Thursday, July 14, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Amor Valiente, Infiel: Historia de un engaño, y más: Week of July 11, 2022


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-11PM -  Amor Valiente
  • 10-11PM - Infiel:  Historia de un engaño

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Thanks very much, carmella, for your always delightful comments. I can't say more now, except that I find it hard to believe that they'd have a bad guy pet and kiss a dog. Pet and kiss a woman, yes, but not a dog. :-)

Amor Val

What a TEASER episode this was! Can’t believe we had to wait until the very last moment to witness some much needed romance between Cesur and Suhan! Grrrrr!!! Anyhoo, it was welcome because no matter what they’re going through, they do love one another, and by golly that man’s eyes could melt an iceberg! Not just the color, but the intent way that they convey “ I not only love you, but I want you!” Lol….warned you I’m a romantic above all else!

I have to be honest, if Riza was so wronged, as it apparently looks like, and also because of the fear and worry that Adalet is displaying, why does he want Cesur to be the vessel of his revenge? Riza is obviously a part of a dark, VERY DARK, underworld, and could probably just put out a hit on those who wronged him? What’s the connection here? Why is Cesur the eye candy calendar of the month?? I’m sorry, but I must reiterate that Adalat need to go! She’s so willing to have both Cesur and Riza killed so she can get on with her pharmacy life! I’ve lost any sympathy or respect I might’ve had for her! Then there’s Mean daddy with his “I’m Tahsin Korludag” fixation! Like so the hell what! You’re also a nasty, conniving, manipulating piece of dog poo, and you may not have killed anybody, but you orchestrated it, and many other things to keep people afraid and terrorized of you! Adalat is too stupid to realize that she just traded one life of misery for another, even if this one affords you luxury. It’s I’ll gotten luxury anyway!!

Glad Miribhan told Cesur how she got her info about them finding Riza. At least the psychic DA is on the case and getting his computer and phone checked for hacking. Hopefully his cyber expert will track down all the major players too, including chicken head Huylagan! ( I love that name!). She really needs to go to jail! Glad she blew up Bulent’s budding love connection though , haha! Bulent and his threats crack me up! He can’t do anything and has no power! He’s just a pawn of Mean daddy and Cahide’s! He told his mom that he had a revenge plan, but we’ve seen him do nothing on his own without reporting to Mean daddy. He’s wussier than Korhan, and unfortunately, it looks like Banu is developing a “thing” for him. Who knows, maybe a romance will change him, jerk-roid that he is!

I’m not buying the computer “savviness “ of Riza. He’s been incarcerated for 30 yrs, and unless the prison provides computer training, technology has really changed while he was away! Maybe the people he surrounds himself with are the savvy ones? Not sure, but that place where he was staying—— super sad and scary! Just a deserted building with a lot of people living in squalor and doing every evil thing to survive………Plus, Riza is a “note” guy! Hmmmm…..

Amor Val

Forgot to add……Cahide replayed in her mind when she thought she got pregnant, but wasn’t that the New Years party? Was there a party after that? The New Years party was at least 3-6 months ago and she’s around 8 weeks??? Doesn’t make sense.

Also in above comment it was supposed to “ eye candy calendar boy,” and “ill gotten luxury.” I try to make it a habit of checking what I write, but still find words missing or Ms. Spell check doing her thing, lol….oh well…….


Thanks for getting the conversation started carmella. I really enjoy the way you describe things! Did you come up with Huylagan? This fits her perfectly. I didn't notice any spelling errors, so don't even worry about it!

I have been swamped with work this week and did not have time to comment. Thank you Juanita and novelera for keeping the recaps coming. It was very helpful to keep me on track!

Above all else, Cesur is the reason I keep watching this dizi. Of course the mystery is partly there but just staring at him and those expressive eyes makes the late night watching worth it! I agree carmella, he could melt an iceberg. As far as I am concerned, Suhan is not worry of this hunk!

I was also wondering how Riza suddenly became so tech savvy because when he was first introduced to a cell phone the guy had to show him how to use it! How he thought to put the computer on top of the building was a stretch for me.

