Thursday, November 04, 2021

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül, Parientes a la Fuerza, Malverde: El Santo Patrón, y más: Week of November 1, 2021


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-11AM - Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül
  • 9-10PM -  Parientes a la Fuerza
  • 10-11PM - Malverde: El Santo Patrón

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Thanks very much, dondi356, for yet another very helpful recap. I'm still having some difficulty recognizing who is who, especially among the rotten ricos and their families, but I'm confident that won't last.

I was afraid for a short time that Fatmagül was going to try to kill herself by racing into the flames of Mustafa's uncompleted house. I guess I still had Reyyan's setting fire to the cabin and sitting down to (try to) die in Hercai. It was a relief to see that Fatmagül turned and ran in the opposite direction.

Mustafa seemed to care more for Fatmagül in this episode than in yesterday's. Today it seemed that his parents put a lot of pressure on him to forget about her, she's damaged goods. His father was especially crude and mean, as you indicated in the recap. Perhaps I'm just overly impressed with Mustafa's eyes, but I could easily imagine him going to Fatmagül and assuring her of his love--but not in this dizi, not with those parents.

I'm still puzzled by Rahmi, or rather, by how/why Mukkades married him. It's not that he's not goodhearted and lovable, but those don't seem to be qualities Mukkades respects (and certainly not qualities she has). Is there a backstory we're eventually told? And is there a backstory about Kerim's mother's suicide?


Thanks Juanita. You will hear all of these names many times and get to know who they are all too well.

Fatma didn’t run into the flames, instead she ran to the beach and tried to cut her wrists. Luckily for her, Kerim was there in time. Any later and he would have discovered a second death by suicide. How awful. He really feels guilty now.

ITA, once Mustafa spoke with the police and spent some time alone and calmed down, he was willing to see Fatma and hear her out. Unfortunately, his lousy parents started in with the honor BS again. And yes, Mustafa’s eyes are a very striking color.

To answer your questions about Rahmi and Mukaddes and Kerim’s mother: YES! and YES! You’ll have to be patient.




Yes, all will be revealed in time. These writers know how to weave a tale.

I agree that Mustafa seemed to calm down , but his parents had no compassion for fatmagul and pushed him to turn his back on her . He was angry with them. His mother didn't waste any time having g the gifts returned to fatmagula and asking her to give back the ring. Stone cold heart.

Dondi, yes, Kerim has had to cope with his mother 's suicide ever since he was a little boy , so seeing fatmagul cut her wrist was Traumatic for him and bought that awful event back to him .


Sorry Susanlynn, I didn’t see your comment right away. I always look forward to reading them.

You make a very good point about Mustafa’s parents. Many people are not capable of understanding or showing sympathy for others’ troubles until they find themselves in a similar situation. Thank goodness for people like Meryem and Rahmi.




Everyone should have a Meryem or a Rami in his or her life . I am fortunate to have had a couple folks like that in my life .

I like the way the worst of human nature is balanced with the best in this show.
One of my favorite quotes is " That best portion of a good man's life, his little , unremembered acts like acts of kindness and love. "
Having a person like that in your life is a true blessing .


Didn't have time to watch until after 9PM CA time and, of course, we're back to 2 hours. There are surely a lot of awful people in this novela. Meryem and Gulip (is that name right) are the exceptions.

Juanita, I was also thinking of Reyyan. What's up with people burning down houses in dizis? Yes, Mustafa has gorgeous eyes, but I don't have much sympathy for him. The first thing he did when his feet touched land was run into Fatmagul's hospital room and violently shake her. Not the tiniest bit of sympathy and affection. Pfft! Hope he's out of the show soon.

The big argument between Resat and Rifat was interesting. Rifat has been doing all the leg work to get the scandal swept under the rug, just like he said to his brother. He works like a dog in their company and Resat rules the roost. It's interesting how much Resat loathes his nephew. I don't like Erdogan much either, but I got the impression he is intelligent and a hard worker.

