Thursday, August 24, 2023

Daytime TNs....Y Mas (#2), Week of August 21, 2023

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

8-10 AM: Rebelde (Unimas)

10-11 AM Lo Imperdonable (Unimas)

11-12 PM Rosalinda (Unimas)

12-2 PM: La Madrastra (Unimas) 

3-4 PM: Vino El Amor (Univision)

3-5 PM: Un Gancho de Corazon (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Por Ella Soy Eva (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Simplemente Maria

This page can also be used as a forum to keep in touch, discuss strolls down the Caray! Caray! memory lane, or anything else that is of interest to the patio.

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Vino. Looks as if between te 2 of them Fernanda and Susan resolved Tano's legal problems, but now Tano is upset and Susan is miserable because of her sacrifice. How long before the anvil falls on Mark? And Marta has changed her mind about Miguel's and Luciana's getting married? Back and forth, back and forth. Again, the only real solution would be a very good immigration lawyer. And shouldn't Luciana have been entitled to be a Dreamer? Though given her skills professionally, that may not be necessary.


SpanProf: We all know David & Luciana are going to be endgame at this point. Wake me up when some folks join the Body Count.



Crazy Whacky Virginia plotting to escape from the ambulance. That girl is downright NUTS: she killed Osvaldo de Leon's character by stabbing him in the chest & then walked barefoot to getting rid of some evidence or something.

Plus Whacky Blonde Nutjob ran over Ana Perla in front of Pablo & Co.,



I don't think Luci would qualify as a dreamer...I am not 100% positive, but I think the qualifications for dreamer status is that the person was brought here as a small child and grew up in the US. Luci was brought to the US as a child, but since she was deported and actually grew up in Mexico, I don't think she'd fit the qualification.

Hey Miguel, she's not willing to marry you because she's not in love with you!!! The reason to go on and on about only getting married for love is because you aren't in love! If she was in love she would be all in!!! Okay there's my public announcement, but I still don't feel bad for him. He KNOWS, he KNOWS she doesn't love him and he is just desperate to squeeze his eyes shut and hope anyway! He's headed for heartbreak but he's not asking for it, he's demanding it!! So serve it up!

I find myself getting so annoyed every time anyone (Lilian) calls Luci a slut.....and it's not because of any loyalty I feel toward Luci. I think it's because anytime anyone doesn't like a woman they call her a slut, whore, etc etc etc. Can't we think of anything more original? Especially in novelas, I don't play drinking games but I bet if you wanted to and you turned on primetime Univision or Unimas and took a shot everytime someone called a woman one of these names you'd be in danger of alcohol poisoning before 8pm.

Lilian saying she continues to make Marta's life miserable because it's her hobby!!!! LOLOLOLOL I love it! :)

I thought not for the first time today, that Tano really does seem attracted to Fernanda....more than he's willing to admit. I think those two are better matched than him and Susan. I feel for Susan, but her going back to Mark is just plain stupid and she doesn't need any relationship right now. She needs to get away from Mark and get some therapy!

Runner up for laugh of the day: Miguel - Mr. can't even look at the boss without puffing out my chest and shooting 'She's mine' daggers with his eyes - telling Tano to learn how to separate work life from his personal life!!! Hehehehe

I meant to comment yesterday on the cop that was talking to Miguel about investigating the ruined wine...he seemed too helpful! Suspiciously helpful....especially after the nonstop bad attitude rude law enforcement scenes. I wonder if he's on and up and up are not.

David is actually looking interesting in Grace....could her plan actually be working?

Vino. Ugh! Wait till David finds out that Graciela was responsible for his wife's death. Marta's change of heart about Luci and Miguel was much more understandable in this episode when there was a long conversation between mother and daughter. Despite Carito's et al attempts, given that everyone knows that Miguel and Luciana were childhood sweethearts, it's unlikely that anyone would think they were marrying "just for the papers." However, when Luci decides not to go through with it, that whole argument becomes moot. Miguel handles the rejection very well. I hope he and Erika are very happy together. No one should trust either Brian or Juan regarding Luci's work visa. And they should keep an eye on Carito too--who knows how she might try to frame Luci. It's great that Bobby now has a friend. And it's too bad that Brian isn't a good person.


SpanProf, Darcy & Co.,: I busted out laughing super hard watching Psycho Virginia falling to her death.

Salma was too damn gullible 100%: it took her forever to realize that Psycho Virginia was just super EVIL.

Ana Perla: You stayed consistent 100%.

Jeronimo & Becca FINALLY get back together again. Please take her away ASAP.

Crazy Marty & Warrior Goddesa get married again....this time at the same place, where Psycho Virginia killed herself which was weird.

Not shocking both Emiliano & Nanci got whacked.

Maggie was gonna Maggie.

Steve Boudreaux


Okay the first thing to say about today's episode is, go read the original recap!!! It's hilarious! It's snarky, snappy, full of hashtags and definitely 100 times better than the episode itself!

Please tell me why Miguel and Luci would chose on the ground in the wine shed as their destination for a romantic date?? This is the second time they've done it and it's weird...there isn't even a chair. I get that it's where they played as children but it's still weird. Especially for heavy make out sessions - anyone could walk in.

I still love Sonia and Leon!!! Their date was cute and now they share a love for romance novels! So funny! I love Sonia, she cracks me up! And she's starting to like Leon, which is why she has to remind herself she only likes 'mi Senor' lol. Team SonLeon!!! They are weird and a little unsettling, especially with Sonia's trying to make him David Jr, but they are the only entertainment we've got going and I like it.

When the cops first showed up at the vineyard their English seemed got better as the conversation went on but it was awkward at first. So far Juan is the only character that sounds completely natural speaking English. But at least the officers seemed very bright. They didn't tell Juan who reported the incident and you could tell they caught on to Juan's shadiness! I am a fan of this new development. I guess that answers my question about whether or not the other cop was going to follow up on Miguel's police report.


Speaking of handling rejection well, Ramon has taken his 'rejection' from Marta way too maturely for a novela character!! Not to mention for someone who lives on the vineyard full of grown children! I am liking his character more and more. I don't like Marta though, he needs a better woman.

Vino. If David convinces Luci not to go back to Mexico it will only make things more complicated for her. It would be much better if he looked into whether Juan really tried to get her a work visa. Despite their unnatural English, those sheriff's detectives seem pretty competent. I hope they find out that Juan was the person who contaminated the wine vats. And yep, Ramon is a very decent fellow!


RIP Alfonso Iturralde from "MARIMAR"..
Steve Boudreaux

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