Saturday, March 23, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 18, Viernes, 22 de marzo, 2024 - "Who knew a box could hurt your family that much? Not quite your Grey's Anatomy episode"

We get the usual repeat of the last scene of the previous episode. Our protas look like they're going for a kiss, but Paz bails out last minute and they say that it's getting late. Damn it!

Ginebra is having a shower and is thinking about Esteban. She then imagines Esteban being in the shower with her... Yikes. She says something about not having feelings for him(?).

Elvira is still wondering who knows about Ginebra. She mentions that her dad told her her daughter's father is dead. This is a telenovela. How many chances are there that he IS dead? Fobo says that it would be a privilege if she lets him accompany her for the rest of his existence. Elvira gets colder than usual (and that's saying something).

Salo tells Esteban and Paz he'll treat Gala like a princess. Paz says that a Robles' word is important. Gala asks her and Esteban "and you guys?" Esteban looks puzzled and says "and us... What?" Paz looks at Gala with asks the same. Nothing, of course. Vermin enters and is his usual vermin self. Salo and Gala leave to film that video.

Felipa is her usual mean self to Nandy. She mentions her name sounding like a hurricane. Kenzo, after Nandy leaves, announces to Felipa that Nandy is his new secretary. Felipa's reaction is the one you can expect. Kenzo shoos her out and she just can't stop herself from throwing a hurricane reference before she leaves, can she?

Unfortunately for Nandy, she hasn't left before Felipa. She's waiting for the elevator and so does Felipa. As Felipa keeps insulting her, telling her she dresses as a woman (hmm, maybe because she IS one?), Nandy tries to calm herself down out loud. After a while, she decides she has had enough, mentions Felipa's horrible perfume and takes the stairs. Slay, girl, slay! Fel is left smelling her hair.

Kenzo shows his sons the camping equipment, but they just look bored. The older one mentions it being too childish. 

Paz escorts Esteban out. He says the kids are taking a while with the video. Paz replies that her mom says "el que mucho se despide pocas ganas tiene que irse", meaning "he who says goodbye a lot doesn't feel like leaving". Esteban notices some poster advertising dance lessons and asks Paz to accompany him. Weren't they saying they want to live again? Paz is a bit taken aback, but she accepts. 

Meanwhile, Gala and Salo are live on some social media platform. The viewers ask for a kiss. Gala says ok, but a small one and they kiss, Salo with less emphasis on the "small" part. Gala finds an excuse and ends the live. Salo asks her to accompany him tomorrow at some event of his barrio, didn't catch that and she accepts.

Jerónimo is watching the video of the kiss on his phone when his dad takes it away from him (I don't think he saw the content), saying a slumber party doesn't include phones. Sandro, the other kid, says he's bored and accidentally on purpose breaks something by kicking his ball at it. No offence or anything, but Kenzo decided late to "connect with his kids". Was that explained why?

Mau is having a good time with Mir. She takes advantage of the opportunity and asks him about Samara, he surely loves her like his own. Mau remembers him telling Sam never to forget this and him hugging him before talking. He says she couldn't have put it better. Mir then asks him if he has any suspects as to who did this. Mau replies that he keeps blaming himself (and rightfully so) and adds that he could have done much to stop this tragedy from occurring.

Meanwhile, Sam/Luna is asleep. Paz enters as quietly as she can and asks the rhetorical question of how is she supposed to know if Luna's mom will treat her like she deserves. She takes Cobija and they leave Luna to sleep.

Monito has went back to the place Gorila had his Oliver Twist camp. He remembers telling Luna to leave and he says "I hope you're well, Luna". I just want to grab and hug the kid.

Salo is mad at Pepa for wanting to paint and leave the barrio, saying he knows his secret and it'll make grandma and mom cry. At last he finally tells him what he knows and the brothers are in a bad mood as Salo leaves the room.

Paz is thinking about the almost kiss. So does Esteban. We see Paz again, Mir just entered the room. She says she's a distrustful person, but the guy couldn't stop talking about his niece, she's starting to think he's a good guy after all!

Ginebra is looking at a picture of poor Sam, saying she'll (Sam) serve her (Gin) like "I served you for six long years, idiot".