As I mentioned before, only Selim seems ashamed of what happened. Vural and Erdogan only think of themselves.

I am good and sick and tired of Fatmagul being browbeaten by Munir and Muka. Hopefully this part will be over soon. Dare I hope Muka will be out of the novela soon?

Are those villagers supposed to be accurately portrayed? Yikes! Everyone gathers around the victim's house and gossips and points fingers.

In this case, the cop was a good guy. He wasn't going to accept Muka and Munir's tale without hearing it from Fatmagul.

They did say something about the tests having been "altered" with a huge bribe. So I suppose there's no more evidence of the rotten ricos having raped her. OTOH I doubt there's any evidence from Kerim either, but they've managed to haul him in.


Thanks for your comments, novelera. They were very helpful.

Glad you mentioned Master Galip. He’s another good guy in this mess.

Thanks for mentioning the argument between the Yasaran brothers. You are spot on in your assessment. This was brewing before the “scandal”. Rifat has always swallowed what his older brother has dished out. Selim is practically a no show at the company and gets shares. Erdogan works hard and gets nothing.

I don’t know if Selim is ashamed, but he’s a coward and so is Vural. They have a lot to lose. Erdogan would love to see Resat and Selim go down but the problem is he would go down with them.

Yes, Rifat mentioned that the doctor was bribed at a great cost and the tests were altered. Resat and Rifat assume all four committed the rape. Kerim thinks he couldn’t have done it but can’t remember and we have not been shown anything conclusive. Vural keeps reminding everyone that Kerim participated. Even if Kerim didn’t rape Fatmagul, he tried to detain her. He didn’t try to stop the others or report the crime. So I would assume he is legally culpable for something. The police were looking for him because of what Muka and Munir said at the station.

In every dizi set in a small town, there are always gawkers and gossips. What else is there to do? Munir mentioned that’s how they get their fun. Besides, what would any TN or dizi be without gossips?



Fatmagul dondi356 for another recap! It really helps keep everything straight, there is so much going on here. I am now 2 episodes so 4 hours, gulp, behind but I will catch up this weekend.


I typed: Thank you dondi 356 for another fantastic recap! Not that fragmented sentence above...not sure what happened there.



Great to see you on the patio, Darcy! Stick with this, it’s worth it. I look forward to reading your comments.

I started it on Telemundo years ago but then I searched and binge watched it in Turkish instead. I would get up an hour earlier just to watch an ep before work and rush home in the evening to start watching again. And when I finished, I started it over again. It’s not often that I re-watch a show from start to finish and here I am again.

There are recaps and comments on Caray posted from the previous Telemundo airing. They are great. I caution anyone who looks for them that those episode numbers and recaps might not match up exactly with what’s being aired now on UniMas.

Right now, I’m sticking with mini caps or highlights just help the conversation. I don’t have time for much more. It’s killing me because I could write volumes about each episode, the writing is beautiful, there is so much detail. The direction (female director) is great. The actors are fabulous, even the non-verbal moments tell us so much. Of course, it’s just my opinion.

I’ll try to post something in this evening. Thanks everyone.




Dondi , thank you . I will try to be careful to not get ahead and make spoilers.

Some thoughts....
In an earlier scene, Erdogan meets his drug dealer who sells him drugs and then tells him that he has a stronger drug . Erd buys those pills , so I guess he took and gave the guys pills that were stronger than the usual drugs he usually took . I wonder if that was the first time Kerim had ever taken drugs because he looked unsure/ excited/worried when Erd was pushing him to take a pill at the party ,and he pushed him again to take one after the party .


When Munir takes Kerim to the wealthy folks ' house , Kerim sees Muka , and Munir tells him she is fatmagul's brother's wife. The look on Kerim's face indicated that he wondered what she was doing there.

Meltem saw Resat scream at and slap Selim . Erdogan,ever on damage control, pulls her away .



Thanks for your additions, Susanlynn.

