Thursday, December 15, 2022

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Vencer La Ausencia, Mi Camino Es Amarte, & La Madrastra- Week of Dec. 12, 2022

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) No Univisión PRIMETIME TNs on Monday due to Fútbol! 2) Coming Soon: Cabo will start on Jan. 9th at 10PM!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! Mi Camino Es Amarte is being discussed with minicaps/notes being provided by the patio. Jarifa continues with her entertaining notes from the couch for Vencer la Ausencia and the discussions are impressive!  As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 pm – Vencer La Ausencia: Ep. 34-35

9-10PM – Mi Camino Es Amarte: Ep. 21-22

10PM-11PM – La Madrastra: Eps. 36-37 (Últimas Semanas!!)


Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Ricos”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:15PM.

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Notes from the couch . . . Just the facts edition

Busy times on this end so, please add whatever I left out.

Flashback: Misael makes point of telling Julia that he had a chance to go back to the music business but chose to MAKE A SACRIFICE for her (what a prince!!) and take the driving job at Funes. She expresses her gratitude and tells him she will never put him between a rock and a hard place again. (sickening)

1. Bottom line: Julia tell Angel that she has too much on her plate to be thinking about a romance with him. She also is still a married woman. Hw can report what she told him about Misael to the police of not. He will respect her decision if she keeps the information to herself.

2. Rayo and Teo discuss the possibility of Max being her father. Maybe a DNA test would do the trick. . . .

3. When she returns the storage area key to Max, Ester tells him she thinks that Iván had something going on with Margarita.

4. Homero tells Angel to take his time with Julia and give it a chance. He would never make it in a marriage with a woman like Ana Sofī.

5. Celeste tells Braulio of her concern for Rayo because she is the daughter of Margarita who was her friend all those years. Braulio tells her that he has enough on his plate with problems at the office, the baby coming and her illness. What else???

7. Mirna has a successful date with Sergio (I don't trust him) and is set up for another one. She tells Armando to stop bothering her or be fired.

8. Claudia is still being a pain at Ester's in all the same ways. (get her packing, already!)

9. Gina blows off her job with Ariel to greet people at the fashion show because she has chosen to work for Ana Sofī as her personal assistant instead. When Julia confronts her about it later, Gina does't care. She refuses to quit her dream job.

10. Julia arrives at the fashion show to take notes for Ariel. Ana Sofī confronts her and everyone in the area starts recording their interchange on their phones. Juia calls her the wife of a driver, cheeky and a professional novio thief as well as a slut. She warns her to stay away form her novio because they are getting married. Julia tells her to complain to her novio not her because she is not responsible for what has happened between her and her novio. Julia says that she has no skin in that game. It is none of her business. Julia then calls her "Chula" (cutie) and says she could never have broken them up because their relationship was already broken. Julia turns to leave but Ana Sofī cannot resist keeping the altercation going by calling her a nobody . . . Julia turns and rips Ana Sofī so badly that Ana Sofī is silent. She tells Ana Sofī to recognize the fact that her novio doesn't love her anymore and to let it go already. Ana Sofī asks how dare she?? She accuses Ana Sofī of making a living off of accusing decent people of things without any proof. On the other hand, she is a hard working mother who earns a living. Ana Sofí is silent.

11. Ana Sofī is thinking of revenge and she and Mirna try to find Julia on social media. They find out that she sells things online.

12. Braulio plays the victim again but this time with Angel. He acts offended that Angel did not tell him about paying the money to Zac. Angel explains that he forgot to tell him in the midst of the beating and everything else. Braulio understands and thinks it odd that the money came from Julia. Could she be Misael's accomplice?? (hasn't he said that before??)



13. Ana Sofī walks into Angel's apartment to tell him that she forgives him and that the marriage is on. He insists that there is nothing to forgive him for and there will not be a wedding. She tells him that he is wrong They will be getting married but this time there will be conditions.He disagrees. Neither she or his father will be imposing any conditions on him. She is gone before he finishes talking. (Dude, get the locks changed already)

14. Rayo tells Julia that she thinks that her father must be somebody they all know and that is why her mother never said who he was. She thinks it could be Max.

15. Julia gets a text message from " sin filtros" telling her that Misael is in danger. She responds saying that she thinks he is Misael and she is going to report his location to the police and he will be charged with theft of all of that money from the Funes company. She plans to block him but gets another text first. It tells her that the company cannot file chargers because the money is not as legal as she thinks it is. Julia corroborates that fact with what Ester told her. Ester had concluded that that the money wasn't a legal loan and that is why the company had not filed charges against Misael.

16. Ester discovers in the Funes computer system that Margarita worked for them 15 years ago. We see the exact document that ester discovered in the storage area.

That is it for tonight


Jarifa, your recap was excellent. The dialog was torrential tonight and without your insightful translation, I would have been lost.

Misael was minimally appealing to begin with and with each successive flashback, even less. I’ve no doubt that the music world somehow survived the loss of his talent. Misael should have kissed the ground Julia walked on and yet SHE apologizes to him “she will never put him between a rock and a hard place again”. Stomach churning.

“Ana Sofī walks into Angel's apartment to tell him that she forgives him and that the marriage is on”. Delusional. Dangerous.

Gina made the wrong choice. Ana Sofia is so plastic (in more than one way) how she chose her over Ariel is mystifying.

“Julia turns and rips Ana Sofī so badly that Ana Sofī is silent. She tells Ana Sofī to recognize the fact that her novio doesn't love her anymore and to let it go already”. Was there any doubt Julia couldn’t take care of herself!? You go girl.

I think Maximo and Misael are red herrings. It is looking more and more that Braulio is Rayo’s father. Poor girl.

Sergio held no lure to me whatsoever but then again Mirna has no charm or personality either. I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.

Jarifa, fantastic. Thank you!


Camino – Episode 21 – part 1

Back to Karen and Memo discussing the kiss. Is Memo here for a job or for Dani? Memo says he doesn’t have any reason to answer to a person like Karen. Karen is unphased, she is sure Memo didn’t take the job because he wanted the work; after all he’s a trucker not a gardener. Memo does his best to ignore her but after she insults him one time too many, he shuts her up by telling her he’s an honorable man unlike some, and what happened between him and Dani was just a mistake. So sorry sister, if you expected me to break up their marriage so you can keep Falso, it’s not going to happen! I’m going in another direction (the route of integrity) so you’ll have to figure out your own mess!

JuanPa shows Gaby around her new office and she’s super excited. Falso shows up and Gaby follows him to his office. JuanPa wishes her luck.

Karen declares she is taking vacation time and Dani wishes she could take some time too. Dani asks where Karen is going but she doesn’t know yet. She suggests they go together but Dani can’t. This devolves into another talk about Memo in which Karen tries to encourage Dani to be bad while Dani is determined to be responsible. She is sure her feelings will pass and until then she’s going to avoid him all the time! Isa overhears this and wants to know whom mommy is going to avoid.

Memo thinks back on Amparo and Leo warning him to stay away from Dani and tries to psyche himself up to do just that somehow.

Turns out Isa heard wrong and thought Dani was going to invite someone somewhere and not avoid someone; but either way Dani reminds her she isn’t supposed to be listening in on adult conversations and she should be resting. Isa doesn’t want to rest, she’s bored and wants to go to the park! Dani and Isa end up making a pact, Isa will rest this week and next week they can go wherever Isa wants (check out Karen giving several genuine smiles to Isa’s back, I think the actress was genuinely charmed by the little girl’s antics and reacting)

Falso can’t handle Gaby’s cheerfulness and brings up the restaurant instead. He pretends he actually worries about his employees and is concerned but he also quickly makes it clear Gaby is there to work and the simple fact that she’s Juanpa’s girl isn’t going to get her any special treatment at work. Gaby’s mile wide smile gets smaller and smaller as Falso spreads his lack of cheer.

