Friday, July 08, 2022

Don't bring a mob to a bomb fight Mi Fortuna es Amarte #94 Thursday July 7, 2020

 Hi all, this is my last recap for this novela and what a ride it has been. i want to thank you all for your patience with me these last few months- my fellow recappers have been THE BEST and I'll miss everyone on the patio!

Random thought of the day: I hope the rats from the other night have a union and I hope the one Olga grabbed by the tail got hazard pay.

Elias has taken Chente hostage, but Chente is not going to let Elias win, he eventually gets the upper hand in the fight and gets Elias to tell him where the kids are- Elias drives off in route to his office to get rid of incriminating documents- bro should have just left the country at this point, but noooooo. Anyhoo, even some of his minions dip because they realize that it's just a matter of time before their boss gets caught. Chente calls the popo and tells them that Elias is headed to his office and has asked his people for a helicopter, he then calls Natalia and tells her he knows where the kids are and is on his way to rescue them, then he hops in a cab and goes to the address that Elias gave him.

Vicente scopes out the building and SURPRISE! He finds Connie very much alive, Chente approaches the situation very gently, he tells Connie that he would like to check on the baby to make sure he's okay- Connie says the baby is perfect, she's his mother and with her the baby will always be safe and have everything he needs- she's just waiting on Elias to come and get them out of the country. Chente reminds her of one little tiny problem: the baby already has a mother who is now worried and beyond herself because her baby is missing. Connie tells Chente that Andrea didnt even love the baby and she (Connie) has loved him from the start. Chente leaves Connie and calls the police and then Natalia to tell her that he found the baby but not Benjamin oh and also her sister is still kicking, the cops arrive and arrest Connie for kidnapping.

Elsewhere, Andrea gets Veronica's text and goes to her house, Juan Gabriel goes with her. Andrea finds Adrian in bed with Veronica and she explodes, she tells him her sons been kidnapped and that she has been calling and texting him all morning, he apologizes but Andrea is over hm, she tells him that unlike him Chente is out there looking for her baby, Andrea also tells him that soon enough he will be under arrest for money laundering, eventually Andrea, Juan Gabriel and Adrian end up in Adrian's mansion, Chente returns with the baby and both Andrea and Regina tell him that he's the father they should of had- this does not sit well with Adrian but both his daughter's let him know that he is dead to them.

Back to Elias, the cops have his office surrounded, they run into the building and Elias is urged to go to the helicopter, he goes to grab a briefcase and is shocked to find it full of yellow roses, he curses Veronica as he is dragged to the helicopter. The cops give chase and Elias instead of jumping into the helicopter decides to stay and argue with freaking Mario- he calls him a traitor and asks how much he was paid to betray him, Mario says he did it for free- just to get the satisfaction of seeing him behind bars. Elias aims a gun at Mario and Omar shields Mario with his own body, he gets shot and Elias assuming he's dead shots himself in the head. OMG, like guys, don't ever assume someone is dead, cause Omar sure wasn't cause he was wearing a bulletproof vest. Samia better sue because there was no reason for Omar and Mario to be with the cops, what the hell, someone make this make sense. 

Samia and Natalia talk, Samia apologizes for the way she judged and treated her, karma is real and now she's paying for the things she did, because her husband is also a criminal and he is cheating on her with Veronica, Natalia realizes that maybe Veronica has information about Benjamin and calls Veronica. Veronica tells her that she does know where Benjamin is but that that information is for sale, she wants Natalia's inheritance as payment for information on Benjamin, Natalia rushes to the bank and transfers 20,000 million pesos to Veronica.

Natalia shows up at the address Veronica gave her and finds Olga with a knife, little Benjamin is in the corner of the room crying his eyes out, Olga is not afraid of Natalia, what is she going to do to her? Maybe by herself Natalia can't do anything but she's not alone, instead of bringing the police she's brought the whole vecindad with her- including a pregnant Chole, the gang is about to take on Olga when she reveals that Benjamin has been strapped with a bomb, they all leave and only Natalia remains, she asks Olga what she wants and Olga says she wants Chente.

