Monday, April 03, 2023

Daytime TNs....Y Mas (#1), Week of April 3, 2023


Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page has been reinstated to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.


8-10 AM: Rebelde (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Nina amada mia (Unimas)

11-12 PM: Ringo (Univision)

12-2 PM: Soy Tu Duena (Unimas)

2-3 PM: Corazon Guerrero (Univison)

3-5 PM: Enamorandome de Ramon (Unimas)

5-6 PM: La Fea Mas Bella (Unimas)

6-7 PM: Tres Veces Ana (Unimas)  Monday

6-7 PM: Simplemente Maria (Unimas) Starting Weds


This page can also be used as a forum to keep in touch, discuss strolls down the Caray! Caray! memory lane, or anything else that is of interest to the patio.

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Corazon Guerrero – Capitulo 82 – Part 1 of 4

Sam turns things around and wins the wrestling match with imaginary Domi as his encouragement. He then gets his prize from Briana, a big kiss!! Doesn’t sound like much of a reward to me but he seemed to enjoy it!

Next day, Sam tries to encourage Damian to reconcile with Domi because she loves him and even if she’s mad at him she wants to be with him. Damian says he can’t. Domenica sent him to hell and even if he’d love to get her back the situation is too volatile at the moment. Jesus is living and working in that house, what would happen if Augi found out Damian was messing with Domi? Or if he found out they were working against Augi? Augi would kill Jesus, Sam replies! Exactly, Damian agrees, we have to be careful.

Domi and Mica discuss whether or not Vicky will return. Mica says she doesn’t know anything because Loopy doesn’t tell her, but she doesn’t care. If Loopy doesn’t like her galan, she doesn’t like her! Mica only worries about Mariluz and Domi starts to tell Mica that Mari found Lisardo and they’ve been chatting nonstop, Mari’s doing better but Carloca walks in and Domi clams up.

Emma talks in her support group but she doesn’t say much except she’s an alcoholic and started drinking due to peer pressure and later continued due to Mommy’s maltreatment. A guy named Sebas speaks next and takes the opportunity to promote his martial art school! LOL He thinks getting involved in something could distract them from their urge to drink. Em remembers getting her phone stolen and says she’s interested in learning more about martial arts. Sebas gives her a flyer and looks like he’s interested in learning more about Emma.

Adrian goes to visit Belen and Sergio and brings some stuff for their apartment! Sergio is grateful but Belen refuses to accept! She has her pride after all…I don’t really get it, it’s not like Adrian is a rich guy giving them charity, they are about equally economically. Belen kicks Adrian and his stuff out of the apartment and says he can only return empty handed.

Sam is preparing to leave for the airport and is only saying goodbye to Damian, not even Valero who he leaves an envelope for with Damian. Damian wants Sam to wait for Jesus and Valero and everyone but Sam says Briana is on the way to pick him up. Damian tries again saying they can all go together, but Sam doesn’t want them there. He’s afraid he will start crying and he doesn’t want that… Sam does start crying, just in time for Domi to come by and demand to know if it’s true that he’s leaving with Briana. Sam tries to hide his tears and doesn’t answer at first. Domi tries to talk Sam out of going and tells Damian to talk him out of it. Damian says Sam is a big boy and can make his own decisions, he knows what he’s doing. Domi says he doesn’t know. Briana is using him; she’ll play with him until she gets bored and then she’ll leave him stranded somewhere! Domi knows her! Please, Domi pleads, I don’t want you to get hurt. Sam tells her he won’t get hurt, he’s a big boy and he knows how to take care of himself. Damian looks a little jealous but says nothing. Sam leaves, Damian shrugs, Domi stomps off.

The attorney tells Vicky her chances of getting the inheritance back without the papers are basically zero and leaves. Loopy brings Vicky some tea which she immediately tries to gulp for some stupid reason and she burns her mouth before Loopy can warn her that it is hot.

Carloca steals Jesus’s computer from his backpack before he has a chance to leave with it. She then distracts Jesus with the news that Sam is leaving NOW, to get him to run out of the house without noticing the missing computer. After he leaves, she sits down to open the laptop. She is sure he’s chatting with Mariluz and she’s going to prove it!


Corazon Guerrero – Capitulo 82 – Part 2 of 4

Mari is staring dreamily at her own computer screen when Villa arrives, he startles her and says a bunch of stuff about who knows what, Mari claims she was just talking to a friend but Villa knows all about Lisardo and he advises that no love is like a first love. He encourages her not to give up or something like that.

Belen is a horrible waitress and she gets fired in three seconds flat. Sergio tires to stick up for her and gets fired too! He calls Belen his sister, but I’m not sure if he meant it literally or not, they kind of look alike, are they siblings?

Rod meets up with Emma in the hallway and tries to sexually harass her! It’s pretty clear what was going on but Rod spins some BS to the teacher who interrupted them and Emma ends up getting a lecture about her alcoholism instead of protection from Rod. The teacher walks away and Rod warns Emma, she owes him and she’s his. Besides, it’ll be good for her, her reputation is in the toilet.

Fede breaks into the briefcase and now has access to Augi’s secrets…

Jesus demands to know why Damian let Sam leave without saying goodbye but Damian said that’s how Sam wanted it and he understood him. Jesus says he understands but he’s sad too. Sam is his brother and he doesn’t know when he will see him again, why did Damian just let him leave? (I swear they act like he’s off to war or leaving for good instead of going on vacation)

Sam and Bri are awaiting their taxi and talking about their first stop. The beach!!! Bri loves the beach when she needs to relax and Sam of course has never been there. Briana assures him they will have a fantastic time!