I'm looking at both the Spanish and Turkish eps to find edits, just like I tried with Hercai.

I don't remember the drug dealer scene being in the Uni episode. I believe this was the first time Kerim took drugs, although Meryem suspected it when he came home very drunk that first night.

Yes, it's important to note that Kerim and Mukaddes saw each other outside the Yasaran house.

I have to be careful not to give spoilers, too.




I was thinking that it is interesting how many sons in this story are only children....all 4 of the guys involved in this incident. I have taught many young guys from the region around Turkey and know that the bond between mothers and sons is very strong . If they like a woman teacher , they treat her like their auntie or mother.

I had a guy tell me a saying from his country ( not Turkey but a neighbor )....." My cousin and I against the world , but my brother and I against my cousin ."

I have taught entire families ..brothers and cousins , and they seem close. I used to teach a unit on sibling rivalry in reading class. However, the Yasersans are not close brothers . The relationship between the cousins Selim and Erdogan is complex.

Fatmagul #5 part 1

Kerim is questioned at the police station. Did you know the girl was engaged? You were friends with her knowing this? Kerim avoids looking at the cop and doesn’t answer. The cop says the girl admitted it. Kerim starts to look sick. Is it true you are lovers, the cop asks? That gets Kerim’s attention, but he stays silent.

The cop continues, tell me what happened. Kerim finally speaks, I didn’t do anything. Are you saying the girl is lying, the cop replies? I didn’t rape her, I swear, Kerim answers. So she wanted to be with you, the cop asks. Kerim nods yes and puts his head down. The cop says, if Fatmagul says different, I’ll destroy you. Look me in the eyes, he tells Kerim, if she says you raped her, you’re dead.

Meryem waits with Galip for Kerim’s interrogation to end. She becomes frantic, shouting that Kerim is innocent, it’s the Yasarans, etc. The cop hears Meryem making a fuss and comes out. She tells the cop that Kerim is innocent, it was Yasaran’s son. Just then Munir arrives with the Ketencis.

Meryem rushes to Fatma. Don’t be scared, tell them the truth. It was the Yasaran’s son. Kerim is innocent. They peel Meryem away from Fatma and bring her into a room for questioning.

Mustafa’s friend, Serdar, suggests that they get away for a few days. He proposes they take a boat down to Bodrum. Mustafa refuses to go anywhere until the rapist is caught. Serdar says to let the law take care of it. Mustafa says he doesn’t want anyone saying he’s a coward. I don’t want them saying my fiancée was raped and I left, that I did nothing to protect her. He cries.

The cop questions Fatma. Will you tell the truth, he asks. She gives a faint nod yes. Fatma stays silent and the cop says he can’t do anything if she stays quiet. Muka tries to get her to talk and so does Munir. The cop gets angry and throws everyone out of the room so he can talk to Fatma alone.

The cop asks Fatma if she wanted to have sex with Kerim. Are you going to talk, he asks again. She replies, I don’t have the right to talk. Are you pressing charges, he asks? Fatma answers, I won’t make a complaint, I have no right. And so that’s the end of that. The cop tells Munir to have Kerim and Fatma marry asap. Meryem is in shock. Kerim tells her he is going to marry Fatma.

Erdogan gets a call from some random girl looking for Selim. He gives her Meltem’s number to call. Meltem and Selim are at a club. She is still upset over seeing Resat hit Selim. Then she gets the call from the random chick who asks for Selim. Now she’s really ticked. Erdogan has a good laugh over what he did while Meltem and Selim argue.

The Yasarans and the Namlis gather to discuss what happens next. Perihan voices some disgust over the whole matter. Munir will arrange a quick marriage for Kerim and Fatma. Resat mentions that they need to take care of the girl’s fiancé as well. If he goes after Kerim, their plan will be spoiled. Munir says he will take care of that, too.

A distraught Fatma tries to swallow a handful of pills but Rahmi stops her. She sobs and says she can’t stand it anymore. She cries in his arms.

