Monday, November 21, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Reina del Sur 3, El fuego del destino, y más: Week of November 21, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

9 - 10PM - La Reina del sur 3**
10 - 11PM - El fuego del destino**

**Neither novela will be shown on Thanksgiving or the Friday after Thanksgiving. And apparently El fuego del destino ends this Wednesday. A new Turkish novela, Amor y traición (Love and betrayal), will begin next Monday at 10 PM

We're still in need of more recappers for Season 3 of La Reina del Sur . Please consider volunteering. Recaps need not be long. Let us know what day works best for you.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I'll try to put up some bare bones account of tonight's episode in a few hours.

reina3 Ep. # 24 p. 1 of 3

I don't pretend to understand everything that went on tonight, but here's a bare bones account of some of what happened.

We see a few scenes from past episodes, ending with Epifanio's telling Vanessa that "I'll get rid of him for you [it's not clear who "him" is--I assumed at the time that he was referring to Ernie Palermo], but you have to do something for me."

Tonight's episode begins in Bolivia. Teresa and Pablo report by phone to the others that they've lost the thin guy, "El Perro." After listening to some of the discussion, Fedor says that there are three places that make and sell steel tubes, and they're very close to the last known point of the car Teresa and Pablo were pursuing. He gives them the address of the one that seems their best prospect, a warehouse.

Rojas returns to the police station and gets a call from Karen. "So that's why the foreigners are here," Rojas says to her. "They're after the Black Horseman." Karen thinks that they probably work for the DEA. Rojas tells her to prepare to leave. Karen tells him that Abel has been moving his gold, but she doesn't know where. Rojas tells her that he'll be in charge of locating the gold, and as soon as he finds it, we'll take it and leave.

In Mexico City, Epifanio has ordered Vanessa to call Alcalá. She does so. She tells him that she's worried, Palmero isn't answering his phone. She has some vital information. "It's about your daughter." She tells him where they should meet. She doesn't want to meet where they usually do, the information she has is very sensitive and they need to meet at a more discreet place. Epi tells Vanessa she did well, but he won't let her leave. He leaves, and Montaño stays behind to, um, watch Vanessa. She's terrified.

General Garrido advises Alcalá not to go where Vanessa said. The whole thing seems too sudden.

Faustino is planning the route that he, Sofia, and the others should take to leave Colombia. (His not very detailed planning doesn't inspire my confidence.) Ray wants to stay where he is, not go with Faustino and Sofia. Sofia sits with Mateo and tells him, "Before she died, Rocio said I was too hard on you." Faustino hears that the search for them is off. He feels they can leave now.

Alcalá goes to the place Vanessa specified. He calls her and leaves a message saying that he doesn't like it here and is leaving. Suddenly she appears, disheveled, possibly beaten, and seemingly drugged. He carries her to his car, puts her in, and prepares to drive her to a hospital. He tries to talk to her as he's driving, but she's not coherent. She does say "They forced me." A big black vehicle is following them and starts smashing into Alcalá's car, finally forcing it off the road. It's thrown into the air and lands smashed, upside down.

Karen tells Abel that Perro called and is having problems with the new girls. She tells Abel she wants to go to Sucre to straighten out the problems Perro is having. Abel says fine, he too will be away for a few days. He doesn't say where.

Pablo and Teresa have arrived within sight of the address Fedor provided. Pablo feels there's far too much security for a factory. They then see a truck opened and girls are being unloaded. Teresa feels they've found the Black Horseman's hideout. Pablo is thinking about how to trap the BH. Teresa wants to be sure that they also save the girls, not focus only on the BH.

At the scene of the car "accident," we see Vanessa and Alcalá lying outside the car. Both seem to be dead. A guy looks at them quickly and reports to Epifanio, "Mission completed."

reina3 #24 p. 2 of 3

The guy tells Epi he's sure both are dead. I however am not so sure. I'm especially dubious about Alcalá. True, what happened with the car made it seem unlikely that anyone could have survived, but we see both Alcalá and Vanessa lying outside the car, which suggests that perhaps they survived the crash and were able to get themselves out of the car.