Fede bursts into the Augi mansion demanding an audience! Augi may have stolen more than just Vicky’s inheritance because it seems Fede has found paperwork giving the patronage of his father over to Augi and Fede demands to know why! Augi wants to know where Fede got this information but he doesn’t tell him. Domi is in the room too and she’s sticking up for her cousin but Augi isn’t explaining himself to anyone. Domi points out that first daddy got mommy’s money, and now this? She wants an explanation. Augi gets a call and he takes it of course, earning Domi’s ire for putting the phone call in front of them. Augi is unphased however, it’s Saul asking for orders. Domi and Fede start to leave the office but don’t make it far enough and Domi storms back in when she clearly hears dad saying he wants Saul to ‘kill them both’! Domi is horrified but Augi thinks fast and convinces her he was talking about some horses at the Finca that need to be put down. Of course, he’s talking about horses, who does Domi think he is??? Domi is semi-placated and leaves but Fede knows better and asks if it’s about Briana. Augi admits it is and surprising gives Fede the details about Bri’s betrayal and his planned attack. Fede now knows Augi intends to kill Briana and her new lover; Augi has no idea who Bri’s new man is but Fede does and he doesn’t tell Augi. Augi orders Fede out of his house again, he’s a traitor!

Patricio calls Augi and Augi assures him that both he and Vicky will be at the meeting he’s set up for tomorrow.

Conchita mocks Vicky (I love her for that) and Vicky starts going off on both Lupe and Conchita but the devil arrives interrupting the love fest. It’s amazing to me that Conchita is a good judge of everyone else’s character and so blind to her beloved Augi (who she knows broke her daughter’s heart) but she gushes non-stop at Augi’s arrival, while Loopy and Vicky look on uncomfortably.

Loca finds nothing at first but she isn’t fooled. She’s sure Mari is up to something and wants to steal Jesus from her. Where are the chats?? Just when she may have given up an email alerts that there’s a message from Mariluz Garcia, but it’s for a Lisardo?


Corazon Guerrero – Capitulo 82 – Part 3 of 4

Vicky wants to talk about divorce and getting her money back but Augi came ready to seduce. Vicky says $10M is a joke and Augi pretends he missed Vicky in his bed! Vicky gives it the ol’ college try and even calls Augi a sociopath but his seduction, kisses, and agreement to double the $10M to $20M win in the end and she agrees to return. She accepts even after Augi assures her that he WILL have other women, but she will be the only important one. Loopy overhears some of this and is affected hearing Augi say Vicky is the only woman he wants to spend his life with.

Fede goes to see Jesus and Jesus doesn’t want to hear anything from him but Fede insists that he owes Jesus one and he came to pay up. Jesus and Damian say they don’t want anything that comes from Fede.

Vicky gets more kisses and making out until a phone call comes in and Augi is off, he will see her at home. Vicky actually tries to order Loopy to pack her bags for her as if Loopy is her servant.

The car driver takes Sam and Briana into the middle of nowhere, pretending they have car problems. Sam offers to help but the driver says no need. He gets out of the car, locks it from the outside (child locks I guess) and hits a button that releases gas; he runs to a waiting second car. Briana freaks out because she doesn’t want to die. (Darcy yells, Break the window, Sam! Break the Window!!!)

Back at the shop, Fede isn’t dissuaded, he stays and warns Jesus and Damian that he just found out that Augi is going to kill Briana and if Sam is with her, he’s going to die too! Back in the woods we see the car windows gassing over and hear Sam calling for Briana who must be unconscious. His hand is visable at the window but it doesn’t appear as if he’s trying to break the window!!! Come on Sami!

Jesus and Damian are frantic now! Damian is calling Sam and getting no answer while Jesus demands Fede tell him where is brother is over and over but Fede can’t help, because he doesn’t know! All he knows is that Augi sent someone to kill Briana and whoever she is with. Augusto…Jesus starts, but Fede fills in that Augi doesn’t know that it is Samuel that she’s with. The boys continue to try in vain to call Sam.

Sam manages to kick his door open! He doesn’t go for the window as I would have, but kicks the door itself and carries an unconscious Briana out with him.

Loopy actually went and packed Vicky’s bags!!!! WHY??? Conchita comes in with her and has a few of Vicky’s things which she literally throws at her!! YES! Vicky is back to as nasty as ever and rubbing it in Loopy’s face that she is going back to Augi’s bed and Loopy must be jealous! This harpy is still convinced Loopy wants her man and hopes this makes it clear that Augi is HER husband! Loopy says they deserve each other and they are both horrible people with no principles, integrity or any idea what love is. Loopy insists she doesn’t envy Vicky one bit! These ladies are exhausting to listen to but funny to watch. I liked Conchita trying to literally throw Vicky out and telling her she’s lucky she’s married to HER Augustino or she’d give her what she deserves! And then after Vicky is gone, Concha whispers ‘I’m going to kill her’ over and over again as Loopy shakes her head.

Jesus and Damian are driving and looking for Sam while Damian calls over and over again but he’s still getting no answer.

Domi goes to talk to Mari and they start off talking about Damian and then Augi and how disappointed and surprised they are by Augi’s dating Briana, they compare that to Jesus’s dating and marrying Carloca and Damian supposedly dating Frida the painter and conclude that it’s impossible for these men to say no to a woman! Domi wonders if there isn’t just one man out there who’s honest, transparent and wants to be with her only. Mari points out that this describes Sam! And Domi sighs and notes that Sam went off with Briana too, but she admits that the thought that she will never see him again has affected her!! It makes her feel horrible.


Corazon Guerrero – Capitulo 82 – Part 4 of 4

Sam is still trying to get Briana to wake up when he finally hears his phone ring. Damian is relieved when he finally answers! Sam tells him what happened and that he can’t wake Bri up. Damian tells him to send him his location and they’ll come to him. Sam says to hurry and Damian advises him the danger may not be over and Sam should hide until he and Jesus get there. Sam hangs up and sends the location. He pockets his phone and tries again to wake Briana; still unsuccessful he picks her up – presumably to hide. Meanwhile, Jesus and Damian get the pin from Sam and are dismayed to realize he’s no where close to them.

