Thursday, December 08, 2022

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Vencer La Ausencia, Mi Camino Es Amarte, & La Madrastra- Week of Dec. 5, 2022

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! Mi Camino Es Amarte is being discussed with minicaps/notes being provided by the patio. Jarifa continues wither entertaining note from the couch for Vencer la Ausencia and the discussions are impressive!  As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 pm – Vencer La Ausencia: Ep. 30-31

9-10PM – Mi Camino Es Amarte: Ep. 17-18

10PM-11PM – La Madrastra: Eps. 32-33


Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Ricos”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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Camino – Episode 17 part 1 of 3

Sebas is freaking out about how to fix things with Lupita and Juanpa isn’t very supportive. At first JuanPa seems to think Sebas really was trying to take things too far with Lupita but he swears he wasn’t and that he just wanted to kiss her. It seems like JuanPa might be starting to realize that Sebas has genuine feelings for Lupita but he still has no idea how to fix things. Sebas says he can’t just leave things they way they are, he can’t.

Amparo arrives at the hospital and Dani is grateful to see her, Falso is annoyed. Amparo says she’s praying for Isa and Dani thanks her. She brings Memo a change of clothes. This causes Falso to ask why ‘that’ family is so concerned for Isa and Dani tries to explain how normal human beings are compassionate – but in this case maybe Dani should be wondering, just a little, about the level of concern the family is showing.

Leo and the girls are worried about Isa too, and they don’t even know Isa is their cousin – they text and text but there is no good news to receive. Sebas and Juanpa arrive together and Gaby is happy to see JuanPa but Lupita not so much. She does agree to talk to Sebas though. She gives him exactly 2 minutes!! LOL Sebas tells her not to give up on doing her practicum. He knows how important it is to her. He’ll leave her alone, she doesn’t even have to talk to him until she decides she wants to.. Gaby is smiling so I’m guessing his argument is working.

Amparo is too anxious to hear from the doctor and Memo tries to calm her. He says imagine how he feels. He’s hiding his tears so no one will think too much of his reaction. The siblings reassure each other that Isa will be okay and she has them to take care of her.

Gaby tells JuanPa about Isa, he didn’t know what was happening. JuanPa takes off to the hospital and tells Gaby to let Sebas know he couldn’t wait. He takes off to the hospital and Gaby wants to go but Leo reminds her she’s under punishment.

Apparently, Sebas’s argument wasn’t working as well as it looked. Lupita wants to say yes but she can’t because Sebas tried to take advantage of her. He swears he didn’t, he was trying to be nice and do something good but then he messed it all up like an idiot. He tries to approach but she tells him to stay away. He agrees. Delete my phone number, remove me from social media, I’ll disappear, he promises. Forever? Lupe asks, clearly torn. He agrees and leaves Lupe alone to ask herself what she is supposed to do.

Next, Sebas goes to bond with someone on his maturity level – Chema. They talk and play with Chema’s turtle. Sebas even tells him a legend about a magic turtle before going to find out where JuanPa is. Leo tells him about Isa and the rush to the hospital.

Ursa startles Mac awake, and learns he hasn’t found out anything about Amparo, but she too learns about Isa being in the hospital.

Juanpa arrives at the hospital and Amparo leaves after giving Memo their mom’s necklace to give to Isa so grandma can watch over her from heaven. Again, Memo and Dani are desperate and Falso is distracted on his phone. Much later, JuanPa is falling asleep and Dani convinces him to go home and get rest since he has a competition in the morning.

Falso too, wants to go home and shower but Dani won’t leave, so he leaves alone. Dani says Memo can leave too since Ursa must be waiting for him but he refuses. He asks for permission to go see Isa and she says of course.


Camino – Episode 17 part 2 of 3

Mac is trying to talk about the recipe book with Amparo but she can’t concentrate. She’s too worried about Isa. She’s sobbing and she says it’s just because she can put herself in Dani’s shoes. Mac doesn’t think her reaction is off until she slips as says she couldn’t stand it if she died without knowing the truth. Now Mac wants to know what truth? Amparo doesn’t explain and Leo covers up the slip. Mac seems to buy it…. but then we see him only pretend to leave and so we know he’s still suspicious.

Memo goes to see precious Isa, so delicate in the hospital bed and he tells her just how much he loves her and that he’s felt it since the moment he met her. He would have fought for her if he had known her mom was pregnant. He tells the sleeping Isa all about the circumstances of her adoption and gives her the necklace. He promises he will always be with her.

We see Isa is dreaming, a woman approaches telling her to come with her. Isa wants to go toward the light but she’s told it isn’t her time yet. Will then, can we play superheros? Yes, precious, whatever you’d like. Back in the hospital bed, sleeping Isa is smiling and her hand moves.

Memo tries to encourage Dani telling her Isa is going to make it, he knows she will. He tells her about giving Isa the necklace and tells her she’s the best mom Isa could ever have.

Gaby and Lupita are getting ready for bed and still talking about Isa and how much they love her already. Gaby says of course, she’s a copy of me as a child. Plus, she’s practically Gaby’s niece, you know since she’s Juanpa’s niece! LOL Gaby wants to talk about Sebas and Lupe doesn’t. Gaby wants to plot revenge; Lupita just wants to forget about it.

Eugenio too is commenting on Isa being in the hospital with Sebas and when it’s clear something is wrong with his son, Eugenio tries to ask what’s up. Sebas asks if he really cares and Eugenio tries to assure him that he does. Sebas isn’t having it. Dad has never been there for him why should now be different? This turns into a fight about whether Eugenio is a bad father or Sebas is a bad son and neither party makes a real connection although it’s pretty clear they both need and want to.

Gaby’s plan is apparently for Lupita to make Sebas fall in love and then dump him (how original). Lupita can drive Sebas crazy by playing hard to get and then when she has him under her spell, splat! Lupita isn’t too interested in this plan but I’m pretty sure Gaby is actually in love with it! LOL

Dani is praying and Memo approaches her slowly, he’s about to take her hands in his when Ursa arrives and loudly announces her presence. She goes straight for the kisses and then turns to greet Dani and ask about Isa. Dani goes for coffee and Ursa tries to get Memo to go home and get some sleep but he refuses to leave until Isa wakes up. Ursa finds this weird since he’s been there all day and Isa isn’t a relative. She concludes that Memo doesn’t want to be separated from Dani.

Karen arrives at Falso’s and runs into JuanPa. She claims she came to get clothes for Dani but we know why she’s really here and she actually tries to go seduce Falso, taking advantage of the fact that Dani’s preoccupied in the hospital. Falso is such a wonderful father I am surprised he protested, but he does. Karen questions whether or not he actually cares but he says, of course he does, if Isa dies, he loses EVERYTHING! They talk about wills, and business and who knows what else. I actually don’t know because I stopped listening… Until Falso decides he’s done with Karen since she made him look bad in front of her father. He tells her he’s done with her, he’s tired of her!!! From this very moment, it’s over between them…. that’s surprising, but I can’t seem to care. The one interesting revelation (at least to me) is that Falso intends to steal Isabella’s inheritance from her the day she turns 18. I mean, I am not surprised, but I hadn’t heard him say it before tonight.


Camino – Episode 17 part 3 of 3

Ursa is still trying to get Memo to leave the hospital and she actually convinces him. He reluctantly agrees and tells her to wait outside while he says good bye. Dani returns as if she was timing her entrance to Ursa’s exit. (lol) Memo tells her he’s leaving but he’ll be back first thing in the morning. They say goodnight but just as Memo is leaving Dani remembers to ask what he was about to tell her when Isa had her accident.

Leo tells Amparo she has to be much more careful and she agrees but she can’t handle the anguish. They keep talking and again Mac arrives to listen. He overhears the bombshell – Memo has a daughter!!! Did he hear enough to know that Isa is that daughter?

