Sunday, June 16, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 73 - Viernes, 14 de junio, 2024 - "Everyone's in Malolandia"

Busy days, so here are the highlights:

Humberto, who also is a breaking-in mastermind except from a lawyer, hacker and computer expert and Fel put the plan of breaking into Ginebra's house in action. Two goats, using the Telenovela Teleportation Device are randomly (?) outside the house. Ginebra's guard goes to get them away, but Humb knocks him unconscious. The cameras have been disabled beforehand by him. He and Felipa enter the house, splitting ways to search more effectively. Hum finds a small box, in which he inputs the number 0708 (Ginebra's clue to Esteban) and gets a USB stick out. He shows Fel and they put everything back like it was. I mean... Gin is going to notice the knocked out, tied, gagged guard in the middle of living room, so she is going to search for the stolen anyway. But plan executed successfully. (Slightly OT, but I ate some chocolate yesterday and checked the expiration date and it was 07.08... No joking, I instantly thought of Gin. Geez, she has become a nightmare even to us!)

Salo gets pissed at Gema for working, she says she doesn't have a rich boyfriend to pay for her. Salo of course gets offended and tells her he wants a paternity test done on the baby. He says something about the test being ok after ten weeks and him not wanting to waste anymore time.

Mir tries to tell Lupe something, but Paz calls and tells them about Eder in Malolandia.

Eder is getting better. The Robles are in the house. Paz, Esteban, Sam, Monito, Gala and Bosco have put up their Eder in Malolandia show. Bosco is a wizard, Paz and Sam are fairies, Esteban is a king and Monito is a prince, while Gala is narrating. Wizard Bosco for some reason put his heart in some sort of stone and the whole kingdom became sad. King Esteban said that unfortunately the only remedy is to break the stone. Everyone goes all "¡no!" The Malolandia story is interactive; Eder is asked to identify the main villain of the story (fear, "miedo") and the solution (love, "amor"). Some pics because I couldn't help it:

Gin and Mauro are talking in the office. Delusional Gin says something about falling in love with Esteban. Does she even know what love means? Mauro says this is the least of their worries and talks about the people who are threatening them. They're some sort of higher, more powerful and more dangerous child selling group. Mauro tells Gin to GTFO, of the country IIRC, but Gin whines about him being scared and refuses. They're at war, they can't run away. I have a hunch that this will be the start of the end of Gin.

Kenzo and Nandy leave for personal reasons. Porf says he doesn't understand this at all and they don't have to ruin a nice moment. Honestly, just FF-->

More scenes with Eder getting better.

Paz and Esteban are having a moment in the kitchen, but Paz is scared El will pop up, so they try to control themselves. Elvira does pop up and is suspicious. After Paz leaves with the food, El tells Esteban he married her daughter because he loves her and he should give her what she deserves. "You're right, doña Elvira. I'll give Ginebra exactly what she deserves", replies Esteban. 

Paz, Lupe, Pepa and Esteban meet up at some room of the house to discuss Vermin and Rubio. No new info.

Kenzo shows Nandy his place, he has put stickers in the drawers so Nandy has her own. Nandy is moved amd says she's so happy to see her name on the drawers, her -finally- legal name! 

Paz and Esteban are having another moment in the office. Paz is jealous about Esteban and Gin, Esteban swears they have never been intimate and they never will (what about Gin's pregnancy command?) Still, Paz is jealous. I honestly wonder how she can stand this. Esteban says he hates waking up and seeing Gin's face first thing in the morning. He then mentions Paz's daughter and how he'll try to get her to talk on TV to make the disappearance more public. Paz thanks him and they kiss. Unfortunately, Gala walks in on them and goes all "¡PAPÁ!" The cliché "it's not what it looks like" line is used, which of course Gala replies to with "what do you mean, I saw you kissing!" They ask her not to tell anyone and then they quickly ask her if she has clicked the link Hum sent; she has and says her phone's been a bit weird from then on, she's hopes it's not a virus... But what does that have to do with this?

Esteban and Paz explain half the story, they admit Gin is threatening Esteban and that's why he married her. But Esteban says she's threatening them with the company's shares, she has 30% and she could make the whole company go bankrupt. Gala says it's ridiculous and doesn't really buy it, she asks Paz but she replies generically ("your dad is an intelligent man and knows why he's telling you this"). Gala asks them if Gin had anything to do with Eder's poisoning and she wants the truth; Esteban lies that she doesn't have anything to do with it. He and Paz say their relationship should be kept secret.

Nandy is very happy she has a place to live and a comfortable bed to sleep in. She mentions having to live on the streets after her family kicked her out (before she went to the Robles). She admits she doesn't know how to fill her drawers up. Kenzo talks about their love.

