your arrival to our new home. She greets Muge. Nare asks for Melek. Elvan tells her she was exhausted and is sleeping.



Embajador #52 part 3

Why did you move, Gediz asks? Because the rent was 3K in dollars not 3K in liras. Gediz correctly guesses that the rent was paid by Sancar. Nare says Elvan found this house. It’s perfect and furnished, too. Gediz turns to Elvan, apparently Elvan turned out to be very helpful. Always, Elvan smiles. And you have been very attentive lately, how sweet, she answers pointedly. [Gediz better watch his step with her]

Sancar calls Gediz. Nare tells him she doesn’t want Sancar to find out. She realizes he will eventually know, but she want to hold that off for a few more days. Gediz answers the call.

Sancar is anxious. Nare is gone, he says, I came to the house and it’s empty. I called the marina and they said she left with Muge. Does she know Menekse is pregnant? Did she take my daughter and run away? Gediz tells him to calm down, he will speak with Nare and call him later. They hang up.

Gediz tells Nare that Sancar went crazy when he found you were gone. He gets up to leave, I should go and calm Sancar down and later you will tell me what is happening. He congratulates her on the new house.

Sancar is still at Nare’s “old” house. He sits in the yard. He thinks back to what happened there: Why did you marry someone else, Nare yelled at him. Answer! How dare you betray me? She made the red handprint on his shirt. How did this treason happen? Sancar is very upset thinking about it.

Gediz calls Sancar while he’s driving with Muge. He tells him, I know where Nare is. I couldn’t tell you earlier because she was next to me. I’ll send you the location. Does she know, Sancar asks? Yes, she knows, Gediz tells him. Sancar has a moment of panic. Gediz says it’s not about the pregnancy. She knows you paid the rent on her house. Muge takes note of this. Sancar is upset Nare found out about the rental. Gediz tells him to calm down and talk to Nare. You need to do it in person, he says. Remember, you are going to be a father again.

Muge asks about Sancar becoming a father for the second time. Nare doesn’t know? Gediz drives to his quiet place. Are you alright, she asks him? He doesn’t answer and gets out of the car and goes to the waterside. Muge follows. He tells Muge, Akin was right. So, you did want Sancar to die so you could be with Nare, she asks? No, Gediz replies, I’m glad that Sancar is having another child. I’m glad because that will split Nare and Sancar. Gediz is not pleased with himself.

Sancar shows up at Nare’s new house. He nervously stands outside the door and hesitates. Nare is there at the entranceway working with the light fixture. Sancar finally knocks at the door and Nare answers. After the initial shock of seeing him, she goes to close the door on him, you better leave. He pushes the door open. Nare, I was very worried about you, he tells her. You found me, now you can go. She tries to close the door again and he stops her. Nare, that’s enough, he says.

She comes out of the house, don’t call me by my name! Don’t you know I’m furious? He asks, are you angry about the rent or because I didn’t show up at the shack? Nare tells him to guess because she can’t choose. He apologizes for not meeting her at the shack. After Melek falls asleep, I’ll tell you why I couldn’t come. What about the rent, she asks? Sancar accepts that mistake and asks, can you forgive me? It wasn’t that serious, was it? He smiles hopefully.

He continues on an upbeat note, I am happy for you. It’s a nice house, better than the other one. He looks around, it has a garden. Trees, flowers. He sniffs at some flowers. Ah, a lemon tree. I like it. Her anger starts to melt away. She smiles. Don’t make me laugh Sancar, I’m furious, she reminds him. Ok I’m sorry, will you allow me in to see my daughter? He gives her “the eyes.” [How can she resist?]


Embajador #52 part 4

Nare silently relents; she goes back into the house and leaves the door open for him to follow. What am I doing, he asks himself? She calls to Melek, your father is here. Sancar is still standing outside. I’m sorry, Nare, he says softly so she can’t hear. Nare asks if he’s going to come in or not, don’t let the cold air in. She climbs the ladder again to work on the light. Sancar comes in and looks at what she’s doing. He offers to fix the light. He doesn’t need the ladder.

Melek comes out, she’s happy to see her dad, but what is he doing here at this time? He tells her he is helping. Elvan comes out and she is surprised to see Sancar. What are you doing here? She asks Nare, I thought we moved to get away from Sancar! [Awkward!] Hello to you, too, Elvan, he retorts. Melek asks, we were getting away from my father? No, that’s not true Nare tells Melek, Elvan was just kidding. Elvan laughs. Sancar is not amused. The light is fixed and Sancar carries his daughter over to the couch.

Sancar asks how they found this place. Elvan did. She tells Sancar that this was the jeweler’s house and I asked him if we could rent it. He agreed. Sancar asks Elvan if Yahya gives her money. Nare pipes up, Elvan doesn’t need Yahya’s money. Elvan confirms, she doesn’t need anything from Yahya, don’t worry about me. She wistfully adds, he doesn’t even call me, why would he give me money? It’s obvious this doesn’t sit well with Sancar.

Meanwhile Yahya is having dinner with Dudu. He tells his story. I was 25 and my mother said, “you have to get married.” I told her my brother was first. However, my brother condemned me. He told my mother, “love destroyed me, I will never let another woman into my heart again. If you want the family name to continue, tell Yahya to get married.”
I was forced to get married, he tells Dudu. My brother’s heart was broken, and I suffered the consequences. I was forced to marry a woman I didn’t love. Dudu is astonished.

What, why didn’t you refuse, she asks. Yahya replies, I thought, “brother your heart was broken, and you let me live the same?” but I didn’t dare to tell him that. Dudu tries to wrap her head around this. And what about Elvan, Dudu asks, did you ever love her? Maybe before, he answers, but I didn’t fall in love like my brother did. They look at each other, uh, oh.

Dinner is over and Dudu wants to drive the Mustang. Yahya says no and they get into a playful fight for the keys. He holds them up and away from her. She reaches for them and suddenly they are very close, fact to face. Real close. Close enough to kiss. They both feel it but thank goodness, Dudu backs away before anything happens. They get in the car. This is very awkward.

We are back at Nare’s and everyone is sitting out on the patio. Sancar is cutting up some fruit. Nare and Sancar smile at each other. He offers the fruit to Melek. He offers some to Nare, she takes it. He finally offers it to Elvan. Elvan comments, being a father suits you very well. This make Sancar feel a little uncomfortable. My daughter is the most beautiful he says as he strokes Melek’s head. Nare smiles at him and he smiles back.

Sancar gets a text from Meanie: “I hope you are not with that woman while I’m alone and terrified, praying for our son.” Ugh. Sancar brings Melek to bed. Elvan says she going to sleep, too. She tells Nare, you better ask him for an explanation, although it looks like you forgot about it completely. Nare throws a pillow at her, Elvan! Elvan laughs, throws it back and runs off. Nare composes herself and waits for Sancar to return.



Embajador #52 part 5

Halise and Gulsiye enter Menekse’s bedroom. Did you call me, Halise asks? Finally you come, mother in law, Menekse says, you know I’m in a delicate condition and honestly, I don’t trust anyone but my mother. Atike looks at Halise.

Halise asks her to get to the point. What do you need? Menekse reminds her, a few days ago Sancar kicked me out. Yes, that is true, Halise answers, but now you will give birth to my grandson. We will protect you and the baby you carry. Atike is alarmed, are you saying if she loses the baby, you will kick her out again? Gulsiye pipes up with a softly spoken aside, and they will throw you out too, Mrs. Atike. Halise pretends to scold Gulsiye and she has to suppress a smile.