Riza’s older companion is intriguing. He seems to be indebted to Riza somehow. I guess the 30 years in prison gave Riza the time to plan what seems to be a very detailed revenge. The psychic (thanks carmella) DA Cihan is rather impressive as is Mirihban.

Lots of dead ends, some clues and some filler (Cahide, Banu/Bulent) but I was happy with a little bit of romance at the end of the epi!


Amor Val

Can’t take the credit for “Hulyagan ” VVS…..that was Susalynn’s most apt description her! It fits chicken head #2 perfectly!


I noticed that they are rerunning LRDS2 in the afternoon starting Monday. They are getting us ready for season 3!

If there's anyone who has not seen La Reina del Sur seasons 1 and/or 2 yet, I highly recommend viewing and catching up with the rest of us. These eps are also available on Netflix.

IMHO, one of the best TNs ever. And I expect we will have a big patio for season 3!

dondi356, ITA about La Reina del Sur 1&2 being one of the best telenovelas ever. The episodes played like movies not tv productions. I cannot wait.


Well thank you Susanlynn for the renaming of Hulya to Hulyagan! Very clever! Although I still like chicken head #2!


dondi356, thank you for the tip. Several of you mentioned before how great La Reina de Sur is. I think this is the tequila drinking novela you also mentioned when we were sharing our favorite libations one day. I will have to check out the Netflix version and get caught up.


Thanks very much, carmella, for your great observations to get us started and then some. I too was scratching my head over the possible time when Cahide and Korhan last did the deed. Was there a Valentine's Day party? I don't really remember, but it's possible.

I was amused to see how insecure Cahide felt about her pregnancy diagnosis. She needed her previous doctor to confirm it. I wasn't sure what to make of Cahide's expression when she left the doctor's office and saw two very pregnant women in the waiting room. She almost looked like "Yikes, is this what I'll look like?" But perhaps I'm being unfair to her (though that's hard to do).

As for Riza's wanting Cesur to kill Tahsin, when the older guy helping him offered him a gun, Riza said he didn't want to have his hands bloody again (or something to that effect). But I keep thinking that he's doing much the same thing that Tahsin is doing--thinking that he's not guilty as long as he can get someone else to pull the trigger. Speaking of Riza, it looked as if he was watching Cesur's house all the time that the DA, the police, and Cesur were on their mission to capture him.

I am not sure where Riza is in the last scene we see of him. Is it the same place where Tahsin held him by the legs? And what was the contraption he seems to have made. A box in which to put Tahsin and then open it up to plunge him down or at least threaten to do so?

Also, what was the point of putting the computer at the top of that small tower? I thought it was just a false lead. Was there more to it than that?

This dizi continues to make me dizzy with questions.


I just want to second (or third) what dondi356 and Jarifa have said about La Reina del Sur. For me, it's far and away the best telenovela I've ever seen. As Jarifa said, it's really more like a movie than a TV novela. The plot, the casting, the scenery, everything has been remarkable. I have high hopes for season 3.


Okay Riza is a bit of a psycho but from his perspective 30 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit (the murder) plus being held upside down is some pants wetting terror.
I think he is kinda handsome in a haven't seen the sunlight since Clinton was in the white house kinda way.

And yes this is Soap Trope land so the vengeance plot will be a Dr. EVIL over the top instead of just popping a cap in Tashin & wife's ass.

Now then did anyone else notice when Bulent was in Banu's office and she was asking about Hulya, when he stood he was sporting a huge boner? My husband and I were LOL. What does Bulent wanna be a real boy but with each lie part of him grows?




Wow! You guys are all bringing it today! So much wit from the patio.

The whole "Where's Waldo, er, Riza?" is confusing as hell. Yes, he did say he didn't want to get blood on his hands. So, they've mentioned he killed someone in prison. Did that happen? Or is he referring to shooting the guy in the prison van?

Adalet: Boo freakin' hoo. She's let her brother rot in prison without one visit and she's hiding in her bedroom because the chickens have come home to roost? OK, they said Riza trafficked her, but I thought it was the orphanage director. I never believe anything that comes out of Tahsin's or Adalet's mouth.

They showed another scene of Korhan's childhood memories. Riza was being discussed and he remembered seeing Riza and Tahsin going into the woods together.

