Monday, August 01, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Amor Valiente, Infiel: Historia de un engaño, y más: Week of August 1, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

9 - 10PM - Amor Valiente
10 - 11PM - Infiel: Historia de un engaño

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I'll have a short recap up later tonight.

Episode #48 p. 1 of 2

Cahide tries to make up with Korhan, now that he's president of the company. She tells him how proud of him she is. With his new pair of avocados, Korhan replies, "I guess the smell of money made it all the way down to hell." Cahide again tells him that she's the mother of his child. He remains very skeptical and tells her to get out before he calls security.

Cesur tells Sirin that Suhan is hiding something, and that Sirin knows what it is.

Cahide shows her pregnancy documents to Tahsin. "How do I know they're not a fake?" he asks. She offers to take whatever test he wants to prove the baby she's carrying is Korhan's. She pleads with him to let her come back. "This place is my home." Tahsin finally relents. She can come back, but under one condition: she has to take care of Zafer (Hulya's baby) until she gives birth.

At the company board meeting, Korhan announces that Tahsin no longer has any connection to the company. Korhan is the new president. Cesur says they'll run the company in a more fair and just manner. Suhan is annoyed at Cesur's description of the way Tahsin ran the company. She points out that he started the company. She accuses Cesur of being blinded by greed. "My father was right about you."

Riza is at a bar. He spots Hulya and goes over to her. He asks why she's at the bar alone. As far as I could tell, she made it clear she was "working" (as a prostitute). She tells Riza that if he doesn't have money, he should leave. He claims he can get money. "What will you do, rob a bank?" She replies, "There are better ways."

Korhan asks Suhan whether she has told Cesur yet. Cesur overhears and asks what they were talking about. "None of your business," Suhan replies.

Riza spots Sirin and grabs her arm. Just then, Kemal comes in, calling for her. Riza quickly lets her go.

Suhan is at Casa Tahsin when she gets a call from Korhan. He tells her he's not feeling well and asks her to come. He then calls Cesur and asks him to come over. She comes. Korhan assures her he feels fine but was afraid she wouldn't come. Suhan tells Korhan that Cahide irritates her. She's upset that her father is permitting Cahide to return to the house. Korhan asks why he should forgive Cahide if she won't forgive Cesur. Korhan claims that Cesur didn't betray Suhan the way Cahide betrayed Korhan. Cesur arrives. Suhan asks what he's doing there. Korhan says "I think you have something to tell him. I'll give you some privacy." He goes out and locks the door. Suhan tries to open the door and cannot. Cesur asks, "What was Korhan referring to? What do you have to tell me?" They go through their usual verbal sparring that gets nowhere. Then Cesur manages to open the door and lets Suhan leave.

Riza is outside when a messenger arrives and asks whether he is Cesur Aremdaroglu. Riza seems to indicate that he is, and the messenger hands him a letter and then leaves. Riza takes the letter inside. Cesur comes into the room and Riza hands him the letter. Cesur reads the letter, scowls, and calls Rifat, asking him to come over ASAP. He then goes into another room but leaves the letter lying on a chair. Riza picks it up and reads it. A voice-over reads, "I know how you became rich, Cesur Aremdaroglu. If you don't want the police to see the incriminating documents I have, be at the address below at 2 pm. We'll make a deal."

Rifat arrives and asks Cesur about the guy who sent the letter. Cesur says that 5 years ago, Orhan Zeringly worked at a company where Cesur was a partner. Rifat says, "So he knows about the fraud/scam (estafas)."

Ep. 48 p. 2 of 2

Cesur continues, "The guy was fired, and this is probably his revenge. The first thing to do is find out what he knows and what he wants in exchange."
Rifat goes to meet the guy at the time and place specified. Apparently Rifat doesns't realize that Riza is following him. Orhan tells Rifat he wants 10 million or Cesur will have to deal with the police. And he wants the money tomorrow. Rifat says that's impossible. Orfan replies, "Nothing is impossible for Cesur Alemdaroglu." Rifat leaves, and Riza surreptitiously follows Orfan. He sees him go into a building and then come out. After the guy leaves, Riza takes out a set of keys and finds one that successfully opens the door to an apartment where Orfan had gone. Riza enters and starts looking for documents. He finds a folder bearing Cesur's name and examines the contents.