Memo gets out of answering Dani’s question by saying Isa is the only thing important right now and they can talk about it later. He wants to say goodnight to Isa and Dani goes with him.

For some idiotic reason Karen is begging Falso not to leave her. He doesn’t seem moved (doesn’t she get that he cares about her as much as he cares about anyone, ie. not at all!!??) I can’t listen to this bs. Discuss if you’d like. I did hear Karen threaten to get back at Falso for leaving her.

Memo and Dani are now in Isa’s room and Memo is saying goodbye but they notice Isa’s hand is moving. They call for a doctor and Dani thanks God, Isa is waking up!

Mac calls Isa who is waiting outside the hospital and tells her he knows the secret, but it’s just a tease; he’s not going to tell her over the phone he wants to see her face when she hears the news!

Isa does wake up!!! And Dani cries tears of relief, Memo arrives with the doctor and Dani and Memo leave the room so the doctor can check her. They watch first from the window, and then are traveling excitedly down the hall with Dani talking a mile a minute!! Dani says it’s thanks to Memo that Isa is alive, because he reacted so quickly!!! Dani gives him a big hug and their song starts playing, Memo gives her a big KISS!!!! Dani doesn’t pull away.

And on that note….we are left waiting until tomorrow.



Humor, wry wit, superb detailing. There was nothing not to love Darcy. I struggled with the dialog, but you clarified everything beautifully.

“Memo goes to see precious Isa, so delicate in the hospital bed and he tells her just how much he loves her and that he’s felt it since the moment he met her” was just lovely. As Memo and Daniela stared into each other’s eyes, leaning forward, I put my hand on my heart and completely melted. At last, a yearning, searing and utterly romantic kiss.

Dear Amparo showing up at the hospital. But we knew she would, right? I loved the devotional scapular Amparo gave Memo and am sure that was the catalyst that caused Isabella to come out of the light. I’m not sure who the person/spirit was with her? (Nice to see Ingrid Martz again).

I laughed at “Next, Sebas goes to bond with someone on his maturity level – Chema!” I’m glad though that Sebas seems to be a good guy who acts too impulsively and speaks without filtering. Eugenio seemed deeply hurt by their conversation and Sebas, equally so. Your “neither party makes a real connection although it’s pretty clear they both need and want to” was perfect.

Macario should expend as much energy in doing an honest day’s work as he does slithering around and trolling for gossip. Now, surely Ursula will find out before Daniela. I hope Memo doesn’t wait much longer. Now that Isabella has awoken, there is no time like that present.

I loved Isabella’s heart designed hospital sheets, such a nice, comforting touch.

Macario is too curious for his or anyone’s good. Slithering around and eavesdropping at every opportunity.

I’m a bit surprised Fausto broke up with Karen. After all, she is daddy’s daughter. Is he that confident of his place there that he will thwart her? Can’t wait to see.

And now, the big question is – when will we see Memo and Dani’s next kiss?

Excellent Darcy. Thank you!



Notes from the couch . . .

Thursdays are always busy for me so this will be a "just the facts" edition

1. Flashback

Iván is leaving with Margarita for Laredo. He tells her that his mother bought his story about going to check out the university in Laredo. She doesn't suspect a thing. Margarita feels guilty not telling Ester what is going on. Iván thinks it will all work out in the long run but for now it is best that his mother doesn't know.

Beginning: "There are things that happen to us by chance but some times what seems like a throw of the dice turns out to be the intentional act of someone."

End: "And that is what happens when what we thought we were destined for was only a matter of chance."

2. Ester is driving herself crazy (and me) trying to find sense in what happened between Iván and Margarita with her imagination working overtime. She goes to see Rayo pretending to be concerned about her only to try to find out what happened to her mother's belongings and if she might find a clue among them. When she finds that Flavia put some of Margarita's belongings in the store room, she goes to see Flavia saying she wants to see some papers from the truck purchase. Flavia isn't cooperating. Jero TRIES to talks sense to Ester and tries to bring her back to reality telling her that she really doesn't know anything that might make any sense of the situation.

3. Celeste's brother Bruno explains that he never planned to keep their parents' home for himself. He wanted to talk to her directly but Braulio wouldn't let him. Celeste says that Braulio said he was trying to cheat her out of her part of the house. Bruno says that is why he wanted to talk to her directly. It was a family matter. Celeste defends Braulio saying Braulio is her family. Bruno says he isn't there to argue but to just straighten things out between them about the house. They go to shake on that and make peace when Braulio comes in. He tells Bruno to leave. He tells Celeste that Bruno was the one who alienated himself from them, not the other way around. He spends the rest of the episode playing the wronged party and the offended victim with Celeste and insisting he is the only family that she has. He has always been there for her. When he discovers that Celeste wants Rayo to come back to live with them, he makes it clear that if she does, he will deliver Rayo to family services himself. Heartbroken, Celeste has to tell Rayo that it was Braulio who called family services and that he doesn't want her living with them.

4. Jero cannot find a job not even one the he where he worked before in the USA. He has a conversation with Donato who suggests that the best way to get ahead is to invest in his own business. Jero proposes to Flavia that they go into business together.

5. Angel tells Julia everything he feels for her. He has fallen in love with her. She doesn't know why he felt like he had to tell her. He says he expects nothing because he knows she is married. She reminds him that he is engaged about to be married. She makes it clear that it was totally inappropriate; a total lack of respect. She never gave him a reason to tell her what he did. He concludes that they will not be seeing each other again. He wants her to take the money but she refuses to take stolen money. He suspects that she still loves Misael and admits that deep down he has hoped that Misael never shows up. That earns him a slap. She asks what is wrong with him. He admits he said something stupid. He also thinks that the money is proof that her husband is close and will show up soon. She tells him that if Misael turns up, she will make sure that he gets paid his money in full. With a smile, he says he doesn't care but thanks her for coming into his life when everything was crashing down around him. She was the breath of oxygen that kept him going. He hopes she is happy because she deserves that. He leaves with the box of money.


6. Julia is still texting "sin filtros" with no results.

7. Flavia is screaming at Julia about the money she owes her threatening her with a lawsuit again. Ariel comes to her rescue with an envelope full of cash. He says it is money that he owed her. She gives it to Flavia. After Flavia leaves, he tells Julia that her knowledge has value. The money is an advance on the commission on all of the money he is going to make because of everything she is teaching him about sales.

8. Angel gives Zac the wad of money from the box. Zac says it will only buy him a little more time. Angel says no, it is an actual first payment on the debt. Zac takes it and leaves.

9. Armando is pursuing Mirna but she is online looking for other entertaining possibilities to take to the wedding.

10. Gina has won the giveaway: a day with Ana Sofí. It isn't actually what she expected. Ana Sofí cannot even remember her name. Angel greets Gina by her name. Ana Sofí asks how he knew her. He lies and says he remembers it from the giveaway finalist post she showed him.

11. Rayo sees what her mother wrote at the bottom of a page in her recipe book. "This is a special recipe for my love because it is a dish he loves."

12. Angel tells his father that he told Julia the truth about how he feels about her and now he has something else very important to do. Angel has asked Ana Sofí to have dinner together. At that dinner, he apologizes to Ana Sofí saying that he needs to tell her the truth. He doesn't want to get married. It is him, not her. It wouldn't be fair for her to be the wife of somebody who doesn't love her.

Please add anything that I left out.


I wonder what that recipe, that Margarita had marked being the one her love favored, was for. Is that “love” Rayo’s father? Will Rayo track him down like that? Chepina said they should watch the telenovelas to get some ideas on to how to discover who her father is. Tracking him down via a favorite dish would be perfect novela fare. LOL

Camino #17

Gracias, Darcy. Things are moving fast.

