Saturday, May 14, 2022

MI Fortuna Es Amarte#56, 05/12/22: Apology Accepted--NOT! Or One Gargantuan Guilt Trip

Who is speaking on Omar's phone?  Why it's Veronica, silly! Natalia cannot believe it.  "-- You said you were in Mexico!"  "--Yes.  And instead of coming to our appointment you and your preferred to meet up with Adrian for a reconciliation, right?"  "--How do you know so much about my life?"  "--That's my secret. --You know I never thought you would forgive your husband so easily!.  I thought you had more dignity than that!....Adrian, remember those weekend business trips?  And when you found me sick in bed, Adrian was hiding in the closet.  (Snicker)" Adi awakends from the shock and spits into the phone that every day since running away with her he could kick himself (complains to himself) how he could have ever gotten involved with such a poisonous snake as she! Vero purrs like a kitten..."--just like you said when we were making love....."  Natalia can hardly catch her breath.

Adi jumps into the conversation again and lies that she laid a trap for him and blackmailed him into leaving his wife and kids and running away with the money she embezzled from the company!  "--So now it turns out that I am the thief and you're just an innocent victim?  --Oh Natalia, do you believe his version?"  Nata stops Adi from continuing and asks Vero if there's anything else she needs to add.  Hmmm. Does this ring a bell?  It's the story of how Adi had to flee to Monterey because of the fraud his father committed years ago....He's very astute with money.  And what better than to use as a starting point, your inheritance.  Years later he told me how bored he was with you, that you didn't ignite his passion and that I should become his lover. I gave rise to his pleasure while you baked cupcakes....(?)"   Adi spits out that he's grateful to have escaped her so he might fight for the woman he truly loves!  Because, she knows perfectly well that he never could forget thinking about his family!  "--Natalia, if you forgive this ratfink, I will have no doubt that you're a real moron!"

Natalia fights back her tears, and she does tell Adrian that she will never forgive him.  He states that even though it might take a lifetime, he's going to prove she's the love of his life (or some such rubbish).  Hearing that, Veronica hangs up at her end.  Just then Omi returns from using the restroom.  Whom was she talking to on his phone? (No, I cannot see a 21-22 year old man fawning over a 17-18 year old spoiled child.  Sorry, TN gods.) Vero has to finally admit that it was Adrian.

Back in the D.F., Nata says he's persona non grata forever.   What was Vero doing on Omar's phone???  It has to be some trick or doing of Elias Hadad.  She thought she might be able, for the sake of her daughters, to carry on a courteous relationship with him.  Not now.  Stop calling her, stop bothering her and just leave her the heck alone!!  Adrian swears she won't be a problem in their lives again.  Nata says the phone call is a reminder that she will never trust him again!  He whimpers and begs but she's D.O.N.E.  None of the regrets or the promises mean a thing to her.  

Vero makes a quick call to Daddy Hadad away from Omi to inform him that Adi got hold of Omar's cell phone number.  She reminds him of his promise to squash Adi and he tells her that is what he's doing right now.  --but Adi is with Nata at this very moment and Nata is bound to forgive him!  Vero would rather see him dead than in Nata's arms.  Elias tells her to come to Mexico and handle things herself if she doesn't like it.  Click!

Nata tries kicking Adi out of the house.  He tries begging but she tells him anything of their former life together died when he left her and his daughters to fend for themselves.  The sheer panic of it it died.  He killed whatever trust or confidence in him they had--she had--forever.  He's finally speechless.  There!  The truth, without his pushback.  That's how Nata likes seeing him!  Now GIT!--He goes, FINALLY.  (Dam man clings like plastic wrap and is just as irksome!)  Outside the gate he grumbles about how that damned spider, Veronica, destroyed in 5 minutes what he'd been trying for months.....

Vicente has a chat with Fernanda in the hospital coffee shop.  She tells him that his act of jealousy he screwed the pooch.  Permanently! He admits he was overcome with jelousy.  Fer says he will probably never get her back, but she will try speaking  to  Nata on his part about this.  FF>>FF>>

In the meantime, Regina arrives home and tells Nata about the video she and Jose Jose made at the old folks home and that Papi saw it and donated to the old folks home. FF>>FF>>

Chole, across the way, visits Olga and tries cheering her up.  La Vulga plays the downhearted, downtrodden and abused, raped and beaten little girl to perfection.  She tells Chole she doesn't want to see anybody with her face like this, nor face the gossip.  All she might do to cheer her up is to ask Chente to come to see her, to hug her and protect her, to look after her.....(OMG! All of Viewerville sees where this is going.  What century are we living in?)