Leo and Amparo cheer up Humberto and debate whether or not Macario can actually resolve the problem in the restaurant. Amparo hopes so and Humberto looks like he doubts it. Speaking of the devil, he arrives with some story about some fee or license (?) never being paid (he was trying to appear out of breath and it was interfering with his enunciation, I couldn’t make out what he was saying) and basically, they are screwed because they don’t have the money to pay the back fees. The restaurant could remain closed for a whole year.

Apparently, they don’t do on the job training at the big fancy office because Gaby was just told to get to work and she is now trying to juggle incoming calls while JuanPa looks on. Eugenio arrives wanting to know how things are going, he makes the reasonable observation that no one is born knowing how to do this. In contrast, Falso comes up looking at Gaby skeptically saying things had better be going well. Gaby gives up and disconnected the phone (LOL). Eugenio kind of smiles but says she can’t do that! Eugenio has heard about the restaurant and he is going to offer Amparo his support when he gets a chance. JuanPa tries to escape too but Gaby begs him to stay.


Camino – Episode 21 – part 2

Lupita is having the opposite experience at her job as her supervisor tells her that her work is perfect! She’s very happy until she turns around to see Sebas hanging out. He came for two reasons: 1. He wanted to make sure she still worked there and 2. Since she won’t return his calls, he came so she could ignore him in person! (I laughed out loud at that one!) Sebas keeps trying but Lupita just wants him to leave her alone. He isn’t leaving though and he does finally get Lupita to admit she invented Mau to get Sebas to go away and leave her alone! Sebas is all happy about his short-lived win until Lupe tells him it doesn’t really matter; Mau or no Mau, Sebastain is still a jerk!

Macario runs off to get his dinero from Falso since he did his job so well! But he has to share the money with the inspector. Falso is happy they were efficient. Mac wants to know what happens next, but Falso says don’t worry if everything goes right, your whole life is going to change!

Karen is off to spinning class and wants Dani to go, but she won’t leave Isa. Karen has to beat the dead horse of Memo once more before she leaves but Dani doesn’t budge – although seeds of thought may be planted in her head.

Ursa is at the doctor’s office thinking about Mac’s advice to get pregnant ASAP. I’m guessing she didn’t pay much attention in Sex Ed because she needs to ask the doctor what she has to do to get pregnant, like yesterday. The doc tells her some women are very fertile and get pregnant as soon as they stop taking birth control and for others it could take as much as six months. Six months? No, way, Ursa can’t wait that long. She asks the doc if there’s anyway, he could just give her a piece of paper that SAYS she’s pregnant? (If ‘B*tch please’, could be translated into a look it would be the look this dude is give Ursula as he tries to figure out what is wrong with her LOL)

Memo arrives back and tells Dani he left the plants. They also need to attend to the beach house, Dani thanks him and basically dismisses him. Memo is shaken and his puppy dog face says he’s clearly missing their normal warmth and easy relationship.

Doc tries to tell Ursa she’s loca, but Ursa knows another former patient of this doc, one he helped out with some shady business. They negotiate the cost of a fake positive pregnancy test.

Dani goes to bring food to Isa but can’t find her anywhere! She is next searching throughout the house. The whole household starts the search.

All Amparo’s family is gathered to discuss what they have to do since they can’t open the restaurant. Amparo is afraid there’s nothing they can do but sell. Leo suggests they look for another location but Mac says they can’t afford it. This conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Falso looking to capitalize on their misfortune. He hands Amparo his offer, read it over and you’ll see. Sell to me and you and your whole family will never worry about money again.

Dani is searching the grounds for Isa.

Amparo says it’s a lot of money but she isn’t sure. Falso, Mac and Ursa try to encourage her to sell; Memo says they will support her no matter what but he doesn’t think she should sell. Leo agrees. Amparo tells Falso, no deal!!! (I kind of think the smile on Mark Tacher’s face was genuine, he looked amused) The family celebrates as Ursa and Mac paint supportive looks on their faces and play along.

Isa is no where to be found and Dani goes to call Falso. Falso tries to offer Amparo a little more money but he’s rejected again. Falso ignores Dani’s call and Humberto advises him to answer but he doesn’t. Falso keeps telling Memo to butt-out because it’s between him and Amparo but Amparo says it’s a family matter.


Camino – Episode 21 – part 3

Dani texts next since Falso won’t answer the phone. She says she is going to call the cops.

Falso says some BS about the importance of family – as if he knows! Falso tells them to think it over and get back to him. No need, decision made! Memo’s phone rings and it’s Dani! Everyone finds out Isa is missing! Dani is freaking out and Memo assures her that Falso is there and he’ll tell him, they will all look for her.

Now, I know everyone must be shocked, but Isa was hiding in her favorite truck!!! We see she’s now in Memo’s house and about to greet Chema. They meet with lots of affection and decide to play super heroes.

Falso is yelling like an idiot wanted to know details but Memo only knows that Dani looked all over the house and couldn’t find her. Falso grabs his stuff to leave and Memo asks doesn’t he want them to help him look? Nope, Falso will take care of his own family! He doesn’t understand why Dani called Memo! (Maybe it’s because you ignored her call, jackass!)

Meanwhile, Chema and Isa play with the turtle and with some arts stuff and have the time of their life! But when Isa confides she hid in Memo’s truck to get there even Chema is smart enough to know that this is not okay.

Memo is going to sit around; he’s going to go look for Isa! (Check Chema’s room!) Ursa quickly says she’s going with him. Humberto reminds Memo that Falso asked them not to get involved – which seems like an odd thing to be worried about when a child a missing. Amparo agrees with me and says basically the same thing. Humberto realizes she’s right and says count me in. Leo wants to look too. Mac is the only heartless one that doesn’t care. Memo tells Ursa let’s go and I have something important to tell you on the way.

Chema actually lectures Isa on how she shouldn’t run away from home, and it’s adorable!!! He tells her how he got lost once and his mom was really scared and called the cops and everything. Isa shouldn’t do that to her mom, plus she’s gonna get mad!

Okay, so maybe Mac isn’t the only one who doesn’t care. Ursa stops Memo outside because she can’t even wait for ‘on the way’ to find out what he wanted to tell her. Memo starts to spill the beans but then Chema and Isa come running up and Memo happily hugs his daughter while Ursa’s face says she knows she isn’t getting the cherished confession out of Memo now.


Camino – Episode 21 – part 4

Amparo and Leo are needlessly worrying about Isa and what could have happened. Leo assures her that Memo will find Isa. They discuss whether or not Memo will really tell Ursa the truth, and Amparo thinks he needs to while Leo isn’t sure. What if Memo’s heart is truly in another place? Amparo doesn’t want to consider that at first but then the thought does occur – what if Memo could be with his daughter and a good woman, one he truly loves?? Still, she would feel bad for Ursa, she’s dedicated years to Memo.

Mac comes and interrupts all the speculation. Leo leaves and Mac tries to convince Amparo they need to look for someone who knows about the price of land so they can determine whether or not Falso is offering them a good price and at least consider the sale.

Amparo doesn’t want to think about it, Isa is more important right now. Mac agrees but all they can do is wait so they might as well solve their problem. Amparo says the decision is made but Mac begs her to reconsider and think about the good of everyone. Amparo looks like she’s considering it.

Isa wants to know if Memo is mad at her, but he says he isn’t. Still, what she did wasn’t right. He starts listing all the things that could have gone wrong and Chema once again lights up the screen as he nods his head and gestures along with his uncle’s lecture! Ursa comes to Isa’s defense and Isa promises she will never do it again. Ursa gets all cuddly telling Isa that they are happy she’s okay and Chema says he told her that her mother must be sad! Memo suddenly remembers he needs to tell Dani that Isa has been found! LOL

He gets out his phone and tells Isa he will take her home. Chema wants to go with him but Memo says no. Ursa says she’s going and gets right back to cooing at Isa. Memo gets ahold of Dani and tells her that he found Isa and she’s okay. She’s with him.