Suhan talks with her father about Hulya and the baby. Suhan says she thinks the baby is better off with his mother. Tahsin agrees. Cahide is delighted.

Rifat reports back to Cesur about Orhan's demands. Cesur tells Rifat that he doesn't want the police involved, let's just give him the money. Rifat disagrees. He knows guys like Orhan. If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. Cesur says "Then we ensure he keeps his promise to keep his mouth shut. [Seems uncharacteristically naive of Cesur.] Riza appears as Cesur and Rifat are talking. Cesur asks Riza to leave. Riza informs Cesur that he knows the guy is blackmailing him. Cesur tells him not to get involved. "Too late," says Riza. "I already intervened. You don't have to give the guy any money." He explains that he accidently overheard Cesur and Rifat talking, and he followed Rifat in case he needed help. He hands over the folder he found. Cesur is surprised and very happy. He thanks Riza warmly and tells him "I owe you another one." "No big deal," replies Riza. [Rifat looks somewhat crestfallen and perhaps a bit jealous.]

Hulya meets Cahide at Tahsin's. She announces as she arrives, "I'm not taking the baby back. My son was born to be a Korludag. No offer can top growing up in this house." To her surprise, Tahsin seems to agree. He explains that the baby is best off with his mother, and if Hulya lives in the Casa Tahsin, "she can take care of the baby where I can see her." Cahide is aghast. "This woman threatened and blackmailed us. How can she live here?" Tahsin remains adamant. Hulya is ecstatic. Cahide is disgusted.

Riza the snake comes to see Orhan. He informs Orhan that he made copies of the documents. He tells him, "Cesur was prepared to pay what you wanted. That means this was very important to him. That's why you should ask for more." A stunned Orhan says, "I thought you work for him." Riza replies, "We're going to make a good deal together."

Tahsin tries to explain to Suhan why he wants to keep the baby at Casa Tahsin. "The baby was born because Cahide made a promise. The people who made a promise to me left without looking back. I learned how cruel human beings could be. People who make promises should keep them. And since a Korludag made a promise, we should see that it's kept."

Sirin comes to see Cesur. She has something she wants to tell him. The "something" is not Suhan's pregnancy but simply that "Suhan still really loves you. She wants you to apologize." "That's it?" asks Cesur and Viewerville.

As Sirin leaves, Rifat comes through the door to see Cesur. "Guess what happened. Orhan called me." And with that, the episode ends.

Amor Val

Fantastic recap Juanita! Thank you!

Honestly, pregnancy does not become Suhan! As beautiful as she is, her words and actions make her ugly. She has conveniently forgotten all the bad things her father has done, and has managed to make Cesur the villain. She doesn’t deserve the guy, and how I wish they would bring in another woman to attract Cesur’s attention. The look in his eyes when he asked her if she really hated him so much, and she said yes! Heartbreaking! I really can’t stand her right now! Then when she agreed with Cahide to send the baby away, I wanted to smack her head sideways! I’m glad, for once, that Mean daddy had his own ideas about the situation.

It’s time to neutralize Riza. He is terrorizing the neighborhood, sneaking around, stealing documents, breaking into peoples rooms and houses like he has the right. He doesn’t even care if he gets caught. He is an unapologetic creep. I don’t know, but the look in Cesur’s eyes when he caught him snooping around his office shows that Cesur no longer trusts the guy. I hope so!

Korhan is making me happy though, where that chickenhead Cahide is concerned, lol. He’s kicked her out more times than I can count now, and she still comes back for more! She is ridiculous! Looking forward to the two chicken heads living under the same roof though! Should make for some interesting interactions,

Amor Val

Juanita, thank you for an excellent recap as the forces of good and evil continue to dance .

Gee, no good can come of weird Riza and surly , scowling Hulygan meeting up.

That poor baby . Hul dumps him off outside at Tahsin's . Tahsin wants to meet with Hul and decides she isn't a good mother and says he will let the baby stay and throws her out. Does this all bring up memories of his childhood ? Was he about to be adopted but the couple chose Hasan instead?I am just guessing because of that flashback we had while ago when he and Hasan were kids and Hasan left with a couple and Tahsin told him he would kill him ? Was his whole evil life due to his rejection as a child? This baby arriving has really set him off . He tells Suhan that she will take care of the baby , but then he tells Cahide that She can only live in his house if she takes care of Huly's baby . Wait. What ? QTH. THEN, he decides to let Huly live in the house so that she can take care of the baby. Uh oh ....Cahide , Huly, and Suhan in the same house. That should be interesting\scary.