At the same time, J2P2 is visiting with Abuela Magos.  He tells her that Chente is still down in the mouth and totally sorry for the horrible thing he did leaving Vulga alone in the middle of nowhere like that.  Magos says something is niggling away at her mind and tells her that La Vulga has something up her sleeve. J2P2 cannot understand. There was no makeup; her bruises are real,  the doctors and Chente are witnesses to all of it.  "--That girl is extremely cunning!  She is going to take advantage of Chente this way.  I want to look her in the eye!"  (Goodie!!  Get the woman out of that hospital and well ASAPPPPPPPP!)

Nata comes to visit Olga .  "--Did you come to laugh in my face?"  No, not at all.  Vulga blames it all on Nata.  She then manufactures the tall tale falsehood that she was with Chente as a friendly companion; he was so upset at Nata sneaking off with her husband.  Chente became desperate and he was disillusioned.  He suddenly kissed her, telling her that she should be his escape, his physical release.  She knew he felt nothing for her, was just using her because of what Nata had done to him.  He then begged her to go to the nearby motel with him.  When she refused, he became furious.  He got into his truck and left her there in the middle of nowhere to fend for herself.  (Vulga has this whiny, miserable whinge thing down perfect.) "--It didn't matter to him that I was out there all alone, that I didn't know where I was."  She kept walking till she ran into some guy, she continues.  It was the man that raped her.

Omar connects with Adi.  Before they can discuss anything other than the reason Vero was with him and answered his phone, Elias walks in with a killer account for Mario to handle.

Nata tries to empathize, but then Vulga lays it on so thick you couldn't cut it with a knife!  Nata says she feels her pain and Vulga calls her a hypocrite.  "--You have no idea what it is like to yell for help but nobody can hear; you have no idea what it's like to have somebody beat and beat you to shut you up, or to use your body like a piece of meat--"  (Sounds like she's been reading the comic book edition of Fifty Shades.....)  Suddenly Nata begs her to tell her what she can do to make it better! Of course, and you heard it here first:  "--Give up Chente!  Help make him mine."  (Ok.Ok.  Have we entered into some dystopian alternate reality...telenovela irrealities aside)  Leave him to me, pleeeeeeaaaaasssse!" (Even Viewerville is drop-jawed impactado listening to this tripe!)    

~~end parte 1~~

~~Parte 2~~

Nata quickly rejects this idea.  Vulga de Olga whines that she's marked for life and no one will accept her this way.  Nata says one day somebody who truly loves her will come along and this will be all in the past.  Olga whines that only Chente makes her feel protected and clean.  She wants only his arms around her.  Nata tells her she's very upset and confused.  La Vulga says Nata has it all: a family and a husband while she has absolutely nothing and nobody.  "--Chente needs to take responsibility for what happened to me."  Suddenly Chente comes into the room and Vulga whines at him to tell Nata what he told her--that he would take care of her forever.....The two adults in the room are perplexed, to say it just WTF this nutcase female doggie is blubbering about if otherwise.!

In Hadad Enterprises, Elias explains to Adrian that doing business with Mario is his chance to regain his family, his capital, and his status in their social circle.  Adi insists that while with Vero the only thing he wanted was to be back with what he loved most: his wife and family.  "--Yes, yes."  Elias throws a folder down in front of Adi.  "--Here's all the love that you have for your wife."  Adi opens up the folder and sees a certificate of notice of $20 million dollars in Natalia's name.  Adi shouldn't forget that he wants Nat and his position back at all costs, reminds Elias.  "--Isn't it wonderful that Natalia hasn't lost all of her inheritance?  It's been sitting there as an investment these past 20 years."  (I think?)  