Carloca is convinced Mari is using the name Lisardo to try and cover her tracks but it’s obvious she’s trying to get to Jesus. She’s a hypocrite!! She’s trying to take Jesus from her!!! She just doesn’t understand that Jesus is Carloca’s!!! Let’s see now, she says, hands now on the keyboard, how am I going to answer?? Oh boy!

Fede meets up with some dude in all black who sells him a phone with blocked identification (?), now he can send some anonymous texts? Yep, Fede is thrilled and he pays the guy. Hmm… Carloca gets a text from ‘Iker’ that says ‘I want my son!’ Carloca jumps and says that’s not true! Not true! Leave me alone! This child is not yours and you won’t take him from me! Fede laughs (though he can’t see her reaction he’s just imagining it) and says he knows who is going to convince his uncle to let him return to work. His levity doesn’t last long as he gets confronted by two thugs who want their money!!! Fede doesn’t have it and he gets hit! It’s not looking good but then the no-good jackass comes up with another idea… he’s SELLING SELENA to pay off his debts!!!! What a #$@##$!!!! It’s unclear if she’s being sold into sexual slavery or if she’ll just be forced to dance for their clients but either way this is bad, bad, bad and I hope Fede’s anvil is sharp and heavy when it arrives!!!

Jesus and Damian continue their race to Sam but they aren’t the first to arrive. Sam is now in a more hidden position with a still un-wakeable Briana when a man drives up and approaches the empty car with a gun!!



Welcome back, Darcy. Thanks for the detailed recap. You didn’t miss a beat.

Things that don’t make sense: Are they using a body double for Captain Justicia? The guy in the ring seems meatier than our Samu. Also, wouldn’t a champion have to stay and defend his title? Oops! Now I’m acting like the brothers. He’s not going to war; it’s just a vacation.

Something old; something new: I was surprised to see Rod scumming up the screen. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Sebas is about to teach Emma some self defense.

Belén really needs to work on her hospitality skills. Her pride and treatment of Adrián made little sense. I thought we were going to get a PSA on how to treat the waitstaff. Instead, brother and sister (that’s a new one) got the heave ho. Maybe they are twins as they both turned 18 together and left the orphanage at the same time.

I was surprised that the you-stole-my-fortune cards are stacking against Augi. So now Adrian’s grandpa is the latest victim of Augi’s manipulations?!? And Doménica hearing about it all was another treat.

Just when you think Fede might redeem himself (alerting Jesús about Augi’s nefarious plan), he goes and supersizes his anvil by trafficking Selena. Ugh.

It was sad yet in character for Vic to be seduced by Augi’s charm and $2O M USD. Conchita stole these scenes with her feisty self. Is she capable of Murder One?!! lol

Speaking of murder, the Sam/Bri action was right out of the old Batman tv series. Had the gas been green, I would have expected the Joker or Riddler to pop out and announce the end of our dynamic duo. She still hasn’t woken up so there’s hope.

I didn’t realize that Fede knew about Iker’s baby. I knew he had the dead man’s phone so OK. Gaslighting Carloca is his new angle. This may be fun, but I’m on Team Carloca when it comes to these two.

This episode was pretty action-packed; however, it was sorely missing a few of my favorite things. Minimal Valero. Patty-Cake called Augi but was never onscreen. You seem to have gotten extended Sam & Damián dialogue. Mine was cut.

I hope we have a fun show today!!!

Happy Tuesday, Patio!!!

Guerrero. Welcome back, Darcy! Excellent recap! Hold on. Yes, O.S., I too say doesn't Sam have some responsibilities as the new lucha libre champ? From the sound of Briana's descriptions, it sounds as if the vacation is going to last a year or 2 at least. He probably shouldn't be going off on a world trip, even if it wasn't with Briana. Sebas probably has a point about distractions to combat addictions--and I can hardly wait for Emma to karate chop Rodri. But didn't she do something like that before, even without training? Hasn't Belen ever heard of housewarming gifts? I thought Villa spoke fairly clearly to Mariluz this time--for him. Vicki is right. Augi is a sociopath. So Fede is still in debt to the thugs. It's disgusting that Fede sells Selena, and yep, DArcy, I too can't wait for him to get his.

Thanks O.S.!

I definitely think that’s a body double in the Captain Justice outfit. I have thought about that since the first match! He is meetier, I think! I would be okay if the wrestling story died and he didn’t defend his title but we will see!

I didn’t know Fede knew about Iker’s baby either but yeah it must have been on the phone, I am not with Fede in anything but I think it could be interesting to watch him play with Carloca and then her take revenge when she finds out it’s him. I would rather watch the bad guys play with each other than watch them hurt innocents like Selena

I agree Conchita was fire yesterday!!! I doubt she would literally try to kill Vicky but I would watch that fight! Lol clear out the wrestling ring for the Conchita vs. MD grudge match!!!!

Thanks SpanProf! We were typing at the same time!

Villa probably was clearer with Mari, I think I just assume I won’t understand him and then don’t listen closely. I should try to turn that filter off and really listen to him and see if I understand better!

I think traveling the world to learn about things would be so awesome!!! I would love to be able to do that but definitely not with Briana! Lol

Looks like we got pre-empted by Trump being in court….at least we did here. I will recap tomorrow instead of today.


Hey all, I have a dilemma today. I don't know if everyone got the same broadcasting I did, or if maybe Guerrero did air late yesterday after the Trump drama but the episode that aired here today wasn't Capitulo 83 it was 84. I took advantage of the extra time yesterday to work ahead on my recap and I did a recap of 83 (using a copy of the Televisa broadcast to recap) but it's not what was shown today which was episode 84. I was debating whether or not to recap 84 instead but since most of us didn't see 83 and since I'd already done most of the work on it I've decided to just post the recap of ep 83 so we will know what we missed...unfortunately I don't have time to also recap episode 84 but I will be back later to comment on episode 84 but it will probably be tomorrow because I have a meeting tonight.