Meanie continues, since I can’t trust the people in the mansion, my mother will stay here. Halise says there is no room. Menekse says how about Gulsiye’s room? Gulsiye asks, where will I stay? There must be some empty space somewhere in the house, Meanie snarks. Atike smirks. My mother will live in the mansion with me, she declares, and if something happens to my baby, everyone will pay dearly, señora. Gulsiye leaves in disgust. Halise follows her out. Atike cackles and Meanie is looking pleased with herself.

And we are out.




Dondi, thank you so much . I wrote a long comment , but I lost it so before I write more , I want to see if I can post this comment.


Okay , now I will try to remember the comments I made and lost .

I was stunned that Nade and Co. Were established so quickly in a new house. This place seems more like Nare and is more to my taste ..and furnished . I love the cost garden and comfortable furnishing . Very homey . Leave it to Elvan to find a perfect pad . The other place was too big, too cold, too modern . I really felt for big San trying to fit himself into the cozy home with his loved ones and be part of the little family . When he cut up the Apple and offered it to everyone, my heart melted for him. My maternal grandmother who lived with my family used to do that for me.


Gediz was careless. Guven and that angry little troll will now rescue Akin and the 3 will cause more trouble for San .

Dudu has been working to seduce a married man and that weak weasel is falling for her flattery . They deserve each other . Elvan deserves so much better ....maybe Gediz.

Meanie now feels large and in charge . Hellise has created a monster. Interesting how she assumes she is carrying a son. I hope San asks for a DNA test as he did with Me!ek. Poor Gulise gets pushed around by everyone . Is She a servant ? Hellise treats her like one.


Thanks, Susanlynn.

That was a quick move, literally overnight. I guess Elvan’s connections helped. And it also helped that they didn’t have much to move.

I wish we could get more peaceful family scenes. They are priceless. The writers just torture us with a tease once in a while.

ITA: “Dudu has been working to seduce a married man and that weak weasel is falling for her flattery. They deserve each other . Elvan deserves so much better”

It’s strange to see Halise back down from Meanie but I assume it’s to avoid a scandal.

I notice in Spanish TNs they always default to the male pronoun with a pregnancy. There is no gender in Turkish, so the baby is technically an it! They would have to add the word for male or female. Anyway, I’m sure that the Efeoglus would be overjoyed if the baby was a boy.

To recap, Gulsiye and Dudu are orphaned sisters. Halise took Gulsiye to the house and I gather that Dudu stayed with their Aunt Ayse. The Efeoglus funded Dudu’s education. Gulsiye is one of those types of workers who become part of the family. I hope that clears it up.




Thank you Dondi that cleared it up perfectly. But hell-lise treats her like a servant, but she does get her two cents in.

Ok, why is it that these women get to tell these men when to marry &
Who to marry? Is this a part of the
Culture or is this just for the show? Cuz these people do not love each other. This rem im ends me of the documentary I was watching bout
The queen. Charles married someone he didn't love and that didnt end well. In real life and fake life.

And what kind of trouble could she cause for sancar? They should stop
Worrying about scandal and ask for a DNA test like somebody suggested.

I dont see elvan and gediz together
He needs somebody like nare but not
Nare. Yahya would ne perfect for el
But they dont love each other. And
Maybe it hell- lise hadn't stuck her snooty nose into they would've
Fallen in love. She thinks she is si smart and knows everything, she cant even see the pain shes putting
Her Sons through just so she can be the queen b. <<<Notice the small B?
That's how small her girl's gotten.
She has created a monster. Worst than she is.

She can't help but smile when she see the eyes. Yeah hes got power with those eyes how van she not melt? That wont work when she finds out melek is gonna ne a night sis.

Thank you adondi

ACUERDAS, Ep. 68: As the Fool’s World Turns… Part 1
A fool’s paradise is a wise man’s hell. -Thomas Fuller …And here, the only “wise man” is viewerville…and Eddy!

Olmo asks Fausto why he is visiting. Fausto hopes there won’t be a problem if he takes his grandson. When Nico comes out hoping that Fausto will take him to his mother, Olmo tells Nico to go inside for his gift. Once gone, Olmo tells Fausto that he won’t be able to take Nico to his mother because she and Pedro were on their way there but had an accident. Fausto curses Olmo for killing Vera as his troop surrounds Olmo ready to fire. After Olmo states that no one will take the happiness he feels for sending those two to the next world, Pedro calls Fausto and lets him know about the accident they had when they were on their way to get Nico. As Fausto tells Pedro that he has Nico and that they shouldn’t worry, Olmo whispers something to Nico. Fausto then turns to Olmo and says good-bye to his “friend.’ Olmo snarls that he is not his friend and he will not rest until he kills Fausto.

Teo pleads with Alicia; he is only trying to protect her…Fausto is not good for her! Alicia throws his own words hack at him; he told her that if she didn’t accept Gonzalo, she would be out of his life. Now she asks the same thing, “Will you stay in my life or will you leave?” When Teo remains silent, Alicia walks away, turns back and wishes him luck. Teo looks distraught.

Vera calls Julio and thanks him for telling Fausto where Nico was...and for always being there. Just then, Fausto arrives with Nico who quickly goes to her and they hug as Vera cries happy tears. Vera thanks Fausto who assures her that it is his duty to protect them. After Pedro also thanks him, Fausto states that his father is a constant threat. Pedro clarifies that Olmo is not his father, but Fausto assures him that Olmo will not rest until…well they know until when.

Olmo gets a call from Gaston but refuses to answer. He is having a fit because he was so close to do away with Pero and Vera! When Ivana tells him to stop being so intense, Olmo hisses that this was all her idea. Ivana retorts that she only did it because if she didn’t do something, he would have ended up in jail. She tells him that they need to keep calm.

At the hospital, Nico gives Vera Olmo’s message: “This was only a warning.” Meanwhile Olmo is confident that his message to Vera was clear….Pedro and Vera will know that if they continue together, he will kill them!

Now at Pedro’s apartment, Nico asks Vera if she will stay with him. After she assures him that she will be there, Fausto also states that he will be there too. Vera then tells Fausto that she feels odd that she grew up without a father and now Fausto saved her son. He then assures Vera that as long as they are with him, nothing will happen to them. As they hug, Fausto whispers that he needs to talk to her. Pedro approaches with Nico’s milk, but notices that Nico is asleep and takes him to his room.

Melida complains to Gaston that she feels like a balloon. After Olmo approaches, Gaston complains that he left him alone at the business meeting. Olmo reminds him that he is a man now...he will be a father soon and needs to take responsibility. They are in the middle of a war and Olmo needs Gaston to be strong and prepared to attack. Olmo then assures them that he is going to retrieve their empire.

Fausto tells Vera that now is not the time to talk…they will have their discussion the following day. He then assures her that he has placed guards to protect the apartment..


ACUERDAS, Ep. 68: As the Fool’s World Turns… Part 2

Marina tells Andres that she is afraid to tell Olmo about the baby because once she announces it, it will become real. And if something happens to it, she will have to confront everyone…and the loss. Andres assures her that she has nothing to worry about, He will be very proud to have a child with her, but if something does happen, he will still be proud to be with her because they love each other and they will have a future together.

Vera rants about Olmo taking her son. Olmo will not leave them alone…and she will not live like that. Pedro reminds her that it was a miracle that she is well…he doesn’t know what he would do without her.