Suhan is just. Plain. Stupid . ...and doesn't deserve Cesar . At this point , he would be better off with Banu who has always had his back . ( p.s. Where happened to her child ? We saw him!her? In a couple episodes at the beginning of this saga ....then he\she evaporated .)

Riza creeps me out . He is everywhere and into everybody's business ( well, Caesar's business. ) as he silently creeps around . He seems more obsessed with Cesar now than with his arch enemy Tahsin .


Many thanks, carmella and Susanlynn, for your interesting and perceptive comments.

Carmella, I too am finding "Sulkmeister Suhan" (to quote your earlier phrase) really irritating. It seems as if she'll find fault with almost anything Cesur says. The scene at the board meeting was just one of several examples last night. And, as you say, she seems to have amnesia when it comes to her father's evil doings. As for Riza, at times Cesur does seem suspicious, but Riza's stealing the incriminating documents made Cesur VERY grateful to Riza and may prevent him from seeing what the duplicitous snake is up to.

Susanlynn, we're apparently all on the same page when it comes to Suhan. And yes, I like your idea that Cesur would be better off with Banu, who is smart, attractive, and devoted. Oh well, it ain't gonna happen. I think you're right that Tahsin's decisions about Hulya's baby are shaped by his own difficult childhood. However, I'm still not sure what to make of the earlier flashback that seemed to show Tahsin and Hasan as young boys, with Tahsin threatening to kill Hasan. I really do think that Hasan's parents were alive and with him during his childhood. And I keep thinking there was some mention early on of Hasan meeting Tahsin for the first time when they were in the army. They became friends, or so Hasan thought, only to find that Tahsin betrayed their friendship, stole the paintings, and set the fire that killed Hasan's mother. The most likely bet is that I'm wrong, but I'm not yet ready to make that bet.

Amor Val

That was an interesting comment that Tahsin made about letting the baby stay because keeping promises was important. Who broke a promise to him ,and what was the promise ?

Cesar has certainly been drawn into a web of awful people ..Tahsin, Riza, Salih. He now has an ally in Korhan, but Korhan has been the weakest link so far. We haven't seen or heard much from Rifat lately . He and Banu had been effective backup for Cesar in the past . Now , Cesar seems to be a target for Riza. Does Riza think that he can have a chance with the object of his obsession Suhan if he gets rid of Cesar ?

We know Cesar and Suhan will be together in the end , but how is Suhan going to come to her senses and realize Dad=bad ....Cesar= good.


Thanks so much for the fine recap, Juanita. ITA about Suhan's behavior. As I said before, Team Banu. And, yes, Susanlynn, Banu's child seems to have vanished or else she has the best childcare situation in the known world. She appears at a moment's notice to be the legal expert in whatever is going on. And Cesur was VERY fond of her son, was his name Omer? But, as you said, Juanita, Viewerville, totally knows that it will be Cehan (I'm trying for what we used in Hercai, ReyMir.) together as the FIN shows up on the screen.

I'm pretty sure this whole Orhan having dirt on Cesur is an elaborate plan to out Riza for the snake he is. I just don't believe the writers would have their galán having committed fraud before he came to town. Well, he sorta was fraudulent in hiding his connection to Hasan Karahasanoglu when he arrived. But that's a different kettle of fish.

Tahsin had a point. Hulya did not want that baby and, shown in a flashback, was angrily insisting they abort her even though it was dangerously late. So Hulya was willing to go through the rest of the pregnancy for $$$ and Cahide decided to break their bargain.

I think Riza had a set of lock picks with him when he entered Orhan's apartment. Another rather too convenient thing. He's barely out of the slammer but has everything he needs when he needs it.

Riza is starting to remind me of Aslan Aslanbey in Hercai. Somewhere, say, 2/3s of the way through the dizi, they bring up another enemy.