Corazon Guerrero – Capitulo 83 – Part 1 of 5

Back to the dude with gun going after Sami. Sam hides and then jumps the guy when he gets close. He hits and hits and hits and isn’t about to stop until Jesus and Damian arrive and Jesus convinces Sam to stop before he kills the guy. Jesus wants to know where Briana is and this distracts Sam as he points the way. The guys go off to tend to Miss Bri and the dude who Sam was beating just gets up and runs off (LOL). Viewerville pulls our beanies in close as Sam tells Jesus that Briana isn’t breathing but she is quickly revived by Jesus via CPR (That’s how many minutes without oxygen and possibly a heartbeat before Jesus showed up?) Bri awakes ready to continue her vacation. She doesn’t want to go to the hospital after hearing that Augi tried to kill her. She feels she’ll be safer far, far away but under the circumstances it’s probably best she travels alone. The guys take Miss Bri to the airport and Sam doesn’t utter even a word of protest.

Adrian wants to know where everyone is and Valero is reluctant but he finally spills that Sam is in danger.

Loca herself is out on the street confronting some random ‘Iker’ saying he isn’t going to take her baby from her! She won’t let him! He won’t take her! She leaves one would be Iker starring after her and encounters another man starring at the crazy lady, she continues to mutter at Iker #2 and is stopped in the middle of the street watching the dude instead of traffic. A car almost hits her but some good Samaritan dashes in grabbing her and rolling them both out of the street and away from harm. The car takes off and the dude asks if Carloca is okay, she says yes, but she’s clutching her stomach and she appears to be in pain.

Mari comes home in time for the Coca Cola commercial! She and Lupe have a lunch conversation about the men in their lives – Lisardo and Villa – with a large bottle of Coke very prominently displayed throughout the convo.

The boys make it home and Sam thanks them for not leaving him alone but Jesus says there’s nothing to thank them for they love him! Domi rushes in and is relieved to see Sam didn’t go with Briana. She asks why but all Sam says is that he changed his mind. Domi is glad he changed his mind but the men refuse to give her more details. Jesus just says Sam wants to stay home and go to school and Domi thinks this is a terrific idea! Jesus hurries Sam off to the other room and Domi notices the oddity but all Damian wants to talk about is how worried Domi seems to be about Sam and of course he’s jealous and accuses her of being interested in Sam. Domi says he’s ridiculous and she isn’t interested in his jealous scene, she stalks off and Damian smiles leaving me to wonder if he did it on purpose this time just to deflect Domi’s attention.

The Guerrero men and Valero discuss the morning’s events and Sam and Damian feel guilty for putting Briana in danger. She almost died and it’s their fault, Damian adds that this happened because he leaked the photos and Augi thought it was Briana – they put her in danger! Valero stops this line of thinking in its tracks. The only one responsible here is Augusto! He sent someone to kill Briana not them! And besides, they saved her life AND opened her eyes to who Augi really is! She’s better off now.

Emma is thrilled to see MD for some silly reason when MD returns home and happy to hear her parents aren’t getting divorced. Domi is happy to have mom home too and Augi says a bunch of BS about how happy they’ll be together as one big happy family. Vicky seems eager to get away from Augi’s half hug and scurries off with Em and Domi to unpack.

Corazon Guerrero – Capitulo 83 – Part 2 of 5

This leaves Augi alone to receive a phone call from BRIANA!! She confronts him for trying to kill her and tells him not to bother trying to deny it. She says she’s going to disappear and Augi says there’s nowhere to hide. Briana doesn’t know why all this fuss over the stupid photos and she swears she never did anything against him and will never do anything if he leaves her alone! But if he doesn’t then her lawyers has copies of all the proof against him and he knows what to do if something happens to her. Augi says she sure did think of everything and Bri says he forced her to take these measures, she’s sorry that it’s come to this because she thought they had something real, but she was wrong! Goodbye Augusto, she says, Goodbye forever! Augi hangs up and we see the ladies didn’t make it as far as we thought, Augi blows them a kiss.

Fede comes to see Jesus and find out what happened. He’s told everyone is safe and Briana left. Jesus thanks him for giving them the heads up saying if it wasn’t for Fede Sam might be dead (I mean Sam saved himself so that’s probably not true, but Briana might be dead) Fede says there’s nothing to thank him for, he owed him one. Damian is openly hostile and Fede gets the message but says not to worry he isn’t trying to be friends; he knows they never will be. Fede leaves and Jesus tells Damian he thinks he made a mistake. They should play nice with Fede because he hates Augi now too and he knows a lot about him. Damian disagrees though, Fede might be on the outs with Augi at the moment but they’ll kiss and make up and then Fede would double cross them – they can’t trust Fede! (Team Damian this time! Don’t let Fede into the fold, he’s a demon!)

Emma tells Domi about her stolen phone and her need to take personal defense classes. She wants to call Adrian from Domi’s phone first though so she can tell him where she’s going. Domi agrees to take Em to class and also to get a new phone because Em can’t be without a way to communicate. Next, we see Emma getting her own private self-defense lesson from Sebas and it’s going well but Adrian doesn’t seem thrilled when he comes to pick Em up. He doesn’t say anything to her but he gives Sebas a rather pointed look as he and Emma leave.

Mari complains to Conchita about getting no message from Lisardo. Concha isn’t thrilled about Mari getting excited about someone so far away and tries to encourage her to give Patricio a chance, he’s right here! But Mari has Lisardo on the mind and in fact, she’s now thinking about saving up money so she can go visit him!

Jesus gets home and calls out to Carloca who isn’t there. He notices his computer is on the table and he wonders what Loca was snooping for and what she found but before he can get too far into that inquiry, he gets a phone call informing him his wife is in the hospital, there’s been an emergency. Jesus runs out the door.

