Monday, June 17, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of June 17, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

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I had this video come across my TikTok feed, no idea how it found me but it was of the actor who is playing Brayan in Virir and it was him mimicking another guy’s dance moves, with zero rhythm and cracking up. A very different view of gangster Brayan, looks like the actor is a bit of a ham. Bet he’d be great in comedy

VIVIR #76 Part 1

A repeat of the WWE (Women’s Division) smackdown commences. Rebeca moves like lightning, grabbing Angel’s shoulder but when Angel retaliates, Elena arrives and separates them. Rebeca hisses through her forked tongue that Angel was trying to choke her. Elena immediately believes her, announces “basta” and tells Angel to leave. Elena walks and stands by Rebeca’s side and puts her hand comfortingly on her cheek.

Misael goes to Gabriela, looking for Rebeca.

Rebeca (wearing her poor, poor pitiful me) look, badmouths Angel and tells Elena it is best she leave the restaurant. Elena won’t hear of it. Rebeca says the only way to stop Angel from coming to the restaurant is for Elena to buy Angels shares. Elena processes this thoughtfully.

Lucas is on the computer when Lupe calls. Lucas puts his parents on speaker as Luciano listens from the hallway. He enthuses that living in the hacienda is the best thing that happened to him; he is even studying and wants the Rivera Cuellar to be proud of him and trust him. Lupe and Luis are very proud and urge him to give it his all.

JE has journeyed to the scene of the hit and run and seeks out several mechanics, asking if they saw anything. He pulls up Rebeca’s picture but they shake their heads “no”. Then one of the men mentions there is a neighbor who did see everything.” Gracias” JE retorts and leaves.

Monica tells Misael she will NOT help Rebeca. He tries to convince her but nopis, Monica doesn’t want Rebeca to use the shares for her own benefit. Idiot Misael tells Monica he believes in Rebeca (and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny) and that he needs her vote to gain the presidency.

Elena is talking with a lawyer when Angel arrives, wanting to talk. Elena gives her the side eye and says she will only listen if Angel apologizes to Rebeca! Elena will talk but only to tell Angel that she wants to buy her shares in the restaurant.

JE is talking to the witness with her robe on and curlers in her hair. She confirms everything, blesses herself and identifies Rebeca even though she was wearing a wig. (I must interject that I didn’t remember Rebeca wearing a wig but obviously I was wrong).

Rebeca is firing Sebastian! She holds out a check as Sebastian’s face mirrors his shock.

Are you sure JE asks? She is positive the woman was Rebeca. She tells JE in detail what she saw. JE asks if she heard the woman say anything but she answers she did not. Will you sign a declaration he asks? She doesn’t want to get involved but JE persists. There is an innocent woman in jail who is suffering. Please JE says.

Angel points out the restaurant is very important to her…she can’t understand why Elena is asking for her shares. Then Elena tells her she provoked this; she still can’t forget how Rebeca threw Angel down the stairs. Angel tearfully denies this but Elena continues to turn everything around on Angel; what she is doing to her sister is unforgiveable! Angel tries to inject some element of truth into the discussion; all that Rebeca says is a lie! The door to Elena’s heart is now locked as she coldly insists Angel sell her part of the restaurant. Angel refuses to sell her the shares; she will GIVE them to her! Angel bites her lip and looks crushed.


VIVIR #76 Part 2

Sebastian is carrying his box as he meets Adolfo and Misael in the hall. Adolfo tells Sebastian that Rebeca can’t fire him. Sebas tells him they shouldn’t exacerbate matters. JE will likely have a huge fight with Rebeca because of this so it’s best he leave.

Angel cries to Jimena (in fuchsia today looking lovely). Angel shares Elena wanting her to sell her Angel’s part of the restaurant. Worse, she doesn’t want her close to her. Angel gave the shares to her mother. Jimena agrees it isn’t right but tells Angel she cannot stay there any longer. As Angel leaves, Jimena shakes her head.

I’m impressed. JE has talked the neighbor into visiting Corral. When the witness sees the video, she confirms she saw the woman and everything that happened. Corral asks if she is sure and YES she is. BUT, then the woman states she thinks it was sexual assault. She states the woman gave the man a packet but couldn’t see what it was.

Misael asks Rebeca why she fired Sebastian who is a good friend of JE. She justifies she did what JE asked of her; to find the funding for Romina’s job. Misael asks why she is always talking about and focusing on JE. Then, Rebeca finally admits she LOVES JE, more than she thought she could love anyone!!

Misael sneers that only a person without dignity could take so much humiliation; JE will never love her. Rebeca thinks her love is enough and JE will learn to love her (delusional much??) He tells her she doesn’t know JE she is the worst mistake of his life as JE hates her. He picks up the picture of JE and Rebeca and tosses it on the desk. Misael (a person without dignity or a shred of pride) loves her and asks her to stop playing with him. She pushes him away, rejecting him. Rebeca tells him she will stay with whomever she wants and tells him to leave. His glare is fury filled.

Lucas, working in the fields is on the phone with JE, thanking him. He would like to be an engineer and JE greets this news warmly.

Rebeca asks Elena how it went with Angel. Elena relates that Angel gave Elena her shares of the restaurant. Rebeca tells her Angel is playing the good girl role and will try to set Elena against her. blaming her for everything. Elena won’t allow that! Rebeca thanks her for supporting her; she has needed her all these years. Rebeca walks over and hugs her.

Fatima on phone with Cris asking her to name one good thing Rebeca is capable of. Cris tells her Rebeca already hired an assistant, the wife of the engineer that works at the hacienda Romina! (It appears Cris has forgotten that Fatima declared to her how much she cares about Luciano, beanie time)

Mati speaks against Fatima and tells Luciano that her mother loves him. When she asks why he fell in love with Fatima he replies the love he and Romina shared was lovely but they hurt each other very much. Mati thinks he doesn’t care about her mother’s feelings.

Bruno asks Romina out to dinner. She will hurry so they can go; she wonders if Bruno is trying to woo (mercilessly use) her.


VIVIR #76 Part 3 of 3

Elena shows Rebeca a bill from the bank. Rebeca assures her she will take care of it (I’ll bet. Not). Rebeca spews more disgusting and poisonous lies about how glad she is that she found Elena. Rebeca tells her she is happy and has so much including JE and his family treats her so well. Elena wishes Angel could be part of that happiness.

Angel tells Lupe and Marisa the event was very successful! They view the photos and are surprised (and very dismayed) to see Rebeca was there. Angel explains the marmalades are part of her inheritance that Rebeca won’t be able to take from her. (I wouldn’t take that wager but I digress).

Elena sees Rebeca forgot her phone and decides to bring it to her. She visits Cris who invites her to have a drink saying Rebeca isn’t there. Then she thanks Cris for treating Rebeca so well and relates that Rebeca is so happy that JE gave her part of the shares. Cris swallows and gently tells Elena Rebeca lied to her. JE never gave Rebeca shares. Rebeca took advantage of Chris being in jail to demand Cris’s shares.

Elena insists JE loves Rebeca but Cris explains Rebeca threatened JE who sacrificed himself to keep Angel out of prison. Cris is sorry to be the one to tell her all this but her daughter has done horrible things, including being involved in Mau’s murder. Cris warns Elena to be careful because Rebeca destroys everything she touches. Elena can’t believe it so Cris tells her to ask Reb directly. Elena stands up and declares Rebeca is NOT a monster. She says she shouldn’t have come and leaves.

Jimena and Renato rue Angel giving away her part of the restaurant. Renato wants to go to Angel as she is likely devastated. When Jimena tells him she is supposed to talk to Icky, Renato says if she needs his help, please call him.

Carmelo greets Alma and welcomes her back to the marketplace. Doris and Wanda glare in the background and listen.

Gabriela can’t believe Sebastian is leaving but Icky thinks it’s about time. They get into a heated discussion about Doris and when Sebas grabs Icky by the lapels, JE comes in and breaks it up. JE sees the boxes and asks Sebas what is going on. Sebas answers that Rebeca fired him. JE turns around intending to confront Rebeca but Sebastian stops him. He tries to convince his hermano that he needs to end things with Rebeca before she ends up killing him.

Angel is on phone with Renato as he chops veggies. They make plans to go to dinner; he ends the conversation by saying “te amo, te amo” but Angel stares unsmilingly into space and doesn’t respond in kind.

Beca pays off Memo and Axel; she has a job for them. When they ask what the factory workers did to her, she answers nothing. She wants to see what Angel will do after her factory is torched!!

My friend interwove her wisdom throughout; her dialog translations magical!



Just started to read the recap , but I wanted to mention that I remember that in the past episode of Reb meeting Mau , we commented that it was odd that Reb's wig looked brunette , and we didn't think it was much of a disguise. I think we wondered why she didn't choose a different color wig, but I guess it was red. The scene was so dark that it was hard to see much of anything !

Okay back to the recap . Susan

Elena actually seemed to listen to Chris. Maybe a grain of the truth will permeate her stubborn belief in Rebeca's veracity.....
I knew Rebecca planned for the thugs to do something to the factory, didn't realize she wants them to torch it.