More of Macario trying to emotionally blackmail Amparo…. yuck, sigh He also tries to butter her up with dreams of what they could do with the money. Isa mercifully disrupts this BS and Amparo is thrilled to see her safe and sound! They fill Amparo in on what happened. As they leave, Mac picks up Chema and says something to him that makes them both laugh reminds viewerville that somehow this snake of a human being is also a doting father at least with his youngest.

Memo arrives with Isa and Dani runs to hug her daughter. Isa apologizes profusely and Dani forgives her. Falso is of course less caring and tells Isa she shouldn’t have gotten into the truck of a stranger!! Isa says Memo isn’t a stranger and Falso says yes, but he’s just an employee not family. Isa says she just wanted to play with Chema because she was bored and Dani reminds her that she agreed to rest for a few days like the doctor said.

Isa goes up to bed and Dani thanks Memo sincerely for bringing Isa back. Memo steps forward and says no need to thank him, it was his pleasure. Ursa doesn’t miss the meaningful looks exchanged between the two and Falso probably didn’t either because he immediately offers to walk Memo and Ursa to the door. Outside Ursa tells Falso to remember what she said at the beach and not be blind.

Falso comes back inside and immediately attacks Dani for allowing Isa to spend time with ‘those people’! Now, she’s running away to go spend time with them?



There you have it! I think this is my favorite episode so far! I laughed so many times tonight!!

Sebas saying I came so you could ignore me in person! Chema lecturing Isa, Gaby unplugging the phone so it would stop ringing!! LOL So many good moments and Chema and Isa together are a cuteness overload!

The one thing I had to tighten my beanie for is that Dani didn't think to ask Memo to check his truck first thing! That little girl is in love with that truck and the very first thought I had when Isa wasn't in her room is I bet she's in the truck!! IRL I'm sure Dani would have thought of it too.

Macario gets harder and harder to stomach but he's cute with Chema. They really got the casting right in this show as far as the chemistry with the kids and the adults goes, there's a warmth there that feels very genuine in every scene no matter which adult is interacting with which child.


Darcy, you oh so carefully illuminated and enlightened, conveying the action and the wide array of accompanying emotions, words spoken and silent, thoughts that were good, evil and indifferent, all reflecting our characters’ minds and hearts.

And while I appreciate your wisdom, your humor shone particularly bright tonight including: “(If ‘B*tch please’, could be translated into a look it would be the look this dude is give Ursula as he tries to figure out what is wrong with her LOL)” and “Karen has to beat the dead horse of Memo once more before she leaves.” These added so much, and I smiled throughout.

Memo was in sheer torment thinking back to Amparo and Leo “warning him to stay away from Dani”. But I took heart in that it is dawning on Amparo that Daniela and Isabella are the family Memo should have, that he, and they deserve. Memo and Dani are only going to manage to stay away from each other for so long and then all bets are off. What a shame that Ursu is going to play the fake pregnancy card.

Amparo just goes along doing her thing. She isn’t solicitous to Macario in the slightest (but not dismissive either), he just doesn’t seem that high up on the pecking order. Love it. Any smarmy charm comes from the actor, not the character of Macario. That said, I did enjoy seeing him pick up Chema and act like a caring father, for once.

I completely felt for poor Gaby! It appeared she was shown her chair and told all you need to do is answer the phones without a word of explanation! Talk about stress. I laughed when she simply disconnected the phones and again when I read your “Eugenio kind of smiles but says she can’t do that”. Just great…

I was glad Isa wasn’t lost for long. And Chema’s mimicking was downright adorable. Even King Solomon couldn’t pick who is cuter – Isabella or Chema.

The woman with Macario in the opening credits looks suspiciously like Gabriela Zamora (La Desalmada, La Mexicana). I look forward to seeing her if it is.

This was great Darcy, and like you, I laughed throughout. Thank you!



Sorry for the typos, tired brain/tired fingers.

Gina and Ana Sofí deserve each other! I could not believe how Gina deserted Ariel without at least calling him. Maybe her work ethic is why she hasn’t been gainfully employed.

Things keep chugging along!



Jarifa, your recap was stellar, no typos that I saw. Thank you for doing this night after night. You bring this to life and light, and it's only because of you that any of this makes sense.

Gina's poor judgement was a major disappointment. Her reward will likely being fired as soon as Ana Sofi finds out she's Julia's sister. Be careful of the company you keep.

I was thinking that it was a shame Jero and his sons couldn't have poured their hearts, souls and rippling muscles into something that was solely his. All that work on the truck for undeserving, perpetually scowling Flavia.

I still have no idea what Ivan and Margarita were in cahoots about...



Diana, you are mote than welcome. This has turned out to be a delight to recap as long as I do it in different ways. Yes, it is too bad that Jero and his sons couldn’t have gone into business without Flavia. I wonder how she is going to try to schnooker or take advantage of him as she does with everyone.Jero is far too trusting and he shouldn’t be after his stint in the USA and what he found when he returned home. His reminding Ester that Claudia still was her mother got on my nerves. He has no idea what has happened between them. As usual, can’t wait until tonight! : )


Darcy, I echo Diana on her sentiments regarding your recap; you captured everything with flair and pizazz..thank you!

I have to agree that this was one of the better episodes; the humor excelled and the darkness was subdued.

Diana, "Memo was in sheer torment thinking back..." Soto is killing it with his looks of torment and despair...aside from the beard scratching! But I cheered his response to Karen...WTG, Memo!

When Macario came in out of breath, I thought he was going to use the "I was assaulted" excuse again. From what I understood (and I could be wrong), Mac was able to pay the fees for the year, but all the fines added up to mucho dinero...that they didn't have. I kept wondering how much of his story was true...probably none of it! But everyone ate it up...

Gaby and Sebas had me laughing too. ANd this time I was distracted with Gaby's eye makeup...there was something sparkly on hier lower eye lashes and I couldn't figure out what it was.

Diana, "Even King Solomon couldn’t pick who is cuter – Isabella or Chema." So true! They are both adorable!



Thanks so much, Jarifa, great recap that keeps me informed of all that’s being said.

I’m thinking Ana Sofia is going to send in a huge fake order to hurt Julia financially. I wonder if she’ll ask Gina to do it. Would Gina go that far to please her idol?

It is looking like Braulio could be the dad. He might even have known about it. Which makes him so much worse. Throwing his own daughter out, and telling Celeste he could have been a young father if it wasn’t for her. Although I never understood if he was blaming her inability to have kids on her. Really low. But it could have been Homero! He was her boss. Do we know when he lost his wife? He would be a loving dad.

I didn’t trust Mirna’s new boyfriend. He’s either working for Santino or just a guy looking for a rich lady friend! Hope it’s the latter, let her fall hard and then find out what he’s after. Except that would hurt Angel.

Somehow the women are going to solve all these mysteries. Hopefully, they will become close friends again in the process.

Angel needs to do something about Ana Sofia. She is one entitled spoiled brat.

So happy with Jero and his sons. Yes, I wish it was his own business too.

If one of my sons had a secret with a friend of mine there is no way I would assume they’re having an affair! I can think of a ton of reasons to confide in an older friend.

I’m so glad I’m watching this show. Really enjoying it. If the three previous ones were a similar theme, I hope they’re on again sometime!



Jarifa,wow..thank you for her another spectacular account of all the comings and goings. it Missing Misael who has been communicating with Julia? He seems to have put himself between a rock and a hard place.

Hmmm.Ester is now on the case snooping into Funes and discovers Mystery Woman Margarita worked there 15 years ago and received a payment ! Aha!!!

Shame on Gina for working for relentless , delusional Anacandy who will not accept that no means N O.


Darcy,thank you for another fantastic recap that allows me to keep up with this saga Even though I can't watch right now.

Ursa is determined to rope and tie Memo.

I dont know why Fausto is so determined to buy Amparo's property . Is she the only owner , or do her brothers and father also own it ?



Thanks, Jarifa. We are so fortunate to get your daily Notes from the Couch. They're always a treat.