In Bolivia, the entire group is together trying to decide what to do. Oleg feels that there's too much security for just a few girls. Teresa notices how quiet Sheila is and asks if she's OK. They see that there are cameras outside the warehouse/factory/whatever, perhaps they also have them inside. Jonathan, I think, says, "If they have antennas, they're connected by Wi-Fi. And if that's the case, we can see inside. In fact, we can have access to their entire circuit."

Perro is clearly shaken by the car chase. He's drinking heavily. Karen arrives. She tells him, "I'm glad you're OK, Perro. I told Abel you were having a problem with the girls."

Epifanio calls Teresa. She doesn't recognize the phone number, but Pablo does. She gets up to talk to Epifanio away from the others. He asks why Pablo doesn't answer. She tells him his phone was lost. She tells him they're making progress and should have some good news for him soon. Epifanio then tells her that the DEA is after them and knows that they're in Bolivia. "If the DEA knows we're here, that changes everything," says Teresa. Epifanio tells her to calm down, and he hangs up.

Bebita sees photos of the car "accident" on the news, including the bodies of her father and Vanessa. She tries calling her father but gets no response. She goes to see Epifanio and tells him that her father has had an accident. Epifanio abruptly informs her that her father is dead. She has an understandable meltdown.

Sheila is outside. Teresa comes to join her and asks, "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Sheila shows her the positive pregnancy test. Are you sure? asks Teresa. Sheila shows her the second test. "I never wanted to have a child," says Sheila. Apparently she has had several abortions in the past. "In that case, what's the problem?" asks Teresa."Is it Batman?" Sheila says she loves Batman, but she hasn't told him that she's pregnant, and she's not sure she will. "If the baby is born, it will be the fruit of the best relationship I've ever had with a man. But I'd look like the baby's grandmother, not it's mother." Teresa urges her to take her time, think it over carefully. "Time is what I don't have," replies Sheila, "especially with the DEA here." Teresa says, "I'll take charge of the DEA, you take charge of telling Batman."

Fedor has apparently found some video archives. He, Jonathan, and Oleg watch as a guy tells a kidnapped girl, "I told you to get undressed! Come on." And then, "Don't get undressed too fast. Come closer." He then throws her on the bed. We don't see anything more, but both Fedor and Jonathan are upset by what they see. Oleg comes over with what he says are partial transcripts of the information they got. "Information they later sell," adds Jonathan. Oleg says, "The man at the train graveyard was a client. This is what he was buying." Fedor says, "So the Black Horseman's business isn't the girls, at least not his main business." Oleg says, "His job is selling information. That's how he became a DEA informant." [Huh?]

reina3 #24 p. 3 of 3

The scene shifts. We see a woman who I think is Karen (though Karen usually looked more attractive and less cold than this woman) talking with a young woman. Karen asks the young woman, "So what are they saying?" The young woman replies, "There will be no more special clients." Karen agrees, but says it's only for a while. The young woman asks, "What will the girls whose job that was do now?" Karen tells her they'll do what all the other girls do, work in a bar. "Bars are dangerous," says the young woman, "and Perro only pays half per client." Karen replies, "Then sleep with twice as many clients." She adds, "Behave yourself, and if things get better, Perro may bring you back here." She then calls to someone named José and tells him, "Take her away." The camera focuses on Karen as the episode ends.


Nothing bear bones about this recap Juanita! It is excellent! Thank you so much. I found the episode confusing. I rewatched the scenes with Alcala and Vanessa it was Montaño dressed in ninja gear and not a suit, who was in the truck and ran these two off the road. How does Epi find people to do such awful things?

The whole warehouse thing is also confusing. How did Fedor know to look for a pipe manufacturing company? Because of the few pipes in the back of Perro’s truck? That is quite the stretch.