Amor Val

Novelera,yes , Riza , like Aslan, was brought in later as a new problem for the galan. However, Aslan was gorgeouscreepy , whereas Riza is just creepycreepy. I thought Riza would be an ally for Cesar in Riza's quest to bring Tahsin to justice , but now Riza seems as intent in messing with Cesar as he is with getting revenge against Tahsin. Maybe it's all about eliminating Cesar so that he can have sulky , sullen Suhan.
Riza, be careful what you wish for . This girl is cranky.

Amor Val

Well yeah Suhan is a sulky princess. But it must be tough to realize all your special alpha IT girl gifted status came from the suffering of others. It's like what I'm really not that special?

I don't understand Tahsin moving the hooker into the house. Since he has lost the business, I guess he has to much time on his hands.

What happened to the pharmacy? Did they get a new pharmacist or did they just have an awesome narcotics 1/2 off going out of business sale?

Riza does really really really creepy vibe.



I will put up something very brief tonight. I do have a Zoom meeting for part of the evening, so less time to write things.


Belated thanks, novelera and Fev, for your comments. Novelera, I like your idea of combining Cesur and Suhan into Cehan, as we did in Hercai with ReyMir. But somehow, I have more trouble keeping the names straight here, and I'm afraid I'll confuse Cehan with Suhan and Orhan and Korhan and... And congrats on sniffing out the plot to trap Riza! I confess I wasn't quite as sure as you were.

Good question, Fev, about the pharmacy. Loved your question about their holding a half-price going-oout-of-business sale! As for Tahsin's allowing Horrible Hulya to stay at Casa Tahsin, I think he was strongly influenced by his own childhood experiences as an orphan.


Sirin tells her father she can’t stay quiet much longer about Riza, who of course is skulking and hears this.

Tahsin tells The Weasal (aka Bulent) that he’s started a new company and the Weasel will be a partner. But first Tahsin wants him to spy on Korhan and Cesur.

Korhan overhears Suhan make an appointment for an abortion and confronts her about it.

We see the trap slam shut on Riza’s avocados. When Rifat delivers the “blackmail” to Orhan, Riza follows Orhan to get his half. It’s nothing but newspapers in the workout bag. Cesur and Rifat confront him. Cesur tells Riza that the whole thing was a test, and he failed. When he tries reminding Cesur about saving him from a bullet, Cesur replies that it might have been one of Riza’s tricks (and it was). Cesur says he doesn’t want Riza living at his house any more.

Korhan tells Cesur about the planned abortion. He rushes there. She comes out and tells him she “did it”. He shouts after her that he’ll never forgive her. And, of course, as I suspected she didn’t go through with it.

Tahsin raves at Salih for not having found “the beggar”.

Riza calls Salih and insists on meeting him. Suhan brings flowers to Cesur’s mother’s grave. He walks past her without a word.

Riza wants $ from Salih. He keeps telling everyone he deserves it for having been in prison for so long.

Turan calls Hulya from a prison phone. He’s getting out soon. She tells Cahide, whose bug eyes bug out. She tells Bulent. These three were part of the evil plot that got Cesur shot way back when, and Turan can sink them.

Tahsin is back in court. It’s proven that the material to build the cage holding Cesur’s mother came from Suhan’s glass factory [I remember Riza prowling around there a while back.] The DA says they are looking for some guard named Kayaglu, who suspiciously quit the factory around the time of Fugen’s death. The trial is postponed again! Cesur walks out in disgust.

Suhan tells Tahsin she’ll find the guard because she knows the guy’s daughter. We see Suhan on the phone with her and Cesur overhearing the call.

Mihriban tells Korhan that the mayor who was let go will run again in the next election, helped by Tahsin. She says she’ll run against him.

Scared by Riza’s threats, Salih steals some money from Tahsin’s safe. Sirin has visited her mother and sees Salih coming out of Tahsin’s office. She grabs his arm wondering what he was doing in there, and the money falls to the floor. [I hope my child never looks at me the way Sirin looked at Salih just then.]

Amor Val

Novelera, thank you for all the details in your excellent recap.

