Thursday, May 06, 2021

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi? & La Hija del Embajador - Week of May 3, 2021

ANNOUNCEMENT:     -    Si Nos Dejan premiers on June 1st @ 9PM(E)

-      Diseñando Tu Amor gets its own page compliments of Stevey!!


Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! Diseñando Tu Amor is in its second week and will get its own page as indicated above; JoelD, an unbelievable first-time recapper has been providing outstanding recaps for it and we are looking forward to more on the “Diseñando” page along with recaps from Stevey! Dondi356 is still providing amazingly detailed recaps for La Hija del Embajador and we are very grateful! Minicaps are also being provided for ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi? by yours truly and Diana. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

9PM: - ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi?: Ep 63-64 (Últimas Semanas!)

10PM – La Hija del Embajador: Ep. 48-49 (Últimas Semanas de Primera Temporada!)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “EMBAJADOR”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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ACUERDAS Episode 63 Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

For behold! the storm comes, and now all friends should gather together, lest each singly be destroyed - Tolkien

Previously: Delia interrupts a meeting between Satan and his sorceresses. With an authoritative manner and sassy, stiffened spine Delia defends Pedro to Olmo. She angrily reminds Olmo he offered her no help and subsequently, Laiza almost died. He sputters, trying to keep her from speaking but she coldly stops him. He is not her friend, hell, he isn’t even her employer. She thrusts her resignation letter at him as Olmo pleads that his world is shattered and begs her not to leave. She regards him, steely eyed, demanding he hear her out.

You have to accept the consequences of your actions Delia states. She brings up his relationship with Ivana, the sister of your late wife! At this, Olmo’s lip actually trembles. Goodbye Olmo and thank you she says sarcastically. “Delia” he murmurs and grabs her. Let me go, please. When he releases her arm, she walks away.

Melida and Gaston talk. I believe (but am not certain) that It appears she is following Ivana’s advice by giving him a wide berth of freedom.

Delia says goodbye to Marina. Thank you for everything - I adore you Marina says wholeheartedly. Likewise Delia says, smiling softly. They cry and hug. Andres looks on in the background and gently asks shall we go? Yes.

Ivana descends the stairs trying to chat up her niece. Marina wipes the smile from Ivana’s face by chastising her for being with Olmo while her husband was alive. You didn’t respect my mother, your sister. At this conversation bombshell, poor Andres beats a hasty retreat.

Ivana complains to Olmo about Marina but he asks her not to speak badly of his daughter or her friend.

Faby brings Bingo to Pedro. She lets it slip Marina spilled the beans about Nico. Pedro tells Faby he cares for her and laments Alberto’s passing. He envelops Faby in a hug.

Lola is giving Alicia the grand tour of the building. A man shows up looking around in a rather proprietary way. Lola tells him that she sells furniture and the man smiles, saying the locale would be perfect for her. Sensing an issue, Alicia asks to talk to the young man alone. She asks how much it will take for him to step aside. The man tells her he doesn’t need money...the locale is already his and he is going to go sign the contract!

Vera takes Pedro to meet Ramiro who knows exactly who Pedro is. He knew Pedro would seek him out some day as he killed Pedro’s father under Olmo’s order. We see the slits of Jacinto’s eyes peering, watching every movement, hidden in the background. Pedro states he doesn’t want to hurt Ramiro (although his furious face says otherwise), he just wants justice. If Olmo gave the order, then he must pay. Ramiro agrees to give his testimony and fully realizes the consequences - he too will end up in prison.

Jacinto is practice shooting in front of El Chamaco and Fausto. They shake solemnly.


ACUERDAS Episode 63 Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Part 2

El Chamaco calls Ivana and tells her he is now woking with Fausto. No she cries anxiously, trying to dissuade him but to no avail. He murmurs an endearment into the phone and hangs up.

Pedro and Vera meet and he gives her Bingo. Vera is very sorry that Pedro had to find out the truth the way he did. There are so many obstacles separating them so they must turn the page. They both need to start their lives over. With tears pooling in their eyes, Pedro tells his gypsy goodbye.

Ivana tells Olmo that El Chamaco has abandoned their alliance and is now backing Fausto. Olmo thinks Fausto is still trying to ruin him and declares war!

Laiza comes home in a wheelchair, Delia at the helm. Ramiro arrives and asks Laiza how she is. Laiza stares, nonplussed. You’re late Delia remarks. He wants Laiza’s forgiveness. Ramiro states that Olmo has threatened him and he must leave them to protect them. Delia asks if it is true that he is involved in Tomas’s murder? Ramiro hangs his head.

Marina tells Andres that what she most wants is to have a baby. She asks if he is ready to be a father. Andres thinks a moment (no doubt thinking of his children killed in the accident) but breaks into a genuine, kind smile and assures her that he wants to have a baby with her.

Faby is in the hall as she sees Olmo and Ivana kissing. She slips away unnoticed, stricken by what she saw.

This heinous coupling is briefly interrupted by Pedro’s nearby screaming that Olmo is an assassin. Pedro baits Olmo to show his face – he knows Pedro killed his father. Olmo reaches for his gun as Ivana tells him to stop.

Olmo has lost patience and yells that now, Pedro will hear him!! Once Olmo is outside, accusations continue to fly as Pedro actually grabs the gun, aiming it at his own heart! Are you going to kill me just like you killed him? Olmo denies killing Tomas. You are the traitor Olmo yells as his face contorts to a frightening shade of purple. Olmo yells it was Vera you cheated on Marina with. Pedro promises Olmo will rot in jail, he has the evidence to prove it! Faby watches all of this in horror. Pedro is pushed out of the gates, which are shut tight behind him. Ivana puts her hand on Olmo’s shoulder as Faby runs inside.

Ramiro watches his wife and son from a distance. He leaves without saying anything.


ACUERDAS Episode 63 Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Part 3

Lola and her building leasing competitor end up having coffee at a café.

Post-coital, Marina tells Andres she wants to look for a fertility clinic. Andres would rather try the old fashioned, natural way! Marina smiles her answer.

Olmo tells Ivana he is grateful for all that she has done for him and his family. Since she is so loyal, Ivana thinks he should tell her the truth and asks if he killed Pedro’s father. Olmo admits that he and Fausto killed Tomas...he wonders if she will now turn her back on him.

Pedro calls Vera and tells her that the look on Olmo’s face assured him that he was his father’s murderer...and Olmo now knows everything including that Nico is his son.

Julio tells Vera that Melida called a meeting to remove Pedro from the council.

Faby arrives at Octavio’s, rolling suitcase in hand. Come in he says warmly. Faby unleashes a torrent of truth regarding Pedro and her mother and “tio” Olmo. She wants to stay with Octavio permanently. There is constant shouting, fighting, lies and secrets...she is tired of it and does not want to live that way. He would not believe everything she heard today! Octavio tells her that he is proud of her.

Ivana goes into Faby’s vacant room and sees a note. Faby does not want Ivana to look for her. Ivana needs to let her live with her father so she can be far from the fighting and crimes of this family.

Ivana shares the note with Olmo. She actually seems to shed a few tears. We will get her back he says reassuringly.

Faby texts Octavio who finds Pedro waiting for him. Pedro is going to file a complaint against Olmo for murdering his father. Octavio wants to talk to the witness.

At Octavio’s, there is a firestorm behind the door. Hurricane Ivana has come to claim her daughter. Faby reluctantly answers and Ivana marches in screaming for Octavio. He isn’t here Faby relates calmly. She tells Ivana that she is responsible for pushing her away by her affair with Olmo and everything he is guilty of. Faby refuses to leave with her saying Octavio is going to fight her for custody. As Ivana leaves, Faby tells her that she will see her in court.


ACUERDAS Episode 63 Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Part 4

When Lola and the other interested tenant show up at the building, the landlord makes a Solomon like suggestion – why don’t they share the building? They agree and both affix their signatures to the contract.

Octavio and Pedro show up at Ramiro’s but he is not there. They next go to Laiza’s and although Delia and Laiza admit seeing him recently they don’t know where he is now. While they ponder their next move, Teo calls Pedro and tells him he needs to get to the office NOW...they are stabbing him in the back.

Meanwhile, the council meeting is in full swing. Olmo, Ivana, Melida, Gaston, Marina, Julio, Alicia and Teo are in attendance and on high alert. Olmo spews poison that they need to be united now especially as they have lost two members – Vera who was fired and Pedro, who will be fired for corruption. Pedro arrives and reproaches Olmo...he tells him that if he wants to get rid of him, to be a man and do it in front of him. When Pedro tells Olmo that he can’t take his shares, Mélida tells him that there IS a clause that allows it.

At that moment, the door opens to reveal Vera on the arm of Raul Bernal! Fausto smiles and says he is pleased to meet them!!! As collective jaws drop and Olmo stares enraged, the episode ends…




As always, thanks to RgvChick for her invaluable assistance in translating the all important dialogue.

This was a good cliffhanger!

I sense the new character's introduction (did anyone catch his name) is a potential romance for Lola. And because Julio will always pine for Vera and Gabe's restaurant will always come first, it is fitting that Lola should end up with someone with whom she is first and foremost.

I missed Eddy and Emilia tonight but as Faby is in turmoil, they will hopefully show up tomorrow.



Diana: According to Univision, there's just 20 episodes left. Big question is whether the Gran Final will be 2 HRS ?


Bravo for Nare with the smooth take down of Meneske...she deserved that humiliation....but Im sure we've not seen the last of Meneske....especially since her MIL is on her side. Still can't wait for everyone to see the true Halie...or at least Sancar does. She continues to do her dirt unnoticed for now.

