Tuesday, May 07, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 46 - Lunes, 6 de mayo, 2024 - "Happiness and sadness"

More threats from Ginebra and Mauro, including the murder of Sam, Monito "and the dog if I feel like it". Gin points a gun at him and asks him to choose: life or death? They mention some sort of poison and antidote. Are they poisoning the kids and giving them the antidote? Because IIRC they mentioned them when Esteban told them they're going down. Does that mean that Sam and Monito will get poisoned and die if something happens to these two?

Some woman in prison called La Tuca attacks Paz for taking her job in the kitchens. She says she kidnapped a child, she's the worst of the worst prisoners, even worse than her, who killed her son's killer. Paz grabs her and says if she wanted the job in the kitchens she should have managed to keep it and tells her she doesn't want fights but she will defend herself when necessary. The last bit was said in front of other prisoners too.

Lupe is cooking and chatting with Porfirio. Porf still has the same attitude about Esteban and Lupe tells him that, with all the respect, she doesn't think his deceased wife would like this situation. Porf gets pissed at her for mentioning his wife, screams at her never to mention her again and leaves. Geez!

Esteban's laptop isn't working (yes, he left Gin's room of terror somehow) and he has a fit over it. Gala comes in crying, saying she vomited in front of the live cam and everyone is writing horrible stuff about her. Esteban hugs her and tells her it's not the first time she vomited randomly. He wants to call a doctor and tells her not to care about what the people say. He then says "pack your bags, we're going on a trip tomorrow morning"!

Paz thinks about Esteban's love and unfortunately about that cringe sex scene. Come on, not only I got to recap it the first time, I get to REWATCH it? La vida es injusta, siempre es, carajo...

Vermin pays Rubio's guard some pesos (was that 100 or 1000? Must have been 1000, about 55 dollars, because I don't think any guard could be payed off with 5). He monologues about ruining his life and meeting the devil because of him yada yada, grabs a pillow and tries to choke him, but removes it last second, calling himself a coward. Rubio screams he'll kill his whole family when he gets out as Vermin leaves, almost on the verge of tears. Ay, caray, Vermin...

Elvira apologises to Fobo. Somehow, the convo has them both worse than they already are. Fobo mentions having feelings for her again, but El is well... El.

Lupe prays to the virgin Mary about her family. Mir visits Lupe, they cry and hug.

Gin and Mauro are apparently very pleased with themselves. They drink some wine. 

Next day:

Humberto tells Paz that the group with the mothers who have lost their children have said that Paz knew about Sam and she had seen her from pictures. Paz is worried but wants to keep everything legal. Girl...

Bosco is whining to Esteban about the trip, where are they going? Does it have to do with Paz? And why did he buy them all new cellphones? Esteban says he'll explain later, now they have to leave. El fusses, this time rightfully so. Esteban gets a text message that I couldn't read (damn it, can they start reading these out loud or at least make the letters bigger?) and then a red laser dot gun thing starts pointing at every family member of Esteban, starting from Gala. The adults scream to the kids to get in the car, Fobo calls for backup and gets a gun out. More armed men come out, which would be enjoyable if our heroes knew what they are doing. A shot is fired and we cut to a commercial break.

Now Esteban, El and Fobo are all lying on the floor. Okay... They wake up (?) and there's a bit of a panic. The shot hits Fobo on the chest/hand couldn't distinguish, because of course it does. El immediately bends down to check him and calls an ambulance I assume.

Humberto says the child will be called to testify, Paz doesn't want to but tries to look at the bright side, because she's Paz. She insists on not telling lies, Humberto asks her if she'd rather stay in jail for 40 years (why is it always 40 years? I swear they're all condemned to 40 years in prison) and not to be able to find her daughter. 

Gin tries to brainwash Sam into saying what she wants: that the Robles knew who her mother was, which is true, but she and Mau also try to make her not say that the Robles were good to her and loved her. Monito is listening, he's right there eating the eggs Mau made for them. And... Did I hear correctly? Did Gin actually told the poor child that this way she'll help Paz get out of prison?