The police arrive but instead of evacuating the neighborhood they just let people stay outside at the risk of getting blown up, not only that but when Chente arrives they allow him to go into the building. Oh my god, these might be the worst telenovela cops ever, at least they called for the bomb squad and for a hostage negotiator.

Finally- proving that she is the smartest of them all Veronica and her attorney show up at the police station, Veronica's attorney has drafted a document giving her total immunity in return for the information she has on Adrian. Adrian, realizing he ship is sinking goes into his safe to get the cash and the documents needed to claim Natalia's money when he realizes the documents are gone. 

Sidenotes: Claudio dies from complications from his surgery, at least Tere is now free, also Samia learns that Elias has died.


Thanks, Princess Juju, for this excellent recap and all your previous recaps. I’d be lost without them.

The police have done a lot of things wrong, but at least they got Omar a bulletproof vest. I would rather have Elias suffer, he got off too easily.

I was upset that Andrea mentioned the police and money laundering to her dad. But she did keep the secret for a while! But she basically warned her dad.

I hope Veronica doesn’t get to keep Natalia’s money. And hope she’ll have to answer for Tania’s death. But only one more episode and we need to see some HEA. I also feel the theme of this show has been that it’s the people in your life, not money, that are important.

There are no words for Olga! At least everyone know’s what she’s really like now, if they didn’t before.


Loved the recap, PrincessJuju. You sure captured the excitement. Yes, that rat is due union protection. The titke was perfect. Thank you!

Who would have ever thought that Natalia would have brought the whole neighborhood to save Ben? She has gained some smarts.

Great fake out with Omar and the bullet proof vest.

Will Vero walk away with her revenge and Natalia’s fortune? Truth be told, I would have a good laugh at that ending if Vero ended up on top.

It was good to see Elías do himself in. Too bad Connie is still alive.

Finally Andrea knows that her daddy dearest is just another rat.
One of Olga’s rats was named “Happy Birthday”, the other was “Merry Christmas”. What could he be named? “Memorial Day”?
He doesn’t have much of a future.

Adrián sure knew he was played for the sucker he is between the safe missing his documents and the briefcase full of yellow roses.

Will Olga go blown up by her own dynamite vest? She needs to die some how to give Ben some peace of mind.

Princess, I laughed at the title - thank you!

You've done an amazing job with your recaps. So bright and witty - your excellent title is just one example.

I thought Omar was dead. With some of the scariest, most vile excuses for human beings I've ever seen, I was totally suckered in and thought, well, our one galan did not survive. Shame on me.

A bare faced, expressionless, whispering monster sporting normal hair and clothing is a far more frightening Olga. Putting dynamite on a child?? Please tell me you haven't seen anything more heinous. This has to be the lowesst of the low.

I hope Adrian and Connie end up dead and Vero rots in jail. She neeeds to stay alive and suffer.

Jarifa, Olga must die. Ben will never have a moment's peace (nor will Chente or Natalia).

I'm unsettled that I'm turning so blood thirsty here at the end. Lord knows though, these characters have pushed me to it.

This is the first time Samia hasn't worn a hideous outfit. Redemption achieved.

Princess, thank you again.

Judy, let's hope there is more than 5 minutes for happy endings for these characters, which is very few considering the size of the cast :)


Muchas gracias, Princess Juju. You capture the hijinks and the absurdity. My fave:

The cops give chase and Elias instead of jumping into the helicopter decides to stay and argue with freaking Mario

For such a Big Bad Evildoer, Elias sure folded and clicked the panic button quick. I got a kick out of Adrian being smug about Elias.

Jarifa, ITA "truth be told, I would have a good laugh at that ending if Vero ended up on top." It's fun seeing Vero play everybody.