Gin gets pissed at her guard for allowing the breaking and entering, Mauro goes to search what's stolen and to review security. Rubio brings Vermin in. Ah yes, Ginebra, Mauro, Rubio, Vermin and Abdul. The 5 people I'd least rather to get stuck in an elevator with. What a gang! Vermin calls Mauro "patrón", Gin says Mauro's her brother, his loyalty is to her. She wants Vermin's key and tells him his soul belongs to her. Vermin says something about Gin's soul also belonging to him because he'll take her to hell with him if he dies? Gin at first threatens him with telling Paz about selling their daughter and stealing other kids for her and then threatens him she'll kill the Robles. 

Humberto is examining the contents of the USB, they're all currently uncrackable. He calls another computer expert friend (I wonder if he's also a lawyer/hacker/camera specialist/break-in guy), but he also can't crack them. Humb says something about the passwords probably changing every few seconds. Fel asks what to do and is pretty anxious about Gin and Mauro finding out. Humb points out that they'd be here had they found out. Porf tells Fel (not so) politely to leave.

Porf and Hum at some point have another discussion, in which Porf mentions Esteban "killing" his mother. 

Mauro informs Gin about the USB being stolen, she freaks out, blames Mauro and says they're capable of anything if they got in the house (she thinks it was that powerful child-stealing group). Mauro tells her they should leave then. Jero arrives and is pretty shocked. He tells Gin these people are criminals. Everyone, especially Gin, laugh their butts off. "Honey, we're ALL criminals", Gin replies. She orders Rubio to sort out Vermin, these two leave. Jero asks Gin what else does she want, he's already laundering money for her through the crypto. Gin says that when she tells him, he'll reveal it was all a fraud and Gala will pay. Jero panics and says his career, his life will be ruined! Gin replies that yes, but she'll be his salvation. He shouldn't end up like Vermin. For now, he shouldn't do anything special; continue pressuring Bosco. 

And with that, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


Weirdo, hope you had fun on your busy weekend. I need a translation again. IIRC =?
I think the reason Esteban asked Gala if she clicked the link Hum sent means that her phone is no longer being tracked.

Yum, chocolate....


So clever and witty; you never fail to bring a smile to my face with your humor and wisdom.

The pictures added so much; loved Paz with her wings as well as Monito wearing his golden crown (as he should).

Of course "Malolandia" was marvelous as was "Two goats, using the Telenovela Teleportation Device are randomly (?) outside the house".

I had a hard time with the relative ease with which Hum entered the "fortress", but even more with who his companion was. The writers couldn't possibly be thinking about trying to redeem Felipa are they?? That said, "Porf tells Fel (not so) politely to leave" was a highlight for me!

I wonder how Hum is going to crack the code. Here's an idea: Monito!!

Jero is in way over his head. Was he at all worried about Gala or just about his own life being ruined?

I can't wait to see who these high ranking lower crust criminals are. Gin doesn't appear to be afraid but I have a feeling she should be VERY afraid.



Kat IIRC means If I recall correctly.


Thanks, Weirdo, I enjoyed reading the recap. So it sounds like Humberto will get away with this because anything that goes wrong Ginebra will be convinced it’s the other baby stealers. Too bad Humberto doesn’t realize it, he could really go to town!

Not sure I’d be so ready to trust Felipa, but also wonder why they didn’t go to the room with all the money, Felipa knows where it is.

When I first read your expiration date my thought was 2008! Glad I decided you meant month and day. But funny coincidence.

Not sure i understand the fraud and Gala. She refused to get involved, but will get blamed. I guess Gin can frame her. But Jero is worried about his life being ruined. Do any of us care about him! But if Gala gets blamed Jero will be in the clear.

Fogo needs to start investigating things. Isn’t he the family’s “bodyguard/protector? He’s the only professional one. Although Humberto seems to do a good job of winging it.

Ginebra still seems unbeatable.



Weirdo, thank you for an excellent review as our story tumbles along.

Hum is amazing . He decides that goats would be a good diversion to get into Gin's place.... okay ...whatever . At least he is being proactive and creative in trying to bring down the wicked, wicked witch.

I am glad that Gin is giving Esteban ( and us) a moment of peace .He and Paz got a chance to flirt and kiss a bit, and we all needed the fairytale theater. Everyone looked cute in their costumes , and it was a sweet way to cheer up and encourage Eder in his recovery.

Can't wait to see the bigger, badder baby stealers that Gin is fretting about.

Arrogant teen Jero is way over his head with evil Gin.

Meanwhile, Kenzo and Nancy become roommates.

Fobo needs to start being as clever and proactive as Hum. All he wants go do is put the moves on a Elvira . Susan

Excellent, Weirdo. Thank you. Clearly a case where your recap was more entertaining than the episode for me, at least.

FINALLY Salo asked for a paternity test. DUH!

