Thursday, February 08, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Vuelve a Mí, Amor Imposible y más: Week of February 5, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

  • 9-10PM  - Vuelve a Mí
  • 10-11PM - Amor Imposible

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Thank you for all the updates. I miss wednesdays and didn’t get to see Mia finally get concrete proof that she backed the wrong, mentally ill horse. Sorry, Mia, but you really had no right to tell Santi about the pregnancy.

And it was rich of Chelo to say SHE’D never give up her child. She was ok with letting her nephew get kidnapped, but giving him up to make him happy? Too far. She’s getting redeemed but she still hasn’t done anything to deserve it. Crying a lot doesn’t count as a sincere apology.

That’s it. Thanks everyone for keeping me up to date and helping get some Spanish back!



2/8/24 Pt 1 of 2

Braulio can’t accept what Liana is saying, that his mother knows he was behind Alicia’s death. He starts choking her, and Fausto has to run in and punch him. [Is this 5th or 6th time he’s lost a fight?]

Martha tells Mariano that Braulio may be in prison for the rest of his life if he’s guilty of killing Diego’s wife. She also tells him that Santiago told her about Liana aborting “his” child. Mariano tells Martha that she has to tell Santiago about what Liana and Braulio did.

Andres tells Amelia what Braulio said to him when he went to be with Nuria…that she, Amelia, would die of sadness if he treated Nuria like his mother. And that Nuria is bad. Amelia is very good, reassuring him that Braulio was just worried about losing him and that Nuria is a good woman.

Nuria overhears Chenta telling Angustias about Braulio’s rape attempt.

Braulio is like a mad dog this whole episode. I have to give the actor credit. He and Liana spit insults at each other until Fausto throws him out.

More groaning from Rai, but this time Ros sees it. He insists that he’s fine when she tries to get him to go in for a checkup.

Santiago comes to see Nuria. He tells her about Braulio getting released and that his brother tried to put the blame for Celia’s death on Diego. He looks sad and tells her about Liana aborting his child.

Liana is not thrilled with Fausto’s getaway motel, the one where the cops never find him. He puts a move on her. But she’s thinking about Mia and isn’t in the mood.

Diego comes to tell Amelia about Braulio trying to blame him for killing Celia because he was jealous. Amelia tells Diego about Andres having told him that Braulio told the child that, if he accepted Nuria as his mother, she, Amelia, would die of sadness.

Andres runs in to see Diego. He tells Diego about remembering bad guys taking him, and that Diego found him in Aguascalientes. Diego needs to get it off his chest and tells Andres that he was the one who hit Andres with his car. Andres realizes that he’d have been alone in a city if Diego hadn’t cared for him. He forgives Diego.

Nuria tells Santiago how Andres began smiling when he saw Amelia. Santi tells her she’s a wonderful woman and that he feels like the luckiest man in the world to have her. He proposes marriage. Nuria tells him she had dreamed of a lovely wedding, but the two of them don’t need that to show the value of their love.


2/8/24 Pt 2 of 2

Mariano brings Cassie to meet a woman who’s also in a wheelchair and with a good job. The woman tells Cassie that her husband was jealous and violent. He threw her downstairs and pushed her onto the floor. She says how hard it is to leave a situation like that. Th man puts on a good show around others. And she felt shame at being in such a situation. She does say that she ended up in a wheelchair, not from the abuse, but from complications of long COVID.

Martha discovers Braulio rooting through her desk (likely looking for that letter Liana wrote to Roberto). She goes right after him. She tells him she knows about Celia. She’s sure that Liana told him what Fabian said. Braulio tries the same old, same old on his mother. She tells him flat out that she knows he killed Alicia and tried to kill Fabian. And he let Santiago go to prison. He stole five years of his brother’s life. "You slept peacefully while he rotted in a miserable prison." She reminds him that he gave her that incriminating cell phone that he had planted in Santiago’s car. She pulls out the trump card. Liana showed her a video where he confessed everything they’d done. She tells him he sickens her.