I wonder how Gabi hasn't yet figured out that Isabella is her cousin. Or is she that head over heels about JuanPa she notices nothing else (Not that we can blame her; he's very Clark Kent/Superman)?

Memo and Daniela should not have the worst time telling Isabella she's adopted, as her birth mother died and Memo didn't know of her existence until very recently. This could blow up in Fausto's face if it got to court, but it's way too soon for that. Just as it being too soon for Fausto's cheating to be revealed. Wish that Memo would have stored that video on the cloud.

Does Daniela know the contents of Rudolfo's will? I don't think so.

Based on the hospital room scene Karen could already be plotting to kill Isabella.


Jarifa, you lifted my cloud of confusion as to much of what was said last night, thank you! A pleasure to read your sparkling words, as always.

I loved Angel telling Julia “she was the breath of oxygen that kept him going” which was lovely. But he wasn’t free to declare his love to Julia. Actually, he surprised both women, handling both situations poorly. He should have insisted on speaking with Ana Sofi privately. Ana Sofia is not my favorite but her shocked, pale and pained face reflected she never saw this coming. Declaring one’s love for one and breaking another’s heart the same day was troubling.

When Angel and Julia were having their conversation, there was a scene in the background that was one of my favorites. When playing with Dani, Rodolfo took the ball and put it under his shirt. I got the feeling it was an unscripted moment and I laughed out loud. I am so fond of the actor.

Ariel the “real” Angel! 😊

Braulio is despicable!!

I look forward to the recipe clues about Rayo’s father.

Teo saying he liked Matilde was a real surprise.

So many mysteries!!

Jarifa, just wonderful! Thank you, thank you.


Thanks Darcy, a great recap that captured every moment, good and evil. So glad Isa woke up! Fausto was so rude at the hospital, but I don’t blame him for his feelings on Memo staying. It is strange for a coworker to be so attached to your child. Especially a man to a little girl. But I know Fausto wasn’t concerned about that. More that someone from a lower class would have anything to do with what’s his!

Loved the scenes of our lurking Mac slinking around and spying! But hate that he found out. I bet he and Ursula don’t let on they know, at least not to the family.

Fausto better be concerned with Karen’s threats. Although it’s safe to say neither one knows what the other is capable of.

The scene between father and son was painful to watch. I hope they can reconcile. Meanwhile, Lupita needs to go back to the internship and move on! I figure they’ll end up together but hope she doesn’t listen to her sister.

When I’m watching I think of great comments, but the next day they’re gone!


After reading about Angel's confession, I thought that everyone loves sayying honesty is the best policy. Angel's admition that he hoped Julia's husband won't show up must have been born out of guilt. I know this at least would have been my case. Why Gina didn't just walk out of that 'day with Ana Sofi' is something I don't get. Surely she isn't so stupid as to not understandAna S is a horrible snob and showed her no respect. I found those scenes hard to watch. Where are Braulio's parents or other relatives? He must have a detector that tells him which woman is the best target because Celestetrusted him and not her brother.


Darcy, exquisite! I dozed off toward the end but did get to see the KISS!! I missed how Mac found out about the secret, but your recap filled in that blank perfectly! Thank you!

Memo was his usual awkward self, but he mustered up the nerve to kiss Dani...and boy was she into it!! YAY!! But I'm sure there will be alot of "sorrys" and excuses tonight; we'll see how long it takes them for a second round. Diana, you said it best: "And now, the big question is – when will we see Memo and Dani’s next kiss?"

I now understand Sebas's resentment toward his father. During the argument, Sebas revealed how upset he was about being sent off to a boarding school. He was especially hurt that, because of that, he wasn't able to spend much time with his mother before she died.

Diane, the angel/spirit that was with Isabela was her granny Martina (Memo's mother!).

I couldn't help but laugh at this too: “Next, Sebas goes to bond with someone on his maturity level – Chema!” This was one of my favorite scenes. I was hoping Lupita would see them together; it would have melted her heart...even more.

I wasn't too surprised that Fausto broke up with Karen. She's always complaining about how litte time Fausto has for her and she has been taking some big risks to be with Fausto. Eugenio almost catching them was the last straw. And Fausto cares about no one, but himself and his inheritance...which he is not about to give up on.

Thanks again, Darcy! If no one else can, I'll put up some highlights for tonight's episode.

Vencer #30

Gracias, Jarifa. But did Julia really get Angel to "Snap out of it"?

Of course Ana Sofi didn't see the breakup coming; she is too in love with herself. She is also determined to get him through a financial tie involving her father's business. However, her chances of that have been diminished with the money that appeared out of nowhere.

Braulio is a monster. He will not stop trying to isolate Celeste from the world and most likely told massive lies about Oscar. He even stooped to trying to gaslight her in front of her brother. Rayo needs to go back to Julia's place.

If Flavia is holding on to stuff belonging to Margarita who knows what is in it? There must be something she doesn't want Rayo to find.

Ana Sofi treated Gina like a slave so I hope Gina learned something from this experience.


Diana, ITA that Angel was so very clumsy in handling his relationships with both women. No, Ana Sofí didn’t deserve to have the news delivered in public. That was cringeworthy. It seems like the Julia slap launched him when he decided that he really wanted straight-shooter Julia. Heck, he left Julia with that goofy grin on his face in spite of the slap and what she said.

Ariel is a real sweetheart. I loved him telling Julia that her knowledge was worth $$.

As for Jesús Ochoa with the basketball, he is one of my all time favorites. If he is in a movie or a novela, I have to see it.

Braulio is beyond despicable but at least Rayo knows the truth.

Thanks, Jarifa, your notes from the couch were perfect and filled me in on conversations I couldn’t get. The beginning and end quotes are almost statements to live by. I think they really add to the story.

Ester is driving me crazy too. I wish she could let it all go and try to move on. She’s going to end up driving everyone away.

Braulio is just horrible, and Celeste must see it but either he’s all she has and she’s too insecure to leave, or she’s crazy in love with him. I vote for the former and hope her brother can see what’s been happening.

Angel is really going out on a limb. Even though he sees no hope with Julie he is ending it with Ana Sofia, and risking his father’s business. But life with Ana Sofia would be pure hell and I’m glad he realized it.
Hopefully Gina is realizing that her idol is empty headed and self centered.

I couldn’t get what Teo said to Rayo. I know he said he just wants to be friends but I thought he said he liked Mati! Surely I got that wrong!

Yes, my first thought with the recipe was she now has a clue. Not sure what she can do with it. Hope she’ll overhear a man saying how he loves that dish!




Waterlily, I wonder, too, if Braulio has any family. It would be interesting to know his backstory. I agree that predators like Braulio do have a kind of “victimization meter.”

Urban, yes, that money that just appeared from Julia came at a very convenient time so Angel could buy his freedom, so to speak. Let us hope that Gina learned something from the Ana Sofí giveaway experience.

Liz, yes, even Jero seemed to be tiring of Ester’s speculations. You are right that Teo told Rayo that he likes Mati. Who would have thought that but then gain his mild mannered father chose to marry Flavia.


Jarifa, thank you so much for keeping me up with the story which I can't watch for awhile. Maybe I can find episodes of this show on youtube. Rayo has a clue from mama"s recipe book , and she needs to find the guy sho loves that Particular recipe.

So is Braulio a narcissist or worse? This actor usually plays villains . His facial expressions are frightening . I hope Bruno stays close and realizes what Braulio has been doing to Celeste ...making her totally dependent in him . Rayo is much better off with Julia and her loving family.

I loved the way angelic Ariel came to Julia's rescue and gave her the money to give miserable , greedy, grasping Flavia.

I don't like the idea of Jer going into business with the wicked witch of the neighborhood . That can't have a good outcome .

Anacandy is not going to be a happy camper when she discovers Angel is in love with Julia.

