Thursday, May 16, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #53, Notes from the couch®️

This is going to be a quick one, as I have a lot going on and I'm writing half from memory, half from some notes I took while watching. Feel free to add things I might have missed.

®️Thank you, Jarifa, for making up this perfect title while we were doing double (and sometimes triple) duty while recapping La Herencia. Oh, good times!....Remember Pedro Montero, you guys? Maybe he and Ginebra should start dating, I'm sure she'd find him quite fetching.😉

Paz and Esteban are both in tears as Paz reports back to work. They talk about Gala’s food needs. The kids come back the stairs and are happy to see Paz, Elvira … not so much. She eventually agrees with Paz getting back to her old job, after the kids insist. Gala especially needs her help.

Gin and Mauro are working out, she doesn’t want him in the office now, she wants Mauro to start homeschooling the kids.

In the very next scene Mauro teleports to Mireya’s, she asks him to leave, but he wants to talk first. He starts telling her about his childhood, growing up in the street with his sister. They had to run away from home constantly to survive. They lived in Europe, but they had a very difficult life.

Flashback to Mauro and Ginebra as teenagers looking for food through the trash, and another one with them being cold in the rain. Mauro tells Mireya he has a good heart, and he does love Samara. He also loves her, but Mireya is afraid of feeling what she feels, she also loves him. He asks her to fight for them. They kiss, but she still asks him to go, she needs time to think.

The family is preparing for the restaurant opening. Abuela and the boys talk about “amor”. There is also some talk about a certain Don Porfirio. Sal thinks the baby is his, he’s going to take care of it. Pepa is worried Sal is not ready for this type of responsibility. Gema arrives asking Sal to join her in buying stuff for the baby.

Nandy and Kenzo are talking about her past as a young boy. She is about to become a woman officially. The public official who has to do the paperwork has some questions that make Nandy uncomfortable, especially when he starts mocking her out loud. Kenzo gets into it with the guy, he gets violent, security has to intervene.

Paz is slicing some vegetables when Esteban walks in. He tells her he is taking Gala to a support group for kids with her problem. Paz is prepping some food for Gala’s died, Esteban has the rules, hands them to her, their hands touch briefly… Paz says she can follow the doctor’s instructions without a problem.

Gala doesn’t want Esteban to miss work for her, so Paz offers to take her to the meeting instead. Esteban is thankful she offered.

When they are alone, Paz admits to Gala that her heart hurts for many reasons. They start talking about Esteban and Paz doesn’t understand what happened for him to change his mind, it’s like he fell in love with someone else. Gala is about to say something, but they have to go now, the meeting is starting.

Cobija is able to walk again, the kids are happy. Sam still misses Paz.

At the No Name company, there is a meeting where Esteban says he feels his work as a general manager is not over yet. The board members are asked to vote. And the winner is Esteban. His first executive order is to give Kenzo his job back. If that the case, Elvira wants Mauro to work for the company, also.

During the group meeting Gala hears some testimony from other girls. After the meeting, she tells Paz everything was harder than she thought. She asks her to confess how she feels also, and Paz says she has so many problems: she lost Esteban, can’t see Samara and Vermin is still in jail. She has lost her faith in men, they broke her heart. Gala doubts but eventually says Esteban and Gin are starting to see one another.

Neither thinks any of this makes any sense, Gin even said they are going to marry soon. Paz tells Gala she only came back to work for her and her brothers, she wants to help them with everything. Gala knows she has all of their support, but she can’t stop thinking about Sal.

Nandy is sad, they couldn’t go through with the paperwork; there is always someone going against her. Some guys make fun of her and Kenzo, so he Kenzo goes running after them. Later Nandy feels bad for making Kenzo go through this. He promises he will stand by her, but this is all still new to him. He was raised in a very conservative family. But he adds they need to fight together, he wants to see the world through her eyes, become the man she needs.  

Esteban tells Ginebra he will never allow her to take control of the company. She is crazy! Gin grabs Berenice’s photo and drops it to the floor, breaking the glass. He grabs her shoulders, Elvira arrives to ask what is going on. Gin’s heel is still on the portrait on the floor. She makes up an excuse about almost fainting and dropping the photo by mistake. Elvira asks if Esteban was getting violent. Gin wants to re-establish peace within the family, they can all work together. She pretends to be worried when Elvira tells her about the sniper attack and hugs her.

Gala comes to see Sal, wants to help him with his work. I don’t get what they are doing, but they start dancing in the street and then they kiss… nope, it’s just Gala fantasizing, while talking to Paz. Sal having a kid is not easy to go past. Paz thinks love can conquer it all, she just needs to fight for what she wants. Gala feels good talking to her, almost like speaking to her mom.