It’s a stony silence at Meryem’s house. She doesn’t even want to look at Kerim. Vural calls, he heard the news. But he doesn’t look relieved or happy. He thanks Kerim. Kerim says nothing.

It’s wedding day. Fatma rides with her family and Kerim rides with Munir, who is handling the last minute details, pressuring people to get everything done fast. They stop to get the photographs for the marriage documents. Those pictures look more like mug shots.

Meryem has stayed home. Some women come to her door. They heard the rumors about Kerim being a rapist and that’s why the police took him. The women say that they can’t believe he would do something like that. Meryem sends them away.



Fatmagul #5 part 2

Mustafa is in his room and overhears the conversation out on the patio. A woman talks about Kerim and Fatma. She says he asked her to marry him. She did it willingly. Everybody is talking about it. The woman says they dodged a bullet. She would have become your DIL. The girl said she loved someone else. She has no shame. Emin says they caught the man. But the woman says that Fatma withdrew her complaint and now they are getting married.

Mustafa goes crazy and trashes his room. His parents try to get in, but the door is locked. Mustafa gets dressed, leaves his room and takes off in his car.

Meryem looks at pictures in an album and laments what has happened. She rips up a pic of her and Kerim. Galip calls her. He’s trying to reach Kerim. He wanted to tell him not to go through with the wedding. He would find a way to stop it. Too late, Meryem says, they went to the city.

Galip tells her he went to a journalist and told him what happened. Apparently this journalist has some bad blood with the Yasarans. Galip explained that the Yasaran sons were at fault and putting the blame on Kerim. The journalist said he would check it out. Meryem thinks it’s useless.

The wedding party stop to eat. No one is very hungry. Munir talks about the arrangements for the move to Istanbul after the wedding. Fatma spills tea on herself and Kerim jumps up to help her. She backs away from him and looks daggers at him. Munir gets the call to go to the registrar for the wedding.

Mustafa is stopped by the Jandarma. His father had called them and shows up right behind. Emin says he had no choice but to do this. Mustafa struggles to break free. He has to take care of this. Emin tells his son that the girl isn’t worth it. Let them live with this dishonor. The Jandarma take Mustafa away.

Selim goes after Erdogan for the stunt he pulled with the random chick. Erdogan tells him to clean up his own messes from now on. Selim informs Erdogan about Kerim agreeing to marry Fatma. We have our lives back, he says. Erdogan just walks away from him.

Fatma and Kerim wait their turn at the registrar. She watches another bride in white with the red ribbon around her waist. While that wedding party is happy, it looks like Fatma and Kerim are going to a funeral.

Munir hands a big fat envelope to Mukaddes, just as he promised. He hands Kerim another big envelope. Fatma feels sick and has to rush to the bathroom. Kerim hands the envelope back to Munir. He says he will marry but he doesn’t want the money. Munir says he will leave it for Kerim to take later.

The cop at the station is ticked at Mustafa. He explains that Mustafa can’t take this into his own hands. The girl did not press charges. Fatmagul lied, she was afraid of you. Remember this and learn your lesson. Mustafa says, it was all a big lie. She cheated on me. The cop warns him not to take revenge. You don’t want to spend your life in prison. Do it for your parents. You are their only son. There are better women out there.

This is the saddest wedding I have ever seen. They sign the book and it’s done. Fatma won’t even take the marriage certificate. She just sits staring. Muka offers her congratulations and Fatma asks her, now I’m clean? Muka says this was for the best, now they are free. Fatma tells her, you have become freer and richer. Muka has the nerve to say we have all sacrificed for your well being.

Outside, Munir gives Kerim the envelope and plane tickets to Istanbul. He tells Kerim he can’t reject this and shoves it into his hands. Kerim argues with Munir and Munir tells him these were the conditions. They have to leave the city and that’s that. Fatma starts in too, she’s not going to Istanbul.