Braulio says he did it for the company. The Paris stores were beating them. He just wanted Roberto to be proud of him. He goes on and on about Roberto always preferring Santi. He blubbers that he couldn’t have endured prison. Santiago was always stronger.

Nuria tells Chelo about the proposal. Chelo confesses that she’s fallen in love with Chalo.

The Braulio pity party goes on. He says both he and his mother came second to Santiago. And, if Santiago hadn’t gone to prison, he would never have gotten his father’s attention. Martha: “Did you kill Diego’s wife”” He denies it. “How could you believe Santiago, who’s not yours, instead of your own son?” Martha: “Because your hands are stained with blood from Alicia!”

Santi tells Alberto that he and Nuria are going to live together. Chenta tells them that neither Liana nor Mia came to work. Just then Fabian comes in and tells Santi they need to talk.

Amelia takes a pregnancy test. [I’m betting this baby will survive. And that the bad genetic thing came from Braulio.]

Chelo’s nameless baby will be called Porfirio, after Nuria and Chelo’s father.

Chalo walks Chelo to the market. Fausto peeks around the corner, muttering that she now has a guard dog.

Martha tells Braulio that she hasn’t been able to tell Santiago about what he did. Braulio begs her not to turn him in. She pushes him away, telling him to be a man. He begs her to “choose” him. No one has ever chosen him first, according to him. Martha: “Did you kill your father?”

Fabian comes to GZ and tells Santiago he needs to tell him something. He says that the whole attempt on his life was planned by Braulio!


Novelera, thank you for this great recap describing this cookie as it crumbles .

There was a lot of yelling and screaming close up and personal in this episode. Even crazyeyed Fausto looked like he couldn't believe how nuts these two people are. Things are bad when Fausto seems to be the sanest person in the room.

All the crazy in one room with Fausto and Liana tag teaming braying Braulio.

Braulio also got into a shrieking match with mom. This guy cannot win a fight . We should have had a drinking game set-up for every time someone punched out Boohoo .


Thank you Novelera, for all the wonderful recaps. I really appreciate you stepping in for me! I haven’t watched anything yet but I will hopefully this weekend. I haven’t even turned on my television in a week. This is the weirdest bout with nausea. I have been overwhelmed by the silliest things. Like I can’t think about watching TV because the talking and moving around of the actors feels like it would be too much. I have had a hard time looking at my computer if too many tabs are open because it feels chaotic. I can’t scroll through Facebook or Instagram for the same reason. It is the weirdest feeling but hopefully it will be gone soon. It’s better today than it has been.

OT...I hope you feel better soon.


Thank you both, Susan and Darcy, for the appreciation. Darcy, I think I would have gone to the doctor if I felt nauseous that long. Are you experiencing a telenovela first sign of pregnancy? Hope you feel better soon. Anyway, I was happy to take up the slack. It's getting close to the finish line so there's more happening.

I'll do another one tonight.

I stocked up on avocados and chips for the Super Bowl. My team, the 49ers, are playing, and I expect to be a nervous wreck. Lots of us in the Bay Area have bad flashbacks to four years ago when the Kansas City Chiefs beat us in the last Super Bowl we made it to. I keep trying to swear off football because of the brain damage that's been documented. But, when you grow up in Ohio, as I did, it's somehow in your bloodstream. There's a story that may or may not be true, but it's about a four-way stop in Columbus, Ohio. Four cars come to those stop signs, and no one moves forward. The Ohio State Buckeyes are playing on the car radios, and they have the ball on the 5-yard line.


Novelera, in a novela is the only possible way I could be pregnant, lol. It’s biologically impossible. I would have gone to a doctor too except I am reasonably certain that this started because of a bad reaction to a medication and i keep thinking it will be better tomorrow, then tomorrow, then tomorrow. Etc. I actually fell asleep really early tonight and then woke up at midnight like it’s morning or something, lol. But I’m feeling pretty good right now so I am going to say I am finally on the mend!