I'm glad Teo brought up DNA. Rayo could test herself against Teo and Julia's son to see if there's a match, but of course there's no money for that and I'm guessing they'd need the parents' permission.

Gina's choice was such a disappointment. Where is her self-respect? Why did she choose her after Ana Sofi was so horrible to her. In what universe does one decide to work for someone who humiliated them?I didn't quite get if she realised Ana Sofi was making fun of her. Wasn't she taught you can't back out just because you feel like it once you agreed to work for someone? How old is Gina? Ana Sofi is so delusional that it's almost funny. Is it enough to be entitled to think you can just tell someone they're marrying you and that's it? Geronimo being on his high horse is annoying. It's easy to beall 'she is your mother/it's bad Flavia's truck was damaged' when you aren't personally involved. There's something about such people that gets on my nerves.

Chema telling Isa that it's wrong to run away was just soo great. He used that tone kids adopt wehen they lecture you which was just the best.I think Eugenio actually told Gabi 'we can't receive the calls if you disconnect the phone.' Didn't Mac say he paid the fees but they didn't register them in their system or something? Why is Ursuala so desperate to get married? Memo is a great guy, but this level of desperation is strange. Is she another one who is obsessive and crazy? I only would describe her as impulsive. What is it with all these women wanting men when the men either don't want them or don't respect them enough to offer them what they want.


Super recap, Darcy. Lovely revisiting last night's epi through your storytelling. My faves:

"If ‘B*tch please’, could be translated ..."

"Gaby’s mile wide smile gets smaller and smaller as Falso spreads his lack of cheer."

"Memo is shaken and his puppy dog face says he’s clearly missing their normal warmth and easy relationship."

You go, Memo! Great response to Karen's crap, and he even had a trucking metaphor mixed into his rejection.

I laughed out loud when Lupita was busy working and the nearby office chair spun around and Sebas was in it. He needs some training, but he's a keeper.


Thanks, Darcy, for the fun recap. I need to concentrate on the positive, like the scene with Isa and Chemo, and not let scenes with Macario or Fausto get to me!

It was great how Memo came out ahead when Karen was drilling him. And poor Gaby trying to work the phones. I hope someone trains her!

I didn’t realize Lupita had told Sebastian she had made up the boyfriend. But she put him in his place and kept her dignity.

Telenovelas seem to thrive on fake pregnancies. It would be funny if Ursula’s hubby decides it might be his! After all, we see them on the bed often but haven’t seen her with Memo! And I’m guessing the sale of the property is needed for her to pay Cesar.

Chemo is such a cutie, loved him lecturing Isa. I agree that they all have great chemistry with the kids. They’re all enjoying their characters.



Thanks for all of the interesting comments about the last episode.

Liz, I saw two of the previous three in this Vencer series. "Vence el desamor" (#2) is my favorite of what I have seen. I never saw the first one "Vencer el miedo". I would put this one second and Vencer el Pasado"(#3) as my third. .They always have four women of a variety of ages and there is a mystery. The setting is contemporary and they are concerned with societal issues of the day.

Susan, is it Misael or not that is textingJulia? Maybe he ran off with another woman? I do not know what to believe at this point. Anaconda is delusional as you so rightly noted. How obnoxious can she get??? but then again, Angel could get the locks changed and block her on his phone. He is a little slow to do anything to get her out of his life.

Niecie, good point about Teo having a good idea but no $ to follow up. Typical kid. He and Rayo are about 15 but look so very young.

warerlily, glad I am not the only one finding Jero "on his high horse" annoying.



Thanks, Darcy for the masterpiece recap. Thanks, Patio for all the observations & explanations.

Did anyone catch the doomsday music they played when Falso was in command of the scene? They played it at least twice. It really added to his cartoonish evil/jackassery.

I may have to order a new beanie from Chuchita as mine was stretched to the max with Ursula’s I-towed-the-car-of-a-girl-who-came-to-you-for-a-false-Prego-scam-Now-let’s-negotiate bit!!! Despite the B.P. look (©️ Darcy) the doc’s terms were “Mucho!” Is that pesos? USD? Crypto? Ducats?

Speaking of distraction, what in the world is that hot pink stud (?) under Ursula’s right eye. I got lost in it (and not in a good way). I’m referring to some jewelry or piercing, not Memo.

This is at least the second time Lupe dismisses Seb with the brilliant remix of his name, “Sebaspatán!” Pound sand, Sebastpatán. …but I agree he’s a keeper.

Looking forward to tonight.



Thanks everyone! I really enjoy reading all your comments and feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed the humor in the recap as much as I enjoyed the humor in the episode.

I agree Memo putting Karen in her place was an awesome moment! I loved him explaining he's going to take the high road so she won't be going in the same direction of course!

Waterlily, yes Eugenio did actually say 'we can't receive the phone calls if you disconnect the phones' I just simplified it to 'she can't do that' which was his point, to save time and typing! :)

I'm liking Sebas and Lupita more and more as a pairing every day! As Lupita becomes more and more confident and sure of herself. It was cute when she was shy and uncertain but too lopsided since Sebas had all the swag. Now Lupita gives him a run for his money and it's even more fun to watch.


"I have to agree that this was one of the better episodes; the humor excelled and the darkness was subdued" was exactly right Rgv Chick! Despite the serious issues (treated as such where warranted), there are many moments of lightness, especially with the children and the younger couples which make this fun.

Waterlily and Liz, I also enjoyed sweet Chema sweetly lecturing the adults and dispensing such sage advice. What a love he is.

Niecie, I completely agree that Sebas "needs some training, but he's a keeper!" And Darcy, I also like Lupita is going toe to toe with him and giving him a healthy helping of what he dishes out. She has such an angelic smile. I did think he was better suited to Gaby but I'm now seeing that opposites do attract. And in a very nice way here!

OSm "speaking of distraction, what in the world is that hot pink stud (?) under Ursula’s right eye. I got lost in it (and not in a good way). I’m referring to some jewelry or piercing, not Memo" had me laughing away. Good one!



Jarifa, thanks for the info on the Vencer series. I like that there are bad guys and people do get killed but it’s not the main theme of the series. To see the four woman interacting and sometimes working together just makes for an enjoyable series. My neighbor is from South America and her mother lives with them. She watches telenovelas but won’t watch Univision, she thinks the shows are too violent. I do prefer shows that are more like this one. I liked Mi Marido Tiene Famila. -and the second one Más Familia



Notes from the couch . . . the "this thing will never end" edition . . .

FLASHBACK: In a scene we have already seen, Rayo pressures her mother to tell her who her father is again. She leaves in huff after hearing she will have to wait until she is 15. Margarita calls somebody and tells them that when they come back from the trip, she needs to tell Rayo the truth.

Braulio is the narrator: "In those times of doubt, it is easier to suspect a man than a woman, but in reality nothing is what it appears to be or how we believe it to be."

1. Ester calls Julia to tell her that she found out that Margarita worked at Funes 15 years earlier. Julia asks how long Braulio has worked there. Ester says for many years. She will investigate the situation on her own. The question is: could Margarita and Braulio be involved some how? Ester is convinced that the loan came from an illegal source. Best not to ask Braulio anything.

2. Julia texts "sin filters".

3. Braulio is convinced that Misael must have given that quality of money to Julia in person and she acted stupid so Angel would not suspect her. Angel is sure that Juia would not do that. Braulio says nobody ever knows what people are capable of doing.

4 Angel wants to go over the financial state of the company with the debt they owe. Braulio reminds him it is his own personal debt, too, since he signed for that loan from Silvano. Braulio is sure he is going to want to be paid back in cash after Angel canceled the wedding. The beating was only to emphasize the he is serious. Angel laments that he has no proof that Silvano had him beaten so he cannot file charges with the police against him.