Best part of episode: the show in the show: MALOLANDIA.

Ginebra is still making them all look like fools. When will she be stopped??? Guess too many episodes left.


Thanks so much, Weirdo. Terrific, witty recap, as always. ITA on the 5 people we'd least like being stuck in an elevator with. Since Rubio walks out of prison at will, seems like death is the only way to get rid of him.

07/08 is my son's birthday. I often drop the zeros and add the year and some letters for a password.

Elvira's remark about giving Gin what she deserves...does she know he's not "performing" or did she mean something else?

How many scenes of Vermin being abused by Gin's various compinches have we seen? They never finish him off, and it's getting boring. I assume he's going to live long enough to fess up about selling his own child.

I am also confused about how Gin is going to ruin Gala with the crypto/money laundering scheme. Seems to me that Gala almost agreed when she was still thinking Jero would be a good "influencer" catch. But she'd soured on him when he pressed her and refused to do...whatever.

I also loved the play the kids and grownups put on. Kudos to the Uni makeup artists for making Eder look so sickly, chapped lips and all. It was lovely to see him smile.

I know they're going for a complete redemption, but I am getting sick of Porfirio's behavior. He's a stand-in for older, homophobic people. But his treatment of Esteban is pretty inexcusable. Don't think he deserves Lupita.

I suppose Esteban made a wise decision lying to Gala about what happened to Eder. Gala would not be able to conceal her feelings toward Gin if she knew that.

For once I was glad to see Gin threaten someone. I really liked smug Jero's panic at being revealed as involved in Gin's scheme. He deserves a ruined life and maybe some jail time for his involvement in Gio's ugly plot to harm Bosco.

Thanks Diana, I was coming up with "if I really care". I think I've had it explained before, but already forgot as it isn't used that often. Regarding code cracking Monito, was the number on the statue something other than 70.08.

Weirdo, you are hilarious! I bet you're lots of fun in person as well (although you've made me a little nervous about getting into elevators.)

So Hum just happened to have a couple goats lying around? Or did he drive back to the farm and get them? I hope he took them home, too.

Novelera, ITA about Porfirio's rude behavior. He's as bad as Elvira. Who interrupts a nice get-well party for a sick kid AT HIS OWN HOUSE to announce to two of the other guests that their lifestyle is unacceptable? I'd stop inviting him places.

As I recall, Gala required some convincing but she did agree to the crypto thing because Jero assured her she could use the profits to help little children or something. Siiiigh.

Does chocolate expire? I had no idea.


OT...adorable photos of Daniel being an adorable dad to his two adorable little boys .

I cracked up and nodded in agreement at your amazing comments, everyone! Thank you all!

Kat, I unfortunately wouldn't call my busy days fun, but now it's better. I was also stumped at IIRC at first (2022 when I joined), these abbreviations take some time to figure out. FF--> is Fast Forward and ITA is I Totally Agree. Regarding Monito, I honestly can't remember the code of the statue. Brain fog.

Diana, "The writers couldn't possibly be thinking about trying to redeem Felipa are they??" was exactly what I was thinking when I watched the scenes with her in this episode. Can someone tell them to stop writing characters beyond redemption and then randomly redeem them?! They've done that way too many times in the past few novelas I watched. Azela Robinson's character (Alejandra? Can't remember) in Mujer de Nadie, Sara and Míriam in Minas de Pasión are the ones that instantly come to mind. It's so annoying!
Jero didn't say anything about Gala; he was worried only about himself. That little piece of mierda is also unredeemable.
ITA about Gin having to be afraid.

Liz, "wonder why they didn’t go to the room with all the money, Felipa knows where it is". I hadn't thought of that but you're right, it doesn't make any sense.
Gala entered the crypto business, unfortunately, so Jero will just shift the blame to her. Crap.
LOL about thinking the expiration date was 2008! I actually meant day and month (in that order), here we say dd/mm/yy. Confusing when it's written the other way around! But for you guys our system must be a bit confusing. Curious about which system does Mexico use. I'll search about that.

Susan, "we l needed the fairytale theatre" indeed! We needed something light in this stage of the novela. And I laughed out loud at your comment on Fobo! Next time I see him in a epi I'll start screaming in our (mine and Fobo's) native language. Maybe some Greek screaming will get him working ;) And please someone get that yoga mat away from him.

Jarifa, I could copy-paste all your comments. Is Gema even pregnant? Salo said something about 10 weeks. I'm clueless about babies but the baby Gema gave Salo the ultrasound of was big in order for Gema to be only 10 weeks, I think. My bet is that she's faking the whole thing. I first thought she was pregnant from someone else, but now I think it's fake.

novelera, 07/08s everywhere! LOL
ITA that we should stop getting these Vermin scenes. It's getting boring indeed.
"Kudos to the Uni makeup artists for making Eder look so sickly" oh yes, amazing work there!
Porf is getting on my nerves as well. The moment I'm about to like him he does something that pisses me off.
ITA about Esteban making a good decision, not telling Gala about Gin and Eder's poisoning.
Give us more scenes with Gin threatening Jero and Gio... We want those.