The next day, Paz is putting on the same sponsored product. This time it's her mom that asks her about it. I think I've learnt the words by heart, I almost caught myself talking along at the "vitamina" part LOL

Ginebra is in her (?) gym, punching a punching bag furiously. Mau enters and asks her who pissed her off. She says she didn't notice him enter, where was he? He replies that he went to drink a beer or two. Gin asks him if he's sure Rubio has accepted to take blame for everything; Mau's answer is positive.

Paz and fam are preparing breakfast when Luna enters, chasing Cobija. She runs too fast and hits her head on some boxes that are lying around the table. Everyone panicks, trying to keep Luna awake, because there will be awkward questions asked at the hospital. They're unsuccessful, plus, there's some blood.

Elvira wants to talk to Rubio, Esteban says it won't do any good. She then talks about Gin and how she wants to help her. We get it, gal.

Kenzo's kids find even the cereal childish. They tell him the don't like these stuff and he says they should make a list of things they want to do, he wants to spend time with them. Jer tells his dad to grow up.

Paz, her family and Vermin arrive at a fancy hospital, talking loudly, begging for medical care for Luna. The woman who works there asks Paz what is her relationship to the child and she quickly says "she's my daughter!" Vermin looks uncomfortable. The woman says they need identification, they say they forgot it because they're in a hurry and Vermin makes up some fake names for them. They promise they'll give them the identification they want, but later, they have to treat the child! The woman agrees.

Esteban tells Kenzo, who has now went to work, that he wants to clear his image, for their company and his kids. Kenzo shows his some camera footage in which Rubio is seen. Esteban starts screaming and Kenzo tells him he has to calm down. I think at first they were talking about some financial plan they have, but it was only one line and I didn't catch it.

The nurses(?) show Paz and fam (and Vermin) the way to the room they'll put Luna in. One of the two says only one person can go inside with Luna, Paz says she will. Vermin gives the still unconscious Luna to Paz. The nurse says the dad has to provide the documents and he and Paz share a worried look that passes thankfully unseen by the nurses.

Esteban and Kenzo talk about how different Paz and Nandy are from others, respectively. 

Now Luna is woken up. A male nurse is cleaning the wound. He tells Paz he'll ask the child some questions to see if she can remember and then mentions some doctor from the neurological department. He asks Luna "Who's that woman standing in front of you?" Thankfully, Luna replies that she's her mom. We get some flashbacks of Luna saying she'd like Paz to be her mom. The doctor cleans the wound, it hurts but Paz is holding Luna's hand. 

Esteban and Kenzo have some girl talk about how Esteban felt with the almost kiss. He likes her, he loves the way she takes care of his kids. Kenzo asks him if he's interested in her romantically. He is. And it's not just physical attraction, it's something deep. Kenzo then asks him if she likes him back, Esteban replies that he doesn't know for sure. He thinks about kissing Paz and the intro song plays (starting from the Sí o Sí [yes or yes] part and then normally).

Elvira is showing Ginebra around, excited that she'll work here. Later, she asks her if she knows anything about her family. Gin says no, that her mother abandoned her and she can't imagine how she could abandon such an innocent creature (riiiiight). El says maybe her mother didn't abandon her, but Gin replies that she's sure she did and mentions the name that was given to her, Ginebra, is the name of some alcoholic drink? She says she was ridiculed and adds that she'll never forgive her mother. El sheds a tear, but Gin pretends not to notice.

Esteban and Kenzo are still talking about Paz. Esteban says calling it "love" would be a bit soon, he doesn't even know if she loves him back. Said woman calls him and tells him a family member of hers is at hospital. Esteban asks if he can help in any way. Paz replies that he can't, but thanks anyway and by the way, can her mom come instead of her to work today? (She had asked her mom beforehand and she said she can go.) She doesn't want his kids to stay without eating. Esteban is happy she's thinking of his kids and he accepts. They hang up. Later, Esteban brings Gin to the conversation, saying she's worrying him too. Kenzo asks him if he's interested in Gin as a woman as well; Esteban says no, he just wants to help her find her daughter, just like he wants to help Paz find hers. He remembers the kiss and admits to Kenzo that Gin kissed him. Kenzo is shocked. (Unimportant, but was I the only one who saw "eat healthy" in an screen behind the ping pong table for some seconds and then it gone?)