I think it was Karen at the end talking to the prostitute who was in the video. Sounds like they are going to cool down the videoing of influential people for awhile and that poor girl has to work at a bar and double her servicing of men to make ends meet. All Karen is worried about is the gold.

Thanks again Juanita!



Thanks, Juanita. Honestly I would not be able to keep up with this story without your recap. I appreciate all the details.

ITA about Alcala and/or Vanessa still being alive. Maybe he's playing possum and had the general spirit them away and media friends plant a sham story about the "accident."

So Ray wants to stay at the convent. I call that kid smart.

Hoping we get information on what the information is that's being traded.


Tremendous recap, Juanita, and not "bare bones" at all. I really appreciated all the details. This might be the most confusing novela I've ever seen. I suppose that might be a sign of sophistication. Many of them, especially the romantic ones, I can predict what's going to happen way before it actually does.

I am enjoying how skillfully Teresa managed to get Oleg back on track. Her conversation with him about tequila and Oleg being forever, and probably Pablo not so much, did the job. Oleg now even appears not to sneer every time he looks at Pablo, even IIRC giving him an approving nod last night. And I don't get the impression that Teresa is mad about Pablo, just taking advantage of a man she's sexually attracted to. That was a long four years in the slammer.

Those who predicted Fedor would get over himself and be a key member of the group are proven right once again. I didn't quite understand what he was able to do, but he definitely got access to the cameras so they could assess the number of guards inside.

I agree, Juanita, that it's unlikely Big Ed is dead. The key was Montaño being uncharacteristically less than thorough and not approaching the car wreck for a check of Alcalá's pulse or lack thereof. I don't feel the same way about Vanesa. I think she's a goner.

I wonder if Paloma might actually consider leaving Ray with the nuns. He's come out of his shell being nurtured by them. Of course she'd plan to come back for him later, but he's safer where he is. I can't think why else the writers showed his desire to stay.

Thanks to your recap, Juanita, I have some idea about what goes on at that factory. I was baffled. It sounds like some "special" clients are serviced by the young girls at that location. The girls probably receive better treatment there so as to not look "used up" as they would be in the bars they might go to. Wow, that Karen has a piece of a glacier for a heart. I was expecting better things of her when she was first introduced.

Still confused about what the JN does. He gets blackmail information on these highly placed people? Films them with underage girls and then gets them to pay? It doesn't seem like that would work over and over.

Nice to get an episode without Charlie.


There was meat on those “bones”, Juanita. Great recap. Very helpful.

Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but I also think that Big Ed lives. I want him to be the next president of Mexico. Vane is expendable and she might be a “goner” as novelera said. ITA that Montaño was less than thorough. Epi will not be pleased.

I think Oleg still isn’t happy every time Teresa and Pablo go off somewhere alone, but there’s nothing he can do about it. I really hope Teresa isn’t serious about Pablo. Although, we know what happens to the guys she falls for.

Thinking about Ray wanting to stay. If he’s forced to go, will he run away and throw a wrench in the plans?

Fedor is the new whiz kid. I’m glad he’s useful. Is Jonathan getting too old?



I watched the San Francisco 49ers play in Mexico City last night. The fan base there was overwhelmingly for the Niners. One thing I noticed that was funny, not shown on the broadcast but in the local paper. There was a bar near Estadio Azteca called Pinche Gringo. It might have been a popup to give a ribbing to gringos who might have come for the football game.


I will do a recap tonight.


Thanks VERY much, Niecie in MD, novelera, and dondi356, for your interesting and enlightening comments.

Niecie, I'm really glad you found the recap helpful. That means a lot to me. And I too am leaning heavily toward Alcalá being alive--and not just because he's a star actor. Though we're finding that no place is truly safe, I applaud Ray's wish to remain at the convent. I hope he's able to do so.

Novelera, I love your idea of our being confused by this novela as an indication of its sophistication. It's most definitely the case that it doesn't have a paint-by-numbers plot, and that's both refreshing and at times frustrating. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one still uncertain about the JN. And wow, was that Montaño who reported back to Epi "mission completed"? That makes perfect sense, but for some reason, I didn't recognize him. Sigh.