Esteban and Elvira talk about work, but it’s conflictual once again. Esteban wants a truce, and she accepts one for work purposes.

Sal and Gema are buying stuff for the baby, Pepa gets into it with Gema, accuses her of lying about who her baby daddy is. Sal tells his brother he will get a paternity test.

Felipa and her sons have come to search for Nandy (they ask for Fernando when they first arrive at the Roble house). Nandy and Kenzo arrive together. Things get ugly very fast, Mireya and Lupita try to defend Nandy, Kenzo wants to drag Felipa out, Sandro accuses his father of not having money for him because he’s spending it with Nandy. Jeronimo also says Kenzo lost his job because of her, they get into a debate about what it means to be a woman. Kenzo tries to put a stop to it, Nandy never hurt any of them. She tries to explain, but the boys don’t want to understand or listen.

Bosco accuses Gala’s friend of harassing him with her insistence. She calls him a loser.

Ginebra tries to push for Esteban to make the next step. He wants Paz to be able to talk to Samara every once in a while. And then, when he knows everyone is safe, they can announce their engagement.



I'll watch the episode in a bit, just wanted to say these seem to be very comprehensive "notes".

Ah, yes, Adriana, those "La herencia" days were something else. I remember them well but there is nothing like being comfy on the couch. Anyway, you did "Notes From the Couch" proud for this episode! Thanks.

Only four comments:

How many times have we heard Elvira say that Paz is NOT going to work in the house and Esteban says YES! she is because it is HIS house? Do they want me to laugh at this point?

I did get a good laugh when Sal said Gema was more of a "rudo" rather than a "técnico" as if she were a wrestler in lucha libre. She sort of has that "rudo" vibe around her.

Also, Sal needs to drop the shades and change his look.

They are doing good job wth the anorexia/bulimia PSA.

Thanks Adriana, your notes are a full comprehensive report. I was thinking I missed a couple of things and just realized I never finished watching it last night. I went to bed when Felipa was asking for Fernando and I had no idea who he was!
I thought Humberto had taken care of the paperwork for Nandy. I hope that guy that was so rude gets fired.

I was go glad Esteban won the vote. Ginebra was not happy. Too bad Elvira didn’t see Gin throw the picture to the floor and ruin it with her heel.

Esteban is standing up for himself but it’s risky. I’m afraid she’ll end up really hurting one of the kids. He knows she’s evil but he doesn’t know how evil yet.

I don’t trust the guy that knows the phone records on Monito’s phone. I guess he’s their bodyguard, or watch dog. But I bet he’s loyal to Ginebra.



Thank you for another superb recap Adriana.

"Mauro tells Mireya he has a good heart, and he does love Samara". I would say that is halfheartedly true. Mauro is not immune, he is still able to feel (something Ginebra no longer can) but he is a tortutred soul. His past actions are littered with rather unforgiveable actions. He did throw Samara down that hill in a wooden box, someone he purported to love.

I do not believe he and Mir have a future. Mauro may well sacrifice himself in order to save someone else but I think he is not redeemable, he is too damaged.

I also liked the scene of Gala at her meeting and the close bond she continues to forge with Paz.

It's hard not to watch this without a bit of a lump in the throat. So much agony and angst.

I hope things start turning around soon.


Adriana, everything you wrote was spot-on — you have an excellent memory!

I just finished watching; here are a couple oddities I noticed:

1. Bosco has his door back! And just in time — now he can lock out that creepy Gio. What do you want to bet she’s only friends with Gala to get close to him?

2. Pepa called Gema’s sidekick “The Turtle” and implied that he (among others) could be the father of her baby.


Cher Adriana, merci, for delivering every harrowing scene as evil incarnate Gin goats and smirks at her control over frustrated , powerless Esteban as he tries to protect everyone in his orbit from her sadistic ways.

Watching Esteban's reaction to Gin throwing the framed photo of his beloved wife on the floor, shattering it like she has shattered their lives and stepping on it was awful. Gin knows just how to push Esteban's buttons as we watch an alpha male powerless, desperate , and suffering. He grabbed her, but still has enough control to stop from attacking her .

Elvira is clueless . When will she see the monster that Gin is?

So glad Esteban is still in control of the company and can hopefully get Kenzo back .

The portrayers of both Kenzo and Nandy are doing a terrific job of showing their developing love story. I feel compassion for their situation. Do you think Nandy looked better with her long hair or with this short, blonde style? Felipa is awful and deserves a great big anvil.