The moment Chente and Nata begin whispering together Vulga starts whining in supposed pain again.  Chente and Nata will have to talk later, but they have Benji's therapy session to get to now.  She leaves and immediately Vulga begins whining about what that woman said to her.  Chente says she probably just misunderstood.  Vulga says she's so upset that he believes Nata when she just spent the night with her husband!   Chente informs her that never happened.  She spent the night with her daughters.  He asks what he can do for Vulga now.  She takes his hand and whimpers about being frightened alone at night with her nightmares.  She only feels safe with him.  Couldn't he just let her move into his house with him?  (Audacity and cunning, dearies!)

Back at Hadad Ent., Adi insists that Natalia is only a woman and knows absolutely nothing about business.  "--That's why you handled her finances till they increased and you absconded with them.  In any country in the world that is called theft, abuse of trust, and financial infidelity.  If Nata ever finds this out, she'll kick him in the ass..ets for sure. So, once he agrees to handle the finances (I think) through Mario, Elias wants 30% of the fund as his own kickback.  Elias adds it's a shame he never got a certification of signature so he could now move that money around.  Adi swears he'll lie on bended knee about his regrets, he'll beg, cheat or steal to get his hands on her money.  Elias says well, Mario knows who and what he is and despite all just wants to get his lifestyle back.  He will do business with Adrian.

Back in the barrio, Chole complains to Teresa about Gustavo's disinterest in having children.   

Benji's therapy session is to play some soccer with his daddy and Nata.  At first, he refuses the soccer ball he's given as a gift by the doctor, due to the bad memories of his mother's death at the bankConstanza walks in on Tere and Chole.  Connie overhears as her mother encourages Chole not to give up on her relationship with Tavo and pops all corks.  How dare her mama not encourage her the same way.  The man is her husband, after all!  Tere tearfully reminds Conz that she told her often enough to watch out for her marriage and nothing hurts worse than seeing how both of her daughters' marriages failed.  It's not Choles fault, either.

Mario,  arrives at Tavo's garage to pick up Valentina for a "date" or some such.  There's really too much machine-gun Spanish that I cannot understand at times.  Mario mentions that tomorrow is visitor's day at the jail.  She explains to Tavo that they're going so she can tell Felix off.

After Benji watches Chente and Nata play together, he warms to the idea and plays with them.  Yay!  There's hope after all that therapy is now working.


Fantastic part 1 Jardinera.

Vero's little manipulative phone call took the wings out of Adrian's sails. At least momentarily.

"(Dam man clings like plastic wrap and is just as irksome!)" and "Vulga has this whiny, miserable whinge thing down perfect.)" were my favorites thus far.

Can't wait to read the rest.



Judy, we went from 30 degrees plus at night to almost 80 within the space of a few days. Am soaking in the sunshine as much as possible, so happy to bask in the warmth.

Happy you are enjoying this with us. The recaps have been incredible, every single one.

Hope you are enjoying some warmth as well and that every day you feel a bit better.


It is all up now. Judy, hopefully, you're able to get out into the spring sunshine and had a terrific Mother's Day last weekend!! We miss you "un monton"!

THANKS, Jardinera. The recap was great.

I agree with Diana that “Dam man clings like plastic wrap a keeper.” I do not know who is more exhausting in their efforts to get what they want: Adrián or Olga.

“ . . .comic book edition of Fifty Shades.” Was another good one.

With Chente still looking like a kicked dog due to his guilt, may I guess that Olga is going to move in??? Good question Jardinera raised. “What century are we living in?”

As for Omar and Andrea, I think it must be all about the sex.

I was hoping Fernanda would have sent Chente to a therapist before he did or said anything else to anyone.

As usual, Granny Magos knows that Olga is not on the up and up. Why is everyone else so stupid?

Loved that Elías has clarified the $20,000,000 reason that Adrián has so much love for Natalia and reminded him of his continued underdog status to him at least.

Will Tere spill the beans on Tavo’s supposed condition since it must have been a “malentendido”? She should have pinched Connie in the mouth. (Sorry)

Vale referred to Félix as “Infelix” Loved it.

Ben was the highlight. We needed an escape from The Vale of Tears already. Can him telling on Olga be far behind? Probably! Wah!

Not pinched but PUNCHED!

Second part was as fabulous as the first Jardinera.

"Couldn't he just let her move into his house with him? (Audacity and cunning, dearies!)" was savvy and clever as was "kick him in the ass..ets".

