Monday, January 15, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Vuelve a Mí, Amor Imposible, y más: Week of January 15, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

9 - 10PM - Vuelve a Mí
10 - 11PM - Amor Imposible

Apparently, Betty en NY has finished its (re)run. It no longer appears in the midnight listing. Replacing it is what sounds like a self-help talk show called Acércate a Rocío. Since it's not a telenovela, it won't be listed here.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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It appears to be impossible for me to stop watching this. It's recently gotten a bit better, with the female protagonist not getting on my last nerve.

What I fail to understand is how in blazes Deva ever became involved with that loser Mert. I guess the actor is doing a good job, because he continues to remind me of something you scrape off the bottom of your shoe. When they just showed Vefa seeing those photos of the lovebirds Deva and Mert, you could almost see his stomach turn. Please, Turkish writers, Let Viewerville have Vefa and Gulendam be together at the end.



Novelera, I m not watching this show , but I saw a bit at the beginning . However, having watched quite a few Turkish dizis and enjoying several , I do know that the endings of some are Surprising and sad. Susan , looking for another dizi to watch


Novelera: You're posting the recap of last night's episode ?


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Liana hesitates and, of course it’s too soon for Braulio to bite the dust. The Cuban twins arrive quickly and beat up and disarm a couple of minor thugs in a hallway. Mia catches on that Tigre knew Braulio’s part in all this. Chenta spies Santi peeking through a door and causes a distraction. Santi and Alberto come in with guns blazing. The thugs are very bad shots, as always. Looks like Sapo is hit but they don’t seem to say whether he died or not.

Tigre gets possessive when Alberto tries to help Chenta. Martha flies into Santi’s arms.

Diego has a long talk with Andres, seeming to break through the previous hostility. He assures Andres that Nuria loves him very much.

Of course the events at GZ are on TV. Nuria thinks this might be an opportunity to go grab up Andres. But Ros and Rai talk her out of it, saying the legal way is the safe way.

Carmen and Euge talk at the store. Carmen thinks it may be some other man who’s the reason why Euge looks worried about marrying Chalo.

Liana snaps at Mia when she mentions the abortion. [I gotta say Liana’s bangs drive me NUTS! The whole novela so far shows her with them going right over her eyes. I keep reflexively brushing my own away from my forehead.] She reruns in her head for the zillionth time that car crash in which her parents died. Showing the crazy eyes she tells herself she's not a murderer.

Still at GZ, Amelia tells Braulio that she hates him with her whole being. She rightly places the blame for her father’s death on Braulio.

At long last Braulio starts to suspect Tigre, mostly because he was the one who hooked him up with Sapo.

Amelia has to break it to Andres that another abuelo died. Diego, Amelia, and Andres embrace. Martha tries to interfere, but Santi gives her a look.

Alberto meets with Nuria. His legal advice is that they’ll have to broach what Chelo and Fausto did very carefully. Of course Chelo is eavesdropping.

Santi very skillfully talks with Andres and, eventually, convinces him that he should get to know Nuria. But that she won’t take him away from Amelia just yet.

Martha sees how much in love Diego and Amelia are. A bit later she tries to get haughty with Diego, saying that Amelia is married to her son. [Yikes, she just saw what an SOB said son is!] Diego doesn’t back down.

Fausto breaks into Chelo’s room at the pension, saying he’s come to see her and his son.

Braulio tells Martha that everything that Sapo said was a lie. She doesn’t buy that for one second and tells him she wants him to resign as President of Grupo Zepeda.


Thanks, Novelera! Your recap is short and sweet and still hits on the important points!

I found the Sapo take down very anti-climactic! Not that I wanted more violence, I didn't; but all these weeks of building up how dangerous he is and how he's going to kill everybody and make jigsaw puzzles, and it's taken out by Santi and Alberto faster than you can snap!!

I loved the way both Diego and Santi reasoned with Andres to get him to give Nuria a chance. I especially love Diego! A man who does the right thing, because it's the right thing to do, period! Too often we see both men and women taking the side of their beloved, because they are their beloved, regardless of whether they are wrong or right. Diego loves Amelia, but he knows reuniting Andres with Amelia is the right thing, and he's trying to help. Nuria seemed impressed with him too, when she was telling Ros about his visit.

Martha is a pain!!! She has a good heart, but she's too controlling; although this time I agree with her that Braulio needs to go as President of GZ.

The thing I noticed about Liana, is that she wasn't nearly freaked out enough about the attack (she's not going to be we know, but she should have acted it), that should be a serious red flag for anyone who saw that!



I meant Diego knows reuniting Andres with Nuria is the right thing to do, of course.


