Thursday, January 25, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Vuelve a Mí, Amor Imposible y más: Week of January 22, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

  • 9-10PM  - Vuelve a Mí*
  • 10-11PM - Amor Imposible**

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Thanks again, Darcy. You got an action packed episode and you did it more than justice.

I will say that I thought the standoff with Fausto was ridiculous and went on way too long. One of the deer in the headlights good guys/girls should have lunged at Fausto's arm and brought things to a close. Several times I've read those articles that advise you to run if someone has a gun on you and trying to force you into a car. The chances of the assailant being a good enough shot to outright kill you aren't nearly 100%.

Aida, why didn't you pretend to be hard of hearing. As soon as Tigre and Liana were mouthing off about every rotten thing they ever did, I was sure Aida was toast. And, like most TN victims she didn't have the good sense to not tell the baddies she'd tell on them when she was free.

Amelia was terrific talking to Andres. Now THAT'S a mother's love, putting her own feelings aside to make the child feel better. I could hardly stand to watch Braulio's talk with the boy. The miserable weasel wants Nuria to suffer now that she doesn't want anything to do with him. His pathetic male ego is more important than the child's welfare. I hate to think of how we'll be treated to Andres following his advice to hate Nuria.

And I also suppose we'll be treated to Liana moaning that she's not a murderer a few more times.

I'm with Ros. Boy did I want Fausto to die! He's like a cat with nine lives. I have no confidence he won't be able to get away from the D.F. cops and wreak more havoc.

Of course, Chelo should have told Nuria a while ago about knowing Fausto was the kidnapper. Hard to say how Fausto's revelation will affect the two sisters' relationship.

Again, thanks Darcy. I LOVED your description of the truly awful scene of Braulio poisoning Andres' mind.


Novelera: Why was I NOT shocked Aida joined the ever growing Body Count last night ?

Telemundo better NOT bring this back for 2nd Season.

Darcy: Amelia still among the living......for now.

Vuelve – 1/25/23 part 1 of 3

Amelia goes back up the stairs unseen and the body removing caper continues. They get out of the mansion without being seen and Liana puts Tigre’s ring on Aida’s body?? I guess even while panicking she’s able to think of potentially framing Tigre.

Santi and Nuria are discussing the aftermath of Fausto’s (hopefully) last stand and Ros is nervous that this is not the right time for a wedding, but they reassure her. Ros is still nervous and suggests Santi stay the night with Nuria, Santi is happy to oblige of course! Chelo arrives and wants to talk with Nuria alone. The others leave.

Chelo and Nuria talk, it is frigid in the room at first, as Nuria wonders if Chelo would have told the truth if Fausto hadn’t. She also thinks that all Chelo wants now is to clear her conscious. Chelo says that’s not true, and the only reason she hadn’t told Nuria before is because she didn’t want to make Nuria feel even worse. She tells Nuria the whole truth of every step of what happened and swears she didn’t help Fausto kidnap Andres and was trying to get him back until Fausto made her believe that he was dead. Nuria believes Chelo but she tells her that she’s going to report Fausto for kidnapping and she doesn’t know what that will mean for her sister. Chelo understands, she deserves it. The one thing she asks is that if she ends up in jail, Nuria will take care of her son.

Alberto and Chenta and discuss Andres. Chenta is so happy to hear about Andres, she impulsively hugs Alberto! She is a little embarrassed, but Alberto is thrilled. He tells her she can hug him as many times as she wants to. Since they are ready to leave, Alberto first offers Chenta a ride home and then asks her out to dinner to celebrate. Chelo accepts.

Fausto’s alive, damn! He’s bored in the hospital too and demanding a lawyer and a phone call! LOL

Nuria goes to Santi and says she wants to make sure Fausto rots in jail, but they need to be able to do it in a way where Chelo won’t end up in jail with him. Nuria couldn’t stand it if her nephew grew up without his mother because of her.

Chelo talks to Chalo and thanks him for saving her life. You can see the attraction between these two now! And Chelo tells Chalo more about her past, how she loved Jacinto and Fausto raped her. Nuria overhears some of this and interrupts to say this is the day Andres is coming! But first she’s going to the police station to report Fausto, is Chelo coming? Chelo says yes.

Alberto and Santi talk about the Fausto of it all, and how they need a lawyer to get Fausto fried and Chelo set free. Alberto is the man for the job.

