Monday, May 31, 2021

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Suerte de Loli, Café con Aroma de Mujer, y más: Week of May 31, 2021

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-10PM -   La Suerte de Loli
  • 10-11PM - Café con Aroma de Mujer

My DirecTV guide shows both telenovelas being broadcast on Memorial Day.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Loli recap for episode #88

I hope everyone took the time to remember those service men and woman who gave the ultimate sacrifice as you enjoyed the long weekend. Recap will be up late this morning.


VVS: I've got a BIGLY thrill up my leg seeing Carmen Villalobos portraying an EVIL antagonist.


Hi Steve, I am pretty new to telenovela watching so a lot of these actors are new to me. Carmen, so far seems to have her work cut out for her and I hope she isn't evil.

Loli – Episode #88
Part 1

Paulina makes it clear to Loli that she and Rafa have so much together, including a daughter and she ended it with Vicente and is going to do everything to make it work out especially since Loli is marrying Octavio right? Loli keeps her cool and tells Pau that if Rafa is happy getting back together then Loli is happy for him, as it seems Rafa and Pau deserve each other. Pau “thanks” Loli for her blessing and goes to get Leo.

Loli tries to convince Leo to talk to Rafa and clear the air between the two. Leo says too much has happened between them and it really should be Rafa, not Loli, there talking to him. Loli says not to waste time being angry, if she had a brother (that wasn’t Chente) she would do anything to fix that relationship the way she and Mariana, not blood sister, did for each other. The convo is interrupted by a call from Octavio happily telling Loli that he is ready to go get their marriage license.

Rafa and Angie are working to try and find a replacement for Rox but no one is interested because of Chente’s reputation for firing everyone around him. Rafa sees Leo in the breakroom getting coffee, a long look is exchanged before Angie interrupts and asks if everything is okay? Rafa says yes, all good.

Speaking of interrupting, in walks Paulina to ask if she is interrupting (like that would stop her from barging in) Angie leaves and Rafa tells Pau that he heard from Chente that she broke off the engagement and he hopes it wasn’t because of what happened with them a few nights ago. Paulina of course feels that they still have a chance, for the umpteenth time, Rafa is clear, they do not. He tells her they spend too much time together at work, with Jess and drops the bomb that he is planning on retuning to Chicago.

Paulina cannot believe he would leave her and Jess. She practically begs him to stay, saying she has changed (whatever you manipulating biotch). The conversation is interrupted by Sam and Jess looking for Rafa to help out with a school project. Paulina pretends to care about Sam and asks for Nicky. In walks Leo, happy to see his two favorite “nieces.” He offers to help them with the project, Jess hangs back to give her dad the look, he tells her that yes, he and Paulina were talking but they are not getting back together. And Loli? Asks Jess. Rafa just shrugs his shoulders as if there was nothing.

Octavio is at Loli’s showing her the marriage paperwork while she scratches nervously. He tells her that they do not have to get married and tries to get her to stop the scratching (this nervous tick is getting tiresome)! Loli says she is getting married for the kids. Yes, says Octavio all for the kids, but there is something I have to tell you, something I need to tell you…ding dong…enter Mati and Rox to interrupt the conversation, Octavio looks disappointed, but puts on a happy face for Rox and Mati who are there early to talk about the new production company.

Octavio says, Wow, a new company? The husband is always the last to know. Never ones to not take the opportunity to party, Mati and Rox immediately want to have a bachelorette party and go to a stripper bar, of course Octavio takes offense and says there is no better stripper bar than Hunky Bar. He talks his leave telling Mati to call him if they girls want to go there for the party. Loli is not at all happy and collapse into Rox’s bosom chanting/singing she doesn’t want to get married.


Loli – Episode #88
Part 2

Leo is helping Sam and Jess with their school project. Jess is paying attention but clearly, Sam is not. She tells Leo that Gabriel broke up with her and it really hurts. In an interesting moment of advice that is more like self-reflection, Leo tells Sam that he thinks Gabriel truly cares about her and that is why he is making this selfless sacrifice for her.

In an almost soliloquy, Leo continues, that people make these sacrifices for the ones they love and the other person doesn’t notice or realize this enormous effort being made by this person. One ends up ignoring the sacrifice, getting angry and not accepting that this person is doing something so special. Then it is just easier to keeping ignoring and blaming instead of talking to that person, clearing the air, until it is too late to fix the problem. Leo realizes he is talking about his relationship with Rafa and how heavy the conversation got with Sam. He tells her that Gabe does care about her, based on the sacrifice he is willing to make. Back to the project.

Backstabbing, Braindead, Babbling Bruno is standing pathetically talking to Chente who is trying to help him regain his confidence with Melissa. The three-time divorcee is giving Bruno advise on how to take charge and be the man of the house. Chente comes up with some plan (I really don’t know how this occurred) but next scene, we see Melissa taking pictures of her new Toyota vehicle, red bow and all, in the driveway. I guess Chente bought the car?
There is other stuff with Bruno and Melissa, but I just can’t recap it.

At Rafa’s apartment, Leo gets a call from Chente who has more plans to destroy Rafa, but after his apparent lobotomy, Leo tells Chente he is no longer interested in destroying Rafa and to count him out. Leo ends up leaving Rafa a note, basically saying he was sorry for the way he has been acting all these years and finally taking responsibility for the rift in their relationship. Lee sends Rafa a text, asking if they could talk? Leo leaves the apartment.

Other combined scenes:

Rox and Veronica finally have a decent mother/daughter talk. Apparently after speaking with Cesar for the second time (there was a whole memory convo where Cesar gave some good advice to Veronica about how to help her relationship with Rox), Ronnie has decided that she will be more of a supportive mother and wants to go with Rox for the first insemination appointment. Rox is happy but cautious.