Agree that Benja was the highlight Jarifa! You could feel his inner turmoil, trying to summon up his courage. Brave little boy. And a total sweetheart. I loved he, Chente and Natalia, the not quite yet family celebrating Benja's partial but critical breakthrough.

"Adi insists that Natalia is only a woman and knows absolutely nothing about business". Odious, contemptible, etc., etc. Blech.

If I were Vale I would have no desire to get anywhere near Felix.

"Elías has clarified the $20,000,000 reason that Adrián has so much love for Natalia" was telling Jarifa...

I have missed much so apologize in advance for a few questions. Does Mario realize what is actually going on regarding Natalia's miraculously found funds? He hasn't agreed to do anything illegal, has he? Finally, Natalia must not know she has that money as she wouldn't have taken on partners in the restaurant, right?

Magos does intuitively know Olga is lying but how on earth is it going to be proven?

Adrian is proving to be the eyesore that simply won't disappear. Natalia has made her feelings crystal clear. At least to most of us. Begging and pleading haven't worked. Whatever will he try next?

Jardinera, exceptional as always.

Thank you!


Jardinera, thank you for this excellent and helpful recap. I was unable to watch the entire show so I needed a little help   :-)

Rgv Chick, thank you for the Indexes, they should make searching a lot easier.

Olga and Chente are going to have me pulling out my hair soon. But most of the characters in this TN make me feel that way. I'm going to have a bald and bloody scalp if I keep watching.

I didn't realize that Adrián had a history of dirty dealings. I hope Mario stays clean, Valentina would not like him going bad.

JudyB, I'm sending you more good wishes and virtual flowers; no virtual chocolates this time, I ate them. Even virtual chocolate is not safe around me.


"I'm going to have a bald and bloody scalp if I keep watching". Oh Andy, I just belly laughed! Wading through the evil is a tough slog here. I might urge you to find a different way to vent your frustrations, all of which we share. :)

Rgv Chick does so much behind the scenes to keep Caray going. If not for her, none of us would even "be" here. Now, that is truly depressing! Thank you for all you do Rgv Chick!!


Diana, Jarifa, and Andy: Good to see you here on this sunny spring day on the patio.

Yes, Mario knows this is some scheme of Elias's to catch Adrian with his hands in the cookie jar and send him off to jail where they both feel he should be. That's the only reason he agreed to go through with the "project" when Elias presented it to him. Like the fake murder, I feel, Elias won't do anything illegal, but just this side of hilariously immoral to catch this raton when he goes for the cheese in his mousetrap. What I am not certain of is if the investment statement showing the $20 million is real or part of the scam.

Jarifa, I hadn't thought the $20 million might not be real!

I have been saying Adrian's too cagey to get caught. Maybe not...


Thanks, Jardinera, your recap cleared up a lot. So the 20 million is Natalia’s but Adrian can’t get his hands on it because it’s something she never signed over to him. But Elias may not be telling the truth. But either way this is how they will nab Adrian and send him to jail!

So glad Veronica shared so much with Natalia.

I loved the soccer scenes, family togetherness and maybe healing for Benja.

And I want to kick Olga into next week! She’s so manipulative, and Granny Magos is the only one that sees it. Well, Teresa was on to her when they first met. If Olga moves in with Chente I think Benja will run away.
We’ve got a while to be eye rolling on all the evil ones in this show. But hoping everyone gets what they deserve!

Liz: I TA that Olga is due for a major karma event. It won’t come till nearly the very end if ever. She could be redeemed after all.😩

Sorry my phone is on an anonymous jag— it’s me, Liz, Jardinera654

Jardinera, my phone recently did that to me. Not sure who.

I don’t think anyone wants Olga redeemed, especially because of how she torments Benja. We just want her to get what she deserves.


Hi from Santa Fe, everyone!

I really don't think that Olga can or should be redeemed.
Her crimes include:

1) Murder for hire ("stab her in the heart", anyone???)

2) Emotional, psychological, and physical (somewhat... she does manhandle little Benja and toss him around when she is bullying him) abuse of a scarred and vulnerable child

3) Depraved Indifference (leaving Granny Magos to die with little Benjamin. It was Adrian that saved her. Olga did nothing until after the fact and what is worse DELIGHTED in telling Benjamin this before the fact!!