I need somebody not to get killed though, so they can spend life in prison. I vote Adrian.

Maybe Connie and Olga wind up as roomies in an asylum.

I totally agree that Vulga should die in some horrible way. She has caused nothing but grief for everyone she was ever in contact with. Maybe an acid throw first?

Elias would have probably landed in Mexico's version of Club Fed. We would have had to worry about him eventually getting out. I still think that Omar should get some mental health assistance after everything he had done to him. He will lead the next list of toxic fathers. Samia should get some help, too. It bothers me that there have been no shrinks in this story.

I also hope that Natalia gets her money back. I think she deserves to get that $20MM back after all her suffering.

A couple of new thoughts:

Omar might have been there hoping to talk his father into surrendering. Not out of the question most of the time but the combination of charges that Elias would face guaranteed he would be in the slammer for life. Still, Kevlar protected only his body; what if Elias tried to shoot higher? For a split second I was afraid that Andrea would have ended up an obscenely young widow and even she didn't deserve that.

Samia wouldn't have deserved to lose her only son, either.

Elias was the recipient of the Yellow Roses of Death. Samia is so much better off without him.

Princess Juju, thank you for this terrific recap.

I haven't been able to post anything for a while because of some really serious medical problems, but it's nice to be 'back' amongst you all, and thank you to all the recappers- I have had to rely on people sending me the corresponding Televisa clips from YouTube to whatever episode Univision was airing (and they are not complete), so you have no idea how much I have appreciated the recaps. And thanks to everybody who has participated in this. It has been a joy to read all of your contributions.

All I can say is, this telenovela really has "brought it" the last week. Talk about a CIRCUS (and I mean that in the best way possible). Some thoughts:

Olga must be one of the most evil and twisted characters to ever grace a telenovela, and this without actually MURDERING anyone. She has spread nothing but poison to everyone and everything that she touches, preys on the weakest and most vulnerable (and not only that, but ENJOYS it), is single-minded in her psychotic, obsessive purpose ("and let the chips fall where they may"), is immune to kindness and compassion (even rejecting it outright with a roll of her eyes), and now has kidnapped and strapped a BOMB to the very little boy who she emotionally, psychologically, and (to a certain degree) physically abused and tortured.

I remember Veronica in 'Porque el amor manda', and her physical abuse of little girl, Valentina. But, as written (and as played by Claudia Alvarez), she was very much what they call the "cacle-cacle" type villain. She was just an evil bitch. She didn't have much charm or anything of interest to her whatsoever. Olga is cunning, a master manipulator, and totally unscrupulous. Urban, I enjoyed what you posted to one of the Capitulos about what you hate about Olga the most is what you dislike the most about some women- their willingness to play the manipulative "poor-me" just to achieve their own selfish ends. You were spot on there. But I can't believe (or well, actually, I CAN) that Olga, blaming Benjamin for all this, has now strapped a BOMB to him and wants to use to him to blow up the neighborhood so that Chente 'can suffer'. Oh yes... THAT'S LOVE, for SURE!!! :-/

I will say, though, my respect for Michelle Gonzalez as an actress is through the roof with her portrayal here. She has had a lot of the Mexican viewing public looking down their noses at her, much the same way that they do Emilio Osorio, crying "NEPOTISM" and all. Admittedly, Emilio Osorio is ONLY cast by his father, and ONLY in roles where he is supposed to be the "young heroic leading man", so I can sort-of see something there.... but Michelle Gonzalez has proven herself as an actress. She was terrific as the sympathetic 'side-kick' Flor Ivonne in 'Papa a toda madre', a great antagonist in Rosy Ocampo's 'Vencer el miedo' ('Elvira', who, come to think of it... was ANOTHER child abuser, but in a different vein), and was never pushed to the fore-front or 'shoved down our throats' by her Producer sister Giselle in any of ther productions but, in each of which, she played very diverse characters (the sympathetic 'Marcia' in 'La Candidata', the 'tortured by her deceit' Fernanda in 'Imperio de Mentiras'... I couldn't bring myself to watch 'Cuna de lobos'), and has ALWAYS engaging and highly credible. And this all WITHOUT being IN ANY way conventionally (or 'telenovela-type') "beautiful"! She sure brought her A-game here as the obsessed rapist, Olga, and I look forward to whatever she is next in.