Paulina continues to gaslight Jess with hopes of she and Rafa getting back together and then calls her manager/publicist to say she ready to write her next book: How to Reconquest Your Ex! Paulina even puts on her wedding rings again and hears Rafa’s voice repeating vows when they got married.

Rocket Mortgage has a commercial with Lupe and her new house. (Lots of product placement tonight!).


Loli – Episode #88
Part 3

Loli, Mati and Rox are having a pathetic bachelorette party at home. Not even Norita, trying to play reggaetón on the piano (too funny) can raise Loli’s spirits. Contrast that with the major Hunky Bar bachelor party for Octavio and I know where I wanted to be! Divina is divine in a red dress and tells the Hunky Bar clients that the owner and “Midas of the Night” is getting married! He is brought up on the stage for a final dance and of course the video is promptly uploaded live for Loli and Rafa to see.

Mati says that Octavio is clearly taking the “show” of a marriage of convenience more seriously than Loli. Watching the video, Rafa tells himself, this is not real, this is not for love and runs out of the apartment heading for Loli’s.

When Rafa arrives, he tells a still pissed off Loli that he truly loves her and she can’t marry Octavio. Just then, we hear a mariachi band playing a love song and a rather drunk Octavio singing with them. Rafa says, this is for real! Octavio is truly in love with you! Octavio (who is so handsome and sexy, but cannot sing a bit) comes to the door, sees Rafa and pretends that the serenade was all part of the plan to convince the Judge. Rafa seems relieved by this but keeps Octavio from Loli, pushing him out the door.

The next morning, Octavio has a terrible hang over and cannot believe that he did what he did. Roberto is once again telling him that it is clear that Octavio has real feelings (love) for Loli. Loli storms in, demands that Octavio tell her if he really is in love with her. Octavio says he cares deeply for her, as a good friend. Loli seems convinced. (I am not).

At Global radio, Paulina is once again trying to convince Rafa to stay when Loli bursts in the door to interrupt the conversation, much to Paulina’s annoyance, asking to speak to Rafa. Rafa tells Loli, don’t worry, we will bring Bruno down! Loli tells Rafa, I am still going to marry Octavio today.



Thanks so much for this wonderful recap, VVS, complete with your terrific asides. I especially loved "Backstabbing, Braindead, Babbling Bruno"! Also, "after his apparent lobotomy" and "if she had a brother (that wasn't Chente)." And thank you also for saying Loli's "nervous tick" was becoming tiresome. Actually, I found it tiresome almost from the beginning.

Glad to see that Leo is now headed back to the side of the angels. Hope it lasts!

I'm about to leave for most of the rest of the day, but I did want to thank you. I confess that I'm not looking forward to recapping tonight's episode. But who knows?

Thanks so much for the great recap. Loved Octavio's senenata. Sure hope that Pau does not get Rafa back. I wish Bruno would stay locked in the trunk. Btw, last night on The Good Doctor on ABC, Osvaldo Benavides played the role of the Guadalajaran doctor. It was fun to hear him speaking English. He had a big role.


Hi Juanita! Thank you for taking the time to comment on the recap. Enjoy your day away! I think we all are just going to soldier through to the end because I have my recaps (two left) counted down for sure! I had high hopes for this novela but it has dragged on way too long with stupidity. You always make lemonade out of those lemons Juanita! I am sure your recap will be stellaras always regardless of the writers of the show!



Thanks anonymous at 2:47 pm. I agree that Bruno needs to stay in the truck! He will certainly stink up the new car smell that Mel was commenting on. Remember when he was sleeping in the limo? Carol couldn’t stand the smell. I don’t think that Rafa will get back with Pau. I will have to check out that episode to hear/see Osvaldo Benavides in a different, role. Octavio is adorable!



Fabulous recap, VVS. Your asides were spot on as usual.

Leo’s sudden epiphany was silly. Will it last. I say who cares?

There’s not much I care about. There’s not much happening that is interesting or exciting. It all seems to fit the standard formula.

The only thing I hope for is a HEA for Octavio. Hate that they are sacrificing him at the altar of Loli & Rafa.

Vero and Rox were nice.

Also nice that we are getting less Lupe these days.

Thanks to Anon at 2:47 for the alert on The Good Doctor.




Hi dondi356! Thank you for the comments, it is getting harder to care about the never-ending storylines. I also don’t like the Octavio sacrifice (good one!) at the alter of Rafa and Loli. He needs a super-duper great ending!

I do hope that Leo is back from the dark side and joins forces with Rafa to bring down Chente, that is one thing keeping me going, Chente’s demise!

Apparently, Lupe is too busy staring in commercials. 😊



Thanks so much for the recap, VVS. I watched the novela but came into the office today instead of working from home. And, I've been swamped with work so haven't had time to read your recap.


@anonymous at 2:47. I also saw Osvaldo Benevides in The Good Doctor. I normally let that show sit on my DVR for a while, but I had seen the previews and knew he would be on. He was great and spoke English well. What was amazing was how well Freddie Highmore spoke Spanish. It seemed too good to have learned phonetically for this 2-part episode in Guatemala.

Last night's episode of the doctors on The Good Doctor going to Guatemala to perform charitable surgeries was very, very good.


I will put up a recap tonight, probably not that long of a one.

It doesn't seem that there's much interest and/or comments on a show that I thought lots of people would watch and comment upon. I thought Wm. Levy would be a bigger draw.

I am struggling a bit with the Colombian accents and Levy's mumbling. But I certainly get the gist.

El Cafe
Novelera, I am watching this telenovela and totally enjoying it. Love the scenery, the music, the actors, William Levy. I, too, am struggling with the accents but I’m hanging in there. I put on the Spanish subtitles but truly they are not helpful.
I certainly am willing to comment. My schedule is full so recapping I cannot do but will appreciate you and anyone who recaps. Gracias!