Delia meets with Olmo for lunch. When he tells her that he is finished, Delia firmly states that he isn’t finished, he just needs to stand tall and no will be able to stop him. Delia then tells him that she will ask him some questions and he is to answer with the truth! (Well, we don’t get to hear the questions, but…) Olmo explains that they fell in love…he thinks that everything that happened united them. Delia states that there is nothing more dangerous than a love based on misfortune and tragedy. Olmo replies that he had to keep it a secret because no one would support him (The question must have been about Ivana, right??). After Delia remarks that he has a bunch of secrets…not just this one, Olmo assures her that he has done everything to protect his family.

Fausto tells Jass that they should thank Olmo for being so stupid…Olmo did them a favor! The fact that Olmo tried to kill Vera and Pedro give them the opportunity to get rid of Pedro for good. When Jass asks how they will get Vera to leave Pedro, Fausto remarks that he has already planted the seed.

Olmo tells Delia that Vera was prepared to hurt them from the very start…she betrayed him after he gave her everything; and he not only lost the son whom he gave everything to, he also lost the son that Nico could have been to him. After Delia empathizes that Olmo must be having a very difficult time, Olmo tells her that he needs her now more than ever.

Fausto meets with Vera and tells her than she shouldn’t risk her life for Pedro; their love can cost them their lives since they made an injured lion angry and there is nothing more dangerous. He reminds her that Olmo killed her mother and he is not going to stop. Fausto then tells Vera that he could place thousands of men to protect Pedro’s apartment, but he cannot be there all the time…unless she lives with him. Vera assures him that she will not leave Pedro. Fausto is not telling her to leave Pedro, but for her own good and that of Nico, they are better off apart. He knows she is strong, but she needs to think of her son who might end up an orphan. As long as she and Pedro are together, Olmo will be lurking.

Vera arrives at Pedro’s apartment without Nico. She tells him that Nico stayed at her father’s place.

Marina notes that Andres is upset. Andes tells her that she is too pessimistic. He reminds her that the baby she is carrying is also his and he does not want to lose it since he already lost one. Marina knows that sometimes she lets herself be led by her fears…she then tells him that they can tell everyone about the baby.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 68: As the Fool’s World Turns… Part 3

Vera has told Pedro that they cannot be together. She then asks him to go live with them at Fausto’s place until things cool down, but Pedro refuses to hide. He thinks that this is only Fausto’s way of manipulating her…they can confront Olmo on their own! (Ha! Yeah sure Pedro! #1) Vera reminds him that Olmo took Nico and she will not put Nico in danger. When she adds that Olmo is capable of killing them, Pedro knows that Olmo is dangerous and crazy, but they have never been so happy (and close to dying, Pedro!) Vera cries that if something happened to Nico, she will not be able to live with it, Pedro assures her that he will protect them from everyone (Ha! Yeah sure Pedro! #2). Vera refuses to put Nico in any danger...the best protection they can get is from Fausto. When Pedro reminds her that Fausto is also dangerous, Vera retorts that Fausto is not a murderer like Olmo (eyes closed shut!)! It will not be worth it if they end up making Nico an orphan. The best thing they can do is be apart. Pedro wonders who it will be best for; he reminds her that they are well…and being apart is not the right option. Vera reiterates that Olmo will not stop until he kills them. Pedro doesn’t understand and insists that the only way they will be happy is to be together…and it shouldn’t be long before Olmo will be in jail. Vera stills insists that Olmo can get to them at any moment. They already got careless and they are now paying the consequences. Olmo will not stop!

Jass and Fausto toast to having the family all together in their mansion.

As Vera packs her car, she and Pedro continue to argue. Same stuff that was already stated inside the apartment--Pedro doesn’t think it’s fair (I’m surprised he didn’t stomp his foot). Vera asks him to go with them. Pedro repeats that Fausto is the same as Olmo…Blah! Blah! Blah! Vera’s final words are that Fausto is the one who opened her eyes! (Que tonta! What a fool!)

Jass wishes that he could do the same with his family. Fausto tells him to be a man and recuperate his family…he should hug his son and make love to his wife! He shouldn’t let a second-rate cop take them from him!

At a restaurant, Ivana tells Olmo that they need to have someone powerful on their side...and that is Rodrigo Ortega…who hates El Chamaco. Olmo thinks they need to get someone who will fit in with Rodrigo’s style. When he suggests Gaston should be the one to deal with Rodrigo, Ivana doesn’t think he is prepared, but Olmo counters that Gaston needs to get into the big leagues. Just then Marina arrives and joins them.

Pedro is listening to his father’s video as Teo enters hoping to complain about his grandma, but Pedro beats him to the punch and tells Teo that Vera left…and it is definite this time…Fausto convinced her. When Teo states that Pedro and Vera are destined to be together…they’ve overcome so much, Pedro agrees that they have dealt with Olmo, but there is still Fausto who is just like Olmo. Pedro is sure that Fausto had something to do with his father’s death...and Teo needs to help him bring Fausto down!

Olmo is ecstatic that Marina is pregnant; it’s just what they needed right now! He wants to make a public announcement, but Marina convinces him otherwise.

Nico complains to Vera that he does not like that house. Vera tells him that they need to be there for now; things are complicated. When Nico asks when they will return with his father, Vera assures him that she is doing everything she can to make sure they will be together. Meanwhile, Fausto watches them through a camera as he grumbles, “Yes, daughter, dream on!”

At Pedro’s, Teo tells Pedro that Fausto ruined his relationship with his grandmother who doesn’t want to see him. Teo then states that he has not taken his (beautiful) eyes off of Fausto ever since he took over and started the Economy Hotels…that look to be a front, Pedro thinks that is how they can get Fausto.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 68: As the Fool’s World Turns… Part 4

Octavio and Faby arrive at their apartment. Octavio needs to leave to work; so Faby assures him that she ate well since Emilia gave her lots of delicious food. After Octavio leaves, Faby goes to the restroom and thows up.

Teo and Pedro confab some more. They discuss how Pedro found Ramiro. Pedro confirms thait was Fausto who gave Vera the lead to find Ramiro. Teo thinks it was Fausto’s way of getting Vera’s trust; so Pedro think they should go talk to Laiza…and get more information from Ramiro.

Melida goes into labor!

Jass asks Emilia to go live with him at his father’s house; he still loves her. When she hesitates, he asks if she wants to go live in a mansion…just as he had promised her. He then asks that she give them a second chance…as a family.

Bernardo brings Regina to the shop and shows her around. When Bernardo kisses Lola, Regina doesn’t look too happy. After Bernardo leaves for moment, Regina advises Lola to leave her father before he leaves her for yelling at her. After Lola wonders why she would yell at Regina, Regina pours her coffee on a rug. Lola quickly stops her and asks what is wrong with her’ so Regina shows Lola the little performance she will put on for her father…crying and asking for forgiveness and stating that Lola went crazy and threw her coffee. Regina’s false cries turn to laughter as Lola looks on in disbelief.

Pedro and Teo go visit Laiza and tell her that they are looking for her father.

Emilia talks to Vera who thinks that Emilia is asking about Jass, but Emilia wants to ask if Fausto can be trusted. When she mentions that Fausto kidnapped Olmo ad now Pedro is saying that Olmo killed his father, Vera assures her that Olmo had nothing to do with Olmo’s kidnapping…in fact, Fausto saved Olmo from the kidnappers and tried to get him to admit to Antonia’s murder.