Fatmagul #5 part 3

Ahmed the journalist publishes his paper with the headline, Terrible Claim. It also mentions Selim Yasaran is connected to a rape incident. Ahmed calls Galip to tell him he’s printing the story. Ahmed wants to talk to Fatma if possible, but Galip says that she won’t talk. Ahmed thinks this story would make national headlines.

At the company, Resat and Rifat warn their sons not to get into any more trouble or they will be disowned. They are told not to see or speak to Kerim from now on. Erdogan says shouldn’t we at least thank him. Rifat blows up. We gave him money, he’s set. Stay away from him and let us know if he tries to contact you.

Everyone leaves Resat’s office and a pretty female employee comes in. Resat tells her he missed her and kisses her.

The cop calls Munir. Munir tells him the marriage is done and they have their plane tickets. The cop informs him that Mustafa found out about the wedding. He says they stopped Mustafa from coming after them. Be careful, he tells Munir, we don’t know what he might be capable of doing. Munir shares this news with the group. It’s a dangerous situation and they should leave for Istanbul asap.

Mustafa seems calmer now and he agrees to go to Bodrum with Serdar. Emin asks Serdar not to let Mustafa out of his sight. While they talk, Mustafa gets in his car and takes off. He tricked them.

The wedding party stops to eat. They talk about what will happen when they get to Istanbul. For now Kerim and Fatma will stay in a hotel and then look for a house. Fatma notices the bite mark she left on Kerim’s arm. She insists she is not going to Istanbul.
Meryem calls Kerim. He tells her he got married. She won’t even ask him what he’s doing next. He made deal with the Yasarans and sold out. You ruined your life and the life of that girl, she tells him. She warns him not to bother that poor girl.

Mustafa asks a woman if there is anyone called Ebe Nine around here. The woman points. Mustafa bangs on Meryem’s door and shouts for Kerim. He throws a chair through a window. Kerim asks what happened. Mustafa shouts, I’ll kill you! Kerim worries when Meryem doesn’t answer. Mustafa trashes the yard. Meryem confronts him and he pushes her.



Fatmagul #5 part 4

Tell me where he is, Mustafa shouts. Tell your son he is dead! Meryem fights back and throws stuff at Mustafa. Mustafa shouts he’s going to kill Fatma and Kerim. Meryem screams for help. Kerim tries calling Meryem but she doesn’t answer. A crowd gathers and Mustafa leaves. Meryem is shaken and she starts to cry.

Meryem finally answers Kerim’s call. She warns him not to come back. Mustafa came, he swore to kill you. He destroyed he house. Kerim says he’s coming back for her. Meryem begs him not to come. Mustafa wants to kill both Fatma and you, she says. Don’t come back. She hangs up.

Kerim shouts at Munir that Mustafa trashed his house and hurt Meryem. He wants to go back. He doesn’t care. O lo mato o me mata, he says. Enough with this. Kerim walks but Famagul calls out, wait, let’s run away to Istanbul. You have to take me to Istanbul, she tells him, you owe me. Kerim turns to look at Fatma.

Everyone is at the airport. Rahmi is sad his sister is leaving. He says if she stays, Mustafa will kill her. Fatma replies, death would be a gift for me. But she’s doing this for Mustafa. She doesn’t want him to suffer because of her. They stole everything from me, my soul, my body, my honor. All I had. Kerim is upset. He walks away.

Mustafa goes to the site of Fatma's attack. He kicks some dirt around, then sinks to the ground. He cries.

Galip helps Meryem clean up her yard. At least Kerim wasn’t here and Mustafa didn’t do anything to you. Galip says wait until the newspaper comes out. Meryem thinks the Yasarans will find a way out of that too.

Munir calls Resat to tell him Kerim and Fatma are on the plane.

Muka and Rahmi drive home. Muka touches that big envelope with the money and smiles.

And we are out.