I live in Kansas City and am a Chiefs fan! Not stocked up on any foods since food has been the last thing on my mind, but looking forward to the game and being able to watch it without nausea!!! 🤞


2/9/24 Pt 1 of 2

We return to Santiago and Fabian at Grupo Zepeda. Fabian tells him that Martha sought him out. Santi doesn’t buy it at first. He thinks it was Marcos Gaitan, the guy who died in prison (set up by Tigre IIRC). Fabian keeps insisting.

Braulio looks devastated by his mother’s having asked if he had killed his father. “He died of a heart attack! [Actually he was on the mend until Tigre smothered him with a pillow.] Martha: “What were the last words your father said to you?” We see for the umpteenth time Roberto telling Braulio he was ashamed of him and then slumping to the floor.

Braulio surprises me. He tells his mother that his father found out he planned the attempt on Fabian and Alicia. He starts sobbing, reliving his father calling him a monster. He swears he rushed him to the hospital. He didn’t kill him. Eyes brimming, she tells him that he did.

Santi starts to accept. “What? He hired assassins and lied all these years to his family?” Fabian tells Santi that he’s asking that the case be re-opened. Santi: “Does my mother know this?” Fabian replies that she does know and that he wanted her to tell Santi before he talked with him.

Liana gets even crazier in the No Tell Motel. Her victims appear. Tigre tells her that she tried to drive Braulio crazy, but she’s the one with un tornillo flojo (a screw loose). Aida shows up pointing a finger at her, then Rosendo, and finally Mia. Liana shrieks that she’s not crazy. Tigre appears again and says that fire can cover up what she did.

Chema is helping Ros wrap some gifts. There’s a moment between them. [Really? They’re setting up a man for Ros after Rai kicks the bucket?] Violeta comes in, notices “the moment” and talks with her father about it. Chema insists that she’s a married woman.

Cassie is still with the woman in a wheelchair. I never did catch her name. She assures Cassie that she can have a sex life, maybe just a bit differently.

Alberto tries again with Chenta. He admits that her past took him aback and he needed to process it. He tells her he thinks of her all the time. He wants a chance. He loves her. They kiss. But she pulls away, telling him he has to pass a test.

Amelia shows Diego the positive pregnancy test. He’s overjoyed. She tells him that there are miracles. [I so love Diego’s greying temples. The rest of the cast members who have black hair have it so dark and all one color. Undyed black hair seldom looks that uniform.]

Martha tells Braulio that they gave him everything, but nothing was ever enough for him. She blames herself for not being tougher, for not setting limits. She pushes him away and feels horrible about all the bad things Liana did. He starts to beg her not to turn him in. He says he’ll go “far away”. She seems to agree, saying this will be the last thing she ever does for him.


2/9/24 Pt 2 of 2

“Because, even though you’re a murderer, you’re my son and I love you.” Braulio sobs, kisses her on the forehead, and leaves.

Santi remembers some moments spent with Braulio where Santi thanked him for his help.

While Liana has “guests” at the motel, Fausto is still lurking. He picks up on the attraction between Chalo and Chelo. “You replaced me that fast?”

On his way out Andres runs up to Braulio, calling out “Papi!” Andres tells him Nuria is not a bad person, and Braulio admits he might have been mistaken. He gets the bright idea to take Andres with him. I can’t quite tell if it’s to assuage his loneliness or for spite. Andres wants to tell Amelia they’re taking a trip together. [Just then Nuria gets una corazonada (a bad feeling about something).] Andres senses Braulio’s sadness and hugs him.

Fabian and Irene come to denounce Braulio at that same police station where Braulio was dragged before. They meet the same woman (prosecutor, plainclothes cop?), the one who wears the most eye makeup of any official in Mexico City.

Diego tells Amelia that what she needed was the good kind of love. She warns him about previous miscarriages, but he insists that all will be perfect.

Cassie tells Ari about the professional woman in a wheelchair. She says she wants a normal life in all aspects.