5. Ana Sofí makes a video, with the help of Mirna telling her fans that anything that Julia Miranda sells is pirated and of the worst quality ever!! So many of her customers complain. Even worse is that she is a married woman who messes around with men who are engaged. Ana Sofí "cries" as she tells her fans how super aggressive and violent Julia was when she told her to stay away from her novio, her future husband . One of her assistants is looking for the video that will show them how Julia assaulted her. Ana Sofí feared for her life!!! She hopes that her fans will carry out justice so Julia doesn't go unpunished. Ana Sofí and Mirna laugh and celebrate the they see how well the video came out.

6. Gina arrives and finds out about the defamation campaign that Ana Sofí is launching against Julia. Ana Sofí says she knows that Julia was after Angel after finding some emails where clearly she was throwing herself at him.

7. Flavia is so pleased with the way the truck looks that she is ready to go to the notary and sign the agreement with Jero. When she leaves, Adair remarks how intense Flavia is. Jero tells him to take it easy because she is his business partner. Jero thanks him and also Ebe for all they did.

8. Flavia brings cake over to Celeste's. They have so much to catch up on. Flavia says if it is about Rayo, there sure is. She is like mildew, she gets into everywhere. She is now with the Miranda's. If she were still with Celeste, her marriage would be long over. Celeste changes the topic to Flavia's business. She says Braulio says that the food truck was vandalized by some juvenile delinquents. Flavia knows who did it: Rayo and that gang that hangs out together. The police did nothing. Flavia is determined to to catch them herself.

9. Through small talk with Braulio, Ester finds out that he has worked at the company for more that 15 years and that is why the family has such trust in him.

Vencer Part 2

10. Celeste asks Flavia why she seems to have so much against Rayo. Flavia says she doesn't but Rayo has the worst choice in friends. Everyday she sees her stuck like glue to those juvenile delinquents. Flavia says that is why the authorities should take care of her. Celeste says now Rayo thinks that her father could be Julia's husband. That would not surprise Flavia one bit!!!

11. Rayo helps Julia make her deliveries. Julia is trying to talk her to going back to school. They run into Mati. Rayo introduces Mati to Julia. Julia makes a call to Chepina in earshot of the girls telling her that Angel is looking for somebody to stay with his father. Could she call Carlota and see if she would want to work with them. Mati and Rayo overhear the call. Mati says that her cousin is looking for a job and maybe she would be interested. Julia takes her "cousin's" number.

12. Luisa tells Mirna they need to find somebody soon. She will be gone by the end of the month. Mirna cannot talk her into anything longer. Armando says Homero wants him to come on full time but he cannot do it. Mirna tries to give him the brush off and he asks her why she is treating him like she is. She plays stupid. She gets a text from Sergio and is all smiles.

13. Adair joins Jero, Ester and Claudia for supper. Jero's food is delicious and Adair wants to learn how to cook like his dad because that is how he caught Ester. They all laugh as Claudia says that Jero's cooking can put a smile on Ester's face when nothing else can. Surprise! Surprise! Claudia's medical appointment is no longer tomorrow but is now on another day. Ester wishes she had known because she got time off to go with her. Claudia insists she isn't lying. Ester knows she isn't. She just was trying to be nice and go with her. Claudia insists she can go on her own. Ester says she needs to get Rayo's schooling set up. Claudia doesn't think that she or her friends should get involved.

14. Lenar is perturbed that Adair spent all day with his father. Ebe thinks it is probably because Adair is spending time with their future step-mother. Lenar says no. Well, Ebe cannot see anything wrong with it. Lenar says the problem is that Adair should have been working with her at the laundry. Donato agrees with Ebe. Lenar doesn't care what he thinks.

15. Julia texts Angel and asks if she can see him at his office very early tomorrow.

16. Gina is whining and apologizing to Ariel who is angry at her because of what she did. He says it is great she found her dream job but she had no business standing him up. He agrees to give her one more chance. Erik arrives and wants to talk to her about what is going on. He gets a call from Fabiola. He says he isn't answering. Gina cannot be bothered and leaves. (Erik cannot be that stupid)

17. Sergio calls Mirna. He is in the neighborhood and wants to meet her at a nearby cafe. She checks on Homero to make sure he is asleep and accepts the invitation.

18. Flavia and Teo argue. She cannot see why Max prefers to be alone than with them but you never know with men. Teo asks her to stop the bad vibes. Maybe his father left because she cannot let him in peace. Teo wants to take his plate to the kitchen. Flavia will not allow it because IT IS WOMEN's WORK. (Really??) He should know better. She hopes that when he grows up he doesn't end up with one of those liberal women who do not know how to take care of their husbands as they should.


19 Teo texts Rayo and says he saw the DNA tests at the drugstore. He has money in his savings to buy one.

19. Adair walks around his father's apartment and ends up in Iván's room (the door was wide open) Ester finds him and he apologizes. She says no need. Her son decorated the room himself. Jero comes in and starts to scold Adair. Ester stops him. She is not upset. She looks in her son's closet and finds a t-shirt that is new that he might like. Adair is so excited and pleased. Jero knows how much that means to Ester and thanks her from the bottom of his heart. Ester is all smiles.

20. Braulio is still explaining the books to Angel and shows him a group of per diem payments that are tied directly to Misael. Angel asks why they weren't caught. Braulio says because Misael answered directly to Homero. Angel knows that Misael was Julia's husband. How did he get the job? Braulio says it was through his own wife and it was a big mistake on his part. Angel says there was no way for him to know. Braulio thought that Misael and Julia seemed like decent people to him. Now he is sure that neither of them is. Angel sees the message from Julia.

21. Mirna is out with Sergio who is laying on thick and dazzling her. He is quite knowledgeable about the history of coffee and Blue Mountain coffee in particular. Armando is at the same cafe spying them.

22. Ester goes to visit Celeste. She wants to get Rayo's school documents together so they can enroll her in school. She asks Celeste if Braulio was hired at Funes when Margarita was already working there. Celeste says that is how she met Brauliio. Ester finds it odd that neither she or Margarita ever told any other them about that. Both of them have had their secrets. Celeste looks nervous as Ester goes to look over the documents.

23. Teo texts Rayo that he is in the process of getting his father's hair from his brush. It looks like he finds what he wants.

24. Lenar is complaining to Jero about keeping Adair away from his job at the laundry. Jero apologizes to Lenar. Both boys say they will gladly help him whenever. Jero and the boys are happy that they all can work on the food truck. Lenar says no way. Adair is a minor and Ebe needs to focus on his studies. Jero doesn't understand her. He leaves and THEN she seems to be happy that Jero did a good job on the food truck with the boys. Finding out that Ester gave Adair the t-shirt ruins the moment for her.

25. Homero is going through a good time in spite of his condition. He feels so so good that he thinks he might be able to recuperate. Angel spoils his moment by reminding him that like it or not the doctor says his disease will keep progressing. Mirna cannot be bothered. She is on her phone. Luisa tells them that there is a girl that Julia is sending as a possibility to take her place. Mirna does not like what she is hearing. Angel says if she doesn't like it, find somebody else herself because Luisa is going soon. Homero apologizes again but Luisa tells him the decision has been made. She is leaving.

27. Mati is texting Rayo "mission accomplished". They are going to interview her for the job!! Rayo says she thought the job was for her cousin. Mati says obviously not. If the old man lives alone, it will a good choice for them if she knows what she means. Rayo says good for her. The Miranda's have been good to her and she has a chance to go back to school. Mati thanks she's such a bore. At least come with her to check it out.

28. As they are settling down to go to sleep, Ester asks Jero if he needs another blanket. No, he doesn't but wants to apologizes


about Adair getting into Iván's room. Ester is not upset. Adair is so nice. She liked talking to him. He thanks her for the t-shirt. She was happy to give it to him since Iván loved to share what he had. Jero expresses his wish that little by little she will be able to deal with Iván's absence and find peace. She cannot see that happening anytime soon. She is angry over the way he died.Then it bothers her that Margarita might have had something to do with him. She wonders what joined Iván, Margarita, Misael and the missing money all together. It is so strange and hard to understand.