Novelera: Assuming we're in the Ultimos Capitulos stage ?

Darcy: Reuniting Andres with Nuria is the right thing to do!



Novelera suffers from the usual confusion about telenovela law enforcement and telenovela legal proceedings. The guy I thought was DEA is actually a prosecutor.

Braulio tells Martha that the procurador (prosecutor) will clear his name. Martha isn’t buying what he’s selling. She lists the reasons why he’s out as President: trafficking drugs, laundering money, faking the books at GZ, buying cheap, crappy fabrics. He whines and ends up grabbing hold of her. Santi intervenes.

Instead of screaming for help in that pension with likely very thin walls, Chelo lets Fausto scare her into going with him by grabbing up Jacintito. [I can’t wait for him to find out the baby isn’t his.]

Andres comforts the grieving Amelia, who tells him never to leave her (!)

There was about 20 minutes too much Braulio in this episode. His jealousy (understandable) of Santi causes him to bring up the fact that Santi was in prison. Lots of screaming back and forth. Santi says that Sapo, who Braulio brought into their lives, would have killed their mother. We learn that Sapo did die.

Euge and Carmen see Chelo get into the backseat of a cab with Fausto and leave.

Ros thinks Chelo was forced to leave, But Nuria is convinced she went willingly.

Braulio tells the prosecutor that, if he is blamed for the money laundering, the prosecutor is also up to his neck and would probably lose his job. The story will be that Sapo wanted to use GZ trucks, Braulio refused, and they came to kill him because of it.

Chalo sticks up for Chelo when told she left with Fausto. Another point in favor of his being stepdad to Jacintito.

When the prosecutor tells Martha the “official story”, she listens. After he leaves she slaps Braulio. She says that, despite the press conference clearing him, he’s out as President.

Fausto tells Chelo that he knows they’re broke. To keep the baby from going hungry she’s coming with him to extort Amelia once more. She tells him she knows it won’t work.

Angustias (what a perfect name for this character) is walking around using a loudspeaker, holding up a picture of Mario and accusing him of murdering her daughter. Later, after Chalo has come to join her, the stereotypical black SUV drives by and they are shot at. Of course these thugs came from the same thug training school as the ones at GZ and miss them both.

Tigre shows up at GZ, walking with a cane, and not happy Chenta didn’t pick up his calls. She is clearly over him and tells him she might quit her job so she won’t be grateful for it any more.

Alberto comes to tell Amelia in person that he’s going to represent Nuria. Amelia tells him she’s sure he’s doing this for Santiago, who is in love with Nuria.

At GZ there’s a Board of Directors meeting. Martha makes the announcement that Braulio is out and Santi in. Santi announces that he wants Braulio to stay on and help fix the company.

Euge finally admits that she feels “something” for Carmen.

Santi tells Braulio he wants him to stay on because: “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”.

More self-pitying Braulio. He even tries to pretend he helped Santi in prison “behind the scenes”.

Braulio packs up. He tells Martha that Santiago will fail, and she’ll beg him to come back.

Nuria tells Ros that, while she was trying to proceed with getting her child back, at the same time she was trying to protect Chelo. Her sister then left with Fausto.

Fausto refuses to let Chelo call Nuria.

We see a flashback to Roberto telling Santiago that Braulio is good with the sales end of the company, but it needs someone to run it with love.


Novelera, thank you for that snappy recap . It looks like we are at the " change partners and dance" part of the novela.

I heard that interesting A name in an old Azteca novela . The character had an anvil that fitted her name . Susan


Novelera, excellent job as always!!! I 1000% agree with you that Braulio was shown about 20 minutes too long! Listening to someone whine for 20 minutes is annoying, listening to someone whine who KNOWS they are in the wrong, while they protest and victimize themself, is unbearable. One thing that did surprise me about Braulio is that he gave up the presidency without doing anything but whining! I expected him to refuse to vacate!

Yep, Chelo should have screamed for help, but then again, her helpless infant was in the room, and she knows what Fausto is capable of, I honestly don't know how I would react in that situation. Without the baby, scream for sure; but with?? Boy, was Euge quick to believe the worst about Chelo!!! And maybe Chelo deserves it, but it still rubbed me the wrong way. You know nothing about what's going on, you actually don't know whether she was forced to leave or not and yet you're comfortable not only jumping to that conclusion but insisting that it's true!! I like Euge, but that part of her personality is ugly.

Amelia is still determined to fight for custody, I'm disappointed; but then again, I kind of understand. She has lost everything and now even her father, she is lost, desperate and anchorless. I can see trying to hang on to the only thing you have left to the point of being blind and irrational. I still think Andres has to recover his memory, it's the only way this ends with any kind of harmony and allows for the main characters to be friends and family when this is over. Nuria and Santi will be mom and dad, and Amelia and Diego will be auntie and uncle. Braulio will be in jail, we hope.