Glad Karuk and Sancar had a frank talk about another doomed wedding and Karuk' true feelings for Zehra. We knew Sancar would not looked down on him and would support him assuming Zehra returned the feelings. Crazy that he's going thru with this wedding to keep a vow. Someone needs to tell Zehra how Karuk feels about her...perhaps she can stop the wedding...assuming she feels the same way. However, so far she's only shown brotherly love toward him.

Can't wait to see with Sancar has in store for Akin...hope its involves daily beat downs.



Good morning Steve.

As Sin Nos Dejan premiers on June 1st I don't believe there are quite 20 episodes left. Including tonight there is a minimum of 17 I believe.




Thanks, Diana for the excellent recap and the so appropriate quote. 😊

Looks like Delia is the only one who can reduce Olmo to the trembling fool he is.

My big question is what was Delia referring to when she reminded Olmo in her confrontation with him that EVERYTHING has to do with what happened years ago. Could she be referring to what happened to Mrs. Olmo (Alma) and the way she died?

Yes, Gastón got his freedom to go sleep with Laiza or do whatever he feels like as long as he is discreet.

Yay! Bingo has been returned. The poor puppy was whining as Pedro was turning him over. Maybe he didn’t want to leave the high life!

Surprise for Ivana: Loved El Chamaco moving on with the enemy so to speak.

Yay! Fabi is out of the vipers nest and ready to go to court against Ivana.

Loved Olmo getting the BIG surprise at the end. Wait till he finds out that Gastón sold shares to Vera.

Now, only Vera needs to find out who killed her mamá.

Should be a good one tonight.


Thank you for your always kind comments and support Jarifa!

"The poor puppy was whining as Pedro was turning him over. Maybe he didn’t want to leave the high life!" had me smiling away.

I so appreciate your noting Delia's comment that "EVERYTHING has to do with what happened years ago" which I did not catch. Very interesting. Yes, perhaps it's some clue as to why and how Alma died!! If there was some sort of cover up or Olmo was involved somehow why has Delia been so staunchly loyal to him all this time??? So much yet to be revealed.

Both Pedro and Vera have made grave mistakes in their relationship and Vera's lies are a huge part of it. But if they are to end up together, now is the time. They need to unite.

There will be fireworks tonight! Talk about a grand entrance.



Nina, I just saw your comment on the previous post.

My heartfelt condolences on the loss of your aunt. I am so very sorry.

Am sending you prayers and virtual hugs. God bless.



Thank you, Diana! As always, your eloquence in relaying the events and emotions flows gracefully throughout your recap. I am always in awe!

I am especially appreciative because I missed the he first few minutes due to technical difficulties. My recorder went bonkers and for some reason I can't even view the recording :-(

Faby continues to impress. Octavio has every reason to be proud of her.

Looks like Pedro has joined Vera in LaLa Land. How stupid of him to go to the mansion to confront Olmo knowing full well that Olmo's minions were sure to be there. Just plain stoopid!

I was confused as to why Vera is now saying that she and Pedro have to go their separate ways...Que? Que? Que?

I'm not sure but I think the name of Lola's potential love interest is Bernardo.

So now that Fausto/Raul has finally shown up for a council meeting, what will he do? Does he, along with Vera, have enough shares to outvote the others?? Ooooh, is he planning a take-over???


Thank you for your very kind and uplifting words RgvChick!

I am so grateful Jarifa noted that very important statement from Delia regarding Alma that I missed. Was it murder? Suicide? Can't wait to find out.

Leave it to you to ID Lola's co-tenant! You miss nothing!

Faby is the woman! I applaud her for having the courage and determination to leave that nest of vipers.

I can't begin to even speculate as to why Vera and Pedro aren't clinging to each other for dear life right now. Both have said (and not said) things/truths but where is the dogged determination to be together no matter the cost?

Interesting question as to the shares and who has what. A take-over seems to be an excellent guess.



dondi356, another fine recap, thank you! ANd it just amazes me how your sides mirror my thoughts as a I watch the episode.

Nare taking Meanekse down was swe-e-et! And Oh how I wish the men would have been slower at pulling off Elvan from Meanekse! That was my favorite scene! Nett, I too fear that we have not seen the last of Meanekse. I found it odd that Hellise would take her back into the house when Sancar had just ordered Meanekse out of the house.

I can't stand to see Kavruk caving to Hellise's threat. Why oh why doesn't he tells Sancar why he is marrying Ayse!


RgvChick, Diana, a takeover would be the best outcome everat this point.


You are so right Jarifa!!


Gracias, Diana!
Yes, I also noted that statement from Delia about the past and wondered if it had anything to do with Alma, though I can’t imagine Delia having any part of a cover up. I do hope we find out more about how Alma died.
Also wondered what book Lola sat on when she had cafe with the other interested tenant. I thought that maybe they were coincidentally reading the same book, a clue that they think alike and will have a romantic connection?


Fe, I believe Lola and her likely future boy friend were reading the same book.

I think Alma's fate is a critical part of the storyline and an explosive one if it turns out Ivana had anything to do with her sister's demise. Many possibilities.


Embajador #47 part 1

Halise and Nare stand face to face. Halise welcomes Nare. Sancar looks surprised and maybe a bit suspicious. What Menekse did was an ignorant act, Halise says, and I was wrong, too. Okay, now everyone looks surprised. Halise begins, I regret having contributed to the slander against you, they were nothing but unfounded rumors. Nare listens, stone-faced.

Halise continues, your daughter’s father is my son and that makes Gediz sort of an uncle. [not what Gediz wants to hear] We know you well, Nare, and we can vouch for you. You know us [she sure does, you viper!]. Sancar nods for his mother to continue [please don’t tell me he’s buying this BS]. Halise finishes, I’m sorry, Nare.

You can hear a pin drop. Family and guests are wondering what’s next. Sancar looks uncomfortable. Nare finally speaks, it was not necessary to apologize, but thank you señora. Sancar is astonished. Nare sits. Halise looks sick that she had to make this public confession and apology. Halise asks Elvan to get up and let her sit next to Nare. Halise forces a smile and Nare gives a kind of eye roll. Sancar is still trying to process what happened.

An achy Guven makes his way to the front desk. His card doesn’t work the door to the bar. The clerk checks it. There’s no problem, she tells Guven, your card only opens your room, not the rest of the facilities. Guven growls, my back is killing me. Why can’t I go to the bar to have a drink? These are Mr. Sancar’s orders, the clerk says, he left a note. Guven reads it: Make sure you leave your room empty after the trial. If you don’t know where to stay, I suggest a “sanitario” [English caps said clinic, original Turkish said bathroom]. Guven flips the note back at the clerk and hobbles away. Kahraman is in the hotel lobby and watches Guven leave. He’s clearly interested in Guven.

The party is over. Kavruk and Ayse say good night to Sancar. Kavruk tells Sancar he will take Ayse and Dudu home. Sancar pulls Kavruk aside and whispers something into his ear that we don’t hear.

Elvan yawns and Sancar asks if she’s sleepy. If I told you all that happened today, I’d never stop for 6 months. Sancar asks her if she’s going or staying. Staying? Yeah right… Elvan says she will get Nare. She walks right past Yahya and Halise.

Yahya says to his mom, it seems you’ve lost your head. Only thing missing was kissing her hand. Are you trying to make it up to my brother, he asks? Shhh…use your head a little, Halise says, the mansion is at the point of collapse. I’m only trying to help. Do what you want, Yahya replies, I hope you don’t regret it. Yahya leaves, walking past his brother without a word or a look.

Sancar walks over to Nare’s table and signals her to go with him. They enter the mansion.
Sancar apologizes. It’s late and he has to take Menekse home. Are you going to throw out another woman, Nare asks? Perhaps you can kill a man. Sancar says nothing and gives Nare a look like he’s sadly resigned to do what he must. Nare wants to say goodbye to Melek before she goes. She enters the bedroom and sees Melek sleeping with Zehra.

Meantime, Sancar goes into Menekse’s room. Pack your bags. I’m taking you home right now! Can we talk, she asks? He doesn’t want to talk. Is that woman still here, Menekse asks, you’re kicking me out while she watches and laughs at me? You’re giving her what she wants? Sancar replies, she wants to see her daughter. She’s saying goodbye now. Don’t make me explode. Hurry up, Sancar orders. Menekse has no choice but to start packing. [Boo hoo, Meanie.]



Embajador #47 part 2

Nare comes out of the room the same time Menekse comes out. The women stare at each other. [were you waiting for another cat fight?] Sancar comes out with Menekse’s suitcases. Eventually, Meanie walks away. Nare asks Sancar, so will you go home. or will you go to Akin? Sancar answers, you don’t care about what Menekse did? You’re only interested in Akin? Nare responds, my daughter can have a married father, but she can never have a father who is a murderer.

As Sancar leaves with Meanie, Nare calls out, don’t forget your daughter will be waiting for you. I know, Sancar says. He motions for Meanie to move along.

Gediz bids everyone good night. It was an interesting night, he says [understatement]. Are we going to stay, Elvan asks Nare? No way, says Nare and she and Elvan start to leave. Just then, Melek comes outside and calls her mom—I have a stomachache, she says. Can you bring a hot water bottle? Halise immediately asks Gulsiye to get it. Halise tells Nare to bring Melek back inside. And if she’s not better, we will call the doctor. Hmmm… interesting development….

Atike is awakened by a knock at the door. Sancar comes in and drops the cases. Sancar asks for Necdet He’s not here, Atike says, but this luggage, my daughter? I brought Menekse back, Sancar says. You’re bringing her back, Atike asks, after asking for her hand? What did she do? Sancar angrily answers, she slandered my daughter’s mother. She tried to ruin her reputation and her brother helped. Menekse cries and grovels at Sancar’s feet and hugs his legs. She begs, forgive me, please. I did it out of ignorance. I’ll never do it again! Please, forgive me! Atike worries for her daughter.