This show is a presentation of the best and worst of humanity, a morality play .. ..people hurting people and people helping people . Mr.Rogers used to tell kids to look for " the helpers"when bad things happened .

It's all about "the money".....people who Dont have it and owe people who do.

Yesterday was a sad day . I found out that my friend's husband who had Lewy Body Dementia ( like Homero) passed away and two local volunteer firemen were killed fighting a fire.


It is interesting to " follow the money." Julia gets $ from an unknown person >>>>she gives it to Angel to pay Zac. Then, Flav wants Julie to show her the $ ...and Ariel gives $ to Julia to lay off Flav. Jer got $ from Donato so he could pay for the apartment for him and Ester. Circulation of $$$ is a big theme.

Susanlynn, Univision publishes their own episode summaries the day after telenovela episodes air on YouTube under the title of UniNovelas. They are not long and are made up of series of scenes showcasing the highlights. You can get them with CC in Spanish.

Oh, yeah, Alexis Ayala has truly mastered looking menacing. He has that uncanny ability to make his eyes go dead, so to speak. I never thought about following the money circulation but that is an interesting concept because this novela is all about money one way or another.


Thanks, Darcy. Super job. I too loved your snark about Sebas’s maturity being at Chema’s level. I got a phone call in the middle of the epi and appreciate all the detail. I did catch the KISS at the end though and realized that must mean Isa was out of danger.

I hope Isa is out of the hospital pronto. If Memo and Amparo keep staying vigil there, it’ll be obvious something is up.

Lupita may try Gaby’s plan, but she won't be able to carry it through. She’s too honest and taken with Sebas.


Thanks, Jarifa. I missed a lot of the episode, but your recap put me right in front of the TV screen.

Angel dumped Ana Sofi while she had her followers watching? In defense of Ana Sofi, she hasn't changed since the day Angel met her. Not her fault he was slow to realize that's not want he wants for a lifetime. I'm feeling sorry for Ana Sofi.

I sure hope the guy who loves Margarita's special recipe is not Braulio!

Jero, remember that plan with Lernar for you to work overseas for 10(?) years and how Lernar got the best part of the deal? Get ready for more of that with Flavia.

Teo likes Mati? At least this will drive Flavia loca.


There seems to be some guy sharing Here. Flavia married Max after Ester divorced him. Jer seems to have landed with Ester after Lenar pushis d him away. Perhaps , Rayo's dad is either Braulio or Miseal. ..ugh.


Interesting that both Camino and Vencer have a recipe book storyline .

Thank you Darcy for the recap of last night's episode.

To me there seemed to be a quasi-mystical/religious aspect of Isa's recovery. You write: "..Amparo leaves after giving Memo their mom’s necklace". What Amparo gives Memo is Isa's mom scapular, a devotional cloth to be worn under the clothes. It has an ancient history in Catholic devotional practices. The most widely known and used into the present is know as the "brown scapular" of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, which can be white with a brown background; it's 2 pieces one worn in the front and the back of the person. It's purpose in Catholic devotional practice is to entrust the person who wears it to the protection of the Blessed Virgin for "her maternal intercession who are mindful of the primacy of the spiritual life and the need for prayer" (Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship). The fact that Isa's recovery was so fast after Memo had pressed it scapular into Isa's little hand points to a miraculous recovery, something Memo remarked upon that her recovery was dramatically fast.


Anonymous, that was very interesting information. Thank you.


Darcy, Thank you for that detailed recap. I cannot watch this show right now, so I especially appreciate the retelling .

Wow, the news that Isa is Memo's daughter traveled fast. Mac seems to be lurking everywhere all the time .


Thanks you all for your wonderful comments and encouragement! It has been a day today so I haven't had time to pop in to respond to anyone. I would like to hope for nothing but lighthearted fun from tonight's episode but based on where we are story wise I don't think I'll get my wish.....maybe I'll just watch a comedy! LOL

Here's hoping we don't have to wait too long for kiss #2!


Notes from the couch . . . A LOT happened tonight . . . WARNING: This is a long one

-FLASHBACK: Misael is thanking Homero for having such confidence in him and believing in him . Misael says he sees Homero as a father figure. Homero is pleased and tells him he will think really hard about a promotion to supervisor for him. He tells Julia that he is going to do a favor for the big boss that nobody else will do. He explains that it will not make him many extra money but will give him a promotion to being a supervisor. One of these days he can see himself the manager of the branch in LosAngeles or Laredo. He can see them on the beach at Malibu or on Padre Island. Julia is overjoyed for him. Wherever the three of them end up will make her happy. He tells her that Homero says he sees him almost like a son. One of these days he will end up a partner at the company and if that happens . . . Julia tells him he doesn't have to exaggerate or be crazy about it. He has only been working there a few months.

-RAYO tells Celeste that she has never felt more alone than she does now. Celeste tells her that maybe Braulio is right that others can take better care of her. Rayo thinks that Braulio is manipulating her and saying super toxic things. Celeste apologizes for giving Rayo hope that she could not fulfill. Rayo says she was a wonderful second mother to her.

On her way to Julia's she chats with Mati. No, she is not going to stay in a rich person's home. She tells Mati that Teo likes her. Mati says she doesn't have to finish the challenge. They are friends to infinity . . . until one of them croaks.

Rayo gets a warm welcome back at Julia's. Rodolfo says she can stay as long as is necessary. Later, he voices his concern to Julia about Rayo staying with them permanently. It is a big responsibility looking after a fifteen year old. Julia knows and is thinking that Rayo maybe can split her time between them and Ester.

Rayo shows Chepina her mother's recipe book and the clue she found at the bottom of the page. The recipe is for tortas ahogadas (drowned sandwiches) (sandwiches dipped in sauce) (sort of what we do to Italian beef sandwiches here in Chicago) Chepina says if Rayo's search for her father were a novela, she would call it "Rayo de Esperanza" (A Ray of Hope) It would be a tale of intrigue, mystery, love and cooking! Rayo thinks her father is closer than she thinks. Chepina asks her who does she think was her mother's secret love. Rayo says she has a good idea of who it could be.


-FLAVIA tells Jero that she will think about his offer to be partners. She asks if his novia Ester agrees. We never hear the answer. She asks if Max thinks it would be a good idea for Flavia to have a partner. She tells him she has to make sure that the association would work in her favor, of course.

Max tells Flavia he has found a place where he can stay for several weeks. She can't believes that he is not intending on divorcing her no matter what he says. Later when Flavia is making supper she tells Teo that his father is planning on abandoning them. Max says that isn't true. They start screaming at each other as Teo hyperventilates and covers his ears.

-ESTER is still working on her bulletin board full of clues to Iván's death. Jero tells her about his association proposal to Flavia. She tells him that she thinks it is a bad idea. She knows Flavia very well. She isn't to be trusted. She thinks Flavia wanted to hire him in the first place because of envy. Right before she and Max got divorced, Flavia proposed that she and Max get into business together so she could get closer to him. She realized then that Flavia was envious of her and the people she has relationships with. Flavia could be wanting to get involved in Jero's business proposal to try to get between them and ruin their relationship. They both agree how important their relationship is to each of them and that they will not allow that to happen. The doorbell rings and Jero goes to answer it. It is Claudia's mother on a surprise visit. (Really?) She asks Ester who the man is.

-CELESTE is serious talking to Braulio about their relationship. He sees her looking at their wedding pictures. He talks about how beautiful she was that day. She says now she wishes she would have signed the contract with that company that wanted to hire her. Braulio asks if she is going to blame him for that, too. She says she lost a great opportunity and she gave up her brother but she would never blame Braulio because she loves him. She does, hoofer, want him to value the sacrifices she made for him. Braulio decides that two can play that game and he talks about sacrifices that he made for her like all of the time he lost when he could have been a young father. Of course, he would never throw that in her face because, above all else, he loves her.