Paz is the definition of loving kindness and compassion , the epitome of a loving , devoted, self sacrificing mother figure . Her kind heartedness is a magnet for all those around her. I hope we see good overcoming evil in the end. We don't always see that happening in reality.

That girl whose name I don't remember is relentless in pursuing uninterested Bosco. Why? She doesn't seem to be a good friend to Gala. Why is she always at their house ?


Jarifa, thanks for explaining that rudo vs. tecnico business. I had no idea what Sal was talking about.

Diana, Mauro didn’t throw the box down the hill. That was Ginebras’s thugs. He was horrified.


OT..Yesterday, I saw a dog that looked just like dograbbit. He was very barky. I guess it is a breed. The owner didn't look very friendly, so I didn't ask.


Some kind of terrier, I assume, although I'm not sure which. I didn't think terriers were that trainable, but Cobija is a marvel. I was watching her play dead and she didn't even TWITCH.

Oh, another thing from the last epi -- Kenzo said his Dad was Japanese-Peruvian and very conservative. Do you think we'll be seeing him? That would be fun. The more estranged parents the better!

Thanks so much, Adriana.
I have to wonder what Mauro expects Mireya to do. Does he want her to move into that house of horrors and live with his dear sis?It's not like she can scream at the top of her lungs she wants to be with him- she'd end up dead. Unless Mauro does want Gin to kill her. I also have a feeling she is possessive of Mauro on some level. Mauro definitely has that 'us against the world and no one else is accepted into theteam' kind of attitude but at one point in one of the episodes Gin willforbid him to fall in love with Mireya. It's funny because she supposedly 'loooves' Esteban.
I think this is the first time atelenovela does a plot with a trans character and others ask rather interesting questions instead of it all sounding just very dogmatic. And Kenzo does struggle with the situation, which is very realistic.
I don't get why Gin claimed to like men with limits when Esteban is really only allowed to act within a narror set of rules she has given him. She gives in a bit, but then demands something in exchange. I think it's even scarier when he might think he could finally get something, but she is two stepsahead. When are they going to remove that tracker? Also, please please tell me he won't have to sleep with Gin! I do not want to watch that.For some reason I can't imagine her having a real sex drive. I know she had those fantasies but it seems that sex is more a means to an end for her. I wonder who is getting to recap that wonderful episode where this lovely encounter is supposed to happen.

I still am confused about whether or not Esteban is aware that he had a tracker injected into his neck and that Gin can hear every conversation he has. I have no idea where the writers are taking us .

Waterlily, in Gin's fantasies of Esteban, she looked like she was completely smitten and obsessed with him which is her idea of love. In her hatred of Elvira, she had Berenece killed and now wants Her husband.


I still am confused about whether or not Esteban is aware that he had a tracker injected into his neck and that Gin can hear every conversation he has. I have no idea where the writers are taking us .

Waterlily, in Gin's fantasies of Esteban, she looked like she was completely smitten and obsessed with him which is her idea of love. In her hatred of Elvira, she had Berenece killed and now wants Her husband. Ahhh ..she's in love .


So surprised that El amor was on at 9pm tonight ( Thursday)

Susan, Esteban is aware that Gin can hear him, but I don't think he has any idea how. Nor do we, really. :T

OT: Golpe de Suerte looks really promising -- many great actors, including my very favorite villain, Sergio Sendel!

OT...Blue Lass, I love Big Ed Yanez , and Sergio Sendel is a great villain. I get a big kick out of his pompous stuttering and cellphone tossing.


Blue Lass, thank you for setting me straight in that Mauro didn't throw Sam's wooden box down the hill.

I can't remember exactly what happened but maybe he was watching when it happened. But regardless, I'm glad he didn't do that.


Episode 54 aired last night in NYC; I just caught up with it. On the assumption that it wasn't airing I signed up for a Jackbox game session.

Did this not air elsewhere? If not, will they repeat it tonight?

Urban, I watched the show last night and so did Diana. I missed the first ten minutes because I didn't realize it was going to be on at 9 instead of 10. I can't remember who recaps on Thursdays, but I think she didnt realize that the show was on !set nigbt.

It was on last night in Chicago. #55 is scheduled for tonight,

Oh no!!! I am the Thursday recapper. I saw the preemption alert and assumed it wouldn’t be on — I even double-checked, and when I flicked over to Uni it was indeed fútbol. (Comcast didn’t know, either — not that they know much, typically — but they were showing the next upcoming episode for tonight.)

What should we do? I’m out of town and won’t be home until Monday…

Weirdo usually posts on Saturday, so I will post what I remember without all the deets and everyone can fill in in the Comments section.

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