Vivir. Another first rat recap, Diana and friend. We have bought a new tv, but it can't be installed until a week from Wednesday. :( The upside is that I'm getting more sleep since I can't watch late-night tv, and the site where I watch this novela online doesn't have Spanish closed captioning, so I am having to refresh my listening skills. Very entertaining observations as usual: "WWE (Women's Division) smackdown" (Hilarious!); "Rebeca hisses through her forked tongue;" "(wearing her poor pitiful look);" "he believes in Rebeca (and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny." How handy that the older woman saw Rebeca running down Mau! Will her belief that it was to protect herself (Rebeca) from sexual assault have any effect? (actually I believe it was to put an end to blackmail.) Will Rebeca decide whether she loves JE or just wants revenge on him? (possibly a writers' problem). But the main question Viewerville is left with at the end of the episode is: Will Elena believe Cris about Rebeca or won't she? (I'm going with won"t).

Vivir. Kat: I wonder if the thugs will be able to torch the factory or if they will somehow be thwarted?

Reb's shrug, or whatever a turtleneck sweater around the neck and down her arms, paired with the denim top deserves fashion police mention...I don't always hate what she wears, but that was especially noteworthy.


Thanks so much, Diana and friend, for putting out great recaps day after day. This was a good episode in that a lot happened, but did anything good happen!

Elena deserves several slaps for believing Rebeca over Cris, and everyone else that shared their opinion of Rebeca. I felt so sorry for Angel having her mother reject her in that way. Rebeca even turned the generous offer of Angel giving her shares as a way to somehow influence Elena into taking her side. Elena is taking away Angel’s inheritance because Rebeca suggested it.

She seemed to get mad at Cris when Cris told her the truth about Rebeca. Maybe she’ll sleep on it and start having doubts.

It looks like Doris and Wanda don’t like Alma. And Doris doesn’t like Angel, I think because Rebeca painted her as so horrible.

One thing about Icky, he told the truth about Doris.

I hope those boys get caught before they can torch the place. Or maybe they won’t want to ruin it for all the workers there.

Misael is as foolish as Elena. Maybe her telling him she loves JE and telling him to get out will make a difference in his thinking.



Susan, I commented to O.S. in the previous post that if Rebeca was wearing a wig when she ran over Mau, I did not remember that or discussing it during the recaps. Obviously, I was wrong! (Again) :) My short term memory is junk.

Kat, Cris startled Elena with what she told her. I don't think that will be enough for Elena to accept her eldest daughter is the devil. There are still too many episodes to go.



Thanks so much SpanProf. As always, you are so supportive.

I'm glad you are able to watch despite your having to wait to get the TV installed..

"Will her belief that it was to protect herself (Rebeca) from sexual assault have any effect?" is a great question. I believe it will unfortunately. It's too soon for Rebeca to be brought down and I think Rebeca will not be charged because she'll claim it was some sort of self defense. Cris and JE might not agree with this assessment but that's only a guess.

"Will Elena believe Cris about Rebeca or won't she? (I'm going with won"t)". I responded to Kat that I think Elena was shocked by Cris' assertion and was caught off guard. I'm with you, I don't think she will believe Cris either. She is too mesmerized by Rebeca.



Liz, thank you for all your savvy comments.

"Elena deserves several slaps for believing Rebeca over Cris, and everyone else that shared their opinion of Rebeca. I felt so sorry for Angel having her mother reject her in that way". Very well stated and I agree with both!!

"Misael is as foolish as Elena. Maybe her telling him she loves JE and telling him to get out will make a difference in his thinking". While I really wish he would, he is like an unloved child who keeps going back, begging to be cared about although nothing changes. He was sadly pathetic today.

"It looks like Doris and Wanda don’t like Alma. And Doris doesn’t like Angel, I think because Rebeca painted her as so horrible" is exactly right. Doris needs to set Rebeca's poison about Angel aside and see for herself what a good person Angel is.

I fervently hope something prevents the arson at the fabrica. Angel's spirits are being crushed in every conceivable way, this would really push her over the edge. Not to mention all the workers who would be devastated.



Well, let's talk about the elephant in the room ...what do you call a sweater that has a turtleneck and long sleeves,but no front or back ??? It looked like she was back wearing the d neck brace. Reb has made her worst fashion mistake yet.

I have no words to describe Elena, so I will quote my favorite singer Michael MacDonald , " What a fool believes, he (she) sees."
Elena is delusional , and Reb is getting overconfident . I hope the anvil is getting into place right over Reb's big head .

Wow, Reb fires Sebastian ! What is JE going to do now?

Does Misael not notice that she thinks he is disposable too? Susan

Quoting another song lyric " Can I get a witness !" Yes! We have a witness !! Reb will probably claim that Angel paid her off !!


Whoops...that was me above ...Susan

Vivir de amor

Diana and friend, thank you for another stellar recap. As always it was a treat to read!

Up until now, I have been more or less just accepting Elena's silly support of Rebeca over Angel, but today was finally just too much. What is the matter with Elena?
One more thing while I'm discussing Elena, she is really beautiful. Whoever assembled the cast for this TN sure has an eye for the ladies; not all are showy, but all are good-looking.

Angel is not too bright to just give up her shares in the restaurant.

It was interesting to watch Cris's facial expressions when she listened disbelieving to Elena's version of what Rebeca had done. Elena, of course, would not accept the truth, but there are now a few cracks in Rebeca's defensive wall. But still a lot of chapters to go.

I have thought for a long time now, or at least wondered, if Rebeca's mental illness would figure in things, and especially her downfall and possible anvil.
So now she loves JE. More craziness.

Diana, somehow I missed Rebeca's declaration of love for JE, thank you for not missing it.

I was happy to see Alma still alive and back at the market. 'Sort of Mean Girls' Doris and Wanda were not so thrilled. I'm hoping for a change there.

Over time I have come to like Alma more, though I still remember that much of all these problems with Rebeca really started with her and Antonio. That was something that the patio only accepted grudgingly and over time. I have often thought that a scorecard would be a big help with some novelas, but lots and lots of "willing suspension of disbelief" is absolutely necessary.

Susan, if I ever want to identify some song lyrics I think you would be a better help than the internet!



I so appreciate your nice words Andy.

"I have thought for a long time now, or at least wondered, if Rebeca's mental illness would figure in things, and especially her downfall and possible anvil. So now she loves JE. More craziness". Thank you for that very important point; great observation. I don't think she loves JE any more than I do 😊 but she is hell bent on bringing Angel down every which way she can.

Yes, what IS the matter with Elena?? I hope she does start realizing Rebeca's facade is cracked (so to speak). If she continues to resist the truth, she will be truly shattered when all is revealed. But she can't say she wasn't warned.

That said, I was also disappointed Angel gave Elena the shares, especially as she has treated her so shabbily.

"'Sort of Mean Girls' Doris and Wanda were not so thrilled. I'm hoping for a change there". I am as well.

Susan, " Can I get a witness!"; such a great song!!



Thanks again, Diana and Omisciente, for another fine recap. There were several surprises!

Loved "hisses through her forked tongue". I can sort of envision Elena as a hand puppet on Rebeca's hand, speaking the words Rebeca wants her to say.

It was a big surprise when Rebeca outright told Misael that she loves JE. That seemed like a mistake to me, hopefully the first of many. Doesn't she fear that he knows too much about her?

I really liked Luciano overhearing Lucas's talk with his parents about studying agronomy engineering. Yep, Lucas is moving up in the son-in-law sweepstakes.

But...Mati is no prize. Several times they've shown her with facial expressions that seem to realize what a self-centered beyotch her nmother is. But it doesn't seem to penetrate her thick skull. Lucas should give up on her.

Couldn't Elena have had the good sense to take a look at Reb's phone. There surely must be something incriminating on there.

I'll be really angry if the marmalade factory is ruined.


Hola, Patio.

Thanks, Diana (recap) & Houdini (magical translations). Today’s episode was full of twists, turns, and emotional burns. And then there’s the fashion!

Mónica’s screen time was brief; however, instead of her usual cartoonish antics, she was actually quite savvy regarding Big Reb. Too bad the lovesick pissant Misael (love the actor; hang the character) won’t listen when it comes to his beloved Rebecca. More on him later. Is this the first time we all nod in agreement with the Joker? For the record, she was drinking midday in the office. At least she’s consistent.

Kudos to Junior Detective JE for hitting the streets, finding a credible witness, getting her to testify, and taking a bite out of crime-basically Agent Corral’s job. He should trade in his berrinches for a badge.

Ugh. During the Mother-Daughter restaurant shares scene, I prayed for Ulises del Olmo to appear and smack Elena because:
A. Who doesn’t love Christian de la Campa (oops! This should probably be D or E)?
B. Nobody on this planet can get through to Blind Elena.
C. The shares aren’t worth squat thanks to Elena’s horrid judgment/offspring.
D. It’s Ang’s birthright!
E. Who doesn't love Christian de la Campa?

More shocking than Sebastián’s untimely pink slip: Rebecca’s assault on fashion and corporate dress codes. I don’t know much about clothes, but I think Susan nailed the description: turtleneck, long sleeves, neck brace. May I add acid-washed overall denim pattern and some sort of leather/pleather/lycra pants! Yowsah! On the flip side, whatever Cris was wearing looked classy and muy sophisticated.

It’s episode O76, and we’ve never seen Misael as pitiful, vulnerable, and downright needy as we did today. Yuck! This guy shot a man in broad daylight at point range and then framed his aunt! Now they want us to believe he’s a sniveling mess after one rejection. Wait a minute! He IS Mauricio’s son!!!

Bruno & BEIR flirtation is so dumb that it’s funny. I can’t wait to see these two on a date. Es más, I would love for Mati to FIND them on a date. Wouldn’t that be fun/deserving?

Again, I find Rebecca’s disgusting and poisonous lies = comic gold. Gala cracks me up delivering such over-the-top delusion and outright lies with such ease and conviction. Rebecca does horrible things, but her mindset is fascinating. Misael may believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but there are unicorns, fairies, and mermen in RebecaLand. …and no mirrors!