I'm liking the show, too, but just like Novelera, I thought it would attract more people.

Just a bit of catching up before Novelera's recap of last night's episode.

The guy who was suspecting that Ivan was laundering money, Javier, died in a car accident, that was provoked by Carlos Mario, Ivan's accomplice. Ivan wasn't aware at the time, but he knows about it now.

Gaviota and Carmenza asked Ivan about the land Don O promised them. Ivan said that they need to pay him a bunch of money in order to get the land and he denied having the 7mil pesos.

Lucrecia is preparing for her wedding. She almost caught Marcia at Ivan's apartment. And she's paying for Lucia's plane ticket and dress so that Lucia can be part of the wedding and probably become a pest.
Lucia is broke, her father not only bankrupted their company but he's also involved with some bad guys who are following him around NY.

The engineer (Palomeque) is giving advice to the workers about social security and medical insurance. Don O was paying for it, but now that he's dead Aurelio confirmed that the workers need to take care of this on their own.

Sebastian and Gaviota danced at the fair, flirted a bit, and whatnot, but for now, there is no major development in their relationship. He's busy with the family business, they're all trying to replace Javier at the company.
Ivan thinks he should be in charge now that Don O and Javier are dead, Bernardo actually suggests that Ivan is good at finance, but Seb should take care of the rest.

Dona Julia remembered a talk she had with Don O before he died - he told her about some suspicions he had about Ivan, but didn't get into detail. So Julia asks Margot, the maid, if she noticed anything strange when Don O had his heart attack. But the maid covers for Ivan.


Café con Aroma de Mujer #6 – Parte 1 de 2

Much of the episode consisted in family meetings about how to proceed now that Don Octavio has died. At the first of these, Marcela tells everyone that she wants Sebastián to run Café Élites because he’s the most like Octavio, cares for the employees, etc. But Sebas says he can’t do it and tells Iván that he has no problem with his continuing as the head of the company.

Marcela’s boyfriend arrives. Iván fears that it’s the guy he saw in a photograph. Her boyfriend is the Afro-Colombian that we saw arrive in a taxi last episode.

Carmenza and Gaviota discuss things while Carmenza is finishing up a dress she’s made for Gaviota. Gaviota talks about Sebas being jealous of Leonidas Salinas, the agronomist. She tells her mother she feels “something” for Sebas. Her mother is worried about the family. She says that Gaviota is a fine woman and could have anyone.

Marcela leaves the family meeting when the maid tells her a young man is here. She runs out squealing and jumps on the guy. Marcela then presents him to her family as Le Marcos. Iván is outwardly rude and Julia barely civil. Paula is amused. Only Sebas and Bernardo smile and greet him.

The Spanish subtitles in this one, with the most difficult accents, are pathetic. They are waaay behind the speakers, and I’m frustrated getting down clearly what people are saying.

Sebas calls out his mother and Iván for being racist. He says that, if Marcela feels the way she does about him, he must be a good man. Julia tells Marcela that LeMarcos has to sleep in the guest room. After they leave she tells Ivan and Sebastian that she doesn’t want either of her sons involved with a coffee picker. And what she wants to talk about is their plans for the company.

Paula, the brat, tells Bernardo that she thought they’d agreed to back Ivan. Bernie says that he can barely stand the way Ivan talks to people.

Sebas agrees that Ivan stay as head of the company, but he wants someone else for the gerencia, which I interpret as being the financial manager. Ivan, of course, wants Pablo Emilio to continue. Sebas tells Ivan and his mother that Javier was suspicious of Pablo Emilio. And Julia agrees that her husband, before he died, said there were some malos manejos (shady dealings) at the company. Ivan ends up agreeing that there will be an audit (presumably to keep Pablo Emilio around to cover him for Carlos Mario’s money laundering).

Marcela wants to cook something special for Le Marcos. Paula snarks something about her sister always thinking about food and Le Marcos looks shocked. Bernardo, being friendly, asks him where he’s from. He says he’s from a little town by the coast. Le Marcos goes on to say that he’s lived in Europe and thus out of Colombia for a long time. When asked exactly where, he says he got a scholarship to a cooking school in Spain and then worked in Paris, where he met Marcela. He wants to introduce Marcela to his family.


Café con Aroma de Mujer #6 – Parte 2 de 2

Aurelio is eating some arepas that Maricucho has made. They talk a bit. He says he’s not single, rather he’s abandoned. His wife left and even changed her cell phone number.

Sebas sees Gaviota about to leave and asks whether she’s going to see Salinas. She tells him that one kiss doesn’t give him the right to ask that. She says she’s waiting for a man who can give her his heart without caring what his family thinks.

In the kitchen Maricucha gets a call and collapses in tears. The other new woman, whose name I don’t remember is spying on them. She might be jealous of Maricucha and Aurelio, but I’m not sure I understand her motives yet. Maricucha says something about someone killing her flaco or maybe just harming this person. Again, I could not understand what she said and the subtitles were hopeless.

Le Marcos has brought gifts for Marcela’s family, but Ivan insults him for blowing his money that way. He’s given Julia a beautiful scarf that Paula then covets.

Sebas hitches a ride to the town in the vehicle Gaviota was in.

At the club Marcela and Le Marcos hear Gaviota sing and admire it. The waitress at the club tries to flirt with Le Marcos.

The three racists and Bernardo discuss Marcela’s relationship with Le Marcos. It ends up with Ivan asking Paula to find something out to use against him.

Marcela and Le Marcos invite Gaviota to join Sebas and the two of them for a drink. She’s reluctant, but eventually sits down. When Marcela and Le Marcos get up to dance, he tells her she’s gotten into his heart.

Le Marcos and Marcela meet some guys, one American and one Colombian and invite them to the hacienda the next day.