After Laiza tells Pedro that Gaston’s baby is about to be born, she asks what it is that they want to know about Ramiro. Pedro tells her that Ramiro disappeared after he talked to him and asks if she has heard from him. Laiza replies that she has not heard from him but she did receive a letter from him…but she threw it away.

El Chamaco tells Fausto that he is very happy with their business. He has another vehicle full of money. Fausto assures him that he will send someone for the vehicle…he summons Jass.

Octavio and Julio drink as they discuss Fausto. Octavio states that it shouldn’t be long before Fausto makes a mistake.

Fausto orders a complaining Jass to go for the vehicle himself. After Jass goes out to the corridor, he orders Agus to go for the vehicle…and this is just between the two of them…because Jass is the boss!


ACUERDAS, Ep. 68: As the Fool’s World Turns… Part 5

Eddy is very upset and tells Emilia that they cannot go live in that house! After Emilia tells him about all the promises Jass made, Eddy insists that his father is just a big a liar as his grandfather. Emilia assures him that she talked to (unreliable) Vera who told her that Fausto is a good person. As Eddy tries to walk away, Emilia insist that they need to go with Jass whom she married…and marriage is for a lifetime. Eddy storms off yelling that he will not go!

After Bernardo sees the ruined rug, Lola tells him that Regina was the only one there with coffee. She then tells him about Regina’s little performance…Lola thinks Regina hates her. Bernardo assures Lola that Regina is a sweet girl. Lola agrees that Regina is very sweet when he is around, but when he leaves, she behaves very badly. Bernie thinks that Lola is exaggerating…and wonders if Lola is expecting him to choose between her and his daughter. He then leaves to the bank.

Melida has her baby…then worries because the baby doesn’t cry. After a while, the baby cries and the proud parents smile.

Agus is on the phone telling someone that he is supposed to go pick up a vehicle that belongs to El Chamaco. Meanwhile Teo is following close behind and listens.

Marina and Olm go see the new addition to the Casares family. As Marina carries the baby, Gaston quietly walks out with Delia and asks if Laiza already knows that the baby has arrived, As Delia nods, Olmo approaches and asks to talk to Gaston…Olmo knows that Gaston is ready to have this conversation.

Agus is in a garage with EL Chamaco’s men who have brought the vehicle. As the tailgate is opened to reveal the money, Teo hides behind a car and takes pictures with his phone!!

Fin! Hasta Monday!!


Thank you Rvg Chick!
I don’t understand why the writers needed to introduce us to Regina at this late date! Regina appears jealous, manipulative and evil!
Lola does not deserve that!



A sterling summary RgvChick. You relayed all the events perfectly.

My favorite quotes were: “Vera retorts that Fausto is not a murderer like Olmo (eyes closed shut!)” and “ Teo then states that he has not taken his (beautiful) eyes off of Fausto”. The “eyes” had it. 😊

“Olmo replies that he had to keep it a secret because no one would support him (The question must have been about Ivana, right??)”. Hmmm. I guess it must be Ivana unless there is another skeleton buried right beneath the surface.

Jacinto sending Agus to do his dirty work will backfire thanks to Teo’s impeccable timing. Finally, the good guys get a break.

Pedro thinking he could protect his family was laughable.

Teo is as confused and disappointed with Alicia’s dogged determination to be with Fausto as we are!

“They are in the middle of a war and Olmo needs Gaston to be strong and prepared to attack”. Gaston is hardly prepared to be a father let alone a criminal.

Eddy showed real fear when Emilia told him about Jacinto’s wanting his family with him. He is clearly feeling cornered. Faby needs help desperately. I feel both are on dangerous collision courses.

Thank you again for the excellent recap!



I am late to the party and will be watching this later today.

TU AMOR. Leonardo evidently has a devious plan. I should have known. He seems to be in league with the paparazzi--most of whose injuries were obviously fake. His plan seems to have been to get Helena to withdraw her fashion studio from the desfile--though thanks do Claudio and Mojo that didn't work. I wonder if Consuelo will inadvertently thwart him while trying to help.


Recap will be up later today. Sorry for the delay.




dondi356, just wanted to express how much your recaps are appreciated. I can't seem to catch up, but when I finally see the episode and then read your recap, I always find a scene or two that I completely missed or simply misinterpreted. Mil gracias for all your hard work; I know it is NOT easy!


Thank you, Diana...and looking forward to your commentary on this oh-so-frustrating episode, Jarifa.

Diana, when Olmo started explaining to Delia about "how he fell in love...and she fell in love" I really could not tell who the heck he was talking about. Since I didn't hear what Delia's question was, I thought maybe Univision had done some slicing. I was hoping we would get some backgraund on Alma and how she died, but then I thought he could be talking about Vera. It wasn't until he said that they had to keep it a secret because no one would support them that I finally realized he must be talking about Ivana. And then again, they did not share delia next question; Olmo just started about how Vera had betrayed him. Very poor editing!!

Listening to Pedro insists taht he could save the day and Vera's blindness elevated my blood pressure. They are such I-D-I-O-T-S!! I can't express it any better than Nina who wrote:
"Pedro and vera are the sorriest super couple I've ever seen on a tn
They have no fire no desire no come
Hither looks. No nothing they are the sadest couple on here." I would add the stupidest!

And I agree about Eddy and Faby; they are both on very dangerous courses. I do hope they are survivors in the end.

Chickie, thsnk you f or another soectacular recap of all the plotter ng and planning.

What does Oldmo want from Delia? I thought that he was perhaps asking her to give back the money he gave her.

I don't care about Lolas new instant novio , so i certain!y dont care a bit about his nasty teen daughter.

Are we supposed to believe that Alicis has fallen so quickly for Fausto ? Why?

I just wieh these baddies would get rid of each other and take jAss with them . Basta.

Does Gas know his dad is a criminal?


Great recap of a very frustrating episode. Thanks, RgvChick.

RgvChick, ITA agree that Olmo must have been talking about Ivana. Yes, poor editing. (along with the poor plot and character development. Couldn't resist)

RgvChick and Nina, I will join you at the “sorriest super couple table” !

Diana, ITA that “Pedro thinking he could protect his family was laughable.” They have made his character so stupid.

Susanlynn, old Olmo just wanted to know if he could count on Delia. For what? A cup of tea? An ironed shirt? A roll in the hay? Your guess is as good as mine.

Teo should have told Granny that his love interest wasn't a criminal: big difference!

Vera had such a fast recovery from being totally unconscious and looking like she was at death’s door.

The rest was BLEH!

The only two I care about are Nico and his dog.



Jarifa , yes, Vera looked dead as Pedro carried her into the hospital ...then, she is sitting up in bed hugging Nico and looking fine except for messy hair . Then, she is out and about . Suspended disbelief ?

Embajador #53 part 1

Outside Menekse’s room, Halise tells Gulsiye not to pay attention to those two, you can stay with me. No thanks, Gulsiye replies, maybe I should move in with Elvan, the atmosphere in this house is very heavy. Halise sighs and asks Gulsiye to make soup, the baby must eat. Gulsiye doesn’t look to eager to comply, it’s not my baby, she says. Halise knows she’s in for it.

Necdet and Loki arrive at the mansion. Necdet says the only reason he’s here is because Loki has his car. He reminds Loki that it’s over between him and Menekse. Necdet adds, you’re crazy and unpredictable. Ok, Loki says, don’t make me stab you. Your sister fainted and I just want to see how she’s doing. I don’t want to make trouble.

Necdet knocks. Gulsiye puts down the soup she’s bringing to Meanie and answers. We are here to see my sister. She’s wary but let’s them in. She points them to the room and asks Necdet to bring the soup with him. Necdet knocks.