I was cheering Cris for letting Elena know what’s really going on with Lost Cause Sr. (Lost Cause Junior must have been in class/casino this whole episode). Chances it will stick: not good.

Just when I thought the writers stopped gaslighting Renato and were inching him back to Jimena: BAM! He calls Ang and returns to Groomzilla Status. Oh well.


Gracias Diana! You capture all the warmth, silliness, and doubt right nonsensical with grace and humor as always!

So Sebas gets fired without cause from a job that he no doubt put years of blood, sweat, tears into; one that was his career, and he shrugs and tells Mis and Al not to make a fuss because he doesn't want to cause a fight between Reb and JE? LOL LOL LOL LOL That's all I'll say about that. I won't even point out that as a family member (by marriage) and Dulce's husband/next of kin, he may well have shares in the company...

Speaking of inheritances, Angel giving her shares to Elena doesn't bother me for two reasons: 1) the verbal agreement is as legally binding as the paper it wasn't written on, they didn't even shake on that! 2) Elena will undoubtedly give them right back by El Fin. I wish I could feel indignation over that, but it feels anticlimactic to me.

Good to see Luciano seeing more of who Lucas is and Lucas loving the hacienda. He needs to stay there and stay safe.

O.S. I mostly just don't care about Romina or Bruno but I'm going to try to take on your perspective and look forward to their date...maybe it'll be entertaining.

Oh, and of course I can't imagine who doesn't love Christian de la Campa, it most definitely isn't me, because I love Christian de la Campa! I love Christian de la Campa! I love Christian de la Campa!!!! I wouldn't love to see him smack a woman though.... let's have him appear, take her lovingly by the hand, look deeply into her eyes and gently speak truth to her until see comes to her senses!! Much better.

I am with you Diana, Reb doesn't love JE at all! I actually still think she feels something for Misael and that's why she's pushing him away. He's been really lovey dovey lately and I think he's getting to her and she's trying to push that away and keep focused on the goal. When Mis walked out of the office a tear streamed down Reb's face... that said, I do believe Reb has to cross Mis and those two have to go to war (eventually), I don't see any other way they go down except by taking each other out!


Thank you so much Novelera!

"I can sort of envision Elena as a hand puppet on Rebeca's hand, speaking the words Rebeca wants her to say" had me laughing out loud.

"Lucas is moving up in the son-in-law sweepstakes" is right and Mati IS a pill as much as I don't want her to be. I sense redemption by the end though, fingers crossed.

"I'll be really angry if the marmalade factory is ruined". Me too!!



Thank you very much for your always nice words O.S.

I especially savored "Kudos to Junior Detective JE for hitting the streets, finding a credible witness, getting her to testify, and taking a bite out of crime-basically Agent Corral’s job. He should trade in his berrinches for a badge". Just great!

"More shocking than Sebastián’s untimely pink slip: Rebecca’s assault on fashion and corporate dress codes" was perfect. I had written something up on Cris but I must have inadvertently deleted it. She was wearing a soft beige and ivory plaid ruana and turtleneck, her hair perfectly coiffed. "Sophisticated" as you smartly noted.

"E. Who doesn't love Christian de la Campa?" No one, especially our Darcy!! :)

And my favorite "...there are unicorns, fairies, and mermen in RebecaLand. …and no mirrors!". Perfect.


This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Darcy, thank you for your lovely words.

"So Sebas gets fired without cause from a job that he no doubt put years of blood, sweat, tears into; one that was his career, and he shrugs and tells Mis and Al not to make a fuss because he doesn't want to cause a fight between Reb and JE? LOL LOL LOL LOL" nailed that exactly! Strange and nonsensical.

I loved your intutive take on Rebeca: "I actually still think she feels something for Misael and that's why she's pushing him away. He's been really lovey dovey lately and I think he's getting to her and she's trying to push that away and keep focused on the goal" seems exactly on point. The proof? "When Mis walked out of the office a tear streamed down Reb's face..." You don't miss a thing...

I agree that Rebeca and Misael will end up canceling each other out...



Terrific recap, Diana and friend.

Cris had the patience of a saint with Elena. She held back her anger and disgust as she softly listed Rebeca's lies and crimes.

I'm fine with Angel giving her mom the shares instead of selling them. I just wish Angel would stop being gentle and pleading with her mom and get mad at her.


Thank you Urban!

Great comparison between Ginebra and Rebeca: "Both blame their birth mothers for abandoning them although both were kidnapped". Exactly!

I'm hoping the fabrica isn't razed. As you noted, that would be catastrophic. Rebeca is truly heinous in her disregard of human life.

I can hardly believe Sebas left like a meek little lamb. Beca knew just who to "cut". Misael, Icky and Bruno are all lined up against JE and now, JE only has Adolfo.



I'm not sure why this is being printed in bold.

It seemed to start with you Urban. Might you have a fix?



Thank you Niecie...

"Cris had the patience of a saint with Elena. She held back her anger and disgust as she softly listed Rebeca's lies and crimes" was perfect.

And yes, Angel needs to "let it all out". Maybe that will shock Elena into rethinking how obtuse she is being.



The bolding only happens when I post from my phone and I don't know why. My phone is weird and this happens accidentally.

VIVIR #77 Part 1

JE bursts into Romina’s office, looking for Rebeca. She stares wide eyed and says she doesn’t know where she is. JE scathingly asks if Romina really doesn’t know or if she was repeating what Rebeca told her to say. He leaves quickly.

Luciano and Fatima walk as Fatima expresses regret for what Lucas’ kids are going through. He confesses that when Mati asked if he loved Fatima, he couldn’t say he did. Fatima says there really isn’t anything between them but Luciano insists he does love her. He asks if she loves him but she only tells him that he knows the answer. His answer is an ear-to-ear smile.

Gabriel is on the phone with sour grapes Mati. He wants to come over so they can go out but Mati says she has too much to do; she also has to take care of Javi. Music plays as he talks with his horse saying he is going to Mati’s anyway. Sigh.

Misael bursts in on Bruno and Romina. Where is Rebeca he asks, (thinking she is with JE). Romina denies knowing where she is. After he leaves, she tells Bruno Misael seems very concerned about Rebeca’s whereabouts; Bruno brushes it off and warns her to be careful with Rebeca. #Perpetuallyplaid Bruno sports a rather subdued gray checked plaid jacket and turtleneck.

Monica passes Adolfo in the hall as Bruno and Misael watch in background. She sneers asking Adolfo if he is now doing in public what he would do secretly with pathetic Cris. He insists that he was always faithful but she tells him to save his comment for someone who will listen. She walks down the hall, grabbing Misael’s arm nattering about Adolfo divorcing her.

JE can’t reach Rebeca. He wonders if Rebeca knows he reported her!!

Mati sees Lucas and Javi with a soccer ball, they want her to come out and she climbs out of the window and joins them. Nopis, no soccer today, it’s hoops! Just as they start having fun, Gabriel confronts her, throwing a hissy fit. You are my novia, only mine he states, way too possessively. Lucas tries to intervene and a fight breaks out. Mati tries to pry them apart.

Lupe and Marisa are with Angel at the fabrica. Marisa advises Angel the new machine is being set up so they can use it soon. Lupe shares that Lucas is happy at the hacienda. She wants time off to go and visit him. She effuses that JE is supportive of Lucas’ studies. Marisa wonders how JE can be married to Rebeca. After Angel leaves, Lupe notes she still loves JE.

In the aftermath of the fight, Fatima tells Lucas there is no excuse for violence. Gabe is there not exactly battered and bruised. Both Luciano and Gabe’s father defend Gabriel who has never been violent. Fatima tells Lucas he will need to behave if he wants to remain there. Mati tries to stand up for Lucas but she can’t get a word in edgewise. She leaves rather in a huff.

Misael is surprised Monica agreed to the divorce. When Bruno tells Misael his mother is very attractive and should give love a second chance, Misael comments he would never agree to her seeing someone else. Bruno then asks if Rebeca will propose he take the presidency. Misael confirms and tells Bruno to make sure the other shareholders support him.


VIVIR #77 Part 2

“Matilde” Gabriel yells running outside after her. She tells him he’s too needy and macho for her. Actually she doesn’t but does admonish him for lying. His answer is to put his hands on her arms and remind her she is his novia. That doesn’t resonate with Mati who says they should break up.

Bruno and Romina are out at a restaurant. He tries to sweet talk her but she reminds him she is a married woman (hardly I say scathingly) but Bruno insists he wants a woman like her.

Elena is talking to herself in her office when Santi comes in asking if she is all right. She tells him not to worry about her. He shows her the documents where Angel turned over her shares of the restaurant. Santi doesn’t understand why Elena would expect that. When Elena tells him Angel gave him money to gamble, Santi contradicts her; it wasn’t mi hermana Angel, it was mi hermana Rebeca!

Angel cries to Renato (warning: major chest hair alert); she feels like an orphan. She and her mother were more than mother and daughter. Renato tells her that eventually, Elena will have to find out Angel is the same daughter who has always supported her. Angel comments life has taught her one needs to let go of whom they love when needed. Renato assures her the restaurant will be hers again. She thanks him for always making her feel better. As she nestles against his (hairy) chest, Renato says she isn’t alone; he will always be there for her. Kissing her hand, he tells her if she wants to get married tomorrow, he would do it. She agrees to marry him this weekend!