Thanks very much, dondi356, for these terrific recaps. I don't have much to add, just a few small comments. I had assumed that the plan was for Kerim and Fatmagül to get married and then live together in Istanbul. But apparently only Fatmagül was going to be taken to Istanbul. Kerim was going to go to some other country, for which he'd need a passport and a visa. Huh? Even Mukaddes objects, asking how Fatmagül would be able to manage on her own in a strange city where she knows no one. Mukaddes insists that Fatmagül and Kerim must live together in Istanbul. I was surprised that she seemed to express concern for Fatmagül. I tried (unsuccessfully) to figure out some other motive she might have. I'm sure it was the first time I've agreed with anything she said.

I was also struck by how windy it was at the place where Fatmagül, Kerim, and the others stopped for lunch. I can't imagine wanting to eat with wind gusting around me like that. Both Fatmagül and Kerim had their hair blown wildly about. Was it just that that was where the film crew had planned to film and had no choice but to go ahead even with the wind? Or did they deliberately choose such a site because the wind was supposed to add to the chaos?

Meryem's neighbors were quick to come out to watch the show, but none of them came to her aid when Mustafa went crazy at her house. She screamed for help, but to no avail. They just wanted to watch and gossip.

One more thing. It's almost a rule in telenovelas that if a young woman has had sex and then becomes nauseous, chances are almost 100% that she's pregnant. I don't know whether that's a dizi convention as well, but I found myself wondering when Fatmagül threw up in this episode. It's true that there was a lot that could have made her disgusted, and it's also the case that one doesn't usually feel nauseous from pregnancy so soon, but I couldn't help but think of the novela convention.


Dondi , thank you for a wonderful recounting of all the fallout from this heinous act and its effect of all these characters.

What an awful team Muk and Munir make as they manipulate people , especially Fatmagul , Kerim, and Mustafa , with special lies crafted for each of these three . They are awful but sly and clever. It feels like a runaway train , and Kerim looks he is wondering if he should try to or ride along as the mess unfolds. Thosebeyes, that face show every emotion he is going through. He is trying to do what be thinks is the right thing after terrible choices he made that fateful night .

Each of the three spoiled boys is having a different reaction as things move forward. Erdogan is that guy in high school everyone hated who loved to stir the pot , cause chaos, and get others in trouble . I taught senior high school and saw a lot of those guys detention hall .


Dondi , the Yaserans cheated the mother of the journaljst out of her land.

I read somewhere that the actress playing Mustafas mother is actually the mother of the actor playing Erdogan.



There was a cut scene. Perihan cries in Selim’s bedroom. Then she walks downstairs looks at pictures from when he was a little boy and cries some more. The ama de llaves, Yadigar, finds her and wonders what is wrong. This should be a happy time, Selim got engaged. Perihan says, don’t ask. I can’t tell you something I can’t even tell myself. Yadigar leaves and Perihan sobs loudly. Perihan is the only Yasaran that seems to be truly upset with the crime and the coverup. But note she’s going along with it.

Muka and Rahmi are also going to go to Istanbul, but not right away. They have to settle things with their house and business. Events happened so fast, and it is most important for Fatma and Kerim to leave. Muka’s objection to Kerim going abroad is not for Fatma’s wellbeing. It’s because she doesn’t want to be responsible for Fatma any longer. She is married and Kerim’s responsibility now. As far as Muka is concerned Fatma will go wherever her husband goes.

Munir reminded Muka that this is not a normal marriage and now it’s every man for himself. Obviously for the Yasarans, it better to have Kerim as far away from everyone as possible and have Muka and Rahmi take care of Fatma in Istanbul. All that's left is to get control over Mustafa.

Juanita, you asked about the windy lunch scene. They had to film it then and there. When a dizi is started, they usually film several episodes before the premier. Then they look at the ratings and depending on that, they either plan to end the series early or they continue to write and film episodes each week. Imagine the writers, crew and actors turning out a 2+ hour show each week! So you will see scenes in wind, rain, snow, day or night. It’s very cutthroat. A dizi can be canceled at any time and sometimes they don’t even give them an ending!