Gaviota and Sebas dance a very romantic dance together. He’s saying things to her, romantic things, but novelera cannot understand a word because his back is to the camera.

When they come back to the hacienda there is a passionate kiss. Sebas starts to put his hand on her behind, and she pulls away saying she’s never… Presumably that she’s a virgin. He pulls away, not wanting to push her, but she pulls him closer and kisses him again.

La Suerte de Loli - #89 - p 1 de 3

We again see Loli tell Rafael that she's going to marry Octavio today. "I spoke to Octavio, and he says he's not in love with me. We're just friends." "And you believe him?" "Of course." "He's taking advantage of you." "We're both taking advantage of each other." Rafa tries to tell Loli that she doesn't have to get married, he has proof that Bruno has been involved with some shady dealings. Loli tells Rafa that she won't attack Bruno. "Norita lost Mariana," Loli says. "I don't want her to lose Bruno, too. I won't send Bruno to prison."

Leo stops by Rafa's office and asks to speak with him. He tells Rafa that he called him and texted him and left him a note, but he got no response. He continues, "We keep fighting all the time. I've been a jerk to you. I want things to be better." Rafa says he knows that Leo has been trying, and he knows Leo is angry that Rafa sent him to Spain (presumably right after the car accident). Leo replies, "We can't change the past, but we can change now. I'm asking for forgiveness." In return, Rafa says, "I'm an idiot who talks nonsense when he gets angry. Forgive me." The brothers hug. Leo looks at Rafa and says, "That look on your face is because of Loli's wedding. You have to do something. You can't just take it lying down (con brazos cruzados)." Rafa says sadly that Loli has made up her mind.

In the bedroom, Sam urges Loli not to marry Octavio. "I know you love Rafael, not Octavio." Loli replies,"I'm doing this so we'll all be together." San says ominously, "I think something is going to happen." Loli tells her to be quiet, she should have no bad vibes.

Rafa is on the phone with Rogelio. Rogelio is worried about the situation at Global Radio since Rox left. Rafa suggests Rogelio and he get together on the golf course and talk. Rogelio can't, he's spending time with Norita. When the phone call ends, Norita asks Rogelio if something is wrong. No, it's just something at work. "Is it Vicente?" Nora asks. Rogelio replies, "He's making too many mistakes. And I can't offer my advice. Sometimes I wish I could go far away and not know what he's up to." Nora says that when she left for Mexico, she said it was to avoid arguments with Mariana. "But in truth I left for Mexico hoping Mariana would continue making mistakes and would call me and admit that I was right. It was pointless. She never said I was right, and I missed the good times with her. I ended up punishing myself for wanting to punish her." Rogelio says, "Maybe I should put aside my pride and approach my son, even if he's nasty to me." He adds, to Norita, "You always know what to say and when to say it. I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

The scene shifts briefly to Hunky Bar, where Apolo is telling Octavio that he can still back out. Octavio claims he has to get married, for Gabe and Cristi.

Norita doesn't give Rogelio an answer. She tells him, "Take a deep breath. It will pass." Rogelio insists he means it. She continues to avoid answering Rogelio's question. "Why are you so afraid of my proposal?" he asks. "I'm not scared. I'm just not as crazy as you," she replies. She finally tells him that they can't get married, that she married Fermin and never thought of marrying again.

Bruno and Melissa arrive at Loli's house for the wedding. Domingo is outraged that they have come. "Shameless!" he yells. He then goes into the kitchen in time to hear a bit of Rogelio's discussion with Norita. He's again outraged. "Shameless!" he says again.

La Suerte de Loli - #89 - p 2 de 3

Loli talks to Mariana's photo. "I'm doing this for your kids." Domingo comes in and assures Loli, "You'll be OK, and I'll always be at your side."

Leo and Chente are talking. Chente asks him, "What made you change? It's not in your best interests to be against me." Leo warns him not to threaten him. He knows a lot about Chente. Rafa apparently comes by in time to hear a key part of their discussion. He angrily enters the room, looks at Leo, and says "It was you!! You leaked the information to the governor! Leo tries to explain that this happened before their recent reconciliation, but Chente calmly says, "You knew that giving me that info would hurt your brother." Rafa says to Leo, "I'd expect it of him (Chente), but you're my brother." Chente fakes an injured look: "Me? It's not my fault that your brother betrayed you." An enraged Rafa says "I quit!" and leaves. Leo tries to go after him. Chente continues to sit with an increasingly satisfied look on his face.

When Nora is alone, Rogelio's marriage proposal prompts a flashback. She's in the kitchen with Mariana. Nora is surprised that Mariana doesn't have dried fruit in the house. Her father had always loved dried fruit. Mariana points out that that was a long time ago, and that Nora should think of trying something new. Perhaps dating. Nora tells her that Fermin was the only man she ever wanted.

Rogelio tells Loli he'll give her away at the wedding. Domingo angrily says no, he'll give her away! Loli informs her two fathers that Nicky will give her away. At that point, Nicky, adorably dressed in a very formal black suit and tie, enters to tell Loli that the justice of the peace has arrived. Octavio is right behind Nicky and comes into the room. Nicky informs Octavio that the groom isn't supposed to see the bride before the wedding. Loli says nothing, but she thinks, "I can still back out."

Pau comes to Rafa's place. She tells him she has come because she knows he needs company.

Sam is putting on lipstick when she suddenly feels ill.

Nicky asks Loli to tell Octavio what they talked about. Loli at first says No, but then she blurts out, "I can't get married!" Octavio tries to convince her to go ahead with the wedding, it's just a signature, nothing more. No, it's not, replies Loli. Octavio reminds her, "Loli, we're doing it for the kids, not for us."