Cris (looking fabulous in her beautiful ivory hued plaid ruana) sits with Adolfo, Don Emilio, Misael and Monica. They wonder what Rebeca is up to; she knows nothing and doubts she has any recommendations that would help the company. Misael tells them Rebeca is worried about the company and they should listen to what she has to say. Monica berates Adolfo for not supporting his son. JE rushes in, announcing there is a witness who can identify Rebeca as the one who ran over his father! Misael looks worried.

The police stop Rebeca who is walking on the street. Corral pops out of a squad car and says she is being arrested for Mau’s murder.

Rebeca tells them they are making a mistake but she is gifted with wrist bracelets anyway. The police car lights flash as Rebeca recalls mowing Mau down like so many blades of grass. Yet, she continues to deny her culpability. JE approaches and Rebeca cries she is innocent asking for his help as Adolfo, Misael and Monica watch in the background. JE tells her it’s time for her to face the firing squad. Err, rather the consequences (my bad). He tells her there is a witness. She denies it and Corral tells her she can tell it to the judge. Her rights are read; Rebeca continues to protest saying she will be proven innocent. Rebeca is dragged away into the car as she mutters under her breath. Adolfo puts a comforting arm around JE.

Santi is still trying to tell Elena that Rebeca lied. Now turning a deaf ear to her second child, Elena tells him not to sacrifice Rebeca for Angel. She doesn’t know why but Angel isn’t the same. Santi insists Angel IS the same and now that he thinks about it, Rebeca did everything on purpose.

Renato and Angel plan their imminent wedding. Angel wants to invite her mother and the neighborhood denizens. She wants to be surrounded by love and those who know that she is still the same person she has always been. If that is the case, viewerville wonders why on earth she is inviting her mother?

Jimena arrives home to be reproached by Icky for being late. Icky mocks that “the help” is educating her son but Jimena coolly replies “the help” has a name. She imperiously states that if he has all his things, he can leave. When he complains his shirts aren’t ironed, Jimena sets them on fire. Oh sorry, that was me. Not Jimena. They continue to argue and she lands a fierce blow when she mocks him saying Doris has found someone else.


VIVIR #77 Part 3 of 3

Doris and Sebastian meet up. He tells her the new partner fired him! Doris indignantly starts mouthing off, berating the new partner, wanting to give them a piece of her mind! When Sebas reveals that the partner is Rebeca, Doris deflates and shows her shock. Perhaps now Doris will get a clue.

Jimena opens the door, telling Icky to leave. Today confirmed that their marriage is over. He will not step into that house again! Icky wears a smarmy smile. Scum.

Elena looks at her not so happy family pictures as Cris’ words reverberate in her head. She wonders why Rebeca lied to her and what else she has lied about!!

Rebeca is brought into jail still protesting her innocence. Corral coolly tells her if she is found guilty she will spend many years in jail.

There is a family confab to discuss the latest scandal. Monica can’t believe Rebeca ran Mau over; she thinks Mau was murdered to keep him quiet about some secret he found out about. She starts in that Mau abandoned Cris with three children. JE (along with Don Emilio and Misael) tells her enough as he holds Cris’ hand. Misael asks who the witness is but JE won’t divulge that as Adolfo nods and everyone stares.

Cris (looking chic in a short-sleeved gray, black, and white plaid wrap) talks with JE, saying Rebeca must be crazy. She hopes that after this, Rebeca will be out of their lives once and for all. (Dream on Cris)…Forgive me she says putting her hand on his arm; she was selfish and her beliefs caused her to make serious mistakes. It’s not your fault JE says, Rebeca fooled everyone. She states it is imperative the police find out the truth, Petra is still in jail. JE assures her Corral will make Rebeca confess and that his father’s murderer will be revealed.

Rebeca tries to sweet talk the guard, asking if anyone has come to see her. The guard says no and advises her to get used to it. Rebeca (unfathomably) says someone will come; she has a husband who loves her!!

JE supports Adolf living there since Adolfo has always been like a father to him (hint, hint). Adolfo aways makes his mother feel better. Don Emilio beams.

Delusional Rebeca is visited by JE; she knew he wouldn’t abandon her! When she asks when they can leave, he tells her she is very much mistaken. She will start paying for all she has done. The camera backs off and then zooms in on Rebeca’s face once she has absorbed these words. She has the unmitigated gaul to say she did it all for him! When she starts in on Angel, he points his finger at her, telling her not to stain that name. He looks at her in amazement shaking his head; she is the worst person he has known. When he tells her she will never see him again, she tells him the guilty one is in his house. The real evil is in his own home!

My friend was on fire with her eagle-eyed observations and picture-perfect dialogue. I am so grateful!


Vivir. Thank you so much, Diana and friend for the wonderful recap. I am especially appreciative today, as I can no longer get episodes on the website I was using. Evidently I can watch them a day late on the Univision site, so that is what I will do tomorrow. I will use your recap as a guide. Just a little over a week to go before I get normal viewing back. Again, thank you very much!

Vivir. Glad to hear that Rebeca was finally arrested, btw, even though she isn't exactly a murderer.

Vivir. Just an unsuccessful one.

This comment has been removed by the author.


Dear Diana and friend , thank you for yet another terrific account of all the wheeling and dealing . You both rock.

It's good that I had your recap because otherwise I would have assumed that Agent Corral was also the Fashion Police , and Big Reb's current outfit finally got her arrested and put in jail..

Chris must have a whole closet full of those ruanas. She does look elegant in them.

So...when are Chris and Adolfo going to let JE, DE,, Monica ,and Misael know that Adolfo is JE's dad.

Loved your confession about burning Icky's unironed shirts. That gave me a giggle.

Wow, I am surprised that Santi finally did the math and told Elena that Reb gave him the money. Lightbulb moment for Santi ...I had to put on my beanie in order to buy this epiphany. How many people have to blow the whistle on Reb before Elena sees what she really is ???

I hope Doris smartens up and tells Sebastian all about the things that Reb has done.

I guess it is too soon for Reb to stay in jail. Susan


Thanks SpanProf!

I missed El Amor last night so just watched it online a while ago. It works well.

I am also happy Beca was arrested but I have a feeling it will be too short lived.




Thanks so much Susan!

"I would have assumed that Agent Corral was also the Fashion Police , and Big Reb's current outfit finally got her arrested and put in jail" was great.

I was surprised Santi told Elena the truth. Like you, I wonder what the catalyst will be for Elena to finally acknowledge who Rebeca is.

Cris has a great "luke". Quiet elegance. I'm a fan...


Vivir de amor

Diana! Thank you for this exceptionally BOLD recap!

OK, I apologize, but I'm all disconcerted. Everything is emboldened and Monica was dressed nicely and conservatively, and appeared completely sober. Something strange is going on.

And then Elena learns that it was Rebeca who got Santi gambling, and was she ever shocked. Good for Santi, now we will see how long Rebeca can continue fooling Elena. This is just a start and we have a way to go. Elena will need a lot of convincing, but it has started.

Angel agrees to get married over the weekend? "Marry in haste, repent at your leisure." I don't think it will happen, but we will see.

So Rebeca is arrested. Big deal, half of CDMX has been arrested in this TN.

Diana, thanks for the fashion update, "Cris (looking fabulous in her beautiful ivory hued plaid ruana)". I had to look up 'ruana', but now I know. I suppose one reason I'm not a fashionista is that I don't have the vocabulary for it. Be very careful, I might just start making fashion comments.
But Cris did look good.


Diana, you caught me off base! "When he complains his shirts aren’t ironed, Jimena sets them on fire." How could I have missed that? You got me.

"Corral coolly tells [Rebeca] if she is found guilty she will spend many years in jail." And will probably terrorize all the other inmates and wind up essentially running the prison.
"Rebeca tries to sweet talk the guard, asking if anyone has come to see her." Was that a male guard? Uh, oh. I think Rebeca has secret powers over men.

It almost looks like things are wrapping up, but that can't be, it's too soon. And what about torching Lady Marmalade? This TN always has a few days lag before we see the results of something set in motion.

Adolfo is looking good, and very happy, as is Cris. This should be interesting and fun.

Diana and friend, thanks again!


Diana, you and Omni were both on fire! Another jam-packed episode covered in style, fashion notes included.
Renato’s chest hair is the gift that keeps on giving. Sort of? Are they really getting married this weekend? Somehow I don’t see that happening.

Interesting that Doris denied knowing Reb when Sebas asked her—Doris said Reb is a common name. But isn’t it known they’re from the same barrio?
Keep wondering whether Reb’s downfall will be drop by drop or dramatic implosion. Her lies and misdeeds are percolating but as everyone has noted, still so much time to go. At least Santi fessed up to Elena and also supported Angel.

Thanks again D and O, enjoy your Thursday break.



Andy, thank you so very much!

I so enjoyed your wry and witty comments including "Angel agrees to get married over the weekend? "Marry in haste, repent at your leisure" which appears to be prophetically perfect!!

"So Rebeca is arrested. Big deal, half of CDMX has been arrested in this TN". 😊

Elena has now been told Rebeca is no stinkin' good by her daughter, her son and now Elena. As you noted, at least the seeds have been planted. Too bad they are taking too long to germinate.

The fashions here are fun; especially Bruno's plaids and Rebeca's tasteless and trashy choices. Cris is always the epitome of class and elegance. Monica is usually (but not always) a hot mess. Jimena, in her vibrant colors is usually quite beautiful as is Doris.

"Adolfo is looking good, and very happy, as is Cris. This should be interesting and fun". I agree and am really looking forward to Adolfo and Cris growing closer.