29. Angel prefers to visit Julia instead of meeting her at his office because of his schedule. Danny is happy to see him. Danny wants to know if he can take him to school. Angel tells him that was the idea. They take him to school . Danny asks him to go to the festival with him. Angel agrees.

30. Julia asks Angel to be honest and tell her where exactly the money that Misael had came from. He agrees to tell her but somewhere else.

31. Rayo and Teo go to the drugstore and buy the DNA test. Teo says he feels like he is in a spy movie as he hides the test in his backpack. Teo goes in one direction while Rayo and Mati go in another. Teo has no idea that his mother is following him.

32. At the park, Angel explains to Julia that the money came from a loan shark. He said nothing before because it was confidential company info and a very serious mistake on his father's part. Angel finds it necessary to ask her one question directly because of the strange way she came into the money that she gave him. Is she her husband's accomplice??? She swears on her son's life she is not Misael's accomplice. He says he already knew but felt like he had to ask. They both are smiling.

33. Flavia attacks and demands to know what Teo bought at the drugstore. She thinks he bought a pregnancy test but finds the DNA test instead. She demands to know what it is for.

34. Dressed for the part, Mati shows up at Homero's house to interview for the job. She apologizes to Luisa for having to bring her little sister (Rayo) along. Luisa wants to know how old she is before anything else.

35. Braulio is up late because he was so late at the office the night before.. He asks Celeste if she is upset about that or is something else bothering her. She says she has just been thinking about so many things. She smiles and talks about remembering how they met. He remembers it perfectly. She was lost, didn't know where she was and didn't even know how to take the metro. They both laugh. He knew then that she was the love of his life. He kisses her. She adds that he was so kind and such a gentleman and he had just started working at Funes Trucking. He agrees. So much time has gone by! He grabs her and hugs her. She is still thinking . . .



36. Julia is waiting for her customer to pick up her order in the park. She calls her customer to see where she is. The customer says she is not coming and that she is cancelling her order. Julia says she will have to pay her because she ordered the items for her. The woman laughs. She wouldn't pay for that trash. Julia doesn't know where she got that idea. Everything that she sells is quality merchandise. The customer says she has also heard that she steals novios and is a married woman herself. Julia asks where she ever got that idea. The customer asks if she hasn't seen the video of her and Ana Sofí. It is all over the social networks. Julia find the video for herself.

37. Flavia invades Max's workplace interrupting a meeting demanding that he speak to her. She asks him if he dared to have a romance with Margarita: yes or no? Mortified, he asks where she go that idea from. She shows him the DNA test. Now, does he know what she is talking about?

38. Celeste tells Braulio he always has enthusiastically talked about his work but never has talked about his workmates male or female. She tells him everything about her life and about how long she knew Margarita. Does he remember when she introduced him to her? He does. Her question then is: why didn't he tell her that he already knew Margarita from Funes Trucking
from BEFORE?39. Braulio has gone pale as he remembers seven years earlier talking to Margarita. Margarita says it is always the same excuse. She has been waiting for him for years to talk without him saying a single word. He asks what does she expect?? Tell his wife something that would hurt her so much? Why does she keep insisting that she find out? What would she gain by hurting Celeste? Margarita just shook her head.

40. Celeste asks him if he is going to tell her or not.

Braulio wraps the episode up with: "And if men keep being more suspicious than women, life teaches us that questions and doubts are not a matter of gender. "

Please feel free to add anything I omitted. This episode was jam-packed.

CAMINO Ep 22 Part 1

Falso storms into the house berating Dani for allowing Isa to spend time with "those people!" Dani reminds him that the important thing is that their daughter is okay. She goes to see Isa and asks what is happening with her. Isa assures her that she only wanted to go see Chema...being locked up in this house is sooo boring! Isa promises never to scare her again.

When Ursula and Memo get back to his place, Ursula asks what he was going to tell her, but Memo prefers to wait for the next day...and he isn't sure she will understand/ Ursula also has something to tell him but she needs to confirm it first...but she can tell him that it is something that makes her very hopeful.

Dani goes downstairs and suggests to Falso that if they won't adopt another child then they should allow Isa to spend more time with Chema..even invite him over to play with her. Falso however will not have it They have nothing to do with "those people!" When Dani insists, Falso wonders what is going on....since when are those common folk their best friends. Dani doesn't care what hey do for a living; the important thing is that they are good-hearted people...and they are very affectionate with their daughter. Falso thinks that Dani has changes ever since she met that trucker--now she likes the ordinary food, "nacos" as her daughters friends, and before she preferred friends at their status. When Dani argues that they are just good people, Falso questions if that is what Memo is to her...or is there something else? After he asks why she always calls Memo when something happens, Dani retorts that if he had time for his daughter and her...and if he would answer his phone, she wouldn't have to be calling anyone else! Falso thinks thatt there is more to it and asks if she likes Memo.

Mac notices that Amparo is not happy. She admits tha she was bothered by his comment that she doesn't care about her family. Mac continues his little sing-song that the family will benefit more if they sell the property.

Dani can't believe that Falso would ask such a question. Falso doesn't like her relationship with is not healthy Their relationship shouldbe one of employer-employee. Falso insists that Memo is taking advantage...he is an opportunist! When Dani reminds him that she only asked to allow Chema to come play with Usa, Falso refuses to allow it...there is not reason to bring those common folk to their house...they have enough with her assistant! After Falso stroms off, Dani thinks that things are getting out of hand.

Ursula goes to Mac and tells him she needs money. She explains her plan to pay the doctor to give her what she needs to convince Memo that she is pregnant. Mac reminds her that he won't see any money until Amparo decides to sell...and he is going to go play nice with Amparo because there is not woman that won't cave to a loving man.

Dani recalls Falso's word and prays tha Memo be taken out of her heart.

Gaby chides Lupita for telling Sebas Mau doesn't exist! Lupita doesn't like to lie...she gets nervous. Gaby tells Lupita that she will no longer help her!

JuanPa asks Sebas why he doesn't call Lupita. Sebas thinks that acting indifferent will only reel in a woman. When JuanPa tells him that Lupita is worth gold, Sebas ignores him and wants to go to a bar. When Juanpa turns down his invite to go with him, Sebas tels him that he and the girl that drives him crazy are boring, Juanpa smiles because he knows Sebas is falling in love. After Sebas asks JuanPa to get Gaby to help him out, JuanPa tells him to ask her him self. Juanpa then tells Sebas that Gaby is working at the company.


CAMINO Ep 22 Part 2

Good grief, Amparo brings Mac breakfast in bed! Mac tells her that he needs to hurry because he has things to do...with her father. Amparo has been thinking that Mac is right--they should spend more time together. Mac tells her that is why they need the he has no choice but to go work.

Dani calls Memo and tells him not to come in to work...she will call him when she needs him, Memo hangs up dismayed and tell Leo that Dani is avoiding him. Leo tells him that it was unavoidable...the woman is married and has doesn't do her good to have hem near her. When Leo insists that Memo has to tell Dani the truth, Memo makes excuses....and scratches his neck.

Dani is confiding in Karen again! She tells Karen that all she needs to do is keep away from Memo for a while. Karen insists that Dai should not deny the obvious...she is completely in love with Memo. Dain explains that Memo is just a fantasy...just like when they were in their younger. Karen continues to insist that Memo is not unreachable, but Dai reminds that she is married and has a family to take care of...she will not let her hair down and follow her feelings without considering the consequences. Dani feels bad that she could betray her family. Karen then tells her that if her feelings for Memo are not that special, then she should call Memo...if she doesn't care for him.

Falso arrives at work and mentions to Gaby his offer to her mother. He dangles a carrot--anyone who helps him get a business will get a commission. If she convinces her mother to sell, she could get a lot of money. Gaby tells him that her other is the "boss" and Gaby's opinion is at the bottom of the totem pole. She can talk to her mother but she can't make promises.