Sancar lifts her up. He asks Atike leave them. Sancar calmy but firmly tells Menekse, I will never be able to forgive you. You won’t be able to forgive me. I’ll take care of everything, he says, I will get you a house. He takes off his ring and closes it in her hand. [Yes!] Menekse will not accept this. You can’t get rid of me by giving me money and a house, she says. Give me your hand, put on the ring. [Not gonna happen, Meanie.]

She raises her voice, why do you refuse? You plan to give my place to that cualquiera? You will help a woman who destroys families? Sancar lays it out plainly, she didn’t destroy any family. Your problem is with me, not her. Meanie says, she’s at fault; she’s sinned. You cheated on me with her, and she cheated on you with Gediz! Sancar look daggers at Menekse and leaves her sobbing.

Nare calls Gediz who has been tailing Sancar. Gediz is just waiting for Sancar to leave Menekse. There’s Sancar’s truck and Gediz takes off after him. They speed through the streets. Nare says don’t lose him. The sun comes up and they are still driving. They finally arrive at Gediz’ quiet place. Gediz gets out and gets a surprise—it’s Kavruk driving Sancar’s truck. Hello Gediz.

We switched cars near the lake, Kavruk says. The two of you make me crazy, Gediz replies. We knew Gediz, Kavruk says. Sancar also asked me to take you home so you could calm down. Once you calm down, you should go to the olive grove. He wants to talk to you. Talk about what? Kavruk’s not sure but he thinks it’s about the picture.

We see Sancar sitting on his car looking at the pic. He’s at the mill. A doctor comes out. He’s been treating Akin and gives Sancar an update. Akin is still weak. Lack of water has affected him. Is he awake, Sancar asks? Yes. Sancar thanks the doctor and reminds him no one can know. The doctor will return in a few hours.



Embajador #47 part 3

Sancar enters the mill. We see the $100,000,000 on the wall and a groggy Akin, tied and taped. Sancar pull up a chair and sits up close in front of Akin. He menaces him with his eyes. Akin can’t meet Sancar’s stare. Look at me, Sancar says. Can you look at yourself in the mirror, he asks? I wouldn’t be able to. And if you can’t, it’s not out of shame, but out of fear…of losing your life, Sancar whispers. Muge ruined your kidneys, Sancar tells him, you need to get better, Akin. We have business to settle. I won’t go until I get what I want. Sancar leaves him with that thought. He tells Hasan to find Guven. Sancar drives off.

Guven is passed out drunk at a bar. Two guys grab him and lead him out. They bring him to Kahraman who is having soup at a restaurant. Kahraman asks the owner to shut the doors. They are the only ones there. You kidnapped me to bring me to a restaurant, Guven asks? This isn’t a kidnapping, Kahraman replies, you are my guest. But I don’t want to have a conversation with a drunk. So pay attention, Mr. Guven. How the hell do you know my name, Guven asks?

Kahraman answers with a dicho: if you have food, eat; if you have problems, run; and if you have soup, drink. A bowl of soup is placed in front of Guven. Do you work for Sadiclar, Guven asks? Kahraman shouts, I am Kahraman Boz and I can destroy any man! Guven perks up and asks, did you say destroy? Kahraman is amused and says look, how his eyes shine when we talk about destroying someone. Kahraman says, relax and eat your soup. Don’t worry, my objective is to destroy Sancar. Guven smiles.

Sancar returns home to find Nare caring for a sleeping Melek in the refuge. He’s pleased to see them. What are you doing here with her, he asks? Shh… Nare asks you did it, didn’t you? Gives a slight signal to indicate no and she exhales. Sancar sits with them on the couch, Melek’s legs resting on his. He smiles at them. You said you’d follow me all the way and you weren’t kidding, he says. Well, she had to stop him somehow. Was I wrong, she asks? He smiles, what happened? What was your excuse to stay, he asks? Melek wasn’t feeling well. Sancar is alarmed, he touches Melek’s forehead and quickly realizes that’s the excuse. How naughty, was this your mother’s idea, he says to the still sleeping Melek.

Flashback. Nare goes to say goodbye to Melek and she’s asleep with Zehra. Nare wakes her daughter and says, dad you and me will stay here together for a few days. What do you think? What? How? Say you’re not feeling well. You have to pretend. That’s fine with Melek.

Sancar says don’t use her. Don’t use my daughter. Nare says Melek is not sick now but she will be. Eventually she will have to fight. When she grows up, she will fall, but she will have to get up and she will need her father. Sancar is worried Melek will hear. Nare continues, I’m giving her the hope of the three of us living together so she won’t think you will abandon her. You haven’t thought about this, Sancar?

He’s listening. Nare tells him you’re not her best friend, you’re her father. He sighs, you’re torturing me [that’s the idea, Sancar Efe]. He looks at his daughter. She’s going to fall in love, Nare says, maybe she will have her heart broken like her mother. Sancar looks at Nare. Do you want her to suffer as much as did? Nare says, children without a father are destined to suffer. Sancar is clearly affected by this. He gets up and leaves the room. Nare follows.

Nare continues to chip away at his conscience. My father never held my hand, she says. Did you know that? Not even once. And my mother gave birth, but my father never held that little girl’s hand. Nare, Sancar says her name sympathetically.



Embajador #47 part 4

She continues, I was a well-behaved girl, I swear. So much, that when I was hurt, I cried in silence rather than cause an inconvenience. I wasn’t a bad girl, she says. If I wasn’t a bad girl, why didn’t I have a father? I don’t understand, she laments. Why didn’t my father ever take my hand? Sancar can’t bear to listen, enough, he says.

Nare doesn’t stop, no one worries about us. No one takes our hands, the hands of the fatherless children. We are like leaves in the wind. We float without a home, she says, and no one cares that we suffer. I thought I had a father worthy of admiration. Sancar is crying.

As Nare speaks we see Guven leaving the restaurant with Kahraman and they shake hands. Nare continues, I respected him (Guven) immensely. He could have been a good father. When I was with him, I was most happiest. But he didn’t even visit me. I would anxiously wait for him to return. But for him I was only a distraction. It’s a wound that hasn’t healed. She’s in Sancar’s face. I cried thousands of tears, she tells him over this wound, but it still hurts. You can’t recover without your father. You can’t; it’s impossible. The forgotten still have a broken heart.

Now we see Menekse chopping off her hair as Nare continues to speak. Thanks to so much hate towards us or towards the others around us, we live a great part of our lives wishing others bad. Without a father, that’s what we become. Sin is the next step for us, Nare says. People blame the forgotten. Sometimes we can fly far away but sometimes we fall. We look for the warmth of a hand, that’s all. The bond of a father and daughter is something special because there is nothing in life like it.

We see Melek now while Nare speaks. We can’t eat or make a sound without a father, no matter what he does. Nare drives her point home, we can ignore all his sins because at the end, he is our protector. For a girl there is no one more special than her father.

Nare cries then regains some composure and continues, but we are not helpless either. We are very strong people, and we know how to endure. It’s part of our lives. We endure. So you can break our hearts, but we are accustomed to the pain. We endure. We will fight and keep going. We are not helpless people.

Nare finishes, take care of your daughter, Sancar. Take her hand. I am a damaged woman, but your daughter is young and beautiful. Take your daughter’s hand. Sancar takes Nare’s hands in his and then pulls her into a hug. She whispers his name.



Embajador #47 part 5

Melek wakes up and she’s alone. She finds them and they quickly break apart and wipe their eyes. I was looking for you everywhere, she says. We are here, love, Sancar says. And he takes hold of her hand without a thought and then realizes what he has done. He gets down and holds his daughter tight. Nare smiles. Nare asks Melek if she would like to go to work with her father. [another tactic of Nare's] Both Melek and Sancar happily accept. Melek runs off to get dressed.

Sancar tells Nare, you know exactly what to say to me. Nare asks, you… does this mean you have changed your mind? For me it means that there is no one else like my daughter’s mother, Sancar replies. Nare walks out of the room. Sancar looks so conflicted.

Menekse walks into the room like a zombie. Her mother is startled to see what she’s done to her hair. Meanie doesn’t speak, she looks at the pics on her phone. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Halise and Menekse perks up. Did you bring good news? You spoke with Sancar and he will forgive me, right?

Halise says she spoke with Nare so she would forgive me. I did not mention you. Menekse doesn’t understand. Will I be able to return? To be honest with you, Halise says, when it’s about that woman, Sancar won’t forgive anyone, not even his wife. For that reason, you are going to divorce, Sancar. Atike gasps and Meanie looks desperate.
And we are out.




Dondi, thank you, thank you for a great recap of an episode that shook things up.

Unlike Ayse , Meanie is not willing to settle for a house . She is greedy enough to not be satisfied with a golden egg and wants to keep the golden goose..Sancar. I dont think the new haircut will change the way San feels about her. I wonder what her next move is going to be.

Speaking of geese,that was quite a wild goose chase Kavruk had Gediz on.

So. ... What is San's end game for Akin? I

Hellise and Guven are despicable. What does Guven's new friend plan to do to San ?

Acuerda s

Diana, thank you for another roaring recap of all the skullduggery .

Geez, Iwanna just cannot keep herself from pouncing on Oldmo. I always expect him to fall over as she lunges for him and brought grasps his head like a free throw 🏀basketball. 2 points . She is insatiable , but then she is down to one suitor after juggling Octavio, Chamaco, and maybe Alberto.

What weird entrance Vera made in that blood red gown for the meeting ?????


Thank you, dondi356! I've run out of ways to express how wonderful I find your recaps and your sides.

Susanlynn, I too am wondering what plans Sancar has for Akin. If he plans to hurt him in anyway why bring a doctor to come tend to him? I'm stumped!