"And what about torching Lady Marmalade? This TN always has a few days lag before we see the results of something set in motion" is exactly right! Nothing today, we will see what tomorrow brings!



Hi Clara! So good to see your post; thank you so much for your nice remarks...

"Renato’s chest hair is the gift that keeps on giving. Sort of?" was hysterical! Thank you, I needed that.

Thank you so much for "Interesting that Doris denied knowing Reb when Sebas asked her—Doris said Reb is a common name". I knew Sebas questioned her but couldn't make out what he said. So she flat out lied to him (and a whopper at that). "But isn’t it known they’re from the same barrio?" Yes, and in their relatively small world, this will likely come back to bite her.

"Keep wondering whether Reb’s downfall will be drop by drop or dramatic implosion. Her lies and misdeeds are percolating but as everyone has noted, still so much time to go". Great question and I can't wait to find out!



Diana and friend, thanks for the recap and super snark. My fave:
When he complains his shirts aren’t ironed, Jimena sets them on fire. Oh sorry, that was me. Not Jimena.
- lol.

Misael still seems to support Rebeca despite her rejection. The fool should let her rot in jail for the murder he committed. He's one messed up hombre. I was surprised to see him object to his mom having a boyfriend (when Bruno brought it up) now that she'll be a divorcé.

Ay, Doris is a fraidy-cat about telling Sebas that Rebeca is her BFF. It'll be interesting to see what Doris does when Rebeca calls on her for yet another favor.

I'm betting Rebeca will be freed way too soon. Maybe a bribe to that eyewitness?


Hola, Patio.

Thanks. Diana (recap) & Eagle Eyes (dialogue). Today’s episode was a lot of fun. I was shocked; I yelled at the screen; I cheered. First things first, your snark hit the ground running in your 2nd sentence: “(Romina) stares wide eyed…”. Oh, Diana. I see what you did there, and I give it 1O burnt Iker shirts!

The show was so good that I didn’t even mind the After School Special nod with the violence PSA. Who knew Tiger Beat would turn out to be such a possessive jerk? Where did this rage and possessiveness come from? He used to be so sweet. Was he rejected by Menudo offscreen?

Who has time for them when my Ulises prayers were answered. HE SHOWED UP (via photograph). I’ll take what I can get! AND it can only be his wonderful spirit that has Santiago doing right by Ang. I hope his magic powers continue to nudge Elena to the truth!!!

Rebecca’s arrest was pretty powerful. One almost felt bad for the sartorially challenged succubus. Almost. We’re not saps; Misael has taken over that department. By the way, I went back and watched the original episode where Mau gets mowed down. It’s Episode O32, and she is wearing the cheapest wig ever. I’m not sure how we didn’t pounce on it!

I cheered the Emancipation of Jimena. She stuck to her lavender guns with Iker. It would be a hoot if his anvil comes by way of Rowenta®️!

Doris is getting closer and closer to the crossroads She keeps letting her past with Big Reb slip. Sebas may be a pushover when it comes to unemployment, but he’s no dummy. Fun Fact: Doris has the most colorful vocabulary. I think she’s the only one who calls JE “Pepe Emilio.” Her barbs are lightning quick and always fun.

I usually give Agent Corral the blues, but she was on fire today. She arrested Rebecca and continually referred to her as “Rebeca Sanchez” at least thrice despite Rebe declaring she was a married woman (Rebecca Aranda). Then again this is the same town where anonymous tips and planted evidence are the cornerstone of police work. Missed opportunity: we didn’t get to see Petra or Yadira. Curses!

So today’s roller coaster of a show hit a big final dip when Inmate 1383994 (née Refrida del Olmo) blurted out to JE that the real murderer/evil is IN HIS HOUSE!!! WOW! I was not ready, and now I can’t wait for tomorrow


Thanks so much Niecie!

Misael is indeed "one messed up hombre". Rebeca has used and abused him and yet he stays and asks "please, may I have another?" An idiot through and through.

I cannot remember if Doris has said much about Sebas to Rebeca. If so, I have no doubt Rebeca would have cut him anyway. When Sebas told her it was Rebeca she seemed surprised but not angry. I can't fathom why Doris is so blindly loyal to Rebeca when it's clear it's completely one sided. Yes, it will be interestting to see what she does when Beca calls on her for "yet another favor".



O.S. thank you so very much.

What marvelous comments; they were a late night gift starting with but not limited to "sartorially challenged succubus" and "1O burnt Iker shirts".

"I cheered the Emancipation of Jimena. She stuck to her lavender guns with Iker. It would be a hoot if his anvil comes by way of Rowenta®️!" So clever...

I am relieved I wasn't alone in my critique of Gabriel, who morphed from Jekyll into Hyde in a NY minute. "Who knew Tiger Beat would turn out to be such a possessive jerk? Where did this rage and possessiveness come from? He used to be so sweet" could not have been more accurate. Here's hoping the writers came up with a temporary but effective way for Mati to reject him and his neanderthal attitude. Gabriel will need to revert to his previous nicer and and far less controlling personna if he is to have any chance at all with Sandra.

"Fun Fact: Doris has the most colorful vocabulary. I think she’s the only one who calls JE “Pepe Emilio.” Her barbs are lightning quick and always fun" makes me wish I understood far more than I do!

"’s roller coaster of a show hit a big final dip when Inmate 1383994 (née Refrida del Olmo) blurted out to JE that the real murderer/evil is IN HIS HOUSE!!!" was indeed a bit of a shock. Beca has spent mere minutes incarcerated and is already throwing Misael under the bus. Let's see if JE can connect the dots.



Thanks so much, Diana and friend, for the great detailed recap. I didn’t realize Icky had complained about his unironed shirts. It would have been fun if she had set them on fire.

So much happened in this episode but I agree with most that Rebeca won’t stay in jail long. I just hope the witness’ identity is kept secret.

Elena first denied Santiago’s truth, but finally seemed to think it was Rebeca that lied. Would she have tossed out both her kids to believe Rebeca? I think she might have but she had Cris’ truth too.

I can’t believe Angel agreed to the wedding this weekend. My father often said the “marry in haste” line. I guess it was his way of making sure none of us leaped into marriage. I think he dated my mother 6 years before they were married. I don’t want the factory to be torched but that might delay the wedding. I have visions of the whole neighborhood turning on the two thugs and beating them to near death.

Will Misael ever find out about his mother and Bruno? What fun that would be.

Rebeca is in LaLa Land. She seems convinced JE loves her. She told her mom and then the prison guard.



Thanks so much, Diana and Omni, you got an episode with lots going on and a lot less Rebeca winning every round. And you both did it justice.

Yep, Romina stares wide-eyed. Bruno is trying his best to follow Misael's seduction order, but he doesn't really seem that into it. Guess he prefers his conquests soaked in alcohol. The guy playing Bruno is attractive, but he manages to seem repulsive at all times. Guess that's good acting.

Of course they had to knock the halo off Gabriel for the eventual HEA with Lucas. I did enjoy Mati reaming him out for not speaking up about who threw the first punch.

So...Misael thinks his mother should never have another man in her life after Adolfo jumped ship? Another bad mark for him. Monica is a mess, but Misael isn't far behind.

Well, I think the female contingent here on Caray has spent too many years looking at galanes with their chest hair waxed off. Renato isn't my cup of tea, but I like me some chest hair!

Well, they did say something about all the venues being booked that weekend. OTOH it's almost non-existent for a female protagonist to sleep with anyone other than the male protagonist unless it's an early rape that it takes the whole 2/3 of the show to for her to get over.

I was sure JE would open his mouth so Misael could hear the person who witnessed Rebeca run over Mau so said Misael could go kill her. good.

I wish Santi had been a bit clearer and emphasized that Rebeca was the one who got him back into his gambling addiction way before she embezzled the restaurant money and gave it to him.

I wondered why Iker already had his suitcase packed. He was giving Jimena the business about her failings as a wife and mother, which sounded like he still expected her to be one. And yet, he was packed when she told him to leave.


Is there any way to get the bold out of our comments? It sort of gives me eyestrain to read.

I tried using the thing I type for bold and/or italics, actually trying to stop my comment from doing it, but that didn't work.

On my phone nothing except the poster's name is in bold Novelera.


Novelera, I think it began when Urban typed her comment from her phone and all but the first line appeared in bold. I cut and pasted one of her lines into my comment and then everything started printing in bold.

Everything on my computer is now showing as bold. Under "Choose an identity" all of that is bold too which I suspect is the culprit but I have no idea how to correct it.

I am crossing my fingers that this goes away when the new heading is posted on Thursday.

I apologize but this is out of my control. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.



Thanks so much Liz.

Loved "Would she have tossed out both her kids to believe Rebeca? I think she might have but she had Cris’ truth too" which was perfect.

If the fire does take place (we should find out today), that will no doubt delay the wedding. I think.

"Will Misael ever find out about his mother and Bruno? What fun that would be". I'm counting on it and gleefully anticipating what he will tell mother dearest :)

Finally, "Rebeca is in LaLa Land. She seems convinced JE loves her. She told her mom and then the prison guard". It's high time she get a dose of reality. Nothing has sunken in. Thus far!!



Novelera, thank you very much for your kind words.

You were on fire today starting with "Guess he prefers his conquests soaked in alcohol" which was beyond...

"Of course they had to knock the halo off Gabriel for the eventual HEA with Lucas. I did enjoy Mati reaming him out for not speaking up about who threw the first punch". Talk about a character change for no other reason than to get the "right" couple together. Sigh.

"Monica is a mess, but Misael isn't far behind" says it all!