Susanlynn, yes Mustafa’s mom is Erdogan’s mom IRL. And thanks for adding the Yasarans cheated the journalist’s mother.

I wish I could give all the details, but with 2 hour eps and very little time, it’s difficult. I know the sharp eyes on the patio will come through. I look forward to reading everyone’s comments.




Thank you dondi for another fabulous recap! I watched Thursday and Friday's episodes today and I agree it's a very compelling story. I love the lack of makeup (is that a Turkish thing) on the women, especially on Fatmagul it makes her look even more young and innocent, which is even more heartbreaking.

It's striking how everyone who should care about and protect Fatma, doesn't. Except her brother tries of course and would if he was capable of it, but he can't. It would be a much different story if she had a brother without mental limitations! He really does love his sister and wants to help. And the people who 'shouldn't' like her 'rapist' and his mother, are the most interested in actually helping and protecting her. I was hoping Meryem would be going to Istanbul too since she's probably the one person who could be a comfort to Fatma at this time.

I think the police officer really did want the truth but it's crazy for anyone to take one look at Fatma's face and believe that she wasn't raped and wants to get married. The actress was certainly playing traumatized to perfection. Same with Mustafa and his family just believing the story about the secret boyfriend and runaway marriage anyone who had seen that girl at all knows she was raped. Maybe they just need to believe it to settle their own conscience.

As I was watching the wedding party traveling I kept wondering what that would be like from Fatma's perspective. I mean she's probably too shocked and all to take much in, but Kerim has such a kind face and he is so clearly concerned about her yet at the same time she 'remembers' him raping her! I would think that would be very hard to reconcile and confusing, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. IRL I couldn't imagine for a second being forced to marry your rapist and the fact that it is a thing that has been common in some cultures throughout history is so horrifying.

I won't comment on how horrible and heartless some of these characters are because it's been said, but I am looking forward to the change of venue and hopefully less screen time for others not in Istanbul.

I went to Istanbul once, but only the airport for about 10 hours or so. I told myself I would leave the airport and go look around during the layover but by the time I got there I was too tired to think about trying to get out and get back in time for my flight so I didn't. I did learn the hard way that the airport in Istanbul doesn't sell feminine hygiene products! Nowhere in the airport (at least past the security checkpoint) can you buy anything like that! That was surprising and interesting in a not-fun kind of way.


Your recaps are as terrific as the show . I appreciate your insights .

I love the scenes of Turkey and the look into Turkish life and culture. Having taught people from all over the world, I have learned a lot about other cultures and other ways of thinking and behaving . Fascinating .

There was one more thing that Fatmagul said was stolen from her ...her dreams . Nothing left. She is still wounded and in shock . Kerim is guiltridden , confused, ashamed, and traumatized . He loves Meryem and is horrified that she is so upset with him. He is trying To do what is right. Also, it hasn't taken long for him to get Muk's number ...a miserable human being who has no compassion or empathy , a sharp tongued, crass, crude, evil minded harpy, a bully. Welcome to the family, Kerim. Meet your new yenge. Yikes ..maybe jail would have been the lesser of two evils. Kerim had everybody coming at him ...the Yaserans, Vural and his family , Munir, Muk, and Meryem who was furious and pushing him to do the right thing. ...nothing but rocks and hard places , absolutely no solace or support .

On the phone With Meryem , he wants to return to protect her ,and he tells her that he will kill or be killed , so both Fatmagul and Kerim are ready to die to stop this train of pain .



No matter how many times I watch this one...I will never be able to stomach how Mukadas and Munir treated Fatmagul after her being raped. Especially Muka. She is a woman, like an older sister and family and she berated, bullied and belittled her ...forcing her into that marriage. What a horrible example of a woman she is. Can't stop wanting to smack her every time I see her do something low and horrible. I too wanted Rami to be stronger and smarter for Fatmagul.