Vermin tells Pepa and Salo not to tell anyone about who they really are. Mireya comes and they're all worried about the papers, what are they supposed to do? Mir mentions the whole procedure being logical, they have to make sure the kids aren't stolen. Vermin has a flashback to his conversation with Mau about protection from the police and I believe says he wants to fake the documents. Mir screams in a whisper that they'll go to jail and Luna will be taken away from them. A hospital camera keeps showing up in our screens and our hereos see it too. Hmm.

Elvira shows Gin her (Gin's) office. Gin says the chair makes her feel special. El says she is special. Gin asks her who will she report to and El says (somewhat sourly) that Esteban is the general boss so she'll have to report to him as well. 

Nandy arrives and is her usual Nandy self. The other secretaries say she has to do some sort of English exam and Nandy manages to have me cracking up when she starts her "Merry Christmas". The secretaries look a bit alarmed as they show her her office. I was just about to say we finally got a scene without annoying people in it and then I saw Elvira enter, screaming at Nandy about being in HER company. Nandy says Kenzo has chosen her as his assistant and El doesn't believe it. 

In the last scene of the episode, the doctor finishes up some stitches (?). The female doctor from the neurological clinic arrives and asks about Luna's papers. Paz says they forgot them, but they're bringing them now. The medica looks at Luna and frowns. "Is something wrong with my daughter, doctora?" Paz asks anxiously. "No, it's just her eyes remind me of something", the doctor says. She takes a closer look, gives Paz a look and says she knows them from television! Crap!

And with the doctor's look, Paz's "try not to freak out" face and Luna looking at both of them, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


Haven't had the chance to read, yet, I'll be back later to comment. Weirdo, change the title, we're Viernes, not Lunes 😉

Adriana Noel


I loved your wry and wonderful recap.

So many great lines including “As Felipa keeps insulting her, telling her she dresses as a woman (hmm, maybe because she IS one? ),…”

“el que mucho se despide pocas ganas tiene que irse" was very much appreciated.

Paz and Esteban are definitely sparking, their attraction palpable and very real.
Ginebra’s kissing (not singing) in the shower scene with Esteban startled me, Esteban just oozed sexuality. Oh my!

I was surprised Mir (seemingly forgetting everything she overheard) seems to be hoodwinked by Mauro’s declaration of love for his niece.

As soon as Luna hit her head, my stomach lurched knowing that this was likely going to cause her identity to be revealed. I don’t see how Paz is going to spirit her away safely.


Thanks Weirdo, loved the recap, and your side comments.

What a way for the show to end, it seems the doctor recognized Luna. But maybe she didn’t really. That’s my hope. Also hoping Vermin doesn’t go to Mauro for papers. He knows they’re the ones after her.

Elvira is very unlikable. Not sure what Fobo sees in her. I thought she liked him but I guess not in “that way”

Mandy’s English was a light moment. I’m glad she and Kenzo are friends. Wonder if it will go further than that. His kids, sadly, seem to be more like their mother.

Looking forward to the dance lessons, which is partly why I think it’s too early for Paz to be caught.

Liz that was quite an episode , and you did a great job recapping it.

Well, it's a rainy day here , and I am supposed to be cooking , but here I am sipping a new brand of coffee and reading recaps .

First, I had to look up " Ginebra." It was a name that I had never heard in a novela, but none of the characters commented on it. I did some research. Guess what , Ginrbra is a bestselling gin made in the Phillipines. Wait what . Well, I have heard the name Brandy given to girls in the U.S. Whatever.

Second, wow, that was quite a fantasy Gin had in the shower. I think she may be falling for Esteban's charms. Daniel has the telenovela beso perfected . He is the best kisser in the biz ..We saw that in " Invencible , " and even before that as Sebastian Rulli's competition in " El Dragon." Your kiss is on my list....shout out to Hall and Oates.

I am fascinated with Gin's wardrobe....all leather, all the time ...except in the shower . Evidently, a strapless , tight leather sheath dress is perfect for the office.