4) Selling "her friend" Valentina out to be kidnapped by psycho Felix, in order to pay her wanna-be assassin.

5) INFORMING said psycho Felix of what was about to befall him. In effect, backstabbing ALL of her friends and loved ones and exposing Mario, Tavo, and the rest of the Rescue Crew to danger

6) False rape and assault claim. This goes BEYOND just manipulation... Olga intends to break Chente down through extreme guilt so that he will be nothing but HERS, utilizing the vile st crime that be perpetuated against a woman, and that she PAID to have done to her. This is a telenovela FIRST, I think... where the villainess pays to be beaten and STABBED??

7) It could be argued that what she did to manipulate both Simba and JuanGa is wrong, even if not in the legal context. But she used them both, utterly and shamelessly.

This is in addition to being a lazy, shiftless, guttersnipe who lives off of her Cousin's goodness, without seeming to contribute much of anything.

What is redeemable in this???

That being said, I LOVE the character... it is great to have someone to HATE so much, knowing that (I trust... this is why- God BLESS this genre!!!) she WILL get her anvil in the end!!!
It must be the actress... if it is, she sure is earning her paycheck!!

Thank you again for the recap.

Gracias. It took me a while to catch up.
I don't know whether the $20MM is real or whether Elias invented it to use as bait for Adrian. I believe that both Veronica and Elias are smarter than he is and somehow at the end they will all do each other in.

Vulga deserves one of the worst fates ever. I'd love for someone to kick her all the way to Juarez where femicide has been rampant for decades. That's until I can think of something worse!


Olga, Olga, Olga; yeah, she is most likely irredeemable. Nonetheless, I would like to see her redeemed, and paired up with, say, Juanga.

Note to Juanga: If you are lucky enough to win the lovely Olga, sleep with one eye open... in a separate room with a locked door.



One word for Olga's anvil......coyotes.

Susanlynn- it is Jardinera654– coyotes ?? Human or wild animal? Jeje

Jardinera, mi amiga....wild, man, wild !!!!!

Andy, the best advice ever for poor deluded JuanGa! 🥳

Andy, I think you are the only one who is even the least bit interested in seeing The Incarnate of Evil One redeemed.

Susanlynn: ITA!
Jarifa: Yes, great advice for Juanga but he never follows any.


Who it Anonymous in Santa Fe? One of the regulars or a new member of The Patio?


The list was terrific, by the way!


Urban: Vulga deserves one of the worst fates ever. I'd love for someone to kick her all the way to Juarez where femicide has been rampant for decades. That's until I can think of something worse!" LOL!!

Sorry Jardinera654! That is me, Eliete, a long-time admirer of this site (it was invaluable to me if I missed a capitulo of a show that I was watching!), but this is the first novela I have come out of my shell to actually comment upon (or, as you all would say: "Join you all on the patio for refreshments", a metaphor which I find just delicious and so, SO welcome after what we all have been through with this pandemic....)

Eliete - Welcome!! This site has been the same for us for a couple of decades now. So you're in the right place for sure! Make yourself your favorite adult beverage and stay a while! You've already added to the fun this week, certainly! Enjoy!

Thanks, Jardinera. I love the flair and snark you dish out for the odious, the unbelievable, and the sweet (thanks to Benja).

I can imagine the Olga actress laughs day after day when she gets the script and sees the latest atrocity her character will commit. Does she have any redeemable qualities? Not an iota of one. Sorry, Andy. But she did look fabulous and tasteful in that white dress coat she wore the night Chente drove to the airplane and kicked her out of his car.

I have to give points to Constanza for keeping track of her money. So Natalia has $20 mil and doesn't even know it? She married Adrian and let him just have at it with her inheritance? An inheritance from a father that never married her mother because he already had another family? Teresa must've hooked up with a super fat cat to leave so much money to his illegitimate spawns.

Thank goodness for Benja perking up with Natalia and Chente!

Eliete, welcome to the patio!

JudyB, thinking of you as you recover and wishing you a sunny day.

Some advice for Olga, taken from an old half-forgotten movie, a Western set in the time of Indian wars: "Don't let yourself be taken alive by the women!"




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