Thank you for "I wish Santi had been a bit clearer and emphasized that Rebeca was the one who got him back into his gambling addiction way before she embezzled the restaurant money and gave it to him". That would have been so helpful, wouldn't it?

And yes, the good news is that Misael has no information on the informant. I do think though that her wrongly held belief that Rebeca was being attacked will end up being Beca's get out of jail free card.



Great to read the new comments. Can't wait to see how Reb wiggles out of jail because we all know that she will. Maybe her time alone in that cell will let Reb contemplate on all the harm she has done to others ...ha...kidding !!! Well, maybe she will contemplate on that outfit and come to the realization that a turtleneck sweater should have more than a turtleneck and sleeves. What an uncomfortable outfit for a jail stay. I can never understand people who wear in comfy looking clothing.

I, too, am getting bold Susan


Wow, Diana, you were on fire my friend! I'd like to see your version of the episode. When I read that Iker complained about the shirts so Jimena set them on fire, I could 'see' it happening! That would be a fun confrontation!!!

Rebeca actually got arrested for attempted murder - ie. running Mau over with the car - and not murder. Making her the first character ever to get arrested for a crime she actually committed!!! The family speculated about whether or not she actually killed him but she doesn't seem to be formally accused of it yet. It is way too early to throw away the keys though so I'm sure she'll get free any min now.

Doris' answer to Sebes about knowing Rebeca was definitely deceptive and I think even a lie of omission, but in the literal sense she dodged the question rather than answering it. Sebas asked if she knew Beca and instead of answering yes or no, she said Rebeca is such a common name. It's a lie, but technically not a flat out lie. I confess I utilized this trick a time or two when I was young and stupid, answer something adjacent to the question instead of answering the question itself.

I have no idea how to unbold the comments, but I'll see if there's anything I can do from the original page. A setting I can change... Kat is right, if you look at it from your phone nothing except Urban's original comment shows as bold, but on the web everything does.


I am going to try something - but it will involve deleting Urban's original comment. I will add the content back - hopefully without the bold.



Okay, looks like that worked.

This is the content of Urban's original comment....It was something about the word Recta. I think (I'm not sure but I think) it was actually trying to hyperlink to the show, probably inadvertently, something Urban's phone did in the background. And somehow the code telling it to link didn't close and that code also says to bold the content...I think, I don't really speak computer, but I did a google search and that's what I found, plus I looked at the settings around that comment and there was an option that came up wanting to search for Recta. I copied the content, but removed the link, I hope.

Urban said:

Great recap with all the deets!

Rebecca is just as incapable of love as Ginebra of Receta. And became toxic through similar circumstances. Both blame their birth mothers for abandoning them although both were kidnapped.

The idea of arson is beyond horrendous. How many workers would be In the factory? Rebecca is just nasty enough not to care how many of them would die horrific deaths leaving behind families who love and need them.

She fired Sebastián because he would be on to her in short order. He is loyal to JE and his family. She gets off on creating misery for Elena, Angeli, and Santiago. She is not in Ginebra's league but is definitely shooting for it. She may or may not have feelings for Misael, but I think she uses him either way.


Corazon Indomable
It's a train wreck I can't stop watching Adriana. In today's episode Euseubio encircled Abuelito's jacal with a can of gasoline and torches it. The shack has no electricity, they use candles inside, but like Motel 6 (or whatever hotel ad uses this catch phrase) "We'll leave the light on for you." There is an incandescent lightbulb over the doorway. I guess it could possibly be a solar light, but given their extreme poverty don't see how that is possible.

The original recaps and comments never addressed it, but it struck me as noteworthy.

Adriana your recaps are wonderful. I would never have guessed it was the first time you did one. Actually not sure you are following this page so you may never see this comment.

Carlos, a recapper who apparently has since passed, is especially riveting. I'm going to search out the shows he recapped and see if I can find them and him..


Darcy, you are a miracle worker! I cannot thank you enough for fixing the bold postings!!

"Rebeca actually got arrested for attempted murder - ie. running Mau over with the car - and not murder. Making her the first character ever to get arrested for a crime she actually committed!!! " Thank you for that golden nugget!!

I'm ready to post and not sure if I called it murder but of course you are right it is attempted murder and will be sure to try to refer to it that way.

Again, thank you, thank you!!!


VIVIR #78 Part 1

Cris gets a call from Fatima; she fills her in that Rebeca is now in jail and oh, there was a witness to Mau’s mow down!

We are “treated” to a shot of Rebeca’s back showcasing her inexplicable outfit as she puts her claws through the jail bars, talking to JE. She is like a broken record saying she didn’t kill Mau. JE reminds her that she ran him over. He just wanted to ensure she was locked up they have nothing more to discuss. After, Rebeca, sensing her options are quickly dwindling, mutters that Misael better get her sprung; otherwise, she will spill all the tea that he is the murderer.

Monica and Misael drink (again), Monica in a flowered blouse against a black background and a black leather jacket. He assures her he will talk to Rebeca and make her understand this has all gotten out of hand. Monica fears their plans have come to an end, but Misael doesn’t agree. Rebeca will have no choice but to listen to him; he will ferret out what her intentions are. She tells him to be careful when dealing with the devil as she brushes off his jacket; he looks upset.

Lucas gives Lupe and Luis a tour of the hacienda, the crops are growing and looking quite lush. Both are impressed. Luciano comes over and introduces himself (it seems surprising they haven’t met previously). Lucas comments he got interested in engineering because of Luciano. The parents shake hands as he departs. After, Lupe assures Lucas that if he behaves everyone will trust him again.

Sandra is sweeping and calls over to Gabriel. He is still surly and I believe she tells him Luciano accused Lucas of robbery.

Cris meets with a distraught Petra who is overcome with emotion. Cris assures her she knows she is innocent and they will fight for her freedom. The women sweetly touch fingertips in a show of trust and solidarity.

Rebeca and her black pleather pants are marched down the police station hall by “no name” policeman and Corral. She tells Corral her husband’s family doesn’t like her and set her up. Corral tells her to wait until she is asked to give her statement. When Corral asks about the witness, Rebeca (making an out of character and costly mistake) answers that the family probably paid the red head to testify against her. Corral surveys what she has caught in her trap and asks how she knows the woman who ran over Mau was a red head! Reb stutters that Corral mentioned it but of course Corral denies that; very few people knew that. Corral repeats the question and points out Rebeca is being recorded. Rebeca looks down at the recorder and refuses to answer until her lawyer is present.

Sebas and JE catch up with coffee. JE tries to talk him into returning but Sebastian doesn’t think it is the right time. He needs to meet new people and do new things. As a matter of fact, he was invited on a trip with some missionaries (oh my won’t Doris love that??) JE smiles and thinks he deserves some time.


VIVIR #78 Part 2

Pedrito, Loli, Alma and Marisa are gathered; a still upset Pedrito goes on a bit of a rant about Wanda going through his things including the only picture of his grandmother. Alma tries to calm him down and holds his hand as she defends Wanda who has great affection for him. He does not look convinced.

Wanda is talking to Primitivo (one of the vendors; I think we’ve only seen him once or twice). He hands her a flower box as she smiles sweetly. After they exchange employment information, he suggests they be friends. With that, her smile disappears. He thinks there is more, another man perhaps. She denies it is a man but admits something very sad happened to her. She silently flashes back to the scene where Monica came in and took her baby. She doesn’t believe in men and doesn’t want to fall in love. He tells her he wants the chance to love her as they gently kiss as she demurely covers her mouth with her hand.

A picnic basket and plaid tablecloth are being enjoyed by Lucas and his parents. He says the work is hard but he is learning. JE offered to pay for his studies.

Fatima tells Luciano she is glad Lucas’ parents came to visit. They both like them very much. Luciano brings up the joy that all mothers are the best - like Romina. Fatima can’t help but smile as she tells him he is a good father with much love and patience. Still, she can’t see him as a man until he is free. But she admits her love grows every day.

Corral urges Rebeca to admit SHE is the redhead. She shows her the video but Rebeca still denies it was her. Corral advises that with the video and witness they have enough evidence to send her to prison.

Rebeca asks “no name: to make one call. To her mother. To no one’s shock she calls Misael who puts her on speaker with Monica listening, pursing her lips. She warns him he better hurry and get her out or she will show a recording where he admits to killing Mau. Then the snake ends the call by pretending she is talking to her mother, telling her she loves her. Slime.

One of the men at the hacienda is in trouble; he had an accident and is hanging from a tree. Using his mad gymnastic skills learned from Brayan, Lucas leaps into action and gets the man down. Everyone is grateful and the men look after him appreciatively. Mati comes over and concerned about his injured back, leads him away as he limps and grimaces from the pain. As she works to soothe his back, Mati continues to defame Fatima but Lucas likes her. Mati blames Fatima for her mother leaving. Lucas reminds her he is also away from his parents but they know he is well and that makes it easier to feel they are close. He encourages Mati to do the same. She gives him a kiss and thanks him.

Monica hopes Misael doesn’t believe Rebeca, but Misael needs to protect himself. He calls Mr. Vuitron (who is corrupt) but he is sure he will get Rebeca out. He calls the lawyer who knows Rebeca is dangerous but Misael tells him he needs her out of jail and free.

JE hopes Angel doesn’t get married; he is going to fight til the end for her!! He calls and the line is busy; he assumes she is talking with Renato, which she is. Renato gushes about the wedding plans so he can give her the day she as always dreamed of.