Angie is talking to Vicente about the problems at Global Radio. Ratings are down since Rox left. Even Pau's ratings are down. Chente tells her to find a replacement for Rox. She tells him that she's tried, but "no one wants to work here. They think the'll be fired in a heartbeat." Chente tells her that only losers and the mediocre worry. We work, we don't worry (playing on the rhyming of ocuparse and preocuparse.) He continues, "if you can't do it, we'll find someone who wants to do your job." Somewhat shaken by Chente's obvious threat, Angie says she'll talk to Rafa so they can keep looking. Chente calmly informs her that Rafa is no longer at Global Radio. "He quit. He couldn't handle the job." And he adds, "Rafa doesn't know what he wants, but I hope you do."

Rafa vents to Pau about Leo's betrayal. "I can't take this," he tells her. "I want to leave."

Leo, meanwhile, is unburdening himself to Angie. "I'm a pro at messing up, especially with the people who mean the most to me. I'm a good-for-nothing. Etc. etc. Angie, let's call it quits. You shouldn't be with someone like me."

We get a momentary glimpse of Sam, looking ill.

After much scratching and hoping around the room with Octavio, Loli decides she's ready to go ahead with the wedding. And of course, at that moment Nicky comes to tell her something is wrong with Sam.

La Suerte de Loli - #89 - p 3 de 3

The scene shifts to the hospital. The doctor reports that Sam is stable, but her heart continues to weaken.

Rafa and Pau are continuing to talk, Rafa about Leo's betrayal, and Pau about wanting Rafa at least as a close friend. Rafa's phone rings. He hears about Sam. "I'm on my way," he says.

Rogelio and Domingo are momentarily alone. "Do you really plan to marry Norita?" asks Domingo. Rogelio replies, "If you want to hit me, go ahead and get it over with. Domingo says, you won Rocio over with your money. Then Loli." He's just about to take a swing at Rogelio when Mati and Rox arrive and stop him.

At Bruno's, Carol tells Melissa that she's feeling very bad. She had promised she would see more of Sam and get to know her, but she never did. And she wasn't here for Sam now, either. "Sam probably thinks I don't love her, but Sam is very important to me." [I was about to ask what has brought on this change of heart, but...] Melissa then says yes, Carol is important to all of them. "That's why we brought Nicky and Sam to live with us." The new Carol (or the Imposter Carol?) then tells her mother, "You shouldn't have brought them here. They're not happy here." Nicky suddenly appears. He apparently heard what Carol said, because he goes over and hugs her and tells her not to be sad, Sam is going to be OK. Imposter Nicky then says, "I love you and my aunt and uncle very much." This time, Imposter Carol gets up and goes to Imposter Nicky and gives him a hug. She then leaves to go to the bathroom. Nicky goes over to Melissa and puts his head down on her belly. He tells her he feels the babies kicking. Melissa tells him that means they love him and Sam. He hugs Mel. [Arrgh. I don't know what Imposter Writer added this scene.]

Loli has left a message for Sam's father to call. He does. He's on tour in China, and so he can't come to the hospital. However, he's very concerned and anxious.

The doctor tells Loli that Sam needs a transplant very soon. "If she doesn't get one, we'll lose her." Loli asks what they can do. "Monitor her and pray."

Rafa takes Jess and Joaquín home.

Mel and Bruno make up. FF>>

Leo arrives at Pau's. He says he needs to spend the night. Pau says, "Are you serious? After what you did to Rafael?" Leo admits that what he did was wrong. Very wrong, says Pau. Leo continues, "I'm to blame for this and much more. Vicente took advantage of my anger with Rafa and used me to screw him over. It was Vicente who handed the evidence Rafa had uncovered to the governor. He's behind everything. But Rafa is right to hate me. What I did was disgusting." Pau tells Leo that Rafa will calm down and everythng will be all right, you'll talk things over. You can stay the night, but just make sure Rafael doesn't find out. I don't want him to think I'm on your side."

Rafa is at home. He makes a phone call. "Hi. How are you? Is the job in Chicago that you offered me still available?" And with that, the episode ends.


Thank you novelera, not only for taking the time to provide a detailed recap but for confirming that the dialogue is hard to follow. I haven't watched anything faithfully since Pasion y Poder with Colunga, and I was beginning to think my Spanish was just WAY too rusty for this.

I turned on the spanish subtitles in an effort to boost comprehension but I also found that they are maddingly behind and mostly unhelpful, especially last night. I think it was contributing to my confusion so I was relieved to hear it wasnt just me that was frustrated.

I am hooked by the story now so I will perservere, although the Gaviota song threatens to become an earworm that I suspect I will be slightly sick of. The chance to see WL every night certainly doesnt hurt.

"He’s saying things to her, romantic things, but novelera cannot understand a word because his back is to the camera." LOL!

Muchas Gracias to all at Caray Caray for still being here when I needed you.


Adriana Noel and novelera thank you both for providing these recaps. I am really enjoying the music, scenery and trying to understand the story, but I am just as frustrated with the mumbling of William Levy, the Colombian accents and the Telemundo CC.

novelera, I appreciate the translation of the conversation between Gaviota and her mom while she was altering that VERY short dress. I really couldn’t understand most of it. Sebastián’s romantic mumblings I am sure were awesome but lost on all of us unfortunately.

From Adriana Noel’s recap: Dona Julia remembered a talk she had with Don O before he died - he told her about some suspicions he had about Ivan, but didn't get into detail. I think it is odd that Julia is supporting so much Ivan after Don Octavio was clear that he wanted Sebas to come home because he didn’t trust how Ivan was running the company.

I really like Marcela; she is spunky and smart. I finally realized she was a trained, professional chef who studied in France, I thought she just liked to cook.

Paula is a brat and it appears that maybe Bernardo might be gay as he has said several times he is not interested in children or a girlfriend and was looking at the men on the dating website Paula is using.

I think a lot of people are watching Café and hopefully a few more will chime in with a comment or two. Thank you novelera and Adriana Noel for keeping us hooked!