Braulio tells her about Angel's bad decision. He should have associated with Santino but he is too arrogant. Celeste understands that Braulio is worried about the company going bankrupt. She still feels so bad about Rayo because she is all alone. He tries to convince her that she would never have the energy to handle the baby and Rayo given her condition. She knows he is right. (Sure)

-ANA SOFÍ'S response to Angel breaking the engagement is a slap in the face. What he did to her doesn't have a name but he will find out that what goes around comes around. He follows her down the street saying that two adults should be able to recognize when things are not working. Gina follows them recording them. She thinks he is interested in another woman. He says he simply does not love her and you cannot force someone to feel what they don't. He leaves.

Ana Sofí goes back inside with Gina and tries to record something for her followers but dissolves in tears. She finally calls Gina by her real name when their day is over.

Ana Sofí ends up at Angel's apartment on the phone with her father. She is going to fight for Angel. She is going to let him know he is dealing with an Ordax. She will do what is necessary to make sure he comes crawling begging for her to take him back. She tells Mirna that the whole situation smells of another woman and she is going to find out who the slut is. Gina tells Julia that Angel broke up with Ana Sofí.

-JULIA gets another text from "sin filtros" asking her if she still wants proof that Misael is innocent. She responds asking why now since it has been proven that he is a common thief. She asks them to admit they are Misael already and to be done with it. They answer that Misael misses her and is having a rough time. She pressure "sin filtros " to tell her where Misael is so she can find out about the missing money but they disconnect from the chat. She goes back to the hacker and asks him to track the text messages. from "sin filtros". It turns out that they are coming from Padre Island, Texas. He says it is a real cool place. Julia starts to cry thinking that Misael is living the life ignoring her and their son. She tells her dad that Misael broke her heart.


Angel texts Julia apologizing for confessing his feelings for her. He understands if she wants to block him. He won't bother her again. She texts him that she is done looking for Misael and the money. She won't block Angel but removes him from her contact list.

-ANGEL arrives at his office after his dinner with Ana Sofí and finds out that Santino is waiting in his office with Braulio. He is ready to sign their association papers then and there. It seems that Braulio had the papers prepared as he earlier told Angel but didn't have to be convinced much that now was the time to sign. Santino admits to exerting a little pressure but with his signature, all of his problems will be over and he will be part of the Ordax family. Angel tells him straight up that neither thing is happening. When he says he will not be marrying his daughter, Santino cannot believe how he could hurt Ana Sofí. Angel says he would hurt her more marrying her and not being able to make her happy. Santino surprisingly has to agree and still extends the partnership. Angel turns that down, too, because by being partners, he would still be close to Ana Sofí and the doesn't want her to be suffering. Santino will not be denied. He raises his voice and accuses Angel of being like a little deceptive child instead of a business man. He cannot go changing his opinion minute by minute. Santino tells him to think about his decision for a few days. He also needs to consider and value the fact that when he gives him his final decision, he won't be as understanding as he is now. Angel asks if that is a threat. Santino says no way, it is just a change of terms and a new way of "associating." He leaves.

Braulio cannot see them turning Santino down. He could be a formidable enemy. That is not changing Angel's mind. (Santino is not pleased with Zac when he finds out that he took the money from Angel without threatening or overwhelming him somehow for the rest. Zac says Angel took him by surprise when he gave him that wad of cash.)

Angel tells Homero and Mirna: no association and no wedding. Homero is jubilant but ends up mistaking him for Misael.

Angel is on the way home to his apartment walking along looking at his phone and not paying attention to the dark street. Two men come out of the shadows and beat him up. Angel comes to but cannot get up. He notices that nothing was stolen from him. He grabs his phone and calls a number on his phone. It is Julia's. She answers not knowing it is him. He tries the best he can to tell her that he got beat up. She doesn't have to come. He thought she was his sister. He didn't want to scare his father. He loses consciousness.

Julia and Rodolfo go and retrieve Angel and take him to the hospitall. Julia spends the night with him since they admit him. The next morning Julia asks Angel if he has any idea of who could have been responsible for the beating since nothing was stolen. Angel has a good idea but doens't want to talk about it. He mentions the message about her not looking for Misael anymore. She says that she has had the time to look back at her relationship with Misael, and if she is honest, the only thing they had in common was their son. He realizes that must be a hard thing to realize and says he he is there for her. Angel wants to leave but Julia tells him he is in no condition to go anywhere. She tries to help him get more comfortable in bed. They end up laughing and she kisses him.

Please feel free to add anything I left out.


I had some extra time tonight so that is why this is longer than usual. There are probably typos all over. ; ) It was a great episode.

More mañana.

CAMINO Ep 18 Part 1

We get to see the KISS again!! Dani steps back and apologies's an error! So many emotions. Memo is a man who knows to respect was jut the emotion. They agree that nothing happened (uh-huh, sure!). Fausto and Ursula approach and Memo and Dani share each other's germs with their partners.

Karen cries....we don't care!

Memo insists on staying at the hospital; so Ursula will stay too.

As Fausto and Ursula sleep, Dani thanks Memo once again for all he has done. he doctor gives good news--the contusion will have no other effects.

Chema wants to go to the hospital; his super powers might help Isa. Cute!

Dai goes in to see Isa--happy tears and hugs. Isa cries that she was scared when she woke up there. Dani tells her what happened an dhow Memo saved her and they took her to the hospital. Isa wants to see Memo. When Fausto wants to go in, Dani tells them that Isa wants to see Memo first. Memo concedes that Fausto should go in first, but Fausto insists that Memo go in.

Now with Isa, Memo gives the scapular to Isa explaining its purpose and he tells her that she should keep was his mother's. Isa then tells Memo about seeing the woman who told her to come back...she looked exactly like the woman in the photo Memo showed her. Memo smiles knowing that it was his mother.

Dani thanks Fausto for letting Memo go in first and for being civil to Memo. Fausto lies th he has realized that he isn't spending enough time with his family...and that he prayed (???? What!) that Isa live. He continues spewing lies--he wants to fight for their marriage. But he silently says that the day he gets his fortune will be the day she finds out what a hell it was to live with her!

Fausto goes in to see Isa. Isa tells him that she wants to go home already. Isa is happy that he is going to stay with her and not go to work. Isa then explains about the scapular.

Sebas apologizes and tries to give Lupita roses. After some pleading, Lupita tells him that she forgives him...but tells him not to be looking for her again!!

The doc tells them that Isa can be released today...but she will need peace and lots of rest.

Karen went on a shopping spree. As she strangles the big teddy bear, she declares that this is not over!!

CAMINO Ep 18 Part 2

JuanPa shares the good news about Isa with Sebas who needs help...with Lupita (obvio!). Sebas doesn't know what is happening to him with Lupita...they are so different. JuanPa thinks he's falling in love, but Sebas denies it.

Amparo insists on Memo telling Dani the truth. Memo then shares that he thought he wanted to be close to Dani because of Isa...but when they kissed...What?! You kissed your daughters mother?!

Mac spills the beans about Memo's secret. Did you hear the thump--Ursula's jaw drop??

Amparo scolds Memo because of the kiss...but asks what it is that he feels for Dani. Memo admires her very much and he is feeling so many emotions. When Amparo asks about Ursula. Memo assures her that he is a man of his word and he will marry her.

Ursula thinks Memo fooled around with the lizard/Dani (so she doesn't know that Isa is adopted??). When she tells Mac that she is going to demand an explanation from Memo, Mac reminds her that she has her own skeletons...and she has too much to lose. Ursula looooves Memo and doesn't want to lose him; so Mac suggests that Isa could be her way to have Memo on the palm of her hand...she could be the loving stepmother (with tats instead of warts!). Ursula agrees to pretend to be clueless.