Dondi, when I started to write, I had no intention of writing a recap--I was too confused about too many things. I just wanted to list a bunch of things that happened. But somehow.... And yes, I too have been hoping that Big Ed will wind up as Mexico's president. That's not the only reason I don't believe that he's dead, but it certainly contributed to my belief. Oh, I hope Ray doesn't run away or have Charlie recognize him. I hate it when novelas use threats to children to add to the suspense. Blech!


#25 – Parte 1 de 3

Ernie and Charlie arrive in La Paz. Ernie can’t hack the altitude and can barely walk the streets in Bolivia

It turns out it’s Freddy Rojas. He’s on the phone telling someone to keep following him [Abel?]. He says he’ll pay the guy well.

Ernie and Charlie have arrived at the police station. When Sierra tells Rojas about them, Rojas doesn’t want to make time. But Ernie pushes his way in and introduces the two of them. How I HATE the way these two show up and bully other cops! Ernie says he has a document from Interpol authorizing their being here and presents it to Rojas. “We need you to help us find “her”.

In Ciudad México Epifanio’s tame doctor is tending to Bebita. The doc gives her some drug. Epi hopes the doc no se le pasó la mano (hasn’t gone too far this time). He says he wants her calm, not dead. He goes on to say that la primera dama has lots to do today.

Delio comes to tell Epi that everything was published just as they wished. He also assures Epi no one figured out the news came from them. The two SOBs laugh over seeing Vanesa’s dead body near that of Antonio’s.

Danilo and Susana also review the news Danilo planted. Susana blurts out that Vanesa was NOT the lover of Alcalá, rather… Danilo shushes her and then goes on to say he doubted they even knew each other.

We see a flashback of General Garrido trying to talk Alcalá out of going to meet Vanesa.

Ernie and Charlie talk with Rojas. Rojas tells them he didn’t exactly capture Teresa Mendoza. [This is after a passport photo of her is shown around.] Instead he interrogated her. But when the documentation arrived from the Mexican Government saying they were legit, he let them go. Charlie asks about the gunfire they heard about. Sierra pipes up that Rogelio Tejada was involved and then mentions Abel Quispe. Rojas has a hard time not strangling Sierra. Ernie tells Rojas that they’re looking for a person who disappeared 10 years ago and who has information about the DEA. Sierra continues to play the eager beaver and offers Charlie and Ernie a conference room to use as their office.

Karen is in Sucre. Rojas calls her and asks how it went with El Perro. She says that he was very scared. He tells her about the DEA looking for the Mexican who’s on the run. He tells her they’re after her because of an informant about the DEA. Karen: “Why now, after so many years? What does she have to do with this (Teresa, I presume)?" Rojas doesn’t know, but he thinks they should get away before this blows up in their faces. He tells her that his guy is keeping tabs on Abel. Karen asks what will happen with El Perro, and Rojas says he’ll have to look out for himself. And don’t think of telling him they’re after him. After she hangs up, she seems to wonder about Rojas throwing people under the bus.


#25 – Parte 2 de 3

Batman is teasing Sheila and wanting some quality time in the trailer, no cameras at all. When she brushes him off, he’s a bit hurt and says she’s never said no before. Just then Sheila gets a call from Teresa about four guys. Sheila spies them. Sheila and Batman go into the bar and approach the guys. Sheila flirts some and says they’re lost. While they look at a map, Batman copies one of the guys’ phones.

General Garrido gets a call from Ernie and rips right into him. He says they should not have involved Vanesa, who was not up to the task. When Ernie says something about the General maybe also being in danger (trying to reel him in), the General explodes. No one saw him with Vanesa. He hangs up on Ernie.

Sierra comes to talk with Ernie and Charlie. He wants to be helpful. He says he has some information about Teresa. He has the license plates the group was using because the guy whose plates were stolen reported them.