Just want Adriana Noel and novelera
know how much I appreciate you both for providing the recaps. I will chime in as soon as I watch last night’s episode. I’m enjoying this novela immensely even though I wish Telemundo had better Spanish subtitles. I’ve been watching telenovelas on Univision and this is the first time in a long time I’m watching something on Telemundo. How disappointed I am with their captions! I wonder if this is turning a lot of people off from watching cafe!


Apologies for neglecting to thank you as well, Adriana Noel.

Many of you are likely aware of this already, but I stumbled upon the Telemundo English YouTube channel last night. Their short video recaps with english subtitles helped me clarify a few conversation details I had missed.

Thank you all again.


Great recap Juanita! You covered everything with expert precision and detail! I always appreciate the FF>> of Bruno and Mel.

It is unfortunate that the wedding was postponed because of Sam’s illness, but I am glad it was postponed. Poor Octavio looked devastated!

Don R and Norita are cute, but I am also glad she isn’t just jumping at the chance to marry him. I am a little bit with Domingo on this one as Don R has lived a nice life of luxury and always seems to get his way, in my opinion.

So definitely the most puzzling scene was that of the Imposter Carol (I just loved your description!), Imposter Nicky and still Stupid Melissa. What has happened to make Carol nice? I think you said this waaayyyyy back like 60 episodes ago, but what if Carol is tragically killed and her heart goes to Sam? How else is Sam going to survive except for a tragedy happening with another teen? Why else would the writers change her personality so much?

Rafa just seemed lost last night. I think he is used to controlling everything and now his world is crumbling around him. I prefer Chicago for him than Paulina! I do hope that Leo goes on to be a better person.

Thanks again Juanita!



I knew Carol was a different person! Maybe old Carol got sick of her family and left, so they replaced her with a better Carol. One who occasionally cares about other people. It doesn't explain Melissa looking maternal for the first time with Nicky. It must be close to Ultimos Capitulos. The semi-bad guys need reforming, stat, with no time for explanations.

I worry for Don R. I think he's the most likely candidate for a new heart. Carol is too young to kill off and she's almost tolerable now. Nora just turned Don R's proposal down so she doesn't need him, and his death would make Vicente feels like crap at the end of this show.

Poor Octavio. They're running out of time to bring back Victoria or someone better for him.



How long do think it'll be before Paula is hitting on Le Marco? She's a spoiled, mean brat who probably can't stand that her chubby sister has a great guy and she doesn't. I thought Bernardo was checking out what Paula was doing on her computer and caught her in something bad. Maybe the spying on Le Marco? But yea, Bernie is totally gay. Too bad because it'd be great if he could hurry up and knock up some girl and claim the sexist portion of the inheritance. Ivan's fury at that would be something fun to watch. In the meantime, Marcela needs to move out with her boyfriend. They'd have a lot more fun away from the family.

I can see Julia being racist and classist, but don't get her support of Ivan. She seems to know better and will hopefully keep an eye on him.

Gaviota needs to expand her repertoire. There has to be more than 2 songs in Colombia, or maybe there's more and they just sound very similar. With the accents so hard to understand, who can really tell? I've always had a hard time with Colombia, but usually they're just a secondary drug dealing character. Glad to see the opportunities open up for the actors but those captions really need to get better.



Belated thanks to VVS for your snark-o-fest of Monday's episode. You had me laughing out loud! As I mentioned, I was in the office Tuesday and swamped with paperwork. Believe me, I am not so pure that I don't type a comment or two on company time! Yesterday I couldn't even read anything.

Loved Backstabbing, Braindead, Babbling Bruno! It's exhausting trying to keep track of the totally off-kilter things that keep happening. The only reason I can think of for the car is so the camera can zoom in on the Toyota logo! And Chente wanting to "get" Loli so much he springs for a new car...well, just one more insane plot development.


Many thanks, VVS and Kelly, for your great comments.
VVS, to be honest, I'd forgotten all about the comment I made early on about Carol's possibly dying to provide a heart for Sam. I still think that's a plausible outcome--I can't for a moment accept the Miraculous Transformation Carol has apparently undergone. From total greed and selfishness to....Nope, it doesn't work for me. I have thought about one more candidate, one I'd feel a bit sadder about, but still one whose sins are serious: Leo. He keeps switching teams--Team Good, Team Evil, Team Good... His death would make a number of good people sad--Rafa, Jess, and Angie, to name three. Whereas Carol's death would be felt mostly by her hopelessly birdbrain parents, who have much responsibility for the terrible person she became (until Imposter Carol suddenly arrived last night). So I'm voting for Carol, with Leo as a distant runner-up.

Kelly, What you say about Don R makes sense, but he (and his heart) is probably too old to be a good donor candidate. I also question your statement about Vicente feeling like crap if his father died. I think the only thing Vicente would feel like crap about is the loss of his (Vicente's) fortune and power, and also I guess his health. Hmmm...come to think of it, he's not too old to be a plausible donor. Oooh, I LIKE that! OK, Imposter Carol, move over, you've been supplanted on my donor list by Vile, Venemous Vicente.


Hi novelera. Would you believe that I never even noticed the Toyota logo? My guess is that Vile Venemous Vicente paid for the car, and he'll probably take it back once he has no more need of Backstabbing, Braindead, Babbling Bruno.

(Hmmm...I'm wondering how a native Spanish speaker, who, I'm told, usually doesn't distinguish between b's and v's, would pronounce the last sentence in the preceding paragraph.)


Thanks for the kind words Fe, Kelly, LaChicaBlanca, and VVS. I especially appreciate the confirmation of how hard it is to understand the dialog. I haven't seen William Levy in anything since Sortilegio so, either the captions were better on Univisión or he's so successful he doesn't bother to enunciate any more.