JuanPa intervenes for Sebas and explains to Lupita that he has never seen Sebas so taken as he is with her. Gaby quickly approaches and initiates her plan to make Sebas jealous by reminding Lupita about some (made up) guy who is waiting for her.

Isa is home and the queen of evil is there with all her gifts, including the giant strangled bear. As Isa greets everyone, Fausto interrupts and tells her she needs to go and rest...but before she goes, it's group selfie time!

Lupita feels bad about what she is doing to Sebas, but Gaby insists that it's time Sebas paid for what he has done to so many other girls.

Ha! Karen refuses some sweets and Fausto tells her that is probably which she is so bitter...she needs to consume more sweets! After Karen leaves, Dani wonders why Fausto is so rude to Karen.

Leo asks Memo abut Ursula and when they will get married. When Memo replies somberly that it is in 3 weeks, Leo takes note and wonders what is up. Memo explains that he can't stop thinking of Isabela...he loves her so much that he would do anything for her...even forget about what he feels for... When he doesn't finish, Leo starts to question but they are interrupted by Gaby who shows Memo the group pic.

Karen stuffs her we care? NO!

Memo goes to ask about Isa, but ends up telling Dani that he can't stop thinking about the KISS! Dani can't stop thinking about it either...and they KISS AGAIN!! Woah! I didn't think it would be this soon, but YAAYYY!!

FIN!! (we'll have to wait until Tuesday for the aftermath of the kiss! Surely there won't be apologies this time LOL)


I am still in shock about how soon the second kiss came!! Anywho...some scenes/dialogs were skipped in the interest of time. Fill in whatever I missed and may be important.


Rgv Chick, thank you thank you! You captured it all and with flare as usual!

I am in shock too, but I don't buy it...I'm guessing kiss #2 is a dream/fantasy of one or both of them - my guess is Dani. 100% guess no spoiler.

I'm surprised but I think I actually want to see Lupita play hard to get with Sebas! Normally I am not for any kind of stupid games and I always think these ideas of dating for revenge are loco, but in this case it almost works. Sebas might actually have real feelings for Lupita but he's too arrogant and he has no idea how to treat a girl, it might do him good to have to work a little harder. And Lupita has no idea what she is doing or how to navigate a potential relationship so playing aloof for awhile might give her some time to figure it all out. Plus it will probably be really fun to watch!!! hehe

'Karen stuffs her we care? NO!' Exactly what I was thinking!!! The writers had better not try to make her sympathetic by giving her some sad backstory and an eating disorder and expect me to care! They already made her Satan, it's too late. You could give her every aliment under the sun and I'd still think about her in Isa's hospital room and not feel one iota of pity for her.

Speak of people who deserve no pity, I thought it was funny how normal the group selfie looked. Like Falso was being a normal human being and they actually looked like a normal family for one second - caught on film. It would also make a good cast/promo pic; I wonder if they used it.

Falso says on the day he gets his money he's going to let Dani know what hell it is to live with her. What hell, indeed. Beautiful wife, precious daughter, nice home and family; poor thing how does he stand it?? boo hoo



Rgv Chick, this was splendid! I savored every single syllable.

“Mac suggests that Isa could be her way to have Memo on the palm of her hand...she could be the loving stepmother (with tats instead of warts!)” was sublime and side bar worthy.

But “What?! You kissed your daughter’s mother?!” made me laugh out loud! That hit my funny bone hard. Amparo is the best! Memo, you have a lot of explaining to do.

The best part? We got kiss number two – right away! AND with Dani in a beautiful negligee and robe. A different angle, but the smoke emanating from my screen was unmistakable.

It was so cute when the doctor referred to Isa’s father and Memo automatically answered. Isa and Memo’s exchange about the woman (his mother) when she went to the light was just wonderful. My favorite scenes are not only those of Memo with Isabella but even when Memo thinks or talks about Isabella!

So many times, men do not pay much attention to small talk. But JuanPa was all ears evidenced by the fact he spilled all the tea about Lupita’s fabricated suitor, didn’t he?

Karen is krazy. She didn’t exactly lie about her new man. There were quite a few including Senor Sundae. “They already made her Satan, it's too late. You could give her every aliment under the sun and I'd still think about her in Isa's hospital room and not feel one iota of pity for her” mirrored my feelings exactly Darcy!

Rgv Chick, this was great. Thank you!



Jarifa, thank you for spending your precious extra time providing and fine turning all of the details, perfecting this incredible recap. More surprises (no surprise) and so much to consider and debate.

“Misael is thanking Homero for having such confidence in him and believing in him”. I was surprised seeing Misael without his trademark scowl and actually looking happy. Thus far, the few flashbacks we’ve seen have portrayed him in a less than flattering light. Homero obviously did think highly of him, and Misael seemed grateful and thankful. If there were more of these moments, it would (somewhat) explain that there was a positive side that Julia was attracted to

Ana Sofia looked like Barney, purple satin pantsuit, turquoise top, bright pink bag. It looked cheap and rather tawdry, not a good “luke”.

“Chepina asks her who does she think was her mother's secret love. Rayo says she has a good idea of who it could be”. Enquiring minds want to know too. My money is still on Misael but how ironic (and terrible) it would be if it were Braulio!

To me, Ester and Jeronimo are certainly polite and considerate as they feel their way around each other as they settle into a not quite domestic partnership. “They both agree how important their relationship is to each of them and that they will not allow that to happen”. I must pay more attention as I feel they are not quite friends yet, but trying to get there. I’m not feeling any burgeoning attraction, at least at this point.

“Braulio decides that two can play that game and he talks about sacrifices that he made for her like all of the time he lost when he could have been a young father. Of course, he would never throw that in her face because, above all else, he loves her”. A monster. How much more is Celeste going to take??

Flavia is turning into what my mother used to call one who screams like a “fishwife” 😊

Ana Sofia didn’t seem too heartbroken, did she? She’ll live. Wouldn’t it be nice if just once, a rejection of “I don’t love you” would be taken seriously and accepted at face value? To leave with their head held high, saddened but accepting? Nopis. Ana Sofia’s already lost but guess she will need to take an even harder road.

Julia and Angel’s kiss was hot.



I thought of a question tonight, I can't remember, what do we know about Dani's parents? Are they alive? JuanPa lives with her so I'm guessing they aren't but I can't remember if we've been told anything about them.


Darcy, if anything has been said about Dani's parents, I can't recall...


I was furious with Braulio after he started going on about the sacrifices he made. But then I could also see quite a few people not being willing to acknowledge someone sacrificed a lot because that would make them feel guilty. Adults find it hard to admit they were wrong in my experience and it's no different when it comes to acknowledging that someonegave upsome things for them. Whe exactly if Flavia jealous of Ester? I mean, did Ester make it seem her life was perfect? In a way it's hard for me to understand because having a husband and a child are just generic things that many have so I'm curious what is itEster has that Flavia wants. Max is no prize. If I had something to be jealous of, it would be the way her son turned out. I don't know any boys who would patiently teach you about using social media and he did something like that in a flashback. I'm betting Geronimo will start to fancy Ester if he hasn't already. But I honestly have no idea how someone could tolerate her. She is very much my way or the highway.Why Max loved her is also something I'd like to know. She is not a bad person but I bet she's difficult to get along in general.

Ursula must be really stupid by telenovela standards if her uncle has to give her advice on how to handle Memo's secret. I've never seena supposedly bad woman having to rely on a man to resolve her relationship problems. Karen then seems more dangerous because she actually seems like someone who would plot to get what she wants, even if she spends a lot of time crying and being mad. She also has info she can use whereas Ursula has her own secrets she doesn't want anyone to know. So my conclusion is: want to get something, better start your evil deeds with a clean record or info you can use. Macario seems rather stupid to me, I was surprised he told something useful to Ursula. I know he managed to deceive his wife, but that's more because she is willingly ignoring his faults than because he is very smart. Amparo's father and Eugenio have a far better idea of what he is like.