So!!! Cesar was on to Ratty Riza and set a trap for him and then evicted him . Yay, Cesar. I think you should let your hair grow to celebrate. JMHO

I knew that Suhan wouldn't go through with the abortion , but it was beyond cruel to lie to Cesar and tell him that she did it . I do not like arrogant, aloof, oblivious Suhan. She doesn't deserve Cesar. How are the writers going to make the tide turn and have her see the light?

Mir is now running for mayor. She must be driving Tahsin crazy. How does she tolerate her son becoming Tahsin's right hand man ?

I feel sorry for Hulygan's poor little baby. She couldn't care less about him .


Many thanks, novelera, for this concise recap that covers the bases. My favorite part of the episode was the unmasking of Riza's plan to become extortion partners with Orhan. Congrats for sussing this out ahead of time.

I loved the way you ended the recap with "[I hope my child never looks at me the way Sirin looked at Salih just then.]"

I confess that I need help with the Turan thread. I no longer remember the details of the plot that got Cesur shot, and so I don't understand why Cahide, Hulya, and Bulent are worried about Turan's possibly being released from prison. I hope someone can refresh my memory.


Juanita, yep, that seems like a looong time ago. I don't have it totally clear in my mind, but Cahide grabbed Suhan's phone when she went to the bathroom and texted Cesur that she needed his help. Hulyagan had arranged with Turan (and paid him some $ IIRC) to ambush Cesur when he came to where he thought Suhan needed him. Cahide had gotten Bulent mixed up in this, and I don't remember exactly what he did to help. But that was when she was threatening him to reveal he'd started the fire that almost incinerated Tahsin (too bad he failed).


Thanks very much, novelera, for supplying some of the details my memory seems not to have kept. I do recall Cahide threatening to reveal that Bulent started the fire, and I vaguely recall that at some point he also had something to hold over her, perhaps the arrangement with Hulya? But I'm still at something of a loss to see why Turan's possibly being released from prison is scaring Bulent, Cahide, and Hulya. I can imagine that Hulya might be upset because Turan's presence might jeopardize the arrangement she has to stay and raise her son in Casa Tahsin. But that's clearly not what's bothering Bulent or Cahide.


Juanita, what I think is behind the Evil Trio's fear is that Turan might come out and say in public that Hulya paid him to arrange the attack. He would, I assume, have nothing left to lose since he'd already served a prison sentence for it. I am just guessing that Cahide thinks she'd go down when the house of cards fell. If there ever was a conspiracy to commit murder, the attack on Cesur was certainly that. I think maybe Bulent contributed in some way. I seem to remember his typical peeking from behind a tree hoping to see Cesur die or be accused of kidnapping.

Amor Val

Yes, I think Turan had just gotten out of prison and looked up Huly. Then, he got pulled into the attack on Cesar. I think he also found out that Huly was pregnant with his baby. Boo-lent had taken up his usual position hiding behind something. I believe he was still dating Suhan and was happy to eliminate his competition .

Thank you novelera! Supplying a great recap and commentary to go with! Just catching up! Long, long, long day at work! Thank you everyone for your truly good and well thought out comments!


I'll put up a short account of tonight's episode (#50) later tonight.

Amor Valiente Episode #50 p.1 of 2

Sirin and her father, Salih, are sitting together on a bench in a rural, isolated setting. Sirin asks him to tell her what that man (Fiza) knows about him. She tells him, "You can't give that man the money. And what if Sr. Tahsin finds out you've taken it?" Salih finally says he'll fix it, and no one will ever threaten him again. (It's not clear what he plans to do.)

Suhan is about to leave to see Aynur (I think), the daughter of the man who suddenly left Korludag (the company and the town). Suddenly Cesur drives up and blocks her car. After the usual bickering, Cesur says they're really after the same thing (the person who killed Cesur's mother), and so let's go together. Suhan reluctantly agrees.

Bulent asks Mihriban for Korhan's address. He admits that Cahide wants to know. He tells his mother, "They're having a baby together. Do you want him to grow up fatherless, like me?" Mihriban apparently relents.

Korhan is talking to someone on the phone about the company. He sees Cahide coming to the door. He's very cool to her and tells her to go back to Casa Tahsin. "That's where you wanted to be, right?" She tells him she went back in the hope that he would come, too.

Cesur and Suhan arrive at Aynur's apartment (though at first Cesur knocks repeatedly at the wrong door). Cesur tells her he's trying to find more information about his mother's death.