We see our Colombian crew inserting money inside a hollow statue of a saint. Faustino says he’ll give some of the money to his cousin and some to Mateo to buy some sweets! Mateo says that he and the priest don’t want the money. We see that Mateo is building a brick wall.

As we expected Paloma asks the Mother Superior, if that’s what she calls herself, to have Ray stay there. Sorry, I forgot Faustino’s cousin’s name. Paloma says she can’t stay there because she’ll expose the nuts to danger. She’s going to go with Faustino.

Oh no! Antonio Alcalá is really dead. Big Ed must have had another acting gig coming up. Bebita sees his body in the morgue and falls apart. The miserable jerk Epi insists she come outside to confront the gang of reporters. She doesn’t say anything, looking devastated, but he makes a speech. He says something about Alcalá having been a widower and had the right to have a relationship (throwing some more gas on the fire).

Teresa’s gang gets working on the cloned phone. Fedor shines again, just after Jonathan says it could take hours to succeed. [I’m not sure what’s different about these views that’s different from the ones Fedor hacked before.] Fedor says that the Jinete Negro is here. Teresa asks if this isn’t Abel’s wife. What is she doing here? [They seem to be leading up to, if not saying outright, that Karen is the JN.]

Faustino gives his cousin a big sack of money. She says she’ll do a lot of good with it. He goes on to say that, if he doesn’t come back, knock down the wall to get the rest. He tells her he feels empty inside. She tells him he will feel that way until he forgives himself for Rocio’s death.

Paloma bids goodby to Ray. She tells him about when he was in her belly and jumped around like a chimpanzee. And about when he was born, how happy she was. She promises to come for him.


#25 – Parte 3 de 3

Teresa is massaging something on Pablo’s body to ease his discomfort. She tells him they are animals for keeping those girls in cages. Pablo puts a move on her, but she tells him this will be over soon, and they’ll each go their own way.

The Colombian group is all dressed as various religious people, the woman as nuns. Faustino looks good in his priest’s collar. With Faustino and Gonzo in the cab of the truck and the others in the back, they take off.

Teresa and Jonathan have a moment together. She tells him about her time in prison, how she heard a faucet drip for four years, just like the one dripping in their hideout. Jonathan smiles and tells her how happy it made him to get her out of there. He tells her he thinks about not having to run, about lying on a beach, to be a normal person. He manages to stop the faucet from dripping.

Sierra is questioning Rojas about his reluctance to help the DEA guys. Rojas tells him they have no right to work on Bolivian soil.

Rojas gets a text and a photo. I can’t see either one. Anyone?

Rojas calls Karen about Yungas. It seems like that might be where Abel is. Rojas says his guy has described large, heavy boxes of wood. They think it must be the gold. Rojas packs up things from his office into a backpack. He tells Karen to write down some coordinates.

Fedor tells the group he’s counted 20 girls, guarded by only 3 men.

Batman is asking Teresa why Sheila is behaving so oddly lately. She tells him he should ask her himself. They are at the end of a road, with the hood of the SUV up. A truck stops. Teresa tells the guy they had car trouble. But Jonathan points a gun at him. Teresa tells him that nothing will happen to him if he cooperates with them. Looks like they’re taking the truck to where the JN and the girls are.


Gracias, Novelera. Once again, you've cleared up my (many) gaps.

Sierra was so helpful giving info to Ernie and Charlie. He will be shocked when he realizes the truth about his partner Rojas.

I'm glad there was more Jonathan in this episode. I like him and he seems happy mentoring Fedor, who has the superior tech skills.

Despite the obvious, I'm still thinking Alcala survived and that was a Mission Impossible rubber mask in the body bag.

I'm resisting that Karen is the Jinete Negro. She's survived the hell these young slave girls are going through and the hell of being with Abel for years, and has risen to play a power game of her own, but it still seems to me that she's doing someone else's bidding. I wouldn't be surprised if she betrayed Rojas.


Muchísimas gracias, novelera, for this superb recap! It covered everything, and I found it very helpful.