Meanie is not happy to see her brother and even unhappier to see Loki. She gasps loudly enough for Gulsiye to hear. Won’t you welcome me, Loki asks, how rude you are. Gulsiye returns and peeks through the cracked door. Loki tells Meanie, since you were my lover, I was worried about you. Get well. I brought you this cologne. Whoa, Gulsiye is getting an earful. Meanie panics and says to Necdet, why did you bring him here? He threatened me, Necdet replies, and he said he was coming with or without me.

Loki claims that Necdet is exaggerating. I just wanted to know if my old love was in danger. Meanie tries to reason with Loki, my baby is in danger. I can’t get upset. If someone saw you here… [too late] Ok, I’m going, Loki says. He asks Necdet if he’s coming too. Necdet plans to stay for dinner. He tells Loki to wait for him outside. Necdet asks his mother if he can stay. Sure, she replies, your presence is a bother to the Efeoglus. Necdet laughs and Loki leaves. No one noticed Gulsiye was at the door.

Necdet gets cute with his sister and starts to joke around. How is my nephew? The next king of this town? My little accomplice? He pats Meanie’s tummy. Meanie pushes him away. She’s ticked. Did you get Nare’s phone number? Necdet tells her about the deal he made with Sancar. He promised me money if I stay away from everyone. He gives his sister the soup and she dumps it in his lap. He shouts I’m burned! [What a family!]

Gusiye goes out to see Loki. Would you like a job at the mansion, she asks him? She’s got his attention. What would I do? Gulsiye says she will take care of that. Do you want the job or not? Yes, I like the idea and you’d be doing me a big favor, he says. [exactly what Gulsiye had in mind.] Fine, you’re hired—keep in touch. Loki is thrilled.

Melek is asleep and Sancar returns to the patio. He sits next to Nare. It takes him a moment and then he starts, I was scared, Nare. When you interrupted the wedding, I was furious, but I was also very scared. Why were you scared, she asks? I was scared that I could never forget you, he admits, I even thought we could get back together. Brief flashback to the wedding interruption.

I really thought about it, Sancar continues. Then we went to Montenegro. The fortune teller said the bird still lived inside my heart. “Without it you’re not a complete man” and she was right. When I heard her, I was terrified. I’m sorry. I’m telling you the truth; I never wanted to betray you--- Nare stops him, don’t.. No, he insists, I have to tell you this, Nare. He sighs. His phone rings, it’s Menekse. He doesn’t take the call.



Embajador #53 part 2

Nare guesses, you went back home, didn’t you? That’s why you didn’t go to the shack. She’s your wife, your place is with her. They are both crying. Sancar blurts out, Menekse is pregnant. This echoes in Nare’s head. What did you say? He just looks at her. She turns away, why, oh, why? She sighs. She holds her ears as the betrayals echo in her head: Sancar is dead, ambassador’s daughter! .... How could you do this to me! …. Menekse is pregnant… Nare cries.

Sancar watches for a reaction. She turns to look at Sancar. Other than tears, it’s kind of blank look. Don’t look at me like that, he tells her, say something, scream, hit me, do something. But don’t look at me like that. I beg you. Don’t look at me like that.

Nare tells him, when I was pregnant. I used to wake up and would see you weren’t there. When Melek was five, I used to wake up and I saw you weren’t there. Today I woke up and looked for you but weren’t here either. Sometimes we just see each other during the day for a few hours and I get excited.

She continues, I have sworn never to forgive you many times. But my heart needs a reason to forgive you. Only one reason. Now you tell me your wife is pregnant. Today you became my daughter’s father and now you will have a baby with another woman. I was always very tolerant, but this is too much for me, Sancar. What does this mean, he asks?

She stands in front of him. I made a promise to that grumpy young man a long time ago, she tells him, but now I have to break the promise. No, wait, Nare, he begs, I’ve loved you ever since we were kids. She takes his hand and pulls him up. She leads him across the yard and out the front gate. Tears stream down her face. He says her name…Nare. I won’t mention your name ever again, she tells him, it’s over forever. No, please wait, no, Sancar pleads. Goodbye… and she closes the doors on him. So, this time she throws him out and they cry on opposite side of the door.

This next scene seems totally out of place, but I can tell you that we have jumped slightly ahead in the story to set up what’s coming. We are at the scene of a terrible car accident. The car went off the road and down a hill. Kavruk was thrown from the car. Melek gets out from the hatch in the back, she seems to be fine, just frightened and upset. She looks for Kavruk. She finds him on the ground, unconscious. She calls him he doesn’t wake up, she sits next to him and cries.

The story goes back to one day before.

Sancar is at the top of the mountain hurling stones down onto roof of the shack. Kavruk is watching from the ground. Sancar hears Nare’s voice vowing to never say his name again. He lets out a huge roar.

Nare is sitting in the bathtub. She holds Melek’s ID. She hears Sancar’s voice, Menekse is pregnant.

Sancar comes down off the mountain and grabs an ax. He storms into the shack and rips the mattress off the bed. He takes the ax to the frame, then turns it over. He proceeds to smash, kick and throw things in the shack. He smashes the windows with a chair. He roars again, then just stands silently in the door way. Kavruk watches.

Nare goes into her daughter’s room and wakes her. She asks her mom if she sick. She’s not dressed. Nare doesn’t give her an explanation. She asks her daughter a question. Let’s say you had a brother… would you care about him as you care about me? Melek thinks and says, of course. I’d feed him and take care of him. But I wouldn’t peel the fruit. I’d let dad do that for him. Nare recalls how Sancar peeled the fruit for them.



Embajador #53 part 3

Nare asks Melek if she would like to have a brother. Yes, she replies, but I would be a bit jealous, too. She’s not sure why. She thinks about it and says, I’ve been your only child until now. I didn’t know dad for eight years, but if you were expecting a baby now, he would meet him as a newborn. She puts her hand on her mother’s tummy. That would make me jealous. Nare takes a breath.

Nare moves Melek’s hand away. What if it wasn’t my baby, she asks Melek? Melek is horrified. Whose would it be? That woman? Nare nods yes. Melek jumps out of bed and sits on the window seat. Then he wouldn’t be my brother and my father wouldn’t be my father and I wouldn’t call him that anymore. I Melek is very upset. Nare is sorry, she just wanted to ask. She can’t be the mother of my brother, Melek says. Nare comforts her daughter. She realizes this is going to be a big problem. She suggests a bubble bath to Melek.

Menekse charges out of her room. [Shouldn’t she stay in bed?] The family, without Sancar is having breakfast out on the porch. Necdet is making a pig of himself at the table. Guslye whispers to Zehra, he has the stomach of a goat, eating everything in sight. Necdet asks for bread. Halise snarks, take bread, water, whatever you want. Atike is offended, what do you mean, Halise? Halise tells her your daughter is pregnant and you have settled in this house. That’s what she means.

Meanie appears. You were told to rest, Halise says. Atike tells her to go to her room and orders Gulsiye to quickly prepare a tray.

Meanie doesn’t care about eating. She wants to know where Sancar is. His phone is off. He didn’t come home. He spent the night in his lover’s bed, right? Halise tries to stay calm and she reminds Meanie that stress is not good for the baby. Tell that to your son, Menekse replies. Tell him his wife is Menekse and not Nare. Tell him his wife is expecting a baby. Meanie grabs her belly and screams in pain.

