Saturday, May 04, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 45 Viernes, 3 de mayo, 2024 - "Paz's team loses brain cells, Ginebra's wins some"

Note before the recap - thank you for all the get well wishes. I feel better but I still have something between a headache and a migraine. 

Here we go:

El admits to Gin that she's her mother. Gin smiles while turned away from El, then turns around with a serious look on her face, pretends she doesn't believe it and whines about poor her whose mother abandoned her. El says something about her father not wanting her to be with Gin's father because of his social class (the apple unfortunately didn't fall far from the tree, did it?) and Gin screams about not only having a mother who abandoned her, but having a father who didn't care as well. El desperately tries to explain, Gin continues smirking evilly every time she turns her back. Gin shows some of her venom when she says Bere had everything she didn't have and the convo ends with Gin saying she doesn't hate El, but in order to forgive her she has to defend her from everyone. El promises and they hug. Of course, Gin smirks her usual smirk.

Paz thanks Humberto about managing to get her whole family free. She calls him "licenciado" (licenced, here means lawyer) and he tells her to simply call him Humberto. He flirts some more with her and Paz thanks him and leaves. Paz has clearly understood the flirting, because she has an "oh mierda" look on her face when she leaves.

Sam tells Monito to hurry up, she doesn't know how longer she can keep the lookout thing. Mon leaves alongside Sam. Mon has about all the brain cell power of the adults combined and we're talking about a six-year old child and around 10 fully grown adults. Anyway. He tells Sam to distract Gin so he can do something in the room. Sam agrees and our little spy calls Esteban.

Esteban, meanwhile, was looking online for information on Ginebra. He tells his AI assistant to look for connections between the articles he was reading and Ginebra and Mauro Nicoliti. Ah yes, the power of AI. You can let it do all the work and you can just bitch about your mother-in-law hating you, or your cousin coming to help but hitting on your incarcerated girlfriend... Ok, I dosed off. Back to the plot: Mon tells him about the secret room, some tickets he found and a locked box inside. Esteban tells him to be very careful, Mon replies "don't worry, if I weren't a monkey [mono --> Monito] I'd be a rat!" LOL Esteban unfortunately tells him to stop looking around (come on, Mon has told you Gorila has trained him for that stuff 3 seconds ago!). They end the call and Monito hides the phone again.

He tells Sam that he did his "private business" (asunto privado) but unfortunately Mauro hears this and asks both of them what he's talking about. Mon makes up some excuse, Mauro threatens the kid. A daily life in Villa Nicoliti or whatever it's called.

There was a discussion with Esteban I didn't understand entirely, I'll write whatever I caught. Esteban mentioned some sort of money transactions, the guy he called said they don't necessarily appear electronically immediately, they appear at some specific time. And that company (/ies?) he was investigating had something to do with Ginebra. Funny, they don't mention what that company produces either. As for the other one, maybe it has something to do with clothes, wasn't Salo flirting with some woman who worked at a clothes shop inside the company? 

Anyway, Gala pops up, she's going to talk to Jero. Esteban tells her to be careful. Señor Disculpas de Cuidar is born. Ok, I'm stopping now. The migraine is limiting my comedy skills.

Paz tells Mir about them leaving, Mir is excited until she learns that Paz will stay here. Mir says that she doesn't want to leave her alone here, Paz tells her she has to go and look after Lupe and her sons. 

Gala gives a chance to Jero (noooooo), not before talking about Salo becoming a dad, he's so young! That's not how it works, Gala, the sperm won't go like "oh, wait, the dude who produced me is only 19, yeah, bye egg!" But anyway, they mention they're gonna make more money off this (Gala says they have to help the ones in need with it), they start filming a live and everything goes smoothly for about 20 seconds. Gala sees some food and throws up. Both are shocked, Jero ends the live and Gala runs somewhere (bathroom?).

Esteban is viewing Gin and Mauro through the bunny camera. Mauro gets suspicious of Monito, but Gin doesn't think he's capable (never underestimate your enemies...) Then they talk about Esteban being an easy target but Gin will manage to get him. She doesn't love him either; she didn't even love Elías. Esteban is thunderstruck...