I'd like to put in a good word for Epi's "tame doctor." Yes, he's Epi's puppet, but when Epi says that the First Lady has a busy day ahead, at least the doctor does tell Epi that she needs to rest in bed. Of course, when Epi indicates that's not what he wants to hear, the puppet doesn't continue his protest.

Wow, I somehow missed Ernie's saying that they're looking for someone who disappeared 10 years ago. That's the same amount of time that Pablo's father has been in captivity! Hmm.... Karen's role also seems to be expanding, since she immediately seems to know who disappeared 10 years ago and what that was all about (and that Teresa wasn't involved).

Thanks for making clear what Batman was doing with the other guy's phone. I wasn't sure, esp. since he put it back in the guy's pocket before leaving.

I was surprised at how much pain macho Pablo seemed to be in when Teresa was giving him a massage. It suggested to me that perhaps his wound is more serious than he's letting on.

I'm not sure whether you noticed, but you have an amusing typo in part 2: "Paloma says she can’t stay there because she’ll expose the nuts to danger."

I couldn't see the photo Rojas was sent. It went by VERY quickly. But the message accompanying it said something about large wooden boxes at the site. My assumption was that they were filled with Abel's gold.

Again, many thanks for this terrific recap!


I didn't see Niecie's comment until after I posted mine. Her comment reminded me that I too am not convinced that Big Ed is really dead. The only thing that troubles me about this theory is that Bebita did kiss the corpse's face. Wouldn't she have noticed if it weren't her father? Then again, she was pretty upset and out of it, so perhaps she didn't notice. ¡Ojalá!


Alas, we don't seem to have a recapper for tonight. It would be terrific if someone volunteered. You needn't do a full-blown recap, just a few paragraphs about tonight's episode would be very helpful. Pretty please?

reina3 Ep. #26

Here are some of the main things that happened in tonight's episode.

Epifanio and Bebita attend her father's funeral. She's disgusted with Epi. "Have you no shame?" she asks. He warns her to be careful what she says. One good thing: her young son comes running toward her, and she gets to hug him.

In Bolivia, Teresa et al. have taken over the truck. They put what looks like a vest with explosives on the driver. Batman tells him, "Say what we want you to, or I'll push the red button and the vest will explode." Oleg, Jonathan, Pablo, and Teresa get in the back of the truck. Batman rides up front with the driver. They head for the warehouse.

Karen is packing her things, including lots of money. Perro says he thought she'd be staying longer. She tells him that Abel asked her to return home, and she doesn't want him to become suspicious. She almost leaves without her phone. Perro calls her attention to it. She thanks him.

Paloma is regretting that Ray isn't with her, though she feels she did the right thing for him in leaving him at the convent. "What if I never see him again?" she asks Padre G. He assures her she did the right thing, "You separated to save him." She asks the padre to promise that if she can't get back with Ray, the padre will find him and tell him about his mother.

Sofia gives Mateo a drawing she made that is a symbol of eternal love.

Back at Alcalá's funeral, General Garrido is present. When Epifanio steps away, the General tells Bebita he was a friend of her father's, and he wants to help her. He asks for the name of someone he can trust. She tells him Danilo, Epi's press secretary.

Fedor is monitoring all the activity of Teresa et al. Sheila is with him. At times, she finds it difficult to watch what's going on. She notes that the two screens show something different. Fedor tells her one is live, the other is a version he made that makes it seem nothing is happening, in case anyone checks. (Wow, this "rookie" is really talented!)

The truck the padre is driving is in an area with no signal. And then the truck gets stuck.

Our Guys manage to free the kidnapped girls. Fedor tells them that there are four men playing cards. Our Guys shoot most of them, then look for Perro, who they believe is The Black Horseman. Perro hears noise, can't get anyone to answer his call, and goes to investigate. Our Guys capture Perro. They ask where his info is about the DEA. He first says he doesn't know what they're talking about, but then, to prevent them from shooting him, he claims it's in a safe place. He claims he needs the keys in his desk. Of course, he has a gun there, but Our Guys are faster than he is and he is shot and wounded.