Everyone is alarmed except for Necdet and Gulsiye, who continue eating. Atike talks Meanie into going back to her room. She has to make Necdet get up to help her. He wants to finish his breakfast. Halise tells Zehra to call the doctor. Ayse calls Gulsiye out on eating Meanie’s breakfast. Gulsiye says it would be a shame to throw away the food. Oh, and don’t call the doctor, she adds, Meanie’s not in pain, she’s acting.

Atike, Necdet and Meanie back to her room. That’s right Gulsiye, Meanie is faking. As soon as she gets back in the room, she springs into action. She hands Necdet a bracelet—get Nare’s phone number. He won’t take it because of the deal he made with Sancar. She throws Necdet out. Atike warns her to take it easy for the sake of the baby.

Meanie won’t calm down. Nothing will happen to this baby, it will come to this mansion. The reign of the witch Nare and her brat will be over. Atike wonders if Sancar has told Nare yet. Meanie thinks not, or else Nare would have kicked him out.

Meanie decides to give Nare the news personally. She wants to sneak out and if anyone asks about her, say she is sleeping. Don’t let anyone in this room. Meanie goes to her closet to get dressed. Are you crazy, Atike asks, where are you going? The doctor said to rest. I’m going to Nare’s house. I’m going to tell Melek she’s going to have a brother. [Notice Meanie picks on Melek again. She can’t handle the adults.]

Cut to Meanie sneaking out of the mansion. Atike tries to stop her and warns, Halise will see us and ruin us. She can only hope her stupid daughter will come to her senses.



Embajador #53 part 4

Melek is in the bath. She asks her mom, do you think he would like my rubber duck? Who? My brother. I know you and dad are going to give me a brother and if he likes this, I’ll give it to him. Nare tries to find the right words to say. The doorbell rings and Melek says if that’s dad, I will ask him, too. Elvan says she’ll get the door.

It’s Yahya. Good morning. Elvan steps outside. Can’t I come in, he asks? I have something to tell you. She won’t let him in, just say what you have to say, she tells him. He asks if they can at least sit on the steps. She’s angry. Standing didn’t stop you from kicking me out, she says.

He sees she is very angry. He tells her he couldn’t sleep all night, he was thinking. About what, she asks? He thinks back to his near kiss with Dudu and loses his train of thought. Elvan snaps him back. About you and me, he says, it shouldn’t be like this, we are married. You belong with your husband. We shouldn’t look for adventures. Elvan questions, you’re looking for adventures? No, he was using it in a figurative sense. Hmmm….

So tell me, are you coming back home or not? Is that all you have to say, Elvan asks? Yes, pack your things and I’ll take you home. What more do you want, he asks? Elvan blows up, I want nothing from you Yahya! Get out! I don’t want to see you. She goes back inside the gate and slams it shut. She cries and goes into the house.

Nare sees her and asks who was it? Is there a problem? Elvan tries to cover up and avoid telling. Please tell me, Nare asks. It was Yahya, Elvan says. He told me to pack my things. He didn’t say he missed me or didn’t apologize. It was like he was doing me a favor by taking me back. Are you going to go, Nare asks? I’m not going anywhere, Elvan says, I’m very happy here with my new family. Nare looks guilty about something and quietly listens to Elvan. I’ll plant flowers and start a dowry for Melek because time flies by, she says.

Now it’s Elvan’s turn to asks Nare what’s wrong. Nare doesn’t answer, she goes outside to set the table. They sit. Nare finally says, Elvan you know the custody trial is tomorrow. Yes. Melek’s father told my father to give me custody, Nare says. Elvan knows. So what’s the point? If I get custody, Nare tells her, we are leaving this place. Elvan goes quiet. I’ll talk to Isabel and we will move to Switzerland. Elvan looks very sad.

Sancar and Kavruk pull up to Nare’s house. Kavruk warns his Efe not to do this. The alaca kuş (colorful bird, Nare) will get angry.

Nare tells Elvan she thought about this all night and she doesn’t have any other choice. Elvan replies, if you had told me, we would have found it. Nare starts to tell her what happened, last night I made a promise not to say his name… because… because his wife….There’s a knock at the gate. Elvan thinks it’s Yahya coming back. Gets up and goes to the gate, yelling.

It’s Sancar, who blows right past her. He shouts, Nare! They look at each other and she quickly turns away. He tells Elvan to take Melek and don’t come out. Kavruk, wait in the car.

Uh, oh, he’s gonna turn those eyes on her… Look at me, he tells her. She knows she can’t look, and she doesn’t. He steps in front of her, and she turns her head. Look at me and say my name, Sancar says. He has a hopeful smile. She won’t look at him and she stays silent. Tell me who I am, Nare. He moves in closer, do it, he whispers. He loses it and yells, say my name, damn it! My name is Sancar! Say my name, come on! Say it!

Not going to happen.

And we are out.




Thank you Ms Chick for this burstin
With "all kinds of stupid" episode
Recap. The recap is great.
How is pedro gonna protect anybody with that stupid look(I laugh while
Im typing this)look on his face? I do feel his frustration tho. His airhead baby moma is super stupid.
she just met this man just weeks ago and she is willing to take his word for everything? Knowing that he and oldmo were as thick as lying thieves back in the day of Their joint crookedness.Is she that dumb?
Of course she is, stupidness runs in that family. Runs in pedro's too
Oh nico when you grow up run baby run as fast and far as you can.

You know SusyQ when I saw oldmo ask
Delia to talk I also thought he was
Asking for the severance pay back.
How cheap that would have been. But
Right up his ally.

So lola is stuck with a boyfriend that has a spoiled brat daughter.
"Bernie thinks that Lola is exaggerating....and wonders if Lola is expecting him to choose between her and his daughter. He then leaves the bank" lola may I have a word with you, leave him, now. Cuz
He has already chosen his spoiled brat of a daughter over you. Thats what I would tell her. I wonder why he and her moma divorced? Is he a brat too? O these people.

Jac- ass is just that. He's paying
Somebody who is no smarter than he is to pickup millions of dollars that belongs to a cold blooded sick killer like his daddy. That's not gonna go well if the money ends up
Stolen. Which could happen cuz ass is the boss. There is so much to pick at with this episode. All
Kinds of stupid here. I hope teo is careful, his granny is displaying a stupid gene too. Poor eddy. He and faby got some troubles to deal with

Thank you for Covering it perfectly RgvChick.



Dondi , thank you so much . You made everything clear for me. what an episode !


That part about the accident was confusing . I didnt understand what was happening .

Guliyse has Meanies number , and she has clever to offer Loki a job there . That will drive Meanie crazy mad. Loki said that Meanie was his lover, so can we hope that the baby is his and that San will demand a DNA test ?

Poor Males just wants to be a family with her parents , but since this is a a Turkish Telenovela , I am not expecting a happy ending .

TU AMOR ep 14

At the hospital, Ricardo tells Doctora Rosamaria that he can't accept her offer to treat him at her house. She agrees and will speak to the committee. It's important that he feels comfortable. Samara is keeping an eye on the situation and speaks to the doctora as she leaves Ricardo's room. She wonders if he agreed to go to to the Rosamaria house. No, he didn't want the doctora to have problems because of him and would prefer to stay where he is. Samara: "I completely agree with him" RM: "What are you refering to?" Samara: "Doctora, don't forget that he's your patient" RM: "I won't" Samara: "Your look says differently. Don't forget he has a life. I wouldn't want you to be hurt" RM: "Thanks Samara. Don't worry. I'll see that he gets better and recoveries his memory even if that means I'll lose him." Samara: "You're not going to lose what was never yours. The day that he leaves here you'll continue to be the same person." RM (to herself): "I'll never be the same."