...and does something VERY stupid; he goes to Gin's house and confronts her ALL BY HIMSELF. Why was he telling others to be are careful then? So he gets to mess it all up? He screams about believing she was a good grieving woman who was desperately searching for her daughter. Gin says yes, she is, but she found Sam, was he expecting her to be crying all day? He talks about searching for her and finding out about her growing up(?) in Europe, about the shady business deals whose economical data he can't find and mentions some money that are the exact amount of some life insurance? Gin starts the "not everything is digital" argument and he tells her about the bunny cam (Esteban, SHUT UP!) After he reveals basically all their info Gin smiles and admits SHE killed Elías and SHE set up the kidnapping! Esteban grabs her by her neck and starts shouting that SHE'S the one who will go to prison.

Jero is actually nice to Gala, who gets upset with what they're writing about her on social media. 

Esteban mentions Sam being the only heredera of Elías' fortune blah blah things we already know. He then tells Gin he'll call the cops ("that's your end, Ginebra") and veeery sloooowly turns around and dials, which gives Gin just enough time to wear a specific mask and press the emergency gas button ("that's not my end, it's my start"). You prat, Esteban, you were THERE when she hit it last time! Of course he loses consciousness and collapses. Gin calls Mau and checks Esteban's pulse.

Vermin/Fermín/Fefe, you pick, has the brilliant idea to murder Rubio. I wonder if Ginebra has released stupidity gas inside the prison.

Mir and Paz cry as they talk about her staying and Paz giving Mir instructions to search for her daughter, see Sam and Monito and tell Esteban she loves him. 

Nandy, Pepa and Salo are of course against Vermin's stupid idea and say they'll tell the guards something, but Vermin stops them and says they'll ruin Paz's plan if they do.

Humberto tells Porfirio it'll be hard to get Paz out of this one, she WAS hiding the kid illegally. Porf goes to take a shower, Humberto plays with the darts and mutters that he'll save Paz.

Mauro locks Sam and Monito in their room because they "don't trust Monito". Monito tries to escape later, but to no avail.

Loooooong dialogue, which pretty much has 4 important points: 1) the cameras in the secret room (in which Gin, Mau and a still unconscious Esteban are now) don't work, 2) Mau convinces(?) Gin about not doing anything to Monito yet, 3) Mau tells Gin there isn't that much of a problem, nothing Esteban has found (with proof) can really incriminate them - so now Mau is also a tech expert except from a lawyer, HR dude and dubbing telenovelas out of Turkish on his spare time (good one, Blue!) and 4) they have his kids watched (not that hard with Gala livestreaming every moment of her life). Mauro injects Esteban with a needle, whose contents are red (and that kind of looks like the dagger from the Sow White story). Esteban wakes up and screams at them. They torture him by saying they'll hurt his kids, which is Esteban's Achilles' heel. He shouts that they can do whatever they want with him, just don't mess with his kids or he'll kill them. Gin and Mau give a mock surprised look. Gin then starts touching Esteban - with him pushing his head of the way, he's tied in his chair, you see - and says something creepy along the lines of "you'll do whatever I want" and I think says he'll have to break up with Paz? I had bad audio at that part. Esteban screams that Paz was right all along and he won't let Gin touch him ever again.

And on that slightly terrifying note, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


I'll start it off per Susan's idea, I vote the business is some sort of financial investment firm. The continuity department messed up again. Ginebra asks why it took more than 30 years for Elvira to find her. By my calculations it had to have been pushing 40 years ago since Beratrice was the second daughter and Gala is 18 or 19 y.o. Also what idiot confronts a killer without letting someone know what your plan is like the police, or your cousin the lawyer!!!???? Hope you feel better soon W.

My first thought when Esteban went in the house was similar. You confront a killer on your own without telling anybody. Then you tell the killer how you got your evidence and show her where it is. I was really disappointed in Esteban as he has always acted smarter than that. We know he’ll live but how can he get free. I don’t see Monito being able to save him.

Something I meant to comment on earlier, when they burned down the orphanage I’m pretty sure Mauro worried about the people in it and Ginebra pretty much said they were never nice to them so it doesn’t matter.

When Ginebra was acting all surprised and hurt I wanted to strangle Elvira. How can she not see how cold and calculating her daughter is. Watching two shows where mothers find they long lost daughter and think she’s wonderful is no fun.