Mir bursts into tears when she hears her sons and Nandy have left the prison. They (Mir and Lupe) arrange to meet them at their house.

Everyone is pretty shocked after the shot at Villa Villa de Cortés. Gala asks him if it's the same people who have went against them in the past. Esteban says something about Rubio's people and actually LEAVES the house, even though literally everyone told him not to. He said he'll leave with the guard dudes I think...

...and back at Ginebra's Palace of Doom, back at Esteban grabbing her from her neck, back at Gin saying he doesn't have the guts to kill her. This time, Mau is also there, pointing a gun at Esteban. Est wants them to leave his family and pretty much everyone alone, Gin says she will if he breaks up with Paz TODAY and tells her she was a toy to him, that way he'll be single for her. Ok, creepy... Esteban says she can't love anyone, he feels bad for her, no one loves her and can love her either.

Paz is cooking her usual delicious food. La Tuca is pretty rude about it and Paz tries to... make peace (wink wink). She says they can work together, but La Tuca doesn't look like she likes group projects.

Los Roble reunite, except from Paz (and Samlunamaria, but they don't know). The barrio welcomes them back with flowers and everything is looking great...

...until Gema pops up and tells everyone she's expecting Salomón's baby. Salo's QUÉ face:

She gives some sort of medical papers to Lupe, who actually says the equivalent for "just what we needed". 

The prisoners eat Paz's delicious food and I'm hungry too, even though I just ate.

Kenzo's kids are... Something that vaguely looks like happy to see him. Felipa actually tells Kenzo to try being together again. He says they can try as friends, but not as a couple. Little brat Sandro asks him why and Kenzo says he's fallen in love with another woman. Fel, her eyes full of hatred and pure venom, asks him with whom. Urban, I'm sorry you'll have to go through recapping Felipa's reaction.

Elvira says that Fobo is ok, he's had surgery but he's recovering. The kids ask her if she'll visit him. Somehow, the convo turns to Gala vomiting live. El calls a nurse, Gala tells her not to, she doesn't feel well and... There she goes, on the ground: she has fainted. El and her brothers run towards her.

Paz tells her friend in prison about Esteban. The whoooole story. A guard comes and tells her some Esteban Villa de Cortés has come to see her. I was so sure they'd say Esteban Disculpas de Cuidar that I was surprised when I heard his actual name. Paz gets excited.

Salo says he'll take responsibility if it's proven that the baby is his. He says they went with other people too, Gema quickly says she didn't, the baby is his. Salo says sorry to his mom and grandma. Mir doesn't take it well at all, but screams that she warned him and he let her down. She storms into the house, with Pepa behind her, trying to calm her down, Lupe and Salo follow and poor Nandy tells the people to leave.

Gin and Mau take Sam to testify. Poor Sam looks like she'll have a heart attack.

Esteban has about 10 flashbacks and mumbles to himself that he can't do this, but he has to, he has to protect her. Paz comes all smiley, but loses her smile when she sees Esteban's face. She asks him what's wrong and he says they've lived wonderful times, but even dreams have an end. He lets go of Paz's hands. "Paz... You and I... We have to break up." 

And with Paz being too shocked to speak, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments on yesterday's recap!

Loved the recap, Weirdo, thanks!

Yes, the kids supposedly have been given poison by Mauro and the antidote by Ginebra since they came to live with them so if one of them is killed the kids will die. That was a twisty twist I hadn’t heard of before.

I was pleased that Paz defended herself in jail but disappointed that Vermin didn’t finish El Rubio off.

That whole “shooting” scene outside the house was a mess. It looked like Esteban and company woke up but aside from Fobo having been shot and maybe unconscious, why would Esteban and the others be?