Cahide pleads with Korhan to let her stay with him. She doesn't feel safe going back to Casa Tahsin. Hulya is a viper. Cahide is afraid she will hurt their baby. She tells Korhan that Hulya even threatened to cause her to miscarry. Korhan finally agrees to let Cahide stay until after the baby is born. However, she has to realize that she won't have the easy life she enjoyed at Tahsin's. Korhan doesn't have hired help. Cahide will have to do all the laundry and the cleaning and the cooking. She agrees. She asks him what he'd like for dinner. He tells her to get food for herself. He is going out. He adds, "And iron a shirt for me after you eat your pizza."

Aynur tells Cesur and Suhan that she hasn't heard from her father in months. Cesur asks why an innocent person would flee. He then softens a bit and explains that he doesn't mean to accuse her father but to find his mother's killer. She tells him that her father has a lover, Selma. She's a waitress in a hotel near Istanbul. Somehow, Cesur and Suhan have decided where Selma works, and they arrive at the hotel looking for rooms. They pretend they have a reservation, but the hotel is fully booked. Cesur manages to convince the manager to give them a room. He also finds where they can buy clothes to replace the ones on their lost luggage.

Salih confronts Riza. Riza had encouraged him to free himself from Tahsin, but now he sees that Riza has become the master and he's the slave. He tells Riza to find himself another slave. "Your threats don't scare me, you can't hurt me because if I go down, so do you."

WE see Cesur and Suhan in formal dress heading for the dinner dance. They spot Selma somehow, and they decide to follow her when she leaves.

Riza comes to a bar where Korhan is. Korhan says he'll pay for the drinks. He starts complimenting Korhan and tells him, "You're as different from your father as day is from night." Korhan claims, "I don't even know who I am." But then his mood changes, and he announces that he's going to be a father. riza congratulates him.

Selma is in the ladies room talking on the phone to her lover. Suhan is listening from one of the stalls. She hears Selma says she'll leave at 10 am to be with him.

Amor Valiente Ep. 50 p.2 of 2

Cahide gets into the bed where Korhan is sleeping. He sleepily puts his arm around her. She's delighted until he calls her "Selen." Cahide is furious. She storms out of the room. Korhan laughs--perhaps he deliberately called her Selen?

Cesur asks Suhan, who was almost asleep in bed, "Why did you do this to us? Everything could have been different, if you had said something." "What would have changed?" she asks. "Would you have become a different man, the man I fell in love with?" "I'm the man you love." "No, you're not." She tells him he's not so different from Tahsin. "You accuse him of being a murderer. But you were almost a murderer when you tried to kill him." "But I didn't do it."

Suhan suggests they rewind. "I say to you, 'Cesur, I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby. Let's leave this place and everyone behind. Let's forget why you came here. Give up your revenge so we can be a family. Let's live new lives and raise our baby.' What would you have responded?" Cesur tells her, "You'll never know the response, because you didn't give me the chance. It's too late." Suhan suggests softly, "Perhaps it's not." He again says it's not possible. She again asks why not? Cesur responds, "Because my mother died, and you didn't want our child. You're not so different from your father. That made it clear."

Suhan accuses him of always blaming others, never himself. "If you hadn't brought your mother here, into this, she'd still be alive." Cesur replies, "I think of that all the time." Suhan apologizes. Cesur, I'm sorry. I regret I said that."

Tahsin has come to visit Adalet in prison. She tells him she feared he had forgotten her. He tells her nothing could be further from the truth. Suddenly Riza appears (he keeps turning up everywhere like a bad penny).Tahsin is unhappy that Riza is there and is about to make a fuss. Adalet warns him that if he makes trouble, they'll take away her visits.
Tahsin is annoyed that Riza keeps bothering them. Adalet says she knows what he wants--he wants Tahsin to make him an offer to leave. Riza claims he doesn't want anything, but "when the time comes, we will negotiate."

Cahide is still trying to win back Korhan. He tells her that she loves the old, naive Korhan. That person is not available. Cahide finally gives up and packs her things to return to Tahsin's. She tells Korhan that she'd rather feel unsafe there than depressed with him.