Dani cries that that this is very difficult for her because she always thought that Falso was the man of her life, but he has given so many reasons...(she can't finish her thought). Karen tells her that relationships change. They continue to talk and mention how Dani lost her baby and Falso brought her Isa. Karen points out how Dani's plans changed when she accepted Isa...and just like that she can also accept Memo. Dani cries that she cannot stand lies and betrayal and she never thought she could be disloyal....but her feeling for Memo are very strong and she doesn't know how to handle it. Karen insists that Dani should not deny her feelings...she she needs to admit that her marriage is not working. Dani knows that things with Falso are not like before...but Falso is her husband, they have a child and she needs to respect her family.

Sebas tries to talk Gaby into helping him...and promises to make Lupita happy. Gaby refuses to help; it is vey hard to believe him...he and Lupita are like water and oil. Sebas asks her to at least think about it.

Karen continues to try to convince Dani to follow her heart...she is going to miss Memo more every day. Dani doesn't have to be loyal to Falso, she needs to be loyal to her heart.

Dani calls Memo and asks that they meet at a cafeteria.

CAMINO Ep 22 Part 3

Eugenio goes to visit Amparo. He regrets that her restaurant was closed, but he dos admire her positive attitude...and resilience. He brought her a surprise...the photos from the photo shoot; and he wants her to pick one for her book. Amparo thanks him for bringing a bit of happiness.

Mac at the races....and is a LOSER!! A man tries to talk him into betting some more, so Mac goes home for more money since he has no more money with him.

Ursula tells Cesar that she needs money...quick! After she mentions that she talked to the guy who is still interested in Dani's vehicle, Cesar wants to remember the good times.

Dani and Memo meet. She tells him that it has been very important to her that she met him. She learned that she could trust him. He helped her see life in a different enjoy the moments because he makes things seem fun and easy. Her daughter adores him thought she hardly knows him. After Memo tells her that Isa makes him very happy, Dani tell shim that she knows she won't find another assistant like him and her decision may seem unfair, but this is best for both of she hands him a severance check...because they can't work together anymore! Memo pleads that she not do this, but Dani is very sorry...this was not an easy decision. Memo apologizes for what happened and promises it won't happen again. Dani cries that it doesn't for her good to be close to him...he needs to focus on his life and his wedding...and she will fight for her marriage, her daughter and her family. Memo cries that this job means much more to him, but Dani insists that he take the check.

Amparo is having a hard time choosing a photo; seeing the phots makes her emotional; her mother would have loved to see the restaurant as it is shown in the pictures...not like it is now. Eugenio urges her to do all she can to avoid selling the restaurant. He shares that his wife believed that it is best to be sure than to have regrets. After he holds her hand and tells her to have faith, Eugenio quickly gets up...(awkward moment!). Amparo assures him that his words mean a lot to her.

Memo tries to convince Dani to let him keep his job...he needs to be close to Isabela. Dani asks that he not use her daughter as an excuse; he knows that this is for the best...for her daughter too. He needs to move on with his life...and allow her to live her life too. After Memo refuses to take the check, Dani thanks him and leaves.


And we will have to wait until TUESDAY to find out what Memo will do!


Just the facts--no sides! Lots of dialogue and I was typing as fast as I could. Excuse the typos and feel free to add any details I missed.

Have a terrific week-end!!


Rgv Chick, you prepared a full literary feast for the eyes, mind and heart.

“Dani recalls Falso's word and prays that Memo be taken out of her heart” formed a lump in my throat.

Fausto puts his prejudice and elitism on full display, slinging accusatory arrows at Daniela that she: …”likes the ordinary food, "nacos" as her daughters friends…” The horror! He proves the adage that there is no defense like a good offense.

Daniela and Memo share empathy and sympathy and a remarkable synergy. In their “farewell” scene you could see and then feel the joyful light in Memo’s eyes shine brightly, then dim a bit more with each word Daniela uttered until it was extinguished. To be fair, while Memo does love her, it is the loss of seeing his daughter that is especially shattering his heart. I cringed a bit when I read Dani told him “Her daughter adores him though she hardly knows him”. Oh dear. If there was any time, he should have told Daniela the truth, it was tonight. But, then what would they agonize about for the next several dozen episodes?

Try as she might, and man did she try, Karen was unable to stoke the flames to make Dani leave Fausto for Memo.

“Good grief, Amparo brings Mac breakfast in bed!” made me laugh out loud. Thank heavens we only saw a few brief shots of him trying to eat with the food hanging six inches out of his mouth. I wasn’t surprised to see him at a cock fight either. Guess PETA still has much work to do. So Macario “is going to go play nice with Amparo because there is not woman that won't cave to a loving man”. My stomach roils.

The Amparo/Eugenio scene had very sexy background music and the chemistry was pretty hot! It seemed Eugenio left before he said or did anything he would regret but I’m happy they are heading in the right direction.

“Gaby tells Lupita that she will no longer help her!” And for that, I am grateful. Lupita will be fine on her own.

Wonderful Rgv Chick. Thank you!



Just superb Jarifa. I savored every word of your saucy and sublime summary where almost every scene was pivotal. I loved “this thing will never end edition”.

The many mysteries continue to tease us, surprise us, and mystify us. Some truths remain elusive, others have many clues on the periphery, waiting to be dissected. Timelines remain critical and through sleuthing, Braulio and Margarita’s relationship has been unearthed. It seems one mystery has been solved but I count on nothing until we hear Braulio’s answer.

Except for gifting Celeste with cake, somewhat/mostly villainous Flavia bared her fangs and spewed poison. “Flavia says if it is about Rayo, there sure is. She is like mildew, she gets into everywhere” was vicious, especially coming from a mother. I understand little of bad tempered Flav, but admit I was shocked to read “Flavia will not allow it because IT IS WOMEN's WORK. (Really??)” which I also found astounding Jarifa. I’m stymied. And pulling the screaming banshee act at Maximo’s office proves Flavia has had a very, very bad day.

“Donato agrees with Ebe. Lenar doesn't care what he thinks” also had me shaking my head. Lenar didn’t want Jero, now she has to live with the decision. She better be careful or Donato might not want to live with his.

Ester is at her best with Adair. Perhaps he reminds her a bit of Ivan but whatever it is, Jeronimo’s boys make her smile and for that I am pleased.

Julia needs to try and salvage her reputation and Angel needs to cut all ties with Ana Sofi. Angel needs help with Homero and Mati is NOT the answer.

Sergio is not at all appealing and I’m wondering how quickly we will see what he really wants from Mirna.

Jarifa, marvelous. Thank you!



Thank you Rgv Chick for type type typing away to bring us this fantastic recap! I watch distracted and then you tell me what I missed, we are an awesome team!! :)

Sebas sure is working hard to get a girl he tells himself he doesn't care about. We know it's bravado and he really is falling hard, but I wonder if he actually knows too and is just unwilling to admit it; or if he actually believes his lies... I'm sure there are some players somewhere that work that hard just to 'win' but they are probably playing with other girls too along the way and we haven't seen Sebas so much as look at another girl since Lupita captured his eye.

Karen seemed so genuine when she was encouraging Dani to do what's best for her that I had to keep reminding myself that Karen is only interested in what's best for Karen! It would have been good advice if it was disinterested and sincere.

Eugenio and Amparo = good honest adult community where the waters might be murky because of the unspoken attraction but there's still integrity because they both are good people treating each other with respect. It's refreshing to see amongst all the lying, secrets, plots and planning of the others. Even Dani and Memo have an element of shadiness in their relationship because of the big elephant secret between them.

The look on Memo's face when Dani suggested meeting for coffee said he at least suspected what was on her mind. He looked like he was dreading it. That whole conversation was hard to watch specifically because it's lopsided and unfair. Dani is understandably focused on the feelings between her and Memo and doing the right thing while she doesn't even know there's a whole another element of Isa involved in the equation. It's definitely time to tell her IMO. Diana, they can spend the next several dozen episodes dealing with the hurdle of Dani learning to trust Memo again after she decides everything up to this point as been a lie and Memo is only trying to manipulate her to get to Isa. Heck, she could even believe he was trying to woo her as a means to get his daughter! To me, that would be preferable to them continuing to build an emotional connection without Dani being aware of Memo being Isa's dad.