Nuria is in a tough place, but she needs to do what she needs to do to get Andres. Testify to the truth, including Chelo's part in it and let Chelo clean up her own mess.



Novelera: Great job with the recap of last night's episode.

Darcy: Amelia is well gonna Amelia: She needs to accept the fact that Andres will eventually go back to Nuria sooner or later.

Braulio needs his Karma anvil ASAP.

Euge frustrates me. She has feelings for Carmen ? Meh!


Wow this series is over allready..that was quick!!!!!!!!!!

what happen ..dang!!


HalimaCandy, it’s not over yet. I googled and what I found said it would have 90ish episodes, and we are about 70 now, so we still have a few more weeks to go.

Recap will be up in a couple hours.

Vuelve – 1/17/23 part 1

Once again, we see Santi enter his new office and think back to how daddy always wanted him to be President of the corporation.

Liana lays into Tigre because Valentin was killed instead Braulio. She isn’t content with Braulio just losing the presidency, she wants him dead and buried! Isn’t that what Tigre wants? Tigre says yes, of course; but before they can discuss further Santi interrupts. Santi wants to know how Liana is doing after the events of the day before, and Liana pretends to be in shock. Santi then moves on to his next topic of conversation, he wants another pregnancy test; now Liana really is shocked! Liana is insulted that he doesn’t trust her, but she agrees to the test since she’s sure she aborted the baby. (Are they going to do a magical the baby survived the pills and all the side effects we saw Liana go through storyline?)

Ros and Rai continue to plan the wedding. They are thinking of postponing because of everything going on but Nuria insists they continue. Angustias and Chalo come in and tell them about the shooting. Everyone is concerned it’s too dangerous for her to continue the protest, but Angustias is determined, she won’t be silenced!!! (Pet Peeve: Angustias keeps saying that the shooters were probably Mario and his family. Why does she assume his family is involved? If one is a killer, they all are? I love my brother, but if he killed someone and wanted to knock off witnesses, or accusers to cover it up; I wouldn’t help him!!! I don’t think most families would! I also wonder if this is Mario, I mean he was acquitted and the law is not paying attention to Angustias, why try to kill her?)

Amelia shares all her stress and pressures with Diego, and he asks whether they can be together now or not. Diego wants to reconcile, he loves her. Before Diego can answer stupid Fausto and whinny Chelo show up!!! I can’t believe that Fausto still thinks he can extort Amelia, but I admit I can’t wait to hear what he comes up with to make this play!

Euge and Carmen continue to discuss Euge’s confession. Carmen is eager to hear more but Euge isn’t ready and is still confused about her feelings. She’s clear on one thing, this isn’t about liking women, she doesn’t like women, she likes Carmen!

Turns out Fausto’s angle is to plead for pity for the baby who is starving?? I mean he’s probably breast feeding!! LOL He tries to keep up the whole I’ll tell the cops that you stole Andres, but of course that is out the window now! Next, and since she and Diego were kissing when Fausto arrived, he says if she calls the police, he’ll tell them she was kissing Diego, who is not her husband!!! (Why would they care??) and she’ll lose her son for being a slut!!! Diego slugs him!!!! Go Diego!! Please Amelia, think about the fact that Fausto is not a reliable witness in any court!

Santi thinks back to his almost loving phone call with Nuria. He calls her and then stumbles over his words telling her he’s going to bring Andres to see her!! Nuria is thrilled, of course!

Braulio is still crying, this time to Tigre, about losing the presidency. But he quickly moves on to accusing Tigre of being involved with Sapo. He lists off all Tigre’s miscues, misdeeds, and accesses to Sapo.

Nuria tells Ros that Andres is coming to visit, they celebrate. Ros for some reason thinks Nuria needs to get all dolled up for Andres???? LOL It’s cute.

The fight continues and Fausto is enjoying this. The women of course scream at the boys to stop. It looks like Diego had the upper hand, but the fight is broken up and Fausto and Chelo take off. Amelia is upset because Fausto is a criminal and he could have hurt Diego.

Santi shows up to pick up Andres but he’s reluctant because Amelia is sad. Santi tells Andres that Nuria is a good woman, and she won’t hurt him. Andres says Diego told him the same thing. Andres is still worried that Amelia will find out he went to see Nuria and be sad, but he and Santi make a deal not to tell anyone about the visit.