Blue, I almost never get into elevators, I always think something will go wrong and I'll be stuck there! Not claustrophobic but I can't stand them.
LOL about Hum having goats around. That was weird.
"Who interrupts a nice get-well party for a sick kid AT HIS OWN HOUSE to announce to two of the other guests that their lifestyle is unacceptable? I'd stop inviting him places." was hilarious and perfect! That was not pleasant. Rude and unnecessary drama. How I hate drama kings and queens.
Yes, chocolate expires! You know what doesn't though? Honey!
(Random) Fun Facts with Weirdo:
Scientists have discovered some honey that's some thousands of years old. Still edible! Not recommended of course but still edible.

Mexico uses the dd/mm/yyyy system, like Greece. If anyone's interested, <a href=">here's a list of date formats by country</a>.

Here's the list, ignore tge first one.

Weirdo, love the fun fact about honey! It is never “ out of date.” : )

Good work, Weirdo.

Great point about the vault room but finding evidence was the priority. All that cash in a house definitely is not any kind of norm but is not automatically proof of a crime. I think they will crack it within the next two episodes.

Somebody once speculated that Esteban pulled the plug on the hospital equipment so that his mother would not be in an endless vegetative state. Porfirio's stance that this was murder is as outdated as his homophobia.

No sympathy for Jeronimo and Felipa will also have to do time.

Although Gema is allegedly 10 weeks along I'm still betting she isn't pregnant.

Where was the Mission Impossible music during the search?

I have little patience for child theatrics but this one was cute and relevant. I loved when Eder later asked "Bosco, when did you become likeable?"

Mexico will probably see the finale at the end of next week.


Thanks Weirdo. What a superb posting! I too am baffled as to why the money room was not searched.

Weirdo ...yes,I discovered that other countries do not use the format for expressing dates in numbers like the U.S .does when I started teaching students from other countries. After that, I always wrote at the month in letters .

I also recently discovered that honey lasts forever ....and I use honey in my hot mint tea everyday .

I thought of you this weekend when I watched a Hallmark movie set in Greece. Lovely scenery .

Can't wait to see what happens tonight . susan

One more thing

I think that Esteban should have told Gala the truth about Eder being poisoned. He has set her and the family up for further victimization. If everyone in the family knew the truth about Ginebra, it would make her less powerful. They could have a showdown that might throw Ginebra off her game. Invite the reticent police oficial and lawyers to be present to witness it and at least get the protection of having the accusations on the record.

More great comments!

Jarifa, LOVED the pun on honey never being out of date! Regarding Esteban I think telling Gala would cause her to act differently around Gin, something that she would pick up. I am of the "tell the truth even though it hurts" philosophy but I think fear is key here. He's scared of what will Gin do if she figures out Gala knows. This being so shortly after Eder's poisoning doesn't help. And poor Gala couldn't keep a cool head around Gin, or at least Esteban thinks. I wouldn't, either. So I do think he's made a good decision even though lying is against my principles. This case is an exception from me because it's so extreme. But I definitely do see your point of view and you raise some very good points.

Urban, ITA with "I have little patience for child theatrics but this one was cute and relevant." Brightest part of last epi. LOL about the when did you become likeable part, I forgot about that!

Thanks about the info on Mexico. According to my calculations if we get no preemptions Receta will end in about 3 weeks, around July 10-15th. We'll see.

Anon, thanks a lot!

Oh Susan, THANK YOU for writing the month in letters! I once saw a date that went something like 06/29 and I was scratching my head for a solid minute before deciding to search if different date systems exist. Thanks of thinking of me! Greece does have some nice sceneries ;)

Thank you, Weirdo, great work!

I live in a country thay goes by day/month/year (most of the world does, I think), but my brain always switches to US when I write or read in English. And then goes back to the "right" way to say it (hehe).
But when I only see a date, something like 05/11/2024, I get a brain freeze, I have no clue how to read it.
Same goes for reading years. And I still have no clue about what oz. is supposed to mean. Or feet and inches 😀

My birthday is 8/8, so I’ve always had trouble either way. (Fun fact: Rosemary la Otra and I share a birthday, which is how we got to be friends on the patio.)

Adriana, hehe, the "right" way indeed ;)
I also get brain freezes on these types of dates, wouldn't everything be easier if all countries used one system?

Blue, 8/8 is a lucky coincidence, so is having another patio member have the same birthday! Mine is April 5th (5/4 or 4/5? ;) ;))

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