Once again it struck me that Memo's interest in Isa would be very inappropriate from the perspective of someone who didn't know Isa was his daughter. I'm surprised Dani shows not even a moment of hesitation with that. Though having her dismiss it as an excuse to be near her makes a certain sort of sense.

I'm looking forward to Tuesday and hoping for more cuteness and laughs and less of Falso ranting and raging - dude we don't care!


Thanks, Jarifa, for another great recap of another episode that gives us just enough information to have us thinking we’ve solved something!

Flavia has always been abrasive but last night was the worst for her. First accusing Rayo of being a juvenile delinquent to Celeste, then following Teo and her accusation, but they very worst was storming into a meeting and accusing Max. How embarrassing for Max. Flavia should really end up alone when this is over.

Very strange that Braulio knew Margarita but pretended they were meeting for the first time. But it seems like, in the flashback phone conversation, whoever Margarita was talking to would have been Rayo’s father. So he knows he’s the dad but is not stepping forward. although “we have to tell her” could mean anything.

Ester seems to have her softer moments now. I hope they continue and increase.

Poor Julia, well I did think Ana Sophia would try to hurt her business. I hope Gina can somehow help her out.

Mirna acts like a 12 year old when she gets phone calls from Sergio. Anxious to see what he’s after!



Thanks, Rgv Chick, so appreciate your daily recaps.

I thought the scenes of Dani and Memo, and also Amparo and Eugenio, really touching and sad. Although I’m sure they’ll both end up as couples, I’m anxious to see how they go about it. Three of them have to dump a partner!

Memo did have the perfect opportunity to tell the truth to Dani. The longer he waits the worse it will be. Darcy, you are so right, it’s going to be very difficult for Dani to trust Memo when she learns the truth.

So Ursula and Cesar might try to get Dani’s car again. I guess it’s too early in the series for her to get caught.

I hope Gaby doesn’t try to sway her mom into selling. Fausto is really lacking any good characteristics. I am surprised he’s seemed to put Karen out of his life. I’m sure it won’t last!



THANK YOU to everyone who has commented. I've enjoyed your thoguts and will be back later to respond...too much to do!


Jarifa, thank you thank you ! For every morsel of your tasty recap.

It surely seems as though Braulio is Rayo's fa.ther after the flashback of that conversation between Braulio and Margarita . Celeste seems to be thinking back and starting to put the puzzle pieces together concerning her husband, Margarita , and Rayo. Braulio is a cad , and Celeste appears to be on the brink of finding that out .

Yikes...Why is Mati worming her way into "taking care" of Homero ??? What is her real story? All she does is loiter around the school job. She is obsessed with molding Rayo into her mini me .

Ester and Jer's son seem good for each other. It was sweet of her to give him Ivan's teeshirt .

Flavia is getting worse as both Max and Teo are no longer letting her run their lives . She is obsessed with bad mouthing a 15 year old girl who lost her mother and doesn't know who her father is. I hope Celeste opens her eyes and finally sees who friend Flavia really is .


Chickie, thank you for providing every detail as the wicked continue to scheme to have their way at the expense of the good folks.

How did Amparo ever end up with skeezy good-for- nothing Macario?

As always , we see the fight between good and evil played out on our screens.


I have a few more minutes (just finished responding to comments on the "Coming" page).

Diana, watcing Dani pray that Memo be taken out of her heart and struggling with the thought of disrespecting her family broke my heart too. But how realistic is she being...can a person really take someone they love out of their hearts...I don't think so. Dani is willing to continue with a worthless marriage and live a miserable life and for what?? She needs to realize that Isa is very perceptive and will also suffer. Yes, I know...preaching to the choir!

Darcy, Eugenio and Amparo = good honest adult community where the waters might be murky because of the unspoken attraction but there's still integrity because they both are good people treating each other with respect. Wow! Impressive and insightful! I'm really enjoying the bit of happiness Amparo is getting via Eugenio. I hope it turns into eternal true love...something that Amparo will never get from Mac the Rat.

Liz, I don't think Gaby will try very hard to convince her mother to sell...even she doesn't think Amparo will listen to her!

Susanlynn, "How did Amparo ever end up with skeezy good-for- nothing Macario?" The milion dollar question!! Talk about "love is blind!" But I sometimes wonder if Amparo still loves Mac; there have been instances when even she is doubting that she loves him and she is only staying with him "to keep the family together." When are these people going to realize the harm they are causing thier families by staying in a toxic marriage! That toxicity is being filtered to their children.


Diana, yes, Sergio is very odd. I hope we discover what his scheme is soon. He seems to be too goofy to have been sent by Santino but who knows? Finally, Celeste has caught Braulio in an evasion of the truth. Maybe it will wake her up.

Liz, ITA that Flavia was at her very worst barging into Max’s business meeting. If he had any doubts about getting a divorce, that act alone should seal the deal. I keep worrying she is going to try to sweet talk Jero and get him on her side against Ester and break up their fake relationship somehow. Jero doesn’t know the histories of all these relationship, and IMHO has been too quick to give them all the benefit of the doubt which makes him gullible.

Susanlynn, we know that Mati lives with her father and she has nice clothes but he evidently is not up to actually supervising what she does. It would be interesting to find out more of her backstory. I cannot wait to see her hired and how she deals with Mirna in particular. Ester and Adair were so cute together. It was the first sign I have seen of Ester doing a bit better.


"When are these people going to realize the harm they are causing thier families by staying in a toxic marriage! That toxicity is being filtered to their children".

Words of wisdom Rgv Chick. Trying to submerge festering anger and resentment grows increasingly impossible over time. Children are extremely perceptive, often, little is truly hidden from them. Good parenting often means walking away from a terrible marriage for the sake of the children rather than trying to stay which hurts everyone.



Jarifa, "...we know that Mati lives with her father and she has nice clothes but he evidently is not up to actually supervising what she does".

Color me surprised. And embarrassed. I don't think I did know that...

Thank you for always providing all the important details. I readily admit I often find it hard to keep up and keep track...You are doing an amazing job with this.



Thanks, Jarifa. Super coverage of this jam-packed episode.

I was surprised that Braulio had the quotation honors. I think that's the first time I've heard a villain give the opening quotation, which is normally thoughtful. In this case, it sounded like Braulio was staging an excuse for himself, saying men are not always the one's at fault. I predict, a "Margarita made me do it" excuse when the truth, whatever it is, comes out.

Oh-no, Mati will care for Homero. She'll rob that house blind.

Nice to see Jero and his sons have mended fences.

I'm guessing Mirna's new beau is looking for $$$. If Mirna wasn't such a self-centered pain, I'd feel bad that every man she's met has an ulterior motive.

Gina, you better step up and help your sister with Ana Sofia.


Gracias, Rgv Chick. I missed watching the Dani-Memo and Amparo-Eugenio convos, but you brought them to life splendidly. So glad though that I missed Amparo giving that rat Macario breakfast in bed. ;>

When Dani considers leaving Fausto, she's got to admit she wouldn't miss him and, sadly, Isa wouldn't miss him much either, especially if Memo is around.

On the other hand, Amparo doesn't seem miserable with Macario, maybe because she's been busy running a business, raising three kids, and being the matriarch of her clan. Once Amparo realizes how rotten Macario is, I'm guessing it will be tough for her to dump him because the kids love him.


I have a hard time keeping up with the details, too, in these novelas when the info on lesser characters is usually mentioned once and lotsa’ of luck. Mati’s parents are divorced.

Niecie, the “Margarita made me do it.” excuse would be so in keeping with that rat Braulio.


I agree. I am sure that Smarmy Braulio will whine that Margarita seduced him.

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