I do mostly grasp what's going on, but without clear dialog I find it hard to write a recap that adequately covers what the characters are really saying.

I agree that they're probably going with Bernardo being gay. Thanks, VVS, for clarifying that Bernardo was on a dating site. My TV HAS to fit in the entertainment center that I love, so I sometimes miss visual details, especially when they go with showing texts on someone's phone. So Paula picked up that tablet after Bernardo left the room. I may remember her looking surprised. Did she figure out that her brother was looking at men?

Yes, I am starting to wonder how many times Gaviota will sing Mal Amor. The scenes in the bar are interesting, though. I hope they aren't going with Le Marcos being a womanizer. He didn't look that upset when the waitress was totally into him. So far I really like the character. He's a simple person, prepared to really like Marcela's family since his own probably were loving people. It was shameful the way some of them treated him. And celebrity chefs make big bucks!

I am wondering what the visit to the hacienda by the two who were in the bar will mean. Something tells me it will be meaningful. I hope they aren't going with the guy from the US being a baddie!

Fe, Telemundo's Spanish captions are usually fine. I never use the English ones so I can't say if they are any better. I just can't understand how they could be so bad. They remind me of the ones on the San Francisco Giants baseball broadcasts. Once in a while I click them on because the announcer has used a term I didn't understand, or perhaps mumbled. They are also way behind because it's broadcast live. I try for the word and then turn them back off.

Kelly, I doubt Paula will hit on Le Marcos. She's too much in love with herself to go after a guy she thinks beneath her. Although she did love that scarf that reminded her of some famous designer.


Great recap, Juanita, thanks so much! And thanks for mentioning “We work, we don't worry, (playing on the rhyming of ocuparse and preocuparse.)”

LOL - “[Arrgh. I don't know what Imposter Writer added this scene.]”

Yeah, I’m wondering who they are going to kill so Sam can get a heart. Some of those hearts are just too nasty to consider. Juanita, I thought of Leo, too, for the reasons you mentioned. I know that size is a factor in matching but since we are talking Telenovela Medicine….




Juanita, your recap was superb! Loved Imposter Carol and Imposter Melissa! And, of course, Bruno had a moment of regret, that is to say Imposter Bruno did.

I just about choked on a cookie when I saw what Bruno and Melissa were wearing as uninvited guests. Bruno only stopped short of a tail coat for a very informal wedding held at Loli's house. And, God! That leopard printed atrocity singed my eyeballs.

I'm sure there will be a heart for Sam. But...this is a comedy novela. I don't think any cast member will die to provide it. I was surprised Gabriel didn't show up at the hospital. He always has managed to escape the youth home other times.

I can't STAND Paulina's slithering lately. I think she picked up the habit from Vicente. She just sidles up to Rafa constantly, pretending she's only there to support him. I loved that he flat out told her it wasn't happening. But, of course, telenovela "other women" or "other men" never pay any attention to rejections.

I think Angie will shortly be on the good side. When Chente gets booted out of GR, she'll probably have an even better job. I was surprised they didn't go with her finding out what Leo did.

Rafa has as much chance of permanently locating to Chicago as Loli had of working in Miami; i.e. zero.

I doubted the wedding would happen, but I didn't expect it would be Sam.


Thanks, novelera, for your always interesting comments. I haven't been thinking of Sam's heart coming from a stranger. After yesterday's episode, though, I tend to think you may be right. Until yesterday, I'd have been glad to see Carol drive recklessly (perhaps in her parents' new car) and wind up getting killed in an accident of her own making. But it seems clear from last night's episode that the writers are moving swiftly toward redemption for both Carol and Leo, as implausible as it seems for her. Of course, that still leaves Vile Venemous Vicente. I guess we'll see.

One other thing struck me about what you said. Bruno and Melissa were clearly not dressed for a casual wedding...but neither was adorable Nicky in his mini-tux.

What a frustrating chapter 6. I turned on the Spanish subtitles and only blank white boxes appeared throughout the show!
Novelera, I’ve never used the English subtitles but occasionally I do you turn on the Spanish ones, especially when I don’t hear the words clearly.
I don’t understand why Univision‘s are so much better than Telemundo’s. I hope the Telemundo is getting complaints and will improve their subtitles as the Telenovela progresses.
Nevertheless I did enjoy the chapter. I did understand much of the conversation between Gaviota and her mother. They were talking about Gaviota’s feelings for Sebastian and that she had to be careful about having a relationship with him.
What I missed was what was happening with Maricucha. Is she leaving the coffee farm? For good? Or is she just going to see the person who is hurt and plans to return?
It did look to me like Bernardo was checking out the men on Paula’s iPad.
Paula is a brat and racist as is Ivan and the mother.


BIG thanks to Novelera and Adriana Noel for the recaps.

I’m watching this one but a day late and not sure how much longer I can tolerate having to struggle understanding the dialogue; so I haven’t been commenting...until now :-)

I have been reading the recaps and comments which are very appreciated. ITA with everyone that the dialogue is very difficult to understand and I laugh every time I see someone comment about WL’s mumbling. Very irritating! is the repetitive songs. I’m glad to share everyone’s pain.

In regards to Maricucha, her “flaco” is her husband and he was killed. Now she has to go back because there is no one to care for her child and she said she won’t be coming back. BUT Aurelio did suggest that she bring her child back with her and she might consider it. Hoping that she does because she is one that I like.

I’ll try to drop in more often.

Gracias Rvg Chick for clarifying the Maricucha situation!


I watched the East Coast airing on DirecTV, although I live on the West Coast. The subtitles were fine for me. What a relief! This will be a mini-recap. And maybe it might inspire someone to put up short ones so as to stimulate converstion.

Sebas and Gaviota spend the night together. Like all virgins in telenovelas, Gaviota is radiant and not at all uncomfortable. Sebas tells her that where they talk at dawn is now their place.