The goodbye breakfast at the Zepeda house is somber and sad. Amelia and Martha try to bully Andres’ spirits, but it doesn’t work. Braulio then lies that Andres will be back with them soon. They now comment that Aida is missing, and a maid comes to tell them the police are here. Andres panics thinking they are there for him, but Amelia says they must be there for some other reason. The police have come to inform them of Aida’s death, Liana and Tigre must have left the body where it would be found. Anyway, they inform Martha, and she’s loses her mind!!! She absolutely falls apart and is hysterical! Laura Flores did a great job in this scene!!! The working theory for the police is that Aida was killing during a mugging gone wrong.

Liana arrives at work and totally ignores Santi. He thinks it’s because she’s mad at him for being a traitor, but I think she’s just still freaking out! And she is, in her office talking to herself, trying to convince herself this is all Tigre’s fault.


Vuelve – 1/25/23 part 2 of 3

Martha, Amelia, and Braulio discuss Aida. They don’t want to tell Andres what happened because he doesn’t need to deal with one more thing. Martha is still beside herself, but a bit calmer. She is devastated losing her friend and confidant. Aida was like her sister. Braulio is actually thinking this morning, and this doesn’t make sense to him. Aida never leaves alone at night without telling anyone. Martha mentions that she told Tigre and this sets off alarm bells in Braulio. He says he doubts that Martha’s death was a simple mugging. Martha mentions that she was acting strangely yesterday. She didn’t say anything, but she was nervous and cagey and didn’t want to talk. Evil Count Braulio must have actually loved Aida because he insists that they are going to have a complete investigation and he wants the cops to question all the employees! Someone must have seen or heard something and they need to find out what happened.

The wedding prep is underway, and Ros is nervous and excited. Euge and Carmen are decorating and Euge teases that Ros is about to be her stepmom. Rai arrives on scene, and they are cute and everything is upbeat but Rai is thinking back on his cancer victory and a new meeting with the doc. As we expected, the cancer is back… and Rai has decided no more treatments. He laments that he is going to leave Ros a widow so quickly.

Alberto wanted to prep Chelo before she talked to the police officers so she wouldn’t incriminate herself, but it’s too late because Chelo and Nuria are already in an interview room and Chelo is giving her statement. She tells her whole victim story while crying and after the commercial break we see Alberto is also present so maybe I was wrong and he already prepped her. Alberto says he wants it clear that his client was not Fausto’s accomplice, she was another victim.

Chalo approaches the decorating Euge and Carmen. He is looking for mom and is told Angustias is protesting on the corner again. Chalo leaves and Carmen and Euge have the same you have to tell Chalo conversation. Euge tells Carmen about her research on pansexuals and asks what she thinks but Carmen thinks they are just people who are afraid to admit they are gay, like Euge.

Chenta comes to tell Santi he has a visitor who wants to be a surprise! It’s Chema! He’s free! (it’s so weird to see Leonardo Daniel so dressed down! I’ve only ever seen him as uptight, usually evil businessmen in suits)

Liana is still tormenting herself with memories of the night before, as she should be. Her facial expressions are intense!!! Mia comes and tries to get her to work but no luck! Mia also has the DNA results, finally something I am interested in!!! Liana rips the page open but if viewerville was supposed to be able to read anything from that shot of the paper, my eyes aren’t good enough!!! Liana does not say what the result was, she just orders Mia to keep it quiet and demands she tell anyone who asks that Liana was with her in her apartment last night! (I’m going to guess that the test was negative since there was bolded red type on the form and every DNA test, I’ve ever seen shown in shows is bolded blue when positive and bolded red when negative, but I definitely couldn’t read it)

The family keeps trying to call Santi who isn’t answering and Tigre who isn’t answering. Diego shows up, that should help! NOT

Cassie and Andres talk, and Cassie too tries to get Andres to see that Nuria is a good person, and everything will be fine. Andres almost tells her what Braulio said but clams up. Cassie says that just like she adjusted to her wheelchair, Andres will adjust to this, and he will always be her adored cousin!


Vuelve – 1/25/23 part 3 of 3

Diego came to for support as they must take Andres to Nuria. I love this man, he is sweet, kind, and adorable, but this isn’t a smart move. Braulio throws a Braulio fit. Amelia tries to stand up for Diego since Andres adores Diego but Martha orders him to leave. This isn’t the right time, she says. Aida has died! Diego is shocked and he apologizes, he didn’t know. Martha looks fierce, but that probably has more to do with Aida than Diego.