Vuelve – 1/17/23 part 2

More of Tigre and Braulio going back and forth, and Tigre makes the argument that if he wanted to ruin Braulio, he has more than enough proof to do it, he wouldn’t need a gun or a narco. He suggests the real culprit could be someone closer to him. Like Liana? Braulio wonders. Tigre says he isn’t making accusations just showing the big picture…. Is it possible? Is Liana capable of something like that?

Liana and Mia discuss the forced pregnancy test and Liana worries everyone will find out. She must go clean something up and wants Mia to accompany her.

Martha and Aida rehash the presidency decision, blah. Next, Aida asks what Martha feels for Mariano, she does have feelings for him, but she feels like she’s betraying Roberto. Aida gives Martha the whole Roberto would want you to be happy speech. Martha thinks maybe she should give Mariano a chance.

Chalo and Angustias argue over the protests of Esmeralda and the danger… Angustias is determined to continue the fight and Chalo is afraid she’ll get hurt. She says he’ll understand when he’s a father. I’m kind of Team Chalo here, not just because of the danger; but because I really don’t see what standing alone on a corner with a megaphone is actually accomplishing. Angustias needs to work smarter not harder.

Nuria and Ros anxiously wait for Andres. Ros tries to calm Nuria and Andres arrives with Santi. Andres stares at Nuria, Nuria stares at Andres, and Santi stares at Nuria! LOL

Amelia and Diego called the police and they tell them what happened but Amelia stops short of telling them about the extortion and ultimately doesn’t even file a report. The cop looks all kinds of confused, what was the point of all of this!!

Fausto complains to Chelo for not helping him convince Amelia. Chelo says Amelia wasn’t going to give them money. Fausto says it’s on to plan B, now they will have to pull off a robbery!

More conversation between Euge and Carmen as Carmen stalks Euge through the store wanting to hear more. Things get intense and Euge and Carmen almost kiss, but Liana arrives to fire Euge instead!!! Turns out this was the mess she wanted to clean up!

Santi drags a shy and reluctant Andres over to sit on a bench with Nuria. Nuria tells Andres that he may not remember, but they had a bench like this at their house in Cuidad Juarez. We see Andres has a fuzzy memory and he says that yes, he thinks he remembers. Amelia starts talking about the same memory we saw Andres recall, he remembers the rain but not Nuria. Nuria pushes a little more trying to get Andres to remember, but he says he doesn’t want to because she abandoned him!!! Nuria assures him that she never abandoned him!!!

Braulio is on the roof; I hope he jumps! He thinks back on all the moments of everyone telling him he’s a horrible human being….He does go to the ledge but I don’t think we’re getting off that easy! Instead, he starts shouting ‘I won’t lose’ at the sky!

Amelia and Diego are arguing about reporting Fausto. Amelia won’t do it because she doesn’t want to give Nuria ammunition for the trial (She knows that Amelia already knows about the extortion, right?). Diego tells her that Nuria isn’t the villain in this story either. Amelia thinks he should leave before Martha sees him. Diego wants a kiss for the road and kisses her and leaves. Cassie sees the kiss and clears her throat.


Vuelve – 1/17/23 part 3

Andres says he was abandoned just like his friends in the orphanage. Nuria insists this isn’t true, but Andres doesn’t believe her. Santi intervenes and says his friends told him the truth that day on the beach, he was never abandoned. Andres wants to know why Diego found him in the streets then, but Santi doesn’t know. He only knows he has a mother who always loved him. Andres gets too uncomfortable and wants to leave. Nuria begs him not to go and begs Santi not to take him, but Andres is too upset and Santi has to take care of Andres. They leave and Nuria cries.

Euge is getting fired simply for being Nuria’s cousin, which is illegal, of course. But Liana says she can accuse her of theft or abuse of trust just as easily. Seeing there’s no fight here, Euge leaves saying she doesn’t want to work for the Zepeda’s anyway, they’re involved with drug trafficking don’tcha know? Carmen follows her out. Liana looks so proud of herself! Hey, if you can’t manage your own life, you can always bully others to make yourself feel better!

Nuria cries to Ros and tells her what happened with Andres. She’s scared Andres will never remember her and that he doesn’t even want to.

Santi returns home with Andres and Andres is angry because of how things went. He never wants to go back. Santi tries to calm him, but it doesn’t work. Amelia overhears of course and can’t believe Santi took HER son to see ‘that woman’! She never wants Santi to take him to see Nuria ever again! In fact, she doesn’t want Santi near Andres at all, ever again!!!


Well we have 2 more weeks of this TN. Thanks for the detailed recap Darcy. Alas the only main character I like is Diego. As for Nuria, she dressed up for Santiago not for little Andres. Her behavior was creepy to Andres. Her dress was not motherly but Santiago loved it.

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