Carmenza is irate about Gaviota spending the night with Sebas and thinks she’ll suffer in the end.

I keep meaning to say that I often hear un bandoneon in the background music, an instrument I associate with Argentina and tango. I didn’t know about it’s being played in Colombia.

Lucía arrives in Bogotá, bringing the wedding dress. She hears about the first Vallejo kid getting 25% of the inheritance and her ears prick up.

Sebas tells Carmenza that he’s serious about Gaviota.

The guests arrive at Casablanca. The American named Arthur and the Colombian Carlos. We are reminded of Paula having been interested in Arthur at the fair until the blonde walked up. I can’t remember if she’s his wife or just a fiancée. Looks like Carlos may be gay and he and Bernardo look interested in each other.

Sebas and Iván argue. Sebas wants a new outside CPA to do the audit. Ivan, not so much.

Lucía and Lucrecia arrive, I think in Bogotá, to surprise Ivan and Sebas for lunch. Sebas’ coolness is noticeable.

Julia grills Le Marcos. He handles himself well, telling her they lived together for two years. When she hints it could have been for the family money Marcela got, he says that he always supported himself.

The lawyer or whatever role he plays explains to Gaviota and Carmenza that they have no proof of what Don Octavio intended and they have no receipt for the 7 million pesos. Even worse, if it’s not considered a gift but a business transaction, and they bow out, they will owe 10% penalty.

Gaviota tells her mother about how Ivan tried to force himself on her.

Carmenza suggests that Gaviota ask Sebas for help with the predicament of the land Don Octavio wanted them to have.

When Sebas and Lucia go into the other room for ice, Lucrecia asks Ivan if there could be another woman and this is why Sebas seems cool.


Novelera, thank you for this week's recaps! Between the accent, bad CC and so many new characters introduced every day, it's very helpful to have someone shed some light about certain parts of the show.

I'm glad to see more people are interested and are watching. Keep coming back, guys, you keep us going. You and WL's biceps. He's always mumbled, so that doesn't bother me much :)

Dona Julia is VERY traditional, once she realizes that Sebas is hooking up with Gaviota, she might find Le Marcos a national treasure. And then, she might even end up liking Gaviota, once Bernie comes home with a Pablo or a Pedro. As for Ivan, she might be one of those novela moms who puts their first born on a pedestal. Or she might be in denial for now.


YES........thanks for awesome reacap, cause it a hot mess!!!!!

Rafa finally.... Hips..Big Poppi.. Rog.. that Vinnie -the- destroying the station!!

love the way.. people are just walking by.. AND OVERHEAR VERYTHING...JUST PRESENTATA!!

how has POOR SAM ..been able to live a somewhat normal high schoollife so far..!!


please dont put Carol's demon heart in Sam...godsakes no!!!!!!!!!!


Well, for once it looks as if I may have been right (more or less). Leo was definitely on my list of possible heart donors, and from the look of the auto accident in last night's episode, he may not survive. In which case, with any luck, Sam will have a new heart. If there were lots of episodes left, I wouldn't be so sure, but with just a couple of weeks to go, I think Leo's likely to be the donor.

Until Jess brought Rafa up to date, I hadn't realized that he was still under the impression that Loli and Octavio got married. But he's still planning to take a job in Chicago?

Melissa (hiss here) (and here) was in true form last night, assuring Carol that Sam will be fine and that the two of them will be able to go shopping together, even if Sam doesn't like it. (one more hiss here)

I enjoyed the scene between Vile Venemous Vicente and Paulina, where she tells him she's leaving Global Radio and he replies that he loves her, and therefore he's going to sue her. Way to go, VVV! And, of course, Bruno overhears this conversation and is terrified. Indeed, Backstabbing Braindead Babbling Bruno stabs himself in the back by blurting out to VVV that he has heard the conversation between him and Pau. That's using your birdbrain, Bruno!

Cafe capítulo 7
Gracias Novelera for Wednesday’s recap!
For me, this was the best episode so far. My ear is getting accustomed to the Colombian accent and the Spanish subtitles, although scarce, were functioning. I find that I understand everything Julia, the mother says, and have the most trouble in conversations between Gaviota and her mother.
I find William Levy so charming and natural in his acting. Also loving Lemarcos and his honest conversation with Julia. Looks like Bernardo and Carlos are going to have a romantic relationship.
Gaviota and Carmenza are learning a difficult lesson about business; making sure one gets receipts, documents; etc. Looking forward to seeing how Sebas handles Lucia’s advances.
Sorry, I posted this by mistake in the Univision blog.


Great recap/comment of Wednesday’s show, Juanita.

I’m with you on Leo. Poor unfortunate Leo. He escaped one car accident and will likely meet his demise in another.

“he loves her, and therefore he's going to sue her” Vic and Pau are meant for each other.



To clarify, I thought Paola might hit on Le Marco only to get even with her sister, who she has called gorda and therefore not worthy of Paola, for daring to be happy with a cute guy. Or maybe out of boredom because she's a jerk. But lo! A new guy! I didn't get why Marce invited the visitors to the ranch for lunch and a tour, but good for her, and she got a 2-for-1 since one is googly-eyed over Paola and the other seems to be into Bernardo. So good for Bernardo, at least. Paola is playing stupid flirty games instead of being direct despite not having the excuse of being gay in an archaic family.

Speaking of, does the first grandchild have to be a boy to get the land? A girl would carry the last name but does that count? I'd guess no, given the ridiculous sexism of the premise but not sure if they said. Either way, the baby race is on between Lucia and the bride whose name I've forgotten and can't be bothered to scroll up for. I don't think she's gong to be happy when she finds out she's being married for her inheritance-producing womb. Despite being with Ivan, she seemed semi-reasonable.


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