Chema starts talking to Santi and we learn that Vi’s mother was a violent heroin addict and that he did kill her, but in self-defense and in defense of Vi. Santi says Vi needs to know the truth. Chema is determined to help prove that Vi didn’t kill anyone, he won’t let his daughter rot in prison.

Nuria and Chelo go to visit Fausto!!! WHY??? They tell him that they told the police everything and reported him for kidnapping Andres and killing Jacinto. Fausto reacts like the jackass he is. Chelo says she is back to herself without Fausto and that Nuria doesn’t hate her at all. She throws her ring at him; she’s getting a divorce!

Santi finally answers the phone and learns about Aida.

Amelia encourages Diego to stay, she doesn’t care what Braulio and Martha say. She’s losing everyone and everything and she needs Diego! They start to talk about Andres but Braulio interrupts and says it’s time to go. Amelia tells Diego to wait there and goes to get Andres. Left alone, Braulio confronts Diego about coming to see him again and asks when he’s going to leave Braulio alone. Diego says after he finds out the truth about what was going on with Celica and Braulio!

Chalo shows up at the support group looking for mom, but they haven’t seen her in days. Chalo now wonders where mommy is going when she leaves the house. We see the answer as Angustias is in a dive bar watching Mario strike out trying to pick up women!

One more scene of Chelo and Nuria explaining to Fausto how they win, and he loses!! Fausto actually seems rattled by this and even though I don’t personally understand why either of them would waste breath on this guy; I guess it is kind of cool that they got their ‘we’re going to live happily ever after while you rot in hell’ moment. They walk away and Fausto is left yelling ‘Consuelo’ at their retreating back!



I'm actually really enjoying this novela a lot. In my opinion, it's really well written. We are almost 80 episodes in, and I don't feel like I'm watching the same thing over and over again - maybe a little with Euge and Carmen but nowhere near as bad as it could be. It doesn't feel dull or recycled. For the most part, I am only annoyed with the characters I should be annoyed with, and I'm impressed with the acting! I still find myself looking forward to seeing what happens next every day and I've actually been surprised by several of the plot twists which doesn't often happen in novelas, which are pretty paint by the numbers, most of the time.

While I agree they shouldn't make a season 2, I mean how many times have we seen a good show ruined by it be extended too long? I am glad I am watching this one!


Darcy , thank you for a great recap of an episode that was hopping along.

I agree that this is a good story with good acting.

Yes, why would Nuria and Chelo go to see Fausto ? Why would they even be allowed to see him? And yes, Fausto is probably going to escape and terrorize people.

Diego is the hero in this show.

Tiger will probably take great pleasure in revealing Chenta's previous occupation to Alberto . I like Alberto...another good guy. Susan


Another terrific recap! Thanks, Darcy. I got a big kick out of "the Fausto of it all".

I agree that Laura Flores did a good job on the grief at losing Aida. It wasn't too over the top. And we've seen all along how central Aida has been to Martha's life, especially after the death of Roberto. I remember all those scenes that drove me nuts at the time: Martha sobbing over the pink baby booties. But, she'd have been worse off without Aida's gentle guidance.

I believe they've mentioned a few times that Aida was the nanny, either for Braulio or for both children.

I think it would be Carmen who'd be Ros's stepchild.

While watching still another scene of Euge in denial, it made me think of the expression: "Don't say gay."

Liana isn't doing herself any favors lately. She's snapping at Mia, her one and only confidante. Braulio and Tigre don't count; they both just use her and blame her.

I am also sure that the "evil auntie" put that idea that Roberto killed Tigre's mother into his head. Lots of awful things happened because of that. I'm sure he'll find out the truth about not being Roberto's side kid and not take it well.

I'm glad they finally explained why Chema was in prison for murder. He seemed too much of a sweetie to have done it in cold blood.

I actually liked the sisters visiting Fausto for a bit of sisterly gloating. It's a sick kind of love, but he really seemed to want to keep her. Loved their telling him there's a divorce happening soon.


I will be out all evening. I'll put up a recap sometime tomorrow - Saturday.


Novelera, you’re right it is Carmen who made the comment about being the stepdaughter. Writing too fast, and not proofreading well enough.


Novelera: Why do I get the feeling Mia will be joining the Body Count soon ?