So now two more of Sancar's enemies join forces. I hate to think what Kaveman and Guven will come up with to strikeout at Sancar. I fear it will involve Nare..and oh my, it cuodl involve Melek too since those are the two most important people to Sancar.

Nare is quite the sly one and knows exactly how to get to Sancar. Her discourse about a father and daughter was laudable.

I'm so glad Hellise turned on Meanekse; now I'm hoping that Meanekse returns the favor and spills all that Hellise has done.


Susanlynn, everytime I read your "Iwanna" I want to say "iguana" LOL Still appropriate, que no?


Lola made a deal with Alicia that she would try online dating if Alicia agreed to the location for their joint venture. She did and found a good prospect that she agreed to meet for coffee. They would recognize each other by bringing the same book... and guess who the match was. As she was walking in she saw, by his book, that Bernardo was her match, so she crouched down and tried to sneak away. He happened to look up and see her (but he didn't see the book) and called her over to join him, as he assumed he had been stood up. She didn't want him to know she was his match, so she hid the book and yhen sat on it. Didn't see how she got up when they left. Maybe she left the book behind? It would have been funny if the waiter ran after. "Yoohoo, Miss, you forgot your boo-ook!"


Chickie, I am hoping that San didn't send the doctor to Akin to keep him alive so that he can continue to torture him. Yikes... would he do that ? I hope San doesn't kill him . I hope Guven and K. Don't kill Akin and frame San.


Thanks, Nett, Susanlynn and Rgv Chick.

Sancar wants his “pound of flesh” from Akin. What good would it be to kill someone who is already half dead? Sancar would be mercifully putting Akin out of his misery. Besides, Akin will have the mental torture of wondering what fate awaits him. Is it bad that I approve?

Nare is really determined to stop him. She’s laying a big guilt trip on him and making sure she and Melek stay close.

In the original, when Halise made her apology, Nare answered her—let Allah forgive you.

Also, in the original, Nare speech was specifically about fatherless daughters. She didn’t use the generic “children”. These scenes were very powerful. Neslihan was great.




Thank you so much Anonymous!

So Lola and Bernardo were an online match and they actually had a blind date! That makes sense as I couldn't figure out the book thing or why Lola was hiding. I really appreciate your clarifying all of that!

Lola is a sweetheart...



Quite an epi..thanks for thanks for the great recap Dondi.

Sussanlynn...I'm thinking that due to Nares speech about fatherless children...and her persistence in him thinking about Melek....that Sancar now has to change his end game for Akin. Before was clear that he wanted to hurt and kill Akin for what he did but at every chance...Nare tries to persuade him not to do that because she doesn't want him to have the sin of murder on his hands...and more importantly, she doesn't want Melek to grow up with our father. I think this speech had to work on him and he's got to find another kind of special hell for Akin that doesn't end with blood on Sancar's hands. We shall see.

Speaking of fathers...Nare revealed that she never felt warmth or love from her father ...wonder why. Was he just that cold of a man or is there a back story between him and Nares mom. We don't know their history. It could just be that he's a cold...selfish...heartless gambler who only cares about himself and family was a necessary thing for him.

Surprised that Halise suggested divorce to Meneske....she can't mean it though. I'm thinking it is a ploy of some sort but I don't believe divorce is taken lightly in that it's got to be a ploy or some sort...we shall see.


Thank you Anonymous for clarifying that Bernardo was the online dating match. I was confused by that scene. I was going to rewind and rewatch but I forgot to do that. Gracias!

ACUERDAS, Ep. 64: Some Go to the Mattresses…Others Refuse to Play Part 1
To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. – Sun Tzu

Fausto and Vera saunter into the council meeting and “Raul” states that he is pleased to meet them. Olmo stands enraged and glares at Fausto; Olmo snarls the he is NOT Raul Bernal. Fausto gives them the documentation indicating the he is legally Raul Bernal. Ivana interjects that Vera should not be there, but Fausto tells them that she is his guest. Vera also adds that she has a right to be there since she bought the shares from Gaston. They get down to business and Raul votes that Pedro should stay.

Octavio and Faby spend some quality time together. Faby tells him that they will learn from each other. Octavio suggests that they need to prepare for what they will say to the judge the following day.

The council voting continues. Marina abstains from voting, but the majority votes that Pedro stay.

Jass calls Emilia; he wants Eddy to come to a dinner at Fausto’s house. When Eddy refuses to go, Jass insists that Eddy needs to reestablish his relationship with his grandfather. Though Eddy agrees, he still expresses his disagreement.

After the meeting concludes, Olmo dismisses everyone except Raul. When Olmo grabs Fausto, Fausto tells him that he can’t do anything to Fausto because he is dead…and he can’t hurt Raul because he will go to jail.

Laiza receives a letter from Ramiro but she throws it away. After Laiza leaves, Delia quickly goes to retrieve the letter and asks Lola to keep quiet about it.

Pedro tells Teo that Olmo gave the order to kill his father.

Olmo asks what Fausto’s intentions are. Fausto retorts that he wants to reveal that Olmo is a damned traitor and a murderer. Fausto is going to bring him down; he already has the majority of the council on his side and it won’t be long before he takes Olmo’s mansion and everything else he has.

Pedro asks Vera what Fausto is doing here. Vera explains that Fausto just wants Olmo to pay for what he has done.

Olmo reproaches Fausto/Raul for prostituting his own daughter. Fausto counters that Vera only did what she had to do…and she did it for her own reasons. When Olmo states that if he goes down, so will Fausto, Fausto thinks not, because Olmo’s weakness is his family and that will be what drives the last nail into his coffin.

Fausto exits and feigns goodwill toward Pedro; he even invites Pedro to a dinner at his house.

Ivana tells Olmo that they have to strategize before Fausto goes any further. Olmo thinks that they need to find some weakness or mistake that Fausto has made, but Melida advises that it won’t be easy. Ivana then suggests that they need to find allies to work with them against Fausto.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 64: Some Go to the Mattresses…Others Refuse to Play Part 2

Fausto and Alicia chat as Teo watches. Alicia is glad that Fausto showed up to put Olmo in his place. When she suggests that they see each other soon so they can discuss some of her ideas, Fausto agrees and invites Alicia to the dinner he is planning for the next day. After Fausto leaves, Teo approaches and comments that it seemed Alicia was flirting with Raul.

Upon exiting, Alicia sees Olmo who gives her a drink. Olmo knows that he should have listened to her initially, but they need to remain united. When he offers to shower her with gifts and whatever she wants, Alicia tells him that not everyone is for sale. Some people prefer a few cents rather than millions stained with blood. When Alicia mentions the dinner with Raul, Olmo informs her that Raul is really Fausto, his enemy, but Alicia mocks that he is now seeing ghosts. After Olmo leaves, Teo tells Alicia that what Olmo told her had some truth in it…and he will explain everything.

Pedro receives a call from Nico who wanted to say good night and thank him for bringing Bingo. Vera then takes the phone. Pedro tell her that he was looking at her painting which symbolizes their love…and their love has broken. Pedro then comments that Julio is still in love with her. When Vera asks what he feels, Pedro tells her that she should know.

Olmo meets with Gaston who regrets selling his shares to Vera. Olmo tells Gaston that he is going to name him as his new vice president.

At the courthouse, Octavio, Faby and their attorney encounter Melida who is representing Ivana. With her, she has a psychologist and a civil attorney who is there to determine whether Octavio has committed a crime.

Olmo meets with Marina next. When Marina tells him that he is going overboard with Pedro, Olmo can’t believe it and thinks she has a good heart…after all that Pedro has done to her and now he is betraying them by siding with his enemy. They need to protect themselves from Raul . When Marina reproaches that his accusations against Pedro are false, Olmo assures her that they will investigate to prove that Pedro is corrupt.. Marina stresses that what he is doing is only out of spite and of no use..

Faby is testifying that she just wants to live with her father. When Melida questions why she doesn’t want to live with her mother and if her mother didn’t take care of her, Faby remains quiet; so, Ivana urges her to tell the truth. Melida attacks with more questions about Ivana’s treatment which Faby cannot refute. During a recess, Ivana assures Octavio that she is not going to allow Faby to stay with him. When she brings up his history of alcohol abuse, Octavio counters that he overcame that a long time ago.

Olmo tries to convince Marina that Pedro is not worth defending and thinks she is blinded by her role as a victim. Olmo contends that he sees Pedro clearly and he knows what Pedro is capable of…he is uniting with his worst enemy!

Vera talks to Julio and asks him if he is still in love with her. Julio admits that it is true...there is something in him that can’t let her go. He has never lost hope even though he knew how she felt about Pedro. Julio assures Vera that, If some day she realizes that things won’t work out like she wants, he will be there for her. As he kisses her hand, Fausto lurks behind the door.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 64: Some Go to the Mattresses…Others Refuse to Play Part 3

Gaston goes to see Vera bearing a huge bouquet of flowers. Gaston tells her that he talked to Melida who has agreed that they can be together whenever they want. Gaston can spend some nights there with Laiza; and other nights he can sleep at his home. (Slap him, Laiza!!)

Ivana talks to Faby and tries to convince her that Octavio has come between them. What Ivana is doing is for Faby. Ivana then points out that Octavio can’t pay for her school …and he can’t watch what she eats. Octavio only eats junk food…and Faby will end up having problems with her weight and bulimia again.

Laiza is frozen in disbelief that Melida has agreed that they be lovers. When Gas tells her that he can’t offer her anything more, Laiza refuses to be his lover…she wants a healthy life. When Laiza suggests that they can start from zero together, Gaston refuses to give up what he has…he is even going to be the vice president! Laiza is relentless (thank goodness!) and tells him to get out of her house and not come back!