I LOVED Hulya looming up in the background of Bulent's screen when Banu had just weakened and called him.

We've mulled this over before, but QTH? We all thought that thumb drive copied what was currently on Serhat's computer. But the Tahsin gang seems to constantly be monitoring it.

Cesur caught a guy who was part of the window smashing, fake attack on Tahsin a while back. This should prove interesting. But, as always, it's too soon to hope he'll implicate Tahsin.

Hulya is definitely getting the vibe that her life of luxury carrying "the Korludag heir" may be coming to a halt.

Was that a nightgown Suhan was wearing when she opened the door to Cesur or an evening gown? In any case, she looked spectacular. Now, if were ready for bed when a gentleman caller appeared, he'd run for the hills. Definitely not full makeup!


FEV, I forgot to give you a thumbs up for the Bulent Boner sighting. Didn't see that myself, but it's pretty funny it was there.

Amor Val

Thanks to all for the great comments . This show is getting to be quite a party.

As to Riza's knowledge of technology, if Turkey is like the U.S. , prisoners may be able to take classes . I was once asked to teach at the prison , but I declined . I am a bit claustrophobic. However ,a colleague told me that she had taught there and loved it !!! Maybe Riza took some classes . He was there for 30 years .

P.s. I have never seen La Reina.

Regarding " Hulyagan", I have a thing about nicknames having known many folks with nicknames ...Kosh, Flip, Chico, Cookie, Crow, Hook, Hooter, Skipper, Truck, Popeye, Flex.

Suhan has a great taste in lingerie . That black number looked classy but still comfy. Cesar seemed to like it.

...knowing Bumbling Bulent , it was probably a misplaced sock.


Dondi356: Big question is whether Season 3 will be exciting ?

Steve Boudreaux


Susanlynn, you made my day with Bumbling Bulent having misplaced his sock!

Amor Val

Novelera,...then my job here is done ! We need to find the fun these days wherever we can .


Forgive me for asking what is probably an obvious question, but when is Reina 3 premiering? I have heard so many people saying this is one of the best TNs ever. I have tried to watch in the past and it never caught my attention. Now I am wondering, if I put effort into to watching, would I have time to catch up on seasons 1 and 2 before season 3 started?


Darcy, I cannot answer your question and Mr. Google hasn't helped either.

I assume it would air at 10PM because it's been pretty "adult" in the past.

Right now Infiel: Historia de un engaño is airing in that time slot. The internet says Infiel has over 100 episodes, but it's hard to say whether that is Turkish epis or dubbed into Spanish epis and that Infiel is only up to #24.

I suppose they could run it a 9PM. Amor Valiente looks closer to being over than Infiel.

Bottom line, I got NO idea!


Thank you! It sounds like I have a minute to catch up. Maybe I will try! Life is crazy right now but there is always that lazy Saturday open to Netflix binging!

I did finish Palptito btw, no surprise that that ended on an open note making season 2 likely. It was a good show! It's ironic or not, that the only show I ever previously saw Michel Brown's real life wife on was 'Los Hererodos Del Monte' because Univision was just began their own production of 'La Herencia'

Did you ever watch 'Quien Mata a Sara?' on Netflix? I watched season 1 and 2 but I haven't watched season 3 yet. I can't remember if I asked this before, forgive me if I have. It's a good show. It features Carolina Maranda, who was the second Senora Acero in that famous series. I liked Carolina's turn as Senora Acero and I have liked 'Quien Mata a Sara' but I haven't found time yet to watch season 3.


My head is spinning, but I'll try to put up a very limited account of what happened (or didn't) later tonight.


Darcy, if you start watching La Reina del Sur, especially the first season, just put your life on hold. You're not going anywhere until it's over if you start binging!

Episode #37 p. 1 of 2

The episode starts well. It's the next morning, and Suhan and Cesur have clearly spent the night together and are in good spirits.

The DA calls Cesur to inform him that the way Mehmet knew what was going on is that his (the DA's) computer was hacked. The DA has some ideas and wants to talk with Cesur.