The freed girls, Our Guys, and Perro are in the back of the truck. Perro is badly wounded. Our Guys urge him to tell them where the info is. Instead, he dies. Our Guys are upset. But one of the girls tells them that Perro isn't the Black Horseman. The Black Horseman is Karen. End of episode.


Lots of cleaning, prep, and cooking in the last 24 hours. Quick check in before the bird goes in the oven.

Thank you, novelera and Juanita for this week’s splendid recaps.

Congrats to mwendwaE, who first proposed that Karen is the Jinete Negro.

I really had hoped that Big Ed survived. Hopes are slim to none he did.

Pablo was in pain, but he was ready to get busy with Teresa again. Glad she turned him down this time.

I’m also impressed with Fedor’s skills. I hope he stays safe. He was shocked watching his father shoot the baddies.

Enjoy the holiday, everyone.



Thanks, dondi356, for taking time from your Thanksgiving prep to comment. Much appreciated.

I too had hoped that Big Ed would survive. I haven't totally abandoned hope even now, but I agree that it doesn't look good. And yes, congrats to mwendwaE for being the first to propose that Karen was El Jinete Negro.

BTW, as long as I'm commenting, I want to correct what I think is an error. I said that Padre G. was driving the truck, but I seem now to remember Faustino in the driver's seat. Not exactly an earthshaking mistake, but....

Feliz día de acción de gracias a tod@s.

reina3, destino, telemundo

Just in case anyone missed this, I want to point out that there will be NO telenovelas on Telemundo today or Friday. They will resume on Monday, with La Reina del Sur 3 remaining at 9 pm and a new Turkish dizi, Amor y Traición (Love and Betrayal), replacing El Fuego del Destino at 10 pm. The new dizi stars, among others, Akın Akınözü, who played Miran on Hercai: Amor y Venganza.


Fine job, Juanita. Thanks for taking the time amidst a busy holiday to prepare a recap for us.

Ugh, Alcala is gone. At least the general is trying to help Bebita. I hope Bebita can pull it together to not let Epi drive her batty. And I hope Danilo is a genuine ally.

MwendwaE, you certainly called it on Karen as the Jinete Negro. She's such a turnoff for me, but now that she's risen as a villain I'm hoping we'll get more background on her.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


busy,busy,busy, thanks so much novelera and Juanita for keeping us updated on the details, the writers are doing a good job of obscuring the story.

and thanks all for the comments!

is the phone Karen forgot hers or Pablo's which Perro gave her to give to Freddy Rojas, oh no, I just know the bad guys will make use of our gangs trackers.

Sheila was driving me up the wall with her looking away, walking away, "I can't watch!" I can't either!

Epi is just not the domestic homebody, I'm sure he loves keeping Bebita drugged and spinning like a top.

oh, if anyone is counting, I believe Kate mentioned on an earlier Tonight Show interview there were 60 episodes.

I also heard it was filmed in Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina, so we have 2 countries to go.

Yungas (where Abel went) according to wiki is "a bioregion of a narrow band of forest along the eastern slope of the Andes Mountains from Peru and Bolivia, and extends into Northwest Argentina".



Thanks VERY much, Niecie in MD and deb, for taking time from your cooking/eating/resting to comment here.

Niecie, yes, I'm gradually coming to accept that Alcalá may indeed be dead. I really thought he was going to be Mexico's next president, after somehow getting rid of Epifanio. Who is left to fulfill that role? The General? Perhaps. He wouldn't have been my first choice, but....

Deb, I hope you're right about there being 60 episodes. Each of the previous seasons had 60, IIRC, and that seemed just right. But somewhere I read that Season 3 would have 80 episodes. I don't remember where I saw that, perhaps I just hallucinated it? I'd prefer 60, leaving me wanting more rather than being impatient for it to be over. (Most of the novelas I've seen lately have fallen into the ¡ya basta! category. Sigh.)

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