VIVIR #78 Part 3 of 3

“Mi amor” Cris murmurs soothingly as she greets JE, putting her arm around him. She asks if he wants to talk about how he is feeling. He leans against her shoulder and says that as long as he and Angel are not together, he will not be well.

“Matilde” Gabriel announces, a bunch of pretty wildflowers in his hand. Javi practically snarls in his face and even Mati is not encouraging. Obviously unable to take a hint, he hopes Mati wasn’t serious about breaking up. He reminds her Lucas is always having problems and she that she gets hurt as a result. Mati defends Lucas who is important to her. She reproaches him for starting the fight but blaming Lucas. Gabe doesn’t take it well and practically begs but she throws the flowers on the ground saying she will never forgive him. He leaves on the verge of tears.

Renato is glad (and likely relieved) that Santi knows who Rebeca really is. Santi swears he won’t gamble and will work so that Rebeca can’t destroy everything Angel has worked for

Rebeca is slouched against the wall when Elena arrives at her cell. “Mama” she says. Stone faced; Elena asks how Rebeca could be capable of running over Mau. Rebeca cries that she didn’t do it! Cris hates her and made everything up; she is innocent! When Elena asked why she lied to her, Rebeca counters she didn’t want her to worry. Rebeca sticks her stingray tentacle through the bars and Elena takes it. She kisses Elena’s hand and asks for her forgiveness and that Elena not leave her. She asks Elena to help her because she is innocent. Elena, looking conflicted, finally disengages herself, telling Rebeca the judge will decide. She turns on her heel as Rebeca screams, calling out for her.

Sebastian tells Doris about Rebeca. He thinks she doesn’t know Rebeca but Doris says it’s bad that anyone is put in jail. She then asks how serious it is it and he tells her about the witness.

Angel is in her office smiling as we sense danger and despair are imminent.

Oh no, we see a window being opened and two masked men holding huge containers of a clear liquid combustible fluid. They laugh and goof around like fools, chuckling evilly as they pour the gasoline on the product, vats and floor.

Cris curses Mau (and his picture) for hurting the family.

The fabrica has now burst into a burning inferno as Angel is trapped in her office. Elena clutches her chest, experiencing a sympathy pain.

Rebeca curses Cris…she vows no one will stop her from finishing what she started. The heartless viper wonders if Angel has found out about the factory and wishes she could see her crying.

Distraught workers gather outside the building, now engulfed in flames. By a stroke of luck, JE appears on the scene, asking about Angel. He grabs a blanket and runs inside. Miraculously, he finds her almost immediately, prostrate on the floor, passed out. He lifts her and carries her out, laying her on the ground. “Angel” he murmurs frantically as she continues to be unresponsive.

My amazing, intuitive and brilliant friend supplied the oh so critical dialogue; thank you amiga!


Vivir de amor and OT

Diana and friend, thanks for another assuredly great recap, which I have only begun to read.
More later.

Darcy, thank you for fixing that annoying all-bold text!


Vivir. Thank you once again, Diana and friend, for a thorough recap which should serve as a wonderful guide to this episode which I will see a day late online tomorrow. It does sound very convenient that JE appears on the scene just as the factory fire starts, finds Angelli immediately and is easily able to carry her out. Oh well, telenovelas! Btw, loved "pleather pants." And well caught, Agent Corral! A redhead indeed!


Thanks so much, Diana and friend. A great recap of a good episode.

I guess since the lawyer will be crooked Rebeca will be free. I hope they don’t let the shady lawyer know the witnesses’ name. He will kill her or buy her off. I really think Misael still thinks Rebeca is on his side. He is not too bright.

Where were the fire engines? Surely there’s fire departments to put out fires. Everyone just watched the building burn. I hate that happened but there are two positive points to make. The arsonists will now be wanted for attempted murder, I bet when caught they name Rebeca. JE saved Angel’s life, which will only make them closer. Who’s crying now, Rebeca!

I liked that Elena felt in her heart that Angel was in trouble. Maybe this will be the beginning of a softening of her feelings towards Angel. Also, she didn’t seem to totally believe Rebeca’s story. Elena knows Cris and I think she’d have a hard time believing Cris was behind Rebeca’s problems.

I’m tired of the Mati triangle. If I were her age I don’t think I’d seek her out to be my friend but she has two boys in love with her.

Hoping the factory will miraculously be saved without too much loss.



Andy, I look forward to reading your comments once you've had the chance to read everything.

Darcy IS a marvel...



SpanProf, thank you very much.

I think you will enjoy the episode once you see it.

For the first time, Rebeca does not have Elena's full and blind support. I do suspect Rebeca will weasal her way into her mother's good graces somehow.

Corral has somewhat redeemed herself for picking up on Rebeca's surprising slip of the tongue.



Liz, thanks so much!

"I liked that Elena felt in her heart that Angel was in trouble. Maybe this will be the beginning of a softening of her feelings towards Angel. Also, she didn’t seem to totally believe Rebeca’s story" is exactly right! As you sagely noted "Elena knows Cris and I think she’d have a hard time believing Cris was behind Rebeca’s problems".

Clearly, Rebeca should have picked a more believable scapegoat than Cris.

I am also hoping Rebeca will be named when the arsonists are caught. From what we saw, I fear the building is unsalvageable.

I'm tired of Mati's adventure in adolescence too. Not to be unkind but she is very unlikeable.

Yes Misael is definitely "not too bright".



Just to remind everyone and those who might not have seen this posted on the previous heading.



Dear Diana and friend , thank you for an excellent review of all the events percolating in this episode.

I am sure that every fireman I know would be shaking his head at that rescue . It is never that easy. Anyhoo, now that JE has literally saved Angel's life and has started the hero's journey , he is on the road to redemption and hero status.Sorry Renato. Jimena has been staring at you a lot.

Elena had a very suspicious look on her face when incarcerated Reb was spinning her new tale. The " Nobody likes me; everybody hates me " was the accurate part of that story. When Reb's taloned hand was clutching Elena's hand , Elena pulled it away one finger at a time . uff.

Looks like Wanda has a potential Salt of the earth novio.

Doris doesn't deserve sweet , easy going Sebastian unless she tells him about her connection to the bitter itch who just fired him.



Did everyone notice that Agent Corral's silent assistant actually got to say a few words this episode .

I got a big kick out of Lucas somersaulting all around to make that rescue . Olympic score... . 7.5...bad fall.



Hola, Patio.

Thanks. Diana (recap) and A.I.B. friend (dialog). Ferret, No Name policeman, Slime, and heartless viper = poetry (no longer in bold)!!!

Our show went high brow real quick with an imbibing Mónica referencing the Sword of Damocles and reminding Big Bang that the devil was an angel before becoming a devil & Judas was a disciple before becoming a traitor. Who doesn’t love a well-read lush?

Our show also went Law & Order CDMX with Corral tightening the screws, Big Reb’s uncharacteristic slip, and lots of action in the police station. We got tense music, dramatic close-ups, and the latest in police technology: a disco deposition recorder replete with flashing lights and flash drive dimensions.

I can’t put my finger on what’s wrong with Sebastian. I’ve already ruled out his brilliant Chiclet®️ teeth. It’s not his unsettling resemblance to John Leguizamo either. Who exactly is he hanging out with offscreen - inviting him on sabbatical. Is it a cult? As we know, it will take ~3 more episodes before we find out.

I’m here for Pedrito’s rants, but it’s high time they accelerate this Mother Child Reunion. Hunky Primitivo finally got the spotlight. At first I misheard and thought she was calling him Primo. The flirting was cute. He is but a humble and hardworking butcher so it wasn’t filth when he offered her quality meat. Are we sure this beefcake isn’t JE’s cousin? Body + good heart minus tantrums and wrong conclusions. I’m happily on Team Primitivo. We may need to work on that name though.

Rebecca’s Sybil superpower (switching from aggressor to victim to helpless daughter to wrongfully accused to puppet master) was on full display today. I loved the phone call to Misael with the “Alma” twist ending. Piece of Work (this is a family blog), thy name is Rebeca.

I won’t admit to how many times I watched the Lucas-is-Hacienda-Spider-Man scene. Holy smokes! They really wrote, blocked, filmed, and edited this for our amusement. Folks, THIS is entertainment. Distressed Dude is left hanging by a runaway ladder. Ok. Everyone knows the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. So why oh why did Lucas (and a non-convincing double) have to run around trees, vault over high rooftops, flip onto the scene, and save a man only to fall and scratch up his back? It also looked like Distressed Dude could have simply let go and landed on his feet safely! I didn’t have time to adjust my beanie as I was too busy howling with laughter at this nonsensical sequence. Now I see why Javi fanboys out every time he’s around Lucas. He’s an Avenger!!!

I can’t wait to see who this big, bad defense attorney Misael is calling turns out to be! I like that he openly called him (the most) corrupt - consistent with our show’s stereotyping of professions. Buitrón seemed to be familiar with Big Reb as Misael conceded she IS a dangerous woman but he needs her freed stat!

Elena has been irritating for approximately 7O episodes. I was glad to see her turn her back on Rebeca’s lies. Of course Rebecca blames Cris(!) for all of this despite being guilty A(uto) F(ocus). #familyblog

Doris is digging her relationship grave even deeper. C’mon, girl. ¡Basta!

I hate to see the co-op up in flames. Is it a sacrificial lamb for the protagonists’ inevitable reconciliation? Diana, I’m glad you noted JE grabbed a blanket. To me it looked like an onlooker’s shawl and Little Grey Riding Hood was saving the day


Thanks, Diana, for another wonderful recap, I'll have to watch tomorrow of course, but I enjoyed the recap and the comments this afternoon are gold!! It will be great to see Elena finally start to open her eyes!!