Ivana turns on the tears and tells Faby that the thought of losing her is breaking her heart. If living with Octavio makes Faby happy, then she can stay with him. Ivana will always receive her with open arms. (Don’t fall for it, Faby!)

At Fausto’s dinner, Fausto is very happy to return to the world of he living and to have such good friends with him. Alicia makes her grand entrance and Fausto sits her at his side.

Lola goes to the café and sees Bernardo who is surprised that she is the one he has a date with. (Thank you Anonymous for clarifying that this was a result of the online dating match!!) Bernardo is not a happy camper and wants to forget everything. When he tells Lola that she can keep the location, Lola reminds him that they both signed for the location. They are both adults and they can be professional…and they don’t have to pursue a personal relationship.

Jass runs after Eddy who hurriedly leaves the dinner. Fausto comes out and asks Eddy if they aren’t friends anymore. Eddy retorts that they are NOT! When Jass insists on knowing why Eddy is being so obstinate and reminds Eddy that Fausto has been cleared of killing Pedro’s father, Eddy counters that his grandfather is a criminal! Eddy saw, with his own eyes, that Fausto kidnapped Olmo. When Fausto asks if he called the cops, Eddy denies it. Fausto wants to explain what happened, but Eddy refuses to listen to his lies and runs off.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 64: Some Go to the Mattresses…Others Refuse to Play Part 4

After dinner, Alicia tells Fausto that Teo told him all about him. Fausto claims that he is innocent and he would like to tell her the whole story…but they would have to meet somewhere alone. Alicia mocks that a dead man is giving her such an invitation. When she asks who, she should reply to—Raul or Fausto—Fausto tells her to respond to Fausto who wants to see her again.

Faby tells Eddy about her experience in court...she couldn’t testify against her mother. She then stops and asks Eddy if she looks fat. Eddy assures her that she is the prettiest girl he has ever seen.

Vera goes to see Pedro. She tells him that she will do whatever is necessary to make sure that they will be together (Whuhhh??? On…off…on…off; hard to keep up!). Julio watches them as he plays with Nico.

Faby tells Eddy that she has to study so she needs to be alone. After Eddy leaves, Faby looks in the mirror as she hears Ivana’s reminder that she needs to follow her diet.

Fausto tells Jass that they need to make sure to convince Eddy that he is not a murderer. Jass thinks that it is Emilia who is putting ideas in Eddy’s head.

Omlo talks to Alma’s portrait. He remarks that he is now alone and feels that he is the worst of idiots (viewerville collectively nods).There is not enough time left in his life to ask for her forgiveness (and we have been wondering FOR WHAT!?). He was a fly who fell right into Vera’s web…and because of that damned woman who duped almost cost him his life.

Pedro asks to talk to Fausto. Pedro tells Fausto that he appreciates what he did, but he is not part of Fausto’s team. Fausto knows that Pedro doesn’t trust him. When Pedro asks why Tomas suspected him and not Olmo, Fausto replies that the Casares are very good at making people believe that they are their friends, but then they stab you in the back. All Pedro knows is that Fausto and Olmo have always played a cat and mouse game, and Pedro won’t be in the middle. When Fausto reminds Pedro that he helped him, Pedro counters that Fausto only did it because it was convenient for him…so Pedro owes him nothing!

Octavio arrives home and sees that Faby is in bed. He thinks she is asleep, but Faby has her phone and looks at a picture of her and Alberto

Jass sneaks in to see Eddy at night. Jass asks why Eddy called his grandfather a criminal. When Eddy argues, Eddy grabs him and pins him to the bed telling him that that he is going to convince Eddy otherwise! After Eddy complains that Jass is choking him, Jass finally stops and releases Eddy.

Olmo is in his bedroom when Ivana comes in with her crocodile tears. Her heart is broken because she has lost her family (pushed away, I would say!)…her husband whom she loved and who betrayed them, and Faby whom she had to listen to in the courtroom. Faby was saying horrible things about her (the truth hurts) in court and Ivana knows that Octavio put all those awful ideas in Faby’s head.

FIN for the week!



Anon 5:34, thank you so much for those details on Lola and Bernardo. I was confused too... even in tonight’s episode! I did wonder if it was an online dating type of situation, and you confirmed it!

What a wonderful and generous patio we have! We all come together to make sure we are clear about what transpires in these episodes that are jam-packed. Glad to know we have each other’s backs :-)


The title and quote were (as always) outstanding.

RgvChick, you captured the myriad of emotions and mind games being played perfectly. Your detailing was impeccable.

Most behaved badly, some intolerably.

We’ve come to expect the worst from Ivana so there was little shock among the patio at: Faby "will end up having problems with her weight and bulimia again", wielded like a weapon, to inflict as much pain as possible upon her only child. Yet, hitting a vulnerable young girl where it hurt the most wasn’t sufficient. A huge helping of guilt was heaped on with: “Faby was saying horrible things about her (the truth hurts) in court and Ivana knows that Octavio put all those awful ideas in Faby’s head”.

“Gaston can spend some nights there with Laiza; and other nights he can sleep at his home” was beyond selfish and incredibly cruel coming from someone who professes Laiza is the love of his life. But “When Laiza suggests that they can start from zero together, Gaston refuses to give up what he has” I was incredulous. I hereby revoke any previously expressed hope these two would end up together. He does not and will never deserve her.

“(Whuhhh??? On…off…on…off; hard to keep up!)” summed up Vera and Pedro’s relationship brilliantly. Vera keeps going back for more: “Pedro tell her that he was looking at her painting which symbolizes their love…and their love has broken”. Shut Up. Pedro. You have made more than your share of mistakes. Put your pride and huge ego aside and get on with reclaiming your family.

I was surprised Eddy revealed he knew Fausto was holding Olmo as a prisoner. Fausto, who always manages to stay one step ahead, now has his radar on high alert. Never a wise idea.

And J-ass going off the rails demanding Eddy pledge allegiance to Fausto! And now he is blaming Emilia for putting ideas in Eddy’s head? Look in the mirror you disgraceful murderer. You’ve ruined your life trying to get you daddy’s approval which you will never have.

Hasn’t Alicia learned her lesson???

“Bernardo is not a happy camper and wants to forget everything”. I think that’s a great idea. I’m not impressed and think Lola can do much better.

Are Uni’s scissors out and shearing this? A few things seemed chopped.

Marina seemed to be one of the few voices of reason tonight. That in and of itself says it all.

RgvChick, another fabulous summary. Gracias amiga.



Thanks, RgvChick for another winning recap and title. Your running commentary made me smile this morning.

Diana “Most behaved badly, some intolerably.” Perfect one sentence summary!

Worst character in this episode: Ivana seeding doubt in Fabi’s mind about her past bulimia.

Second worst character: Jack *** Gastón (Diana, I will split the “jackass” moniker with you and your labelling of “J-ass” LOL’) trying to get Laiza to agree to his “have his cake and eat it , too” plan. He says he loves her but loves his current life more and she is smart enough to know it. Yay!

Best character: Eddy who is the only one with integrity. Too bad he is still a kid.

Most entertaining character: Alicia in spite of her too tight turbans.

Most regressed character: Marina refusing to vote and perhaps displeasing her daddy Olmo.

Most annoying characters: Vera and Pedro forever hemming and hawing. If only the writers would save these two. . .



Jarifa, "Most entertaining character: Alicia in spite of her too tight turbans" made me laugh heartily this morning. Thank you!

Jack*** had already gone over to the dark side. So is he going to physically kidnap Eddy and force him to do his grandfather's bidding? If he truly loved his son he would be doing everything in his power to get him out of there and away from Fausto. But it's too late as Fausto is determined to keep the boy in his sights.

I meant to mention that I loved the brief scene the other night when Eddy and Nico were together. I hope there are many more of those scenes.



Thank you, Diana and Jarifa! I can always count on both of you to be th eearly birds :-)

Diana, "Most behaved badly, some intolerably." sums up this episode! It would be a could alternate title :-)

Jarifa, I agree that the ones who stood out as the worstare Ivana and Gaston. The only good thing Ivana has ever done for Faby is to be her incubator...makes me wonder how Faby could have come out with such a sensitive, good-natured personality. Gaston really plummeted; Laiza had already told him she wouldn't be his mistress. What made him think tha tjust becasue he had Melida's permission, Laiza would be oky with it...IDIOT!! And I am in total agreement withthe rest of your listing!

I am just not into Pedro and Vera anymore...ya basta!

Jass certainly isn't getting the Father of the Year Award...but he is a good contender for the Toxic Father of the Year. I just don't get him; he had a perfectly happy life before he got involved with can he not see the abyss he has chosen to fall into..and now he wants to take his son??? He can follow his sperm donor right to hell!

Diana, "Are Uni’s scissors out and shearing this?" Nope! Just plain bad writing...editing...directing...juarever! LOL

BTW, by my calculations, there are 11 more episodes to go! Mexico aired 76 episodes, but Univision spliced two of them into one during the first couple of weeks, so we should be getting a total of 75 episodes. That means that the Gran final should be on May 4th; we'll probably get about a week of "Rosa de Guadalupe" before "Si Nos Dejan" starts.

Embajador #48 part 1

Divorce? What? Menekse is devastated. What do you mean divorce, Atike asks, do you know what that means for our family? My daughter will be humiliated. Haughty Halise states, no one will dare to insult Sancar’s ex-wife. Sancar will take care of you, you will lack nothing. There is nothing more to discuss. Halise has decided and orders Menekse to divorce Sancar.

Menekse won’t agree to it. Don’t you remember what you told me, she asks Halise? Yes, Halise remembers, I told you to follow in my footsteps. To learn how to be a real lady, but what did you do? You tried to pull another woman’s hair out. You have proven yourself to be low class, just like your mother.