Weirdo, yes, that sign with words I didn't know was there one minute , and when the camera turned back to Kenzo , it wss replaced by a different sign without words, so that pingpong scene was shot at different times . By the way, both these guys are good at ping pong ...good eye hand coordination, natural jocks.

The male nurse was a doctor in " Invencible."

I have seen Claudia and Daniel dance together . They are both great dancers , and I am looking forward to the Cumbia lessons .

So... The whole Robles clan and Vermin have gone to the hospital. I know several EMTs and cringed at them picking up Luna and passing her back and forth.

Somebody find Monito!!!! Poor sweet little guy.

Weirdo, Thank you for this wonderful, witty recap!!!

How many things can one show do to a small child in a short time! It's been 18 episodes, and Sam/Luna has been kidnapped, abused by 'mom', attacked in a car with 'mom and dad', kidnapped from there too, locked in a box and rolled down a hill, left for dead, discovered by a kid and taken to the Oliver Twist camp, given a forced bad hair cut, forced to steal, victim of another attempted murder, found by her bio-mom, and now knocked out and probably concussed....and I'm sure I'm forgetting more things....poor kid. Seriously people how many ways do you need to torture a child???

I liked the stupid smile on Esteban's face when he imagined kissing Paz, it was cute and goofy.

Kenzo's house is NICE, and his ex's place was nice too and filled with expensive toys - they must have $$$. Kenzo seems like the junior ex/sidekick, but he has possessions like the owner a company. But maybe he comes from money.

Gin cracks me up when she's manipulating Elvira. I don't even listen to her just watch her face. Altair is a great actress, her facial expressions are hard to look away from.

I don't think Vermin would go to Mauro but I almost wonder if Mau would help him if he did. Whatever else is true, Mauro doesn't actually want to kill Sam, that's why he didn't burn the box, he might help Vermin hide Luna from Gin. But it couldn't last. There are too many links between the two, someone is going to see Luna sooner than later. I hate to think of Luna going back to Gin, but I don't think she could kill her now, she'd have to play the loving mother card again so at least Luna would be physically safe, but emotionally she is in danger!!!



Weirdo, thanks. The recap was great. No time now, hope to be back later to comment.

Thanks so much, Weirdo. Love your writing style.

Felipa, ugh! What a horrible, nasty human being. And it's pretty clear the kids got ALL her DNA. Well, if he worked a lot and didn't spend enough time with them, that still doesn't excuse simply awful manners. He shouldn't let them push him around. That little one breaking one of his framed artworks should have to time out and face the wall for a couple of hours.

I've read in the comments here that the actor playing Esteban is a good dancer, so I'm looking forward to the cumbia lessons. I used to dance cumbia a lot at clubs when I did more of that.

They are sort of overdoing Salomon as the philistine of Mireya's two boys. I was surprised that he didn't want his brother to go to art school and, I suppose, "get above himself".

Wow, that Gin is cold hearted. Her remark about Sam serving her even dead referred to using the grieving mother to manipulate Elvira and Esteban, I assume.

Ginebra is the literal Spanish word for gin, a prime ingredient in a martini.

Gin keeps pouring on the "poor orphan" schtick to Elvira. Do I care? Not so much. I know they're going with Elvira's baby taken forcibly, but her behavior to Paz and everyone in her family takes even a shred of sympathy from me.

ITA about Gin's crazy office attire, but then this is nothing new. I've been known to have my jaw drop at some of the outfits women wear to the office in TNs.

I had a thought about Elvira. She said her father said the father of her daughter was dead. I wonder if possibly Ginebra was the result of rape and that is why he took the baby. It could explain Gin's personality if the bio dad had inheritable bad traits.

Kat, that's a very good theory!

Great stuff, Weirdo.

You know Ginebra is one sick bitch to not really have the hots for Esteban.

Reverse snobbery like Salomon's is not that unusual. My college bud got that from his in-laws years ago who took the attitude that you weren't working if your hands didn't get dirty.

Does anyone think that Mauro could crack if he spends any real time with Mireya? He looked close to it at least once.