Cesur and Suhan are in the car. He tells her that one of the guys involved in the riot a few weeks/months ago (it's hard to keep track) has been arrested. Cesur hesitantly tells Suhan, "I believe your father started the riot." Oops. Suhan accuses Cesur of being obsessed. She tells him that "I think" and "I feel" are not evidence. He should go see the DA, take care of what he needs, and then come back. Cesur assures her he always wants to be with her. They kiss.

Hulya comes to see Cahide. The iron gate is locked and Cahide claims she doesn't have the key. They talk on opposite sides of the gate. Hulya is convinced something is wrong. Cahide denies this, but finally says she's tired of all the lies. Hulya tells her "This baby will be in your arms in June. We have to be in contact, or (in a threatening tone) it will be very bad."

Cesur meets with the DA and Mihriban. The DA plans to write Cesur a letter on the computer so that Mehmet will read it. They decide the subject should be the truck driver involved in Riza's escape. We then see Mehmet, Tahsin, and Taysun reading the letter. They see this as a way to finally trap the DA. In the letter, the DA says he plans to have a witness at the cabin in the woods at 10 am the next day. He also says he's sending this by email because his phones may be bugged. The three bad guys all laugh. (Of course, so do the good guys.)

Now things start to get very strange. Cesur greets his mother, and she doesn't know who he is! This is followed by several minutes of ads. When the episode resumes, his mother seems fine. She, Sirin, and Elif (the nurse) are about to go on an outing. Cesur hugs and kisses his mother, and she calls him "my beautiful son." HUH?

Mehmet and Taysun are in the car. They look at their watches. They seem to be wondering where Tahsin is. Tahsin has just been told that Adalet got up early and left. He has been trying to call her at the pharmacy, but the line is busy.

We see Sirin, Elif, and Cesur's mother in the car. All are laughing and singing along with a song on the radio. Suddenly, Sirin stops the car. The road is blocked by logs. She and Elif get out of the car to move the logs.

Tahsin is driving. An old man gets in front of his car. Annoyed, Tahsin stops, and the old man asks him to read a letter for him. Tahsin reads, "Justice has been served. Adalet is at the old factory." The old man says, "Riza's waiting for you at the old factory." He then gets on the back of a waiting motorcycle, and the motorcyclist drives away. The old man yells, "Go alone, or Adalet dies." Tahsin calls the pharmacy, and Necla tells him Adalet hasn't yet come in.

We then have a very short and seemingly mysterious glimpse of Sirin yelling "Help" as she tries unsuccessfully to flag down Tahsin's car.

At the cabin, Mehmet and Taysun, with guns drawn, think they've caught Cesur in an act that will incriminate the DA. Taysun gleefully announces, "Whatever game you're playing with the DA is over." Suddenly, the DA appears and turns the tables on the two bad guys. The police come and arrest them.

Just as things seem to be going well, Cesur gets a call from Suhan. "You're mother...has disappeared." Sirin yells, "Not disappeared. Kidnapped!" We then get a FLASHBACK of Sirin and Elif clearing the logs from the road and then realizing that Cesur's mother is no longer in the car. And we again see Sirin trying to flag down Tahsin's car.

Ep. 37 p. 2 0f 2

Back in the present, Cesur asks Suhan who kidnapped his mother. Very hesitantly, Suhan says, "I don't know, but they saw your father's car drive by."

Tahsin arrives at the old factory. He gets out of the car and calls out, "Adalet?" We see a police car receive an All Points Bulletin saying "Stop Tahsin Korludag's car wherever you see it. It was seen near the old factory." Tahsin walks into the factory. He looks around and then hears cries from a woman's voice. He says, "Riza, don't you dare hurt her. I'm coming, Adalet. I'm here, Adalet." He looks up and sees the box that Riza had made. To reach it, he goes up the stairs.

Adalet walks into the pharmacy, looking very happy. Necla tells her Tahsin has been worried about her. Adalet says he'll calm down when he finds out where I was. She then tries to call him, but the call won't go through. Korhan enters the pharmacy, asking where his father is. Then Salih calls on the phone. Adalet says she hasn't seen him, and she has good news for him. "Riza turned himself in to the police today. I saw it with my own eyes."

Tahsin manages to open a locked door, giving him entrance to where the box is hanging. The woman continues to cry and moan. He sees a mechanism with buttons.