(Full disclosure.... I may be more inclined towards this actress because I REMEMBER her from the 1998 telenovela, 'Gotita de amor' (I give thanks EVERY DAY that Televisa DOES not produce "Children's Telenovelas" anymore.... I am already pre-diabetic, I don't need any more cutesy sacchrine shoved at me). She would have been 6 or 7 years old, and I STILL remember her (probably because of the facial features that she of course still has), and her character, who was named Nuria. I am glad she has done well, and she gave me a lot of pleasure her (I find that it's FUN to hate people that don't exist, KNOWING that they will meet a bad end!!!)

Sticking with the villains (they make any telenovela turn, do they not? And they were by far the most interesting things here, it seemed....

Veronica, like you said Princess Juju, is obviously the smartest of the lot, and I enjoyed both her character and the actress portraying her, immensely, even if I did feel that a lot of the times she got somewhat 'lost in the shuffle'. My take on her, going into the last episode, is that she is something a megalomaniacal, "evil genius" who is all-consumed with herself and own greatness and ensuring that everyone around her knows and is aware of it. When she has something that she wants, it means nothing to her anymore. It didn't matter if Mario loved her and wanted to marry her... once she knew that, he became nothing to her. It didn't matter that Natalia was her best friend... she needed to conquer Adrian to assert her own superiority and greatness. When Olga asked her if she still loved 'Adrian', she said something along the lines of "loving him with the all of the hatred in her heart" or something like that, and I think that THIS goes a long with towards explaining Veronica...
Because I think she DOES love Adrian. BUT... when he called out Natalia's name during sex. WELL!!! That is the biggest affont in the world to a massive ego like Veronica's. At that point, he became "Public Enemy Number 1" to her. She hooked up with Pedro, thinking she was scamming Adrian... only for the tables to be turned on HER. Incapable of accepting blame or weakness, or having anyone AROUND her see her in that state, she blamed her faithful lapdog Tania and subsequently killed her, and then insinuated herself into the lives of the ONE family (and one MAN) who she KNOWS is filled with enough rage, insanity, and MEANS to extract revenge- Elias.

I am convinced now more than ever that what is driving Veronica is simply a desire to have Adrian reduced to a point where he will be forced to supplicate to her and acknowledge the superiority that her megalomaniacal self warrants. I think she HATES Adrian (for loving him like she does) and HATES herself FOR falling in love with him. The fact that he STILL prefers his wife (her weak and pathetic best friend who she 'bested') AND has gotten the better of her on a couple of occasions must be KILLING her, and is what is driving her to destroy him. It's not about Adrian- it's about HER. THIS is the only thing that I can make out of her comment to Olga and her single-minded determination to do with Adrian.... well... we still really DON'T know what her 'end-game' is, do we???

If anyone (Urban, I am looking at you, here...) knows the Strauss opera "Elektra", the title-characters focus in life has been so single-minded, and she has been so consumed with it for so long that, once it is achieved- she dies whilst suffused with joy upon realizing it's- and her- purpose. She HAD no other reason to live so, with that now being gone... so is she. And this is how the opera ends.

I see something similar for Veronica. Either that, or she and Adrian will die ''War of the Roses" style, dangling from a chandelier. Either way, I have REALLY enjoyed the sultry, beautiful Greek actress playing her. With her deep voice, she is a TOTAL classic 'femme fatale', and not in any way like the usual shrieking slutty harpies we usually get as the 'bad girl' in telenovelas.