Not sure why Vermin thinks he needs to kill Rubio. Surely the protection isn’t ending just because it’s just him now. And just Paz too.

So Filipe and Sandro don’t want to see Kenzo. I thought she was telling Esteban he had to free him.

I don’t know how many episodes are in this but I didn’t expect Esteban to discover the truth, or part of it, so soon.

I also was hoping Vermin would tell his cellmates the truth about Sam, then they’d be able to get Paz released. Especially if he’s going after Rubio.



Liz, I had the same idea about Vermin. Maybe he wants to protect everyone from Rubio since it's been proved he can get out of prison and stab Lupita, then return. He may feel it's either kill or be killed. Maybe he's hoping for a self defense plea, or as has also been demonstrated, people die in prison and no one knows who did it. Something that confused me is why was Paz and family were paying Vermin's debt to Rubio. Was it because they were afraid of repercussions against them? Also another thought r.e. Vermin, since he never actually got to do anything with the money for Sam, is he really guilty of selling her in the eyes of the law? I'm awaiting the actual recap to figure out what Sam and Monito were discussing when Mauro walked in on them.

Well, they seem to be hurrying things up. We had one episode of Esteban deciding to put the moves on Gin as the main plan . Then , last night , he was researching on the computer and found background on Gin and Mauro , but I dont know what he found out. I agree that the writers made a smart galan dumb by having him stroll into Gin's and confront her with a lot of yelling and bravado. Foolhardy.

Wow ..Gin pushes a button, puts on a gas mask ,and Esteban instantly falls unconscious. And I think the kids were in Sam's bedroom while all this transpired . Dont walk into that living room kids .

What was the injection Mauro gave Esteban?

Well, we know that Agent Monito knows about the secret room and how to get into it , so maybe he will rescue Esteban .

Vermin knows that all this mess is his fault , so I guess his guilty conscience has made him try to save everybody now. Tell Paz that Sam is Maria !!!!


Kat, Rubio just kept coming after the family, bothering them and trying to get money from them. He tried to rape Mir a couple of times. I like your idea of Sam not really being sold. Although Vermin did get the money, they just got it back.
Susan, when you said Agent Monito I was trying to figure out when a police officer had found the secret room. Then it dawned on me!
The needle looked so real. I hope it was a fake neck. It was something to wake Esteban up.

Weirdo, I hope you feel better soon. A simple headache is already a nightmare for me. I can't imagine getting a migraine.
I'm another one disappointed by Esteban's stupidity. I think they should stop sacrificing actual character for a bit of drama. They don't think very highly of us, do they?
I wonder how Gin feels about the fact Esteban can't stand her and would never choose her willingly. I mean, her whole story is about being abandoned and she sounded rather cross when Mauro told her Esteban will never love her. She can't really be in love, but surely it hurts he doesn't want her at all.
I wonder how Esteban plans to destroy Gin. She is way too powerful for the good guys. I'm starting to think they'll need magic to win.

Thanks, weirdo. I love how everyone in this community is so responsible and tries to put up a recap no matter what.
All I could think when they mentioned life insurance was that this must be how Gin got some of that money. But I'm starting to get frustrated with myself because I don't understand what they are on about when they start discussing financial Nicoliti matters.
I love how everyone in the Robles family is reluctant to leave.k I almost expected one of them to say,'no, thank you, officer, I' d prefer to stay in my cell with my family.'
So Mauro had to point out to Gin they were safe. Her fear and impulsivity at every failure is interesting. I wonder what she thought when she realised Esteban knew the truth. I'm also curious if Esteban's outright hatred for her doesn't affect her at all when she at least finds him desirable. Or is it the same to her that he dislikes her? She seemed insulted he liked Paz and not her.
I wonder whatElvira will have to do to prove she loves Gin. I keep thinking she will witness Gin committing a crime and will have to keep her mouth shut about it. Unless Gin will just make everyone's life hell and will tell senora Elvis that's her punishment.
Umberto really has none of those 'this woman is forbidden' principles apparently. We will never know, but I do wonder if he had kept up his flirting if Esteban and Paz stayed together with no issues because Gin did tell him to leave Paz.
Esteban told her about the toy spy I think. Why oh we have to say goodbye... to a smart guy...these telenovela writers seem to want to make me cry...(I'm more mad, however)
I honestly hope Gala stops all that vlogging, at least for a while.The fact she is basically putting all her edited/perfect life online seems to have made things worse. I wonder if her idisorder had got so bad if she didn't want to look perfect for her followers. I can't actually believe she has the time for all that vlogging when she goes to uni. Did we ever see her at uni btw?