I do not believe that personality is genetic; there would be no progress in the human race if it were. It's obvious from Elvira's flashback of her father that he was a control freak. Could he have killed Ginebra's sperm donor or ordered it done? It is not unusual for control freaks to follow in a parent's footsteps because it's what they learned.

AJ was not bewigged during the shower scene; all we saw was her actual hair. The extra-long piece is not a perfect match and was unnecessary in the first place. As for the office attire... she does like being a dominatrix.

I'm late again, but thanks guys!

Adriana, got it, title changed! Thanks for telling me.

Diana, thanks! I also like Claudia Martín and Daniel Elbittar together, good chemistry. As for Luna getting out safely, I'm guessing somehow Vermin will fake papers, but I'm not sure.

Liz, I'm guessing Vermin won't tell the truth to Mauro about why he needs the papers, maybe he'll find an excuse... Otherwise his stupidity will skyrocket. I cracked up at Nandy's English, it was the light in this episode's darkness. ITA about the dance lessons. I'm looking forward to seeing that as well.

Susan, thanks for the research on Ginebra. I didn't know Brandy was a name, odd. As for the shower scene... I think she may be starting to fall for him, but does she have enough feelings in general to like someone?

Darcy, ITA about poor Sam/Luna. I hope they stop torturing the child too and give her sweeter scenes. But I doubt it, at least nit now. "I liked the stupid smile on Esteban's face when he imagined kissing Paz, it was cute and goofy." ITA! #savemonito is a keeper.

Thanks, Jarifa!

Novelera, thanks for the info about Ginebra and gin. Speaking of the devil, "Her remark about Sam serving her even dead referred to using the grieving mother to manipulate Elvira and Esteban, I assume." That was so... This crossed a new line. I mean, I definitely had her capable of saying it, since she ordered to kill her, but that was so shocking, even when you know Gin. "Gin keeps pouring on the "poor orphan" schtick to Elvira. Do I care? Not so much." Okay, this cracked me up.

Kat, I guess it depends on the traits. I agree with Urban that personality isn't inherited. I can only see that if he had some sort of inheritable mental illness.

Urban, I agree about Mauro cracking if he spends time with Mir.

I personally think Gin's dad isn't dead and that El's father lied to her. I have a hunch he'll pop up. We'll see.

I think that Gin is so damaged that she is incapable of love. I guess her steamy shower fantasy showed us that she is falling in lust with Esteban. I have a theory and a hope that the fantasy is the closest Gin will get to Esteban. In " Invencible" , Gale fell stoned in love with Mar\Leona as a teen and again as an adult .However,even though they married and did some hugging , kissing, romancing, and dancing, it seemed that they never had sex as adults . All Gael got was that gauzy curtained beach bed by the surf fantasy. I hope Esteban is a smart galan who can continue to resist Gin's charms as he has done so far , but he has been a widower for six years , so he is vulnerable.


Weirdo, thanks so much for your excellent recap. I am having serious difficulties with my DVR playback, so I haven't been able to watch yet, but I am pursuing other modalities. I think I really, really need to hear Nandy's English performance.

Your title sent me off on a tangent over all the boxes: kidnap box, head-injury box, Xbox, Gin loves to box...hopefully we will end up with Esteban and Paz learning a nice box-step.

Blue Lass, and everyone is thinking outside the box .


Thanks Blue! Yes, many callbacks to "box"! Tganks Susan fir adding "thinking outside the box"!

Ok, finally watched and have to say I kind of agreed with Kenzo's kids about the tent in the house being a "kid" thing. Eder might have liked it, but the only thing Jeronimo could do in a tent is try to seduce some poor girl into believing he's not a douche.

I can't wait to see Paz and Esteban dancing, but that was an inappropriate invitation from a boss to an employee. I try to put myself in Paz' shoes - if I had a crush on my boss and he asked me to have dancing lessons with him, would I say yes? Hmm, yes, I would!
I actually saw some instagram videos with the actors practicing for the dance scenes. They both looked great!

Adriana Noel

Adriana, thanks for your comment!

LOL about "the only thing Jeronimo could do in a tent is try to seduce some poor girl into believing he's not a douche". He's as annoying as his mother, which is saying something.

I'm looking forward to the dance scenes! Hope we see them soon.

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