1/26/24 – Pt 1 of 3

We begin by revisiting Nuria and Chelo giving Fausto “what for”.

Nuria has come a long way. She calls Santiago mí amor when he calls her to say he needs to be with Martha because of Aida’s murder.

Angustias is trying to look inconspicuous in a rather dark bar as she watches Mario down his Last Call drink. Whoa! She’s arranged with the female bartender and a waitress to slip something into Mario’s drink. Angustias swears them to secrecy.

Diego confronts Braulio, who admits that the resbalosa Celia and he had a couple of acostones (rolls in the hay). He adds that this was probably because Diego couldn’t satisfy her. Diego puts a scare into Braulio, hinting the police might find out about this.

Martha sobs about Aida with Mariano. Along with Santiago, they agree not to tell Andres about this.

We see the civil ceremony of Ros and Rai at the pension. It was well done and quite touching. I wish the blasted writers hadn’t come up with a recurrence of cancer to mar the overall joy. They even threw in a flashback to Rai’s conversation with the doctor.

Martha bids Andres farewell, while Braulio asks Santi if he’s happy now. Santi gives Andres a sea shell to remind him of their visit to the beach and shows him how to listen for the sound of the sea.

Of course Braulio has to come along for the delivery of the boy to his mother.

The wedding guests begin to dance. Carmen tells Chenta’s son he’ll soon have a playmate. If they said the child’s name, it’s gone from my brain. And why isn’t Chenta at the wedding?

Euge picks sort of an odd time to break it off with Chalo. She takes him to another room for it.

Angustias’ face blurs as we see her from Mario’s point of view. He’s tied to a chair. She pours gasoline all over him. He begs for his life. She tells him she knows he tried to kill her to shut her up.

At the pension Nuria dances a little bit, at Chelo’s urging. Just then Braulio, Amelia and Andres arrive. The kid glares at Nuria, and you could hang a dress on that lower lip. The Vuelve a mí theme song plays. Nuria tries to touch Andres cheek, but he cringes away and clings to Amelia.


1/26/24 – Pt 2 of 3

Euge tells Chalo the usual. He’s a wonderful guy, but she’s not ready to marry. Then she just says it: she doesn’t love him. [I’ve found this whole thing with Chalo weird all along. He was madly in love with Nuria, making a total ass of himself on the regular. Then he magically switched to falling for Euge after previously just using her for sex.]

Liana fake comforts Martha about her loss of Aida. Martha says that the cops wanted to interview Isidro because he was the one who says he saw Aida leave. But they can’t find him. [I wondered this whole episode about Tigre’s absence. I would have presumed he thought everything was fine and have resumed lurking and eavesdropping.]

Back to gasoline-soaked Mario. He says that he told the truth in court, and they acquitted him anyway. Angustias shouts that his family paid off the judge and jury. Mario then says that Esmeralda deserved it, and he’s not sorry.

The cops are at Casa Zepeda and show off the ring in a plastic bag, saying it was found near Aida’s body. {Thanks, Darcy. I missed Liana’s planting the ring.] Liana pipes right up that the ring is Tigre’s.

Chalo asks Euge if there’s another güey. She doesn’t answer this question but gives him back the ring.

Mario tells Angustias that she should think about her son. His family will hunt him down and kill her and her son. He says that Esmeralda loved him. She tells him that he deserves to die and strikes a match. [I was surprised she went through with it; most good-person TN characters never do something like this.] We hear lots of screaming while the flames light up Angustias’ face.

Liana keeps on throwing Tigre under the bus. Then she says that maybe they should look through his room to see if there’s anything to find. [!!]

Amelia goes over Andres’ routine with Nuria. [How will he get to that fancy school? Nuria doesn’t have a car.] Amelia is very brave throughout, telling Nuria what she packed, including warm PJ’s. Amelia tells him he can call her whenever he likes. He grabs her around the waist, sobbing. Nuria looks very sad. He keeps begging Amelia to go home. He says he’s afraid. [Thanks, Braulio.] Nuria agrees to let him visit Amelia when he wishes, or Amelia could come here. Amelia tells him that she and Nuria are the two people who love him most in the whole world.


1/26/24 – Pt 3 of 3

Braulio tells Chelo that the boy would have had a better life with his family. Chelo reminds him of what a liar he is. Then she tells him it was Fausto who kidnapped her nephew. And that Braulio allied himself with a kidnapper and brought him to court.