Waterlily, I wondered about school also, seems none of the kids are attending so I wonder if it is summer break. Although Bosco was getting "help" from Elvira in math not too many episodes back. So Monito's coat hanger wire opens the entry to the secret room, but it does nothing for the bedroom lock.

Thanks, Weirdo, great recap that filled in dialogue from the conversations I couldn’t understand. I don’t know what they’ll do with Esteban. Why would they keep him alive. Although he definitely doesn’t know all their secrets yet. If he finds out Ginebra is Elvira’s mother he might figure things out.


Excellent recap of a bizarre episode. Thanks, Weirdo. I hope you are feeling okay soon. The gas attack pushed this over the brink for me into almost cartoon land. Best line: Monito saying if he weren't
A monkey he would be a rat. And a good rat he would be!

Thanks, Weirdo! I'm glad I got to read your recap before watching the episode, so I knew when to FF>> and when to pay particular attention. Here's what little I gathered from Esteban's investigations:

1. Ginebra and Mauro have lived all over the place -- I saw Argentina on his list, as well as Estonia(!!), but there were others I couldn't read fast enough.
2. Nowhere are there records of either of them registering a business or earning any income.
3. Nevertheless, at fairly regular intervals (presumably several years apart and in different countries), they make very large deposits that appear in nice, round numbers that look like life insurance policies. (I'm not sure what makes them look like life insurance policies, as opposed to, say, blackmail payments or large arms deals, but whatever.)

I find financial crime pretty dull and don't know why we have to spend so much time on it when there's so much REAL crime they're doing.



Thank you for persevering through your pain to craft this marvelous recap. I hope you continue to feel much better...

"...Gala pops up, she's going to talk to Jero. Esteban tells her to be careful. Señor Disculpas de Cuidar is born. Ok, I'm stopping now. The migraine is limiting my comedy skills". Oh no, painful as your migrane surely is, it is not dulling your sensational humor in the slightest.

As everyone has commented, Esteban running rogue to be it all and do it all was absurd. He spilled just about every single secret he knew!! These are stone cold killers and as upset as he was, he should have taken a chill pill and settled down and stayed home. How is he going to get out of this???

Vermin is right. In terms of Rubio, it's kill or be killed. Vermin knows he will not stop and in spite of everything he has done, I do think he cares about Paz and her family. Most of us have thought he would end up sacrificing himself and I think he is on that road.

"Esteban screams that Paz was right all along and he won't let Gin touch him ever again". I have a feeling he is going to eat those words, painful as they are.

Gala vomiting was so sad. She needs medical intervention ASAP.


Oh, and I LOVED "Senor Esteban Disculpas de Cuidar." Too funny! And thanks for reminding us that he was actually RIGHT THERE last time Gin pulled the gas-mask trick. He's even dumber than I thought.

I loved his bizarre expressions as he slid down the sliding glass door, though. That scene must have been fun to film.


I was also surprised/disappointed at Esteban’s actions, but I got to wondering if he’s dumb as a FOX. Maybe this is somehow part of a plan.

Monito is great! I loved how he figured out how to access the hidden places! It’s helpful to have an Artful Dodger on your side! Sort of like Satlmis in Mujer!

Migraines are awful. Hope you are on the mend.

Thank you all for the great recaps and comments. They are so helpful!


Great work, Weirdo.

I was hoping that Esteban would take all this to Humberto to secure it and discuss next steps but it's likely he didn't because of Humberto's apparent interest in Paz. His ego doesn't want to share credit for her rescue.

It is also possible that he never anticipated that Ginebra is this evil. Such depths of evil are difficult to understand by most normal people.

What will make this worse is the certainty that thanks to Ginebra's efforts Elvira will be the last to know.

The cash in the house's vault room is not their entire assets, so who knows how much she has at her disposal.

Again, when the hell did Ginebra and Mauro go to college? How many fortunes are they holding?

Ay, caramba....

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