Santi rushes into Casa Zepeda shouting for Braulio. When Martha speaks up, he is furious. “You knew that Braulio was the guilty party and said nothing! Fabian told me everything. Were you covering up for him” Martha replies that she didn’t know how to tell him. Santi: “Not only is he a murderer, but I spent 5 years of my life in prison because of him..

Chenta introduces Alberto to Pepito. Alberto kneels before the boy and says he’s his mother’s good friend. The kid catches on fast. “the boyfriend!” Doesn’t seem to mind a bit.

Braulio is in a nicer motel with Andres than the one Liana’s in. Andres keeps asking why they didn’t tell Amelia and why she didn’t come with them.

Martha tells Santi she only just found out, and it was from Tigre. She tells him that Liana was Braulio’s accomplice in getting rid of Fabian and Alicia. She couldn’t bear to tell him because Braulio is her son. Santi shouts at her. “Didn’t what happened to me matter?” He reminds her of how she treated him when he came home. “You threw me out like a dog! Here’s the difference…I was not guilty, but your son is.”

Raquel tells Amelia that what she needed to have a baby was a different husband.

After the usual rabid sex, Liana and Fausto start to plan their revenge. Liana: “Fire destroys everything.” [We hear the Psycho movie violins again.]

After seeing Andres’ drawing of the two of them at an amusement park, Braulio tells Andres he should have drawn things for his father. He remembers a time when Roberto complimented him for his work at the company and gently advised him to be better with people. Braulio, eyes brimming, embraces Andres.

Martha tells Santiago she adores him. She knows she did wrong with Braulio. A maid comes in to tell them that Andres can’t be found anywhere. Martha: “Braulio took him?”

OT...Novelera , I haven't had a chance to read the recap yet , but I know it will be ...super duper !

I wanted to cast my Superbowl vote ....for the Chiefs . I love Travis . I saw him on SNL long before the Swift connection , and he was hilarious and seemed like a really fun guy to be a football star. All the girls in my family are Swifties . One of them bought small Xmas trees representing the colors of the Taylor's eras . Three of them went to one of her concerts.

Darcy, I hope you feel better soon. Susan


Novelera: Howdy from the Alamo City. Thank you very much for the recap of last night's episode. I had no idea Crazy Liana killed Mia, so how did Liana do it 🤔 ?

PS: My beloved San Francisco 49ers win their 6th Super Bowl Championship tomorrow night. I'm confident in my 49ers exorcising those demons from 2019.

Darcy: Amelia is preggers HORRAY. Let's hope nothing horrible happens to her & the baby. Get well!

Susan: With the return of "ESDLC" for their 9th Season next week, when do we expect the Gran Final of "VUELVE" ?


Novelera, thank you so much for bringing us every moment of crazy . Your recap was super duper . I enjoyed your comments .

Wow, the writers are tying up all the loose ends and getting the anvils and HEAs ready for distribution.

Liana is spiraling mad mad , and Fausto is still arrogantly angry mad . Fausto will go after Ch and Ch, and Liana will start a bonfire . yikes.

I loved seeing usually mellow Santi finally lose his cool and scream at Martha.

Braulio in probably a last desperate measure to have someone love his dreadful monster self decides to take poor Andres along on his farewell tour. This poor kid has seen the worst of humanity . He will need counseling for years and years.

Nuria feels the call of the blood as she sews . Will Braulio do one good thing and bring Andres back?

As soon as I saw the new Golden Bachelor move into the neighborhood , I somehow sensed that he was going to be second string for Ros when poor, dear Rai leaves us. Wow...the writers didn't want to leave Ros single for one single moment.

I guess we all suspected that Diego's good as gold DNA and his good loving would result in a bebe for Amelia.



Steve, you surprised me. You often mention the Alamo State. BTW I've been to the Alamo and had a very nice long weekend in San Antonio some years ago. I saw a TexMex show featuring Flaco Jimenez, just fantastic!

Anyway, I thought someone in Texas would root for either the Cowboys or the Texans. The Texans made a good run this year with their new coach, ex 49ers Defensive Coach DeMeco Ryans. We miss him here in the Bay Area.

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