I never stopped being Atike’s daughter, so why did you marry me to Sancar? Halise says she took a girl who knew nothing and tried to improve her. I thought I would change you like I changed Elvan, she tells Menekse, unfortunately, you were already ruined. I didn’t realize what kind of woman you were.

Atike threatens Halise, I’ll pull your hair out…you’re a… Halise quickly shuts her down. What little class you have, Atike! Shut up and listen, she hisses. I’m interested in Sancar’s well-being and you are interested in money. [she’s got that half right, guess which half.] So, I will propose a deal. How much money do you want to sign the divorce, Halise asks? Talk it over. Halise leaves. Menekse is destroyed.

Nare sees Sancar and Melek off as they go to work. She reminds Melek they have plans for tomorrow. Sancar tells Melek to wait for him in the car. What’s the plan, Sancar asks? You’ll find out tomorrow, Nare replies. He asks Nare to stop with this. Then you stop, Sancar. He walks away.

Nare calls Gediz. He’s been looking all around for Akin with a group of men and has found nothing. Where the hell is he, Nare asks with frustration. Think where Sancar could have brought Akin! Gediz says they searched the marina, the yachts, they checked the cameras at the hotels and got nothing. Did you go the shack, Nare asks? Yes. We are going to go the town but people there are loyal to Sancar. This will take more time, Gediz says. Nare tells him to keep her informed. Will do.

Nare barges into Zehra’s bedroom to wake Zehra and Elvan. She claps and throws open the curtains. You asked me what happened, she says to Elvan, and it’s time to explain everything. Elvan says Nare is driving her crazy. She’s been asking her to explain. Zehra asks if Nare stayed the night, too. Elvan answers, yes, we stayed. I broke my oath. She babbles about a punishment, about Yahya… Nare asks Elvan to be quiet for a minute—once you start talking it’s hard to get you to stop!

Nare tells Zehra she wants to apologize for what she went through. Zehra stops her, if this is about Akin, don’t apologize. He’s obviously ill, but it’s not your fault. Elvan is confused and asks who is this Akin I’ve been hearing about these past few days? Zehra says, anyway, she took care of Akin by herself. Nare tells Zehra she is a brave woman. Elvan is going crazy with curiosity. Nare explains that Akin is a person she’s known since she was a child and… he’s obsessed with you, Elvan interrupts, she knows that. But what she doesn’t understand is what it has to do with Zehra.

Zehra recounts the story. Akin wanted revenge on Sancar and Nare and he tricked me. He almost got what he wanted. If it wasn’t for the pepper spray in my bag... What? Elvan realizes what happened. Now she swears she will kill that bastard. It’s too late, Nare tells her, Sancar will kill him. Elvan and Zehra are alarmed. Zehra asks if Sancar has found him yet? Yes, he did, Nare says, and he won’t tell us where he hides him. Gediz and I tried to find him before Sancar…



Embajador #48 part 2

Elvan pieces it together. So that is what you talked to Gediz about, and wait, that is why Sancar asked Karvuk to look after his family. Zehra is surprised, Kavruk knew and did nothing about it? Why didn’t he stop it? Nare says Kavruk is helping Sancar and he helped Sancar to escape from Gediz last night. Zehra is upset.

Nare says Sancar won’t stop until he kills Akin. We have to change Sancar’s mind, or he will kill him. Elvan thinks Sancar won’t do it because of Melek. He’s not a murderer. Nare tells Elvan not even Melek will stop Sancar. This is why I’m trying to keep him close, she says, and why I asked Melek to go with him. Gediz will find Akin while Melek keeps Sancar busy. But Nare knows Sancar well, he won’t change his mind.

Elvan says she will find Akin and kill him, she doesn’t have any children to worry about. Zehra says both Elvan and Sancar have lost their minds. She shouts, do you think it’s easy to murder someone? Zehra starts to get dressed. Elvan jokes about being spoiled in prison and she will be far away from Yahya. No one else is in the mood to joke. Elvan asks Zehra where she’s going. She doesn’t know but she at least has to try to get her brother to reason.

Kavruk is at the stable on a horse. Zehra comes shouting for him. Come down here! I want to talk to you! He gets down and she pulls him away. She shouts, give me the car keys! She really lets him have it. Will you ignore the fact that my brother is about to become a murderer? Kavruk is stunned and silent. Zehra demands an answer. Kavruk stutters. I know everything, she says, I know who Akin is and I know my brother wants to kill him. I know he asked you to look after the family, so don’t hide it. I know you are his accomplice, right?

Kavruk asks what did Sancar say? Zehra replies, tell me he’s not going to murder Akin. Tell me that he is not a murderer. Tell me that you won’t help him and that you will do everything to change his mind.

I can’t, Kavruk says, I made a promise. Is that why you got engaged to Ayse, she asks? My brother asked you? She shouts in Kavruk’s face, is that why you got engaged! Answer me, Kavruk! There’s nothing to explain, Zehra, I made a promise. I’ll give my life to protect your brother’s family and Ayse… he stumbles on the words… we wanted to make the commitment. He’s trying to hold back his emotions. Zehra turns away in frustration.

Zehra turns back to him, Sancar is about to kill Akin. A kind guy, named Kavruk offered to help. By accepting, he has condemned my brother and he knows it. This is all very pathetic, she says, including you. And she pokes at Kavruk with her finger. I don’t like this feeling, she says, I don’t like it. She walks a few steps and turns back, if you tell my brother that I know about this I’ll hate you for the rest of our lives.

Nare and Elvan say goodbye to Gulsiye. Elvan tells her to find her if Halise or Yahya give her a hard time. Halise and Ayse come through the mansion gate. Ayse asks Halise, don’t tell me you threw out the DIL to replace her with that woman. Don’t be ridiculous, Halise replies.

Halise and Nare exchange greetings . Halise wonders why Nare hasn’t left yet. She worries, is Melek still not well? She’s feeling better, Nare tells her, she’s at the olive grove with her dad. Halise asks for Yahya. Elvan ignores her question. Nare says they haven’t seen him. Nare and Elvan start to go and Halise thanks Nare for bringing her granddaughter to them. Nare says she didn’t do it for Halise, she did it for Melek’s father. They leave.

Elvan is impressed… she would call that response a slap. They laugh. Nare asks Elvan why she doesn’t sit and talk about her problem with Halise. Elvan isn’t interested in talking to her and she is sure Halise doesn’t want to talk to her either.



Embajador #48 part 3

Dudu and Yahya are flirting outside Sadiclar again. We see Menekse lurking, and she watches them. Dudu must have done Yahya a favor of some sort. She mentions driving and thinks she should be rewarded. Yahya laughingly calls her opportunistic. [I wouldn’t laugh, Yahya] No not at all, she responds, I take advantage of the opportunities presented to me. Yahya invites her to dinner. Dudu clears her throat, she’s a bit uncomfortable. Dinner? To make things even, Yahya says.

Menekse interrupts them. She wasn’t spying, she was waiting for them to finish. She asks Dudu for a moment with Yahya. Dudu tells Menekse, I like your hair. And she leaves.
Menekse is desperate and that’s why she came to speak to Yahya. Yahya thinks she must be desperate to risk being seen by Sancar or Nare. Menekse tells him Sancar wants a divorce. Yahya says that shouldn’t surprise Menekse. Don’t worry, he says, my mother won’t allow it. No she did, Menekse says, she came yesterday and told me to get the divorce. She said she wanted to change me like she changed Elvan, but I was already ruined.

Menekse continues, I would never have shown those pictures without her knowing. It’s the truth. Yahya is surprised his mother knew about the pics ahead of time. Yes, of course, Menekse says, I beg you to help me. He tells Menekse he will do what he can. She’s grateful and goes to kiss his hand. He pulls it away. Ay mother, Yahya sighs.

Melek is trying to dump a basket of olives into a vat. She’s too small and the basket and vat are too big. Sancar comes in and she asks for help. He runs. Too late, the basket falls and the olives spill over the floor. Sancar trips on the olives and falls. He groans and Melek warned him to help her. Now the olives are ruined. Sancar tells her, your dad almost died from the fall and you worry about the olives? The olives a very valuable, she says, we have to turn them into oil to sell. She helps him up.

Sancar laughs, you talk as if you have a lot of experience. Not yet, Melek replies, but in a few years, I’ll be a business person with experience. She thinks, when I am an older woman, you will be an old man. You and my mom will be grandparents, with wrinkles and walking with a cane. She laughs but this makes Sancar sad because he thinks about what he must do. He gives his daughter a hug.

Gediz arrives at the grove and sees Sancar and Melek. She is helping her dad clean himself up. She tells Gediz about the olive incident and how the olives were ruined. Sancar comments again how Melek cares more about the olives than her own father. Gediz comments that Melek is really her father’s daughter. You like the olives as much as he does. Zehra shows up at the grove and joins the conversation. She says soon Melek and her dad will be partners. Right, brother? Gediz jokes and asks Melek to watch Zehra so he can talk to her father.

I spoke to Nare, Gediz tells Sancar, you haven’t done it. Why? Why didn’t you go when you lost me? I did, Sancar replies. But you didn’t kill him, Gediz says. It’s not the time yet, Sancar answers. So when will it be? Sancar says he has to take care of Melek’s custody, she’s starting school. I’ll finish off Kahraman, leave it to me. Gediz is frustrated with his partner, you say this so calmly, Sancar. Gediz takes a few steps away and sighs.

Kahraman’s partners and lawyer come for a meeting. Zehra goes to get Sancar and Gediz.

Gediz comes back to Sancar, you will kill him and then what? If you live you will be a murderer and if you die, you will be a dead one. Sancar keeps his head down. Remember what I promised you, Gediz asks? You know I won’t fail you. Sancar gives his patented stare to Gediz.