Cesur and Suhan follow Selma home. After some resistance, Selma lets them in. Sr. Guney comes out. "What's the problem?" he asks. Suhan tells him that the problem is the steel he stole from her factory and the person he gave it to. Cesur convinces Guney to have a little chat with him in the other room. After they leave, Selma tells Suhan, "The man said he'd kill him if he talked to the police." On that note, the episode ends.

Amor Val

Thank you Juanita! Excellent mini with everything included! Is Salih growing a conscience? If you ask me it’s way too late for that, but for the sake of Sirin, I get it. Looking like a thief and slug in your child’s eyes can’t be anyplace good, and it is pretty clear that Salih wants to a “good dad” in Sirin’s eyes. How did he ever think that a criminal mind like Riza’s would be a good partner for him, is beyond me! People who really want to change their life change it the minute that they have to good fortune to restart it. Riza is greedy and disgusting! He wants to live the high life off somebody else’s dime. What a grotesque troll he is !

Suhan, Suhan, Suhan! Her recollection of events is either so shout out distorted, or non existent! Who, more than anyone, will not take the blame for anything?!?! Mean daddy of course! He shouts from the rafters, constantly, that he has done nada! Yet he has all these enemies???? Que the hell Suhan! Cesur has nothing left in his eyes, no mother, no baby, and definitely not you, yet he hangs in there and lets you talk to him like he’s a piece of dirty gum on the bottom of your shoe! Your last comment about his mother wouldn’t have died if not for him, was downright mean and as low as you can go! Then you apologize cause why!?!?! You meant what you said and I so wish that Cesur didn’t love your crotchety azz!

Cahide is a joke. One of her main problems is that she still thinks that she has one over on Korhan, and that he’s some kind of idiot. She continues to lie in hopes that he will believe her and fall at her feet again. Korhan really has an inquisitive stare when he talks to people, almost like he’s seeing right through them, but he still is naive and vulnerable. I don’t know what to make of him sometimes………

Amor val

Juanita,thank you . I am still reading your excellent recap as tbis tale drifts onward , but I had to stop to ask a questiion. Bubu mentions growing up fatherless. Do we know anything about his father ? Could Tahsin be his father ? Those two seem to have formed an uneasy alliance as Bu becomes his new minion and Random has tossed Morgan aside . Is Korhan really Tahsin's biological son ? Okay, back to your great recap .

Amor Val

Random???= Tahsin.....which my tablet refuses to recognize .

Amor Val

I get a kick out of the unsmiling, frozen expression Riza randomly running into different characters...Huly, Korhan . Then, he sudden!y shows up as Tahsin is visiting Adalet. Riza is everywhere, all the time , in everybody's face .

Ha..Cahide likes the " old naive Korhan" . Yeah , I'll bet you do, Cahide ...that guy you could manipulate and fool all the time . It was fun watching her snuggle back to spoon with Korhan and then hearing him mutter ''Selen."

That was quite a convoluted plot that Suhan and Cesar pulled to find the guy who stole the steel used for the cage . Guney must have gotten paid well to get a girlfriend like Selma , so Riza must have some money.
The writers decided to tease us by putting Suhan and Cesar on this caper and forced to share a hotel bed .


Many thanks, carmella and Susanlynn, for your very interesting comments.

Carmella, I can believe that Salih didn't see what Riza is really like. We've seen a lot of Riza with lots of different people, and thanks to that we know what a turd he is. But I confess that for a while, I thought Riza might turn out to be a good guy. He does seem quite sensitive. That makes him a good con man, of course. So it's not surprising that Salih was taken in, especially since he's so unhappy working for Tahsin. As for Korhan, yes, he's an odd mix of perceptive and naive. Like you, I'm often not sure what to make of him.

Susanlynn, I really like your idea that perhaps Bulent is Tahsin's son. It would make sense--Tahsin and Mihriban were clearly very close, and it's quite possible that she slept with him and became pregnant. Especially if the pregnancy occurred near the time he jilted her (or perhaps she didn't even know she was pregnant when he jilted her), it would make sense that she never told him. We don't know this for sure, at least not yet, but it makes a good deal of sense. I don't think the writers did all that much to tease us re Cehan (thanks, novelera!) having to share a bed. As far as I can tell, they spent much of the night talking. (And have you considered turning spell check OFF? The tablet's refusal to recognize Tahsin and turning it into Random is unforgiveable, IMHO.)