As per Liana’s plan, the cops find Tigre’s vengeance closet. Everyone notes the red X’s on the recently died targets.

As Braulio and Amelia are about to leave, Andres rushes to Braulio. [At the very least Andres is a poor judge of character.] Braulio whispers in his ear to never trust Nuria. [That kid sure knows how to cry on cue!] He begs Braulio and Amelia not to leave him here.

Liana tells Santiago and Martha that maybe Braulio knows where Tigre is.

Chema comes to visit Violeta. He tells her his sentence was reduced. And he wants to tell her the truth. He says that she was too small to remember her mother hitting her. Violeta replies that her mother’s family said otherwise. Chema replies that they always hated him, and that it was easier to blame him than admit that they couldn’t raise a decent person.

Angustias and the bar accomplices bury Mario in a field.

Chalo tells Chelo about Euge breaking it off, and she comforts him. Carmen overhears their conversation.

Euge and Carmen almost kiss, but Ros walks in. Euge tells Ros that she won’t ever get married. Ros asks if Euge is gay, but we don’t get her answer.

Martha, sobbing, tells Casandra about Aida, but not about Tigre.

Braulio and Amelia come home. Santi and Liana tells them about Tigre. Braulio says that he doesn’t know where the guy is and that he isn’t picking up calls.

Andres meets Chenta’s son. Nuria approaches to offer him some wedding cake, saying that he always used to love sweets. He remembers what Braulio said and slaps the cake out of her hand, yelling that she’s mala.

Braulio asks Liana if Tigre killed Aida or did she do it. She stares at him, speechless. He tells her that he spent the night here and saw the two of them dragging a bulto (a bundle) out of the house. He’s sure it was Aida;s body. “When did you become his accomplice, and which of the two of you killed Aida?” Well that was a nice cliffhanger.


Thank you, Novelera, for this wonderful recap!!! It was an exciting episode!! At first I was surprised too that Angustias was going to act, but as soon as I saw her in that abandoned building with the gas I somehow knew she would go through with it!! And, boy did she!! She even walked over Mario's grave instead of around it, cold! The actress was really good in those scenes!

I didn't like the Chalo/Euge break-up scene. Talk about cold, that was the worst possible time to do it! In the middle of the wedding, while Chalo is already overwhelmed with worry about where his mom could be. Even Carmen asked Euge if she couldn't have waited for a better time to do it, and all Euge said is she felt like doing it then! And that's what I really didn't like about it, Euge hasn't seem particularly selfish before, but this was! She dumped Chalo on an already tough day for him because she felt like it, and then after she coldly told him she didn't love him and didn't want to marry him; she told him not to make HER feel any worse than she already did!!!

I loved how Chelo told Braulio 'He's not your son!!!' Someone needs to record that message and play it on repeat for both Amelia and Braulio - although Amelia will come around.

I can't say any more about Braulio, he's just evil! I can't stand watching him manipulate Andres. Nuria would be better off backing off Andres a little and letting him settle in and bond with some of the other residents, like Chenta's son, his aunties, full of joy Rai! Let him feel out the situation and get as comfortable as he can be. But Nuria won't of course, because she's so desperate to be near Andres.


Novelera, thank you for another excellent recap.

I loved the dancing .

Braulio is without scruples . Watching him scare Juan and poison his mind about Nuria is awful. I hope Santi gets a chance to give him a couple good punches,

Chelo was right there to comfort Chalo after Euge broke up with him. We can all see that the writers are going to redeem Chelo and give her HEA with Chalo and Jacintito.

How soon is slippery Fausto going to escape and cause more trouble?

Tigre is not going to let Liana frame him . Let's see these two baddies go after each other . Susan


And on top of Euge being rather cruel to Chalo, she wore a near-white dress to someone else's wedding! Terrible. The whole story about Euge doesn't ring true, even by telenovela standards, but I guess it's progress. Still think Carmen can do better.

Liana is smarter than I gave her credit for, hiding that ring in the body. I didn't realize that was what she was doing. But she overdid it a little with the cops, which doesn't matter given that Braulio is now a witness. Girl can't cut a break! I hope she goes down swinging and destroys Braulio first. Even a bad guy deserves something going right for once.

Amelia is on her way to redemption, but maybe Santi could have stayed the night to help Andres settle in. And then someone get the kid a shrink for cryin' out loud.


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