Sergio gets on to Belen because they lost their jobs due to her bad attitude. Belen feels justified in standing up for herself but they notice the lights have been turned off due to lack of payment (that was fast, didn’t they move in like yesterday?) What are they going to do now? The answer is apparently call Adrian as his phone rings with Sergio’s name while he and Emma are playing a card game. Adrian tells Sergio to come and stay with him at the garage, that’s what family is for!

Augi reads Jesus the riot act because Carloca is his responsibility and he should have been there when she had her nervous breakdown. Jesus points out it would be a lot easier to take care of her if Augi would tell him what exactly it is that Carloca is struggling with, Augi doesn’t answer. The doctor comes and tells the men that Carloca and the baby are fine but he had to sedate her to get her to calm down. She will be under observation in the hospital tonight. The doctor leaves and Augi warns that Jesus better not leave Loca’s side and he should call him if anything changes.


Corazon Guerrero – Capitulo 83 – Part 3 of 5

Sergio and Belen show up and Adrian welcomes them to their new home? So, they lost their apartment too? Overnight, shrug. Another shrug moment comes when they sneak off to stay in the outhouse, I mean pretty sure the guys would let you stay if you just tell them what’s going on but Belen is proud and all, so maybe that is why. Belen and Sergio get settled in the outhouse and Adrian sneaks food off Valero’s table as he is preparing dinner!! LOL Valero notices the missing food and goes to look under the table!

Damian and mom/Frida are talking again at the art institute. Damian tries again to convince Frida they are destined to be friends but she remains reluctant. They mutually admit there’s something about the other that they like. He finally convinces her to go to an art exhibit with him, but Frida insists they will meet there.

Domi brings a fruit basket to the Garcia’s to thank them for putting up with her mom and Lupe says it isn’t necessary but Conchita assures her it’s very little compared with the trouble that it is to put up with her mommy!!! LOL She goes on and on about how difficult MD is and how she almost….Lupe interrupts and asks if Domi would like to stay for dinner, Domi is happy to accept because she misses their cooking! Lupe goes to prepare and Domi confides in Mari that Sam didn’t go on his trip! Before she can say anything else, her phone rings with the news of Carloca’s hospitalization. Mari wants to know if the baby is okay but Domi doesn’t know. They both head off to the hospital where they run into Jesus, of course.

Domi goes to see Carloca and Jesus goes on the ‘it’s all my fault because I love only you and Carloca knows it, she feels unloved because I can only love you!’ self-pitying rant… Boo hoo!!! Domi apparently only needed to be gone long enough for this declaration of undying love because she returns quickly asking Jesus the same ‘how’s Carloca and the baby’ question she could have asked before walking off in the first place.

Villa shows up as Lupe is calling someone over because she wants to buy Mariluz a birthday present. After Lupe hangs up, Villa starts talking and talking and he’s happy that he showed up in time for dinner, right? Lupe laughs and says of course, but we have to wait for Mari to get home. Villa has no complaint to that, after all it’s not his house or his timetable. He has an invitation for Lupe too, he invites her to come with him to the meeting he is going to tomorrow. Lupe is surprised and maybe a little interested but she ultimately says no because she doesn’t belong in a room with those fancy people and has nothing to wear. Villa gives her a present, a dress to wear tomorrow!

Sam is sleeping, having nightmares about the accident the day before when Valero startles him awake! It’s Sam’s first day of school and he needs to get up. Sam immediately goes from grumpy to kid on Christmas morning excited when he realizes it’s today! His first day of school! He runs out of the room! (AW!)

Less cute, is Laura once again trying to involve herself where she doesn’t belong and she tells Adrian it’s her duty as a friend to warn Adrian that she thinks he should be careful with Emma. She saw her video about confronting daddy’s lover and she was struck by how violent it was. Adrian admits he was surprised too but he thinks Emma was just really affected by what was going on with her dad. Laura says that could be but Adrian should still be careful because who knows what he can expect from someone with that character.

On cue, we get Emma peacefully opening her new phone when Rod approaches with his buddies and corners her. Rod is super slimy and insistent and Emma only defends herself using the new moves she learned from Sebas but the way they like filming things around that school I’m sure Emma’s new show of ‘aggressive behavior’ will be viral momentarily.


Corazon Guerrero – Capitulo 83 – Part 4 of 5

On to more pleasant subjects, Sam is running into the kitchen still buttoning his shirt saying ‘It’s today, It’s today’ Valero has a backpack for Sami and is packing his lunch. It’s super sweet to see him so excited about going off to school!

Emma tells Rod he deserved it and he needs to learn to respect other people but Rod decides Emma is the one who needs a lesson and it will be taught via an attack on her little orphan boyfriend….sigh. Why do people line up to follow idiots like Rod and Renata? These people always have sidekicks to do their bidding and I don’t understand.

LMAO – Sam is skipping out the door saying ‘It’s today, It’s today, It’s today’ and Domi is waiting (on purpose?) out in her car. She sees him excited for school and offers him a ride. Sam agrees but hops out of the car as quickly as he hopped in when Domi mentions they’ll need to stop by and give something to her dad. Sam doesn’t want to see Domi’s dad. He runs back in to Valero, telling him he’s avoiding Domi because he doesn’t want her asking him questions. He doesn’t want to tell her that Briana was almost killed yesterday because of him. Valero says it wasn’t Sam’s fault and Bri was hardly an innocent in all of this. They just learned that if you mess with Augusto things will end badly. Sam adds that he still doesn’t want to see Augi because he might react…neither man realizes Domi followed Sam back in and has overheard all of this!!!