Patricia can't believe that accounting was unable to find where the embezzled money went. I can't have just gone up in smoke. Enrique asks her if she has considered that Ricardo had access to the accounts. She tells him not to stain the memory of her brother and to never suggest something like that again. He thinks she should analyze all the possibilities even if some of them seem impossible. He also tells her that Gullermo is disposed to leave his entire fortune to either Valentina or Nora. Patricia wonders how he could do that if he doesn't know which one is his daughter. Enrique says it could be put in a trust until his legitimate heir appears.

Consuelo is at home and wrestling with Leonardo's arrest. "No. No. No. No puede ser. Dios mio. Why are they putting him in jail? Hector, you could endure that place. You're strong. You know how to fight but not Leonard. Claudio, you have to get him out of there." Claudio says he's doing everything he can but Leo confessed and the DA says he almost killed the guy. That's attempted murder. Connie thinks he's being unfairly blamed. Leonardo doesn't hit people. Claudio reminds her that he confessed to the crime and that the photographer recognized him. Everyone tells Connie to calm down or she's going to be sick. She says that if they condemn Leo she's not going to be sick, she's going to die. She needs to see him tomorrow and find out if he's telling the truth. When she does see him she's desperate. She says he couldn't have done it. She begs him to let Claudio defend him. She has heard horrible things about what goes on in jail. He doesn't know how to fight. She asks him if Hector did it which he denies. She knows her boys pretty well but she's really treating Leonardo like a helpless baby. She goes to church to pray things over and must come up with a plan. She calls Camila to find out which magazine the paparazzi that took the pictures worked for. She tells Camila that Leonardo is going to be all right which makes Camila uneasy.

TU AMOR ep 14 part 2

Guillermo is at a restaurant with Patricia, Enrique, and Adelaida. He really wants to find the girls as soon as possible and will contact an agency in Mexico as well as the U.S. Patricia tries somme of her trickery on him. "Guillermo, I didn't want to tell you this until we could confirm it. In the pueblo, they said that Valentina and Nora tried to cross the river and didn't make it. I was just informed a short time ago and while I can't be sure of anything, it's what they told me.

Patricia makes a call to Hector who has worked up a sweat by exercising without wearing a shirt. She doesn't know if he remembers her but they met the other day as he was leaving Helena Vargas's studio. He remembers and we see an unnecessary flashback of their meeting. She needs to go to her ranch tomorrow and wanted to see if he could pick her up as early as possible. Hector has a few things that he can't cancel but asks if noon would be OK. Perfect. She'll send him her location and will be waiting for him at noon. When Hector picks up Patricia, she says that she likes riding up front. She wants him to call her Patricia. They stop for refreshments along the way and are chatting when Helena calls. He's about to hit the road so he'll call her back later. Patricia tells Hector that it's good that he didn't mention that she was there because Helena is extremely jealous and posessive.

Ricardo is in his room pacing and thinking and trying to remember anything he can. In his flashback he and Valentina are sitting together on the top of his car. I don't know how they got up there because I didn't see a ladder. They make silly talk about him buying a deserted island and keeping her there. That would cost a lot of money says Val. Ricardo says he'll just steal some of his father's money like he's going to steal her. Flashback Val doesn't take him seriously but hospital Ricardo sure does. I stole money from my father?! Who the devil am I? And where is it? And what is this girls name?

Helena visits Leonardo at the jail. He says he knows the consequences of his actions and that he's responsible. She understands what he did but it's not good to hit a paparazzi. He should let Claudio defend him. That's not going to happen but he's sorry that he did it so close to the show. They don't have models, photo sessions, publicity, etc. He says it's best that she cancel the show and not be humiliated by Yolanda. She thinks he's right and will talk to Claudio and Majo. Claudio is not OK with cancelling the show. They would take huge loses and have already signed some contracts. They would become the laughingstock of the fashion world. With or without Leonardo, they have to move forward with the show. Helena reluctantly agrees.

TU AMOR ep 14 part 3

Valentina is about five minutes late to work after making everyone breakfast at Connie's prompting Beba to call her a princess as if she does this all the time. Beba also tells Valentina she doesn't need to talk to Yolanda because she doesn't know about the buttons or brooch that were missing. Yolanda has a pleasant conversation with Valentina about the show and how it can help to advance the dignity of women while ignoring Beba. This really gets to Beba who accuses Val of humiliating her in front of Yolanda after she kept her out of jail for stealing the buttons. Of course Val didn't steal anything but Beba says the cameras will tell a different story. Valentina will not be threatened. Beba stopped her before but it's not too late. She'll tell Yolanda everything. This causes Beba to back down. They're going to talk.

Beba's hamfisted efforts to frame Valentina are real small ball. Yolanda tells her that if you want to hurt someone you have to wait for the right moment. She tells Beba that she has to realize that Valentina's talent inspires her but also that she's very dangerous because of her talent and indominable spirit. Beba asks her why she doesn't just fire her. Yolanda says that first they have to close all the doors of the fashion world to her. The most she'll be able to aspire to is sewing buttons and hems in the barrio. I already did it to somebody many years ago. When Val comes in, Yolanda tells her that they were just talking about the misunderstanding about the buttons and the brooch. Val says that she was going to tell her but that Beba said... Yolanda tells her not to worry about it and to get some rest. She'll see her in the morning. After Val leaves, Yolanda tells Beba to never fear someone who lies to her. Valentina's honesty is what makes her more dangerous. Fear those that tell the truth.

Apparently Doctor Rosamaria knows hypnotism. She has a pendulum that looks like it was made from her necklace. She does the whole "your eyes are getting sleepy" routine. When she has him under she takes him back to the last time he was happy before coming to the hospital. He remembers a spring. He was with a woman. He was happy. She asks him if he can remember the woman's name. Her name is ... VALENTINA.

Cliffhangar: Consuelo and Valentina meet the photographer that was beat up. Connie deparately tries to get him to drop his charges. As she becomes more desperate she starts to weaken and then sink to the ground in some type of medical emergency.


Thank you Dondi for a very well written recap.

Kinda sad but what are you're gonna do when you're stuck in a loveless marriage that your momma set you up in just so she can get an heir? And why do they keep saying son. What if she's a girl? Nare needs to ask melek what went down while she was at that house while sancar was at the olive grove so she will know why melek dont want no baby brother or sister from the mean bitch.
That scene where nare closed the door on him while he was begging to
Talk to her was sad cuz he did the same thing to her.....for different
Reasons. Still bites. There's more
Than those doors that separate the 2 lovebirds. Will they ever be able to break through?

I dont know what gulsiye has in her
Mind to expose menekse n Loki but
It'll be a dozy. That ain't sancars baby. I hope.
Now menekse dont know that nare and
The posse of one has moved out of that house so...what will she do to find the new address?

I want to know what lead up to the
Car accident. And how is it that melek was in the car with kavruk?
I hope that pregnant bitch didn't cause that accident.

Necdet is a pig, hell-lise looked like she wanted to throw up her breakfast. Love guliyse's attitude.
She got something planned to let the house out of the bag about the
Mean bitch. Ok that's all for now.
Gonna enjoy the rest of my weekend.
Read yall later.

Thank you Dondi, stay safe.