Embajador #48 part 4

Flashback to all those years ago in the olive grove: Sancar says the marina will go to Gediz in his will. Gediz tells Sancar not to talk like that. We will be partners and grow old together and we will stay away from each other’s woman.

We haven’t kept the promises we made that day, Sancar says. We are not friends, now that I know you want the woman I love. You failed! Ah, the photo, Gediz asks? Have you thought that there was anything between us? No, Sancar says. So what’s the problem, Gediz asks, the fact that I love Nare?

Zehra walks in the door and gets an earful. Sancar yells, it is not love! You do not love the woman I love! She is the love of my life, you did not keep your promise! You betrayed me, you didn’t stay away from my woman! Gediz yells back, you made her cry and I consoled her! Why? If I make her cry, it’s not your problem. Sancar says. Do you think I enjoy wiping those tears, Gediz asks? She told me she couldn’t keep living if something ever happened to you.

Gediz continues, the devil advised to me to say what I felt: “you will live and you will not shed any more tears for him” But I could not. I promised her that I would protect you, even from yourself. She won’t cry on my shoulder again for your foolishness. I will not allow it Sancar. Understand?

Zehra interrupts, Kahraman’s partners and laywer are here, they want to see you. Sancar and Gediz meet with the partners. They have a proposal. They want to sell their shares of the marina instead of paying the debt. Sancar thinks that’s great. Melek pipes up and asks if he is really able to buy another marina. Sancar introduces the gentlemen to his daughter. He says he want to transfer his shares to her.

Nare and Elvan are finishing dinner. Nare tries to figure out another excuse to go to the mansion. I doubt they will throw us out. Elvan reminds Nare how many time they’ve done that already. They laugh.

The doorbell rings, it’s Gediz. Can we talk in the garden? No need, Elvan knows everything. Gediz is reluctant to speak. Elvan scolds, what’s your problem? Sancar is your best friend and my BIL. I’m here to help. So tell me. And what will you do Elvan, Gediz asks? Elvan says she will finish off Akin.

There’s a knock at the door. Elvan answers. It’s Zehra. Elvan says Nare is here and so is Gediz and you left Sancar alone?! Zehra whispers, Gediz is here? Don’t tell them I am here. Elvan goes back and says it’s the neighbor and she’s going to give the food scraps to her dogs.

Elvan goes out to Zehra and asks why they are outside. Did you come to talk about what happened between Nare and Gediz? She doesn’t like lying to her honorary SIL (Nare). Zehra drops the bomb: Gediz is in love with Nare! Can’t be, really?

Nare is upset to learn Sancar wants to transfer his shares to Melek. A sign he wants to insure her future. Nare wonders what they should do now. How can they stop Sancar? Gediz tells Nare her anger took her to the edge of the cliff. He asks, what stopped you? Melek, she answers. Well, it will be the same for Sancar. Keep using your daughter. Nare laments, if my poor daughter knew what I’m using her for. it’s a big responsibility for a little girl. Gediz sighs. Elvan returns and Gediz leaves.

Elvan pretends Gediz forgot his phone and runs outside to speak with him. Gediz says he has his phone. She asks him if he is ashamed. He wonders what this is about. Elvan babbles on about calming down, flying too fast, avoid crashing. Gediz is totally confused.

Elvan tries to get to the point. You’ve traveled all around the world and still don’t have a partner. And as if there aren’t enough women in this country, you fall in love with Nare? Gediz is stunned. He shushes Elvan and pulls her out of the yard. Who told you that?



Embajador #48 part 5

Elvan tells him Zehra overheard him arguing with Sancar. She says, and I thought Sancar was being irrational, but I was wrong. I have been unfair to him because Sancar has the patience of a saint. She continues, I don’t understand how you are still alive. You had your sights set on your best friend’s woman. How dare you? Gediz asks how did I have her in my sights? Elvan tells him in simple terms, you like her, you love her, she attracts you. Gediz tells Elvan MYOB.

Elvan tells him, in your world people fall in love as if it means nothing, but in my world things are different. You fall in love once. You live with that love and you die with that love.

Gediz turns the tables. Then let’s talk about Yayha, he says. Elvan counters, our thing is not about love. That’s why we failed, and I accept it. But we know what happened between Sancar and the bird was true love, so look elsewhere or someone will get hurt. Gediz tells Elvan she must have gone crazy after Yahya tossed her out. What a shame, Elvan replies, you don’t know what you’re saying. Gediz moves in real close and threatens Elvan, if you say a word of this to Nare, you’ll find out who Gediz is and what he is capable of. [Wow. This is an interesting side to Gediz. Did you think he would threaten a woman like this?]

Halise goes to Yahya out on the balcony. What are you doing here? Thinking about life, he answers. Don’t be dramatic, she says You didn’t come home because Elvan was here. Halise tells him to apologize to his wife. Yahya scoffs, I will beg the wife you created to come home… The one you kicked out because she turned her back on you.

Halise asks who has he been talking to? Menekse. You knew what she had done, Yahya says, and apparently you just used her. And now you want to get rid of her. Halise warns her son to show respect. I advise you to obey your mother, she demands, so get Elvan and bring her here. Yahya replies, you know I challenged my brother for you. I kicked out my wife, too, and now you will do whatever to reconcile with Sancar. I feel like you have betrayed me, mother.

Watch how you talk to me, Halise warns. You confronted your brother, that’s true. But don’t blame me for your hostility towards him. I admit I asked you to throw your wife out, but now I ask that you bring her home, and you refuse me. This is the first time you have challenged me like this. [about time, I’d say] Yahya reminds his mom he just warned her to be careful. But now she’s made a serious mistake. You are trying to bring the family together, but you will only end up destroying it. He leaves her.

Yahya goes to his room. Sancar knocks on his door. Can I come in? Sure, it’s your house. Sancar reminds him what’s mine belongs to all of us. You still don’t understand this. Sancar doesn’t want to fight, he wants to have a conversation. Yahya says, sometimes it’s easier to fight thank talk. Are we going to talk about the past? Sancar didn’t come for that. He wants to be a good brother at least for this last time. The last time, Yahya asks? That’s right, if you understand me or not, it’s your problem, Sancar says.

Yahya, you are losing Elvan. Talk to her. Do it while she still feels something for you.
Yahya wants to know if Sancar is asking if he still loves his wife. You tell me to talk to her, but have you asked her if she has done her duty as a wife? You think I am the problem? That’s exactly what Sancar thinks.

Elvan came to the mansion as an orphan, Sancar says, she had no parental figures, you’re her family. What a shame that you say she is nothing to you. And for no reason. The truth is Yahya, you will regret it. Sancar finishes, a woman like Elvan doesn’t appear every day. You must protect her. Go to her. Please. Something for Yahya to think about.

Sancar is out and so are we.




Chickie, Thank you for anotber recap of all the evil doings . I am hoping that these two evil puppetmasters destroy each other as they wheel and deal to manipulate everyo ne around them.

Alicia, do not be alone with Fausto. He destroys everyone around him .r

The scene of jAss choking his own son was horfifying . He deserves prison at tbe very least . I hope he isnt plann ing on doing anything to Em ilia. Tragic that they were a happy family until Fausto came into their lives.

Then, we have Ivana gaslighting Faby. It was
interesting watch ing Ivana listening to Olmo talking to Alma's portrait. Then, Olmo saw Alma in the mirror instead of Ivana .

What is tbe purpose of introducing Bernardo into the story at this late date? QTH???


RgvChick, you nominated and I second J-ass for the toxic father of the year.

Thank you for explaining inconsistencies and out of the blue scenes due to "Just plain bad writing...editing...directing...juarever!" :)

Having only 11 episodes left make sense as things are coming to a head and need to be resolved sooner rather than later.

Susanlynn, I speculate J-ass is not long for this world. And yes, they were a happy family before Fausto permeated their world, one of the many tragedies here.



This comment is from 5/6 episode.

Oldmo and ivana have gone full throttle nasty. More than ever. No
Shame at all. But he does seem to
Have a conscious where delia is concerned. But that's cuz he got caught.

Pedro has a death wish walkin up there yelling at oldman-mo, and so there he goes with his shotgun like Jed clampet on bad mash but in his case evilvana. That was a sorry confrontation. Oldman-mo didnt care
Just waived him off. For my part they dont ever need to show him and
Evilvana starting or finishing up ever never again.

Good teo told pedro about the backstabbing crookedness of his no
Account adopted daddy no mo. And then walks in the other crooked family. Were the super couple on the Turkish version this mindless about some things. Pedro with that
Deer in the headlights look? and V
So easily taken in by her lying liar of a father? These 2 will make it together by the skin of their teeth.
Thank you Diana and RgvChick.

Diana thank you for your kind words
I appreciate them very much.



Dondi,thank you for that detailed recap.

I must say that almost all these people are their own worst enemies

San doesnt seem to realize that if he kills Akin and goes to prison,he will never be with Nare and Melek , and Gediz will be right there. Is this revenge obsession actually not about his !ove for Nare but ratber about his pride and jealousy? I just do not get this guy.

Hellise js losing her grip on everyone. Both Meanie and her motber talked back to her , and Yayya seems to have jumped on that bandwagon.

Since this is a Turkish telenovela , i am not expecting happy endings for anyone . Universal suffering is the formula.


Dondi thanks for your recaps they have the right amount of detail and are good length, not too little and not too much.
Haughty is an excellent description of Halise. She is the definition of "to look down your nose" at someone ...
Could you remind me what day is the last episode of this season? I think I remember you saying May 11 which would be this Tuesday ..


"Pedro has a death wish walkin up there yelling at oldman-mo, and so there he goes with his shotgun like Jed clampet on bad mash". Just great - thank you Nina, I needed that this evening! :)

And you're right, both Vera and Pedro were taken in by their fathers. I'd have more sympathy if they'd been more honest with each other and if Pedro had treated Vera better. Our lead couples aren't what they are in TNs gone by.