Jarifa, thank you for that great recap.I saw it all in my mind's eye, including Anacandy's colorful Barney costume . She will be incensed when she discovers that Gina is Julia's sister.

Braulio was cruel taunting Celeste by telling of his sacrifice of not being a " young father." He isn't fit to be a father . I have a suspicion that he actually did become a young father ( to Rayo) and wanted no part of it. ...and has proven he still doesnt want to take responsibility for her .

I hope Mati has stopped pressuring Rayo. Teo and Mati would be an interesting couple and cause Flavia to smash her whole bell collection.

I think Flavia has always been jealous of Ester's beauty. Maybe Ester was a nicer person before she lost her only son.

I can't believe that Claudia is back. If she stays, the three roommates will be an interesting mix.

I think that Braulio is in deep with sketchy Santino.

Thanks, Jarifa, great recap of a fast paced episode.

Braulio was at his cruelest, blaming Celeste for their lack of a child. He says he would never throw that in her face, and yet he did. It seems he prevented her from having a career and a relationship with her brother. I really hope he is not Rayo’s father. I want him(her dad) to be someone that will love and care for her. Plus I can’t see him being the love of Margarita’s life.

I’m so glad Angel ended it with Ana Sofia. But it looks like she’s not going to take it gracefully. Her dad is acting like it has nothing to do with them being partners, but it did the last time they talked. It was marry soon or else no deal. Susanlynn, I think you might be right that Braulio is in with Santino. He would be the inside man who took advantage of Homero’s problems. He’s a very cruel and sneaky man.

I loved Angel and Julia together. But I would like Misael to be innocent, maybe set up by Braulio. Which would then hinder Julia’s relationship with Angel. Hard to leave your husband for stealing and disappearing if he’s innocent.

Hope Mati intends to really be a good friend to Rayo. And I like the friendship forming between Chepina and Rayo. They may solve the father mystery.

I need to look up Flavia and see if she looks different in other telenovelas. She has such a hard look about her. As does Ester’s mom. That storyline is going to get interesting!



Thanks, Jarifa. Super recap. I enjoyed every detail.

Wondering who ordered Angel's beatdown. Santino?

Angel and Julia have both "accidentally" called each other in an emergency.

Celeste needs an intervention, but sadly there's no one to head it. Life with Braulio, even with a baby, will only get worse. Ugh.

Ester is a fighter. That's a good thing because the criminal investigation of the bus accident is not a priority for the police. But she does jump to conclusions without evidence. She and Jero are good for each other. At least they listen to, if not heed, each other's advice.

Claudia showing up at the door with her bags reminded me of a hilarious old Rice Krispies' commercial done as an opera where the mother-in-law shows up for a visit and the husband cries. The first words out of Claudia's mouth weren't "hello" but "who is this man?" Great cliffhanger.

Thanks, Rgv Chick, for an excellent recap. I’m with Darcy on the second kiss. My first thought was that one of them was dreaming.

Karen stuffing her face like she did was both funny and ugly. I hope she goes after Fausto directly and doesn’t harm Dani or Isabela. Of course then none of us would really care so I think she’ll go after Isabela again.

Mac and Ursula scenes kind of disgust me. Their relationship is just weird! And now Ursula thinks Memo and Dani have a history. Doesn’t Mac know she’s adopted. You’d think he’d give her that info.

I was surprised Fausto didn’t object to Memo going in to see Isa before him. And now he has to play the doting father(and husband) for 12 years. He must have a huge ego if he thinks he’s suffering as a husband to Dani.
I was afraid he was going to take the scapular from Isa. I guess he still might. But that was heartwarming to find out the lady was Memo’s mother.

Darcy, I may be wrong but I think JuanPa was once talking to Gaby about missing his mother. She had died.



Thank you, Diana, Darcy and Waterlily. Once again, we all take note of the same things.

Ahh, geez, Darcy, you may be right about the kiss being a dream! I hadn't thought of that...oh well, I relished in it for a while :-)

Diana, "It was so cute when the doctor referred to Isa’s father and Memo automatically answered." one of the advantages of the patio...someone always mentions something that I missed---too busy taking notes! So did Fausto react? Did he immediately interrupt and step forward? I just might go back and watch :-)

Waterlily, you're right! But Ursula is so impulsive and seems to have a dim bulb when it comes to Memo...but it was surprising that Mac was the one who gave her the advice--low-handed as it was!

Regarding Dani's parents, the only one mentioned has been the mother who died. JuanPa told Gaby how much he missed her.

My afternoons are the busiest part of the day, so I'd like to thank those who comment and I don't get to respond to. Susanlynn, Urban and everyone else, THANK YOU for keeping the conversation going!


Niecie, I was still writing when you posted so I corroborated your response regarding Dani's parents.

I was surprised too that Fausto allowed Memo to go in first, but it's probably just another ploy to get on Dani's good side. Bah-humbug!


¡Hola, Camineros!

I hope there ls room for one more on the patio. I have been watching from jump, and here we are at Episode 18. I have to speak out. How do you do it? How do you get past the infernal beard/head scratching?!! It’s over the top and unnecessary. In these 6O minutes we were treated to 16 such affectations. I counted. Nevertheless, I want to see where we land.

Rgv Chick, thanks for the germ-swapping observation. Good catch and Ew!

I thought it was sweet that Amparo was inspired by Isa’s recovery and would dedicate her recipe book to her niece.

Speaking of sweet, Memo and Isa blowing fairy dust at each other was platinum.

Kudos to Mark Tacher. The character Fausto is reprehensible; however, Mark switches from loving husband and doting father to rat bastard on a dime. That’s acting.

Lupe calling Sebastián out on his faux environmentalism was rich. His grand gesture was akin to buying a puppy when there are rescue dogs aplenty. Team Lupe!

I was worried about Karen committing oso-cide with that big teddy and poisoning the other gifts. She’s a wildcard.

Darcy was hoping for comedy in this episode. Seb & JP delivered. Seb admitted he’s going crazy, clearly in love with his opposite (which attracts). JP mentioned Seb being nonchalant about an ex (Estefanía). Will we get to meet her? In utter denial, Seb tells JP he’s done too many pirouettes in the air and gone crazy (thinking Seb’s in love with Lupe). I think Rodrigo Brand was actually laughing at this line (not acting).

Is Memo’s term of endearment for Úrsala really “Curvitas.” …and doesn’t that mean “crookedness.” How apt.

Kudos to Albert Estrella (Mac). Another despicable character, but so fun to watch. Loved watching him reign in Crookedness’ bat poop craziness with logic of all things. She’ll never win the battle of wife vs. father/daughter so she should shut up and go somewhere and sit down (I paraphrase). Looks like they were playing dominos. Anyone know the game they were playing?

More comedy: Lupe’s phantom gentleman callers “Mau & Fer.” The sisters’ machinations worked like a charm. Girl power!

I’m worried about Isa’s escapulario falling in Fausto’s clutches.

Random: we learned Chuchita’s first name is Jesusa (unless I missed that earlier).

I agree with multiple posts: Karen’s spontaneous eating disorder should not save her from a spectacular anvil for her horrific evil/choices.

The 2.0 KISS only makes sense in fantasy. They pulled the same bait and switch with Chema and the 18-wheeler.

Can’t wait to see what happens. Wishing all a great weekend!!!




Thanks, Rgv Chick. Great storytelling. I missed watching last night, but I "see" the epi with your vibrant recap. Love all your commentary. It wasn't me who commented about Dani's parents, but I have been wondering about her backstory.