What does Paz not get about lying and getting out of jail or telling the truth and spending the legendary 40 years behind bars? They are making her look stupid yet again.

Has Esteban opened the door for Humberto by breaking up with Paz? This could be fun.

What a terrific recap, and so funny! Now that I know it’s not fatal, I really want to watch everybody get shot at.

More later…

Great recap, Weirdo. Glad to see I was not the only one confused by the shooting scene. Looked more like they were drugged.
And I missed(through the fault of my poor Spanish)that the kids were being poisoned and then given the anecdote. That seems risky.

That Monito is something. The whole time Ginebra was telling Sam what to say you could tell he had her number. I hope he has a chance to tell Sam not to say that stuff.

I played my show back, thinking I missed a big escape scene. So they just let him go and then he’s free to come and go!

I was glad the whole neighborhood welcomed the family back. Much different from when they were arrested. But I really didn’t think Gema was pregnant. Salomon hadn’t been going out with her for a while, so I wonder if it’s really his.

I was hoping Lupe was softening Porfirio, but guess it didn’t keep.

Esteban has to turn in his phone and stuff to visit Paz. It seems he could tell her why they’re breaking up. I feel so bad for Paz. Hoping he’ll explain it to her tonight.


Weirdo, thank you so much for a great account of everything that happened in this episode. Wow. Where is this thing going?

So...Gin just allowed Esteban to leave after threatening his whole family and demanding that he break up with Paz so that ...what ?? Gin wants to be his new girlfriend under threat of death for all ???? She must really like fondue.

I am happy that Paz stood up for herself to the cranky cafeteria lady.

Can't believe that Vermin didn't follow through with his chance to eliminate awful , disgusting Rubio. I guess the writers are telling us that he may be vermin , but be is not a killer.

Well, Humberto will now become Paz's champion and fall in love with her while Esteban has gone to the role of Self scarificing protector of everyone .

Is Gin going to force Esteban to shake the sheets ( as Doris likes to say )? Will Mau have to hold a gun on him ? How will Esteban get out of this hot mess?

P.s. Maybe Esteban 's company makes ping pong balls , paddles, tables ? Fondue pits ? Hair products ? ( everyone has great hair).



Weirdo, your recap of this on the edge of your seat, depressing episode was enthralling and expertly written.

Thank you for alleviating a bit of the morbid events with your sparkling humor including "She says they can work together, but La Tuca doesn't look like she likes group projects".

I thought we'd seen it all but poisoning Sam and Monito to be sacrificed if Ginebra or Mauro dies was utterly sickening and terrifying. The level of evil here is Hades here on earth.

Vermin is of course responsible for everything reprehensible that has occurred in this TN. But For the first time, I did feel a bit for him; he still does possess some remnants of humanity evidenced by his inability to murder Rubio in cold blood. But now, he has seemingly assured even more devastation to Paz' family (if that is even possible).

"Gin and Mau take Sam to testify. Poor Sam looks like she'll have a heart attack". She really did. How much more will this child be able to take?

"Monito is listening". His intense stare at Ginebra's lecture to Sam seemed to mirror his understanding as to exactly how monstrous she is.

However will Esteban be able to turn things around? Please God are we FINALLY at rock bottom?


Diana, your “Please God are we FINALLY at rock bottom?” Made me laugh out loud. Thanks.




So many quotable quotes today. Updating sidebar library now...


BlueLass: Howdy from the Alamo City. I'm assuming that this Telenovela will take the 8:00 PM CST timeslot of "MUJER" beginning on Wednesday night correct ? Has Univision confirmed this ?


Good work, Weirdo.

Alternating poison and antidote sounds very risky, especially if the test subjects -- victims -- are children. Is it possible that Mauro is not putting in the poison or did you guys see something I missed?

If that is possible Ginebra may have gotten a stash of Viagra and/or Cyalis to put in Esteban's future food. Those things also have risks.

Working on last night's episode, so stay tuned!

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