Curious what Wanda's new beau looks like. I hope he's as yummy as O.S. makes him sound!! Hmm... there are several good-looking men already but one more never hurts.

O.S., you consistently crack me up!! I loved: 'I didn’t have time to adjust my beanie as I was too busy howling with laughter at this nonsensical sequence. Now I see why Javi fanboys out every time he’s around Lucas. He’s an Avenger!!!' LOL

Vivir de amor

Diana, another great recap! I don't know how you do it.

"She[Monica] tells him[Misael] to be careful when dealing with the devil[Rebeca, of course!]"
This was funny! Monica of all people warned Misael that Satan was an angel before he became the Devil, and Judas was a disciple until he betrayed.

Monica! Oh, well.

Rebeca made a boo-boo, but we will see...

Hey! It doesn't look like Sebastian's plans include Doris right now. I'm a bit disappointed, but...

Wanda has a boyfriend! And they are both a little bit goofy.
She did have a flashback to losing her baby to Monica, there is that. But the barrio ladies are telling Pedrito that Wanda is not a bad person. Step by step. Eventually we will have to see how Primitivo and Pedrito work out, but there is time.

"One of the men at the hacienda is in trouble; he had an accident and is hanging from a tree. Using his mad gymnastic skills learned from Brayan, Lucas leaps into action and gets the man down." That has to have been the craziest, most improbable rescue EVER! But good for Lucas!

Speaking of "craziest, most improbable", at some point I will have to give my ideas on a couple of marriages in this novela.

I'm not totally happy with Elena. She is now seeing the real Rebeca, but without much compassion or understanding. Which is reasonable up to a point, but by this time she might wonder if Rebeca was evil or crazy. Or is it always a combination of the two?

And I was suprprised to see other women in the cell, I thought Rebeca was alone.

I wish Doris would tell Sebastian that she had been friends with Rebeca. Good friends. Gulp! That might be difficult. But love conquers all, right?

Just when Angel is happy that Lady Marmalade is recovering... A fire, and the second craziest, most improbable rescue EVER! But good for JE!

Diana, great recap, and my understanding of women's fashion is coming along, thanks to you. I had to ponder "a shot of Rebeca’s back showcasing her inexplicable outfit as she puts her claws through the jail bars," and "Monica in a flowered blouse against a black background and a black leather jacket."

But, yeah, I might not have noticed these details, but I will try to pay more attention.




Andy, Reb is either evilcrazy or crazyevil. Take your pick.

Gala is really bringing it . I wonder if Kim looks at Gala chewing up the scenery in those weird outfits as the bad girl and feels a little jealous that she didn't get the fun bad girl role . Can you imagine if the roles had been reversed , and teeny , petite Kim was the villain terrorizing sturdy Gala?......nevermind ...that just would not work. Susan


"When Reb's taloned hand was clutching Elena's hand , Elena pulled it away one finger at a time . uff" was just great Susan! And thank you for your nice words.

I agree Doris needs to come clean with Sebastian about her Rebeca connection.

Jimena is a prize and if Renato ends up with her in the end, he better thank his lucky stars!



O.S., so many insights all wrapped up beautifully.

"I can’t put my finger on what’s wrong with Sebastian. I’ve already ruled out his brilliant Chiclet®️ teeth. It’s not his unsettling resemblance to John Leguizamo either" was hysterical!. I admit I'm totally baffled by the missionary invite. I also pondered "Is it a cult?"

"Our show went high brow real quick with an imbibing Mónica referencing the Sword of Damocles and reminding Big Bang that the devil was an angel before becoming a devil & Judas was a disciple before becoming a traitor. Who doesn’t love a well-read lush?" was fabulous. I didn't understand Monica's rantings and appreciate your explaining it to me.

Your perspective on the "amazing rescue" was great. "Now I see why Javi fanboys out every time he’s around Lucas. He’s an Avenger!!!" :)

I THINK JE grabbed a blanket but you might well be right that he grabbed "an onlooker’s shawl and Little Grey Riding Hood" which would certainly make more sense.



Darcy, thank you for your lovely words.

I think you are going to enjoy this epi. Primitivo has an interesting rather handsome face and I have a good feeling about him.

The fog covering Elena's eyes does appear to be lifting. We can but hope!



Andy, thank you for your kind words.

This was so astute: "I'm not totally happy with Elena. She is now seeing the real Rebeca, but without much compassion or understanding. Which is reasonable up to a point, but by this time she might wonder if Rebeca was evil or crazy. Or is it always a combination of the two?" Such a sharp observation. Although seemingly nurturing, there are times that Elena seems to be missing a sensitivity chip. We've seen it on numerous occasions with Angel, but now with Rebeca as well.

I was also surprised to see Beca's roomies. I was wondering why they were there as they were silent and unobtrusive; perhaps they may have a part to play later.

"Hey! It doesn't look like Sebastian's plans include Doris right now. I'm a bit disappointed, but..." I thought Sebas was smitten so this caught me by surprise. Perhaps some time away will clear his head and give Doris a chance to disassociate herself from Rebeca.

"Just when Angel is happy that Lady Marmalade is recovering... A fire, and the second craziest, most improbable rescue EVER! But good for JE!" sums this craziness up perfectly!



Yes, JE rescued Angel but....not one somersault .


Firstly I'd like to thank Darcy for fixing the bold issue. From comments earlier I gathered that the bold showed up on computer screens and not cell phones. I often read the recaps on my phone, but go to my computer to comment because I'm a fast typist and can't do that on a phone. Yesterday I read the recap on my computer and saw the bold.

Thanks again, Diana and Omni, for another wonderful recap, full of spicy snark.

Is Rebeca's wardrobe a sly comment by the writers about her character? I can't believe the people who do the costumes for these telenovelas actually think what Reb is wearing is high fashion. AND, will we ever see Dummy Elena open a credit card bill and see what Rebeca has charged?

I got the feeling that Misael's infatuation has cooled a bit, especially because he put Reb on speaker so his mother, her #1 enemy, could also hear. He may be using Crooked Lawyer Buitron to get her out of the slammer, but I suspect it's self-preservation at this point.

I thought for sure Elena was back to being an idiot when she got close to Rebeca in her cell, but she hasn't volunteered to pay for any lawyers and her face showed plenty of doubt. If they go with Angelli being hospitalized from smoke inhalation, I suspect this might be the time for Elena to wake up.

They gave us a moment of hope when one of Brayan's thugs said that the people running the coop were good people. But no. Honor Among Thugs requires doing the work you're paid for.

The most ridiculous rescue award goes to Lucas. I was just shaking my head throughout the acrobats. All that needed to be done is put the ladder back in place, or as OS (I believe it was her, hard scrolling back when I'm on my phone, which is pretty much all the time) pointed out, just drop from the branch to the ground. I really dislike that triangle braid Mati wears all the time. Diana, I almost thought that was the triangle you were referencing initially.
No fire trucks, but the neighbors did show up with a bucket of water or two I noticed. The perfect opportunity to start CPR (kinda like kissing) on Angelli and JE blew it.
Primitive has been in a few earlier episodes. Didn't the guy who used to own the marmalade factory offer him a good deal on the rent at the market. His name is escaping me at this time as he and his wife are off on their second honeymoon.....too many secondary characters that make brief appearances in this show for me to remember their names ...


Thank you Novelera!

"They gave us a moment of hope when one of Brayan's thugs said that the people running the coop were good people. But no. Honor Among Thugs requires doing the work you're paid for". I appreciate that Novelera, especially as the impression I got from their cackling was that they were rather relishing their work. "Honor Among Thugs" was great.

"She hasn't volunteered to pay for any lawyers and her face showed plenty of doubt" was exactly right. Angel will surely end up in the hospital and perhaps this will be the wake up call Elena so desperately needs. I would feel better if this were epi #120 but there is still way too much time for misunderstandings and lies to occur.

"AND, will we ever see Dummy Elena open a credit card bill and see what Rebeca has charged?" Great point, there has been no mention of that...I cringe at what all of Beca's flimsy, faux fashions have cost.



"No fire trucks, but the neighbors did show up with a bucket of water or two I noticed. The perfect opportunity to start CPR (kinda like kissing) on Angelli and JE blew it" had me nodding in agreement Kat. He failed to seize the moment :)

Armando is the character you are referring to; he and Gi are away as you noted.

"Primitive has been in a few earlier episodes. Didn't the guy who used to own the marmalade factory offer him a good deal on the rent at the market". I remember that scene but not the vendor. If it is him, I give you much credit for your eagle eye!



I was wondering if Primo was the guy who was praying to the market statue and then talked to Armando about a stand for his butcher shop . Susan


Susan, Kat mentioned that possibility as well...

I don't remember what he looked like but it could be!




Diana and friend, excellent job.

Two superheroes in one episode. KAPOW! ZAP! BOOM! Here I come to the rescue!

Elena was surprisingly cold pulling away from Rebeca. Not a flattering portrait of a mom, even though the offspring is Rebeca. No talk of a lawyer or a therapist or pleas that she repent?

Who doesn’t love a well-read lush?

O.S., thanks for expounding on Monica's message to Misael. I didn't catch any of that. She is indeed a villain with some spice.


Niecie, thank you!

Elena did give off very chilly vibes didn't she?? As you noted "Not a flattering portrait of a mom, even though the offspring is Rebeca". And no, no offer of help either. She is one cool customer.

Yes, O.S.' "Who does't love a well-read lush" was great.


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