Cesur, the DA, and, I think, Kemal arrive at the old factory. Cesur enters, followed by the DA and Kemal. Just as Cesur enters, Tahsin presses one of the buttons on the mechanism. The box opens, and the body of a woman falls to the floor below. Cesur witnesses this. Then, stunned, he looks down at the woman and says, "Mamá?" He then looks up and sees Tahsin looking down.

We see Riza make a mark on the wall in his cell. One down?

Cesur keeps talking to his mother. "Wake up, mamá. Open your eyes, mamá." She opens her eyes. He asks her to stand. She doesn't move. An ambulance is on the way. "Don't close your eyes." (They close.) He screams, "Wake up, mamá!"

Tahsin says, "They said Adalet had been kidnapped. He wanted to kill her." Cesur grabs Tahsin and starts to choke him. It takes several people to finally get him off. We then see 45 DAYS LATER

Cesur, with a haircut and carrying a suitcase, greets a healthy-looking Rifat, who has apparently been waiting for him at an airport. Rifat tells him that Suhan has been calling a lot. She's worried about you and is waiting for your return. He assures Cesur that, as requested, he told no one that Cesur was coming.

We then see Suhan jogging. A motorcyclist approaches. It's the DA. He tells her that there's been some progress on the case. "Have you found the person responsible?" she asks. No, he says, we're still investigating. She says if he needs her, he can find her at the 3-day festival, which begins today.

Mihriban is to appear on TV, and she's concerned about her makeup. Bulent hands her a letter from the prison. She's apparently the last of a number of people to receive one. It's from Tahsin. She steps away from Bulent and reads it silently. Tahsin asks how she is, and says, "I heard you light a candle for every day I'm in here." Mihriban smiles. She was apparently the first person to sign up to testify against him. Tahsin asks, "If I tell you why I abandoned you at the altar, would you help me?...Throughout my life, I've hurt many people. All deserved it except you. Only you I caused deep hurt for no reason. I owe an apology only to you. I ask that you give me the chance to explain everything before the trial. Please. Tahsin" And with that, the episode ends.

Amor Val

Juanita, thank you for the recap of an episode that bas me saying " Wait !!! What???

I actually got pretty much what you wrote from the visual, but ...wait!! What is going on ? Was Cesar's mother kidnapped
And placed in that box , or did she wander away from the car and into that mysterious old bui!ding and climb into that cage ? Makes no sense at all . Did Riza plan this all? Makes. No. sense.

Is Riza back in prison or was that a flashback ?

So's a month and a half later, and Rifat is back on his feet ,and Cesar got his hair cut . Suhan runs in slow no and is getting ready for a festival ???? And DA bought a motorcycle ??? And Tahsin IS IN PRISON.

I am lost. Where are we headed here ????



Many thanks, Susanlynn, for letting me know that I'm not alone in scratching my head. Here are the few answers I'm able to offer for your questions:

1) We don't yet know whether Cesur's mother wandered off or was taken from the car. Either seems possible, though her wandering off makes it more likely that Sirin and Elif might not have noticed while they were struggling with the logs. I don't think, however, that Cesur's mother wandered into the old factory. I think she was taken there by the bad guys. Then again, I don't know how far the factory is from where Sirin stopped the car.

2) Yes, according to Adalet, Riza turned himself in (presumably after putting Cesur's mother in the box, but perhaps he had someone else do it so he could have an alibi). And so yes, we do see Riza in a cell, making a mark on the wall. But I think it's not a cell in the prison, but rather a holding cell in Korludag, where he was put after turning himself in.

3) Yes, it's 45 days later and Suhan is jogging in slow motion (though she speeds up as the motorcycle approaches). I think the slo mo is just a special effect so we can appreciate her athleticism or jogging outfit or whatever. But who knows? As for the festival, you know as much as I do. It's a 3-day festival--they may have said what the festival was for, but if so, I missed it.

4) The DA told Suhan that he wanted to get out into the country, so he came on the motorcycle. I have no idea whether it's new or even whether he owns it, but he probably does. It looks either new or well-cared-for or both.