Domi interrupts and demands to know what is going on. Sam tries to demur but Domi insists telling Valero she isn’t talking to him when he tries to interfere. She wants to know what Sam was saying about Briana, did her dad do something to her? He almost killed her, Sam admits, but Valero adds ‘from fright’ immediately. He tries to convince Domi the answer is he scared her to death with his reclamations after he found out that she was leaving with Sam. Valero does the whole talking and talking and talking while ushering Sam safely out of the room thing, and Domi hasn’t bought any of his BS but she doesn’t challenge him exactly either, she just tells him it’s important that he tells her the truth about this delicate topic. Valero holds his ground and Domi leaves.

At the meeting, brunch, lunch; whatever this is. Patricio talks up Mari to some investor and he’s excited about the project idea. The whole thing is going swimmingly until Augi and Vicky arrive with their political faces on. The investor (or whomever he is) seems okay with Augi and Augi says all the appropriate stuff. Villa and Lupe arrive next with all the Villa pomp and ceremony and Vicky is not happy to see Lupe in her same social circle. Augi warns her to behave, this isn’t the time or place. The investor dude says something about all the guys being surrounded by beautiful women and Villa gives some grand toast that I think amounted to some kind of declaration of commitment between him and Lupe?? I didn’t get that from his babbling but that is what fits the reaction in the room… Augi looks PISSED!! Lol

Jesus at least attempts to cheerfully interact with Loca about being released from the hospital, but nope, it’s time for the Jesus and Carloca showdown we’ve all been waiting for!!! No wait, we’ve had this showdown before like a thousand times but this time Carloca wants to know, ‘Who is Lisardo?’

Not to be outdone by her stepdaughter from across town, Vicky loudly congratulates Lupe on finally finding someone who wants to marry her!!! LOL Augi asks about the wedding date but Villa covers stating there’s no date yet. More yak yak yakking, I can’t type all this back-and-forth postering between Augi and Villa. Uh, mostly Villa, that man can talk for sure!! I think the gist is these people will survive their hostilities just barely well enough to move forward with the project and get Augi elected to whatever it is he is running for – what was it? King of the World or something like that?


Corazon Guerrero – Capitulo 83 – Part 5 of 5

Back to Loca and Jesus, Loca reveals she saw his chat with Mari and she puts forth the accusation that Mari is still after Jesus and he is cheating on her with that florist!!! Jesus denies and tells Carloca that Mari doesn’t want to have anything to do with him. He promises and swears to her that Mari isn’t interested in him and the only thing he’s worried about is her and the baby. He tells her that the chat she saw was old and that it took place before he and Loca were together. If Mari messaged it, it must have been by accident and she was intending to message that other dude Lisado, Lillardo, whatever his name is. Carloca is suspicious but he says just enough about caring about her and being concerned for her to convince Miss Crazy to buy his words. She forgives him because she loves him so much!!! She gives him a big old kiss and Jesus tries not to pull away!

Belen and Sergio are leaving their squatting residence and Belen is excited because today is the day, they are going to get jobs she won’t lose in five minutes. Sergio is less excited because this whole adulting thing is more complicated than he realized (no kidding buddy). The two of them entirely suck at sneaking out and are caught by both Damian and Valero who luckily recognize them! They ask what they are doing there and Belen admits Adrian was letting them stay there. Damian looks about as cute as he ever has as he just sort of shrugs and smiles confused.

Lupe confronts Villa about his made-up wedding and the fact that they have no plans to marry but Villa charms his way out of trouble and has her laughing before long. I don’t think anything is settled but Villa is clearly hopeful. Vicky moved on from mother to daughter and is now commenting on how cozy Mari looks with Patricio. Augi tries to deflect Vicky and keep things professional commenting only on the project but Vicky adds in that it’s obvious there’s more than just business happening between Mari and Patty, Augi again tries to interject but Patty says it’s not necessary. He has no intention of hiding the way he feels and he doesn’t care who knows, he is completely in love with Mariluz!!! (And I’m team Patriluz and all, but in love??? It’s been like 4 minutes since you’ve met!) And that’s where the episode ended.


Guerrero. Thank you so much for doing this, Darcy! It filled in the blanks for me without my having to go back to view the episode. Looking forward to your comments on today's episode (which I saw) tomorrow.

Guerrero. I'm glad Sam is in school, btw.

Guerrero -Capítulo 83-Part 1 of 4

Belén, Adrián, and Sergio are being taken to task by Los Guerrero for squatting. She swallows her pride and finally admits they need help. The brothers vote and allow them to stay, but they must pull their weight.

At the hospital, a doctor declares it a miracle that Carloca didn’t lose Iker’s baby. Now she’s even more delicate than ever and should not have any stress. Alone, Carloca talks to Baby Iker and asks if it heard what its other father had to say (LOL). In Carlocaland, Mari’s attempts to steal Jesús are only making them stronger. Now who is this Lisardo?!!

Mommy Dearest comes in and begs to know what is behind these latest antics. Are they real? She tells her (s l o w l y) that she better take her meds before Jesús realizes what a kook he married and runs right into the arms of the florist. The good news: she can confirm Mari has a new beau.

Snap! Don Abel has brought Jesús the archival paperwork for Victoriano’s demise. There’s proof that a woman was with him when he was murdered. This woman, Elisa, was his lover(!), and she disappeared after the slicing and dicing. The brothers are gobsmacked. Sam asks is that why she abandoned them.

Elisa has been slicing and dicing more magazines and has another anonymous letter for Augi: “Augusto is the real murderer of V.P., and we are going to prove it!” Opera Man wants to know why she is doing this! It all goes back to her sons. She’s more determined than ever. We’ve heard this all before. What’s new is a more pronounced scar on her right cheek.

Jesús urges the brothers to keep an open mind and wait to hear Momz’s version of events. Damián is too busy jumping to (the wrong) conclusions to listen. He stalks out. Sam is rather disillusioned by her abandonment in light of this new information. He mopes out.

Doménica is replaying Augi’s homicidal order (“kill them both”) along with Sam’s new apprehension for Augi. Hilario has no idea what she’s talking about when she tries to verify Augi’s alibi (putting down livestock). She realizes her daddy’s pants are really on fire.