Thanks SO much, Juanita. Excellent recap of a very frustrating episode.

When I saw that it appeared Cehan were going to share a bad, and considering how nasty Suhan has been of late, I thought about Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert in It Happened One night. Remember the blanket somehow suspended between the two of them?

Kivanc (sorry for not using Turkish alphabet) is doing a fine job portraying the "new" Cesur. He's not the teasing, smiling galán any more. HIs deep grief over his mother's death has changed him. Suhan's shot at him, borne out of frustration that he wouldn't play her game of "what if", was awful. And she regretted it the minute it was out of her mouth. She completely deserved that "too late" she got from him. It appeared as if she was hoping he'd turn to her, eager to leave Korludag and start over somewhere.

Actually I don't think Cesur was planning to ride there with Suhan. He planned to follow her, but her car died. Yes, I am pretty sick of her constant goading of him.

Riza, yep, is everywhere all the time. The actor has SUCH a charmless aspect. And he's definitely trying to give him money to live the life he believes he's owed.

Poor Korhan. I felt like screaming when he let Bug-Eyes in. I'm almost as sure he'll end up back with her as I am about Cehan. But I wanted him to slam the door in her face. I did enjoy his murmuring the other woman's name when she snuggled up to him.


Oh, forgot to comment about Susanlynn's idea about Bulent being Tahsin's son. It crossed my mind, but I don't think so. Mihriban appears to have come from a good family, not rich, but perhaps well connected. From what I've seen of the morality portrayed in Turkish novelas, I doubt she'd have had premarital sex. And there was a father that was mourned by both Mihriban and young Bulent.

Amor Val

As for the probability of Bulent being Mean daddy’s biological—— both him and Cahide are running neck in neck for that unpleasant position. But yes, the traits are there. However, there’s no way Miribhan would’ve allowed a romance between Suhan and bullet head were that the case…….I can only assume that Bulent and Suhan “took it there,” in their long term relationship, and I’m sure incest is not on the menu in this dizi. I do wonder about Riza and Adalet though…..

You guys are right———Riza is here, there, everywhere!

Amor Val

Love all those be comments !

The show is getting quite artsy with all those scenes of secret meetings between Riza and Silah and their reflections in the water looking like Double trouble .

Well, at least Caesar now knows that Riza is not his ally . Just wait until Sirin spills the tea on Riza's Suhan Scrapbook . ..and we know that little chatterbox cannot keep that secret for long ....uh oh Thor's hammer .

We haven't heard much from the earnest , ultra involved DA. Will we ever find out why he is so invested in this case ?

How are the writers going to open somber, sullen Suhan's eyes about her very bad dad and her very good ex?



Thanks very much, novelera and carmella, for your interesting and perceptive observations.
Novelera, I agree that the actor playing Cesur is doing a fine job of portraying the "new" Cesur. And like you, I so want to see Korhan get rid of Cahide, but I strongly doubt it's going to happen, at least not permanently. As for Riza, however, I guess I find him somewhat more complex, or at least my responses to him have been more complex. I find him physically rather attractive, and I am also struck with how sensitive he can be. So yes, he does have a "charmless aspect," but for me it exists side-by-side with a much more attractive aspect. Admittedly, now that we see what a thoroughgoing SOB he is, I'm less able to see what I've called his attractive aspect. And as for Mihriban's morality, she is stronger, gutsier, more independent than almost all the other characters, so I have no trouble believing that she wouldn't necessarily have been bound by conventional Turkish mores about premarital sex.

Carmella, though I've just made a case for Mihriban as unconventional, I'm convinced by your argument that she wouldn't have sanctioned a relationship between Bulent and Suhan if she thought they had the same father.


Novelera (TTh) and I (MW) have each been doing two recaps of Amor Valiente every week. However, neither of us wants to add a Friday recap to our plate. So if people want a Friday recap, someone else needs to volunteer. The recap needn't be long--a single page is fine. If no one offers to do one, we'll just have to depend on comments.

(I know that the Thursday Telemundo y Más page will go up in just a few hours. Unless someone volunteers before the new page goes up, I will also repost this message after it's up.)

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