5) Yes, Tahsin is in prison, awaiting trial. Not sure why he's not out on bail. Perhaps he's considered a flight risk. As you saw, Mihriban's reading his letter was interspersed with brief scenes from the prison, with Tahsin lining up with the other prisoners. Just about everything else I know about his situation is in my slightly abbreviated text of his letter to Mihriban. Apparently a number of people have offered to testify against him, and the first one to offer was Mihriban. What surprised me (though it probably shouldn't have) is that Tahsin has the chutzpah/avocadoes to ask for her help.

Where are we headed here? My crystal ball is very cloudy at the moment. I think it's waiting for more flashbacks. :-)


Thanks so much Juanita for the great recap of a very confusing episode. I did not like it AT ALL that Fugen was killed in such a tragic way and right in front of poor Cesur.

I am pretty sure it wasn’t Tashin who pushed that box release button but one of Riza’s henchies. Tashin was trying to use the crowbar to pull the box toward him when the henchie hit the release button, so technically Tashin is not responsible for killing Fugen. Riza apparently just wants Cesur so angry that he will kill Tashin and it looked like he almost succeeded straggling him.

I wonder if Cesur took his mom back to France to bury her and that is why he has been away? I liked the new haircut. Glad Rifat is back to normal.

The prison Tashin was in looked more like a boy scout camp/cabin. Poor Mirihban, she still holds a candle for this loser. Juanita, Tashin definitely has some avocados asking Mirihban for help!

What was up with the DA and Suhan? They really seemed rather friendly, almost too friendly. Visiting the country on a moto was a strange twist.

Susanlynn, Riza was definitely back in prison because Adalet saw him turn himself in. I think he just put all the things in play to ensure Cesur will kill Tashin. I also have no idea where this dizi is heading.



OMG, VVS, you're right! It wasn't Tahsin who pushed the button! After reading your message, I went back and looked again at that scene. The hand that held the device and pushed the button was gloved, but Tahsin's hands are NOT gloved. Wow! Thanks VERY much for this important correction. I wonder who and where the person was who pushed the button.

I noticed one other thing. In looking for this scene, I came briefly upon the one where Adalet says that Riza turned himself in to the police. I mistakenly reported that he did so "today," but Adalet actually says anoche, last night. (Oddly, though, we see her watching him go off with the police in handcuffs, and it seems to occur in daylight, not at night.)

Amor Val

VVS and Juanita, I guess it would have been too simple for Riza to just shoot Adalet and Tahsin . Everything has to be complex and Byzantine like a Bond villain.

So we could entitle this episode " Tahsin Goes to Sleepaway Camp. "

I wonder if Cesar and Suhan have been separated from each other since Caesar now can add " You killed my mother " to tahsin's crimes against his family . Have they been apart for 45 days ? Does she know about the haircut? Husbands usually ask their wives " How do I look " after they get a haircut. For me, I wish he could let it grow Thor style. ...but....Nobody asked me.


Terrific recap, Juanita! You described it so well. And you definitely got a blockbuster episode to recap.

That Riza is one diabolical planner. And his actions last night make me think again what I've thought before: Never get on the bad side of a Turkish person! Riza was about to be released. I think they may have shown that wall before with all the marked days. Probably it was his plan all along to get revenge, but when they tried to kill him during the "move to a different prison" scene, he didn't just turn himself in in Istanbul and rat out the conspirators. Oh no. He's willing to go back to prison to frame Tahsin.

Looks like Hulya is going to be a mother all by herself. I think of that poor baby and shudder. Maybe the baby's father will step up. He may be a criminal, but he seemed more decent than Hulya.

I also expressed a big "Huh?" when Fugen didn't recognize her son and then did so after the commercials. Were they pitching brain food in that series of commercials?

And a million thanks, VVS, for catching that Tahsin didn't release that trap door. I thought he did.

I sort of felt like screaming when they showed Mihriban kind of tearing up reading Tahsin's manipulative letter.


Many thanks, novelera, for your delightful and encouraging comments. I especially enjoyed "Were they pitching brain food in that series of commercials?" I can't help but feel that there was a glitch somewhere in the editing. At first I also thought that the initial sighting of Sirin trying to flag down Tahsin was a glitch, but eventually I realized that it was just another sign of the writers'/director's obsession with flashbacks.