Mac spills the beans about Memo's secret. Did you hear the thump--Ursula's jaw drop?? -- lol!

she could be the loving stepmother (with tats instead of warts! -- genius!

If that second kiss is real, those two got some explaining to do. Only once is "Oops, it didn't mean anything!" Twice is "We got a thing going on!"

I'm looking forward to Ursula trying to befriend Isa. Will Ursula try to soften her image, say dress in pink?


O.S., welcome to the patio! On Memo's calling Ursula "Curvitas", silly me thought it was because of her curvy bod. But she is indeed crooked in her heart, so it works both ways.


Welcome O.S.!! I too thought he was just referring to her curves as Niecie isn’t alone. I never actually thought about what the name might actually mean! Lol

The beard scratching drives me bananas!!! I just try not to focus on it.


I felt even more sorry for Rayo now that she has landed back at Julia's only to have Rodolfo wondering if they should be taking on the responsibility of having her live there. What is the kid supposed to do?? She still does not have the stability she needs. Ester only came to see her to find out where Margarita's belongings were. Her situation is really tragic.

Diana, "Ana Sofia looked like Barney, purple satin pantsuit, turquoise top, bright pink bag. It looked cheap and rather tawdry, not a good “luke”. " I never would have thought of Barney but you hit it on the head. I like Chepina and her telenovela, or as she calls them "telecomedia," attitude towards life. I could see her becoming an "auntie" figure to Rayo. "Ana Sofia’s already lost but guess she will need to take an even harder road." You called it. She will never be able to accept that a man , no matter who, didn't want her. Should be interesting. Yes, Julia and Angel have GREAT chemistry. You don't see that as often as you would like in novelas, movies, etc.

waterlily, yes, Braulio wanting to complain about the "sacrifices" he made was sickening. He wanted to be a young father. So? If that were the case and he resented Celeste for not being able to get pregnant/carry a pregnancy, he should have divorced her a long time ago rather than sticking it to her now when she is at her lowest. I don't think he EVER wanted to be a father. I hope he gets a nice and heavy anvil at the end of this.

Susanlynn, "I think Flavia has always been jealous of Ester's beauty. Maybe Ester was a nicer person before she lost her only son." I thinks she was a nicer person but now is just nasty out of frustration. It is "monkey see, monkey do" with Flavia when it comes to Ester. After getting Max to marry her, she had one kid, now is going into the food truck business and it wouldn't surprise me if she starts to put the moves on Jero if she continues to act true to form. Busybody Claudia had NO business not asking if she could come and visit and just showing up unannounced.She has NO respect for Ester and Ester has warned her more than once to leave her ALONE.

Liz, it surprised me, too, when Santino was willing to do a partnership deal with Angel after he had been so insistent that he never would do it without Angel marrying Ana Sofí. I agree with Susanlynn and you that Braulio could be Santino's guy feeding him all the info to pressure Homero and now Angel. I wonder if Santino started this scheme when "somebody" noticed that Homero had lost a step. Did Homero make the financial errors that led to the company going into the red or did "somebody" else help him along? or set him up? I am hoping that Mati becomes the good friend she is supposedly is. I thinks that Mati's friends should ask her why she doesn't move into a rich house if she is so interested in one of them doing it. We know she comes from a divorced household and lives with her father. Nobody seems to care where she goes or what she does.

Niecie, I hadn't realized that "Angel and Julia have both "accidentally" called each other in an emergency." Fate!!! You have a much better memory than I. I cannot think of anyone else who would have ordered the beatdown other than Santino. We can't say Zac because he is working for Santino. Thanks for reminding us of the old Rice Krispie's commercial. There were a lot more mother-in-law jokes back then for some reason. What can Ester do? IMHO, Ester cannot trust Claudia to tell her the truth. Her mother stuck her nose into her business by contacting Flavia to pay part of her debt. Would she contact Flavia to try to change the situation to her liking if she knew the truth? Maybe Jero and Ester are going to have to start living a lot closer than planned.

I cannot wait until Tuesday! Monday is fútbol.



Liz, I haven't seen the actress playing Flavia in a very long time , but years ago I saw her in something and she looked about the same as now and she was a villain .

Susanlynn, I looked up Flavia and she had a softer look in the photos. She is pretty, but looks pretty young in most of them. I guess those make-up people can give you the look they want.


Great comments everyone!

waterlily, I don't think Macario is intelligent but he's very street smart. He listens to everyone and everything, especially where it doesn't concern him. He is a fantastic sneak! I laughed that he wanted to give Ursula the news about Isabella face to face, he is a gossip maven!

RgvChick, when Memo responded to a comment for Isabella's father, if I recall correctly Ursula seemed particularly peeved and Fausto looked annoyed as usual. I think Dani looked surprised and a bit concerned. Just wait I wanted to yell at the screen!!

"I was afraid he was going to take the scapular from Isa. I guess he still might". Liz, that crossed my mind as well - I would put nothing past Fausto!

Niecie, I am afraid I am sitting alone at the yup, that second kiss was real table. AND I'm flying the "Twice is "We got a thing going on!" flag :)

O.S., so happy to see you! "Kudos to Albert Estrella (Mac). Another despicable character, but so fun to watch" - I couldn't agree more!!!



"I felt even more sorry for Rayo now that she has landed back at Julia's only to have Rodolfo wondering if they should be taking on the responsibility of having her live there. What is the kid supposed to do??" That's a great question Jarifa. Rodolfo (who has been pretty perfect thus far" voicing his reservation was surprising. I'm chalking Ester's lack of compassion toward Rayo up to the fact she can barely deal with Ivan's death. But it still is surprising.

"Teo and Mati would be an interesting couple and cause Flavia to smash her whole bell collection" made me smile Susanlynn. She thinks Rayo is "beneath" them, could you imagine how she would receive Mati??

Liz, Mati is hard on the outside, but I'm also wondering if she does have a soft center.

"The first words out of Claudia's mouth weren't "hello" but "who is this man?" Great cliffhanger" is right Niecie. I only wish I remembered the commercial you noted!

"Would she contact Flavia to try to change the situation to her liking if she knew the truth? Maybe Jero and Ester are going to have to start living a lot closer than planned" was something I hadn't thought about. It always bothers me to see mothers and daughters at odds but Claudia did bring a lot of it on herself. Has she learned her lesson? I guess we will see.



Diana,I have only seen Estrella play villains lately , but the first role I saw him in was " Pasion" ...the "good" pirate who was Captain Rick's (Fernando Colunga) bff . Susana Gonzales was the leading lady .That cast included William Levy , Rulli, Marcelo Cordoba, Mariana Carr, and a lot of other familiar actors and actresses . I wish they would show it again .


OMGoodness! My comment yesterday at 1:06 should have been addressed to Liz! Mil disculpas!!

O.S.!! WELCOME!! I am so happy and excited that you have joined the patio! I followed your comments for "La Mexicana..." and found them quite entertaining. And there is always room for one, two, three...many more!! :-) That scratching is really getting to me; I wish I could send Gabe a case of anti-itch cream...though I don't think that itchiness is the problem...just a nervous tic; he did the same thing in "Vino El Amor" and it was just as annoying to watch.

And O.S., thank you so much for adding dialogue that I skipped; and for adding details that I totally missed, such as Amparo dedicating her book to Isa and the blowing of the fairy dust. Taht must have been really cute!

In regards to "curvitas", the direct translation would be "little curves"; and I also think Memo uses it to refer to Ursula's many (body) curves. But I do agree that Ursula's crookedness, or rather all the curves (as in curve balls) she throws out, would merit that nickname.



Hello, O.S. Welcome .


Diana, here's a clip of the classic Rice Krispies commercial. As Jarifa mentioned, it's a joke at the expense of mother-in-laws.



Niecie, thank you so much for the link!

I never saw that before!! Too funny...You learn and see something new everyday. :)


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