Diana, i agree galans have disappeared from telenovelas , and we are left with the dazed and confused.

You mean June 4th?


Halise is so annoying with that holier than thou attitude. Was she repaying the favor when she decided to take a nobody girl like Meneske or Elvan and marry them into her family? And wasn't it her who gave Meneske the go ahead to send the pics. And it would have been odd if everyone at the event had the pics on their phone and not Meneske so her quip that Meneske should have deleted the pics and the text would have been suspicious. The only thing she got right in dressing down Meneske is that she shouldn't have put her hands on Nare.

While I think Yaya is a little weak...don't blame him for stepping to Halise for what she did. He called her out for turning her back on Meneske after using her for the sake of Sancar. However that only pushes him further from Sancar recognizing that Halise appears to favor Sancar.

Gediz's aggressive response to Elvan was surprising. He's normally such a gentleman but can understand if he's tired of keeping his feelings under wraps while trying to help his best friend and the woman he loves...and now others are telling him what to do. Tough situation for him...but sure he won't do anything drastic...right...


THis comment from 5/6.

I liked the catfight. But the silly pulling of hair was kind of like ridiculous. Do women still fight like that anywhere? Or is that some thing a man thought up? Because the woman I know would do what nare did
Now that was bitchin good. But then elvan(bless her heart)goes and just starts pulling hair again. If yahya
Still had his mustache she could have yanked on that. It was fun to watch tho. That was the funniest part of the episode.
And now we go back to nare keeping
Sancar occupied with melek so he wont off akin whose is the biggest coward I've seen in a long time. How did he turn out to be such a pisshead?

Hellass is the most hateful nasty
Reprehensiable person. Comes into the womans house and tells her she has no class and looking at them like they are something nasty.
She has really forgotten her humble
Beginnings. Somebody needs to tell sancar what she is up to.

Thank you Dondi


Rgvchick great recap. These people are so nuts.
Oldman-mo has just flipped out. Now hes talking to alma and seeing her in the mirror that evilvana just happens to be looking at. That is creepy.
That house/mansions looks like a new version the munsters haunted mansion.
Remember that tn we saw about 4or5
Years ago that ended with the crazy evil mother and the daughter she screwed up haunting the house in the end? Their ghost dancing around the house with Long white drapes blowing in the wind and windows not up? Imagine oldmo with ivana doing that After their killed in a show down with fausto and his possie. Well with everything else is weird about this show why not an ending like that?
Everybody is miserable here anyway.

Pedro and vera doin the on/off jig
Almost every episode.
J-ass choking his son cuz he wont ne a coldblooded killer like dear ol dad and grandpa.

A whole of craziness with no joy nk on the horizon.
Ok good one RgvChick

Thank you.


Thank you everyone for reading. I appreciate your kind words and enjoy reading your insightful comments.

Susanlynn, I believe it’s not so much about Sancar’s pride or jealousy but about how his guilt and his sense of justice relate to the culture. Now he knows the truth about the past and his part in it. Nare has made it clear she will never forgive him. She tells him she wants a life for two—her daughter and herself. So what does Sancar have to look forward to? He’s determined to punish Akin and himself.

I think viewers tend to excuse Nare because of the horrors of what happened to her, but a lot of what she does bothers me. She doesn’t want Sancar but she can’t live if something happens to him? And how about her speech about fatherless daughters? She kept Melek from Sancar for over 8 years! Was she ever going to let him know he had a daughter? And now she’s using Melek against Sancar. In addition, how stupid is she not to realize that Gediz loves her.

Hugo, the May 11 date is for the gran final in Turkey. It’s ending as planned with the 52nd episode. As for the Uni broadcast, I suppose the season final is coming before the end of May. We are currently on the equivalent of Turkish episode 14. The first season in Turkey ended with episode 17.

Nett, I agree with you about Halise. She’s covering her butt on the picture scandal. She’s afraid of Sancar. I don’t know if it would have done Menekse any good to delete Necdet’s texts. Sancar would have found out the pics were sent from her phone. She just made it easier for him. Boy is she stupid. Halise made a big miscalculation in selecting her for Sancar.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and mother figures, except Halise.




Thx for your heavy lifting on the recaps. Appreciate the insights you bring from having scene and understood the Turkish version of the show. The links and asides are so helpful.

I agree that Sancar is highly motivated by guilty and cultural duty. I appreciate that Nare wanted him to know the truth and believe him in the path but never wanted the ugliness of murder and death involved. She's working overtime now to stop him from either dying or or being a murderer. She wants him to be around for Melek.

I would love the backstory of what Nare was doing for the past 8 years. With the level of her injuries...and time in the sanatorium...I assume she was in an institution for several years...but it can't account for the entire 8 years. I have the same long was she incapacitated....who is Akin to Melek.....what kind of relationship did Melek have with Guven...etc. Was Nare only motivated to find Sancar because of the wedding. She was obviously suicidal but was it only due to thinking she murdered Akin.. But will have to take accept what the writers give us.


This comment has been removed by the author.


Thank you, dondi356! Excellent recap with all the details I missed!

So who made Hellise the espousal goddess? What gives her the right to decide who marries whom and who divorces whom? I am not familiar with Turkish tradition, so is this normal?? Can Hellishe dictate who becomes a couple or not? And moreover, why is she allowed to do it? It's really getting to me how she thinks she can stride in with her warty turned up nose and tell people who they should marry or divorce. Not to say that I disagree with Meenekse divorcing Sancar, but Sancar is a full grown man whom everyone appears to fear; so I would think he can handle his own relationships. Rant over... :-)

No, dondi, I never imagined Gediz could threaten a woman as he did Elvan. That totaly took me by surprise. Is it just hot air that he is blowing off or does he have a dark side that we have yet to see? I'm hoping it's the former.

dondi, ITA about Nare. Yes, she has been through hell, but she is not helping matters any with her elusive responses or plain refusal to respond...she normally answers a question with a question; she's getting on my nerves. I also agree that her actions and statements are contradictory. Sancar has been a fool, but I can see where he is pessimistic about a future with Nare. He has now started to believe everything she says, so Nare should choose her words carefully. And, yep, Nare is using Melek...and possibly putting Melek in harm's way. I know Sancar is proud of Melek and wants everyone to know his daughter, but introducing her to his enemies allies?? Ay, ay, ay! No me gusta!

Elvan's joking about going to prison was a bit over the top; she needs to take it down a notch.

Yahya confronting Hellise--'bout time! But may be too little too late.


I couldnt believe that Zehra left Melek alone with strangers when she went to get San. I was afraid that they were going to kidnap her . Then, when San meets tbem , he shows that she is the apple of his eye.uh oh ...Not smart.

Elvan and Gediz,are developing sone kind of odd relationship. Elvan has become very protective of Nare and Melek.

And what is up with somebody yelling " I will kill you/ him/ her ??? "Every episode?


Think about culture and traditions in the US. There are the commonalities of being American, but there are also differences depending on where you live (your region, urban, suburban, rural), your ethnicity, your religious beliefs, etc. I think that in a large country like Turkey this is the case as well. Then add in the dramatic license that TN writers always take.

I wonder what Turkish people think of us when they watch American shows, especially if they see reality TV.

Maybe I shouldn’t admit this, but “I’m gonna kill you/him/her” is a common enough figure of speech in my neck of the woods. I chuckled when Nare said this to the absent Sancar.




I too was concerned when Zehra left Melek like that. She's been entrusted to take care of her niece and she hands her off to someone else. Speaking of Zehra...who else knows that Karuk is in love with her. Sancar was kind and accepting of Karuk's feelings so I'm' hoping someone pulls her coattail soon. Even if she doesn't have feelings for him beyond that as a brother....maybe she can help stop another loveless marriage forged by Halise.

Rgv Chick.... arranged marriages are still a custom in many parts of the world but typically arranged mutually by family members. Not the case with Ayse and Karuk...but Halise's power over Karuk in this matter is about his loyalty to Sancar and the family o powered by her bullying him so he can stay away from Zehra. And obviously Ayse is in it for the money.



Dondi you made a good point about sancar maybe thinking he has nothin to live for since nare has Told him she won't forgive him. But if she does forgive him will he not Go after akin still? Finding out about him raping nare was bad enough, now that he knows he tried to do the same to zehra that just empowered him even more to end the parasite's life.
But really I think nare is lying to herself by saying she wont forgive
Him. The girl is so mad she could spit sharp nails, she in love with the man.
I thought she knew that gediz is in love with her. I dont think he has a dark side he just wanted to scare
Elvan. And he didnt set out to fall in the love with his bestie's woman
It just happened.
Sancar seems to move without even thinking about the consequences of his actions. When does he ever sleep?

That actress that's playing hellshe
Is really good at lookin down her nose at people she feels is beneath
Her. She is such a good actress she
She makes me wanta smack that smug
Look off her face. I kinda felt sorry for menekse(kinda). Hell-lise
Made her think she would make her a worthy woman in the efeoglu clan. That was very deceptive. She is out for herself. And I don't think that
Sancar is aware of his evil mother.
Yet. I have been noticing that she gets to tell who to marry who and when to devorce, who made her the queen of life? Sancar has been out of the loop for quit awhile cuz he
Has his own drama going on. Just One disaster at a time I guess.

Kavruk is such a sweet humble guy,I
Hate seeing him bowing to that she
Devil hell-lies. He can still look after the family while married to zehra.
I like the way yahya told mom to stick it and then walks off.
What a horrible mother she is.

Happy Mothers day to all the moms on the patio and dads that have step up around the world♡♡♡♡♡

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