Monday, July 03, 2023

Daytime TNs....Y Mas (#1) Week of July 3rd, 2023

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page has been reinstated to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.


8-10 AM: Rebelde (Unimas)

10-11 AM: Nina amada mia (Unimas)

11-12PM Lo Imperdonable (Unimas)

12-2 PM: La Madrastra (Unimas) 

2-3 PM: Vino El Amor (Univision)

3-4 PM: MariMar (Univision)

3-5 PM: Un Gancho de Corazon (Unimas)

5-6 PM: La Fea Mas Bella (Unimas)

6-7 PM: Simplemente Maria (Unimas)

This page can also be used as a forum to keep in touch, discuss strolls down the Caray! Caray! memory lane, or anything else that is of interest to the patio.

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Today's episode could be titled 'Sour Grapes in more areas than one!' lol I am thinking these people are going to have to do something besides whine and complain, and throw jealous fits soon, right?

It didn't occur to me until today, probably because they all act like children, but it's totally inappropriate for the vineyard to have a no boys in the girls dormitory rule for an adult dormitory, or for them to act like it's the scandal of the year that Miguel would dare to step foot in there.

I like Marta even less today....she totally ditched Ramon to go home with that cop guy. I wonder if she actually likes him or just likes bugging Lillian. I couldn't blame her if that was her goal, but she shouldn't ditch Ramon to do it. I would say she acts like a child with a crush, but that kind of makes her fit in with the rest of the children on the vineyard.

Speaking of, Carlita (or whatever her name is) calling Luci a whore because she dared to allow Miguel in the room, then trying to seduce drunk Miguel in the living room and then crying when he tells her he only kissed her bc he was drunk - something she already knew - so grating!!!

Christian de la Campa is hot!!! I don't care that he's evil....he's gorgeous, and I like those glares he's got going on. And we did learn there is some reason other then greed for Juan's actions. He's bitter that David didn't do some business deal with his dad in the past.


I forgot to say that Marta's behavior now almost makes me wonder if she really did have an affair with Lillian's husband. I mostly don't buy it and assume Lillian is imagining things or exaggerating. Marta seemed to be happy with Marcos when our story started but she doesn't out and out deny it when Lillian accuses her and now that I've seen her more shady personality traits I wonder.....either way, it happened/or didn't what, like 15, 20 years ago??? I can't imagine holding onto a grudge and resentment that long. What a miserable way to live.

Vino. Great comments, Darcy! Well, following the usual plot pattern, first Miguel is fired, then he's reinstated. He seems to have been blamed for not having guards on the vats of wine 24/7. I'm glad that he has figured out that Juan is the probable culprit for ruining the wine, and Susan has figured out scientifically what the additive was that spoiled it. It couldn't have happened naturally. I thought it was wonderfully sweet how all the employees are willing to contribute from their savings to pay David's fine for late or non-delivery of that year's vintage. As a reward, David should give them all part ownership in the winery.


Today is the first day I actually felt something for Miguel....I still find his jealousy tiring but I get where he's coming from today...He really really really likes this girl and he KNOWS that he has competition but no one will admit it! He's like stop telling me it doesn't exist, it's obvious, just admit it and tell me where I stand!! I can respect that feeling but he could still find a more mature way of expressing it.

Well David admitted he's jealous of Miguel and Luci admitted she feels something for David so maybe we'll make progress.

I like Mar Contreras in this role (Susan), I most recently saw her in a I hate the protag role, so it's nice to see her kind and supportive.

I agree SpanProf it was sweet of the employees for contributing money to save David but I respect him for refusing their donation. It's a total imbalance of power and finances for them to pay to save their vineyard owning boss...although I guess the exchange for ownership in the winery would have counteracted the imbalance.

Vino. I too feel sympathetic to Miguel. The typical novela solutions would be that either he does something to disqualify him or he falls even harder for someone else. David is probably too old for Luci and Miguel not well enough educated and too much like a brother, but a 3rd possibility isn't likely. I still think that turning the winery into a kind of coop would be a good idea. It shouldn't take long to call Juan to account for his crimes, given that Miguel strongly suspects him of spoiling the wines, and Susan knows exactly which chemical he used. However, given the huge # of episodes left, that is not apt to happen. I suppose it's remotely possible that Juan gets arrested and convicted and some other long-term problem arises, but that's not likely.


I know David's been out of it since Lisa's death but his vineyard is really on the brink of total disaster and he didn't know until the wine went a little acidic?? That's pretty extreme!! I guess he's got to sale now, or not sale....or kiss the girl, or not kiss the girl....hehe.

He's sure gone from reluctant acceptance of his feelings to ready to pounce overnight!

And now, Carlito has the great idea to use a guy who is interested in her to make a guy who's not interested in her jealous!! What could possibly go wrong?? LOL

Meanwhile, Fernanda is convinced Auntie Grace can show up and save the day, poor child!! I'm looking forward to auntie's arrival though. Juan thinks he talked her out of it but I'm thinking Grace will be back at the ranch before the end of the week (just a guess, no spoiler) I like Fernanda most of the time but when she gets attitude with Luci I just want to smack her!!! Her respect your elders and stay in your lane!!!

Vino. Yep, first Graciela wasn't going to come to California, then she was, and now it appears she won't, because both Lilian and Juan are opposed, and Juan has threatened to expose her role in Lisa's death. Oh my! I wish they would resolve the will sell, won't sell dilemma soon--I'm sure they won't sell, but please!, they are really dragging this out! Also, I hope they have either a security camera or a full-time guard on the vino de reserva before Juan wrecks it too. I was surprised that Miguel and Luciana were willing to discuss so much with David when Juan was right there in the room. Miguel already suspects he's the villain. I did enjoy the sweet family scene of Luciana, Bobby and David playing the video game. Of course, Lilian tried to spoil the moment.

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