Mica comes in and announces a Guerrero is there to see her and won’t take no for an answer. It’s Damián, and he wants to do things right. He wants to explain everything. She wants to know about Augi. It’s a bluff. Silence. She says she’s tired of everyone lying. He is too. They should run away. Far. She reminds him they are on a break. He plays the Love of my Life card and she laughs(!).

She orders him out, but he refuses to go. A tussle ensues, and Augi comes in and breaks it up by punching Damián in the face - knocking him down. He tries to go in for more, but Doménica asks if he is going to put a hit on Damián as well. Augi claims he was only defending her. She tells both men to stay out of her life and runs upstairs. Augi orders Damián out of the house and looks real worried that the cat is out of the bag

Guerrero -Capítulo 83-Part 2 of 4

Doménica dials 1-8OO-TRAITOR, and Bri answers. Note: Augi is eavesdropping. Doménica just wants to ask her a question: did Augi ever threaten harm? Bri says NO and hopes one day Doménica can forgive her. She apologizes again and says Doménica will never see her again. Doménica believes this lie, and Augi walks away. He wonders why Domis is asking such things. He calls Hilario and gives him a script to corroborate his livestock lies. We are ⅔ in and at capacity with dead horses, figuratively and literally.

Carloca is on her best behavior back home. She promises to relax and asks Jesús to kiss her while she not so subtly takes pix with her phone.

Mariluz is waiting for a réponse from Lisardo via Versailles on RE3NCUENTROS. Nothing. Carloca sends a video of the aforementioned make out session to her phone. Beanie clutch: after surviving several homicidal attempts, why hasn’t this licenciada blocked her number?!!

Conchita has gone back into her trunk of memories from the finca and pulled out her mother’s broach. She wants to pawn it for Mariluz’s birthday celebration. Guadaloopy won’t hear of it. They can cover the party. She’s thinking of Mica; Conchita tells her it’s time they made up and Lupe is in the wrong. She remains obstinate and won’t have anything to do with anyone Jesús adjacent. equus mortus

Selena hasn’t gotten ready for her performance at Fede’s goon creditors’ club. They predictably threaten her and her brother Abraham.

Samu is beating the dickens out of the punching bag at the garage. Valero says if he breaks it, they cannot train. Sam says Valero can buy another one. Valero has prepared Sam a menjurge, but it may not be as tasty as Selena’s. Of course he has to feed it to him (as he has boxing gloves on). Cute! It’s not as good as Selena’s (LOL). Valero tells him he will have to drink it anyway. Nobody told Sam to run Selena off. Is that why Sam is in a bad mood? Sam vents and says he will visit Selena tomorrow after school. She is his friend and he wants her in his life. YAY!!!

Selena (aptly dressed) is pole dancing when some viejo cochino gets a little too close and frisky. She pushes him away and chaos ensues.

A somber Augi is looking at old photos of Guadalooker while reliving Villalba’s engagement announcement.

Fede is looking through papers as well when he says, “Bingo,” and makes a call to Vic. She is being very cautious since she now has the upper hand (she thinks) and can’t afford to be caught. Her tune changes when he says he’s found her pappy’s power of attorney.

Guerrero -Capítulo 83-Part 3 of 4

Mariluz is telling Las García how much she wants to see Lisardo. A light bulb goes off. Are Conchita and Guadalupe thinking the same thing?!!

Don Abel hangs up with Conchita, and everyone at the garage (minus Jesús) is happy for him. Tomorrow is Mari’s surprise birthday party. Sam wants to make her a gift and go (as he think she’s keen - aww), but Valero thinks they best stay put. They are personae non gratae with Lupe.

What the what?!! Augi has shown up at Guadalupe’s. He wants to know what game she is playing. He actually says what he has with Vic doesn’t compare to their old flame…and she can’t do this to him! She says he left her life 2O years ago and nobody is thinking about him. He, very up close and personal, tells her to say that to his face! She can’t, and he says she will always be his. They kiss, but she breaks it up and stands her ground. She is over him, and he can go back to his mansion and million dollar wife. Go, Guadaloopy! Unfazed, he grabs her face again and declares she will never belong to another man. He all but kisses her (no slap) and then leaves on his own. ¡Ay, Dios mío! She asks herself how she could have loved this man. How could she think one day he would change? How could she let the memories affect her life? The song that plays doesn’t register with any of my song detectors.

Jesús is beside himself preparing Iker Jr.’s room. He even bought a crib! It’s cute. Too bad (odds are) none of it is going to happen.

Elisa and Opera Man are meeting their dead horse quota with their discussion of Damián. Después he will deliver her clip-art letter to Augi.

Augi goes to Doménica’s room and apologizes for manhandling Damián. She says she’s never seen him like that. She doesn’t know him. Right on cue, Hilario calls and hilariously recites Augi’s script which clears up any confusion about the “Kill ‘em both!” directive overheard earlier. She hugs him. His plan/lies worked.

Belén and Sergio look for employment.

Sam shows up at Selena’s. Fede is there but doesn’t answer. Later he sees Doménica drive by. He asks her to give Mariluz the birthday present he bought her. She waits for him to retrieve it.

Fede’s goons burst in and attack him. They want cash. He asks for a few days to secure it. He’s given 2 days and a punch below the gullet.

Guerrero -Capítulo 83-Part 4 of 4

Sam shows Doménica the present (offscreen). She has an idea; why doesn’t he give it to her himself? She can be her guest. He accepts. He sweetly asks her to wait so he can freshen up for the party.

Don Abel offers monetary help, but of course Conchita is too proud. Instead she needs help when it comes to Valero. She whispers in his ear…

Samu took 2O minutes to freshen up, but he’s ready and smelling like a rose. For punishment, she makes him drive. She wants to know what took so long; did he shower? No (LOL). He just changed clothes, combed his hair, and put on cologne. She laughs. Off they go.