Elias... he is just a despot. Not a very multi-dimensional character, but whenever I would see Omar Fierro, I would think back to his first protagonist role in Carla Estrada's "Cuando llega el amor'' and think.... "God... time really DOES hit hard, doesn't it???" (Because I think both Nailea Norvind and Lucero look every bit as good now as they did then... in the case of La Norvind, even MORE so, actually!) But it happens to us all, as it should!

Lisset as Samia... ni fu ni fa. The character was even MORE of a caricature in the original (which still tried to be something of a comedy... the Mexican version was REALLY just SO MUCH better, which even the COLOMBIANS are acknowledging...)

Chantal Andere seems to have lost a lot of weight, all in her face (she never needed to lose it anywhere else). This has given her the PERFECT 'evil, sucking-on-a-lemon' bitter villain face, which she put to great use here as Constanza. I don't know if they put white make-up on her as well, but she has always been a terrific villain (my favorite, of course, remains the evil 'Leonor' in "Sentimientos Ajenos'', who had the best end ever for any villain- her evil deeds being exposed, she is on the run but still trying to do damage. So she breaks into Our Hero's (Carlos Ponce) closed office building and office. Then, she hears people approaching and runs into a large closet. Unfortunately for her, the reason the building was closed was for fumigation, and the people she heard were fumigators. She doesn't realize this, though, but is wondering what is going on when she realizes that heavy things are being pressed up against the closet door (the fumigators are moving the furniture, of course!). The men put on their gas masks and put their head phones on while they go to work and no one can hear Leonor once the poison starts flowing and she starts pounding on the closet door to be let out. Thus, Leonor dies in the closet, gassed like the utter cockroach that she was. It was TERRIFIC in its creativity!) The actress has always been extra-cherishable to me, to be honest, just because of the relationship she has with her mother, Jacqueline Andere (currently 'Maty' in 'La mexicana y el guero'), their mother-daughter relationship is just precious and always has been... even when Chantal (and, to be honest, her mother- Bernarda in 'La Otra' was EPIC) are playing some really despicable characters in this genre!

Sergio Sendel... well, it's Sergio Sendel. We know what to expect from him, and he rarely disappoints. He DOES look like the "Anonymous" guy, and I don't know if it's the grey hair or the blond highlights, but his eyes just looked SUPER piercingly blue here. It was a different kind of villain for Sr. Sendel, I will give him that- a lot of his villains are just utter psychopaths. Adrian was a smarmy, sneaky, amoral weasel of man. But I will admit that, even now six years later, I still can't get over Salvador Mejia casting him as the 'bon vivant', 'fresh out of his teens' "Niño Emiliano" (they actually referred to him as this) in 'La Imperdonable' (...when he was 50 years old. The actress playing his mother was 2-and-a-half years older than he was).

This is long enough, so I'm going to post this now. That's my take on the villains here, and I'm going to get started on our 'heroes' promptly. :-)

Take care, everyone. Please... take care. It is nice to be here with you all. :-)

Annon- omg, you just gave me flashbacks to that awful novela! It was ridiculous!

My comment disappeared.

I will ask Rgv Chick to retrieve.


Thanks for retrieving my comment Rgv Chick!

I've been away all day and just say it was missing.


Thanks Princess Juju for your wonderful recap. I came late in the game in this novela and it's been a difficult one to watch because, I feel, these writers and the storyline were just terrible. (The child abuse was a little much and went on too long.) The actors did their job really well (they are all excellent and talented) but they had such awful material to work with (just my opinion folks).

I look forward to the next adventure whichever that one will be. AND, thanks for letting me join your wonderful group. :-)

Until the next novela then!!!



Did Vichente and Olga really have sex when she put those drops in his drink? She kept talking about that kiss and that couldn't have been the greatest highlight... Doesn't she get a flashback to that night? The punishments in this one are really disappointing, though. And I might sound matearialistic, but I'm curious ifNatalia is getting her money back. Adrian does not love even his own daughters... this is just the sort of thing to make my blood boil.

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