Nina, " There is so much to pick at with this episode. All Kinds of stupid here." So true! So true! I didn't learn the first time with "Imperio de Mentiras" that a rebake of a Turkish TN isn;t worth my time. After this one, the lesson will be well learned!


dondi356, thank you for the excellent recaps! I had totally missed the apple scene in the previous episode, so a special thanks for alerting me to it.

The performances and musical scores in this TN continue to impress; BRAVO to the actors and the directors! Those scenes with Nare and Sancar were exceptional!

I was really surprised that Necdet refused to get Nare's phone number for Meanie; he is such a low down rat that I didn't think he would keep his word to Sancar.

Yay for Gulsiye!! Quick on her feet, she knows exactly how to get to Meanie. And she knew Meanie was faking the pains!



1) "La Hija del Embajador" will air from 9PM-11PM on Friday, May 21st; thus preempting "Te Acuerdas de Mi?"
2) "La Hija del Embajador 1a Temporada: Gran Final" – May 24th at 9PM (and it looks like the second season will air immediately afterwards!!)
3) "Te Acuerdas de MI?: Gran Final" – May 25th at 8PM
4) "Diseñando Tu Amor" will air from 8PM-10PM on May 26th-May28th!


TU AMOR. Excellent recap, JoelD! Wow! The OlimpoPratas work environment gets ever more toxic. But no matter what horrible things Yolanda does in firing and besmirching Valentina's professional reputation, I think it's a safe bet that Valentina will triumph in the end. (may take awhile, though--that's what telenovelas are for).


"Cafe Con Aroma de Mujer" will have its Gran Estreno on May 25th at 10PM! I know lots of peeps are waiting for this one :-)


Thanks Rgv Chick, Susanlynn and Nina. Glad you find the recaps helpful.

Susanlynn, the car accident scene was extremely out of place due to editing. Turkish eps run 2 to 2.5 hours so they must be edited to fit in hour segments. The car accident was the start of Turkish ep 16 and then they flashed back to the day before. More impact and less confusion in the original.

Nina, “hijo” seems to be the Spanish TN default. I said in an earlier post Turkish doesn’t have gender, so “baby” or “child” is just an “it”, unless you add the word for male or female. Of course, I’m sure Halise hopes for a boy to carry on the family name. And you raised a good question, how will Meanie find Nare now that she’s moved.

Rgv Chick, remakes can be disappointing. But I saw the original Turkish for Acuerdas and it was meh. As for Imperio, KPA (Black Money Love) is a tough act to follow. They probably should have stayed closer to the original storyline. KPA is one of the all-time, best selling Turkish shows. It’s still on Netflix if anyone is interested. If it ever comes to Uni or Telemundo, I’ll be there.

ITA, Nare and Sancar scenes have been exceptional. So striking how these characters are complete opposites in many ways, except when it comes to Melek.

The performances of the supporting cast are fantastic, both the good guys and bad guys. I especially love Kavruk, Elvan and Gulsiye.




Thanks for the info, Rgv Chick!

What is Uni trying to do to me with 2 hr. eps of Embajador? That’s so strange to have the end of one season and beginning of another on the same night! I guess that’s for ratings since Telemundo has Frida ending and Café starting.

I'm interested in Café con Aroma de Mujer, too. So many novelas, so little time.




dondi356, sorry for the confusion. The first season of "La Hija del Embajador" will end on May 24th and the second season will start on May 25th. I was trying to say that there would be no lapse between the two seasons. OOPSIE!

Telemundo. Oh, I don't know about that, Rgv Chick. I would think that Mujer con Aroma de Cafe would be more appealing. :)

Telemundo. Especially if she's been doing a lot of aerobic exercise.


OMGOSH! SpanProf, yes, Mujer con Aroma de Cafe definitely would be much more appealing!! 😂

Thanks RgvChick for the info on what's coming This week. Now I have something to look forward to this week. So EMBAJADOR ends one season
And starts a new one the next bite.
I like that, that way I don't have to deal with the anxiety of waiting for The next episode for months.


I posted a thank you for the info about what's coming this week to you RgvChick but it didn't post on the site on my phone it's on the website. Strange network.

And there it is ^^^^^^^.
"And starts a new on the next night"

I’ve already set my TV to record the Gran Estrenó on May 25th of “ Cafe Con Aroma de Mujer"! I’m looking forward to this one.


Acuerdas #68

Gracias, and an apology for my lateness.

I have many frustrations with this series and almost nothing new to add to this discussion; you guys have covered all the points.

I don't think Gaston knows very much about where most of the family money seems to be coming from. He seems to have been pretty much a screw-up until he was forced to marry Melida and take over the family's PR needs. He was good at that. However, he has never handled a firearm within our view or the dirty money. He will probably go down with his evil elders unless Melida knows how to jump off a sinking ship and is willing to rescue him. she is the brains in that marriage.

Total agreement on the facial hair and Fausto's pony tail. That does nothing positive for him. I think both he and Olmo are meant to be older than the two actors are.

I guess Gabriel Soto needed the paycheck. He hasn't gotten a good lead role since YNCELH. He should also lose the facial hair because he is looking older than he needs to.

I don't get Ivana's hair either. Ponytails are typically worn to keep hair out of the way so what's with the shorter strands?


Urban, Ivana's errant hair strand and her constantly flipping it away from her face is annoying. There was someone in Imperio who did the same thing. Cut your hair the same length or buy a barrette.

Chickie, thank you for letting us know about the new shows. I am so glad that the second season of La Hija is starting right after the first suspension of the suffering !

I dont think i get Telemundo so no Cafe for me .


Thanks, Dondi. So much is happening on all fronts that I don't know where to begin. Your recaps are must-reads. Glad you pointed out that car crash with Kavruk and Melek was out of place because I was totally lost. I sure hope Kavruk doesn't wind up being a sacrificial lamb.

You go, Gulsiye! Love her setting a trap for Meanske by hiring Loki.

Not a fan of Yahya, but he seems to be trying not to cheat. Hey dummy, how about asking Elvan out for dinner just to talk. Both married for the wrong reason but maybe there is something left between them.

Kudos to good mother Nare gently broaching the subject with Melek of getting a baby brother (or sister).


Thanks, RgvChick, for posting the info about the new novelas.


Thanks for the comments SpanProf. You and I must be the last two people watching this TN. Too bad, because I think it's a pretty good one

TU AMOR. I do too, JoelD. I think the problem was that the first couple of episodes were confusing, but then they narrowed down the number of characters (thanks in part to the plane crash) and plot lines and it became a lot easier to follow. Unfortunately, I expect that by then a lot of people had decided not to watch.


Hi all.

One slight update to "Te Acuerdas de MI?: Gran Final" – It is Tuesday, May 25th at 9PM (Eastern)

RgvChick and I have reviewed the upcoming Univision schedule and so far, it shows only 6 more episodes. This week, airing Monday through Thursday for one hour each night (with Friday pre-empted). And next Monday and Tuesday, the 24th and 25, both for one hour only.

However, we believe there may be 7 more episodes. If so, we are not sure if Uni will slice and dice or if there might be a further schedule change. We are watching and waiting.


Ok you guys got it all down so Iam gonna just wait and watch.
Cause both are getting really good
Even better thanks to the amazing recaps you ladies give, thank you Dondi,RgvChick,Diana. You guys are excellent recappers, thanks so much for taking the time to do these recaps.

Nina, yes, i agree. We are lucky to have tgese great recappers znd theurvtime, talent,and effort. I would be lost without them.

And Nina, girl, I always love to read your comments . Keep them coming, hon ! The recaps and comments are bright spots in my days.

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