Rod watches Emma & Belén leaving from behind a tree. Not suspicious at all.

Villalba and 46 words arrive at the party. A handsome DJ follows in and sets up in the corner. Lupe explains the concept of a DJ to Conchita (LOL) as they won’t be having mariachis at this party. They’re all excited to give Mariluz her gift. It will be a great surprise.

Doménica and Sam arrive. Domís assures Lupe that there won’t be any Jesús or problems and that Sam is there solely to give Mariluz a gift.

Patriluz are wrapping up work. Patty-Cake pretends they have to work late and then takes her home to the surprise junta.

“Iker” is calling Carloca. She answers! Fede disguises his voice, tells her he knows she slept with Iker, and demands mucho dinero so the mecánico won’t find out. She clutches her belly.

Augi has called Jesús in and shows him Elisa’s latest artwork.

Frida & Diego are discussing art. The conversation leads to scars (ahem!) and then to mothers. Damián shows her a sketch he’s done of his mother. The face is blank because he doesn’t remember her. She asks what happened. He says it’s a tragedy…like Frida.



Whoopsie! My surprise recap (just posted) is mislabeled. The action recapped is for Episode 84 which aired on Wednesday in these parts. My apologies for any confusion.

Darcy, thanks for recapping 83 despite all the programming chaos. I wish I could have seen that Coca-Cola commercial.

LOL @ Belén & Sergio being on the fast track for lights out and eviction.

I don’t condone violence, but I may have rewound the scene of Emma socking it to Rodrigo and watched it again. So.Overdue.

Sam & Valero always entertain. I loved Sam’s
enthusiasm and Valero’s guidance. Valero did his patented fast talk, but what really cracked me up was when he blessed Sam (en el Nombre del padre, del hijo, etc.) and shooed him out the door! As actors, I’m sure this was entirely ad-libbed with Sam following all of Valero’s manic cues.

LOL @ Augi, King of the World candidate.

The episode was brimming with comedy.

Vic was on her best behavior, and she discretely asked Augi why Doña Pozoles was at their function. LOL

The blasé butchering of the name Lisardo was also a treat. Luciano. Luzardo. Great stuff!

Finally, not only were the squatters outed, but Sergio got beaned in the head with Valero’s frying pan, and Belén almost got taken out by Damian’s makeshift Thor hammer. I may have rewatched this cartoon violence as well.


Thank you O.S. for your surprise recap!!! Your wonderful humor on display throughout once again!!! I so appreciated reading that this morning. I loved '1-800-TRAITOR' among many other lines!!! So funny!

I am disappointed that Domi was bought off that easily although I suppose it's too early still for her to truly start to get to know who daddy is. I think there's a seed planted though because when she hugged him she said 'Please go back to being the man we all know and love' Too bad Domi, you don't know him at all and you'll be meeting him soon enough.

No surprised here but what I really loved in this episode was Sam! He was so proud of himself for earning his own money and buying Mari a gift! And so funny when it took him 20 mins to change clothes and put cologne on! Domi was like, yeah you smell great, now drive! hehe It also stood out to me that not even Lupe could be unkind to Samu! She was all 'band everyone connected to Jesus' with poor Valero but Sam she just smiles at and welcomes. She did make one comment about 'I hope your brother doesn't show up' but that's it. And good, because who could not love that sweet sweet boy-like man?

What I really don't love is the position Selena is in!!! Someone rescue her, STAT!!!

Carloca is touching her belly far too often sadly I think miscarriage is in her future. I had thought the baby would be born since they are married, and then Jesus would find out the truth later but now I am thinking she will lose the baby.

I totally missed that Sergio got beaned by Valero. I must have been watching Damian and Belen. And I agree Emma taking down Rod was awesome and not even that violent, just effective. I do not like Laura! I want her to go somewhere else! What a little judgmental busybody. She doesn't know Emma at all and doesn't want to she just wants to poison Adrian's mind so she can scoop him up. Toxic!!!

I am so with you on the dead horse quota thing....I think I might start amending recaps to say dead horse alert - give a short description of the horse, ie. Carloca hates Mari, and then move on to the next topic. Every novela has a little of the dead horse treatment but this is the worst abuse of a horse I've seen in many many years; which oddly gives the show a little nostalgia factor like it's a throwback to the novelas of old! I can't remember if I've said this before or not (might be my own dead horse) but when I first watched a dizi -which is a Turkish show that they dub into Spanish and play sometimes on Uni or Telemundo in the 5 days a week format of a novela; one of the things that really struck me was how rarely they ever repeat any dialog!! It was a breath of fresh air!!! LOL

Well, I'm looking forward to today's episode. I want to see if Diego tells Frida enough of the story for Elisa to recognize it and realize he's her son or if this is going to be another near-miss tease!!! It's way too early for everything to come together but I think it's late enough in the game that Elisa could at least find out and then spend the next 20 episodes trying to figure out how to tell the boys the truth....maybe??? lol We'll see.

Guerrero. Thanks for stepping up, O.S.. Great recap by O.S. and excellent comments by Darcy. It's terrible how Augi slandered Elisa to keep her from turning him in for murder. (Of course we know he's a very clever monster.) I hope all that is cleared up with her sons quickly! Yep, it is finally more obvious that Elisa has a scar. Maybe when the novela was first shown people complained that they couldn't see it. More last-minute saves by Augi--he arranges for Domi to think he really had 2 horses put down and that the guy she called at the finca just didn't know about it. I can understand Domi's being fed up with Damian. It's yucky how Augi tries to seduce Guadalupe. I hope Rod gets his today to the point that we don't see him any more. Does that creep never learn? I think Emma has now clobbered him twice. Fede is now a disgusting blackmailer as well as a pimp and extortionist (Selena's brother). Anvil, please fall!

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