It is true whoever said Erdogan is pot stirrer...and instigator. He started things out that night by supplying the drugs, tossing Selim's wedding ring in the sand no less.. and starting the rape...even though it was Kerim who impeded Fatma. When I first saw this ...with him tossing the ring in the sand night...I was like..WTF....what is he thinking. Then realized he obviously wants to cause Selim problems...stemming from earlier altercation with Selim's dad...jealousy.

The other thing watching this as my first turk tn/dizi made me want to travel to Turkey. I was really taken by the richness and beauty of the country. The show was well shot and does showcase the country.



Hi, Nett, after Dondi recommended this show to me and gold me that it had recapped here at caray , I hopped around the episodes randomly , but then tried to match up the recaps to the episode I was watching . You made regular comments , and many were about how much you destested Muk . I even came to hate the way she walked, the way she flipped her hair , her low cut V-neck tops, and that sly,nasty look she so often had on her face . She was insulting , negative, dismissive, and critical to everyone , but her jealousy of Fatmagul was beyond belief . It brought to mind the Wicked Queen and Snow White. What a superb actress to craft her into such a despised character.


Great to read the comments, everyone.

Darcy, hopefully you will make it back to Istanbul one day and have a better experience. I don’t think the lack of makeup is necessarily a Turkish thing. The rich city people were wearing plenty of makeup. The cop knew what was going on, but no charges were filed. I thought the way Fatma answered his questions was interesting. And the cop expected Mustafa to seek revenge but legally he couldn’t hold him or charge him with anything. It was obvious he was frustrated.

At first it seemed as if Mustafa could become supportive of Fatma, but he heard the lies and went berserk. The cultural norms took over. This made me think about Sancar being set up by Akin in Embajador and then what Sancar did when he found out the truth. I expect stuff like this when the dizi takes place in village setting.

Meryem was particularly heartbreaking in this episode. I felt so bad for her when she looked at the pictures of little Kerim. We were together in our loneliness, she said. All they had was each other.

Great to see you on the patio, Nett! I’m very interested to hear what any repeat viewers think. Watching a second, third or more, you pick up on things you might have missed before. I think I’ll never get tired of watching this.

Fatma is beginning to show a little fight and it’s good to see. She snarked and snapped at Mukaddes a couple of times. Of course, Muka snaps right back. What a b*tch!

I could cut and paste Nett’s and Susanlynn’s comments about Muka (and Erdogan, too). That little bobblehead shuffle she does when walking irks me. And I agree that the actress playing Muka is superb.




Didn't see Fridays episode until late Saturday night. On Friday I indulged in something I'd been putting off: watching Dune on HBOMax. There's a little bit of sci-fi geek in me, but mostly the novels. There aren't many quality sci-fi movies, IMHO. They are all written for adolescent males. Dune is the gold standard of such literature. I read it in the 70s, and have also re-read it. This newest version is pretty faithful to the novel but I don't think anything can capture the richness of the book.

Thanks so much for another recap, dondi. And thank you for including scenes cut from the dubbed-in-Spanish versions.

When I saw that pretty blonde kissing Resat, my reaction was a big "Ewwww"! She must really want either a big promotion or to be set up in a luxurious home of her own. I could understand some attractiveness about Rifat,but Resat just has zero sex appeal.

I think I again picked up on something. This will be my third dizi. The heroine usually wears dresses instead of pants. Meryam even wears shorts. And Meltem wears quite revealing clothes.

I think you could cut and paste a certain phrase on a regular basis: Mustafa goes crazy. I was so disgusted with his destroying Meryam's house that way. I have not seen anything that happens in the future, but I have a feeling he's going to come to Istanbul.

As usual, I seem to miss a lot. I didn't catch that Kerim was supposed to leave the country and, ugh, Fatmagul to live with Muka and Rahmi. Like Juanita I am baffled by Muka and Rahmi being married at all. The only thing I can come up with is that the harpy wanted in on the dairy business.

As I watch some of the awful behaviors in dizis, I keep reminding myself that they represent exaggerations of Turkish behavior, just like the stuff that happens in American soaps.

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