Every time I see the wall with the days marked off, I think we're about to have another Riza flashback. Lately, though, showing the wall has had nothing to do with Amor Valiente, it's just a reminder that La Reina del Sur 3 will be coming pronto. I'm happy that it's coming soon, but I wish they hadn't used the wall to let us know that.

I confess that I was surprised that they just suddenly announced 45 Days Later. Are we sure that Cesur's mother really did die? I would have thought they'd show a funeral, and some mourning. She was a sufficiently important character not to be swept under the rug. perhaps she's not dead?

Amor Val

Thumbs up Juanita! You managed to make some sense out of the senseless, but the writing crew of this dizi seem to like loads of confusion followed by endless flashbacks to calm our curious minds. I do like a good mystery——SOMETIMES——but I’d really like them to make the pieces fit as they go along——SOMETIMES!

I think this was all masterminded by Riza in order to get Cesur to kill Mean daddy. I think Riza has no soul, and could care less about disposing of an old woman with dementia for his own purpose. A while back I “kinda” asked the question regarding what the difference between justice and revenge is. Now I know. Cesur wants justice. He wants to use the law to aide him in bringing Mean daddy to justice. Riza, otoh, isn’t concerned about justice. He just wants those who wronged him to pay by any means necessary. He is kinda handsome though, in a cold blooded killer kinda way, as FEV pointed out in an earlier post. He and Adalet share beautiful eyes, but that’s about the extent of it. They’re both just twisted and warped!

I was diggin Cesur’s new haircut too, but going outta town for 45 days just to sport a new hairdo leaves a lot of unanswered questions. I’m sure we’ll get to the bottom of this mystery soon, but they could’ve at least given a dog a bone over the weekend! Something solid to chew on! Now we have to wait for flashback #2058 before we get some satisfaction!

Mean daddy apologizing to Mirhiban was an unexpected twist. He wants something, and I hope Mirhiban remains strong in her resolve to see him get what he deserves. He’s had a ga-zillion opportunities to apologize to her, but waits till he goes to prison to offer one?!?! Nope, apology not accepted!

A motorcycle riding psychic DA! Wonder how he’ll surprise us next, lol. I really thought when he was first introduced that Mean daddy was going to try to buy him, and push Suhan his way to seal the deal. Even if that’s not the case, they did seem a little friendly….hmmmmmm……


Thanks very much, carmella, for your great comments. I especially liked your discussion of Riza as soulless, and then tying that to your earlier question about the difference between justice and revenge.

And as always, I love your use of language. What struck me this time was "I’m sure we’ll get to the bottom of this mystery soon, but they could’ve at least given a dog a bone over the weekend! Something solid to chew on!"

Amor Val

I am hoping that we get some explanatory flashbacks in tomorrow's episode cluing us in on what transpired over those 45 days besides a haircut , a motorcycle, and prison for Tahsin and Riza. Is Cesar's mother still alive ?


I felt pretty sure Fugen died. I'd be very surprised if she turned up. Of course, that would be wonderful. But I couldn't help but think, since my father had Alzheimer's, that dying from a fall from height would be preferable to living on to the really awful end of life he experienced. He probably lasted as long as he did because his body was quite strong. This meant that my mother could no longer care for him since she couldn't compel him to do anything. Once he left in the car and ended up 15 miles away from home. He then could not remember how to get back home. The police eventually brought him home.


I agree, novelera, that if Fugen has Alzheimer's, sudden death from a fall is probably preferable to late-stage Alzheimer's. But I'm not completely sure that Fugen really does have Alzheimer's. I remember a recent episode where she remembers someone quite clearly and recognizes disparities in what was said. Sirin is very surprised by this and says something about Fugen's not really being ill. I wish I could remember the details. All I remember is that I too was surprised at Fugen's memory and lucidity in that scene. It made me wonder whether the mental problems we see her having are the result of the trauma reulting from her husband's death and the conflict he had with Tahsin in the months preceding the death. And of course there was also the horror of the fire that killed her mother-in-law and led to her father-in-law's death. Given all that, plus our not seeing anything to confirm Fugen's death, just a sudden jump 45 días después, makes me suspect we may not have seen the last of her.

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